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24 files

  1. Cemetery Resurrection of Desann!!

    Bot Routes: Yes
    NPC Routes: Yes
    Boss: Desann
    Map FFA.
    Destroy the summoning stone to resurrect Desann!


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  2. "Green" Screens

    These fastly made Maps are for people who do not know how to use NetRadiant to create Maps that are just pure colour. The Maps are identical in size, big enough to both capture screenshots of the characters or whatnot and to use "Select by Colour Tool" to get rid of background and create a PNG of a character, and to also film videos for Chroma Key or any other tool that gets rid of the background. And to also support your Lightsabre Colour of your character. Blue Screen for Blue Sabre, Green Screen for Green, etc. Or to even mix together colours, like Blue Sabres tend to become Cyan in Green Screen, or Red Sabres become Purple in Blue Screen, etc. But of course it's up to you. Gray so far is neutral and doesn't seem to affect or modify the pigments.

    Enjoy the Maps and hope that these Maps will help your creative works!!! 😄

    And also don't look at these Maps for too long, because looking at all green or all blue, etc, tend to hurt the eyes. So do me a favor, don't look at them or get stuck on a character pose for too long. 🙂


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    Hard-ish difficulty climbmap targeted at JK2 1.02 @ 142 fps.
    Compatible and playable with other JK2 versions and JKA.
    Has Q3 style and jaPRO style defrag triggers.
    More info in included readme.


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  4. JKA Domination

    A new gamemode for JKA from the classic Unreal Tournament. Capture bases and hold them to dominate and score points! This is more or less a core file with all the necessary things (scripts, shaders, textures, etc) to make it work and provide mappers with the needed things to build their own domination maps.
    For players & servers
    Put jka_domination.pk3 in GameData\base in your game directory. Start a TFFA game with one of the maps and 3000 fraglimit (X cap limit * 1000).
    For mappers
    You will find dom_source.map file in jka_domination_source.zip/maps. I recommend copying it and building your own map within there to make sure all targetnames etc. remain correct. If you have your map separately, it’s better to copy it into the dom_source.map than the other way around, unless you absolutely make sure all the entity values (targets, targetnames) stay correct. More detailed instructions are included in a pdf.
    For modders
    You will find the source files for the scripts and photoshop/illustrator files for some of the textures in jka_domination_source.zip. I hope they will be useful!
    Known bugs
    Previous bugs and incompatabilities have now been solved through switching from CTF to TFFA base game mode.
    Regarding shader remaps and slight lag incued by them:
    Release notes
    Planned features
    External Content Used / Credits
    UT2004, Epic Games from which the Announcer voice files are from
    Tidal Lugormod, Clan Atlantis & Crazy, for inspiring me through their lugormod versions many years back
    Jedi Knight Community discord for their insights and help
    Tayst & his friends for beta testing and helping me polish the system
    Everyone who has supported me during my on-off years of working on this project


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  5. Hydroball Arena

    This is a little map for the very cool mod "Hydroball II" from Rich Whitehouse
    It is really funny to play it with 4 or more players!
    Put the .pk3 into the order "hydroball" from GameData, where you already have installed the mod. Otherwise some functions may not work for the map.
    Making such a map isn't really hard. It gaves me the chance to finish my first map. Other maps of me are canceled by me over and over...
    So here you can see my first officially finished map. Feel free and share bugs if you find any.
    Have fun with your friends and may the ball be with you!
    A good setting should be /g_forceregentime 90 for this map~ (for my taste)
    Special Thanks are going to:
    Sirius - for a few bug reports
    Tirus - he rescued my broken .map data 😄


       (2 reviews)



  6. Jedi Temple Training Room (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

    This is the training room of the Jedi Temple, which was featured in the Disney+ series OBI-WAN KENOBI.
    Installation: Put the pk3 to your base folder. To start the map, type map obi_ani_training to the ingame console.
    IMPORTANT: Because textures from the Jedi Temple map have been used, it has to be installed as well. But if you are playing Movie Duels or Galactic Legacy, the Jedi Temple doesn't need to be installed, as it is already included in both mods.


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  7. JoFBall

    Title : JoFBall
    Author(s): PreFX, Weske
    Credits : Atlas, Perso, Gnost, ZantuS
    File Name : {JoF}Ball.pk3
    File size : 164mb
    Website : www.jofacademy.eu

    JoFBall is an upgraded version of Kyleball (original idea by ZantuS) where two teams contest for the ball by using their saber to score goals. 
    JoFBall is a popular event for the JKA clan ‘Jedi of Freedom’. Events are regularly held on the {JoF}Public Server. JoF members have the privilege to participate in the yearly JoFBall tournaments and have a chance to compete for the Striker title.
    The {JoF}Ball.pk3 is a bundle consisting of the following maps:
    ‘JoFBall’ is the first custom map and upgrade for the original Kyleball. This map features a central hub with teleports leading to 3 unique maps. Each map is different in size and has a different theme. Arena should be played 3v3, Streets 4v4 and Stadium 6v6. 
    ‘JoFBall_tournament’ features a central hub with teleports leading to three identical Arena’s. In comparison to its predecessor, the arena has an upgraded look, substitution area (dug-out) and spectator room. 
    Thanks to built-in triggers (admin room), the host can simultaneously initiate the start/stop of a round across all three arena’s. In addition to this, in-game messages are displayed for players to keep track of time.
    ‘JoFBall skillgames’ is a map which focuses on individual improvement presented in a set of fun and challenging minigames. Thanks to built-in triggers, the map allows repetitive practice in the core mechanics such as passing, shooting and keeping.
    Each minigame is supported with a tutorial and there is a distinction between basic and advanced to make sure everyone, regardless of skill, can play.

    JoFBall is designed to run on any JA+ server and requires the below server settings to work as intended.
    g_speed 300
    g_saberdamagescale 1.75
    g_saberdmgvelocityscale 1.85
    jp_allowSaberTouchDMG 1
    d_saberSPStyleDamage 0

    The four JoFBall Rules

    Gameplay video’s

    Just put the pk3 in GameData\base in your game directory.
    Write /jofballon in the console to load the 'JoFBall_skillgames' map and simulate the server settings in local Multiplayer.
    Best played in TFFA gametype.

    Known bugs
    Due to fast light compile, player models tend to look darker.
    Final words
    JoFBall is a project that we have been working on since late 2019. We hope you enjoy this map as much as we do!
    For any questions, feel free to contact us on discord PreFX#4386 and/or Weske#6740 or visit the {JoF}Public Server.


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  8. Jedi Knight Galaxies Map Bundle #2

    This is the second map bundle released for Jedi Knight Galaxies, you will need JKG installed first in order to play.  (The second can be found here.)  The bundle currently contains three maps:
    jkg_jawa_fortress        - A Yzmo map, a complex canyon fortress located on Tatooine.
    jkg_mos_eisley_arena     - A MaceMadunusus map, a small dueling arena located within Mos Eisley.
    jkg_imperialbase      - A Noodle map, a small Imperial installation currently under attack by rebel forces.  Also includes jkg_imperialbasectf for capture the flag versions.
    Assets are available to use in your own projects, provided that you credit Jedi Knight Galaxies Team (or JKG Team) and the developer(s) who made the asset.  You must also follow any rules with other project's we have included in JKG's map assets, for example the kotor model bundle included in taris horizons cannot be used, without following Inyri Forge's instructions.  Details for these included 3rd party assets can be found in the readme of the associated pk3 (if any).  If you use JKG assets, a link back to https://www.jkgalaxies.net is also appreciated.

    For more information about JKG, visit: https://www.jkgalaxies.net/about.html
    Install Instructions
    To install unzip the archive with the containing pk3's and copy and paste them into your JKG directory, (the same place your zz_jkg_asset files are).

    JKG Team & Contributors
    BlasTech, BobaFett, DarthFutuza, Deathspike, Didz, eezstreet, Jake, MaceCrusherMadunusus, Noodle, Pande, Raz0r, Resuru, Sareth, Silverfang, Stoiss, UniqueOne, Xycaleth, et al.



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  9. Jedi Knight Galaxies Map Bundle #1

    This is the first map bundle released for Jedi Knight Galaxies, you will need JKG installed first in order to play.
    The bundle contains four maps:
    jkg_coruscant_lower - A Pande map, lower city district of the streets of coruscant. Designed for larger amounts of players.
    jkg_nightfall - A SzicoVII map, a small village during the onset of winter. Designed for an average amount of players.
    jkg_spaceport - A Pande map, a small portion of the streets of Mos Eisley. Designed for an average amount of players.
    jkg_taris - A MaceMadunusus map, The upper city street and buildings of modern day Taris. Designed for larger amounts of players.


       (4 reviews)



  10. Attack of Yavin

    Map made by Gnost
    NPC scripting made by Nieris
    This is an immersive Star Wars challenge where you have to face 20 hordes to defend the academy.
    Supports FFA mode.
    Play it in cooperative mode with your friends for an epic experience. It starts automaticly after 30 seconds.
    Original event made for JoF.
    EternalJK client is recommended.
    Known bugs: if your server doesn't have a good NPC support, it may crash.


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  11. Jedi Starfighter Racing Map

    Map made by Gnost
    Basically this is a huge spaceship racing map that allow max 6 players to spawn a jedi starfighter and race with it.
    It has 2 different circuits, a short (1min) and a long one (2min) that can be changed through a button.
    Supports FFA/TFFA modes.
    Known bugs: Sometimes after using a spaceship, player movement seems bugged. It can be fixed by using a spaceship again or just do /reconnect.
    Event example below:
    We are going to have a funny afternoon racing with some Jedi Starfighters across a huge and tricky map.
    Survive 3 laps and try to be the first one reaching the end!!
    -No shooting allowed
    -Don't crash into another ship on purpose
    -Boost is allowed (press the spacebar when boost is loaded)
    We are going to train a bit before start to familiarize yourself with the circuit.
    Then we are going to make rounds of 5/6 players per round. First 1 or 2* finishing 3 laps will pass to the final round.
    *It depends on the number of players attending.
    "jofracing" For advanced and beginner pilots! Enjoy.


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  12. Squid Game and other minigames

    Map made by Gnost (all the games + teleports + functional parts of the map + lights) and Perso (main hall + trims + more lights)
    This is a map based on Squid Game TV series but some games have a twist and it works perfectly to host a multiplayer event.
    Original idea by JoF community.
    You can use it to host an event like below. Please contact me if you have any doubt.

    Welcome chosen ones.
    In this event you will have to put yourself to the test in order to survive each game.
    Completing a game will let you proceed towards the next game(s).
    Death means elimination from the game(s).
    Surviving is the key.
    (When you die you will be put into spectator mode)
    When the players arrived on the map they will gather up on the main hall as the host will give an explanation about the event.
    After the explanation they will continue and head towards the games.

    You can find the order of the games below.


    On the start of the first game each player should start by preparing themselves by making a horizontal line as everyone is standing next to each other.
    The objective is to get to the other side of the map without dying.
    The player can move if the doll says "Green Light" and stop when it says "Red Light".
    If a player moves when the doll is watching you will be eliminated or if the player does not cross the finish line within time limit, they will automatically get shot and eliminated from the game.

    - No jumping
    *For this game there is an admin room at the top of the main hall where the host should deactivate damage (green/yellow/red buttons) and activate it again (danger button) while playing*

    The second game involves players attempting to cross two parallel bridges by jumping across tempered glass panels while avoiding weaker panes of regular glass.
    Those who land on a regular glass panel break through the pane and fall to their deaths from a high place, resulting in their elimination from the game.

    - Not any kind of attack is allowed.
    - No platform skipping.
    - Form a line and wait for your turn as you will be called out.

    In this third game of the event you will be seperated into two teams.
    Each team will enter a room that is mirrored as you can see the other team as well.
     their objective is to climb this map as a team with some hard obstacles to overcome.
    The first team that reaches the top wins and can press a button which will fill the other team's room with lava and kills everyone.

    - Not any kind of attack is allowed even on teammates.
    - Be a teamplayer and give the ones who aren't good a helping hand.

    The objective in the fourth game is to throw your saber towards the board three times.
    The ones with the minimum score that is required will pass on to the grand finale (60 points for example).
    The ones who fall below the minimum score will be elimintated.
    In order to know where the person's saber is going you can check it on the live screen as it will show you where it will land.
    ''Be sure to turn off the saber when you think it's near your target on the board''


    - Not any kind of attack is allowed on the other participants.
    - Saber Throw is allowed towards the board


    In the finale game of the Event the remaining players only have one task left.
    TaunTaun Ice LMS
    Last man Standing while riding a TaunTaun
    Each player will have to mount a TaunTaun and wait for the start signal.
    Once the game starts their objective is to kill the other ones with their saber and be the last remaining participant.

    - No A-D saber attack spam while engaging combat
    The last participant who remains alive will be the winner of the,
     JoF Squid Games
    Our event was a little bit different due to rules changing at last hour:


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  13. Gonk Land

    This is a small map meant to celebrate Gonk Droids! I ask you to please not destroy the Gonks as they are peaceful, thank you!


       (2 reviews)



  14. Sith Temple

    The ancient Sith Temple from the cancelled Jedi Betrayal mod I've been given permission to upload it
    The code is map SIth_Temple


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  15. Bespin Map

    credits: Langerd, LivingDeadjedi, Eniac, MaceMadunusus, Immenor, GoodOlBen, Lervish, Teelos, Frost, Sxx, McBober, Pahricida
    This is a cloud city map i had lying around in my maps folder, and i wanted to posted.
    Once i finished the structures, i got bored and gave up on it, so i decided to post this.
    If anyone is interestested in this... thing, i will post the map file.
    If any of the creators mentioned above reject this map, i will take it down


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  16. Sundari Palace on Mandalore

    This map is a recreation of the Sundari Palace on Mandalore as seen in The Clone Wars series.
    It includes three versions: a day version, a twilight version and a night version.
    How to Install:
    1) Extract the .pk3 file onto your base folder.
    2) Open the console and write "devmap sundari_palace_daylight" without quotes for the day version, "devmap sundari_palace_twilight" for the twilight version and "devmap sundari_palace_night" for the night version.
    3) Hit enter and enjoy!
    Known bugs:
    -You can go through some of the windows, I don't really know why, despite the fact that I mapped them all the same way. It only happens with some of them, others are fine.
    -There is no damage trigger below the map, meaning that you can fall down and run around the skybox without dying. The map was designed for roleplaying, but let me know if you want the trigger added.


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  17. Space Cowboys

    Hello Guys. This is my first map and i made it for an Event called Space Cowboys.
    - TFFA Mode
    - Get as many tauntauns in your stable
    - One Round 20 Minutes
    - at the end of the round the team with the most tauntauns in their stable wins the round
    Have fun


       (7 reviews)



  18. Quidditch-A Hydroball Map

    Author: Magnus D'Kana
    Contact: magnusdkana@hotmail.com
    Website: http://valleyofthejedi.boards.net/
    File Name and Version: quidditch.pk3 and quidditch.map
    (original)Release Date: 18/05/2019
    Filesize: 77MB
    This is my first attempt at making a hydroball map. It's obviously inspired by quidditch from Harry Potter (hence the name) but other than there being 3 hoops acting as goals, everything is the same as regular hydroball.
    I decided to make a little duelling area too so that if people get bored for a while, they can just do a couple of duels or whatever.
    This is also the first ever map I have made public (so far) so there might be bugs or whatever, feel free to let me know about them if you find any.
    I'm also adding the .map file to the .zip folder, feel free to learn from it if you want, or modify it to your liking.
    Additionally, if there's something you REALLY want changed for some reason (such as a bug or you think the size of the arena is too small for example) you can tell me and I will probably change it and update the file (I only tested the map once with someone else )
    Just put the .pk3 into your base folder
    Just remove the .pk3 from your base folder
    Thanks to Zachry D'Kana for letting me use textures from his map (The Valley of the Jedi)
    Also thanks to Jaina D'Kana for testing the original, first, version of this map
    I couldn't have done this map without Richdiesal's tutorial series, GingerbreadNinja's hydroball mapping tutorial and Rich Whitehouse for making hydroball and uploading to JKHub...so thanks a lot to all of you
    Credits to Super Mario World for the map music (it's from an underwater level)
    Finally, thank you to Kic for the tree models.


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  19. Planetary Base 2008

    ---- The following was created on 8/2/2008. I was going through my cold storage and rediscovered my work. Here is that creation. Please enjoy.
    -- I originally had this on filefront but apparently that site went down years ago.
    Install the pk3 file in C:\\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base folder.
    If you installed the game in anther location, the file still needs to go in the "base" folder.
    To play the map in single player mode do the fowlloing.
    1. Install the map as told above.
    2. when in-game, bring down the consol and type "devmap planetary_base" or "map planetary_base" with out the quotes.
    Map type: it is capable of ffa team_ffa duel however i built this map for single player.
    Map bsp name: planetary_base.bsp
    long name: Planetary Base
    Hi Im Dan. I am the maker of this map
    I made this map becuase i wanted to try a difrent style of maping.
    To come:
    The next map will be more compatible with multiplayer. The next map will be simular to this map.
    I Used part of t2_rancor JKA Singleplayer level in this map.
    The part I used was part of a hallway, a door, and a 4 feet (x) by 2 feet (y) by 6 feet (z) room.
    If there is an error with my map send a measege to razgiz@gmail.com
    do not expect a responce an there will be to much mail to go throuh.
    Map made by Dan Pecoraro
    Thank you to all mapers who have good ideas in whitch ive incorportated into my maps.


       (3 reviews)



  20. [JKA] Stormtrooper Mess (test map)

    Hello to all!
    Here I am releasing my very first map to have a feedback of different members (and mappers). This is how I imagined a dorm for stormtroopers in a little Imperial base. It is small, very small. In fact, this room is a part of a bigger creation but to train myself with lights etc., I just took this work apart.
    I'm open to all critics as long they are useful (especially with the lights). Just don't be too hard, I'm a rookie with this stuff.
    This file will probably be updated then deleted later, it has no vocation to be a playing map (or for duel, maybe?)
    I want to thanks NumberWan who helped me a lot with some issues with Radiant, and the JKHub member MUG for his video tutorials.


       (4 reviews)



  21. Test Maps

    This is yet another simple mod, requested by Penekowski. There are 3 very small maps, with one color for the whole room, making it easy to take screenshot to use in icon creating or other media. Or maybe just to test a skin out. There is a green, white, and grey map.
    To get to the maps, choose one below:
    /map test_white
    /map test_grey
    /map test_green
    The maps are bright, and the shaders used don't reflect light, to my knowledge. That's why you can run into a wall without realizing it.
    Shout out to Penekowski for the idea


       (6 reviews)



  22. Search and Destroy - Tatooine Streets

    This map brings a new game type to jka. Inspired by CoD and CS, one team's goal is to arm a bomb, the other team's is to defend or defuse the bombs. the gametype is built into the map. Shortly, I will be releasing a .map file which will allow mappers to make their own SnD maps.
    To learn how to play or host SnD check out: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/113-how-to-play-and-host-search-and-destroy/
    To install, place the PK3 into gamedata/base
    The map was made entirely by me.
    The gamemode is based on the gamemode from CoD and CS, but was adapted to JKA by me.
    The music is "Under The Rotting Pizza" and "Hurry!" by Nobuo Uematsu, from Final Fantasy VII
    Custom shaders and the "mugletters" textures were made by MoonDog.
    The voice of the announcer desired to be credited as "MUG's attractive and wealthy brother"
    The sounds were mixed and modified by me.
    Made exclusively for JKHub


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  23. Hydroball Map Pack

    This file includes three maps I've made for the Hydroball mod for Jedi Academy. They should all be fully functional... or i believe so at least.
    I decided that we definately need more hydroball servers out there, after all, there aren't any at the momment. I'm hoping that these maps help to boost server activity as well as spark an increase in mapping for hydroball. I know they aren't the best quality, but I just wanted to get them out quick enough for you guys. In the future I might release an updated version, if you have any suggestions for it, tell me. Also, if you have any questions, either about the map-pack, hydroball, or mapping for hydroball, or well, anything in general, feel free to email me and ask. I'll see all you guys in the hydroball servers!


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  24. MUG's Hydroball Map Pack (HydroTemple and HydroTank)

    This gives you three new Hydroball arenas:
    The Hydro Temple - A large temple themed arena which can be drastically modified with a series of buttons to create many different arenas. The map is longer than classic hydro maps to prevent the player from being able to score in one throw from the far side of the arena. (/map hydrotemple)
    Hydrotank (Short) - A very small, plain arena in tank made from block colours and glass, floating in green space. (/map hydrotank)
    Hydrotank (Extended) - The same as Hydrotank (Short) but slightly longer. Still shorter than The Hydro Temple (/map hydrotank_long)
    I have also added: HydroTankb and hydrotank_longb these are textured versions of the same maps, for those who fear the bright green of the originals
    You need the hydroball mod to play these maps.
    The pre-game music "Droplets" was written/recorded by me. Please do not use/distribute it without getting my permission.
    Textures in the jkhubtextures and Cosmos_Dojo textures are made by me, feel free to use them but please give credit.
    Texture mug/basicblue is an edit of byss/basicred from base. Feel free to use it however you please.
    If you have any requests or bug reports, contact me by PMing me (MUG) on www.jkhub.org
    Made Exclusively for JKHub.org - 13th September 2012


       (6 reviews)



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