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======= info =======

A map i never rl finished ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

i decided to make it public, its not realy done but dunno when and how i update or finish it anyway

i recommend u use /r_vertexlight 0 for that map, graphic looks more leet that way

======= Contact =======


======= How to install ======

 put the .pk3 file into the Base folder 

/map reqthill


here are the thingies you can do on that map


0:10 - entry
0:20 - functional main hall
0:30 - mirror arena with a button to roll in the mirrors
0:50 - poster button that also roll in the mirrors 
1:00 - the platform in the center has a button for a pole
1:10 - button, left from the entry removes the center platform
1:25 - the yoda poster left from the entry spawns a kyle on the center
1:40 - button, right from the entry adds some extra poles in the center
1:45 - the yoda poster right from the entry adds some extra poles around teh circle and in the center
2:15 - on the oposite side, the vader poster pulls up a floor of glas wich covers the main hall

as you see, you can use the mainhall arena, in diffrent functionaly ways as you wish
the buttons itself i just randomly placed i was aiming forward for some all in one spot or just admin only button  ¯\_(%)_/¯ 

room1 - 2:45
3:10 - i tried to bring in my 1:1 realife living room for the lulz
3:45 - want some kebap?

4:00 - on the other side is the strafe room
4:35 - jump in the poster at the end of the jumps for the extra part
4:40 - its basicly the way back and can be used for some races
if you jump to high btw, u triggerig the teleback, at the end there is a kappa poster you can also use to tp back to start

5:05 - this is where my jka roots memories kick in, after i decided to remove the racing park arena and bring in this room here, i basicly created way back 2008 around and added it in to fill that spot
the room itself can be used aswell for some nice arcade actions or what eva u want 
5:20 - buttons for the tent, its on some parts buggy i know ..
6:10 the dark room

thats it bruz, have pwn

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

Smoo, ooeJack and PreFXDesigns like this

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the map itself had no real intend, it was first a build up mainly to see how mapping works

during the years i added some stuff and removed some

if you dont have a server you can aswell use the sR server wich is this one here #sOul/2eaperz_-

also you can join our discord channel for some inputs, or generaly hang out with the still remaining sR com




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