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32 files

  1. MovieBattles II

    Movie Battles is a fast-paced, action packed mod for the award winning Jedi Knight Jedi Academy game, that lets players play and fight in the most iconic battles seen throughout the entire saga!
    Live the movies!
    Take the lead role amid the most memorable Star Wars battles spanning the feature films and beyond.
    War is coming once again. Choose your allegiance and change Star Wars history forever!
    Choose from a range of 12 distinct classes, each with their own strengths, weapons, and abilities.
    Play on over 40 maps from across the Star Wars universe, inspired by scenarios in the movies and legends.
    Game Modes
    Movie Battles supports 3 distinct game modes, each bringing a unique experience.
    Classes can be customized for various gameplay styles and roles from the start. Nothing is locked away.
    For more information, check out moviebattles.org


       (12 reviews)



  2. OpenJK for Jedi Academy

    OpenJK is an effort by the JACoders group to maintain and improve the game engines on which the Jedi Academy (JA) and Jedi Outcast (JO) games run on, while maintaining full backwards compatibility with the existing games. This project does not attempt to rebalance or otherwise modify core gameplay.
    Our aims are to:
    Improve the stability of the engine by fixing bugs and improving performance. Provide a clean base from which new JO and JA code modifications can be made. Make available this engine to more operating systems. To date, we have releases on Windows, Linux and macOS. The JKHub sub-forum is a better place for support queries, discussions, and feature requests. Bug reports and major issues should be posted in the Issues section on GitHub.
    OpenJK is licensed under GPLv2 as free software. You are free to use, modify and redistribute OpenJK following the terms in LICENSE.txt.
    To install OpenJK, you will first need Jedi Academy installed. If you don't already own the game you can buy it from online stores such as Steam or GOG.
    Follow this guide for installing on all 3 desktop platforms.
    For Developers
    OpenJK on GitHub
    Building OpenJK
    Compilation guide Debugging guide Contributing to OpenJK
    Fork the project on GitHub Create a new branch and make your changes Send a pull request to upstream (JACoders/OpenJK) Using OpenJK as a base for a new mod
    Fork the project on GitHub Change the GAMEVERSION define in codemp/game/g_local.h from "OpenJK" to your project name If you make a nice change, please consider back-porting to upstream via pull request as described above. This is so everyone benefits without having to reinvent the wheel for every project. Maintainers (in alphabetical order)
    Ensiform Razish Xycaleth Significant contributors (in alphabetical order)
    eezstreet exidl ImperatorPrime mrwonko redsaurus Scooper Sil smcv


       (1 review)



  3. JA+ Client Side

    Author: Slider
    JA+ or JAPLus is a server side Mod for Windows, Linux, and Mac which has the possibility to get a Client side plugin with pk3 files.
    this plugin is designed to give UI, animation and feature enhancement to your client side game.
    You are not obligated to install the plugins with the JA+ server side part to run a JAplus server.
    Download Server-Side JA+ JAPlus here
    - Support for the High speed URL AutoDownload Redirect for needed pk3 when connecting a server
    -MultiTaunt Sound and Multi Custom sounds in all gametype
    - admin and clan channel autologin.
    - AutoReplier integrated working with all languages.
    - RGB sabers
    - better smoothy moves thanks to the client side prediction
    - Complete view of modelscale stystem with also scaling of sphere, shadow, saber....etc...
    - Improved effects for the new moves, forces, attacks
    - Improved UI menu
    - Capability of allow/disallow Importants new feature provided by the plugin
    - Complete Duel Non interference Code (Visual Ghost effect, smoothy player crossing)
    - support for the Alternate dimension
    - better JA+ items management ( flamethrower and grapple hook ...etc...)
    - crosshair Player name in color
    - gender support for missing skins (replaced by a default male or a female model)
    - support for the New JA+ GLA animations
    - support for new ja+ sabers and holsters models


       (12 reviews)



  4. TaystJK - A Better Jedi Academy Multiplayer Client

    TaystJK is a fork of EternalJK, which in turn is a fork of OpenJK that focuses on adding QoL features, jaPRO integration and Client Engine modifications to Jedi Academy Multiplayer.
    TaystJK supports Windows, MacOS (Intel & Apple Silicon), and Linux.
    To install, check out the JKHub OpenJK tutorial and follow the same steps.
    If you have any suggestions or would like to submit a bug report, please post them in issues.
    Some features it has over vanilla and OpenJK:
    Native widescreen support An in-game camera photo mode First person lightsaber RGB lightsabers and blade styles An in-game server browser More options in the menus Native jaPRO support (which is a server mod focused on defrag racing) Optional blood effects Emoji support New HUD options Move and resize the chat Change the chat font and many more License
    OpenJK is licensed under GPLv2 as free software. You are free to use, modify and redistribute OpenJK following the terms in LICENSE.txt.
    For players
    Installing and running TaystJK/EternalJK:
    Download the latest release. Extract the file into the Jedi Academy GameData folder. For Steam users, this will be in <Steam Folder>/steamapps/common/Jedi Academy/GameData/. Run taystjk.x86.exe For Developers
    Contributing to TaystJK
    Fork the TaystJK project on GitHub Create a new branch on your fork and make your changes Send a pull request to upstream (tayst/master) Maintainers
    Tayst EternalJK Contributors
    eternal bucky loda


       (0 reviews)



  5. QEffects PRO

    This works for both JK2 and JKA, in SP and in MP! PLEASE READ THE README FILE!
    This is a proxy which alters your graphics to be improved. Features the following:

    Motion Blur
    Color Grading (improved)
    Anisotrophic Filtering
    Depth of Field
    Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
    And more...

    Each version of the game is tailored to be different in terms of looks. You can customize the intensity of various effects.
    Here's the color scheme included:
    JK2 SP: Dark, gray, shadowy
    JK2 MP: Same as JK2 SP, but lighter for better visibility ingame. (Reasoning: you have light amp goggles in SP, but not in MP). Slightly more colorful and less gray/dull.
    JA SP: No change in color/saturation/lightness. Altered bloom. SSAO OFF.
    JA MP: Same as JA MP, but slightly more saturation.

    Its official: Scooper is awesome.


       (15 reviews)



  6. jaMME

    Jedi Academy Movie Maker's Edition (jaMME) is an engine modification of
    Jedi Academy for moviemaking. It's a port of q3mme with most of its
    features and some new ones.
    - demo playback control (pause, rewind)
    - free camera mode
    - chase camera mode
    - time speed animation
    - capturing motion blur
    - capturing output in stereo 3D
    - different output types: jpg, tga, png, avi
    - playing music on background to synchronize it with editing
    - saving depth of field mask
    - overriding players information: name, saber colours, hilts, team, model
    - realistic first person view with visible body (trueview)
    - recording audio to wav
    - replacing world textures with your own
    - replacing skybox with one solid colour (chroma key)
    - capturing in any resolution
    - off-screen capturing
    - capturing a list of demos
    - supporting mods: base (basejka, base_enhanced), ja+ (ja++, UAGalaxy), lugormod, makermod
    - supporting versions: 1.01 and 1.00
    - in-game demo cutter
    Author: ent
    Contributors: ent, Scooper, redsaurus, teh, loda, Alpha/Avygeil
    Version: 1.10
    Date: 10.08.2016
    Filesize: 7.42 MB
    Installation: extract the archive to "GameData" folder.
    Copyrights: ©2013-2016 ent


       (10 reviews)



  7. The JKA All Seeing Eye Server Browser Mod

    This is a server browser mod which allows you to switch between different master servers, and allows you to filter by virtually every single mod in existence (except KotF and JKG). A must-have for anyone who wants to see any actual servers in existence (so basically everyone)
    You can specify your own custom master server to track via sv_master4 and sv_master5, or by modifying any of the existing ones. Note that you will have to add this to a config file to make sure that the settings stick. The cvar will not stay through a game restart.
    NOTE: QTracker may or may not work due to QTracker being a fake master server (not an actual one)
    NOTE 2: JKG servers will not show up for multiple reasons, all of which are because of security or stability.


       (6 reviews)



  8. ForceMod III Ninja Edition

    /!\ Do not look for server with "Forcemod III" filter, my mod isn't recognized as Forcemod III, use the basic filters. /!\
    The original Forcemod III modified by Kahzmat.
    This is a mix between serveral mods like JA+ (some effects), Evolution of Combat III (Effects) and FM III (Source) for more realism and details like Star Wars Movies.
    Put the FMIII folder into your "GameData" folder or in "OpenJK" if you're using it.
    -How to Play:
    First of all, launch the mod by your "config" menu.
    Then you can make a server or play on an hosted server.
    /!\ IMPORTANT /!\ : Remove the filter "Forcemod III 1.01" in the join menu.
    - Choose from 29 unique classes in 6 different Factions:
    JEDI: Warden, Aurorian, Sentinel, Ancient One
    SITH: Cardinal, Zealot, Crypt Guardian, Dark Sage
    MERC: Mandalorian, Bounty Hunter, HotShot, Commando
    MILITARY: Stormtrooper, Spacetrooper, Clonetrooper, Royal Guard, Scout, ARC Trooper
    SPECIES: Wookiee, Tusken Raider, Noghri Warrior, Yuuzhan Vong, Gungan
    DROID: Battle Droid, Super Battle Droid, Droideka, Assassin, Darktrooper
    - Level 4 Force powers, combine Light & Dark sides, Charged powers, 5 new force ranks
    - Merc gadgets: Jetpack, Cloaking, Dual Pistols, Flame Gauntlet, Radar, Camouflage, and more...
    - Model Scaling, Class-based Model System, Bot Class support
    - Includes Tchouky's Advanced RGB Sabers
    "Warden" - Level 3 Lightside Powers Available
    - Level 3 Darkside Powers Available
    - Level 2 Saber Attack Maximum
    - Level 3 Saber Defense Maximum
    - Single bladed Lightsaber
    - Bryar Pistol
    "Aurorian" - All Level 4 Lightside Powers Available
    - Level 4 Saber Attack & Defense Maximum
    - Single, Dual Sabers, or Saberstaff
    "Sentinal" - Level 4 Lightside Powers Available
    - Level 2 Darkside Powers Available
    - Level 3 Saber Attack Maximum
    - Level 4 Saber Defense Maximum
    - Single bladed Lightsaber
    "Ancient One" - All Level 4 Force Powers
    - Enhanced Force Regen Rate
    - Armed only with fists and the Force
    "Cardinal" - Level 3 Darkside Powers Available
    - Level 3 Lightside Powers Available
    - Level 2 Saber Attack Maximum
    - Level 3 Saber Defense Maximum
    - Single bladed Lightsaber
    - Bryar Pistol
    "Zealot" - All Level 4 Darkside Powers Available
    - Level 4 Saber Attack & Defense Maximum
    - Single, Dual Sabers, or Saberstaff
    "Crypt Guardian"- Level 4 Darkside Powers Available
    - Level 2 Lightside Powers Available
    - Level 3 Saber Attack Maximum
    - Level 4 Saber Defense Maximum
    - Single bladed Lightsaber
    "Dark Sage" - All Level 4 Force Powers
    - Enhanced Force Regen Rate
    - Armed only with fists and the Force
    "Mandalorian" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
    - Speed: 70%
    - Dual Westar Pistols
    - E-11 Blaster
    - Jetpack-mounted rocket
    - Flamethrower
    - Jetpack
    - Thermal Vision
    - Shield Regenerator
    - Double Ammo Capacity
    - Medpac
    - Martial Arts Training
    - Combat Roll ready
    "Bounty Hunter" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
    - Pistol
    - Tenloss Disruptor
    - Thermal Detonators
    - Cloaking Module
    - Optic Radar Goggles
    - Grappling Hook
    - Binoculars
    - Ammunition Generator
    - Shield Regenerator
    - Medpac
    - Martial Arts Training
    - Scope Tracking
    - Combat Roll ready
    "HotShot" - Health: 200
    - Pistol
    - Blaster
    - DetPacks
    - Tripmines
    - Ammunition Generator
    - Big Medpac
    - Lucky: Automagically dodges
    - Lucky: Chance to do critical strikes
    - Highly resistant to explosives
    - Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
    - Combat Roll ready
    "Commando" - Health/Shields: (150/200)
    - Speed: 85%
    - Pistol
    - Flechette Gun
    - Thermal Detonators
    - Wrist-mounted Flamethrower
    - Portable E-Web Turret
    - Deployable Sentry Gun
    - Ammunition Generator
    - Shield Regenerator
    - Medpac
    - Camouflage Ability
    - Martial Arts Training
    - Combat Roll ready
    "StormTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
    - Pistol
    - Blaster
    - Binoculars
    - Ammunition Generator
    - Shield Regenerator
    - Portable Energy Shield
    - Medpac
    - Troop Leader (Squad of Three)
    - Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
    "SpaceTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
    - Speed: 60%
    - Pistol
    - Repeater
    - Improved Jetpack
    - Shield Regenerator
    - Double Ammo Capacity
    - Medpac
    - Radar-Equipped
    "CloneTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
    - Pistol
    - Repeater Rifle
    - Binoculars
    - Ammunition Generator
    - Shield Regenerator
    - Medpac
    - Troop Leader (Squad of Three)
    - Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
    "Royal Guard" - Health/Shields: (150/200)
    - Force Pike
    - E-11 Blaster
    - Gun-resistant robes
    - Ammunition Generator
    - Shield Regenerator
    - Medpac
    - Battle Dash
    - Martial Arts Training
    "ScoutTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/100)
    - Speed: 140% Normal
    - Pistol
    - Tenloss Disruptor
    - Optic Radar Goggles
    - Cloaking Module
    - Seeker
    - Ammunition Generator
    - Shield Regenerator
    - Medpac
    - Scope Tracking
    - Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
    "ARC Trooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
    - Dual Westar Pistols
    - Rocket Launcher
    - Grappling Hook
    - Medpac
    - Ammunition Generator
    - Shield Regenerator
    - Combat Roll ready
    - Martial Arts Training
    "Wookiee" - Health: 500
    - Speed: 80%
    - Bowcaster
    - Detpacks
    - Big MedPac
    - Ammunition Generator
    - Heavy Melee Combatant
    - Berserker Rage
    - Triggerhappy
    - Wallclinging
    - Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
    - Martial Arts Training
    - Resistant to Melee attacks
    "Tusken Raider" - Health: 300
    - Speed: 110%
    - Gaderffii
    - Sniper Rifle
    - Ammunition Generator
    - Shield Regenerator
    - Big Medpac
    - LifeLeech (Healed by damaging others)
    - Savage Fury
    - Resistant to Melee attacks
    - Martial Arts Training
    "Noghri Warrior"
    - Health: 200
    - Speed: 130%
    - Twin Daggers
    - Medpac
    - Natural Camouflage
    - Battle Senses
    - Thermal Vision
    - Wallclinging
    - Natural Leaping Ability
    - Martial Arts Training
    "Yuuzhan Vong" - Health: 300
    - Speed: 120%
    Weapon: - Amphistaff
    - Organic Armor (Lightsaber Resistant)
    - Total Force Immunity
    - Regeneration (Heals over time)
    - Resistant to Melee attacks
    - Martial Arts Training
    "Gungan" - Health/Shields: (200/100)
    Weapon: - DEMP 2
    - Ammunition Generator
    - Shield Regenerator
    - Medpac
    - Heightened jumping ability
    - Cartilaginous Skeleton (Resistant to explosives)
    - Resistant to fall damage
    - Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
    "Battle Droid" - Health/Shields: (75/150)
    - Blaster
    - Rocket Launcher
    - Unlimited Ammo
    - Internal Radar
    - Shield Regenerator
    - Troop Leader (Squad of Three)
    - Force-Immune
    - Resistant to fall damage
    - Resistant to Melee attacks
    - Automated Nano-Repair
    - Immune to Fire
    "Super Battle Droid"
    - Health/Shields: (75/300)
    - Speed: 70%
    - Laser Cannon Gauntlet
    - Rocket Pack
    - Internal Radar
    - Unlimited Ammo
    - Ammunition Generator
    - Shield Regenerator
    - Force-Immune
    - Triggercrazy
    - Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
    - Resistant to fall damage
    - Resistant to Melee attacks
    - Automated Nano-Repair
    - Immune to own blasters
    - Immune to Fire
    "Droideka" - Health/Shields: (150/500)
    - Twin Blasters
    - Internal Radar
    - Unlimited Ammo
    - Shield Regenerator
    - Force-Immune
    - Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
    - Resistant to Melee attacks
    - Automated Nano-Repair
    - Immune to fall damage
    - Immune to Fire
    - Immune to own blasters
    "Assassin Droid" - Health/Shields: (100/100)
    - Speed: 90%
    - Pistol
    - Disruptor
    - Repeater
    - Internal Radar
    - Cloaking device
    - Unlimited Ammo
    - Shield Regenerator
    - Force-Immune
    - Resistant to Melee attacks
    - Martial Arts Training
    - Resistant to fall damage
    - Automated Nano-Repair
    - Immune to Fire
    "DarkTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/350)
    - Speed: 50%
    - Pistol
    - Concussion Rifle
    - Rocket Launcher
    - Internal Radar
    - Unlimited Ammunition
    - Shield Regenerator
    - Cortosis Armor (Lightsaber/Explosives Resistant)
    - Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
    - Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
    - Resistant to Melee attacks
    - Resistant to fall damage
    - Automated Nano-Repair
    - Immune to Fire
    - Seven Forms of Lightsaber Combat:
    (originally developed by David West Reynolds)
    Form I: (Yellow Stance)
    - Level 2 Saber Offense Required
    Form II: (White Stance)
    - Dual Lightsaber wielder primary stance
    - Level 4 Saber Offense Required
    Form III: (Blue Stance)
    - Level 1 Saber Offense Required
    Form IV: (Green Stance)
    - Level 4 Saber Offense Required
    Form V: (Red Stance)
    - Level 3 Saber Offense Required
    Form VI: (Purple Stance)
    - Level 4 Saber Offense Required
    Form VII: (Gold Stance)
    - Saberstaff wielder primary stance
    - Level 4 Saber Offense Required
    - Powered by Tchouky's Advanced RGB Sabers (toggleable)
    - Dualblade lightsabers can be split in half or destroyed
    - Dual lightsaber wielder's 2nd saber may be destroyed
    - Lightsabers damage now lethal
    - Recharge force at twice the normal rate with saber holstered
    - Jedi will now try to block sniper shots with their saber before trying to dodge
    - 16 different lightsaber blade types available
    - Certain special moves can now be performed on cue:
    - Backstabs/Backsweeps: crouch + back + attack
    - Force Impale/Slash: pull followed by attack
    Dual Lightsabers:
    - Dual Side Attack: crouch + left + attack
    - Dual Front/Read Attack: crouch + right + attack
    Red or Staff Stance (kicks):
    - Split kick: crouch + right + alt attack
    - Spinning roundhouse kick: crouch + back + alt attack
    - Hilt Bash: crouch + forward + alt attack
    Cloaking: (Same key as Mindtrick, or select as item and press "Use" to toggle)
    - Allows one to become invisible for a short period of time
    - Cannot be seen with Force Seeing
    - Missiles lose lock on cloaked mercs
    - Invisible to sentry guns
    - Can attack while cloaked
    Camouflage: (Stand still for 3 seconds to disappear)
    - Unlimited duration
    - Moving while crouched maintains camouflage
    - Remain hidden unless moving quickly or attacking
    Optic Radar: (Same key as ForceSense, use like force power)
    - Goggles send and receive radar waves
    - Can see moving, non-cloaked entities, even through walls
    - Can see mindtricking Jedi/Sith
    Thermal Vision: (Same key as ForceSense, use like force power)
    - Goggles attuned to pick up body heat
    - Can see mindtricking Jedi/Sith
    - Can see cloakers
    Flame Gauntlet: (Same key as ForceLightning, use like force power)
    - Flamethrower mounted on the Merc's left forearm
    - Does constant damage to all engulfed targets
    - Intense heat bypasses shields and damages tissue directly
    Shield Charging:(Same key as ForceHeal, use like force power)
    - Regenerate shields by drawing power from the battery cells
    AmmoCell Regen: (Same key as Force TeamHeal, use like force power)
    - Replenishes weapon ammunition via the battery cells
    Jetpack: (Hold jump or press "Use" while airborne to activate jetpack)
    (Land or press "Use" again to turn off)
    - Jetpack can be destroyed
    - Powered by separate, self-replenishing fuel tank
    - Flag carrier cannot use jetpack
    Mobile Battery: - Serves as a power source for:
    - Optic Radar Goggles
    - Flame Gauntlet
    - Ammo Recharger
    - Shield Regenerator
    - Charges over time
    Grapple: (Bind key to "hook" or select key to bind in ForceMod menu)
    1. Press hook once to fire
    2. Press again to swing at that distance
    3. Press hook again to disengage grapple
    - Pressing "Use" at anytime will disengage grapple
    - Utilizes Tercero's grapple model
    Wallclinging: (Jump at a wall and hold jump to grab)
    - Can turn and fire while clinging wall
    - Press crouch to release grip on wall
    Troop Leader: - Commands a squad of NPCs
    Auto-Dodge/Battle Senses:
    - Chance to automatically dodge any incoming projectile
    Life Leech: - Each succesful attack returns life to the attacker
    Battle Dash: (Same key as ForceSpeed, use like force power)
    - Can run at 185% normal speed for a period of time
    Coomb Spores: (Same key as ForceLightning, use like force power)
    - Deadly micro-organisms suffocate target
    - Does constant damage to all engulfed targets
    - Organisms bypass shields and attack lung tissue directly
    - Powerful toxins eat away at inner circuitry in droids
    Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training:
    - Can fight using punches
    - Knows basic directional kicks
    Martial Arts Training:
    - Can fight using punches
    - Knows basic directional kicks
    - Skilled in advanced, multiple-hit kicks
    - Skilled in grappling and wrestling moves
    Heavy Melee Combatant:
    - Very powerful, often lethal melee attacks
    Berserker Rage & Savage Fury:
    (Same key as DarkRage, use like force power)
    - Increased speed
    - Increased damage
    - Cannot be killed while in rage
    - Slow and vulnerable after Rage is over
    Scope Tracking:
    - Can move while zoomed in with scope
    - Moves faster when zoomed
    Combat Roll ready:
    - Players can roll while wielding guns
    - Player can fire weapons 30% faster
    - Player can fire weapons 60% faster
    Automated Nano-Repair:
    - Microscopic nanobots constantly repair droid circuitry
    - Heals over time
    Extra Heavy: - Generally too heavy to lift or move
    - Resistant to ForcePush and ForcePull
    - Resistant to ForceGrip
    - Immune to Force Drain
    - Immune to Mind Trick
    - Immune to Force Sense
    - Immune to Force Heal
    Full Force-Immune:
    - Immune to all Force powers
    - Disruptor fire can now dismember target
    - All Force Powers have been extended to include Level 4 strength
    - Jedi/Sith with Level 4 powers can execute "Charge-up" moves
    (Chargemeter: charges when force power is full)
    (Press "Use" when Chargemeter is full, then execute level 4 force power)
    - Certain Jedi/Sith classes can combine Light and Dark Force powers.
    - Five new force ranks:
    Sith Apprentice: 150 Force Points
    Sith Lord: 200 Force Points
    Jedi Lord: 250 Force Points
    Ancient Master: 350 Force Points
    One with the Force: 500 Force Points
    Jump: Level 4:- Jump 24x normal height
    - Reduced force cost
    Heal: - Heals over time now, instead of instantly
    Charged:- Instant full health
    Speed: Level 4:- Run at 200% normal speed
    - Duration increased
    Push: Charged: - Triple strength push if standing
    - 360 degree push if crouched
    Level 4:- Increased push strength over level 3.
    - Greater push resistance
    - Chance to break saberlock increased
    Pull: Charged: Triple strength pull if standing
    360 degree pull if crouched
    Level 4:- Increased pull strength over level 3
    - Greater pull resistance
    MindTrick: - Force Seeing will only reveal invisible jedi of equal or lesser rank
    Charged: Each attack while invisible costs less
    Level 4:- Can attack while invisible - each attack costs force points
    - Duration increased to 40 seconds
    Grip: Charged: Channels lightning to gripped victim (ala Dooku)
    Level 4:- Can move around at double normal speed while gripping (Normally %40)
    - Grip range increased to 2x normal
    - Damage per second doubled
    Charged: Knockdown and paralyze victims with lightning (ala Palpatine)
    Level 4:- Lightning mastery - other lightning attacks are absorbed by force power
    Dark Rage:
    Charged: Immune to gunfire - deflects all projectile attacks
    Level 4:- Increased lightsaber damage done by 50%
    - Run speed further increased to 200% normal speed
    - Duration of 40 seconds
    Charged: Gives Jedi 200 shields for duration of power
    Level 4:- Consumes force only when hit
    Charged: All Energy weapon attacks are converted into force power
    Level 4:- Absorbs 25% more force than level 3
    - Absorbs and converts 25% of weapon damage into force
    Drain: - Drainer takes damage from a missed attack ????
    - If victim is non-Jedi, drains health instead of Force
    Charged: Slows victim to 20% normal speed for 15 seconds
    Level 4:- Drains ~20% more than level 3 drain
    - Drains ammo from any energy weapons in use
    Charged: 70% chance to dodge any type of projectile attack,
    reflect all projectiles directly back at attacker
    Level 4:- Duration increased 40 seconds
    Saber Offense:
    Level 4:- Saberstaff available
    - Dual Sabers available
    - Choose an additional Lightsaber form for single sabers
    Saber Defense:
    Level 3:- Block Lightning and Drain attacks if attacker is in crosshairs
    Level 4:- Block all incoming projectiles if attacker is in crosshairs
    Level 4:- Saber can spend more time airborne
    - Saber will never fall to the ground when blocked
    - Force power costs reduced
    Tchouky's Advanced RGB Lightsabers:
    - Toggle on/off clientside, for those who prefer the regular six colors
    - In-game menus
    - Black sabers availale (toggleable)
    - Pimpin color-cycling sabers available with scripts
    Anzymn, Corto, Neo Knight, Kyle Kellahshehskee, Nezill, Kjarl_Dreadnought and FM III Team : FORCEMOD III
    Dave Turner : E-11 Blaster
    Sasha Burrow : ATST Pilot
    Psyk0sith and Grafox : Some Player Models (Ki Adi Mundi,
    LastWish : IG-88
    Darth Shiftee : Trandoshan HD Head
    MovieBattle II Team :
    Serenity937 : Evolution of Combat Effects
    Pande : Scope HUD
    pra_viion : Luke HD Model
    Circa & DT85 : Some Player Models
    Mars Marshall aka Neomarz1 and his Team : Clone Ultima / Republic Commando / Magna Guard / Electrostaff and a lot of cool things!
    Hapslash : Stormtrooper
    Monsoontide, Keshire, Tyrael64 : Scouttrooper and T21 Blaster
    Weedsmoker : Clone Scout
    Duncan 10158 : Night Scout
    David "Rendar" Payne / Chairwalker : Super Battle Droid
    Prophet : Battle Droids
    Robin "IZaNaGI" Molde : Shaders
    Duncan_10158 : Droideka
    Major Clod : Gungan / Han Solo
    Joe "Keto" Thiel : Yuuzhan Vong
    Eric Landreneau : Royal Guard
    AJL : DC-15A Clone Repeater
    Inyri : Westar Pistol 3P Model
    Kevin Coyle : Anakin EP2, Obi-Wan Ep1, Ben Kenobi
    Toonces : Some Jedi Models
    JP-30 : ATAT Pilot
    OddJob : Boushh
    NeoMarz, Psyk0Sith & Darklord60 : Mando Pack
    Jashugan : Qui-Gon Jinn
    Stingray : Leia Endor
    Neomarz, Moooa : Zam Wesell
    Raven : JKA
    John Williams : Musics *o*
    George Lucas : Universe!
    Special Thanks to all these modders who enriched the game .
    And my testers : Zeogrey, Rafale, Selixas.


       (3 reviews)



  9. Cvar Unlocker

    This mod changes your sv_cheats cvar to 1 whenever the map changes.
    This will allow you to set cvars such as, but not restricted to, cg_thirdpersonrange or cg_fov to whatever value you like


       (2 reviews)



  10. Facial Expressions

    This mod consists of custom built binaries (and libraries) that incorporate a facial expressions patch to extend the amount of available Icarus scriptable facial animations in the single-player game of Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.
    It is designed for single-player mods where the developer/author wishes to have more character facial expressions in cutscenes and otherwise scripted sequences than what the base game allows.
    Include the custom binary (app) with your single-player mod as a launcher. Provide instructions for your users to place the launcher in the "GameData" folder (above the "base" folder) and use it instead of the default single-player app to launch your mod. You can rename the launcher to whatever you like.
    Place the patched DLL file into your single-player mod folder.
    The new facial expressions are accessible with the following commands in Icarus:
    ...and of course there's SET_FACEFROWN and the rest.
    You can also combine any SET_FACE... animation with either of these SET_ANIM_BOTH head animations in Icarus for more variety and expression:
    And use the character looking down with a solemn face for show of sorrow.
    This mod was built using the OpenJK source: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/
    Special thanks to Asgarath83 and Eezstreet for their help.


       (9 reviews)



  11. Multi Player Views

    RELEASED: 10 April 2016
    AUTHOR: Cerez (cerezk.oz@gmail.com)
    This OpenJK mod adds three new player view options to the Multiplayer game, activated by four buttons on the right side of the keyboard (namely , . / ').
    Full first person view (even with a lightsaber).
    A third person view of your character, following closer, reminiscent of many action games, movies, and TV shows when the character is in a battle scene. The reticle is disabled by default in this view to provide a more cinematic experience.
    This option anchors the view to your location, effectively creating a third person camera perspective. The view will rotate to follow your character, but it will not move from its current position. It's useful for taking cinematic screenshots, for example.
    Conveniently reverts back to the game's default third person player view settings.
    Since this is a client-side modification, this mod works just as well in any server environment you're visiting. You can duel with other players in first person view if you want to, for example, or use the closer-to-the-action view instead of the game's default view, and switch between them.
    You'll need OpenJK installed and set up as a prerequisite:
    Move "openjk.pk3" to your "~/Documents/My Games/OpenJK/base" folder.
    Move "views.cfg" to your base folder.
    Move "openjk.x86.exe" to your "<game install location>/GameData" folder, replacing the default "openjk.x86.exe", and use it to run the Multiplayer game.
    Run the game, and in the game console type "exec views" to bind the view switching keys to your keyboard.
    You can edit "views.cfg" in Notepad to change which keys are bound for view switching, or to change an individual view's settings.
    To unbind a bound key, simply type "unbind", followed by the key in the game's console (e.g. "unbind ,").
    If you want to use this mod in a non-basejka, custom server mod environment (such as JA+, or Lugormod), be sure to copy "openjk.pk3" to that mod's client-side folder as well in "~/Documents/My Games/OpenJK".
    In first person view the view will not roll over, spin around, or flip upside down when your character does. I consider this a feature rather than a bug. When the view spins and moves so quickly, it usually causes disorientation and motion sickness in players.
    Custom Compiled and Scripted by: Cerez
    This mod was built using the OpenJK source: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/
    The OpenJK project, and everyone at JKHub.
    Hereby permission is given to anyone to edit and create derivative works of the contents of this mod.


       (9 reviews)



  12. jaMME

    Jedi Academy Movie Maker's Edition (jaMME) is an engine modification of
    Jedi Academy for moviemaking. It's a port of q3mme with most of its
    features and some new ones.
    - demo playback control (pause, rewind)
    - free camera mode
    - chase camera mode
    - time speed animation
    - capturing motion blur
    - capturing output in stereo 3D
    - different output types: jpg, tga, png, avi, mp4(+ffmpeg)
    - playing music on background to synchronize it with editing
    - saving depth of field mask
    - overriding players information: name, saber colours, hilts, team, model
    - realistic first person view with visible body (trueview)
    - recording audio to wav
    - replacing world textures with your own
    - replacing skybox with one solid colour (chroma key)
    - capturing in any resolution
    - off-screen capturing
    - capturing a list of demos
    - supporting mods: base (basejka, base_enhanced), ja+ (ja++, UAGalaxy), lugormod, makermod
    - supporting versions: 1.01 and 1.00
    - in-game demo cutter
    Author: ent
    Contributors: ent, Scooper, redsaurus, teh, loda, Alpha/Avygeil
    Version: 1.10
    Date: 10.08.2016
    Filesize: 29.3 MB
    Put "jaMME.apk" file to your Android device and open it to install the application.
    Put "assets[0-3].pk3" to "[game folder]/base" folder on your device.
    Select the folder where your "base" folder with the game assets is ([game folder] that mentioned above).
    Optionally type startup arguements in format: "+command1 value1 +command2 value2" etc.
    Copyrights: ©2013-2016 ent


       (3 reviews)



  13. Evolution of Combat

    Evolution of Combat III Full Total Conversion Evolution of Combat III is a new build ,it is not intended to be a mere update of Jedi academy ,but a New beginning.You must relearn what you have learnt, remaster what you have mastered, with patience , experience and intelligence.This mod will take combat of all forms to a new level allowing you to become the greatest warrior in the galaxy.........May the force be with you 

    Evolution of Combat has changed radically, the mod focus is now (As the name suggests) on Evolution of Combat.A lot of the unnecessary stuff that was nothing more than a distraction and swayed the focus from combat in EoC I and 2 has been removed.The saber system has been overhauled ,If you watch the film "crouching tiger,hidden dragon" you will see what we have been aiming for.We have focused our efforts on Defense ,calculated attacks, timing and speed.The saber system is a serious "Saberists" element of the mod with aspects of the Wudang chuan swordsmanship fighting styles and 7 saber forms to choose from.As a result of this ,the people who just like the hack and slash base jedi academy system will not like this.And if you expect your enemy to just stand and be killed, well i got some more bad newsThe bot A.I has been totally rebuilt ,these bots (enemy's) will defend themselves and attack you with a degree of intelligence timing and cunning ,never seen before in JKA .We have aimed at a sense of realism ,to make you feel you are fighting real people.So the message is "If your not an expert at EoC saber system don't play on skill level Jedi master" you will just be killed.The melee combat system has also been rebuilt ,added moves for defense and attack make melee combat a new skill based element to the mod that ,"when mastered" give you a big advantage over a less experienced fighter.New weapons and vehicles make the life of a gunner far more interesting.So if you don't want to play as a Jedi, fear not.Many new aspects have been added to make the life of a gunner far more fun.The athlete skill is something gunners will learn to love ,allowing you to jump higher,further, perform acrobatics, and move faster .This skill will make life hard for other gunners and saber wielders to hit you accurately, as you leap and dive around from fire position to cover position.Location based damage means you can blow your opponents head,arms or legs off with a single shot,Making a gun user an enemy respected by all.(Including Jedi).A full experience and Rank system allows you to save your progress to avoid "starting from the beginning" every time you start a new game. Just log in and as you get better and more skilled at EoCIII you will be rewarded by promotion and skill points allowing you to upgrade your weapons or force powers.New force powers and updates of the old force powers make the life of a sith or jedi far more interesting .Use the force wisely and be rewarded generously, abuse or over using your force powers can weaken you and make you vulnerable to attack from wise enemy's.


       (5 reviews)



  14. MoD LoaDeR

    *** Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy ***
    TITLE: MoD_LoaDeR
    AUTHOR: French Jedi Academy Clan
    Installation :
    Put the MoD_LoaDeR folder in your Gamedata.
    Explications :
    this is a little mod for those who use a lot of mods and don't want to get a lot a icons on their desktops, and who are boring to launch basejka, then click on setup, then click on mods, then chose the mod and lauch it.
    Just put a icon for this mod and you can quickly launch any mod you want.
    the introduction video were removed and the menu is light in order to load quickly.
    Bugs :
    if you have different graphics configs between your mods, it could change them.
    Commentary :
    Don't ask me for the mods in the screenshots : there are some personnal test-mods and modified mod. For example, there are 2 japlus because i have a folder for japlus and a folder for JA++.
    Credits : Raven and FJA clan.


       (3 reviews)



  15. Jedi Knight Galaxies

    Jedi Knight Galaxies is an open-world, large multiplayer online first person shooter roleplaying game (LMOFPSRPG). In Phase 1: Versus, the Player versus Player combat is being fleshed out and demonstrated for players to experience.  (See more about phases here).  This is v1.3.23 the most recent stable release.  Information about the last beta release can be found here.  New beta/test releases can be found on our website at: https://www.jkgalaxies.net/download.html.
    In Versus, your goal is to rack up credits and complete objectives (such as capturing the flag) while eliminate the opposing faction. But beware, become too notorious and you might rack up a bounty on your head...
    Each team has a vendor to purchase new items from in their spawn. This will be very similar to the final game's inventory and vendor system.
    This download contains the asset and binaries required to play.  Binaries for Windows and Linux are available.  The map packs are also recommended: Map Pack #1, Map Pack #2. 


       (10 reviews)



  16. OJP Anniversary - Linux Server & Windows Client

    I wanted to get a working copy for a Linux server and play it on my Windows client, so I went through some hassle to get it to work.
    The only apparent thing people might interpret as a "bug" would be a shaking camera, but after asking Razorace, it seems he implemented this for whenever someone has high mishap. He'll probably remove it in the future as he said he noticed not many people liked it.
    If you want to remove it, you can download the source on Google Code and navigate to cg_jkehud.c and remove the following (or put it in comment tags):
    //[SaberSys]if (cg.snap->ps.saberAttackChainCount <= BALANCE_LOW){//Shake the camera if we're running low on balance. //shake more the closer we get to a mishap. float shakeFactor = .6f * ((BALANCE_LOW - (float)cg.snap->ps.saberAttackChainCount) / BALANCE_LOW); CGCam_Shake(shakeFactor, 350);}//[/SaberSys]
    Please note that the included *.bat for the client uses OpenJK to run.
    Special thanks to @Raz0r, @Scooper, @Xycaleth, @Stoiss and @Ensiform (naming people off the top of my head) for allowing some tiresome questions and taking their time to assist whenever it was needed.
    And a very big thank you to @razorace for having created, in my opinion, the most wonderful Jedi Academy mod. Don't let it die!


       (0 reviews)



  17. Man Hunt Mod

    Uploaded by @Omicron.
    An attempt to e-mail the original authors to get permission to upload the mod was made, but received no response after some weeks.
    e-mail sent:
    Put basically, Man Hunt was more of an experiment than a mod. Just a few ja+ players wanting something different to do rather than the usual duelling and ffa’ing. We stumbled upon talents we each had to help towards making our dream sort of gametype called ‘Man Hunt’. This basically consisted of ‘Hiders’ and ‘Hunters’ similar to a siege type gameplay. That was what we were originally intending. However, the mod shunted towards a more ‘co-op’ style of gameplay. You get to play Jedi Academy single player levels with modern warfare weapons and technology. It is heavily based on teamwork; with a full donate system, sharing ammo, health packs and shield packs. It is essential if you wish for you and your team to survive to keep supplying each other with supplies since you do not respawn until the map is restarted
    With quite a more advanced npc AI. You have to work with your teammates to reach through obstacles until the end of the level. While the AI moves in and out of the level to try and hunt you down.
    The mod hasn’t been fully tested properly. There will no doubt be bugs (More so from the current buglist that we have found), since we are amateur modders and this is our first project, The source is basically the same one as from when we started 2 years ago. We are expecting quite a few problems, since our own tests don’t always go so smoothly with some random crashing once and again and issues.
    We have decided to release because of the lack of work and activity in the mod. The code is a mess (Due to recent hard disk failures) and without the ability to change much in the code, we got bored and the mod got slower and slower. We only just recently decided to release what we had to the public. There probably will not be a 2nd version since we will be starting on a new mod very soon.
    Original author(s) may contact the member who uploaded (linked above and in readme) or JKHub staff here.


       (4 reviews)



  18. Makermod Client Plugin

    Hello everyone! Thank you for downloading my Client Plugin. This plugin, is based upon the Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy mod "Makermod" The way it works, is simply adding a UI (User Interface) a menu, where you can do everything in the mod! (Not W-I-P commands)
    So the meaning of this plugin, is making makermod easier to use. And I had alot of fun making it.
    This Plugin, was created by me as a hobby. So the reason for its long time before its released, is simply because I don't have as much time that I might possibly want to work on stuff like this.
    Plugin was also created with a few problems, since I've learned how to make it, by actually doing it. Therefore some features I did not know of in early process of the creation, has been left out for the first release. The later work is also of better quality, if you ask me, then the early time work. Since I've increased in skill on how to get my ideas into it.
    Currently only for Microsoft Windows.
    To get started:
    1) Press ESC ingame
    2) Press Controls
    3) Press Makermod
    4) Set a key.
    As said earlier, this plugin allows you to easily "navigate" within the mod Makermod. So all the features are based upon the commands of that mod. Henche, the features are easily usage of the makermod features!
    The plugin also got so you can navigate the plugin either with mouse, key arrows, or hotkeys:
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
    One unrelated feature however, is the makermod server "finder" You can go into the ingame join game section, and press the "Game:" Tab, to scroll into list only showing servers with Makermod.
    Some of the more experienced makermod players, mind find the plugin slow to use. The hotkeys helps, but many will still find it easier to use commands as orignally taught of. This I can understand, finding myself not using all the features myself.
    So makermod plugin will mostly be a help for newer players.
    Features that will make plugin faster to use, is planned. No release date on v2 though.
    Plugin might also interfer with other mods, if game is not shut down between mod changing.
    Thanks for your support! Hope you will enjoy this plugin


       (1 review)



  19. Neo Dark Ages v3.18 - (Windows Installer)

    | Neo Dark Ages (NDA) Manual - ReadMe
    | Website: http://www.ndamod.com
    | For NDA version: 3.18
    | Last updated: 09/10/2012
    It started out as a one man operation to do a simple graphical overhaul for Jedi Academy.
    The plan was to throw in some models and maps and just release it as that.
    However with the help of Light Ninja and Tobe_One the project started to grow and slowly
    developed into something bigger; hopefully we may call this a total conversion once we are done!
    Neo Dark Ages is a modification for Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy; this means that you will need a
    legal copy of the game Jedi Academy to play this modification.
    Please see the end of this document for credits, which I consider to be the most important part.
    To install and play NDA, follow these simple instructions:
    Remove any previous versions of NDA by simply deleting the "nda" folder and "play_nda.bat" file in JKA's "GameData" folder.
    (This step only apply's to those with previous versions of the NDA mod.)
    Run NDA_setup.exe install within the "gamedata" folder of JKA
    Play (Regular JKA installation):
    1) Double-click the "play_nda.bat" icon on your desktop or in your "gamedata" folder to start NDA.
    (This .bat file contains the following command: jamp.exe +set fs_game nda)
    Play (Steam installation):
    1) Right-click on the Jedi Academy listing in your Steam Library and choose Properties --> Set Launch Options
    2) In the "Launch Options" window, enter the following command: +set fs_game "nda" --> click "OK" --> "Close"
    3) Launch JKA from Steam as you normally would and NDA should start.
    To install and play NDA manually, follow these simple instructions:
    (applies to those that have downloaded a manual instal version of NDA or have accidently installed NDA in the wrong location.)
    Remove any previous versions of NDA by simply deleting the "nda" folder and "play_nda.bat" file in JKA's "GameData" folder.
    (This step only apply's to those with previous versions of the NDA mod.)
    1) Create a folder called "nda" under your JKA Gamedata folder (i.e. c:\games\jedi academy\gamedata\nda)
    2) Copy the file named "play_nda.bat" to your "gamedata" folder.
    3) Copy the file named "nda_a3XX.pk3" to your newly created "gamedata\nda" folder.
    Play (Regular JKA installation):
    1) Double-click the "play_nda.bat" icon in your "gamedata" folder to start NDA.
    (This .bat file contains the following command: jamp.exe +set fs_game nda)
    Play (Steam installation):
    1) Right-click on the Jedi Academy listing in your Steam Library and choose Properties --> Set Launch Options
    2) In the "Launch Options" window, enter the following command: +set fs_game "nda" --> click "OK" --> "Close"
    3) Launch JKA from Steam as you normally would and NDA should start.
    || Third Person Lock
    [ Description ]
    By default the game reverts to first-person view upon each round start. This feature provides a
    toggle that can be used to lock the third-person view.
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is disabled by default. To enable, either toggle the option to "Yes" in the
    "Game Options" menu, or set the cvar named "cg_lockthirdperson" to "1".
    NOTE: If this option is used, first-person view will be disabled completely.
    || FOV Unlock (New)
    [ Description ]
    The Field of View (or FOV) is a setting you can change which determines how much of the map is visible
    to you. To change your FOV in JKA, open the console and type "cg_fov 80" (for example). The value of 80
    is the default setting and the default max value is 97. NDA increases the max value. Some say a low
    FOV will improve your accuracy while others say a high FOV allows more flexibility and improves your
    [ Usage ]
    Use the console command "cg_fov <value>" to adjust the FoV. For example: cg_fov 80
    || Speedometer
    [ Description ]
    This feature displays your current player speed in u/s (units per second).
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled by issuing the following CVAR in console:
    "cg_speedometer 1" The default setting is "cg_speedometer 0".
    || AutoDemo
    [ Description ]
    If this feature is enabled it will start a demo recording each round. The demo files will be stored
    either in "GameData/base/demos" or "GameData/nda/demos".
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is disabled by default. To enable, either toggle the option to "Yes" in the "Game Options"
    menu, or set the cvar named "cg_allowAutoDemo" to "1". Once enabled, if the command "ndademosave" is
    issued before the end of the round, the demo file will be time stamped after the round ends. This command
    should be bound to a key for ease of use if you enable this feature. The created demo file will be named
    "demox0001.dm_26" temporarily and will be deleted after the round if "ndademosave" is not used. If
    "ndademosave" is used, the demo file will be renamed to the current timestamp in the following format:
    YYYY-MM-DD-HHmmSS.dm_26. (Y = Year, M = Month, D = Date, H = Hour, m = Minute, S = Second)
    || Scoreboard Time stamp
    [ Description ]
    At the end of each round, a time stamp is displayed. This is primarily useful to time code a scoreboard
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is enabled by default and currently cannot be disabled.
    || Vehicle Bug Fix
    [ Description ]
    This feature fixes the problem with the camera that occurs after spectating a player riding a vehicle.
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is enabled by default and cannot be disabled.
    || EOF Custom Map Fix
    [ Description ]
    This will allow you to have more than 3 maps that use custom Siege classes in your base folder at a time.
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. This feature works if the server doesn't have
    more than 3 custom maps (containing custom classes), and/or if the server also fixes the EOF problem.
    || Known Issues
    Many issues are know within the maps and are currently being improved
    please look for updates or newer releases to resolve most issues.
    [spectator issue]
    Spectator mode "jumps" out of the maps playable area thus redering it unable to "spectate."
    [spectator Fix]
    Joining the game or reconnecting will fix this problem.
    [Trapped PC]
    Certain levels require you to stay in specific areas once you have entered them, this is not entirely a glitch but may be perceived as one.
    [Trapped PC Fix]
    Unfortunately the only sure way out of this would be the command "/kill" or wait to die.
    If you would like to inform us of issues not listed here please contact us at
    email: info@ndamod.com
    or the ndamod.com forums
    || Rideable Horses
    [ Description ]
    This will allow you to ride many horses as a vehicle.
    [ Usage ]
    Displayed in certian maps or manually via "npc spawn" command in cheat mode.
    Hores Vehicle spawn codes:
    (You can chose horse_armor,2,3,4,5 for five different armor styles,
    as for the horse skins under the armors, they will be randomly chosen)
    || New Map Game Modes
    [ Description ]
    A few maps have specific game mode elements and are meant to be played specific ways.
    [ Usage ]
    NDA - ARENA: Meant for TFFA mode - Choose your class by entering the gate under any class flag.. each
    class contains class weapons you may not return to the "class room" until you die.
    NDA - TOURNAMENT: Meant for TFFA mode - Map is meant as a different Game Mode within NDA. Players are to
    score points in various "mini games" in order to secure a victory for their team. Both teams start with
    negative points in order to allow servers to run multiple maps while still allowing the tournament map to
    function correctly.
    NDA - INFEST ATTACK: Meant for TFFA mode - Map is meant as a different Game Mode within NDA. Players are to
    score points by slaying dragons as apposed to the opposite team. Each team gets a similar play area and dragons
    to defeat for points.
    Many maps contain NPC's and should be considered when playing.
    The process for using the NDA dedicated server is much the same as using the base JKA dedicated server.
    If you have the NDA client in your gamedata/base folder and create a server using the in-game set up,
    the server that is started will be an NDA server.
    The process for setting up a dedicated server is very similar. For a Windows dedicated server,
    if the NDA pk3 is in the gamedata/base folder, when you start the dedicated server it will be an
    NDA server. For a Linux dedicated server, you will need to download the Linux binary and place it
    in your base folder. You may want to back up the original binary file (jampgamei386.so).
    Please see below for the features and general usage tips.
    || Zombie Mode
    [ Description ]
    NDA Zombie Mode is a special version of Siege which has a unique set of rules. Most rounds begin with
    a single player on the Red team, who is designated the "Zombie". The goal is for the "Zombie" to
    "infect" all of the players from the Blue (Survivors) team by killing them. If this mode is enabled,
    after the round begins any player who dies on the Blue (Survivors) team will become a "Zombie". The
    last player remaining on the Blue (Survivors) team wins that round and begins the next round as the
    [ Usage ]
    --> To enable, set the g_ndazombie server CVAR to 1. (i.e. g_ndazombie 1) This is disabled by default.
    --> Zombie mode only works in the Siege gametype.
    --> A round begins once the "Zombie" /kills or switches class. This allows the Blue team time to set
    their class and possibly find hiding places.
    --> Zombie mode works on any Siege map but is generally the most fun on maps designed for this mode.
    --> The following server cvars should be set on the server in order to properly support a Zombie game:
    - seta g_siegeRespawn 1 (Typically set to 20 for Siege games, allows for instant respawns.)
    - seta g_siegeTeamSwitch 1 (Allows players to switch teams.)
    - seta g_debugmelee 1 (Allows enhanced melee, such as wall grabs.)
    - seta g_teamForceBalance 0 (Zombie games are almost always going to have an unbalanced number
    of players per team.)
    || Public Spec Chat
    [ Description ]
    NDAmakes chat from spectators viewable to all players currently on the server, instead of only
    being able to be seen by other spectators. (NOTE: Spectator _team_ chat is still only viewable
    by other spectators.)
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is enabled by default and cannot be disabled.
    || Exploit Fixes
    [ Description ]
    The NDA server aims to fix most commonly used and well known exploits. Several of the most
    common and dangerous exploit fixes are implemented in this version, with more planned for
    future versions. _Some_ of the exploit fixes include:
    >> callvote exploit
    >> forcestring exploit
    >> /say exploit
    >> fakeplayer exploit
    [ Usage ]
    Exploit proection cannot be disabled.
    || Other Settings
    >> g_ndablacknames : Allow players to use the color black in their names
    || Gameplay
    Classic Gameplay elements
    Player vs NPC durring certian MP levels.
    || Credits
    NOTE: This mod literally would not be possible without the following people. We are _very_ grateful
    for their extremely patient help, code snippets and suggestions. If we're missing anyone, holler!!
    [ NDA team and contributors credits ]
    >> Founder:
    >> 2D Designs & Texture Artists:
    >> Environment Artists:
    >>3D Artists:
    Inyri Forge
    >> Music Artists:
    >> Programmers:
    >> Retired/Inactive Artists:
    [Other credits ]
    >> The dudes at #jacoders, especially:
    >> Scooper
    >> Didz
    >> Xycaleth
    >> Raz0r
    >> BobaFett
    >> TrippHop
    >> eezstreet
    >>Music Credits
    >>Certain levels contain music not created by the staff, we do not and will not take credit for
    their creation and these songs will be replaced by that of our own RascHu in future updates.
    >>Any content that may not have been mentioned is owned by it's creator and we take no part in
    it's creation unless it has strickly come from an NDA DEV member.
    >> Gamall @ http://gamall-ida.com
    >> All the contributors in the following thread at Lucasforums: http://lucasforums.c...ad.php?t=140104
    >> All contributors, testers and users of the mod in general
    || Disclaimer
    The authors/contributors of this mod are not (and cannot be held) responsible for any damages done to your
    computer/data or any other unintended results from using this software. It is tested and used by the author(s)
    to hopefully avoid any problems, but, ultimately... !!USE THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK!! You may not
    use any assets contained in this mod (or related files) separately without explicit consent from the
    author(s) involved; unless clearly specified in this document. You are free to distribute this file
    (and support files) as long as they are done so in their entirety, and include this unmodified readme
    document. We reserve the right to modify and/or remove this mod from circulation.
    Any extra content provided within this mod overlooked or otherwise is owned by it's rightful owner, we take no credit in it's creation.


       (6 reviews)



  20. OpenRP Clientside

    OpenRP is an open-source RP mod. It contains features like accounts, characters, factions, a bounty system, credits, determining which players can have weapons, character bound weapons/an inventory system, character bound modelscale (no more editing a .cfg for modelscales like RP servers had to do in the past with other mods), an extensive admin system that has 10 levels of admin (1 being the highest, with bitvalues to control which level has what abilities), and more.
    See the readme and documentation for more details on specific commands.
    Please ensure you read the installation instructions in the readme.
    The code is licensed under the GNU GPLv2. You can get the code for the mod by cloning: https://github.com/Fighter1/OpenRP.git


       (3 reviews)



  21. Promode Alpha

    I made this mod in 2012 and since then I didn't touch it anymore. The reason why I release it now is cause even though it's unfinished there
    are still a couple of nice features that some people might find useful or fun.
    The goal of this mod was to make the game faster and to bring some more features to full weapon CTF and TDM (instagib for example).
    This mod is based on the old MP-sourcecode but contains a couple of crash/security-fixes (not nearly as much as openJK though).
    Some features are not finished or don't work completely. However, pretty much every new feature got a command (g_***) so you can disable/enable whatever you want.
    For example you can play instagib just like in the original instagib-mod or you can disable the sabers and leave everything else as it is on base.
    The .pk3 also contains some cfg files which should make it easier to set up the mod.
    This is a full list of all commands and new features:
    (However, if you dig you will find a couple of more features but those are not finished and might not work)
    Key Features:
    - Instagib mode
    - New weapon- and gamebalance
    - Wallrun and roll with weapons & wallruns from air
    - Increased aircontrol
    - Instant weapon-switch
    - A lot of new commands, for example no selfkill, no selfdamage, disallow spectators to follow players etc
    - Drop weapons with /drop
    - Drop the flag in CTF with /dropflag
    - Pause and freeze the match with g_pause
    - Set team-tags before the name and replace "Blue" and "Red" via server-cmd
    - New Votes (for example for g_maxgameclients)
    - Kill-streaks
    - g_instagibmode to enable/disable the instagib-mode
    - g_allowthesaber to enable/disable the saber
    - g_noselfdamage to enable/disable weapon-selfdamage
    - g_allowblacknames to allow/forbid black names
    - g_aircontrol to enable/disable the extreme-airspeed-mode
    - g_instantweaponswitch to enable/disable faster weaponswitch
    - g_noitems to enable/disable all items
    - g_allowweapons to set the spawn-weapons
    - g_wallruns to enable/disable wallruns
    - g_airaccelerate to set the airaccelerate
    - g_disruptortime to enable/disable fast weapontime for disruptor
    - g_superwallruns to enable/disable wallruns from the air
    - g_forceinstaregen to enable/disable the instant refresh of force
    - g_wallrunshoot to enable/disable the shooting while wallrunning
    - g_dropflag to enable/disable flag-dropping
    - g_dropitem to enable/disable weapon-dropping
    - g_basehealth to enable/disable the old spawn-health/armor-amount
    - g_allowtaunt to enable/disable taunts in gametypes except duel/pduel
    - g_killstreak to enable/disable killstreaks to be displayed in the console
    - g_precachweapon to set the precached weapons. "1" precaches all weapons
    - g_jumpheight to set the jumpheight. "0" is higher
    - g_fastflagreturn to set the flag-returntime. "1" is faster
    - g_allowsaberdebugbox to enable/disable the debugsaberbox
    - g_nospec to allow/forbid spectating players
    - g_moreheadshotdamage 1 for more headshotdamage 0 = default
    - g_nolocationBasedDamageforDisruptor for no locational damage for disruptor
    - g_jkpmvote to enable/disable the new votes
    - g_noselfkill to allow/forbid selfkills
    - g_teamred, g_teamblue, g_teamspec for tags before the name
    - g_paused pauses the game
    New values for old cvars:
    - g_speed 450 as default
    - g_spawnInvulnerability 0 as default
    - g_forceregentime 0 as default
    - g_gametype 8 as default
    This is an ALPHA mod which will not get any updates or fixes as I'm working on my new project now. Use at own risk!
    Thanks go out to JACoders.org and all their members.
    Credit for the killstreak messages goes to eezstreet.


       (3 reviews)



  22. Spook's temporary 1.01 server solution

    Spook's temporary 1.01 master server list solution.
    Unzip this file and overwrite it in LucasArts/GameData
    About: This servercache.dat file contains all servers that are currently playable and online.
    If you wanna join the server, unzip this file and overwrite it in LucasArts/GameData and start the jamp.exe
    Go to favorites and HAVE FUN & GOOD LUCK!


       (1 review)



  23. Ninja Mod

    Author: Coding/Textures/Artwork by Rich Whitehouse
    Models by The Anonymous Modeler
    This is a crazy ninja mod. With blood and weapons and crazy cool stuff. It is only for multiplayer. You can probably activate the mod in SP but stuff will not work and be weird and broken. Probably. There's a bunch of new stuff. Check the menus for new key bindings. Too lazy to explain everything. Figure it out yourself. This is just a quicky and is unsupported, and my friend The Anonymous Modeler doesn't have time to do any updates. Or skin the models. So yeah. Anyway have fun.
    Oh, and don't forgot to set g_dismember 999 and cg_dismember 2. Unless you're some kind of NANCY BOY.
    Above the mod's original readme. I uploaded this with Dick's permission since he said he'll probably forget to ever submit it, but I didn't work on this mod, I'm just adding it to the catalogue because I like it. I included a screenshot of our correspondence, in compliance with the rules.
    I was going to explain a bit more about it, but part of fun of this mod is exploring with it can do. Have fun!


       (2 reviews)



  24. Neo Dark Ages v3.18 - (Manual Install)

    | Neo Dark Ages (NDA) Manual - ReadMe
    | Website: http://www.ndamod.com
    | For NDA version: 3.18
    | Last updated: 09/10/2012
    It started out as a one man operation to do a simple graphical overhaul for Jedi Academy.
    The plan was to throw in some models and maps and just release it as that.
    However with the help of Light Ninja and Tobe_One the project started to grow and slowly
    developed into something bigger; hopefully we may call this a total conversion once we are done!
    Neo Dark Ages is a modification for Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy; this means that you will need a
    legal copy of the game Jedi Academy to play this modification.
    Please see the end of this document for credits, which I consider to be the most important part.
    To install and play NDA manually, follow these simple instructions:
    (applies to those that have downloaded a manual instal version of NDA or have accidently installed NDA in the wrong location.)
    Remove any previous versions of NDA by simply deleting the "nda" folder and "play_nda.bat" file in JKA's "GameData" folder.
    (This step only apply's to those with previous versions of the NDA mod.)
    1) Create a folder called "nda" under your JKA Gamedata folder (i.e. c:\games\jedi academy\gamedata\nda)
    2) Copy the file named "play_nda.bat" to your "gamedata" folder.
    3) Copy the file named "nda_a3XX.pk3" to your newly created "gamedata\nda" folder.
    Play (Regular JKA installation):
    1) Double-click the "play_nda.bat" icon in your "gamedata" folder to start NDA.
    (This .bat file contains the following command: jamp.exe +set fs_game nda)
    Play (Steam installation):
    1) Right-click on the Jedi Academy listing in your Steam Library and choose Properties --> Set Launch Options
    2) In the "Launch Options" window, enter the following command: +set fs_game "nda" --> click "OK" --> "Close"
    3) Launch JKA from Steam as you normally would and NDA should start.
    || Third Person Lock
    [ Description ]
    By default the game reverts to first-person view upon each round start. This feature provides a
    toggle that can be used to lock the third-person view.
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is disabled by default. To enable, either toggle the option to "Yes" in the
    "Game Options" menu, or set the cvar named "cg_lockthirdperson" to "1".
    NOTE: If this option is used, first-person view will be disabled completely.
    || FOV Unlock (New)
    [ Description ]
    The Field of View (or FOV) is a setting you can change which determines how much of the map is visible
    to you. To change your FOV in JKA, open the console and type "cg_fov 80" (for example). The value of 80
    is the default setting and the default max value is 97. NDA increases the max value. Some say a low
    FOV will improve your accuracy while others say a high FOV allows more flexibility and improves your
    [ Usage ]
    Use the console command "cg_fov <value>" to adjust the FoV. For example: cg_fov 80
    || Speedometer
    [ Description ]
    This feature displays your current player speed in u/s (units per second).
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled by issuing the following CVAR in console:
    "cg_speedometer 1" The default setting is "cg_speedometer 0".
    || AutoDemo
    [ Description ]
    If this feature is enabled it will start a demo recording each round. The demo files will be stored
    either in "GameData/base/demos" or "GameData/nda/demos".
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is disabled by default. To enable, either toggle the option to "Yes" in the "Game Options"
    menu, or set the cvar named "cg_allowAutoDemo" to "1". Once enabled, if the command "ndademosave" is
    issued before the end of the round, the demo file will be time stamped after the round ends. This command
    should be bound to a key for ease of use if you enable this feature. The created demo file will be named
    "demox0001.dm_26" temporarily and will be deleted after the round if "ndademosave" is not used. If
    "ndademosave" is used, the demo file will be renamed to the current timestamp in the following format:
    YYYY-MM-DD-HHmmSS.dm_26. (Y = Year, M = Month, D = Date, H = Hour, m = Minute, S = Second)
    || Scoreboard Time stamp
    [ Description ]
    At the end of each round, a time stamp is displayed. This is primarily useful to time code a scoreboard
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is enabled by default and currently cannot be disabled.
    || Vehicle Bug Fix
    [ Description ]
    This feature fixes the problem with the camera that occurs after spectating a player riding a vehicle.
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is enabled by default and cannot be disabled.
    || EOF Custom Map Fix
    [ Description ]
    This will allow you to have more than 3 maps that use custom Siege classes in your base folder at a time.
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. This feature works if the server doesn't have
    more than 3 custom maps (containing custom classes), and/or if the server also fixes the EOF problem.
    || Known Issues
    Many issues are know within the maps and are currently being improved
    please look for updates or newer releases to resolve most issues.
    [spectator issue]
    Spectator mode "jumps" out of the maps playable area thus redering it unable to "spectate."
    [spectator Fix]
    Joining the game or reconnecting will fix this problem.
    [Trapped PC]
    Certain levels require you to stay in specific areas once you have entered them, this is not entirely a glitch but may be perceived as one.
    [Trapped PC Fix]
    Unfortunately the only sure way out of this would be the command "/kill" or wait to die.
    If you would like to inform us of issues not listed here please contact us at
    email: info@ndamod.com
    or the ndamod.com forums
    || Rideable Horses
    [ Description ]
    This will allow you to ride many horses as a vehicle.
    [ Usage ]
    Displayed in certian maps or manually via "npc spawn" command in cheat mode.
    Hores Vehicle spawn codes:
    (You can chose horse_armor,2,3,4,5 for five different armor styles,
    as for the horse skins under the armors, they will be randomly chosen)
    || New Map Game Modes
    [ Description ]
    A few maps have specific game mode elements and are meant to be played specific ways.
    [ Usage ]
    NDA - ARENA: Meant for TFFA mode - Choose your class by entering the gate under any class flag.. each
    class contains class weapons you may not return to the "class room" until you die.
    NDA - TOURNAMENT: Meant for TFFA mode - Map is meant as a different Game Mode within NDA. Players are to
    score points in various "mini games" in order to secure a victory for their team. Both teams start with
    negative points in order to allow servers to run multiple maps while still allowing the tournament map to
    function correctly.
    NDA - INFEST ATTACK: Meant for TFFA mode - Map is meant as a different Game Mode within NDA. Players are to
    score points by slaying dragons as apposed to the opposite team. Each team gets a similar play area and dragons
    to defeat for points.
    Many maps contain NPC's and should be considered when playing.
    The process for using the NDA dedicated server is much the same as using the base JKA dedicated server.
    If you have the NDA client in your gamedata/base folder and create a server using the in-game set up,
    the server that is started will be an NDA server.
    The process for setting up a dedicated server is very similar. For a Windows dedicated server,
    if the NDA pk3 is in the gamedata/base folder, when you start the dedicated server it will be an
    NDA server. For a Linux dedicated server, you will need to download the Linux binary and place it
    in your base folder. You may want to back up the original binary file (jampgamei386.so).
    Please see below for the features and general usage tips.
    || Zombie Mode
    [ Description ]
    NDA Zombie Mode is a special version of Siege which has a unique set of rules. Most rounds begin with
    a single player on the Red team, who is designated the "Zombie". The goal is for the "Zombie" to
    "infect" all of the players from the Blue (Survivors) team by killing them. If this mode is enabled,
    after the round begins any player who dies on the Blue (Survivors) team will become a "Zombie". The
    last player remaining on the Blue (Survivors) team wins that round and begins the next round as the
    [ Usage ]
    --> To enable, set the g_ndazombie server CVAR to 1. (i.e. g_ndazombie 1) This is disabled by default.
    --> Zombie mode only works in the Siege gametype.
    --> A round begins once the "Zombie" /kills or switches class. This allows the Blue team time to set
    their class and possibly find hiding places.
    --> Zombie mode works on any Siege map but is generally the most fun on maps designed for this mode.
    --> The following server cvars should be set on the server in order to properly support a Zombie game:
    - seta g_siegeRespawn 1 (Typically set to 20 for Siege games, allows for instant respawns.)
    - seta g_siegeTeamSwitch 1 (Allows players to switch teams.)
    - seta g_debugmelee 1 (Allows enhanced melee, such as wall grabs.)
    - seta g_teamForceBalance 0 (Zombie games are almost always going to have an unbalanced number
    of players per team.)
    || Public Spec Chat
    [ Description ]
    NDAmakes chat from spectators viewable to all players currently on the server, instead of only
    being able to be seen by other spectators. (NOTE: Spectator _team_ chat is still only viewable
    by other spectators.)
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is enabled by default and cannot be disabled.
    || Exploit Fixes
    [ Description ]
    The NDA server aims to fix most commonly used and well known exploits. Several of the most
    common and dangerous exploit fixes are implemented in this version, with more planned for
    future versions. _Some_ of the exploit fixes include:
    >> callvote exploit
    >> forcestring exploit
    >> /say exploit
    >> fakeplayer exploit
    [ Usage ]
    Exploit proection cannot be disabled.
    || Other Settings
    >> g_ndablacknames : Allow players to use the color black in their names
    || Gameplay
    Classic Gameplay elements
    Player vs NPC durring certian MP levels.
    || Credits
    NOTE: This mod literally would not be possible without the following people. We are _very_ grateful
    for their extremely patient help, code snippets and suggestions. If we're missing anyone, holler!!
    [ NDA team and contributors credits ]
    >> Founder:
    >> 2D Designs & Texture Artists:
    >> Environment Artists:
    >>3D Artists:
    Inyri Forge
    >> Music Artists:
    >> Programmers:
    >> Retired/Inactive Artists:
    [Other credits ]
    >> The dudes at #jacoders, especially:
    >> Scooper
    >> Didz
    >> Xycaleth
    >> Raz0r
    >> BobaFett
    >> TrippHop
    >> eezstreet
    >>Music Credits
    >>Certain levels contain music not created by the staff, we do not and will not take credit for
    their creation and these songs will be replaced by that of our own RascHu in future updates.
    >>Any content that may not have been mentioned is owned by it's creator and we take no part in
    it's creation unless it has strickly come from an NDA DEV member.
    >> Gamall @ http://gamall-ida.com
    >> All the contributors in the following thread at Lucasforums: http://lucasforums.c...ad.php?t=140104
    >> All contributors, testers and users of the mod in general
    || Disclaimer
    The authors/contributors of this mod are not (and cannot be held) responsible for any damages done to your
    computer/data or any other unintended results from using this software. It is tested and used by the author(s)
    to hopefully avoid any problems, but, ultimately... !!USE THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK!! You may not
    use any assets contained in this mod (or related files) separately without explicit consent from the
    author(s) involved; unless clearly specified in this document. You are free to distribute this file
    (and support files) as long as they are done so in their entirety, and include this unmodified readme
    document. We reserve the right to modify and/or remove this mod from circulation.
    Any extra content provided within this mod overlooked or otherwise is owned by it's rightful owner, we take no credit in it's creation.


       (2 reviews)



  25. Siege_Desert_PATCH

    This is a server/client side fix for the map siege_desert.
    Fixed issues:
    - The missing models at the stations are visible now. (this is client side).
    - "Droid part lame" is fixed. (this is server side)
    So if you have this file you can see the missing models on any server now, and if you are running a server, the droid parts objective is cannot be lammed anymore, but who doesn't have this file won't be able to see the missing models.
    (droid part lame: On this map if you bring two parts in in the same time, the game doesn't end and doesn't restart itself.)
    - Xeon


       (3 reviews)



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