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Single Player

110 files

  1. Star Wars: Galactic Legacy

    The Star Wars Galaxy has left a legacy spanning many decades, with more to come. Now, a team of modders made up of former members of the Knights of the Force 2.1 mod have come together to provide the ultimate Star Wars sandbox experience.
    Choose your character, create your own stories! Or take a step back through history, and play through moments from the Star Wars films, The Clone Wars, Knights of the Old Republic, and more!
    From the characters and worlds spanning the Star Wars Legends continuity to the more recent Star Wars Disney canon, the time has come to craft your own Galactic Legacy!
    - A wide selection of characters, ranging across the Skywalker Saga, Knights of the Old Republic, the original Expanded Universe, and Disney's Canon
    - 7 Fully playable missions, including the iconic Duel of the Fates with alternate storylines, Revan vs. Malak from Knights of the Old Republic, Operation: Knightfall, and more! With even more to come!
    - A fully customizable NPC system, allowing you to customize an NPC's health, appearance, alignment, and behaviors.
    - An active and passionate development team


       (2 reviews)



  2. Jedi Academy: Enhanced

    Jedi Academy: Enhanced is a mod for Jedi Academy Single Player which adds features and improvements to the core experience of the base game like RGB sabers, saber customization, saber holstering, new force powers, some extra character customization options using “head swapping”, optionally allows you to use AJL's SFX Sabers, and more. Full list of features and changes below.
    This is for new or old players who want to play through the single player story of Jedi Academy with some enhancements and new features without completely overhauling the core vision of the game.
    This was intended to be an even bigger collection of mods that improve it, and with many more features, but progress is slow. We release when we feel there's big enough of a change or addition. If you are interested in helping with the project, check our forum.
    For more improvement mods like HD textures, fonts, models, etc. please see JKHub's big list of recommended mods.
    It's based on OpenJK (so the code is released under the GPL and available at [https://github.com/JAEnhanced/OpenJK/]) and a slightly modified version (for SP) of AJL's SFX Saber code. It also uses Open Jedi Project code for TrueView.
    Main coding done by @redsaurus
    Features and Commands
    All OpenJK features and fixes. RGB Sabers • These can be set in the menus or by setting the sabercolor to a hex code in the console - for example "sabercolor 1 xff0000" will set the first lightsaber blade to be red. It is possible to set the sabercolors of NPCs by setting their sabercolor to a hex code in the .npc file. If you want to set one sabercolor for base and one for this mod, you can set the sabercolor of the NPC or lightsaber to the base value, and sabercolorRGB to the RGB value for this mod. Higher blade numbers are set with saberColorRGB2, saber2ColorRGB3, etc. SFX Sabers • SFX Sabers can be enabled in the console by setting cg_SFXSabers to 1. This is on by default, allows for more vibrant and high quality saber blades. Ignition Flare • A lightsaber ignition flare can be enabled in the console by setting cg_ignitionFlare to 1. A custom ignition flare can be specified for a lightsaber with "ignitionFlare <shader>" in the .sab file. Ignition twirl animation disable • If that little twirl of the saber that you do in SP when activating it bothered you, you can now disable it to be more like MP with g_noIgniteTwirl 1. Disable idle animations • Use the command g_UseIdleAnims 0 to disable them. Very helpful when taking screenshots. Saber Holsters • Lightsabers are now holstered on the belt when not in use. A tag_holsterorigin can be added to a hilt for better placement. Adding "holsterPlace <none/hips/back/lhip>" in the .sab file specifies where a hilt will be holstered. Currently broken, default is right hip for now. Headswapping • Several new heads are available for the human male and human female species. You can add your own heads - see the .headswap files in the sp_custom.pk3 for examples. NPCs can have heads set using the playerHeadModel and customHeadSkin commands in their .npc file. RGB Character Colors • Adds an RGB slider option to all player species. Better Entity Spawning • The /spawn command now supports entity keys, e.g. "spawn fx_runner fxFile the/file". .eent files • Maps now load entities from mapentities/mapname.eent in addition to loading them from the .bsp file. MP Movement • Not identical to MP but close. Allows for bunny hopping and less "slide" effect when moving. g_bunnyhopping 1. Also in the menu. Extra Player Tints • (Unused) Playermodels are able to have multiple tints. If you enter “newPlayerTint 0 <R> <G> <B>”, any shader stages for the player with “rgbGen lightingDiffuseEntity 0” will be tinted to this color rather than the usual. Ghoul2 view models First person view weapon models are now allowed to use .glm models using eezstreet's code. Detachable E-Web The player can detach an E-Web from its mount by pressing the Use Force button whilst using it. While the E-Web is equipped, the player moves more slowly. More usable weapons The tusken rifle and noghri stick are fully usable by the player. The DC-15A clone rifle (made by Pahricida), DC-15S clone blaster (Made by AshuraDX and Som3) and E-5 droid blaster (made by KhorneSyrup) have also been added. Only given via cheats right now. give weapon_tusken_rifle give weapon_noghri_stick give weapon_e5 give weapon_dc15s give weapon_dc15a Saber throw is now a force power • This was to be compatible with the katarn saber style (listed below) - this was restored to alt attack to work with all styles like before. First person lightsaber with TrueView • As seen in Open Jedi Project and all the other mods that used it, TrueView shows the player model in first person view. You can turn it on for guns with cg_trueguns and turn it on for sabers with cg_fpls or through the menu. Change FOV with cg_trueFOV. Recommend set to 120 if using first person lightsaber. Radar • The radar system from Siege in MP now works in SP. Giving NPCs and misc_radar_icon entities the icon key will set a custom icon. A 2D minimap is also loaded from minimaps/mapname.mmap. AI workshop • Created by eezstreet to give more control over NPC AI. See full thread here. Switch pistols • Toggle between DL-44 and Bryar if added to inventory with pistol bind (+weapon_2) Saber ignition speed • cg_ignitionSpeed scales saber ignition speed Click-drag to rotate player model in customization screen • To help with seeing your character more easily instead of waiting on it to rotate around again. MP-style saber hilt list • Lists lightsabers in the menu without the need for adding menu listings r_mode -2 is now default • sets the game to the monitor's native resolution at launch. Change back to r_mode -1 to use windowed mode. Widescreen HUD fix • Fixes the HUD to support widescreen resolutions without stretching the HUD elements, default to on. r_ratioFix. Removed black bars in cutscenes • this helps with widescreen resolutions not cutting off half of the scene. Ingame character and saber menu  • Change your character skin and lightsaber from the pause menu at any time! Ingame cheat menu  • A simple menu in the pause menu to give access to some common cheat codes like god mode, noTarget, setforceall, and increased dismemberment! Ingame photo mode  • Use sliders to get the right angle and take a screenshot. Thanks to therfiles for camSP! (Use the console to /bind key uimenu camsp) Screenshots save to the JAEnhanced folder (Windows: C:/Users/user/Documents/My Games/JAEnhanced) Optional features (separate PK3's):
    New force powers • Force Insanity, Destruction, Repulse and Stasis have been added. Force Repulse is gained automatically during the SP campaign. Bind the keys in the Controls menu. NPCs can use Destruction and Stasis. For faster force regeneration, g_forceRegenTime has been brought over from MP. Improved jedi_hm • DT's very nice improved Human Male jedi is included with Jedi Robe options with RGB tinting features. Build Your Own Lightsaber • Now lightsabers can be customized like the player species. Example customizable hilts are included thanks to AshuraDX and Plasma.’ New lightsaber hilts from around the Star Wars universe, even the Expanded Universe and new canon, all thanks to Plasma’s lightsaber pack. Improved effects • also known as "UltimateWeapons", this is a must-have to create a more authentic Star Wars atmosphere Included HapSlash’s improved stormtrooper model • because the default one is atrocious. Included Toshi’s Luke model • because of same reason as above Included AshuraDX’s high quality DL-44 model • because it is beautiful Unfinished features, only use if testing:
    Unstable and black saber blades • use with console command: sabercrystal 1 unstable or sabercrystal 1 black - the number is the saber number, so use 2 if you want to change your left hand blade. Katarn saber style • A gun / saber stance. No animations yet, but you play around with it (with cheats enabled) by doing "give weapon_bryar_pistol" and then "setsaberstyle katarn" in the console. Z-6 rotary cannon • Added slot for this weapon, but it has no model yet. give weapon_z6 Installing
    If you've installed an earlier version (from when this was just called SP Customization Mod or 1.0), it'd probably best to uninstall the old version.
    Be sure to look in the Optional folder for the features you'd like enabled. If you want all features, move all pk3 files in the Optional folder into the jaenhanced folder. You can pick and choose between them. The list of optional features are in the Features and Commands part of this page.
    [[ Windows ]]
    If you're on Windows, install the Visual C++ 2015 redistributable
    Then put all files in your GameData folder.
    ⦁    For Steam this is in C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Jedi Academy
    ⦁    For GOG.com this is in C:/GOG Games/Jedi Academy
    ⦁    For Amazon this is in C:/Amazon Games/Library/Jedi Academy
    The jaenhanced folder and all other files like the exe and DLLs should be NEXT TO the base folder, with the exe and DLL files:
    -> Jedi Academy
    --> GameData
    ---> base
    ---> jaenhanced
    ---> jaenhanced.exe
    If you get a "can't find default.cfg" error, you did not install it in the right directory. Read the above again and fix.
    You must launch the mod with ja_enhanced.x86.exe - DO NOT launch in the Mods menu in jasp.exe.
    If you get a "feature omitted at compile time" error, you did not launch with the jaenhanced.exe, which means you are just launching with the normal game rather than the mod client. You must launch the game with ja_enhanced.x86.exe.
    [[ Linux ]]
    If you’re using Linux, install SDL2 via Terminal [sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0], then install Jedi Academy via Steam Proton, right click the game, browse local files. Put the files in GameData.
    You must launch the mod with ja_enhanced.i386 or ja_enhanced.x86_64 on Linux - DO NOT launch in the Mods menu.
    [[ macOS ]] 
    If you're using a Mac, you need to go create a new folder called JAEnhanced in this directory:
    /Users/user/Library/Application Support/
    Drop your base folder from your game install in that new JAEnhanced folder. Depending on your version the base folder might be hidden inside the original game's application bundle or in /Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Jedi Academy/
    You should now have a structure like this:
    -> /Library
    —> /Application Support
    —-> /JAEnhanced
    ——> /base
    ——> /jaenhanced
    ——> Jedi Academy: Enhanced.app (though the app itself could be run from anywhere)

    IF YOU LAUNCH IT, IT WILL SAY MOVE TO TRASH, that's normal. Here's how to fix that:
    Now open up Terminal and paste this code but don’t hit enter yet:
    sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine  Drag your Jedi Academy: Enhanced.app file into the terminal window to place the location of it. Then press enter, put in your password. Double clicking the app should now launch the game. If not, check your directories, and also try installing SDL2 in terminal with command: brew install sdl2
    For more troubleshooting and help with installing, check out this guide:
    Known bugs:
    holsterPlace for .sab files currently does not work, which should allow the option for left hip, right hip, back, and none. Some sabers in the saber pack do not line up well when holstered The ingame saber menu won't let you switch from dual sabers to single saber. Workaround is to use /saber kyle (or any single saber) and then use the menu to choose one. g_forceRegenTime doesn't go less than the default value Player RGB tints can't be removed in the menu Player RGB tints can’t be used in the in-game player menu The option to bind photo mode to a button in the controls menu currently does nothing. Workaround is to use the console: /bind key uimenu camsp Ultimate Weapons effects can be invisible if using all weapons back to back. It’s unlikely to happen in normal play sessions but is a bug (also in basejka). Potential future features:
    More bundled improvement mods Health regeneration Default saber holstering to left hip to be canonically correct For modders: add new weapons like sabers, fitting them to existing classes - like add a new model but it functions just like a blaster pistol with a unique sound and effect color, like sabers do. Instead of .sab files we could have .weap or files or something similar. As opposed to how it is now where you have to code in new weapons directly. Adding to the above bullet point, SFX sabers translated into blaster effects with RGB and everything Headswap, but for all parts, so you can use the pants of one model, the torso of another, and the head of another Aim-based blaster deflection for added difficulty License
    The code and menu files are GPL. The relevant GPL license is included in the "readmes” folder. For completeness the Open Jedi Project readme is included although permission has been granted to use the TrueView code under the GPL.
    redsaurus for all coding and implementation. AJL for the SFX Sabers stuff (including SFX_Sabers.pk3). Circa for various icons, in-game menus, testing, release. Raz0r for the MP-style movement code. AshuraDX for the saber hilt, DL-44, and DC-15s models Plasma for the Galaxy’s Edge hilt parts for the saber builder and all of the Star Wars saber hilts DT85 for the improved jedi_hm. HapSlash for the improved Stormtrooper model. JKG team for the unstable saber blade graphics and shaders. eezstreet for the Ghoul 2 weapon view model code. razorace (and the Open Jedi Project) for the use of the TrueView code under the GPL. OpenJK maintainers and contributors. Pahricida for the Clone Rifle (and omeewan for the textures). SoM3 for the clone blaster. KhorneSyrup for the droid blaster. Kahn Dahlaine for UltimateWeapons effects mod. Dark Forces mod team, Salvador Barale, Luke Ashdown, for E-11 blaster, thermal detonator, bryar pistol models. Toshi/DT85 for the ROTJ Luke model v2 therfiles for his amazing camSP tool for photo mode Daggo for general helpfulness and merging latest openjk and getting Mac builds working Cerez for the neutral console background Support
    Support for this mod will be limited. Please post questions in the subforum on JKHub.


       (34 reviews)



  3. Ingame Character and Saber Menu

    This mod gives you the freedom of changing your player character and lightsaber anytime in single player. I've added dual and staff. I've added red saber color.
    Open up the console and type:
    bind o uimenu ingamecharactermenu
    Replace "o" with the key you want to press to bring the menu up. I made mine O just as an example.
    Of course there are some issues, like rocking the staff saber and single saber together to make a dual stance. It screws up the animations.


       (15 reviews)



  4. Unlimited Force

    Grants you unlimited force by setting your power to the max, the regen of it to the max, and the regen rate to the max. So you can now basically use lightning to charge through the level. Or push everything over. idk. No else made this except one guy but he set it so you could only use it while using his palpatine skin.
    To activate it you must put it in your Base folder then ingame bring done the console and type "Playermodel PlayerPOWA" without quotations and you will still have your player model and have unlimited force.
    You will need to reactivate it every load screen. Now an easy way to deal with that is to use "bind N playermodel playerPOWA" so everytime you press N you will get unlimited power. You can also add "bind M playermodel Player" to disable it without needing to load.


       (9 reviews)



  5. Dark Forces Mod

    Title : Dark Forces Mod for Jedi Academy - Demo Version
    Author : The Dark Forces Mod Team
    E-Mail : darth_linux@msn.com
    Website : http://darkforces.jediknight.net
    File Name : dfmod_2008.zip
    File Size : 428 MB
    Date Released : 1/27/2007
    Description : Files required to play the Dark Forces Mod Demo.
    The Dark Forces Mod aims to recreate the levels and playing experience of the
    LucasArts game "Dark Forces" using the modern 3D engine found in the game
    Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. This demo contains the first 6 levels of the game.
    This is the third release by the Dark Forces Mod Team, who, in November 2002,
    released a demo of the mod for Jedi Outcast. This release was met with wide
    critical acclaim, and it is our pleasure to present you with the third and final release.
    For more information, please visit our website. Enjoy the mod!
    Installation : Make a new directory calld "dfmod" inside your Jedi Academy/Game Data directory. Unzip the
    contents of the the demo ZIP into this directory. Make a new shortcut to jasp.exe on your desktop
    and edit the shortcut properties, adding this to the target line: "+set fs_game dfmod" Double click
    the icon to begin. Make sure you go into the Setup screen to change your keyboard preferences.
    Requirements : Jedi Academy must be patched to version 1.01 to work.
    Please set your graphics options to their highest settings for maximum enjoyment.
    Comments : Behind a veil of secrecy the evil Empire is creating a doomsday army--one that,
    if finished, will become the final cog in the Empire's arsenal of terror and
    domination. Your Mission?
    Join the Rebel Alliance's covert operations division, infiltrate the Empire, then
    battle every man and machine the Imperial Forces can muster. Search a vast galaxy
    for clues, attack enemy bases - all in a desperate attempt to stop the activation
    of this fearsome new weapon.
    It's you and your blaster against an entire Empire. May the Force be with you.
    Release Notes : Note that there are a few controls different to Jedi Academy. Please
    check out your controls and adjust accordingly.
    Known Bugs/Issues *Dianoga makes no distinct "attack" sound when attacking player.[no known solution]
    *Concussion Rifle" appears at times in Weapon Inventory when Left Arrow is clicked. [no known solution]
    *No lip sync in Sewers cutscene if EAX is enabled. [EAX should be disabled for this mod.]
    *Light Saber appears in some levels if melee weapon is chosen. [no known solution]
    *There is no animation when throwing the Detonator [JA engine does not have one]
    *Size of Concussion Rifle and Repeater Gun ground weapons are very small. [salv could possibly resize them larger]


       (53 reviews)



  6. Prequel Conversion Mod

    Pair with my Prequel Music Replacement for BEST results!

    The Prequel Conversion mod will do exactly that: convert the Single Player campaign story and experience into that of the prequel Star Wars movies (Episodes I, II, and III). This includes replacing various characters to those in the movies. A list will be given below to reveal what is replaced:
    - Trade Federation Battledroids (with corresponding rank colors):Stormtroopers, Imperials, Snowtroopers
    - Super Battledroids: Imperials, Rocket Troopers, Stormtrooper Commander, Saboteur
    - Droidekas: Hazardtroopers, Assassin Droids
    - Maganaguards with Electrostaff: Cultists
    - Jango Fett: Boba Fett
    - Nute Gunray: Racto (the guy on Coruscant who's making illegal droids)
    - Wat Tambor: Rax (the fat Imperial who chases Jaden for sport)
    - Clone troopers (Mark II): Rebel, Wedge
    - E-5 Blaster Rifle (Battledroid blaster): E-11 Blaster Rifle (Stormtrooper blaster)
    - KiSteer 1284 sniper rifle (Zam Wessel's rifle): Tenloss Projectile Sniper Rifle
    - DC-15A Repeating Blaster (Clone Assault Blaster): Imperial Repeater
    - Hailfire droid: AT-ST
    - Republic Gunship/ARC-170 Starfighter: X-Wing (Cinematic/Vehicle)
    - Jedi Starfighter (Mark II): Z-95
    - Vulture Droid Starfighter: TIE Fighter
    - Trifighter/Soulless One (Grievous' Starfighter): TIE Bomber
    - Blaster pistol: from yellow to red
    - Repeater: from yellow and round to blue and normal looking
    - Turrets: yellow to red
    - Nute Gunray has a brand new voice, thanks to a friend who is an excellent voice actor.
    - Wat Tambor has Rax's voice but with effects to make it sound more like his.
    - Dialogue from Jaden is changed to say Jango in instead of Boba
    - Stormtrooper conversations are changed to droid conversations. I had to think, "What would droids talk about?"
    - Cultist conversations with each other and with Alora are now more "magnaguard" sounding. I did the best I could.
    - Rebel/Wedge dialogue is filtered to sound like it's from a Clone trooper helmet.
    - Dialogue that mentions the Empire or Stormtroopers has either been changed to say droids or just removed with context in tact
    - Levelshots updated to reflect various changes (mostly the vehicles)
    - All subtitles and menus edited to remove all mention of Imperial/Empire/Stormtroopers and to reflect dialogue changes
    - Menus and HUD changed to reflect new weapons.
    - The Super Battledroid uses it's own animations thanks to the MBII team. It also uses the old bryar slot that isn't used in JA.
    - All scripting issues were resolved all thanks to therfiles at JKHub. He was oh so very helpful.
    This is a quite large mod that I started quite a long time ago with the original release of my "Battledroid SP" mod. I took a long break from modding and returned to work on this mod. It is not quite finished, as it will become a slightly larger mod. This is only version 1. Version 2 might come before I merge this into something slightly bigger eventually. The majority of the content in this mod is not mine at all. I merely combined a lot of pre-existing material from other authors to make this. That made it easier and definitely better, as my work would not be anywhere near as good, but I still worked really hard on this in all other ways. FOR BEST RESULTS: Play with maximum dismemberment. An autoexec.cfg is included with the necessary settings for this. It's the only way to do it in JA SP.
    - Most are unavoidable unfortunately, but aren't really major.
    - The Droidekas use the emplaced gun effects, so when using a turret, it will sound like the Droideka gun sounds.
    - The plot still doesn't make sense, due to the main characters like Luke and Kyle still being involved. Obviously this doesn't make sense canonically and historically. The next version will fix this. There is no interference with Multiplayer as far as I can tell. I don't play it, so let me know if there are any issues.
    Future version:
    I hope to continue this project even further, replacing the main characters as best as I can, complete with voices to match the characters. My plan is to replace Luke with Mace Windu, Kyle with Obi-Wan, and Alora with Grievous. I might replace Tavion with Dooku, but I'm not sure yet. Other details will be revealed and discussed on JKHub.
    - Prophet and Major Clod for the Battledroid model. It's so old, yet it's the best model of a battledroid. Good times!
    - Movie Battles II team - TK231 for his effects (Blue blaster, droideka, etc) - Duncan_10158 for the Droideka and Hailfire -
    and whoever was the author of the SBD and it's skeleton/animations - the E-5 blaster -
    - Pahricida for the DC-15A rifle
    - Manquesa for the Jedi Starfighter model
    - Majin Revan/Hatrus for the Droid Starfighter/Vulture droid
    - Inyri for the Trifighter model
    - Minilogoguy18 for the ARC-170 star fighter
    - Mars Marshall for the Gunship, Magnaguard, Jango Fett, Clone trooper, and Zam rifle models
    - Kurtis 'KMan' Smith/Psyk0Sith for the Wat Tambor model
    - Wytchking/Wector for the Nute Gunray model
    - therfiles for his butt-saving help with scripting fixes and being helpful with suggestions and testing
    - Everyone at JKHub that is being helpful with suggestions and help with my endless thread making in the assistance forum
    Windows: Put the pk3 in your base folder found in Program Files/Lucasarts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Gametdata/base/
    Mac: Either in the app base folder (right click, show contents), or in user/library/containers/com.aspyr.jediacademy.appstore/data/library/application support/jedi academy/base
    The autoexec.cfg goes in the base folder as well.


       (12 reviews)



  7. NpcSP

    NpcSP (1.1) is an incredibly detailed utility for JKA Singleplayer that allows the player to spawn, control, play as, or terminate any of base JKA's NPCs in real-time. The addon also allows you to edit your own character's preferences, such as team affiliation and whether other NPCs can target you. Using this tool, you can practically create your own missions and exciting combat scenarios. What will you do with NpcSP?
    Function Overview
    Over 100+ diverse NPCs available for selection Utility displays team affiliation in the description text (Red: Enemy, Yellow: Neutral, and Green: Friendly) The ability to collapse and expand NPC categories, for a cleaner screen The ability to toggle NPC freezing Notarget functionality for the player A "Kill all NPCs" button, for easy usage The ability to modify the player's team affiliation Select the likelihood of NPC surrender (Unlikely, Moderate, Likely) Set how long NPC corpses take to be removed Noclip, for quick access Display or hide NPC bounding boxes (just for fun) Spawn your own custom NPCs by adding them to the custom registry! You can add up to 12, but only the number you want will be listed. For instance, you could select '5' and only 5 entries would show in the menu, rather than a "this entry is not used" error!

    BETA: Toggle whether or not friendly NPCs (rebels, etc) follow the player (Please note: This feature only works on CURRENTLY spawned NPCs and will NOT affect duplicates of one NPC. This feature will be improved on for future releases) A random spawner (spawn a random NPC from a list of 50) A random Jedi spawner (spawn a random Jedi NPC from the list of SP species) A quick bind key to spawn multiple of your selected NPC on the fly PLEASE NOTE: The game WILL crash to the main menu if you load too many unique models. I think you are allowed 50 distinct playermodels before it will crash. Keep this in mind as you spawn. This will include the NPCs spawned on the SP missions as well. PLEASE NOTE: Vehicles kept in saved games will crash them!

    Playermodel Selection
    Clear Properties: This clears all force powers, weapons, and sabers of your player so when you select your desired playermodel, you will adopt all of their characteristics (avoids people like the stormtrooper from getting your inherited saber and force powers).

    Exit NPC option allows you to exit your controlled NPC at any time The NpcSP configuration menu stays open, allowing you to cycle through multiple NPCs PLEASE NOTE: This command will only select the oldest NPC (for instance, if you spawn 5 stormtroopers, you can only control the first one you spawned) PLEASE NOTE: The npc control code is rather bugged (can't really use force, and weapon selection and firing is really messed up) so use at your own risk!

    NPC Killing
    Kill NPCs by name

    About Saved Games:
    Please note that a lot of the commands and functionality of this utility are stored in short termed sequences, which are NOT saved with saved games. So, when you load a saved game, some of the commands and features may be mismatched. This is just the way the system works.

    Please uninstall all previous versions of NPCSP before attempting to install again.
    1. Extract "NpcSP_v1.1.zip" to your gamedata/base folder
    2. Edit "npcsp.cfg" with a basic text editor, such as notepad
    3. Replace the first [KEY] with a valid keyboard key (such as z, 4 F6, etc). This will be the key you use to open the configuration menu. YOU DO NOT NEED TO KEEP THE BRACKETS. Just use "bind blah blah x" NOT "bind blah blah [x]"
    4. Replace the second [KEY] with a valid keyboard key. This will be the key you use to quick spawn NPCs.
    5. Save your changes
    6. Boot up Single Player
    7. When ingame, open the console
    8. Type "exec npcsp" into the console and press ENTER
    9. NpcSP has now been booted. In order to open the command center, press the first key you set in npcsp.cfg
    10. (OPTIONAL) If you would like to add custom NPCs, navigate to gamedata/base/customNpcs/npcsp_custom_registry.cfg
    11. (OPTIONAL) Follow the instructions in the .cfg to enable custom NPC spawning
    12. (OPTIONAL) Follow the instructions on the respective customNpcs/npcsp_custom.npc files to complete the custom NPC entry
    You are free to use this utility to create any mission, artwork, or any other media WITHOUT crediting me (I'd love to see it, though! ) Please contact me if you wish to include this modification with your mod

    This is just v1.1. I hope to include an "advanced mode" in v2, which will give you the player A LOT more control over the NPCs themselves. I just wanted to get this out there because development had stalled a bit. Please let me know of any bugs ASAP so I can fix them!
    Version 2 Progress


       (25 reviews)



  8. SP Character Chooser

    This mod replaces the character maker in JKA with a character chooser with 40+ options!
    What this mod does is this:
    1. Replaces the old SP character chooser
    2. Adds 40+ choices
    3. Organizes them by "faction" or group (ex: Empire, Sith, etc.)
    4. Provides a basic description for each choice
    5. Some choices have "Variants" or different versions of the player. (ex: Tavion has a JK3 version and a JK2 version)
    6. Please read the readme for more info
    Special thanks to Wookiepedia who helped me right my descriptions. Some, I just copied and pasted.


       (4 reviews)



  9. Jedi Academy - Outcast

    This mod changes the Jedi Outcast campaign so that it will run under Jedi Academy. In particular, it fixes almost all the shortcoming of other similar mods:
    Players do not skate on the water on yavin swamps and yavin canyon.
    AI generally navigates correctly
    Cutscenes work
    Objectives correctly function
    Within the ZIP file you downloaded, you should see three files:
    jaooutcast(version number).pk3 - the core of this mod, containing most of the assets needed to make this work
    outcaststrings(version number).pk3 - this contains the briefing files and various other strings related to the mod
    jao_map_ents.zip - the ENT files for use with recompiling the outcast maps. Most of you will want to ignore this, but I've included the files if you wish to look at how something was accomplished, or perhaps if you want to further edit the maps yourself. I've also included the uncompiled script files in the jaooutcast PK3.
    Installing is a pretty easy process:
    1. Move outcaststrings.pk3 and jaooutcast.pk to your Jedi Academy base directory.
    2. Rename your Jedi Outcast asset files in order to load before Academy's asset files, and copy to your Jedi Academy base directory. Personally, I renamed the JO files from asset#.pk3 to aJK2_#.pk3. As long as the game loads them first, you're good.
    3. Once you have loaded the mod, select New Game from the main menu, and choose between playing the Jedi Academy campaign, the Jedi Outcast campaign, and the Jedi Outcast demo level.
    The mod has only been tested on Jedi Academy v1.01 and using Jedi Outcast v1.04 source files, but the chances are if you're reading this then you've already them. Right?
    ======= WHAT IS THIS? =======
    Well, I assume you aren't seriously asking this question, but hey, nothing wrong with telling you something you already know.
    This mod fixes Jedi Outcast's campaign to run under Jedi Academy, and also eliminate various file conflicts between the two games. The intent is to remain true to the gameplay of Outcast as best as the engine allows, while providing the player with the improvements from Jedi Academy, and a few tweaks to the balancing in the interest of fun.
    Players who have downloaded other attempts at converting maps from Outcast to Academy may have noticed several shortcomings. This mod has fixed those; AI will generally navigate the map correctly, there is full support for objectives, and cutscenes will (mostly) work with a few minor changes where necessary. Oh and no ice skating on yavin swamps and yavin canyon!
    ========== CHANGES ==========
    While I've tried to preserve much of the gameplay -- you won't find new enemy types from Academy in here -- there are a few gameplay changes from the original campaign:
    * On ns_starpad, you're now required to destroy the turret attacking Lando. Something players were likely to do in practice, but weren't forced to.
    * Various equipment items from JO have been removed from the maps since they are not functional in JA and/or cause crashes. Occasionally concussion rifles have been placed instead.
    * Kyle gains Force Sight, Force Absorb, and Force Protect in line with his abilities in Jedi Academy.
    * Kyle's force power gains are accelerated, partly for balance, but also so the player has more opportunity to use several abilities, unlike base JO where some were gained very late in the game. In particular:
    ** Saber Throw L3 is reached on doom_comm, 5 levels earlier
    ** L3 Speed/Push are reached on cairn_bay, 3 levels earlier
    ** L3 Grip is reached on cairn_dock1, 3 levels earlier
    ** L3 Lightning is reached on doom_comm, 3 levels earlier
    ** L3 Saber Defense is reached on cairn_assembly, 3 levels earlier
    ** Jump/Heal/Mind Trick/Speed/Saber Offensive are unchanged
    ** For the new force powers: L3 Sight is reached on cairn_bay, L3 protect on doom_detention, L3 absorb on doom_shields
    * Additional objectives have been added on ns_starpad to make it clearer to players where they should be going next.
    * There are also a few minor bugfixes from Outcast.
    * The door puzzle at the end of doom_detention has been removed, since the changes to pathing resulted in Jan getting stuck, and the player being unable to progress.
    * Due to engine limitations, the fight with Galak on doom_shields is impossible to replicate from Outcast. I've tried to salvage it as best I can, but it can't really compare to the original.
    * The gravity is no longer disabled on doom_shields after defeating Galak, due to engine limitations.
    * Obviously, the player also has access to the new features and moves introduced in Jedi Academy. On the downside, so do the saber-wielding enemies you face!
    * On artus_detention, the warden will now walk significantly faster.
    An explanation of the force power changes:
    Kyle's ability to deflect blaster bolts is significantly reduced from Jedi Outcast, so L3 Push/Pull/Saber Defense are gained earlier to compensate.
    Saber Throw is now gained at the same time as L3 Saber Offense, mostly so you have a chance to use the damn thing. 9 levels in Jedi Academy vs. 1 (plus a boss-only level) in base Outcast!
    Grip and Lightning progression provides the player with more offensive capabilities, but also to allow the player to use them more. The world didn't end because you could max them both out very quickly in Academy.
    Absorb/Protect give the player more choices in how they play and reflects Kyle's abilities in JA. Sight can also make the JO levels much easier to navigate, particularly yavin_swamp.
    ======= KNOWN ISSUES ========
    Given the *insane* number of workarounds and hack fixes needed to get Jedi Outcast to play nicely with Jedi Academy, it shouldn't be surprising that there are a few issues. I've done my best to eliminate them where possible, but there are always going to be a few. The game has been tested all the way through successfully, though only on normal difficulty, and for JA v1.01.
    * On yavin_trial, the bryar pistol is hidden away instead of Kyle's lightsaber. Unlike JO, JA cannot handle starting without a lightsaber and then picking it up, causing the game to crash. The other option of starting with the saber and teleporting it away resulted in unacceptable performance issues, so this was chosen as a compromise instead. Just pretend it's a lightsaber. Or pretend Kyle *really* wants his bryar pistol back instead of the blaster pistol from JA.
    * AI may occasionally have trouble navigating the levels due to the changes to the navigation system between JO and JA. Trying to fix this as best possible probably took up more time than anything else in this mod...
    * The Lady Luck's gun at the end of ns_starpad does do damage, but will not appear to fire any projectiles.
    * The ship's gun on doom_detention does not cause any damage, and the player will be unable to blow up the tie fighters using them.
    * In a few cutscenes where animations from JO are used, the characters in question will not be able to hold items in their hands, due to a handbolt issue when using the JO skeleton in JA. Footstep noises for such characters will also fail to work.
    * Due to the workaround used to get Jedi Outcast objectives to load in the menu, if you use the map command to jump straight from a JO SP level to a level that isn't t2_rancor, you will still see the JO objectives. Quiting back to the main menu first will solve this. Similarly, if you (for some reason) decided to jump straight from the JO campaign to the opening level of Academy, it would play the wrong title crawl. As a result, I highly recommended you use the menu to launch the correct campaign.
    * Viewers may pick up on some slight changes to the cutscenes in terms of NPC positioning. Again, this is mostly a consequence of the changed navigation system between JO and JA.
    * If you cheat to give yourself additional saber styles, they will not work on some earlier levels. Players should also be aware that because saber styles are no longer locked to your saber offense level as per JO, Kyle's saber styles are locked through his lightsaber. If you wish to use additional lightsaber styles, you will need to change your lightsaber model first. For reference, the saber models Kyle uses in the mod are "kyleplayer", "kyleplayermf", and "kyleplayermfs", which allow medium, fast, and strong styles respectively.
    * At the end of doom_detention, Jan will not follow you all the way out of the detention area. This has no impact on your ability to trigger the final cutscene and complete the level.
    * Kyle will use male Jaden's healing sound.
    * One of the grates leading up to a section where you open the roof on ns_starpad cannot be seen from the underside, but can still be destroyed as normal.
    ============ FAQ ============
    Where I presumptuously answer your non existent questions!
    Why did anything need to be changed at all from Jedi Outcast?
    Almost all the work in this mod revolved around fixing the many bugs introduced by the differences between the two engines. They're similiar enough to make this possible, but different enough such that a huge amount of things get broken. I also felt there were a few opportunities to improve things from Outcast's campaign, but almost all changes are for technical reasons.
    What's changed from Jedi Outcast?
    The gameplay additions are mostly minor with the biggest being the slightly accelerated force power gains, and introduction of a few new force powers for Kyle.
    Cutscene positioning has changed slightly in some cases to accomodate the modified navigation system in Academy, but should mostly be true to the originals.
    I'd like to contact you, send you hate mail, or profess my undying love for you. where can I do that?
    You can do so at iamasanguinehipster AT gmail DOT com
    I can take no credit for the fantastic Outcast campaign; all credit must go to the folks at Raven Software and Lucasarts. However, converting the levels from Jedi Outcast to Jedi Academy involved a tremendous amount of work to eliminate the huge amount of bugs. If I'd have known just how much work it would involve, I probably wouldn't have done this! Anyway, if you enjoy this, I'd love to hear your feedback.
    If you want to email me, either to send your thoughts, or if you'd like to know about a ridiculous and horrible hack fix I came up with (the objectives fix is rather ridiculous), you can do so at:
    iamasanguinehipster AT gmail DOT com
    Thanks to the fine people at jkhub.org for feedback and assistance.
    This mod requires you to supply your own asset files from Jedi Outcast. If you don't own a copy of Outcast, you you can purchase it through Steam at:
    In slightly less legal speak: I don't own the copyright to Star Wars or Jedi Academy/Outcast. I didn't create the original assets the mod is based on. I'm not getting anything for doing this. This is a free mod intended to allow a great game to work with Jedi Academy, with no copyright infringement intended.
    Thanks for downloading, and I hope you enjoy.


       (10 reviews)



  10. JKA Singleplayer Unlocker

    >> Jedi Academy Patch (PC) 1.01 <<
    >> Jedi Knight Academy Particle Physics <<
    1. You can choose every Saber Type in the start of any new game
    2. You can choose a new Saber hilt in the start of any new game
    (Kyle, Luke, Mara, Vader, Ben, Qui Gon, Obi Wan, Dooku, Maul, Sidious)
    3. You can choose every Saber Style in the start of any new game
    (Styles are limited and depends on hilt - Fast, Medium, Strong, Tavion or Dessan)
    4. You can choose the Saber color red for every saber type in the start of any new game
    5. Kick your enemy if he is close to the end of life
    6. Saber staff can cut from enemies and they will weild them in the dual style
    7. Use only the truly associated Powers from the movies in the start of any new game
    (Removed Force-Rage, drain, protect and absorb)
    8. Available Force Powers are now on level 3 in the start of any new game
    (Force-Grip, Pull, Lightning, Throw and Speed)
    9. Enemies can now dismembered in the start of any new game without use of console, an hex, hook or a trainer!
    (batch file, autoexec.cfg and setdismember.cfg are necessary)
    01. If you use the previous version, JKA SP Unlocker, please delete the old files before.
    02. Extract the content of JKJA_SP_Unlocker_v4.0.3_byNardja.zip and run the setup.exe
    03. Choose the directory of your Jedi Academy installation
    (C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData)
    I've compiled the .BAT files to executables with the program Bat2Exe
    The execuatbles can return a false AV Positive!
    But i guess they are clean and not dangerous!
    If players adding new characters after the installation of the Unlocker,
    they need a update for the "MENUS.str".
    Otherwise species name of added characters or saber names aren't shown.
    Secondary links to Main Modification or reverted editions
    UPDATED Mediafire-Download Link:
    SP Unlocker v403 - Main Edition Setup
    SP Unlocker v403 - Auto Block Edition
    +enabled Auto Blocking again (Need setcvar.cfg replacement)
    SP Unlocker v403 - No Blood Edition (Only main .pk3 file)
    -Bloody Dismembered is removed
    SP Unlocker v403 - No Blood All Force Edition (Only main .pk3 file)
    -Bloody Dismembered is removed
    +enabled Force Rage, Drain, Protect and Absorb powers again
    SP Unlocker v403 - All Force Edition (Only main .pk3 file)
    +enabled Force Rage, Drain, Protect and Absorb powers for NPC's & Player again
    (atm the Forces, Protect, Absorb and Shield cause an color change for RGB characters in the time of activation!)
    If you want to use Manual Blocking,
    01. Open Launcher and click on AUTOEXEC button
    02. Change the "MOUSE4" of the command, bind MOUSE4 "+block"
    (You can open a HELP.cfg in Launcher with the [?] Question mark button)
    If you want to disable the Manual Blocking in reverted editions,
    (Download one of the reverted editions above this tutorial)
    01. Go to Base directoy
    02. Open the setcvar.cfg
    03. Now search for the cvar "seta g_saberAutoBlocking" and change the "0" to "1"
    04. Open Unlocker_v403.pk3 with WinRAR (Not 7zip or something other)
    05. Double click on setcvar.cfg and open it with notepad
    06. Search for the cvar "seta g_saberAutoBlocking" and change the "0" to "1" again
    07. Save the file and WinRAR will ask If you want to update the archive, click Yes
    08. Close WinRAR and start the Launcher


       (7 reviews)



  11. The Ladder - Jedi Academy Version

    The Ladder level is a Single Player map that features a "wave" system. After killing the first enemy, two appear. Then 3. Then 2 and a boss. So on and so on.
    The original Ladder level by JediNight (Mike Gummelt, original Raven dev) that was made for Jedi Outcast.
    I take no credit for any of this idea, map, or scripts. I merely included the necessary textures and files needed from Jedi Outcast and a few other fixes to make it more compatible with Jedi Academy.
    Installation ad usage: put PK3 file in the Jedi Acadmy/Gamedata/base folder, and in the game, open the console with SHIFT + ~ and type /map ladder


       (7 reviews)



  12. New Beginning SP Mod

    Thank you for your feedback! Please view the change log for a list of updates. As always if you encounter any issues, do let me know!
    About the mod:
    Please unzip the NewBeginning.zip folder and extract the contents to your Gamedata folder. Once installed, you may use the included "newbeginning.bat" file to load the mod for you. These instructions should apply to a disc and Steam installation (as I've used both!)
    This is a single player mod set one year after the original game (Light Side ending.) You will play as a new character over three levels (discounting cinematic maps) and two bonus levels. Two take place in the Jedi Academy and one at one of the many training grounds. I strongly encourage you to explore the first level as there're a fair few secrets and Easter Eggs to be found! It was designed with the original Jedi Outcast level in mind, which means you could end it very, very quickly if you wanted to bypass the fun of exploration and move onto the trial level.
    The trial is the same one that was originally released here on JKHub with minor edits. I wanted to place emphasis on the Yavin Temple in order to receive feedback while I work on a brand new trial level and the first mission beyond the Jedi Academy.
    If you encounter any bugs- Oh, God. Please, please don't tell me you've encountered any bugs. ;_; My head might implode!
    Special thanks to Circa for play testing at various stages of development! Additional thanks to everyone over in this thread for providing so much help (still).
    Problems with the .bat?
    A Windows 8 tester did seem to be having a problem loading the mod with the .bat provided. They overcame this by creating a shortcut to their jasp.exe. (Right-click, copy, paste shortcut)
    Open the shortcut's "properties" and then move to the "shortcut" tab. Then, add the following (after a space) onto the "Target:" field: "+set sv_pure 0 +set fs_game newbeginning"
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\jasp.exe" +set sv_pure 0 +set fs_game newbeginning"
    I hope this helps!


       (25 reviews)



  13. Prequel Jedi NPCs

    This mod will change the appearance of the jedi, jedi/j2, jeditrainer, jedi/master and jedi_random npcs that appear throughout the single player campaign to resemble prequel Jedi. The Jedi Trainer is now a hooded woman and the Jedi Masters are now hooded men, while all other Jedi who appear are Padawan Learners. Rosh, Kyle and Luke are unchanged. This mod requires Scerendo's Female Jedi Customisation and Spanki's Jedi Customization Plus to work.
    For this file to work, you will require the following additional files:
    Spanki's Jedi Customization Plus & Scerendo's Female Jedi Customization v1.01
    Mod requested by JKHub User Shaxx
    As always, if you encounter any bugs, be sure to let me know!


       (8 reviews)



  14. katanamaru Backhand Styles

    The two backhand styles I made as a community request when The Force Unleashed I and II were popular.
    It's sp only. Use the command playermodel dbgalen.
    Because of the sabers included you'll have to turn the sabers off to switch styles. If you don't like that you'll need another backhand saber model.
    Feel free to use this in anyway you want.


       (7 reviews)



  15. Eve of Redemption

    Author: Mercenary
    A Reborn is sent into the sewers by an Imperial Commander to find a hiding mercenary who carries the identity of a conspirator who has been trading sensitive data of Imperial operations.


       (12 reviews)



  16. Cloud City Sp Mission - Vader Story BETA

    Well.. here it is.. my biggest Live project.. Cloud City Sp Mission with Darth Vader as the main character. I Hope You will like it!
    To install: put this file in Your academy folder.
    -Cloud-City-modification in the gamedata folder
    -Cloud-City-modification BETA.bat file in the same folder
    To play: Start the game with the batch file. To start the cloud City just click new game and diffulty level. The map will load.
    If it will not work just type : Devmap Cloudy in the console
    Credits of creating the story and the maps with the new model objects weapon models goes to me AND of course thanks to the :
    -All Jkhub Members and Jedi Academy Artists - mentioned them in the Credit Table.
    Thanks Them for support and permission to include these awesome models to my modifications! All credits go to them and look for their other awesome projects here on JKhub .
    The modification change some weapon models and their ammo , fire rate amount. Make Sure You dont have any other WEAPON.Dat in one of the other files.
    Many thanks for the waiting and support Guys! Enjoy slicing bespin cops
    Many files of this mod are not 100% used in the story... these are stuff i made but they are not end yet.
    There are weapon look changes:
    -blaster pistol is now Dh17 made by me
    -Heavy Repeater has now new better model! made by me
    -Flechette and E-11 has changed look too - flechette look similar to it
    -trip mine model changed too.
    And new player models and changes (that i made):
    -Darth Vader has new diffrent animations!
    -Raxle Vercel and the group of jedi
    -Bespin Cop Elite soldier - white armor soldier (these guys has more hp cant remove their weapons from their hands and they fire their weapons much quicker)
    -Bespin Pilot Model/skin
    -Changed imperial model (Textures by Hapslash) to make one look like Daine
    -Made Ugnaught vehicles - replacing mark2 and made giant Ugn mech
    -Royal Guards - Red and Black Version
    -new rebel skins
    -made new animation to the R2D2 - Death Animation.
    For Npc files You can check them in the cloud.pk3 and see the npc files.
    For all maps You can check! (they are mostly bonus not finished maps):
    -Devmap cloudy
    -Devmap cloudysecond
    -Devmap cloudy_duel
    -Devmap cloudy_duel_sunrise
    -Devmap Executor
    -Devmap Yacht
    -Devmap mirtest
    Thanks guys patience .. ENJOY!


       (27 reviews)



  17. Enhanced Protocol Replacement

    This a major reskin of the base protocol designed to look much more like a real protocol droid with improved shaders to match. It replaces the default protocol droid.
    A super big thanks to AshuraDX for his time and patience with the the shaders. He was a huge help.


       (14 reviews)



  18. The Force Unleashed Animations

    Replaces animation.Stances(yellow style),jump,run and more like in TFU.


       (4 reviews)



  19. Ultimate General Grievous

    Author: Darth Dizzy
    This mod adds General Grievous in the singleplayer selection screen.
    You can also select his four sabers and the electrostaff in the saber selection screen (after the Vjun mission in SP).
    If you put the grievoussounds file into the base folder, Jaden will sound like Grievous in SP.
    You can also spawn in SP Magnaguards to help you by pressing the Page-Up key on your keyboard (but first type 'helpusobi 1').
    You need the magnaguard model for that: http://jkhub.org/area51/files/file/600-magnaguard-vm/
    I added 3 npc files:
    grievoustwosaber: General Grievous with two lightsabers
    grievousfoursaber: General Grievous with four lightsabers
    grievouselectrostaff: General Grievous with an electrostaff

    You can spawn them by first typing 'helpusobi 1' in console, and then 'npc spawn thenpcyouwannnaspawn' (without the quotes).
    There are also three botfiles; again a Grievous with two sabers, four sabers, and an electrostaff.


       (6 reviews)



  20. Darth Talon SP

    Took Tyrael64's Darth Talon model,made SP support and changed some sounds.Simple.He gave me his premission to publish it so credit where is due.I made some screens of my own but i lost them. :unsure:
    Link to original:http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Darth_Talon;83671


       (7 reviews)



  21. Single player missions expansion

    Over a time mod makers created some really great levels for JKA. But loading them through bat file or console always seemed to me as big immersion breaker. So I created a version of some cool SP maps that is integrated in the game's mission selection screen.  I also added some little story info for menu, and recorded some additional voicover with Ivona reader. Currently only two mission are added, "Crash on Tatooine" by Mercenary, and "Operation: Spaceport" by Michael May. Maps were used with permission from their respective authors. I thank them for their awesome work. The maps were added smoothly into the original game and are selectable on the second mission screen (between Hoth and Vjun). It seemed to be logical, because in the original maps, the force power levels of the players was set to be somewhere around 2. I modified the maps so now your force powers aren't set to specific value when you play the map. You just get the one force power raise that you've chosen at the beginning of the map, just like in the basic JKA SP missions. To see full credits and changes read "ReadMe" file within the archive.


       (5 reviews)



  22. Ultimate Academy

    GreenTechB proudly presents: Jedi Knight JA - Ultimate Academy mod 2012 This mod features: - 10-14 hours of gameplay, depending on your skills. - 50 new modified conversion maps. - The best weapon, effect and sounds mods by other authors now together. - Musics from the first three Star Wars movies. - A modification of the famous Jedi Outcast mod, the Remnant Rocket Train! It's made in a more modern, Ultimate Academy way. Original idea by Rod MacLeod. - Many bonus maps, for example a bastion defence, where you can't fall because you die, you have to push back everyone who tries to take your place up there! - New hud designs, new loading screens for every map. and more... details in readme
    you can follow upcoming addons here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/ultimate-academy/addons


       (3 reviews)



  23. DT85's Darth Maul (Ep I: The Phantom Menace) (Incl. SP Support)

    So with @DT85's permission, I decided to add-in 'Single Player' support to one of the most bad-ass Sith Lords in the Star Wars universe, his incredibly accurate Darth Maul model, that was only 'Multiplayer' compatible, on release. The mod itself remains in-tact, as its original release, with the addition of new .pk3 file for 'Single Player' support. So if you ever wanted to play as the best Darth Maul model out there, in your 'Single Player' game, then look no further.
    Known Bugs:
    All credit goes to @DT85, for his talented work on the original Darth Maul model.


       (7 reviews)



  24. Deception

    Author: Shadriss
    This is a single player campaign with new maps and characters and story.
    Plot: The Galactic Civil War is over. Five months have passed since the rebel victory in the skies over Endor. New rebel groups, encouraged by the Alliance's success, have begun attacking vulnerable Imperial facilities throughout the galaxy. One such group, on the outlying planet of Semele, has recently captured an Imperial mining and production facility, and has offered it to the Alliance in exchange for military protection. Not trusting this fortuitous turn of events, and with most of the Alliance's troops engaged in battle with the Ssiruuk, a Zabrak mercenary, PHELAN MORYDIA, has been contracted to investigate and establish the true nature of events on Semele...
    Installion: Unpack the Deception folder and the BAT file to your Gamedata folder. Use the BAT file to load the mod. DO NOT load the mod from the in-game menu, as this will not allow the custom mission briefings, cutscenes, or mission objectives to properly display.


       (8 reviews)



  25. Classic Jedi Project (CJP) Replacements



    Mod Name: Classic Jedi Project Replacements
    Author: Omega1
    Models and Textures: Toshi, DT85, Plasma, Omega
    I have always been irritated with the changes made to the Jedi look (as well as overall concept) that was introduced with the prequels (from the shorter and
    fancier robes, to lack of Lightsaber D-rings), so consider this a return to formula, returning the look of the Jedi to that of what we saw from
    Obi-Wan (Old Ben) Kenobi and the redeemed older Anakin Skywalker. Just like the Original Trilogy concept of the Jedi appearance I used traditional Samurai and
    medieval Knight robes as a basis.
    Replacements: Luke, Kyle, Jedi, Jedi 2, Jedi Master and Jedi Trainer.
    Team Skins: Yes
    LODs: No
    Known Bugs:
    - Slight clipping in certain animations due to the way the JKA skeleton is setup.
    - No model caps.
    Copy the contents of the zip file over to your "Jedi Academy\GameData\base" Folder.
    Vanilla JKA can be very edgy when using model replacements, the most common problem being "Run out of transform space for ghoul2 Models. Adjust MiniHeapSize in SV_Spawn Server". To fix this I suggest you download and install OpenJK which can be found here: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK
    This is basically an unofficial patch for JKA, and I highly recommend it!
    If you like my mods and want to see more content, please support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/omegastarvg


       (8 reviews)



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