Our Rules
Don't be a jerk
Do not insult others, make personal attacks or hateful posts, or intentionally instigate arguments.This includes accepting newcomers who are looking for help. Instead of heavily criticizing and telling them to do it themselves, point them in the right direction and be helpful.
Don't post illegal or harmful content
In order to protect JKHub and our visitors legally, we cannot allow content that is either illegal or harmful. Some examples of content we cannot allow include:- Links to torrent sites or otherwise illegal software
- Links to DDoS attacks, browser crashes, malware, or otherwise harmful websites
- Pornography of any kind
Don't be obscene
JKHub is not necessarily family-friendly, and we have nothing against the use of expletives here and there. If you want to throw a stray 'fuck' into your post, go for it. That said, there is a difference between being off-color and being obscene. Please try not to be overly obscene. We are not interested in knowing your favorite sex position, or your porn collection.We encourage our users to behave in a non-offensive manner where possible.
Don't spam excessively
We're okay with an off-topic post here and there. However, please try to avoid excessive spam and off-topic posting. Keeping off-topic posts to a minimum will allow us to keep a reasonable ratio of high quality posts versus low quality posts. In the end, we're all here to talk about Jedi Academy, not your favorite cat pictures.Likewise, the use of scripts to download files without prior staff knowledge is expressly prohibited. Increasing your own download counts intentionally is also prohibited.
One account per person
You only need one account on the forums. If you are discovered to be the owner of more than one account, you will be notified and the remaining accounts will be merged with your first account or deleted. This goes for banned accounts too. We banned you for a reason, so please accept your punishment.Staff have the final say
Users are welcome and encouraged to question staff decisions if they feel these decisions are incorrect. That said, please understand that our staff has the final say when it comes to moderating threads and enforcing our rules. We reserve the right to edit or remove any content on our website for any reason we deem necessary.Please remember the staff is also human, and just trying to run this forum in the best possible way.
Contacting us
If you'd like to contact us for any reason, please visit our contact page.
Thank you for your interest in submitting your file to JKHub, please make sure you read all of the text below before submitting your file as this will improve the chances of your file being approved by one of the JKHub Staff.
Submitting a file
When you submit your file, you are aware that you take full responsibility for the content you upload and any files you outsource must have permission granted to you from the authors who created the content originally. Particularly with models, this includes content ported from other games. If you submit a model containing ported content, you will be required to prove you have permission, either inherently due to licensing (i.e. in case of free copyleft models) or from the original game's publisher. Barring that exception, we do not accept ports.Readme
It is required that you include a readme with your file to protect yourself from other websites which may rip your content from our site and host it elsewhere. Whilst the file page will contain this information, it wont follow your file if someone decides to host it elsewhere without your knowledge. Remember that this is for your benefit and helps us. Version numbers are important so we know which version we have in our archive. Contact info is also extremely important. The other things are added bonuses that are helpful to everyone.You can choose to copy and paste your readme in the file's page description, though we recommend only supplying the description of the mod in that area. Otherwise there will be duplicate info on the page.
You can find a template below which will help you. This template is an example of a readme and is optional. If you prefer to use another readme layout then you may. If you wish to use this one then please copy, paste, fill this in and include it in your .zip file.
------------------------------------------------------------ STAR WARS JEDI KNIGHT: JEDI ACADEMY MODIFICATION ------------------------------------------------------------ Author: Title and Version: Release Date: Description with installation instructions: External Content Used / Credits: ---------------------------------------------- THIS FILE IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN SOFTWARE, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS™ & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY, LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. -----------------------------------------------
How do I submit a file?
Please zip all your files, go to our Files area and click Submit File. Alternatively you can click here.My file is larger than 50mb
If your file is larger than 50mb then we suggest uploading it to somewhere like Dropbox, once done simply provide us with a link to that file by clicking "Link to a file" rather than "Click to Upload Files".I submitted my file x days ago, why isn't it approved?
The JKHub Staff have real lives outside of this website and community. Chances are, you submitted it a couple days ago. Be patient. We will get to it. There is a process we go through for every file, and it's more thorough than merely clicking a button. Some files will take longer, depending on the content it consists of. Need I remind you people of jk2files.com? If you ask us to approve your file immediately after uploading, that's obnoxious and we might end up holding it longer. Every staff member gets notifications for every file that is submitted. Getting a PM about it is just overkill and frankly annoying. Please don't be that guy.Ported Content
Any content taken from a source outside of Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy is considered "ported content" and is technically the legal property of the relevant copyright holder. This content is allowed in our file section with the stipulation that more than the bare minimum was done. Some kind of original work must be put into the mod.An example of the bare minimum we would allow: a playermodel ported from Fortnite must be fully weighted to the JKA skeleton and work correctly in the game with NPC files, MP icons or SP menu support and sounds. Simply pasting it in Blender and exporting it to GLM may seem good, but then isn’t tested beyond the "it works!" factor and doesn’t actually work with animations properly or any way to actually use it outside of the /model command. If you use content you didn’t create, put as much effort into the experience as possible to show you also know what you’re doing.
This is a very subjective policy and each case will be very different. But we feel that enough ported content is being made outside our Files section that we would be shooting ourselves in the foot if we didn’t allow it in some capacity. Our outlook has always been to encourage creators to do as much work themselves as possible when it comes to mods. Copying someone else’s work is never as honorable as creating it yourself, however a lot of knowledge can be gained from using another’s work.
The biggest part of this policy is honesty. You have to list where your content comes from. This has always been our policy, even with other modders’ content, but is even more important with ported content. You did not create it, so please do not pretend you did. Be as explicit as possible with your sources. Also be aware that your ported mods will be subject to termination if we ever get contacted by copyright holders.
We, JKHub staff, are not lawyers and will not provide legal counsel in any legal situation that comes up regarding your mod. If a copyright holder wants to take action beyond a Cease & Desist, a DMCA page can be found here.
Submitting a file that you DID NOT create
If you submit a file that is not yours, you must email the original author beforehand and ask permission for it to be uploaded to JKHub. You will also need to provide evidence (Preferably a screenshot within the file/file description) that the author has given you permission to upload it on their behalf.Permission granted
- You may submit the file to JKHub.
- In the file description you must state that you received permission to upload it.
- Include a screenshot of the authors response with timestamp (month/day/year) in case someone claims that you actually did not receive permission, when in fact you actually did.
- You must include the original readme file, untouched.
- You must include all original files, untouched.
- You must include a new readme explaining the steps taken to contact the author, and your email address and username (so we dont lose who uploaded it).
No response from author / Author cannot be contacted
If after 30 days you don't receive a response or the author cannot be contacted, then you may submit the file to JKHub. In the file description you must state that you attempted to contact the author and found that they were unreachable. The staff will then determine whether or not we feel the file can be uploaded to the site and will make sure that it is clear that the author could not be contacted. All files that fall under this criteria will be submitted under the JKHub account and reference who uploaded the file. Please note that the file may be taken down if the original author requests so.- You must include the original readme file, untouched.
- You must include all original files, untouched.
- You must include a new readme explaining the steps taken to contact the author, and your email address and username (so we dont lose who uploaded it).
Permission Denied
If you are denied permission from the original author, you may not under any circumstances upload the file in question. If it is proven that you have lied to the JKHub staff regarding file permissions then you may be penalized. If you made an attempt to contact the author and they reply after the 30 days (With the file on JKHub) then you must inform us of this.My/Our content was uploaded to JKHub without my permission
If we receive a report that a file contains content that has been uploaded without the original authors permission then it will no longer be accessible from our website. Evidence that you are the author must be provided to ensure false reports do not cause innocent files to be taken down. Please be aware that whilst we do take time to check files, we cannot verify for sure who is the owner of every file included in the upload and that the responsibility for checking these files for any unauthorized content belongs to the uploader and not JKHub.Removal procedure
- Private message a staff member listed here.
- Provide us with a link to the file(s) in question.
- Provide us as much information as you can about the situation including evidence that you are the owner of the file in question.
- Once a staff member receives the request, they will hide the file in question and contact the uploader of your file. The uploader will have 14 days to respond to your request and counter your claim. If this cannot be done then it will remain removed from our website permanently.
- The author always has full rights over their content, so even if the uploader did receive permission from yourself then you may still have it removed from our Files area.
Rules may be modified, removed, and/or added over time. To see the most up-to-date rules, always check this page.
In the past, reviews and comments were basically the same thing, with ratings being completely separate. Now since JKHub 2.0, reviews and ratings are one in the same, while comments exist as its own thing. This has created some confusion by some people, and misuse by others. Reviews and comments are quite different, and are exactly what they sound like they should be.
We highly recommend playing or using a mod/file before you bother giving it a review. If you want to give some simple praise or reaction, the comment section is perfect for that.
This does not mean you have to write an entire 3 paragraph analysis of the mod. It just means you need to actually put some thought and depth into your review. Did you rate it 5 stars? Why? Only 3? What can be improved?
What is a review?
A review IS
- an assessment of the content of a mod
- a descriptive and well written sentence or paragraph or more
- a constructive collection of criticisms and/or praises according to your subjective opinion and experience using/playing the mod.
Good Examples:
This map has such a wonderful attention to detail that really captures the location well. The lighting and music set the mood perfectly. Every room is unique and makes me want to just walk around an explore!
This is not a bad attempt, however I would improve the lighting in certain areas, some rooms are too dark, as well as some blocky brushwork around the outside areas. Other than that, the concept and layout is perfect and a great start to a really cool map that I can see people playing on clan and RP servers.
A review is NOT
- a one or two word reaction
- a simple impression from glancing at the screenshots
- a request for help or support with the mod/file
Bad Examples:
Awesome mod
Love this, nice job
A comment IS
- a short reaction
- a support question asking for help with the mod/file
- basically anything that isn't on the list below
A comment is NOT
- a review, obviously
- a spam post
- a advertisement for a similar mod with the intent to draw people away
Hopefully this will encourage people to use the mod before giving it a perfect rating, but also avoid spamming the review section with one or two word reactions, instead of well-thought out reviews that help others know more about how the mod is and if it's something they'd be interested in taking the time trying out.
This server is temporary for the anniversary. We plan to keep it around until the end of the year. Right now, the JKHub server is running basejka+ (OpenJK base) but will most likely change depending on things going on and events planned. Currently we are still in the planning phase, and nothing crazy like tournaments are going to happen. This server is meant to be a casual spot for people to join and hang out. The default setting is FFA with no time limit, saber and jump3 only. Voting for gametype and map is enabled, so feel free to change it to what you want, just be mindful of what is going on with the rest of the server. This is a very hands-off server, we won't have admins on much at all, and we are not responsible for the actions of others on the server. If there are repeat offenders that ruin things, then that is one thing, but if someone hurts your feelings and you want justice, take a break from the computer for awhile or find another server.
Our server rules are basically the same as our forum rules at the top of this page. The below list is loosely enforced but strongly encouraged.
Core rules:
- Don't be a jerk, first and foremost. The easiest and simplest rule. This includes creating a hostile environment towards others. Respect others and play nice.
- Speak in English when possible. Occasional non-English conversations are fine.
- Laming is allowed, unless someone is extremely upset by it. This goes back to the first rule: don't be a jerk.
- Recruiting is allowed on our server, to an extent. Spamming recruitment messages, just like spamming anything, is annoying
- Try to stick with one name. If you use multiple aliases, make one your own, at least in this clan. It gets confusing to newcomers, and especially those that don't speak good English.
- Swearing is allowed, but insults are not. Keep drama to a minimum. If you have an issue with a member, bring it to the attention of the council, take a break, cool off. Starting petty squabbles is silly.
- Voting is enabled on the server, however if people deny your request for a map or gametype change, don't spam it. You could find yourself vote kicked for being obnoxious. And don't vote for a change if people are genuinely having a good time where they're at. Even if you get majority to vote for yours, those that didn't want it might never come back to our server.
- Keep clan drama on your own clan servers. Discussing other clans is fine but starting clan wars and causing inter-clan drama is obnoxious and not welcome.
You can find the server at /connect jk3.in or in the server list as JKHub.org