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359 files

  1. RPG Carida

    This is a map I made in 2009 and which I am uploading mostly for archival purposes, but also for that modern audience that still has use for maps geared towards roleplaying.
    The map features a fairly well-detailed military base with all the rooms that most role playing situations might require. To broaden the scope and utility of the map, it also includes a small town with starport and several shops and domiciles. Furthermore, the gunship functions as a teleporter to a ''killhouse zone' which might function as a practice area for urban combat. Likewise, the town itself leads into a short cave area that might serve to more options for different kinds of roleplay.


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  2. Devil's Cauldron

    This map is the result of a sarlacc eating a dueling arena and then getting busy with a volcano.
    The Devil's Cauldron could be considered a duel map because of its smaller size, but it's great for FFA as well. The atmosphere has a volcano feel. There is a dueling platform in the middle surrounded by lava. There are narrow walkways above the dueling platform as well.


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  3. Nightmare

    This is a horror-themed multiplayer map based on the gameplay of "Slender" by Parsec Productions.
    The map was made to accomodate Halloween and horror-type events of my clan {Jedi of Freedom} (Find us here --> jofacademy.eu)
    How to play (Suggestion):
    *Highly* suggest you disallow jumping/strafing for this. 
    Depending on the number of participants, designate one or two players the role of Slenderman. 
    Those players will then disperse roaming around the map trying not to "camp" any specific positions. 
    Everyone else remains at spawn awaiting the signal to start looking for pages.
    Players cannot fight back against Slenderman. Slenderman can use force grip, speed and lightsaber to hunt enemies.
    To initiate the game the host needs to teleport to the admin room located at ( 0 , 0 , -100 ) and press the button designated as "SPAWN 10 RANDOM PAGES".
    There are 19 possible page locations, of which 10 will be activated and spawn their pages after the button is pressed.
    Happy hunting!
    Installation Instructions:
    ->If you are using the base game client (jamp.exe) and not an OpenJK build/fork as your client (which you should be, it's 2021 at this point) place the file "zz_nightmareJAMP.pk3" into your installation directory, under ".../GameData/base/".
    ->If you are using an OpenJK build or a fork of it, place "zz_nightmare.pk3" in your directory instead.
    The difference between the two versions are grass sprites in the shaders of textures that default JAMP doesn't handle properly. This issue is fixed in the OpenJK builds.
    External Content Used / Credits:
    -Modeling, scripting help, ideas, advice, shadering, emotional support, venting outlet, moderately infuriating visionary - Milamber
    -Ideas, troubleshooting - Havoc, Toxiee, DxGuy, Weske, PreFX, inspired by Ramikad's Slender map
    -Shader extraordinaire - mjt
    -Music - "Slender The Arrival OST: No Friends", by artist Mark J Hadley
    -Page textures are originally of the videogame "Slender: The Eight Pages" by Parsec Productions.
    -Vehicle models "truck_scaled.md3" and "br_suv4.md3", ported and modified from "BlackRayne's Map Model Pack", originally created by Lt1 and Black Rayne studios, converted for JK2/JK3 and released by Szico VII on JKHub.org (https://jkhub.org/files/file/1960-blackraynes-map-model-pack/)
    -Miscellaneous textures: Sketcup Texture Club (https://www.sketchuptextureclub.com/)
    -Angel statue by "misterdevious" (https://sketchfab.com/misterdevious), licensed for use under "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)" license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/). The use of this work in my map is in no way endorsed by the model's creator, Sketchfab.com, or the license itself.
    Changes to the statue made by Milamber include reconstruction in low poly, removal of the lower base portion, and reprojecting the texture detail onto the low poly model as well as some minor texture modifications.


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  4. Costa Del Sol

    This map was made for the 2021 JKhub summer contest and based off Final Fantasy 7 references to Costa del sol from the original game and Crisis Core. Also took influence from the Final Fantasy 7 remake. Some areas in this map are never seen in any version of the Final Fantasy games so that’s where I took some creative liberties. Couple picks ups to be found and some jump challenges for strafers. Map is also fun to fly on or other events.
    Lighting not fully done...wanted to use external light maps and blend the terrain more but ran out of time.
    MJT: https://jkhub.org/profile/4531-mjt/

    Map Info:
    Map Name: costadelsol
    Released: Sept 14th
    Filesize: bsp 20mb
    Version: 1.0
    Build Time: 6 weeks
    Brush Count: 9121
    FFA / TFFA / Duel
    Botrouting: no
    New Music: Yes      (Best to play map with music on!!!!)
    New Textures: Yes
    New Shaders: Yes
    New Sounds: No
    New Models: Yes
    New NPC: Yes  <---- had to remove last min too buggy
    New Skybox: Yes
    Source .MAP file inside the pk3.
    Feel free to use anything SephFF or MJT has made in this map for your own maps made for Jedi Academy. I only ask that you give proper credit. If you want to port the map for a different game, you will need to request permission.
    Tho boat sometimes does not move so requires a map restart to work also if a player blocks the boats movment it will mess up the animations for a full loop cycle of the animation intill it resets on its own.
    Programs Used:
    NetRadiant -20210105
    SephFF Brush work, patches, skybox, custom textures, layout of lvl and structural brushes/details, player spawns, TFFA spawns, transition cam and lots of testing and compiling.
    MJT (CO-Author): Made barrel npc/model light maps and helped with countless shaders, and building tips remaps. Made the terrain and added waterfall and textured itmes in blender for smooth transitions....this dude does black magic.
    mrwonko: Blender tools and Animation/scripting using ROFF in blender of the boat in the water like a boss (black magic)
    Ashurdax: helped clip impossible to clip stairs with their 3ds max plugin
    Somaz: Blender tools and mapping tips
    Niger: Helped with showing me some alpha shader tips and sky box is based a person named ydnar off his shaderlabs 1337
    DarthLekku: Shared with me the shader to get the fish to look all fish like.
    Helena Ravan: Mapping tips and testing found all kinds of things for me to fix
    Shadow: helped with roof and bollard's on the dock and testing
    Szico: Horizon blending / alpha shader tutorial found on JKhub
    Also some ground grass and rock textures came from textures.com
    Place the costadelsol.pk3 into your gamedata/base folder.
    Run map commands:
    To play this map not a server pull down the console with (shift + `) then type /devmap costadelsol
    To spawn NPC /npc spawn barrel_costa


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  5. Dark Forces II - Jedi Battleground

    Dark Forces II - Jedi Battleground
    This map is a remake of Dark Forces II - Jedi Knight's 16th level, the fourth boss fight - Jedi Battleground.
    Game Modes:
    Power Duel
    Bot support: NO
    New Textures
    New Shaders (including a working rainsurf shader)
    New Sounds (taken from the original Dark Forces II)
    New Models 

    Copy jk1_jedibattleground.pk3 to your base folder.

    Delete jk1_jedibattleground.pk3 from your base folder.

    Special thanks:
    (MKBK)Luke - testing


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  6. kameHouse

    Kame House from Dragonball.
    This is something I've thrown together for the Summer-themed Mod Contest. 

    Credits are inside the .pk3


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  7. Dark Forces II - Ruusan

    Dark Forces II - Ruusan
    This map is a remake of Dark Forces II - Jedi Knight's 14th level, the third boss fight - The Revenge.
    Game Modes:
    Power Duel
    Bot support: NO
    New Textures
    New Shaders (including a working rainsurf shader)
    New Sounds (taken from the original Dark Forces II)
    New Models 

    Copy jk1_ruusan.pk3 to your base folder.

    Delete jk1_ruusan.pk3 from your base folder.

    Special thanks:
    (MKBK)Luke - hint brushes, testing, etc...


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  8. Dark Forces II - Sulon Star

    Dark Forces II - Sulon Star
    This map is a remake of Dark Forces II - Jedi Knight's 11th level, the second boss fight - The brothers of the Sith.
    Game Modes:
    Power Duel
    Bot support: NO
    New Textures
    New Shaders
    New Sounds (taken from the original Dark Forces II)
    New Models (8t88 droid model and its textures - taken from the original Dark Forces II)

    Copy jk1_sulonstar.pk3 to your base folder.

    Delete jk1_sulonstar.pk3 from your base folder.

    Special thanks:


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  9. Dark Forces II - Dark Palace

    Dark Forces II - Dark Palace
    This map is a remake of Dark Forces II - Jedi Knight's 7th level, the first boss fight - Yun the Dark Youth.
    I've been working on these JK1 bossfight maps for ages now, but during the quarantine I managed to finish some of it.
    Game Modes:
    Power Duel
    Bot support: NO
    New Textures
    New Shaders
    New Sounds (taken from the original Dark Forces II)

    Copy jk1_darkpalace.pk3 to your base folder.

    Delete jk1_darkpalace.pk3 from your base folder.
    Special thanks:
    (MKBK)Luke - helping around with the buggy shader I wrote and tweaking with the lampthings on the ceiling.


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  10. SC Island

    A simple island map with palms and bushes. I had really little time to work on it these months, so it's not as fully developed as I would have wanted, but I really wanted to bring out something for the contest and overall I feel like it's a nice map to relax to the sweet music of Manaan and the sounds of ocean waves. The most glaring issue is the lack of any lighting (the island shadows are baked on the terrain model), and the trees don't have collisions. It's really mostly for eyecandy with all the trees and for sniping from treacherous bushes or unsuspecting horsetails.
    An issue I can't really fix is with tree LODs, which are broken in singleplayer.
    I also included the original .map file, in case anyone wanted to mess around with it.
    To install, unpack the file sc_island.pk3 into your GameData/Base folder. To uninstall, remove the file sc_island.pk3 from the GameData/Base folder.
    Feel free to use any of the trees and bushes in this map - that's also a reason I wanted to bring this out, in case anyone was interested.


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  11. lw_pool

    A Pool map i made for the Contest


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  12. Wayland Rebel Outpost

    Wayland Rebel Outpost
    Wayland was an imperial base but now rebels captured it. The greatest Jedi named Luke Skywalker helped rebels to capture the base and now they import weapons and ammunitions also improve defense. They are don't know yet what empire's plans are for this base... Here begins a dark story that leads to the horrors of any civilian.
    Author: Gigabyte
    Gametype: ffa/tffa (free for all/team deathmatch)
    Release Date: 03.08.2021
    Version: 2.0
    Name: ffa_wayland_2.0.zip
    Map assistance:
    ✅ Bot route support
    ✅ Hp/armor instant packs
    ✅ Weapon/ammo
    ✅ Afk npc
    ⚙️ If you have any trouble with textures try to delete other zzzmod.pk3 (don't touch assets)
    Possible config values for optimal gameplay:
    /r_vertexLight 0
    /r_gamma 1, the default changeable /r_gamma 1.1, /r_gamma 1.2
    How to install
    1. Extract the folder
    2. Copy or replace ffa_wayland.pk3 in GameData/base directory
    3. Enjoy and play with friends or inspect map in solo game
    Also you can use console to start the map type: /map ffa_wayland


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  13. YT-2000e transport freighter

    I was approached by a JKA player named DarthValeria about making a map for his Machinima project.
    He wanted a YT-2000 Freighter.
    I went ahead and built this map using the YT-2000 Freighter as basis, and drew some inspiration from Sith-J-Cull's Falcon.
    No weapons added or items, Map supports Duel and casual FFA, but mostly designed with Roleplay in mind.
    Source file for map: yt2000e_source.map (Included inside PK3)
    Feel free to use this map for your own purposes, no credit needed but is appreciated.
    BSP/Map name: yt2000e
    Creator: ZidZabre
    Website: http://zidzabre.com
    Botroutes: Yes
    New Content: No
    BaseJKA: Yes


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  14. FFA Bespin City

    This was an old project i decided to dig upp and patch up and just finish.
    This map is a new version of one of my old maps "New FFA Bespin".
    JKHubs link: https://jkhub.org/files/file/335-new-ffa-bespin/
    I wanted to add more to it, and expand on the map.
    Source file for map: ffa_bespin_city_source.map (Included inside PK3)
    Feel free to use this map for your own purposes, no credit needed but is appreciated.


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  15. reQthillz

    ======= info =======
    A map i never rl finished ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    i decided to make it public, its not realy done but dunno when and how i update or finish it anyway
    i recommend u use /r_vertexlight 0 for that map, graphic looks more leet that way
    ======= Contact =======
    ======= How to install ======
     put the .pk3 file into the Base folder 
    /map reqthill
    here are the thingies you can do on that map
    0:10 - entry
    0:20 - functional main hall
    0:30 - mirror arena with a button to roll in the mirrors
    0:50 - poster button that also roll in the mirrors 
    1:00 - the platform in the center has a button for a pole
    1:10 - button, left from the entry removes the center platform
    1:25 - the yoda poster left from the entry spawns a kyle on the center
    1:40 - button, right from the entry adds some extra poles in the center
    1:45 - the yoda poster right from the entry adds some extra poles around teh circle and in the center
    2:15 - on the oposite side, the vader poster pulls up a floor of glas wich covers the main hall
    as you see, you can use the mainhall arena, in diffrent functionaly ways as you wish
    the buttons itself i just randomly placed i was aiming forward for some all in one spot or just admin only button  ¯\_(%)_/¯ 
    room1 - 2:45
    3:10 - i tried to bring in my 1:1 realife living room for the lulz
    3:45 - want some kebap?
    4:00 - on the other side is the strafe room
    4:35 - jump in the poster at the end of the jumps for the extra part
    4:40 - its basicly the way back and can be used for some races
    if you jump to high btw, u triggerig the teleback, at the end there is a kappa poster you can also use to tp back to start
    5:05 - this is where my jka roots memories kick in, after i decided to remove the racing park arena and bring in this room here, i basicly created way back 2008 around and added it in to fill that spot
    the room itself can be used aswell for some nice arcade actions or what eva u want 
    5:20 - buttons for the tent, its on some parts buggy i know ..
    6:10 the dark room
    thats it bruz, have pwn


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  16. FFA Temple Grounds

    I decided to try getting back into map creation for JKA as a side hobby.
    So i made this FFA map just to get a few things out of my system.
    The map is Korriban themed, and very FFA centric, with a duel room for those who wish to just chill and duel.
    Source file for map: ffa_temple_grounds.map (Included inside PK3)
    Feel free to use this map for your own purposes, no credit needed but is appreciated.
    It's all base JKA.
    It has bot support.


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  17. Hoth Assault (FFA/TFFA/Duel)

    Based on the siege hoth map.
    * .bsp name: hoth_assault (replaces version 1 that was bugged)
    * .map source file included
    * FFA/TFFA/Duel map. Duel gametype with different spawnpoints.
    * No Botroutes.
    Author : MD
    Gametype: FFA/TFFA/Duel
    Release Data: 12 May 2021
    File Version: 2.0
    File Name: hoth_assault.zip
    Extract the archive and put the hoth_assault.pk3 file into GameData/base folder.
    Also you can use console to start the map type: /map hoth_assault
    NOTE: If you are using the original file i uploaded before, this one replaces it!
    - ~#mad.
    - ^BLITZKRIEG! (kata and wrg for ideas and finding bugs, etc).
    - Raven Software / the creator of original siege_hoth map.


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  18. Jedi's Home III - Temple Edition

    Jedi's Home III (3) is a continuation of a community favorite map series "Jedi's Home 1 & 2". In my earliest JKA days I remember these maps as many of us do. A lot of mixed memories but most of all I remember the many communities that used those maps, the hours they spent hunting the secrets! I wanted to bring that back, to capture it in all of its glory and then maximize it with what JKA can handle. To bring all of that back and then expand on it just enough to hint at some thing bigger to come; above all I wanted you all to come back together the way we all once were. 
    I hope this map helps you make new memories with your JKA families and friends. 

    Now on a technical side this map is insane! Not to toot my own horn but wow! This was 7 years of work. A lot of it spent hard core dedicated to it, other times personal life came into play. I made sure to include many of the classic Jh1/2 Secrets and to expand even more by adding new one's and "Easter Egg" hunts. This map was a huge group effort in many ways, from bug testing, various models, input and guidance, testing servers, Guinea pigs,  and just down right random helpers. From day one it has been a community effort! 

    Known bugs -  some times when not using the reflection plug in some spots under certain lighting conditions can look strange here and there. (Just a few spots).  
    This map is huge, as such it can take a bit to load, don't freak out. These and many other issues will be fixed in the Jedi's Home 3.5 update coming next December.

    A special shout out to  the following. 

    AshuraDx -  This guy is really awesome, he's really into perspective and illusions -  So you can thank him for the creepy Palpatine painting and Ackbar!!!
    Anoek - What can I say, if there is a heart in this map it was her. I'm sorry about what happened. I left your stuff just as you asked.
    Thank you for every thing. 
    Helena of Clan Jawa - I swear this woman drove me nuts for so long about the angle of the stairs in the archives it drove me to totally rebuild the stairs all together! In other words ❤️ thank you for all your support and techy help as well as the inspiration for the furtniture. (Sadly due to texture limitations I wasn't able to use any of your models) I did rebuild a likeness of your chair for this in .map for what I needed.) Any who point is she is the grandma of this map!!! 
    You got a place in the senate hall check it out!!!
    Robert - I based the main room of the Sith base on a map he built long ago though his heart was in it he never got to release that map. Well I loved it soo much and remembered how hard her worked for the look I decided to rebuild it and put it in this map. She's immortal now Robert. 😛 All Wings Report In!
    If you ever get the itch to dled this and try it. Be sure to take a good look at the table you start at in df2. (Remember the cut scene before it - It deals with fathers.)
    Shadow Stone - You started the entire series and launched a legend! I hope this brings the community together the way your first 2 did!
    Ruxith - For all the beautiful chrome statues you see through the building and of course my beloved crowbar! 
    To so many others, thank you. This map has been a community affort! I hope it paves the way to bringing us all back together! To the future!
    Jkhub - for hosting the file and Mr Wonko who we all know will grab this just like everything for safe keeping. Ty mate we ❤️ your service!
    Perso - Cleaned up the beautiful main music! 😄 Sounds beautiful!
    The entire (JAWA) clan especially Helena! They helped out a lot in the early days, from ideas to hosting it on the server for me to stress test and idea toss. and soo much more!
    Thank you guys for every thing, memories included. No hard feelings.
    JAO (Jedi Academy Order) For the support and being my guinea pigs in the later days! Give some love to the RP community visit them @ https://jao.jcink.net/ or join their server /connect

    Lastly Thank YOU! 

    AngelModder - Peace Love and May the Force guide your heart.


       (20 reviews)



  19. banana-beta0.2

    Might as well release this first piece that I worked on. I was working on this just before putting my attention on the JoF Temple.
    There was a time when JoF server map was permanently Jedi's Home II. I wanted something more, so I decided to make an epic map that would replace the JH2 with superior fun and function. 
    I was innocent and did not know anything about fps or area portals back then. This was the first map I attempted to release, and this is the first version that was tested with a group of people. Most them had unplayable fps, at least in the above portion of the map; the underground was playable by many. I dropped this map at that point. The map has only ambient light, so it might be bit dark. 
    I really do enjoy the layout still ^^ This definitely is a piece of me I put a lot of heart in. Wanted to upload it here for safe keeping 🙂 Check it out if you like 


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  20. M3m0 Duel Map ver1.2 - by M3m0

    :: M3m0 Duel Map v1.2 beta FFA :: - by M3m0
    Thank you for download my map
    This room is for a duel fight Jedi vs. Sith, I hope you will like my work, the map is still under construction so I give you a beta ver.1.2
    all copyrights are reserved,
    Designed and created is M3m0_Be
    Maps is ony for FFA fight for JK3 game ::
    all it takes is to download the folder open the rar and file m3map1_2.pk3  to \LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base
    and enjoy
    Thank you for Download my map


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  21. Yavin Plaza

    - Yavin Plaza -
    Author : Gigabyte
    Gametype: FFA/TFFA
    Release Data: 27.01.2020
    File Version: 2.0
    File Name: ffa_yavinplaza.zip
    - Assistance -
    Botroute support HP / ARMOR Weapon / Boon Entity : 99 ________________________
    - Description -
    Jan and Kyle travelled together but enemies were close Desann is waiting for them...  
    - How to Install -
    1) Extract the Folder
    2) Copy or replace ffa_yavinplaza.pk3 in Gamedata/base directory
    3) Enjoy and play with friends or inspect the map in solo game
    Also you can use console to start the map type: /map ffa_yavinplaza


       (1 review)



  22. Gliese Streets

    - Gliese Streets -
    Author : Gigabyte
    Gametype : FFA / TFFA
    Release Date : 31.07.2020
    File Version : 1.0
    File Name : ffa_gliese.zip
    Creation Time :  16 hours
    - Assistance -
    Botroute support HP / ARMOR Weapons / Boon / Ammo Entity : 50 Structural Brushes : 821 Detail Brushes : 211 Light Entites : 141 _______________________
    - How to install -
    1. Extract the folder
    2. Copy or replace ffa_gliese.pk3 in GameData/base directory
    3. Enjoy and play with friends or inspect map in solo game
    Also you can use console to start the map type : /map mp/ffa_gliese
    - Contacts -
    Discord: Gigabyte#1615
    Discord Server: Cyberlife Official
    E-mail: jkagiga@gmail.com
    Supported languages : English, Russian.


       (1 review)



  23. Battle Bar Arena

    First time test map! To load it, please use the menu or /devmap battlebar1
    Please unzip the BattleBar.zip folder and extract the contents to your Base folder.


       (3 reviews)



  24. Nostalgic Hothworld!

    Hi, I make maps in small steps, and I realized that before releasing a big map, need to do something small.
    Remember how you played CS at a young age? Experience nostalgia with this map in the game.
    100% accurate of fy_iceworld geometry.
    Enjoy :3


       (4 reviews)



  25. FFA Executor Bridge

    Author: Lwkill
    This is a Christmas gift for the community 
    Install: put the pk3 in your gamedata/base folder
    deinstall: remove the pk3 from your gamedata/base folder ^^ 
    mapname: mp_imp_exec
    if you find bugs pm me 


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