52 files
Alien Realistic NPC
By Supralord
==================Alien NPC file======================
============npcs: by Mando'aa Supralord=============
===model: by Jora Custov( (send me an email for any question)===
hello, jedi academy and Alien's fans ^^
this is the NPC File of an alien model made by jora custov (, i created a NPC file very realistic, the saber used is "saber_stab".
warning, with this saber the aliens are very strong and dangerous, so take a big rocket launcher if you want to live XD
the npcs can be used in singleplayer and in multiplayer, but i will stay on the single.
if you have jedi academy with any mod, tape "shift" and "²" to access at the console.
next, tape "playermodel alien" to be the monster,
or "npc spawn alien" to fight him.
good game and good fight ^^
just put the "alien npc.pk3" file in your "JediAcademy"/"GameData"/"Base" folder and play ^^
just put the "alien npc.pk3" file in your "JediAcademy"/"GameData"/"Base" folder and play ^^
All Sabers
This simple mod will give almost every NPC in the game lightsabers. The exceptions are those which can't wield lightsabers, like assassin droids and hazard troopers.
Every NPC affected:
chewie cultist cultistcommando cultist_destroyer cultist_drain cultist_grip cultist_lightning galak gran human_merc impcommander imperial impofficer impworker jan lando noghri rax rebel rebel2 reelo rockettrooper rockettrooper_w rodian saboteur saboteurpistol saboteursniper snowtrooper stcommander stofficer stofficeralt stormpilot stormtrooper swamptrooper trandoshan tusken tuskensniper weequay
Known issues:
Saboteurs do not attack while invisible. Some NPC's that are assigned special weapons (like Rosh with his pistol or Rax with his cannon) will not use lightsabers. Non-force-users will occasionally use Force Push. This is part of saber defense for some reason, and if I disable that, then instead of deflecting blasters, the lasers go straight through them as though they don't exist. Occasionally, you will see an NPC that is scripted to stay in one place. They will still jump and dodge, but they won't walk towards you. Any NPC wielding a lightsaber cannot be affected by Mind Trick. Sadly, this includes NPC's affected by this mod. Any NPC wielding a lightsaber will also use Push to cancel a Force Choke hold on them. Again, this includes the NPC's affected by this mod.
This made the campaign pretty interesting; almost everyone in the game uses lightsabers. It's especially funny to see them turn on eachother by accident occasionally, too.
Arcadia's NPC Patch
By Fuse294
This patch was created with the intention of allowing players an improved single player experience by Fuse/Fuse294 (Formerly Arcadia Prime).
Simply place it within the base folder to use, be advised this patch was designed for Single Player only, use in Multiplayer may result in errors.
NPC spawn names:
jaden_dark_sword (Undying Bug)
jawa_god (Force Wielding, overpowered Jawa set to team_player)
jawa_death (Same as God, but team_enemy)
PM me if you spot any bugs and I'll add them into the bug tracker on the Thread for investigation.
Bloodshanks the shark by Boothand and DT
By Boothand
Originally requested by Ëkvas, Boothand modelled a shark which was animated and brought into the game by DT85 in 2014.
It usually stays stationary and kills if you if you go into it. By punching you. Somehow.
C3PO All Episodes Pack
This is a NPC Pack of C3PO from all episodes, skins are from me.
Simply put the .pk3 in gamedata/base/
In game, to spawn a neutral C3PO:
npc spawn:
- c3po_ep1
- c3po_ep2
- c3po_ep3
- c3po_ep4
- c3po_ep5
- c3po_ep6
- c3po_ep7
To spawn a crazy c3po who has a blaster and always follows you, type:
npc spawn:
- c3po_ep1_ally
- c3po_ep2_ally
- c3po_ep3_ally
- c3po_ep4_ally
- c3po_ep5_ally
- c3po_ep6_ally
- c3po_ep7_ally
Classic Reborn NPCs
For my first ever publicly published game mod, I present a minor cosmetic mod that changes the Reborn cultists' and twins' models in Jedi Academy to their Jedi Outcast predecessors and the regular Reborn respectively. This only changes the NPCs in the singleplayer campaign and not the player models in the multiplayer.
This was just a random idea I had for about a month now, and I just felt that someone had to make this further connection between Desann's Reborn and the Ragnos cult one day...
All game assets by Raven Software. NPC files edited in NPCTool by Tin Cap.
companion droids beta demo
By liosk
Author: -liosk-
File Name and Version: -Companions beta demo 0.0
Release Date: -27-8-15-
Filesize: -
installation instructions: -extract files in Jedi KnightIII: Jedi Academy / Gamedata /base folder
Description: -this file content is: 10 droids with diferent skins and weapons and a new enemy (is a female sith aprentice )
to use :
npc spawn companion1
npc spawn jkl
to spawn a female sith aprentice :v she can spawn with different colors :v
-credits for
for the skins i havent got permise personal from her, but her last active is in Jan 26 2013 05:25 PM
and i
(---if she returns please let me know so you control messages for permits---) :v:
Cuis Clone
By Drybert
The Cuis Clones were clones of an assassin who was slain by Darth Vader.
npc spawn cuis_clone
playermodel cuis_clone
Dusty's Patch: Single Player NPCs
By Dusty
This is an NPCs modification that will appear in some form in the SP mod called Dusty's Patch. Keep in mind, NPC HP listings are base HP values, which are increased usually based on game difficulty up to 150% on Jedi Knight difficulty (some NPCs aren't affected like some bosses, class_reborn, class_jedi). Aggression increases how quickly gunner NPCs start firing at you once alerted, and how likely they are to continue chasing after/searching for a lost player or other enemy.
Two versions of the mod in here: Full, and Light
full - has all the sabers made a hair longer and thicker (default 41 length and 3.25 radius as opposed to 40 length and 3 radius) and NPC specific sabers
light - has only the .npc file mods and stat changes on a few sabers for NPCs but the sabers are not all modded and have the normal length and thickness generally
Change List -
Version History -
Changes from v1.1 (this version being v1.11):
- Fixed an issue where the player's model would always be a stormtrooper in cutscenes
- Forgot to mention in previous versions that the single-wielder version of Alora (the version of her you fight on Hoth) had some of her stats boosted
Changes from v1.0:
- Increased Assassin Droid's aim stat from 2 to 4 (in base it was 1, forgot to mention this change in last version)
- Human Merc and Trandoshan now have an Aggression of 4 instead of 3 (they were listed as having that in v1.0 but somehow it got lost and wasn't actually in)
- Trandoshan had WP_MELEE removed as he was using that instead of WP_REPEATER
- Force-user cultists all had evasion raised from 3 to 4. (Should probably really be 5)
- Luke and Kyle had HP lowered to 600 from 800 and 700 respectively; the way the game is coded on Jedi Knight difficulty they both ended up still having upwards of 1000 HP (in coding I think I will make allied NPCs not get so much HP)
- Chewie had his base HP lowered to 190 for similar reasons^
- Reborn Masters now have 250 HP instead of 300
- Rodian Sniper had HP lowered to 20 from 30 so that the E11 Rodian actually has more HP
- Fixed some mis-statements in the description of NPC changes, like Weequay and Trandoshan aim not actually being improved, Boss Rosh's run speed, and other little things
- Added the training hilt skin for saber_reborn aka the Stinger hilt, so now you won't get a null texture for Rosh's training hilt on the training course level
Overview of Changes -
NPC changes from Rancor's Fix:
- Alora_dual is now using Alora2 skin.
- Assassin_droid sound fixed .
- Fixed Bartender, no longer weird dance.
- Deleted Cultist Destroyer (Its just lack of animation, if you wanna keep him just delete Cultist_destroyer.npc from my *.pk3)
- Imperial Commander is now using his own voice, no longer same as Imperial Officer
- Deleted Jawa_Armed, he's weapon was never fully created, crashing game, no use of them.
- Fixed Morgan Katarn, added him few force powers (no saber, he was forceuser not jedi).
- Rebel and Rebel 2 are now using their own voice
- Rebel 2 now have changed look to rebel pilot
- Deleted duplicated Rebel2 in rebel.npc file
- Fixed Remote to look like it should be looking. (Still glitchy... but sometimes usable)
- Removed RocketTrooper_ver1 this is just scaled stormtrooper, game have another rockettrooper NPC, guess they forgot to delete it.
- Tried to fix rocks NPC, it failed so they're deleted. No use of them.
X Increased Rosh's hp to prevent him from killing himself while jumping over the river. -- (removed this, Rosh only has 80 hp now. He's fragile. Handle with care, or not.)
- Deleted Test NPC.
- Deleted duplicated STOfficerAlt
- Changed Tusken Sniper ally and enemy side. Now they're like normal tusken FREE/FREE.
- Fixed walk speed of nearly all NPC's. (I tweaked this slightly... see below)
General changes to NPCs:
- Walk speed for almost all NPCs increased to 100 from 55 (Rancor's mod originally had it at 120), only NPCs that are different are Kyle_boss, Rosh, Boba Fett, and some other NPCs
- If using the full version, all saber lengths are increased and sabers are slightly thicker (this makes them do slightly more damage too)
- In both versions, broken staff sabers now use the appropriate models
- accuracy for NPCs is generally improved, with the lowest aim stats usually being 2 instead of 1
- some unused NPCs (unused in JA at least without spawning them) had stats improved (mostly aim), like Bespincop, rebel troopers
- really skilled saberists and NPCs turn very fast, with yawspeeds of 160.
Other Changes for individual NPCs:
Alora - Single saber wielding variant had her stats raised slightly (the one you fight on Hoth).
Assassin Droid - Aim stat increased from 1 to 4.
Boba Fett - lowered run speed from 300 to 230
Chewie - Lowered HP from 400 to 190 and aim from 5 to 4. He's tough. Not perfect. Back him up. He'll end up having 270 HP on Jedi Knight difficulty and up. 190 HP is on Padawan. No idea why Raven made HP bonuses for difficulty apply to allied NPCs. (Erm, his HP may be wrong for this version - Dusty 1/30/2015)
Cultist (gunner) - raised all stats from 1 to 2, aggression from 1 to 4. Jump 2 instead of 3, Speed 1 instead of 2.
Cultists (force users) - Raised reactions from 1 to 3. Raised evasion from 3 to 4. Force regeneration time increased from 50 ms to 75 ms. Force max reduced from 200 to 150.
Cultist (grip) - Added drain 1 to compensate for only having grip 2.
Cultists (saber wielders, no force push) - most stats raised slightly and some ranks increased. Saber powers adjusted slightly. Pushes a tad harder in saber locks than in base JA. Still have short silly sabers.
Cultists (saber wielders with force push) - most stats raised slightly and some ranks increased more so than standard saber cultists. Force push 2 instead of 1. Given full-length sabers. Pushes harder in saber locks than the lower level saber cultists.
Desann - Saber shortened and slimmed a bit. Thought it was more realistic that way... just edit his saber back if you don't like it.
Grans - Gran boxer has higher aggression. Gran shooter doesn't have supernatural aim now but still better than like 75% of NPCs.
Human Merc - Increased aggression. Aim is 2 instead of 1 but still worse than most NPCs because of randomization.
Imp officer - Improved aim to 4 from 3
Imp Worker - Improved aim from 1 to 2, but they still probably have the worst aim in the game. Runs slightly faster like Tie pilots compared to most NPCs. Impworker2 and Impworker3 now use the DEMP2 as their weapon (not sure if impworker3 is ever used in JA which is why I gave it to both)
Jedi and J2 - Increased stats a bit. No more sub-par force points and regen time.
Jedi_Random - All stats raised from 2 to 3. Some ranks increased probably. Some force power ranks increased. Slightly less terrible force point totals and regen time.
Jedi Trainer - Slightly better force powers. Force max increased to 150.
Jedi Master - Better force powers than a Jedi Trainer. 180 force max. 300 HP and boss-style damage reduction instead of 400 HP and no reduction like the Jedi trainer. Tougher and more skilled. Has some improved saber stats like Reborn Masters. Wipes the floor with them.
Kyle - HP reduced from 1000 to 600. Just so you can't completely hang him out to dry. He has a modded saber now so he will wipe the floor with enemy saberists even more. Because of Raven's sloppy coding he still ends up with 900 hp on Jedi Knight difficulty though.
Boss Kyle - HP is 300 which is the same as base JA I think. His saber has a break parry bonus now. He runs almost as fast as the player and walks very fast (140 speed). Has 200 force points now like normal Kyle. Let's face it, even when Kyle is holding back he's a beast.
Luke - 800 HP now instead of 200. All stats except move are 5 (move doesn't do anything anyway). Has a modded saber.
Noghri - runs a little slower, but slightly better aim.
Rebel - HP reduced from 100 to 50 (thought it was out of proportion with stormtroopers and similar enemies). Aim improved from 1 to 2.
Reborn (yellow) - raised stats from 1 to 2. Pushes ever so slightly harder in saber locks.
Reborn Warriors (Red JA Reborns) - removed break parry bonus from single-wielder. Duals and staff ones get a lock and disarm bonus like the single wielder.
Reborn Adepts (Blue JA Reborns) - Single saber wielder is now the green "Reborn Apprentice" visually but otherwise unchanged. The other 2 variants of these guys are blue, and wield either single or duals. They have less HP than the warriors, but more force powers, more force points (120), and have slightly more skill but less aggression
Reborn Master - single wielding variant has a less cheap more normal sized saber now and has Tavion style. HP for all variants increased from 200 -> 250. Force points for all variants reduced from 200 to 150 and force regen time slowed from 50 ms to 75 ms
Rodian - the E11 variant gets 25 HP. Sniper variant only gets 20 hp now instead of 30, but had his aim raised to 2 (snipers aim better but fire less rapidly at higher aim stats). Both variants run a bit faster than most NPCs.
Rosh - 80 hp instead 100. Might lower it more. Don't let the howlers chew him up too much in the opening level (unless that sort of thing you find enjoyable...?). He uses a more realistic training saber now on the course that you can get too with cheats ("saber training" in console, ugh, now that I think about it I left out the silver stinger skin for this... might get a bad texture in game now) that does 1/2 damage.
Boss Rosh - I think I raised his stats a little bit and made him use medium style instead of strong. Less gimmicky I felt like. Lowered his run speed from 300 to 250 (equal to the player, faster when he's running forwards and you're backpedaling)
Stormtroopers/Snowtroopers - HP increased from 30 to 40. They aim very well but their aim is randomized with sloppy shots coming through here and there (aim stat 5, rank ensign). They alert more quickly, turn around a bit faster, and are more likely to duck than most standard enemies.
Stormtrooper officers/commanders - Probably some of the best aiming NPCs, can't have their weapons pulled. Fires at a high rate of speed regardless of game difficulty (other NPCs only pick up speed once you ramp up the difficulty).
Tie Pilot - Slightly better shot than a regular stormtrooper (Pilots have that intense focus and coordination rite?). Runs a bit faster too because he's less heavily equipped.
Trandoshan - Aim stat is 1. HP raised from 40 to 60. Model scaled up slightly (might have left that out by accident)? Runs a bit slower though than most enemies. (Ehm, they seem to be using wp_melee in this version, to fix it just delete the line giving them wp_melee from their .npc file, and they also seem to have 50 HP instead of 60 - Dusty 1/30/2015)
Weequay - Aim stat is 1. HP raised from 30 to 35. Runs slowly like Trandoshans.
- Contains Skins or Models
- Contains Cosmetic Changes
- (and 1 more)
Dusty's Patch: Single Player NPCs
By Dusty
This is an NPCs modification that will appear in some form in the SP mod called Dusty's Patch. Keep in mind, NPC HP listings are base HP values, which are increased usually based on game difficulty up to 150% on Jedi Knight difficulty (some NPCs aren't affected like some bosses, class_reborn, class_jedi). Aggression increases how quickly gunner NPCs start firing at you once alerted, and how likely they are to continue chasing after/searching for a lost player or other enemy.
If you want more unused NPCs deleted to make room for custom NPCs I suggest checking out @RancorSNP who made his own NPCs patch a while ago. He has different files you can download, some of which make room for up to 10-20 more NPCs in the game without deleting any NPCs that are used in Base JA single player maps.
Two versions of the mod in here: Full, and Light
full - has all the sabers made a hair longer and thicker (default 41 length and 3.25 radius as opposed to 40 length and 3 radius) and NPC specific sabers
light - has only the .npc file mods and stat changes on a few sabers for NPCs but the sabers are not all modded and have the normal length and thickness generally
Change List -
Version History -
Changes from v1.11:
- Fixed an issue where Trandoshans were using Melee instead of the Imperial Heavy Repeater
- Fixed Chewie and Trandoshan NPCs to have correctly listed base HP amounts (190 for Chewie, 60 for Trandoshan)
- Reverted Force-user Cultists FP regeneration and total FP to base JA levels, evasions stat raised to level 5
- Gun-user Cultist has a slightly higher evasion stat (4 instead of 2 now)
- Human merc NPCs had their aim stat raised from 2 to 3
- Hazardtroopers (huge armored guys on the ground often with concussion rifles) and Rockettroopers (armored guys with jetpacks) had their aim stats generally improved (don't know if it makes much of a difference however, their aim may be controlled by their class more so than their NPC stats)
- Rebel and all Prisoner-type NPCs had their aim stats boosted, prisoner-type had HP lowered to 50
- Swamptroopers had their aim boosted to level 5 and rank boosted to LT from crewman
- Stormtroopers/Snowtroopers had their evasion stat raised one more level (maybe makes them more likely to duck at times now? They didn't really seem to do it before...)
- NPCs with slower running speeds had the stat lowered from 185 to 180 (Trandoshan, Weequay, Noghri)
Changes from v1.1:
- Fixed an issue where the player's model would always be a stormtrooper in cutscenes
- Forgot to mention in previous versions that the single-wielder version of Alora (the version of her you fight on Hoth) had some of her stats boosted
Changes from v1.0:
- Increased Assassin Droid's aim stat from 2 to 4 (in base it was 1, forgot to mention this change in last version)
- Human Merc and Trandoshan now have an Aggression of 4 instead of 3 (they were listed as having that in v1.0 but somehow it got lost and wasn't actually in)
- Trandoshan had WP_MELEE removed as he was using that instead of WP_REPEATER
- Force-user cultists all had evasion raised from 3 to 4. (Should probably really be 5)
- Luke and Kyle had HP lowered to 600 from 800 and 700 respectively; the way the game is coded on Jedi Knight difficulty they both ended up still having upwards of 1000 HP (in coding I think I will make allied NPCs not get so much HP)
- Chewie had his base HP lowered to 190 for similar reasons^
- Reborn Masters now have 250 HP instead of 300
- Rodian Sniper had HP lowered to 20 from 30 so that the E11 Rodian actually has more HP
- Fixed some misstatements in the description of NPC changes, like Weequay and Trandoshan aim not actually being improved, Boss Rosh's run speed, and other little things
- Added the training hilt skin for saber_reborn aka the Stinger hilt, so now you won't get a null texture for Rosh's training hilt on the training course level
Overview of Changes -
NPC changes from Rancor's Fix:
- Alora_dual is now using Alora2 skin.
- Assassin_droid sound fixed .
- Fixed Bartender, no longer weird dance.
- Deleted Cultist Destroyer (Its just lack of animation, if you wanna keep him just delete Cultist_destroyer.npc from my *.pk3)
- Imperial Commander is now using his own voice, no longer same as Imperial Officer
- Deleted Jawa_Armed, he's weapon was never fully created, crashing game, no use of them.
- Fixed Morgan Katarn, added him few force powers (no saber, he was forceuser not jedi).
- Rebel and Rebel 2 are now using their own voice
- Rebel 2 now have changed look to rebel pilot
- Deleted duplicated Rebel2 in rebel.npc file
- Fixed Remote to look like it should be looking. (Still glitchy... but sometimes usable)
- Removed RocketTrooper_ver1 this is just scaled stormtrooper, game have another rockettrooper NPC, guess they forgot to delete it.
- Tried to fix rocks NPC, it failed so they're deleted. No use of them.
X Increased Rosh's hp to prevent him from killing himself while jumping over the river. -- (removed this, Rosh only has 80 hp now. He's fragile)
- Deleted Test NPC.
- Deleted duplicated STOfficerAlt
- Changed Tusken Sniper ally and enemy side. Now they're like normal tusken FREE/FREE.
- Fixed walk speed of nearly all NPC's. (I tweaked this slightly... see below)
General changes to NPCs:
- Walk speed for almost all NPCs increased to 100 from 55 (Rancor's mod originally had it at 120), only NPCs that are different are Kyle_boss, Rosh, Boba Fett, and some other NPCs
- If using the full version, all saber lengths are increased and sabers are slightly thicker (this makes them do slightly more damage too)
- In both versions, broken staff sabers now use the appropriate models
- accuracy for NPCs is generally improved, with the lowest aim stats usually being 2 instead of 1
- some unused NPCs (unused in JA at least without spawning them) had stats improved (mostly aim), like Bespincop, rebel troopers
- really skilled saberists and NPCs turn very fast, with yawspeeds of 160.
Other Changes for individual NPCs:
Alora - Single saber wielding variant had her stats raised slightly (the one you fight on Hoth).
Assassin Droid - Aim stat increased from 1 to 4.
Boba Fett - lowered run speed from 300 to 230
Chewie - Lowered HP from 400 to 190 and aim from 5 to 4. He's tough. Not perfect. Back him up. He'll end up having 270 HP on Jedi Knight difficulty and up. 190 HP is on Padawan. No idea why Raven made HP bonuses for difficulty apply to allied NPCs.
Cultist (gunner) - raised all stats from 1 to 2, aggression from 1 to 4, evasion from 1 to 4. Jump 2 instead of 3, Speed 1 instead of 2.
Cultists (force users) - Raised reactions from 1 to 3. Raised evasion from 3 to 4. Force regeneration time increased from 50 ms to 75 ms. Force max reduced from 200 to 150.
Cultist (grip) - Added drain 1 to compensate for only having grip 2.
Cultists (saber wielders, no force push) - most stats raised slightly and some ranks increased. Saber powers adjusted slightly. Pushes a tad harder in saber locks than in base JA. Still have short silly sabers.
Cultists (saber wielders with force push) - most stats raised slightly and some ranks increased more so than standard saber cultists. Force push 2 instead of 1. Given full-length sabers. Pushes harder in saber locks than the lower level saber cultists.
Desann - Saber shortened and slimmed a bit. Thought it was more realistic that way... just edit his saber back if you don't like it.
Grans - Gran boxer has higher aggression. Gran shooter doesn't have supernatural aim now but still better than like 75% of NPCs.
Hazardtroopers - Aim stats increased.
Human Merc - Increased aggression. Aim is 3 instead of 1 but still worse than most NPCs because of randomization.
Imp officer - Improved aim to 4 from 3
Imp Worker - Improved aim from 1 to 2, but they still probably have the worst aim in the game. Runs slightly faster like Tie pilots compared to most NPCs. Impworker2 and Impworker3 now use the DEMP2 as their weapon (not sure if impworker3 is ever used in JA which is why I gave it to both)
Jedi and J2 - Increased stats a bit. No more sub-par force points and regen time.
Jedi_Random - All stats raised from 2 to 3. Some ranks increased probably. Some force power ranks increased. Slightly less terrible force point totals and regen time.
Jedi Trainer - Slightly better force powers. Force max increased to 150.
Jedi Master - Better force powers than a Jedi Trainer. 180 force max. 300 HP and boss-style damage reduction instead of 400 HP and no reduction like the Jedi trainer. Tougher and more skilled. Has some improved saber stats like Reborn Masters. Wipes the floor with them.
Kyle - HP reduced from 1000 to 600. Just so you can't completely hang him out to dry. He has a modded saber now so he will wipe the floor with enemy saberists even more. Because of Raven's sloppy coding he still ends up with 900 hp on Jedi Knight difficulty though.
Boss Kyle - HP is 300 which is the same as base JA I think. His saber has a break parry bonus now. He runs almost as fast as the player and walks very fast (140 speed). Has 200 force points now like normal Kyle. Let's face it, even when Kyle is holding back he's a beast.
Luke - 800 HP now instead of 200. All stats except move are 5 (move doesn't do anything anyway). Has a modded saber.
Noghri - runs a little slower, but slightly better aim.
Prisoner - Aim increased from 1 to 2 (or was it 3?). HP lowered from 100 to 50.
Rebel - HP reduced from 100 to 50 (thought it was out of proportion with stormtroopers and similar enemies). Aim improved from 1 to 3.
Reborn (yellow) - raised stats from 1 to 2. Pushes ever so slightly harder in saber locks.
Reborn Warriors (Red JA Reborns) - removed break parry bonus from single-wielder. Duals and staff ones get a lock and disarm bonus like the single wielder.
Reborn Adepts (Blue JA Reborns) - Single saber wielder is now the green "Reborn Apprentice" visually but otherwise unchanged. The other 2 variants of these guys are blue, and wield either single or duals. They have less HP than the warriors, but more force powers, more force points (120), and have slightly more skill but less aggression
Reborn Master - single wielding variant has a less cheap more normal sized saber now and has Tavion style. HP for all variants increased from 200 -> 250. Force points for all variants reduced from 200 to 150 and force regen time slowed from 50 ms to 75 ms
Rocket Troopers - (The ones with jetpacks) Aim stats increased.
Rodian - the E11 variant gets 25 HP. Sniper variant only gets 20 hp now instead of 30, but had his aim raised to 2 (snipers aim better but fire less rapidly at higher aim stats). Both variants run a bit faster than most NPCs.
Rosh - 80 hp instead 100. Might lower it more. Don't let the howlers chew him up too much in the opening level (unless that sort of thing you find enjoyable...?). He uses a more realistic training saber now on the course that you can get too with cheats ("saber training" in console, ugh, now that I think about it I left out the silver stinger skin for this... might get a bad texture in game now) that does 1/2 damage.
Boss Rosh - I think I raised his stats a little bit and made him use medium style instead of strong. Less gimmicky I felt like. Lowered his run speed from 300 to 250 (equal to the player, faster when he's running forwards and you're backpedaling)
Stormtroopers/Snowtroopers - HP increased from 30 to 40. They aim very well but their aim is randomized with sloppy shots coming through here and there (aim stat 5, rank ensign). They alert more quickly, turn around a bit faster, and are more likely to duck than most standard enemies.
Stormtrooper officers/commanders - Probably some of the best aiming NPCs, can't have their weapons pulled. Fires at a high rate of speed regardless of game difficulty (other NPCs only pick up speed once you ramp up the difficulty).
Swamptroopers - Aim stats increased to 5. Rank increased from crewman to lt (lieutenant).
Tie Pilot - Slightly better shot than a regular stormtrooper (Pilots have that intense focus and coordination rite?). Runs a bit faster too because he's less heavily equipped.
Trandoshan - Aim stat is 1. HP raised from 40 to 60. Model scaled up slightly (might have left that out by accident)? Runs a bit slower though than most enemies.
Weequay - Aim stat is 1. HP raised from 30 to 40. Runs slowly like Trandoshans.
F8 Series Astromech
By ZanderNao
==F8 Series Astromech==
Project commissioned and organized by Zander_Nao
Head 3D modeled by Phazzer
Head textures by Phazzer
Base Model by Raven Software
Converted for Jedi Academy by Jeff
A portion of the Astromech body/leg textures are from the NPC Droid Pack by Helena Revan and used with credit and permission from the original readme.
Other textures/reskins created by Zander_Nao
--NPC Support--
F8A8 / F8A8_vehicle - White/Blue
F8B8 / F8B8_vehicle - White/Black
F8R8 / F8R8_vehicle - White/Red
Female Reborns and Cultists
By Seven
Since the game had no female reborns or cultists, I decided to model and retexture all of them to have female options. Every single type of sith enemy in the game now has a female variant. Type “_female” at the end of the desired npc name in the console, and you get your character. I also made small edits to the female jedi sounds (removed stuff like “I’m a jedi!” or “I’m going to meditate”) so they would work for siths, because at the moment I have nothing better for them.
If you put the file "zzzz_femaleCult/RebornSPIntergrat.pk3" in your base folder instead of the other, some reborns will now be replaced in the normal singleplayer campaign.
NPC Names:
Floating Lightsaber NPC
By bigphil2695
Floating lightsaber NPCs that will fight for or against you.
To spawn them type:
Have fun with these
I have just added bot support, and team support to this as of 3/31/18
Floating Lightsabers
By Nikomaru14
These are floating lightsabers like in the final battle in Kotor 2. It's kinda like a jedi or sith is levitating them and using them to fight. These can only be damaged by attacking near the hilt.
-To install, simply put the niko_flsaber.pk3 in your Gamedata/base folder.
-To spawn them in singlplayer, type "npc spawn flsaber1" in the console.
Contains 3 different npcs:
flsaber1 - weak, can float up in air
flsaber2 - more powerful, stays on ground
flsaber_good - like 2 but on player team
BUG: There is a bug where sometimes when you spawn them, there is a small chance that it spawns a "stumpy", really short, saber instead that does no damage. Sorry for this but I think it has to do with the model, which I don't know how to fix. Just kill any stumpy sabers before you fight them.
Floating saber bots
By the_raven
Inspired by @bigphil2695's floating sabers for singleplayer.
Basically, my mod is a standard character model, made invisible by turning off their textures. The sabers are a standalone entity, so they won't replace any of the vanilla characters.
The mod comes with an invisible skin (so you can troll your friends by pretending to be invisible) and six bots - each a different lightsaber hilt with more-or-less appropriate blade colors. They're all named 'Floating Lightsaber', but each has its name in a different color. They also have limited force powers, namely Force Speed (1), and Force Jump (3). They should not be using any weapons, but it's still funny when they do.
List of sabers (crystal - hilt - font):
Red - Praetor - Red Blue - Defender - Blue Yellow - Sentinel - Yellow Green - Consul - Green Purple - Retaliator - Purple Orange - Adjudicator - Cyan (because there's no orange font in JKA)
1) I also wanted to add rgb colors, but since I'm not sure if everyone has rgb sabers (of any kind) installed, and since I don't know how to assign rbg colors to bots' and npcs'sabers, that's all you get for now.
2) I gave the sabers more appropriate sounds, so now they sound more-or-less Force-wielded-saber-y.
3) Chose Praetor for red for no reason; Defender for blue because Jedi Guardians; Yellow for Sentinels (obviously); Green for Consul because Jedi Consular (obviously); Purple for Retaliator because retaliation - vengeance - is a Sith's game, and purple sabers are common with Sith Force-masters, who are also scheemers; Orange for Adjudicator as tribute to Jedi2, because the guy doesn't get lot of love.
Bugs and stuff that might break immersion:
Since the mod is primitive, there are some things that might give away the not very Force-based nature of the sabers, namely, when you use certain Force powers, you might see outlines of the invisible character, and there's a shadow, but we'll just pretend it's the hilt's shadow. I don't know how to fix these, sorry.
At least there are no bugs!
Have fun!
Fly Gone Gin
By Chansta
Another reskin that i had been working on, it is everyone's favorite jedi, Fly Gone Gin from George Luce's Star Wars Epi sope 1 the Phantom Menaaaace. Based off a bootleg action figure that is featured in one of ashens videos (also refferred to by ashens as, "an angry wrestler who has seen better days") every one's favorite jedi from George Luce's Star Wars Epi sope 1 the Phantom Menaaaace. the npc codes are: Flygone, Flygone_robed, Flygone_hood, Flygone_poncho, and Flygone_bw.
for a reference, here's the original figure its based off of.
Gungan npcs
By JKHub
AUTHOR: Gamemaster
This is just an npc pack that contains some gungans you can spawn and play with.
Now with new cybergungan sounds!
BUGS: An error message complaining about a bad 0 (no honestly) when you spawn some of the gungans. Nothing to worry about.
Jaden Jedi Betrayal Pack
Once apprenticed to the Jedi battlemaster Kyle Katarn Jaden chose to take the scepter for himself and walk the path of the Dark Side.
This npc pack is from the cancelled Jedi Betrayal mod I've been given permission to upload this. Didn't want it to go to waste so here you go.
The codes are npc spawn darthphoneix darthphoenix_nh
There are 2 issues with this one is he has no arms and the second is when he deactivates his lightsaber it doesn't go back into the hilt it disappears idk how to fix this so if anyone can message me please, hope you enjoy this
Jawa Rancor
By ksgWXfan
The Jawa replaces the Rancor in this mod. For once, the jawas get an upper-hand. They are now the predator. Literally. They can't get enough of chowing down on stormtroopers or cultists. Nor can they control the cannibalistic urge towards their smaller desert kin
INSTRUCTIONS: Place 'zzz_rancorjawa.pk3' in the base folder and play. Spawned via the rancor npc (npc spawn rancor)
- if wanting to see delight in the jawa rancor hunting the tusken raiders, use the tuskensniper npc, as the rancor won't natively attack the regular npc tusken
- Used Blender v2.79 (Mr. Wonko's Tools)
- Me for shaping the Jawa model to the Rancor skeleton; renaming vertex groups to match the rancor bones
- I also replaced a lot of the Rancor sounds with the Jawas to make the experience more authentic; this, i believe does change sounds of the mutant rancor though
Jedi Robe Replacements
By Jolly
I always found the Jedi in Jedi Outcast and Academy to be rather inaccurate, but I liked how
each of them had unique outfits, not just different color Jedi uniforms.
I decided to make a modification so that they still have their unique outfits but have the traditional robes
the Jedi Knight within the order should have. This was inspired by the Jedi Robes you could
get in the MMO "Star Wars Galaxies" which you would wear over your usual clothes to enhance
force powers, etc. Enjoy!
Also, if you edit the .skin files you can surface on the Jedi hoods so they are actually on the models heads, but I didn't do this myself because it didn't look quite right.
Issues: Clipping (not really avoidable)
Jedi Student NPC Pack
This mod introduces a class of NPC Jedi Students, inspired by the screen pack concept from HOUOU, along with a few additional characters. I’ve also included a male Twi'lek NPC and a male Zabrak NPC. Please note that in order for these models to work properly, you will need to have the Jaden as a Twi'lek Male and Zabrak Jaden as Zabrak Male files installed.
Included NPCs:
- `npc spawn student_chewy` (Wookiee Male) [Optional]
- `npc spawn student_hf` (Human Female)
- `npc spawn student_hm` (Human Male)
- `npc spawn student_kdm` (Kel Dor Male)
- `npc spawn student_nm` (Nautolan Male) [Optional]
- `npc spawn student_rm` (Rodian Male)
- `npc spawn student_tf` (Twi'lek Female)
- `npc spawn student_tm` (Twi'lek Male) [Optional]
- `npc spawn student_zf` (Zabrak Female)
- `npc spawn student_zm` (Zabrak Male) [Optional]
Installation Notes:
- Make sure you have the Male Twi'lek Jaden file and the Male Zabrak Jaden file installed for the Twi'lek and Zabrak NPCs to work properly.
- anti2: For the Male Zabrak Jaden model
- BioWare & Obsidian: Original KotOR2 model assets
- Disney: For the Star Wars universe
- HapSlash: For the Jedi Robes used on the Zabrak Male NPC
- HOUOU: For the screenpack concept art that inspired the base Jedi Academy students
- For teaching me how to mod
- Kal'El & Leslie Judge: For NPCTool
- Movie Duels: For the hotfix model for the Human Male NPC
- Noodle: For the Twi'lek Male mod
- LucasArts: For Star Wars Jedi Knight as a whole
- Raven Software: For Jedi Knight II and Jedi Academy as a basis
- ZaidenSoraX (me): For the NPC files
- The Unguided: For JediPack_HB
- Kitsu-NeshKaa: For Wookie Jedi Species
- Ruxith: For Nautolan - Kit Fisto Species Skinpack
- Spanki: For Spanki's Jedi Customization
If you decide to use any of these assets in your own mods, please include this text file in the PK3 or at the very least credit the original creators. The effort and creativity of all contributors are what make this mod possible.
In addition, I have included a male Zabrak NPC. You'll need to have this file in order for the model to work properly.
UPDATE for Version 1.2: 2 new classmates are introduced, bringing in a Wookiee classmate and a Nautolan classmate, be warned that there is a bug on the Nautolan student occurring, should you choose to install his NPC file.
Jedi Wookiee
By Wolf-936
So recently I've started playing Jedi Academy again remembered about my modding ordeal. And i wanted to give it a shot again. My earlier mods were quite simply jokes, nothing but horrible jokes. I'm not saying this little mod is anything special either, being honest all i did was give Chewbacca a lightsaber and force powers. It was either i do that, or a juiced up immortal Jawa duel wielding Sith swords, and i doubt JKHub would share my sense of humor. The screenshot's show them using a single lightsaber but right after i took the screenshot i changed it so they have saberstaff's, as a nod to Wookiee War Blades. Strength-wise they are pretty tough, they have plenty of health but aren't boss class NPC's.
Anyway, I'm prepared to be berated for such a lazy creation.
The Jedi/Good version is called "Wookieej" while the Sith/Bad is "Wookiees"
Klavika (npc and bot)
By the_raven
Just a joke character I wanted to make (and made) out of boredom.
It's a dark-sided Zabrak female character with a double-bladed lightsaber.
An npc in SP and a bot in MP.
I created her by mashing up different bits of jedi_zf.
Voice is Ragnos and Kothos twins.
For character's background, click here!
- JKHub Exclusive
- Star Wars Related
- (and 1 more)
Kyrios npc
By liosk
kyrios is one of my favorite characters but do not know anything about him and how this community is great I decided to try this: npc of this character: kyrios
Author: -liosk
File Name and Version: -Kyrios_npc
Release Date: -30-5-12
Filesize: -5.82KB
installation instructions: -extract files in Jedi KnightIII:
Jedi Academy / Gamedata /base folder
Description: -this file content is: 3 npc of kyrios
(single saber _ dual saber _ twin saber)
External Content Used / Credits: -JKHub and Dark_Diablos
Creator and skin_: Dark_Diablos
So much thanks Dark_Diablo and :
1st is my job to JKhub (though be a reskin)
(Some photos are of permits they gave me to make this possible)
So much thanks Dark_Diablo for Kyrios character