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359 files

  1. The Academy

    Official Map of the Jedi Academy (http://www.thejediacademy.net).
    The third map in my "The Academy" series.
    It's basically a heavily modified and updated version of the_academy_v2, most of the things that were in v2 are in v3, except they either look different and/or have been upgraded.
    This new version includes:
    A Dueling area with three seperate rooms for dueling or sparring.
    A main courtyard area for spawning and hanging out - the most central area of the map.
    A "classroom" fit to cater for most, if not all of the Classes held at thejediacademy.net
    An NPC sentry droid room which is good for practicing aerial attacks or riposite blocking.
    A lobby area containing a few of the combo pads from the last map to help people teach/learn combos.
    A "pit" room where people can duel or FFA in an area where movement is restricted and one wrong move can mean certain doom.
    A large outdoor area which can be used for pretty much anything, a lush environment that can be just as deadly as it is tranquil.
    An underground bunker area which is perfect for either all-out-battles (very gunner-friendly) or stealth tactics.
    An administration area accessable only through the Jedi Academy's JAE mod's teleportation abilities. The area overlooks the main courtyard, has a private training room and a control room to lock/open various public areas of the map.
    A "Garden of JA Fame" area paying hommage to many of the great people who have walked the halls of thejediacademy.net. The area also serves as a memorial to a dear friend of ours named Vladarion, who tragically died in a car accident over Christmas 2003.

    RIP Vlad, we miss you buddy!
    Go here for more info on Vladarion: http://www.thejediac...page.php?f_id=5 - Compiled by Bail Hope of Belouve
    I would like to thank everyone in the entire JK3 community who have been waiting for this map, for your seemingly infinite patience. I'm sorry that it has taken this long for the map to be released and I hope that you won't be dissapointed. The map is built to cater specifically to the Jedi Academy, but I cannot ignore the huge amount of positive feedback I have either recieved, or heard about, so this one goes out to all of you guys.
    You all rock my socks!
    Thank you for taking such an interest in the maps, big love! <3
    Install: : Unzip the *.pk3 file into your GAMEDATA/BASE folder


       (9 reviews)



  2. Jedi Council GCX

    Original Author: Griffenclaw
    Uploader's Comments:
    I want to start by saying the obvious: THIS IS NOT MY MAP.
    Now, for all those who remember the amazing JediCouncilGCX from back in 2004, this is it. This is not the 2010 version, or whatever "updated" versions there are of it out there. This is the original, untouched. I found it while digging through some old JK files I had stored away and noticed that there seems to be nowhere to get this map anymore. I was friends with Griffenclaw, and I think Griff would be sad to see the "updated" versions tbh, because they don't fix any of the things he actually wanted to fix (like the spawn points being so spaced out, and the low quality of the animated skybox).
    Therefore, I've decided to send a copy of this to JKHub, because someone needs to keep this piece of history alive for all us old farts!

    Uploaded by


    Original author may contact the staff
    here if they wish this file to be removed.


       (9 reviews)



  3. {JoF}Temple

    Readme File:
    Title : {JoF}'s Jedi Temple V1
    Author(s): Fifthforge, Zefilus & Ez
    ​Contributor(s): Milamber, Aldro Koon, Fuzzy, Exonimus
    Website : www.jofacademy.eu
    File Version: 1.0
    File Name : {JoF}TempleV1.pk3
    Description :
    A map that started in February of 2015 and completed within 11 months from the clan Jedi of Freedom, {JoF}. It is meant as a tribute to the clan and as a way for the clan to finally replace the infamous JediCouncilGCX and Jedi'sHomeJL 2.
    This map had a lot of great authors and was a collaboration of several JoF members.
    We are incredibly pleased with how this map turned out so I suggest everyone offers their bandwidth to experience it. You will not be disappointed.
    Also a big thanks to Shadowstone for making JH2 as we clearly drew mad inspiration to make the first mainhall.
    Likewise a huge thanks to Griffinclaw for his GCX map as the pillars and lava areas are entirely from him due to those being a classic part of our trials in the clan.
    Thanks to Sith-J-Cull for some mad texture work in his Coruscant/Padmes home map.
    Lastly: None of this would be possible if it wasnt for the crazy work of Fifthforge, Zefilus, Ez, Milamber, Aldro, Fuzzy and the rest of {JoF}.
    Once again, a big shoutout to Fifthforge for pushing this map out within 11 months.
    * Map Information *
    Bot Support: No
    New Textures: Yes
    New Music: Yes
    Installation :
    Just put the pk3 in GameData\base in your game directory.
    Known bug(s) :
    Singleplayer might not load properly due to a statue having a too long filename length (MAX_QPATH).
    Simply remove the PK3 from base to be able to play singleplayer again.
    * Copyright / Permissions *
    Other editors may NOT use this map as base for other maps, using reverse decompile methods.
    If you want the .MAP file for some reason, contact 'Aldro Koon' at our forums over at www.jofacademy.eu -> forums.


       (23 reviews)



  4. {JoF}'s Secret Mission Center V2

    Readme File:
    Title : {JoF}'s Secret Mission Center V2
    Author(s): Exonimus, Ez & Zefilus
    Contributor(s): Dalendrion, MrWonko, Milamber, Jon & Aldro Koon
    Website : www.jofacademy.eu
    File Version: 2.0
    File Name : {JoF}'s-TheSMCV2.pk3
    Description :
    A map that started in September of 2008 by the clan Jedi of Freedom, {JoF}. It is meant as a tribute to a group that went by the name of the "Secret Mission Center" between 2007 and 2014.
    This map had a lot of authors and was a collaboration of many people, the majority with practically no map experience and very few with actual experience. Regardless, the saying "too many cooks spoil the broth" may be applied.
    The map is FAR from perfect and there are known bugs and glitches that may be revised for a V3 version, one day.
    However we put everything into getting it in a releasing state and just pushed for this project that was seeming like a never ending one. What we have is the end result of that and we are truly happy to have something to show for it.
    Furthermore the file size is rather large due to the fact that textures and shaders have not been revised and mostly just thrown together.
    There are also two secrets in the map. One is located in Shree's office (the office with the rancor statue). I will be pretty vague about that one because its epic.
    The other is a hidden button that opens a locked door next to the statue inside the library.
    * Map Information *
    Bot Support: No
    New Textures: Yes
    New Music: Yes
    Installation :
    Just put the pk3 in GameData\base in your game directory.
    Known bug(s) :
    Singleplayer might not load properly due to a statue having a too long filename length (MAX_QPATH).
    Simply remove the PK3 from base to be able to play singleplayer again.
    * Copyright / Permissions *
    Other editors may NOT use this map as base for other maps, using reverse decompile methods.
    If you want the .MAP file for some reason, contact 'Aldro Koon' at our forums over at www.jofacademy.eu -> forums.


       (22 reviews)



  5. Star Wars Episode III JKA Map Pack - Part 2

    Well I spent a long time on this map and I am pretty happy with the way it turned out. First I will talke about the different areas, you will find the Huge lava river complete with different floatin platforms and droids that you can ride on or battle on. The river has various lava falls which (in most cases) will kill you as will the lava. The lava collectors in this area can be lowered into the lava byt the control panel in the control room to the right of the main door. The control panel next to that will also trigger the lowering once destroyed.
    There are three landing pads with Anakins fighter, Padmes Noobian, and the Emporers shuttle, a droid work shop complete with a stock of droids LOL!
    Now unfortunately there are some bugs in this version, even though I used the appropriate spawnflags on some of the rock models, they still allow the players to pass through them in places, also there are two crates left unclipped in the droid workshop, some of the lava falls allow you to pass through them, and areas of the lava river do not kill you.
    There are some other minor glitches which will all be sorted once I release the final 2 parts of the mappack series. I intend to release all six maps in thier complete form as one huge mappack
    Out of these two maps Mustafar is my favourite and is the one I spent most time on.
    Ok well this map was a pain in the but from the start, it was so hard to get the feel and look of Utapau using the q3a engine, so I did my best, parts of the map look pretty basic but other part like the 'level 10' trade fed ship and some of the Utapau structures are pretty detailed.
    There are two func_trains that 'fly' around this level taking you from the lower parts to the upper level 10, there are also jump pads here and there, plenty of landing pads where you can spawn things (yourselfs i mean lol!).
    Again as with mustafar I will provide a more complete version of this map in the final 6 mappack!


       (9 reviews)



  6. Atlantica Fix

    This is a simple fixed version of Atlantica to prevent Single-Player mode from crashing. The shader directives have also been modified to make it compatible with OpenJK.
    This completely replaces the old pk3 files, so remove those from base and replace with the ones in this file. It also contains the 1.02 source files.
    Atlantica (V1.02)
    New Textures: Yes
    New Sounds: Yes
    New Models: Yes
    New Scripts: Yes
    Bot Routing: Yes
    Gametypes: FFA, TFFA
    Brush Count: 28,280 + ~15,000 in ASE Models
    Entity Count: 3528
    Build Time: 1 Year, 6 months (Of which 6 months has been bug fixing...grr.)
    Compile Time: 5 Minutes.
    Changelog (1.02):
    - Fixed shader syntax which caused textures to load incorrectly in OpenJK.
    - Amended licensing information to make it clear that others cannot upload this file to
    sites without my consent.
    Changelog (1.01):
    - Fixed extended script names which caused SP mode to crash.
    - Doc Ock Style fusion generator
    - Passcoded council/admin doors (using switches where a numerical value can be inputted)
    - Destructable environments, trees/lamps.e.t.c
    - You can then fix some of these using toolkits (televisions for example) and other items you can pick up.
    - You can collect credits to pay for access to certain areas by either finding them lying around or completing challenges.
    - Virtual reality training for sneaking as a challenge.
    - Elevators with selectable floors.
    - Interactive NPC's that walk around and speak to each other.
    - Lots of cupboards/doors openable by force powers
    - Lamps can be pulled down, crates can be force utilised.
    - Healing bacta tanks.
    - Keycard system whereby a card must be bought/found to access certain areas, like the lock key system in SP.
    - A few others, secret areas/switch hunt and stuff.
    Map Installation : Extract the contents of the .zip (Atlantica_v1.01.pk3) into your Jedi Academy/GameData/Base directory, and you're all set to go!
    VALUE OF AT LEAST 500 (Or else clients that take longer than 2mins to load will get kicked automatically)
    Please follow the tutorial included in this .ZIP file or read it at www.szicovii.com under tutorials.
    The default password is 557752, starting from the door to the of the left of the central panel when facing it, and moving clockwise.
    This map is the RPG version of the map, which doesn't have any interactive NPC's to reduce server load and stress, but contains extra scripting.
    This map contains the keycard system as well as the toolbox repair system and the credits system. So, if you want to play with these features, load this map!
    This map is the core(basic) map which does contain interactive NPC's but none of the advanced scripting found in the RPG version. This is for players
    who desire a more FFA-themed experience, or clans who do not wish to play with the RPG features because they have their own mods which they can use instead.
    Known Bugs
    - In the long staircase with the rocky walls and the view of the ocean, you can see a small glimpse of another section of the map when looking
    upwards out of the window.
    - If you die/disconnect when participating in the Stealth VR training sessions the scripting system which governs these minigames will break
    and the map may need to be restarted. Of course, there's no way to die in here unless you kill yourself, so this is a very simple bug to avoid.
    Server admins can teleport/noclip into a broken VR training room and complete/fail the training to restart the scripts without needing a map restart.
    - The elevator consoles can get out of sync with the elevator itself, but it was either this or make the consoles crush through the player, which isn't
    desireable. They will always fall back in sync, and only go out of sync rarely when blocked by the player.
    - RoboPhread, Lugormod coder and the biggest inspiration for the extra scripting I did in this map. He's the brains behind most of the really cool stuff,
    like the keycode doors and the passworded room. Without you Robo, this map wouldn't be what it is today. I'm sure you'll be unimpressed by my extensive
    use of unnecessary target_scriptrunners, the position of the lift and my less-than-liberal use of parms, but the job got done in the end
    Thank you so much!
    - Xa'o Zalei for helping with the design, concept work and theme progression throughout the development of this project! I orignally wanted to blow you up
    with my Death Star for 'persuading' me into making this map for you, but in the end it was a fantastic experience for me, and you know that this map
    would also not exist without your tireless input and contribution. Thanks!
    - ::JEDI:: logo created by Jared Quell and Ctathos Ederoi, textured by Jared Quell
    - ::JEDI:: Video and Space Simulation video by Shimi Zaki
    - Original Skybox created by Caboosium.
    - NAB622/Lassev for other contributions to script debugging.
    - HOUHOU - Teleporter effect based on FFVII's Cure magic.
    Beta Testers
    Szico VII
    Xa'o Zalei
    Caboosium (G-Jay)
    Tulak Hord
    Master Ryan
    Isla Kamamee
    Darth Parrot
    Averus Retruthan
    Clan Notes
    WRITTEN BY: Xa'o Zalei
    MSN/E-Mail: catsmeow17@msn.com
    X-Fire: xaodarkhaven
    I would like to personally thank Szico VII for all of his help the past year and a bit making this map.
    He is a stand up guy and a wonderful person. I asked him way back if he would make a small map on a small star Wars planet
    and it turned into one of the best maps I have ever seen for JKA. So for that, thank you for everything Szico. You are
    Made for ::JEDI::
    (You can however use them for learning purposes, or get my permission if you want to publish edited files. I have nothing against you editing these files
    for your own progress, but releasing wihtout my consent will result in certain death lol!)
    If you want to use any of these, ask me first!
    ~Szico VII~


       (11 reviews)



  7. Jedi's Home (JL)

    Original Author: Shadow Stone
    Well this map has been completely remade from scratch. Why? well i didn't like it that much before, simply because i had built it without snap to grid on, therefore giving me a bunch of retarded errors. BUt all in all it is pretty much the same thing, only it's completly different
    This time i actually made most of my textures, most of them were made from scratch, others were raven textures that i simply edited. This time around, in my opinion everything seems to have a more organized, cleaner and professional look to it. There are also quite a few secrets for you to find, some harder to find than others and some really hard to find :/. There are if I'm not mistaken 10 secrets, (plus or minus one).


       (10 reviews)

    1 comment


  8. Expedition

    This is an academy map that is meant to be similar to my first map exploration, and the two maps' layouts are similar in many ways. The basic idea is a Yavin-ish style academy map that is set in the mountains. It has basic duel rooms, a ffa area as well as some climbing challenges. Map\file for both jk3 and jk2.
    ATTENTION: You may have trouble loading this map or you may not. If you do, try some of the following:
    1) You may have to change com_hunkmegs to 128 to run this map (and restart your jk2 when you
    reset it.) Alternatively you can type set com_hunkmegs 128. You can make these changes in you console or you can open the jk2mpconfig file to make the change more permanent in
    LucasArtsStar Wars JK II Jedi OutcastGameDatabasejk2mpconfig
    Credits: Stormcrow and Rhiom for making the council area.
    Most of the textures in duelroom are from the default jk2 Yavin folder (or jka.) I needed to put them into a custom textures folder so that I could apply custom shaders so although there is a ton of textures in this map, most are default ones. The remainder of textures I made myself or got from the following sources.
    I used JediMediator's efects file, gfx files, sound files, and textures for his giant bonfire looking thing that he used in his
    inferno map since he released it for public use.
    I used JediMediators's detail shader and two textures for one of my grass detail shaders. See this thread for sources.
    I used a couple textures from the Limelite texture archive I found at the Massassi temple.
    I used a couple of Elandain's textures that he has on jk2filesjk3files.
    Boddo made me a tutorial for how to make the CG-ish looking brick textures in the main room called n-wall1, n-wall2 and n-wall3.
    I also used Boddo's "table" texture and two of his wood textures called ddtree2 and ddtree3, which are downloadable at his www.cyberpunkcafe.com website. He also made the slablock series of five textures for this map.
    Boddo also made the rustic_semitransparent that went on my pipes and its env texture called envmap3.
    Boddo made the island room that you teleport to from the bar, its shader file called expl3terr, and its textures.
    I used Mars Marshall's bantha model, which can be downloaded here:
    Rhiom helped me convert the bantha model to an md3 file because vehicles don't work in jk2.
    I used NAB622's cave prefabs in the map that can be obtained at the following URL:
    In this updated version, I got a max edgelines error so I converted his caves into a massive .ase model, and now the caves look
    slightly glitchy but not too bad.
    Loda and BK made the basic spacing the strafe pads distancing, although I modified it,
    and they made the "crete" textures."
    The texture called "atl_wood" is Szico's Atlantica (got permission and readme included.)
    Lastly, the five textures that I used for the terrain blending were SIMONOC's. They were called
    ter_rock2, ter_rock3, ter_mud1,ter_moss1, and ter_dirt1.
    I got the Sith symbols for the 3 flags in the main room from wikipedia and modified them.
    The layoutstyle of one of my outside areas and its associated secret area under the waterfall was influenced by Kahn's sithcouncil map in jka.
    Thanks to beta testers: Vrael, Sniper, Thrawn, etc etc
    Map Information:
    New Textures: yes
    New Music: yes
    New sounds: yes
    New Models: yes
    botroute: yes
    Game types are ffa, duel
    Compile Information
    bsp_q3map2/q3map2: (final) BSP -meta -notjunc, -vis, -light -fast -samples 2 -lomem
    note it was compiled using 2.5.16 q3map2 compiler, which is not the default compiler of gtkradiant 1.4.
    In case any other jk2 mappers try a dot product shader (terrain blending), they must update the compiler or use gtkradiant 1.5 for their compiling since it comes with an updated compiler. This is the tutorial that I used for terrain blending
    I used DarthG's new_system.pk3 mostly for its subtle_hint shaders but I also used some of the pack's caulk_water shaders and a few others. I'm not sure where I downloaded, but this thread at least talks about it.
    Worldspawn Information
    _lightmapscale 8
    _blocksize 0
    _chopsize 0
    ambient 15


       (8 reviews)



  9. Emperor's Throne Room

    but also FFA and Duel so people can play it
    without needed to use the bots
    Based on the Emporers Throne room from Return of the Jedi
    Thanks to
    Eniac for making the cool skybox and the throne =]
    also thanks
    Sith-J-Cull for all his help.


       (9 reviews)



  10. Bespin FFA

    This is a Jedi Academy version of the popular Jedi Outcast Bespin FFA map.


       (6 reviews)

    1 comment


  11. Star Wars Episode III JKA Map Pack - Part 3

    Hey peeps,
    This, the final of my episode III mappacks, I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have making them.
    This pack includes:
    The Galactic Senate
    The Battle of Kashyyy
    And a special sneak peak at the Vaders Immortalization chamber featured at the end of episode III.

    The Senate
    I had to make a big decision in this map; I mean the shire size of the senate from the movies is pretty Impossible to recreate in radiant, I had to make a SERIOUSE cut back on the amount of pads I added, however I did include over 160 pods in the map some of which are interactive; it also features the blade doors and central elevator as seen in the movie.
    Don't forget to hold the usetime button found on the main floor of the map - it will alter the map so that it appears destroyed just like after Yoda and Sidy fight.
    The detail in this map was kept to a minimum; however some with lower spec pc's will indeed have problems with fps. due to the size and nature of the map so sorry about that. I included some of the best vehicle models in one of the zip files,
    these are the ones I included in the map, I had intended to use all new kashyyyk vehicles but I don't think they were completed in time one way or the other.
    Vader's immortalization chamber
    This is a special bonus map only two rooms as it is a sneak peak of the full map which will include the landing pad etc.
    The next release in the mappack series, as I have stated before will not include any new episode III maps, but it will feature all of the previous maps but in the completed form. In a way all of the maps in the mappacks have been Betas, for the complete release that I plan to get to you around Christmas.


       (13 reviews)

    1 comment


  12. Sith Council v2

    his is Version 2 of my Sith Council Map. This map is loosely based on the Jedi Council GC map form JK2. In the main area, there are 4 duel rooms, one interrogation room, one Armory and class rooms. If you go threw the doors for the classroom, u will see one class with desks to learn the basic, and a library to access those old Sith files. If u go to the end of the hallway, there is a Cafe. Make sure you eat enough so u can finish all your training. Also a bar to sit back and relax. Threw the main doors, to the left, is a medical room to be healed. To the right are the bedrooms to rest and watch some good old TV. And straight is the main duel room with stands to watch, also a VIP room for the high power followers of Kahn and Neo. There is also an elevator going to the basement threw the min doors. In the basement, to the right of the elevator doors, there is a jail. This jail has four different jail cells in it. Two of the jail cells can only be opened by one side. Another jail cell can be opened from both sides and have work-out equipment in it. The last cell can not be opened. This cell has all the dead council members who betrayed Kahn and Neo. If you go right around the corner, there is a duel circle after jumping up the pillars like in the Jedi Council GC map. Finally, to the left of the elevator doors is the Sith Council room. This is an area for clans to talk. There are benches and tables to sit back and relax and talk. In the main Room, you also see a big door opposite to the door I just talked about. Threw the doors u will find one more door, and threw there is the NEW out door area. There are many trees to hind behind and attack people. To the left of the entrance, there is a water fall, nice area to duel. Straight across u see a red light on the wall, go and press the button and the wall will open. There is a Court House to judge the lamers and a rancor pit beneath to teach them a lessen. And finally to the right of the entrance to the out door area and another waterfall, but dont fall down or you will fall to your death. There is a NEW secret cave somewhere that leads to the tomb of Kahn and Neo. In the tomb, there is now a sacrifice room to kill all those needed. Have fun finding the entrance and the way threw the maze. Also, if you have played the RJ_Sublime map, you know about their control center. I loved the idea and added one here too. There are three switched. One to close off the bar, one to hide/show the signs on all doors, and one to transform a room.
    After so many people where asking for the Jedi Council GC Map for jk2 brought to JA, I decided to do something about it. I decided to make my own with a Sith feel to it. IN the .ZIP file, you will find the history behind the map and maybe some inside info to the entrance of the caves. This map was created from scratch and I never edited the Jedi Council GC .map file. This map has taken about a good year to get how I want it too. (I know, I got lazy) Try and find all the new secret areas and try to remember the olds ones too. (Dont be surprised if some have moved though). There are so many areas to play so I hope you have fun.
    PLease dont add me to MSN to get help on Mapper or skinning


       (5 reviews)



  13. SJC Coruscant Adventures Pack (Night and Day)

    Well as a lot of you will remember I started this map way back in 2008 and have been working on and off with it ever since so it's been a long time coming! Some of you have followed the progress on my YouTube page
    and website so I would like to thank those of you who have commented and offered words of encouragement and provided ideas etc (you know who you are). Well the map is finally in a condition where I am happy to release it!
    I have included areas from both the movies and the TV series so avid fans can look out for those. A brief list of locations throughout the map:
    The Outlander Club, complete with 6 city apartments (Vos Gesal Street in Coruscant's Uscru Entertainment District)
    Downtown Coruscant as seen in Season 2 of the Clone wars (Including cafe, night club with balcony, 4 apartments.
    Cad Bane apartment (or at least the place he was seen shortly after killing Jedi Master Ord Enisence.
    Upper garage areas
    Lower Garage and cargo area
    Underground subway / swoop track
    Underground Rancor / Duel arena
    Stolen Noobian star fighter landing pad. (made use of the queens Starship I created in Radiant years ago, its not great so I updated it a little)

    The map uses almost 100% custom textures, and I spent many an hour in Photoshop getting things just right. Textures go a long way in making a map look good and help get the atmosphere you want. I also spent a lot of time
    working on the lighting and used a combination of sun entities and spot lights, coupled with specular shaders and envmaps you can get some cool results. I added lighting (bump map) effects to some of the textures in Photoshop
    once I placed them in Radiant so I could work out the angles etc, many of the lighting effects on the textures are actually part of the texture rather than part of the lighting compile.
    I did what I could to keep good FPS in this map, and on the most part (at least on my RIG) I think they are pretty respectable; however I warn you know, this is Coruscant its full of flashing signs, neon lights etc so
    PLAY WITH DYNAMIC GLOW ON AT YOUR OWN RISK! You will find the map runs a lot smoother on slower systems if you disable dynamic glow (run jka open the console and type devmap 2010_16 or devmap 2010_16a once loaded open the console again and type r_dynamicGLow 0 to turn it off, to turn it back on again
    type r_dynamicGlow 1).
    I have to say though the map was designed for more powerful rigs as the neon lights and excitement of coruscant looks so much better in full Glow!
    Throughout the subway you will see a number of consoles, these will spawn speeders to help you get around, if you are unlucky enough to get your ride taken from you (or destroyed by he useable turrets) you should'nt have to walk too far to find
    another console so you can spawn another!
    Finally there are a couple of hidden secrets in this map, a couple of hidden spawnable at-st's and a jetpack, shouldn�¢ï¿½ï¿½t be too hard to find!
    Have fun!


       (21 reviews)



  14. Massassi Temple

    AUTHOR**: Oobah
    E-MAIL N/A
    FILENAME: mp/ffa_mtd = Massassi Temple Day, mp/ffa_mtn Massassi Temple Night
    FILESIZE: 97.0mbs
    DATE RELEASED: 01/09/2015
    Check the first comment down below for a video showing off the map Day and Night versions as well as the yavin_trial area.
    A few textures are taken from the following maps:
    ~Alzoc3_Enclave by Sai
    ~Sith Council V2
    ~Jedi Temple TA
    All the rest of the textures are from base JA and base JK2, all of which are congregated into a single folder.
    The following models are ported from Kotor 1 and 2:
    ~Blue Work Table
    ~Orange Work Table
    ~Statue 2
    ~Foot Locker
    ~Archive Light
    Kolto Tank is Inyri Forges.
    The rest of the models are base JK. All models are congreated under a single folder. Both textures and models
    were done this way to aid in the map load times and to save pk3 space. To many folders and files are just
    INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS**: Drop it into your base folder.
    DESCRIPTION**: Massassi Temple On Yavin 4
    This map contains the following:
    ~6 Floors, basement added into those numbers
    ~Yavin_Trial setup in JA straight from Jedi Outcast
    ~The map has heavy model usage
    ~Under the hangar, underground section lays all the trialing areas
    ~3 Music switches
    ~Ambient sound effects
    ~Remote from Single Player in the bot room
    ~Training sticks for staff and single that do 1 damage
    1st Floor contains the following:
    ~Galaxy Map Room
    ~Dueling Room
    ~Bot Room
    ~Force Room
    ~Catwalk for masters or spectators to view all rooms in a safe position away from harm
    2nd Floor contains the following:
    ~Mess Hall
    ~Tech Room
    3rd Floor contains the following:
    ~Ceremony Hall
    4th Floor contains the following:
    ~Command Center
    ~Switch to open the door to the trial area, Trial Entrance
    ~Music Switches
    5th Floor contains the following:
    ~Roof Access
    The yavin_trial area is designed for 1 person at a time and requires a map restart to resetup the entire area
    for a new runner due to it's script usage. Since the area itself was originally a single player map in Jedi
    Outcast. Higher level force powers will also render the majority of the area pointless. It's designed for
    core force powers and basic problem solving.
    The following force powers are all you need to complete the trial area:
    ~Level 1 Push
    ~Level 1 Pull
    ~Level 1 Jump
    ~Level 1 Speed
    No weapon is required to finish the area.
    I tested the whole yavin_trial area a few times and it worked for me. One thing I changed was the pillar, it
    now is stationary, but the force cage at the end is still in place. It is possible to get the Ysalimari
    inside the cage, for it is the only way to finish and exit the yavin_trial area. A hallway connects the
    yavin_trial areas exits to a hangar lift and to the yavin_final themed trial dueling area.
    The trial dueling room can be accessed at any time via the elevator to the exit of the trial area. The last door
    to yavin_trial can only be opened from the inside.
    Map loading up time was around a minute or so on my computer, roughly that of a base JK map.
    If there is ANY missing textures or walls missing. Be sure to post and let me know so that I may fix it.


       (18 reviews)



  15. Kamino

    Hey everyone, now I know you have been waiting for this in a long time, dont forget its a version 1 so it has some bugs here is a list of them
    1 FPS is a little low in the clone room (I cant really do a lot about that but I will try).
    2 parts of the map show through the sky box whilst standing on Jango's landing pad.
    3 Layout - I will alter the layout of Kamino for version 2 so that things are closer together.
    4 The locked doors in this version will lead to other areas in version 2
    So If you guys can put those little things aside for a while and enjoy this version until I get version 2 out that would be great!!
    Anyway, now for the details; I used terragen to make the sky box images I tried to make them as kamino as possible but I think I may tweak them for version 2 (I hope to have a moving sea too). I would say that 85% of the textures in kamino are custom and I made them using photoshop 7.0 and made use of several of the pluggins there for effects, such as making the black non solid (gothixc I am sure you will be pleased LOL).
    I have used two custom models in this map; the excelent Jedi Starfighter and the wicked slave1 both of which I got permission to use and I have included the readmes that came with them in this pk3. One thing I must say though is that as the slave1 modle was textured as bobba's version I retextured it to silver and blue, its not such a great texture job but never mind.
    There are a few doors in this map that must be opened using the force, if you remember in Episode II Jango cuts the line and Obiwan falls down and manages to grapple that ledge/walkway, well I included this area so when you are on Jangos landing pad be sure to re-enact this scene!! the door on that walkway is made so that you have to use the force to open, once opened it takes you to a lift that will rise back up to the top of the pad
    Anyways I hope you guys enjoy it - I enjoyed making it I hope its what you were expecting, after all its just a map!
    Version 2 coming soon!! (version two will mainly be for AOTCTC)


       (6 reviews)



  16. (x-sith)TEMPLE

    This is a RPG/FFA map inspired by the korriban temple from KOTOR.
    It contains the Sith lords'valley,a part of the old korriban academy,
    a cave, a labyrinth, a new sith academy with classic features of a JK MP
    map such as a hall,duel rooms, a council room, a bar.


       (21 reviews)



  17. Star Wars Episode III JKA Map Pack - Part 1

    The invisible hand:
    I am sure you will all have seen the last ever star wars movie, and if like me, you will agree it was pretty bloody amazing, my fav of the new movies, and its easily as good as the OT.
    So The invisible hand is the space ship that features at the start of the movie, and show Obi and Ani mounting a rescue of Palpatine, I made the map using screenshots of the game and sets of the movie, since I did the structural work on the map before I saw the movie, there are a few inaccuracies but nothing I can sort for a version 2 sometime.
    There are a few areas in this map and they are as follows:
    1) The main observation room
    2) Hallways leading to the observation room
    3) A small passageway to the rear of the observation room, leading to an office
    4) A set of lifts, that work fine when used by one person, but will create a lot of fun when used with many
    one of these lifts is broken and you can climb up or down the shaft.
    5) The lower deck hallway leads to the hanger but will also lead to network of fuel pipes underneath the hanger,
    these pipes are a must, if you are to escape from the trap that can be found in the hanger
    6) A battle outside in the skybox, you cant get out there (or you are not supposed to) however I am sure
    if you do go outside, you will find room to fly about, but the map is not intended for that (go get Hatruss map for that)
    I hope you enjoy the Invisible hand as much as i enjoyed watching it in the movie (I was going to say as much as i enjoyed making it, but it got on my nerves in the end!!)
    Palpatines office complex
    This map was an area i just had to make, I had thought about it after seeing it in the other movies, but when I found out there was a going to be an important scene there, featuring Mace, Ani and Palpatine, I couldnt resist it. Again if you have seen the movie, you will notice that I tried to be as accurate as possible, all of the windows are breakable with a saber, most of the funiture can be moved about with force powers, there is a secret are in this map thats pretty easy to find, but was fun to add. (I made this map overscale so there was more room to fight)
    The office complex is a small map and is best for dueling, although it does support ffa also. I did make an outside area to this map, but decided to save it for the coruscant map that I have been working on which will include padmes apartment, the opera house and many other coruscant places maybe even including the Jedi temple.
    There are two versions of this map included, one has the animated skybox, but because it uses an area portals and many shaders, it will decrease the fps on some lower spec systems, so I included a second version that has a non animated skybox, this version runs much smoother on lower spec pc's.
    I have included some screenshots of the next part of my Star wars episode III map pack series, so I hope you enjoy those
    Thanks to all of my beta testers of the Invisible hand.


       (3 reviews)

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  18. Starkiller Base

    Starkiller Base from Episode VII: The Force Awakens.
    Extract ffa_starkiller_base.pk3 into your base folder usually located at:
    C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base
    komaokc - Skybox


       (43 reviews)



  19. Faru

    This is loosely based on the academy version 3 by Virtue. Has dueling areas and some climbing areas. Updates are as follows.
    This map works for both jk3 and jk2. I'm releasing it for jk3, but if you put this version in jk2 it is 100% compatible. Hopefully jkhub can put under both games.
    Version 1.01 updates
    -added bar
    -tried to fix missing textures, misaligned textures, errors people found
    -added Yoda statue
    -partially updated academy room
    Version 1.02 updates
    -added extensive temple walls in large outdoors area
    -updated bar
    -made the academy temple scalable with Millennium falcon at top
    -added water and waterfalls with cave over the temple
    Version 1.03 updates
    -Added yavin ship hanger
    -tried to connect duel rooms area to rest of map
    -added elf base
    -updated bar some
    -tarp over falcon
    -added detail to some of the hallways
    Version 1.04 updates
    -added to elf base
    -added rooms to duel rooms
    -added Taspir dueling pad and mountains around it
    -expanded the stuff around the main temple
    -fixed Yoda statue and bugs
    Version 1.05 updates
    -expanded large outside area
    -fixed areas you can fall through base
    -added announcement board\updated elf base

    Version 1.06 updates
    -fixed (i think) the interference map was causing with some base textures
    -made the three mountains significantly higher
    -added library
    -added duel room
    -bug fixes
    -tried to add boat area although they aren't showing up unless one is in the void looking at them for some reason.
    Version 1.07 updates
    -worked on outside terrain
    -added beta thermal detonator room
    -mainly worked on redoing mountain climbs
    Version 1.08 updates
    -added more sewers 
    -got boats working
    -added new large outside area
    -updated upstairs duel room
    -fixed errors
    Version 1.09
    -worked on last versions large outdoor area
    -added another large outdoor area with a 4th mountain climb for the map
    Version 1.10
    -added H-mountain
    -added outdoor area
    -added new route to council room
    -expanded elf base some
    Version 1.11
    -added I-Mountain
    -added new associated outside area with massive temple
    Version 1.12
    -bug fixed
    -added new maze mountain part 2 area. unfortunately it is so massive that it's not actually done but I have a good start worth playing
    Version 1.13
    -finished maze mountain part 2, which was adding about 5000 more brushes
    -added 3rd elf base
    Version 1.14
    -modified maze mountain further
    -added strafe pads
    -added distance jump pads
    -added roll pads room
    -added giant jump room
    -starting to get ERROR 
    MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS (131072) exceeded
    so I had to merge some of my trisoups to get it to compile
    Version 1.15
    -added some random step to get out of areas 
    -finished the mountain finally
    -added new corridors to main room
    -replaced all the trigger_teleporters to get rid of cl_incline error when run it on jkmv (jk2)
    Version 1.16
    -Mostly bug fixes. Hopefully fixed the missing statue issue
    -added two new jump challenges asa well
    -hope this will be final version of the map.
    Version 1.17
    -mostly bug fixes people found
    -fixed maze mountain exploits people have found so far
    -added new jump room
    as above. Borrowed textures and grill from Reyor-Wan Semaj's DextersDiner 2003 map.
    This is a link to the 2003 readme from dextersdiner
    https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Outcast/Maps/Free For All/15496/
    Used Szico's model reference guide
    Borrowed texture of jedi's home flag
    Borrowed textures from ffa_tmbj
    Map Information:
    New Textures: yes
    New Music: yes
    New sounds: yes
    New Models: yes
    Game types are ffa, duel
    Compile Information
    basic compile
    Worldspawn Information
    _lightmapscale 5
    ambient 8
    _distancecull 16384
    _chopsize 0
    _blocksize 0
    1) You may need to run com_hunkmegs 256 or 512 on this map as it's getting large.
    2) If you play the map in jk2 you may need the developer version of JKMV rather than the official release so that
    it does not hit max shaders issue and other max issues
    3) in main room you can see a corridor through skybox. Not sure how to fix this. You can also see the boats randomly through
    many skyboxes

    * How to install * 
    Just put the Faru.pk3 in your GameData\base game directory



       (7 reviews)



  20. Jedi Temple (Yavin IV)

    This is the Jedi Temple as it appears in my to-be-released single player mod, without the scripts and single player assets themselves. Please feel free to point out any improvements that you feel could be made!
    See change log for update.
    If you encounter any bugs, let me know!
    Unzip the downloaded folder and place the .pk3 file within into the Base folder of your Jedi Academy directory. You can access the map by entering "/devmap yavin_temple_mp2" into the console, or selecting the map from the list of maps in the menu.


       (33 reviews)



  21. Ord Mantell Rp

    After creating Yalara and Taris RP I set out one more time to do better. This is that attempt. I made Ord Mantell RP as a last thank you to the JK community at large for all its fun times and pleasant memories. The map is by far the most complex I have ever built, and ever will build. It has starships that explode when the power core is damaged, amazing detailed landscapes, and endless explorability.
    Thanks for all the help and support, guys. This one's for you! As always, the source files are included in the pk3 - anyone and everyone has permission to use those files how they see fit with no restrictions from myself. I do not care if you credit me - however - you should probably credit the authors of the content I used if you copy stuff. (For instance, if you copy the Republic Cruiser, note that the exterior model was made by CommanderKeen [http://jediknight3.f...r_Prefab;47185] and he should be credited. Thank you.
    (FFA) TARIS ROLEPLAY for Jedi Knights II: Jedi Academy
    Author : Cydon Prax' (Ki_Adi_Mundi)
    E-mail : titaniumsonic02@netscape.net
    XFIRE : boseprax
    Mapname : Ord_Mantell_Rp
    Filename : Ord_Mantell_Rp.zip
    Filesize : ~75 MB
    Release date : 10/2010
    Game types : Free-For-All
    Build time : 8 months
    Compile time : 45 minutes
    PC Build: Nvidia 9800GTX, Vista 64bit OS, Intel Quad Core, 8GB RAM
    Botsupport : No
    New textures: Yes
    New effects : No
    New models : No
    New music : Yes
    New Sounds : Yes
    Roleplay Specific Features
    Ord Mantell Capital City: Worlport
    --Hangar Bay
    ---->Consular Class Starship
    --Hotel Grand
    --Droid Shop
    --Worlport Mall
    --Worlport Battle Arena
    --Worlport Factory
    --Afterlife Cantina
    Ord Mantell Junkyard
    --Downed Starships
    --Tram System
    Ord Mantell Sith Temple
    --Living Quarters
    --Training Room
    --Throne Room
    --Archives Room
    Consular Class Starship
    --Living Quarters
    --Captains Quarters
    --Hangar Bay
    --Escape Pods
    You'll have to play around a little to find everything. There are some buttons that set off alarms, some that lock doors, a wall or two that opens up for a quick escape. I didn't get to put in all the triggers I wanted to put in, but for roleplay it seemed sufficient
    Place the Ord_Mantell_Rp.PK3 file into your "JediKnight:JediAcademy/GameData/base" folder.
    # www.map-craft.com - They helped me more than anyone
    # Legacyrp.com - Whole reason I built the map, to rp there.
    # =Tom=/ACiDuS - A few Textures. As a note, I did send Tom three e-mails from three different addresses but to no avail, I'll assume he left JKA. But thank you anyway, contact me back sometime.
    # Darth Norman - Helped me find the Starfighter models.
    # Toshi - the Palpatine model
    # Plasma - the Palpatine reskin
    # Raven Software - Seige Star Destroyer Bridge. (Note: RavenSoft did not respond to my e-mails to use their bridge. If they contact you asking to remove the file, please respect their wishes!)
    # =Some0ne= - Jedi Fighter and R2D2 md3 files.
    # Manquesa - Jedi Fighter model.
    # CommanderKeen - Consular Class Starship Prefrab
    # John Williams - He composed the music for Star Wars of course.
    # Nozyspy - Nozy made an epic crashed starship I had to remake in the Junkyard. Thank you sir! Couldn't have made such an epic ship without using your map as a prefrab!
    # Inryi Forge - KOTOR Map Objects, Cantina Map Objects. Thanks!
    # Mars Marshall - Who else could build such an amazing Gunship model?
    # Sith-J-Cull - Borrowed three or so amazing, artistically done textures from his Senate and Krettle map that he made himself. They're so good you'll see them almost instantly. I also have to thank SJC for e-mailing me and pointing me to the direction of some helpful people. Thanks. He did give permission to use his textures back in 2009 - I can provide e-mail proof if asked.
    # Tyrael64 - One of my testers who helped me clear some bugs.
    # Holmes - Another Texture who helped clear bugs, and provided several key textures to help the map shine.
    # Zephyr - Helped me stress test the map and lower some FPS, as well as helping test and find some bugs.
    # Dragon - This guy practically built the map with me, he built textures, created a majority of the sounds, and helped with the overall design and feel of the map. Kudos.
    That should cover every item that was either not directly made by me, or items that I used to make content from. Thanks to all of you that helped! I love you guys.
    Final Notes
    I'd like to thank everyone that helped make this map possible. All of the people that made prefrabs, all of the people that made textures, all of the people that gave suggestions and beta tested. Thank you.
    © 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.
    © 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.
    All rights reserved. Used under authorization.
    LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are trademarks
    of Lucasfilm Ltd.
    © Raven Software LTD 2002, Activision


       (11 reviews)



  22. Star Wars Episode III Palpatine's Rooftop

    Original Author: JamyzGenius
    This is my second version of my map "Palpatine's Rooftop" I hope you like it.
    Includes the following rooms:
    - Lobby
    - Various Halls
    - Office
    - Second office
    - Reception
    - Landing Zone
    - And other zones.
    Support multiple gamemodes and bots.

    This map is based in the Episode III version with a little some creative freeways.
    Credits for the creator of Episode III Map Pack`s : SJC - James Culley (Sith-J-Cull)
    . Textures.
    Very Special Thanks to :
    George Lucas
    John Williams
    The readme is super outdated. I do apologize for my bad English.


       (6 reviews)



  23. FFA Episode 1 2004

    hmm dunno if this needs explaining Its the scene from the Phantom Menace where Obi Wan and Qui Gon face the evil Sith Lord Darth Maul (why dont they just run away he wouldnt expect that ;p)


       (7 reviews)



  24. Serenity - Firefly (Re-Release)

    Author: Spineless
    Website: http://www.spbdesign.co.uk
    Map Details:
    Brush Count: 22,424 + ~9,000 in ASE Models
    Entity Count: 3736
    Build Time: 6 Years!
    Compile Time: 30 Minutes
    Custom Models: Yes
    Custom Textures: Yes
    Custom Shaders: Yes
    Custom Effects: Yes
    Custom Sounds: Yes
    Custom Scripts: Yes
    Botroute Support: Yes
    About (History):
    As many of you will know, (and for those who don't), I created a rough-round-the-edges representation of Joss Whedon's Serenity back in 2003 that I thoroughly enjoyed making - but in hindsight - could have done with a few more brushstrokes of accuracy.
    So, 6 Years in the making and (I fear) 4 years too late, I have finally got around to releasing it! I firstly have to apologise to all those I have kept waiting. The problem with it all is that I'm too much of a perfectionist. Something that I will have created 3 months ago, will look dated to my eyes and need updating. Besides, bug fixing bores the ^&*! out of me, and the larger part of entity/script work is by it's nature - bug fixing.
    So, as far as I know, this is about as close as anyone's come to completely recreating both the exterior AND interior of the ship. I will be the first to admit that there are currently many and far superior exterior models out there, but I don't think anyone has tackled the interior with any gusto. (Correct me if I'm wrong).
    I am not ashamed to admit that this effort is far far far superior to its' predecessor. I have embellished the ship with every conceivable detail, and poured through tons of reference material in order to conceive the closest possible representation of the ship you all know and love so well. This map is largely overscaled, around 20-25% to allow for a reasonable chance at role-play/game play.
    Serenity, as mentioned by it's design team, is one of those few sci-fi space vessels that doesn't suffer from the Tardis effect. (Being much bigger inside, than out). All that said, I couldn't for the life of me fit all the interior into the outer shell, without warping one or the other. I decided very early on that I would have to split the map into too. Besides, with Quake III's modest capabilities, a joining of the two parts would *slay* the user's fps.
    This, in turn, created a whole heap of problems which I have had to work around. Firstly I have taken liberties with some of the design. The hangar-shuttle connection in the film and tv-series is pitched at being set at the top, roof level of the hangar. Yet the blueprints rest both on the level of the kitchen. This led to a design compromise, where the shuttle access ports rest in two side areas, either side of the kitchen with a ladder down to the hangar.
    I have also taken liberties with all the secret passageways and any design element in between the areas seen on the show. I have included a fuel-room, (a mighty powerful engine needs one I figured) a nav control room, a light control room, a kitchen stock room, and a spare 'crew quarters' room. These are all accessible via secrets and secret passage-ways. (Explained below).
    - Every possible area of Serenity seen in both tv-series and the movie.
    - Scripted tiered secret system. Allowing you to unlock:
    - The Medbay
    - The Explosives Room
    - The Main Hangar Door and Side Airlock
    - Both Shuttles
    - Navigation Controls
    - Toggle-able Engine Thrusters
    - Asteroid Script
    - Sound Clip Easter Eggs
    - Cockpit & Kitchen Light Switches
    - Master Room/Airlock Override Switch
    Secret Area Unlock System:
    There are 10 secret areas in the map, (and one somewhere on the exterior). Discovering 2 secret areas will unlock a sealed area of the map in the order layed out above. If your stuck, look for the shady corporate (and blue) symbol that lies close to every secret.
    Oh and press your "use" key whenever you see a Tracey's mp3 Player!
    Other Notes:
    Please refer to the Readme.txt for Known Issues/Bugs, Notes on Modding and how to access the Role-Playing version of the map.
    - A big thankyou to Erwino and ReVa who have nudged me more than anyone to get this thing finished.
    - The Whole of the {OJK} Clan, (particularly Marro & Predator) who have supported me throughout the project.
    - Szico VII and Robophred for script inspiration and advice.
    - ent for bug testing the open BETA vigourously.
    - Lord Revian, Circa and the JKHub community for showing continued interest.
    - AshuraDX for texture and shader help.
    - General Jaxun for the "No Teleport" .pk3 Idea.
    - Crazy Assassin for inspiring the Secret Area System.
    - To the loyal followers of my Gamingforums thread: (Korro, Nozyspy, Zeig, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Raz0r, NAB622, Botdra Lar'les and the rest, you know who you are!)
    Thanks for your patience and hope you enjoy it,


       (12 reviews)



  25. Taris RP

    Author: Ki Adi Mundi
    After creating Yalara I realized how bad the maps overall quality actually was and set out to do better, even if only slightly. The end result was a map based on the Planet of Taris from the Knights of the Old Republic Video Games; Only now it is set 4,128 years in the future during the Legacy Comics era.
    The map is built for roleplay, so FFA/Seige/Duel/Etc players will likely end up moving on. You'll find weapons to spawn only where reasonable and realistic: The giant (Jedi) Temple only has pistol and e-11's in its armory since Jedi don't use concussion rifles whereas the Imperial Base armory will have everything from grenades to rocket launchers. Hopefully servers will find this map a little more interesting than Yalara was.
    Finally, as with Yalara the source files are present in the .pk3 so that roleplay servers can edit the map to their own liking, or random mappers can steal stuff to make their maps better (Hey, it's a compliment to me really.)


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