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Star Wars Episode III JKA Map Pack - Part 3

   (13 reviews)

10 Screenshots

About This File

Hey peeps,


This, the final of my episode III mappacks, I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have making them.


This pack includes:

  • The Galactic Senate
  • The Battle of Kashyyy
  • And a special sneak peak at the Vaders Immortalization chamber featured at the end of episode III.


The Senate

I had to make a big decision in this map; I mean the shire size of the senate from the movies is pretty Impossible to recreate in radiant, I had to make a SERIOUSE cut back on the amount of pads I added, however I did include over 160 pods in the map some of which are interactive; it also features the blade doors and central elevator as seen in the movie.


Don't forget to hold the usetime button found on the main floor of the map - it will alter the map so that it appears destroyed just like after Yoda and Sidy fight.



The detail in this map was kept to a minimum; however some with lower spec pc's will indeed have problems with fps. due to the size and nature of the map so sorry about that. I included some of the best vehicle models in one of the zip files,

these are the ones I included in the map, I had intended to use all new kashyyyk vehicles but I don't think they were completed in time one way or the other.


Vader's immortalization chamber

This is a special bonus map only two rooms as it is a sneak peak of the full map which will include the landing pad etc.


The next release in the mappack series, as I have stated before will not include any new episode III maps, but it will feature all of the previous maps but in the completed form. In a way all of the maps in the mappacks have been Betas, for the complete release that I plan to get to you around Christmas.

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Lardo, diogocs195 and leon82 like this

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What are the map's names to enter in the console?

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