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About This File

This is loosely based on the academy version 3 by Virtue. Has dueling areas and some climbing areas. Updates are as follows.

This map works for both jk3 and jk2. I'm releasing it for jk3, but if you put this version in jk2 it is 100% compatible. Hopefully jkhub can put under both games.

Version 1.01 updates
-added bar
-tried to fix missing textures, misaligned textures, errors people found
-added Yoda statue
-partially updated academy room

Version 1.02 updates
-added extensive temple walls in large outdoors area
-updated bar
-made the academy temple scalable with Millennium falcon at top
-added water and waterfalls with cave over the temple

Version 1.03 updates
-Added yavin ship hanger
-tried to connect duel rooms area to rest of map
-added elf base
-updated bar some
-tarp over falcon
-added detail to some of the hallways

Version 1.04 updates
-added to elf base
-added rooms to duel rooms
-added Taspir dueling pad and mountains around it
-expanded the stuff around the main temple
-fixed Yoda statue and bugs

Version 1.05 updates
-expanded large outside area
-fixed areas you can fall through base
-added announcement board\updated elf base

Version 1.06 updates
-fixed (i think) the interference map was causing with some base textures
-made the three mountains significantly higher
-added library
-added duel room
-bug fixes
-tried to add boat area although they aren't showing up unless one is in the void looking at them for some reason.

Version 1.07 updates
-worked on outside terrain
-added beta thermal detonator room
-mainly worked on redoing mountain climbs

Version 1.08 updates
-added more sewers 
-got boats working
-added new large outside area
-updated upstairs duel room
-fixed errors

Version 1.09
-worked on last versions large outdoor area
-added another large outdoor area with a 4th mountain climb for the map

Version 1.10
-added H-mountain
-added outdoor area
-added new route to council room
-expanded elf base some

Version 1.11
-added I-Mountain
-added new associated outside area with massive temple

Version 1.12
-bug fixed
-added new maze mountain part 2 area. unfortunately it is so massive that it's not actually done but I have a good start worth playing

Version 1.13
-finished maze mountain part 2, which was adding about 5000 more brushes
-added 3rd elf base

Version 1.14
-modified maze mountain further
-added strafe pads
-added distance jump pads
-added roll pads room
-added giant jump room
-starting to get ERROR 
MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS (131072) exceeded
so I had to merge some of my trisoups to get it to compile

Version 1.15
-added some random step to get out of areas 
-finished the mountain finally
-added new corridors to main room
-replaced all the trigger_teleporters to get rid of cl_incline error when run it on jkmv (jk2)

Version 1.16
-Mostly bug fixes. Hopefully fixed the missing statue issue
-added two new jump challenges asa well
-hope this will be final version of the map.

Version 1.17
-mostly bug fixes people found
-fixed maze mountain exploits people have found so far
-added new jump room


as above. Borrowed textures and grill from Reyor-Wan Semaj's DextersDiner 2003 map.
This is a link to the 2003 readme from dextersdiner
https://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Outcast/Maps/Free For All/15496/
Used Szico's model reference guide
Borrowed texture of jedi's home flag
Borrowed textures from ffa_tmbj

Map Information:
New Textures: yes
New Music: yes
New sounds: yes
New Models: yes

Game types are ffa, duel

Compile Information
basic compile


Worldspawn Information

_lightmapscale 5
ambient 8
_distancecull 16384
_chopsize 0
_blocksize 0


1) You may need to run com_hunkmegs 256 or 512 on this map as it's getting large.
2) If you play the map in jk2 you may need the developer version of JKMV rather than the official release so that
it does not hit max shaders issue and other max issues
3) in main room you can see a corridor through skybox. Not sure how to fix this. You can also see the boats randomly through
many skyboxes


* How to install * 

Just put the Faru.pk3 in your GameData\base game directory


This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

Edited by Circa

What's New in Version 1.21


Version 1.21
-added three new paths to the side mountains so that they could be found easier-
-reduced brush count
-fixed random errors
-merged many of the posters into two textures to reduce max shaders errors that some get


OCD2, Thunder., McGroose and 4 others like this

User Feedback

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10/10 map

love the hidden mountain tucked away in it 😄



The map is very good. Very large, the setting is interesting.



I've loved your maps since your "Exploration" map all the way back in 2006. For me, nothing will beat the latest update on your Expedition map, although this does come certainly close. This is another top tier map for JK2



Is there another map on JKHub updated as frequently and taken care of as Faru? 😄 Great support!



Do you have a link to the version of the song on this map? I can't seem to find the right one anywhere.



It was various mixes of Elden Ring theme music that youtubers did namely Zak Castle, Ru Pianao, and Alina Gingertail. There might have been another in there but those are the ones I can remember. I merged 4-5 of them.

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