Jedi Academy Recommendations
Last updated March 28, 2025
Here is a list that we've compiled that contains some crucial mods, files, and commands for the game Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy created by fans of the game to alter the experience to make it objectively and subjectively better. These are broken down into categories for easier organization.
Obviously nothing here is essential, unless you are one a system that can't run the game natively, like Mac. In that case, scroll to the Improved Clients list, as those are actually required.
To learn how to install mods, check this page.
To learn how to make mods, read this to get started.Click here for the list for Jedi Outcast.HAVEN'T GOTTEN AROUND TO THIS YET, SORRYDisclaimer: though we did our best to list mods that most would agree are important to at least try, it still remains subjective. This is to be seen as a curated catalog to help sort through the hundreds of mods out there.
To enhance the Jedi Academy core experience:
Improved Clients
Only pick one for each mode (SP & MP). Listed in order of recommendation. Top two are all you need, but the others are worth checking out.- JAEnhanced (SP)
- TaystJK (MP, updated version of EternalJK)
- EternalJK (MP)
- OpenJK (SP & MP)
- JA+ (MP)
- JA++ (MP - modern version of JA+)
- ClanMod (MP)
- jaMME (good for capturing videos and demos)
- Makermod (MP)
- RPMod (MP)
Commands to improve the experience:
- Enable dismemberment (not a mod, just commands)
- Set a custom resolution (if your monitor's isn't available natively)
- Cheats and commands
Better visuals:
- Higher quality saber blades
- Better gun and explosion effects
- High quality textures
- High quality levelshots (loading screen images)
- High quality sniper scope
- High quality fonts
- High quality icons
- High quality chat icon
- Dynamic light for weapons
- High FOV fix
- Jaden Remastered
- ROTJ Stormtrooper
- ROTJ Luke
- HD DL-44 Blaster pistol
- HD E-11 Stormtrooper blaster
- Circa's menu mod
- Neutral console (for easier legibility)
- Enhanced Protocol Droid Replacement
- New Imperial Worker
- New Imperial Officers
- Better Force lightning effects
- Coruscant sky
- Water Wake Fix
- Korriban Sky + Music
- Boba Fett voice mod
More player customization:
- Spanki's Jedi Customization
- Spanki's Sith Customization
- Better human female customization
- Nautolan species
- Wookiee species (pair with this voice mod)
- Ongree species
- Twi'lek mercenary
- Ithorian
- Chagrian
- Kaminoan
More lightsaber hilts:
- Plasma's Lightsaber Collection (All Star Wars movie, book, comic character hilts)
- Galactic Warriors Saber Pack
- Kahn D'halaine's Lightsaber
- Stormtrooper Hilt
- Aegis
- Demp2 Lightsaber Hilt
- Scout Blaster Lightsaber Hilt
- FC1 Flechette Lightsaber Hilt
- E-11 Blaster Lightsaber Hilt
- Heavy Repeater Lightsaber Hilt
- Bryar Pistol Lightsaber Hilt
- Broken staff sabers for SP
- The High Republic Inspired Lightsaber Hilt
- JSS Curved Sith Lightsaber Hilt
- Naruto X Star Wars sabers
- Ralph McQuarrie's concept sabers (Luke and Vader)
- Black Saber (Baal saber)
- WeaponsHD - The Sith Pack
- Tutorial Lightsaber
- Kyrios hilt
- Evil Genius hilt
- Z3-Filus / The Zefilus
- Wookiee Lightsaber Hilts
- Jaden Korr's Lightsaber
- Raven's Saber
- Kane's Lightsaber
To alter or expand the experience:
Overhauls or alterations:
- Prequel Conversion Mod
- Prequel Music Replacement
- Clone Wars Stances and Effects Mod v6
- Rosh the Rodian
- Single player mission expansion
- Anniversary Campaign Expansion
- Prequel Jedi NPCs
- Backhand Saber Styles
- No Shield Effect
- Blood+ Mod
- Kyle replacement
Major overhaul mods
- Galactic Legacy (SP)
- Movie Battles II (MP)
- Movie Duels (SP)
- Jedi Knight Galaxies (MP)
New story mods for singleplayer
- A New Beginning
- A Plot is Brewing in the Outer Rim
- Bespin Range
- Cloud City: Vader Story
- Crash on Tatooine
- Deception
- Epic Challenge Mod I • II • III • IV
- Escape Yavin IV
- Eve of Redemption
- Holocron Challenges
- Nina Anthology
- Survival Mod 2: Revenge of the Droids
- The Dark Alliance I • II • III
- The Dark Pastime (Chapter I only so far)
- The Ladder (JKA Version)
Giant list of Star Wars characters:
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (I, II, III, D+, IV)
- Anakin Skywalker (II, III or previous one)
- Qui-Gon Jinn
- Yoda
- Mace Windu
- Luke Skywalker (IV, V, VI, Pilot, VII)
- Rey (Dark Rey)
- Ahsoka Tano (TCW S4-6, TCW S7 & Mandalorian)
- Kanan Jarrus
- Bastila Shan
- Ki-Adi Mundi
- Plo Koon
- Quinlan Vos
- Aayla Secura (TCW)
- Depa Billaba
- Shaak Ti
- Tiplee & Tiplar
- Coleman Trebor
- Luminara Unduli
- Barriss Offee
- Kit Fisto (Original, Shirtless)
- Even Piell
- Eeth Koth
- Seasee Tiin
- Darth Maul (TPM, TCW, Shirtless, Rebels)
- Darth Vader
- Count Dooku
- Darth Sidious (Chancellor, Emperor)
- Darth Revan
- Kylo Ren
- Snoke
- Darth Malgus
- The Grand Inquisitor (Rebels)
- Savage Opress
- Asajj Ventress (Assassin, Alt, Bounty Hunter)
- Second Sister
- Leia Organa (Slave, VII)
- Din Djarin the Mandalorian
- Lando Calrissian
- General Grievous
- Han Solo
- Padme Amidala
- Jar Jar Binks
- Mara Jade
- Stormtroopers (IV-V, VI, VII)
- Clone Troopers (Phase II, Phase III)
- Battledroid
- Super Battle Droid
- Jango Fett
- Boba Fett
- Captain Phasma
- General Hux
- Finn (Resistance, Stormtrooper)
- Poe Dameron
- Jyn Erso
- Jabba the Hutt
- Captain Rex and the 501st