Lightsabers & Melee
297 files
Rainbow Prism Lightsaber
Author: RecklessJames
Filename: lightsabers_blades_prismsaber.pk3
Filesize: 92kb
Release Date: 1/7/2018
Version: 1.0
The other day I thought about how it would look if a lightsaber had multiple colors like a rainbow, so now I finally made it possible!
Features the colors of blue, green, orange, red, yellow, and red. No it's not exactly positioned like the colors of a rainbow,
I positioned the colors in a way that I personally thought looked the best! Also keep in mind that this will replace the Orange blade color.
I hope you guys enjoy!
For those who are curious, the player skin/model featured in these pics are from the mod "Kyle Katarn in Jedi Robes" which you can download here:
- Star Wars
- JKHub Exclusive
- (and 3 more)
The Vinesaber (Vinesauce)
Author: RecklessJames
Filename: lightsabers_hilts_vinesaber.pk3
Filesize: 200kb
Release Date: 12/13/2016
Version: 1.0
This is my very first mod for JK3, a lightsaber based on the Twitch stream known as Vinesauce!
Vinesauce is a comedy focused stream, if you wish to know more about them then you can visit their website: I'm very happy with the model, but I suck a bit at texturing since I'm new.
Maybe in the future I'll do a better one (but probably not lol). If there's any Vinesauce fans out there, I hope you enjoy!
For those who are curious, the player skin/model featured in these pics are from the mod "Kyle Katarn in Jedi Robes" which you can download here:
- Star Wars
- Lightsaber Based Weapon
- (and 4 more)
Gungan Shield
By Jeff
This is the Gungan personal shield which appeared in Phantom Menace, it works best as a second saber with dual sabers. Have fun and happy hunting gungans.
The Sith Sword Pack
By DarthJava
Liked Naga Sadow's and Ludo Kressh's Sith swords?
Well... Here's some more!!!
I have left the old versions of Sadow's and Kressh's swords in this pack, so if you still have the old pack replace it with this version.
To install, put the_other_sith_lords_swords.pk3 into your gamedata/base.
To uninstall, simply remove it.
In this pack we have 9 swords to play with (well ok, one isn't really a sword... more like a techblade ) (and also it's technically 10 swords since there's two versions of Naga Sadow's sword)
As it was pointed out to me, the old version of Sadow's sword didn't have the splits in the blade... so I fixed it.
Upon request, someone mentioned that Ajunta Pall's sword should be added, so guess what... I added it!
As I said above, I left the old versions of Sadow's and Kressh's swords in here so your old pack is no longer required
Here's the list: (if you plan on using in SP type in the console /saber <the names to the right of them>)
Naga Sadow's Sword(new) naga_sadow_sword or naga_sadow_sword_v2
Ludo Kressh's Sword ludo_kressh_sword
Sith War Blade from SWTOR sith_war_blade
Sith Sword 1 (a random) sith_sword_1
Darth Java's Sword (yeah I had to add in a classic looking vibroblade ) darth_java_sword
Darth Drear's Sword (or at least my take on it) darth_drear_sword
Sword of Ieldis sword_of_ieldis
Sith Sword 2 (google sith sword and its the 4th or 5th result) red_sith_sword
Ajunta Pall's Sword (dual bladed) ajunta_pall_sword
A little on Darth Drear's sword. Very, very little is mentioned about it... other than its purpose.
This is the description from the book: "...Its shining blade seemed to have been forged from the same black durasteel as the walls around them, and streched as long as Saborous's arm... its lethal edge shimmering and disapearing again as the Sith Lord swung it overhead."
So basically... it's long, pointy and black... well my brain filled in the rest of the 99% and this is what we got
Well that's about it, enjoy and thanks for the downloads and support!
Soul Edge, The Devouring Blade
By Rooxon
"The Eye is always watching you...literary. Check it out."
Halloween 2017 Contest Entry
The living Demon blade Soul Edge - It's alive, it's ever watchful of you, it changes shape in regard to it's wielder and drains his/her life force just as well as from it's victims.
Take out your opponents quickly or it just might be YOU who ends up broken and dead on the ground! MUAHAHAHA, *cough* *cough* okay, i think you get it.
(The blade doesn't actually sap your HP so don't worry, be happy. But it is always looking at you or in your vague direction.)
If you're playing on MP, it first needs to be uploaded to the server of your choice,
otherwise people will see it as kyle's lightsaber and it will also function as such.
Later, simply choose it from the menu and you're good to go.
If you're playing on SP, first open your console with ~ or ¨ (button left of 1, under ESC) and enable cheats with:
helpusobi 1
then type:
saber souledge
Copy the r_souledge.pk3 over to your base folder,
the default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base".
None that I noticed but if you did, leave a message in the comment section!
X1 & X2 Lightsaber
By Rooxon
X1 & X2 Lightsaber Lowpoly by Rooxon on Sketchfab
Copy the r_x1sab.pk3 over to your base folder,
the default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base"
Request from Lord of Hate. And no, i do not accept public requests all the time.
Q: Who or what are X1 and X2?
A: It's not refering to Megaman. X1 and X2 were both meant to be in the cancelled Battlefront 3 Game, born twins whereas later one turned sith, one jedi.
They both wielded the same ligthsaber with the difference that X1 used a Blue lightsaber crystal and X2 a red one.
Q: How do i play with this lightsaber?
A1: If you're playing on MP, it first needs to be uploaded to the server of your choice,
otherwise people will see it as kyle's lightsaber and it will also function as such.
Later, simply choose it from the menu and you're good to go.
A2: If you're playing on SP, first open your console with ~ or ¨ (button left of 1, under ESC) and enable cheats with:
helpusobi 1
then type:
saber x1
saber x2
Both are the same saber with vanilla stats, to be MP friendly. However, X1 uses a blue color and X2 uses a red one for their respective blades.
None that I noticed, but if you did, leave a message in the comment section!
Special thanks to AshuraDX for the astounding Weapon Turntable playermodel that i use for showcasing custom weapon creations!
Flashlight - Halloween Contest 2017
By Langerd
Flashlight by Langerd - Halloween Contest 2017
Simple flashlight model. I changed the draw and standing animations. When You walk You actually look like You are using the real flashlight. The only problem is the lightning in the MP - not sure if it works correctly but in SP it worked just fine.
License - You can use this file free. If You want to add it in Your modification just type me in the credits that i am the author of this file.
In SP type :
-saber flashlight
In Mp the flashlight is normally in the saber menu
Marauder lightsaber
By bert
Inspired by this post. Another DIY-looking set of lightsabers. Enjoy!
Single Player:
1. Enable cheats;
2. Type saber marauder1, saber marauder2, or saber marauder3
Namon-Dur Accar's Lightsabers
By bert
Made for my RP character - Namon-Dur Accar. Special thanks to AshuraDX for his Substance Painter smart material (and some actual help!).
Single Player:
1. Enable cheats
2. Type saber namon1, saber namon2, or saber namonstaff
- Lightsaber Based Weapon
- Staff
- (and 2 more)
KotOR Melee Megapack
By Rooxon
Sketchfab PBR Showcase:
Copy and paste the r_kotormelee.pk3 from this zip file to your "base" folder,
the default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base".
In the past i released a horrible KotOR melee pack, but it was a great stepstone for my work today.
Now i decided to do it properly with a few new additions. I kept the texture maps as logical as possible as to encourage reskins of these weapons
for the several uniques i haven't brought to you (example, ajunta pall's poison blade, wookie ceremonial sword, wooden quarterstaffs, several different stun batons etc).
In case of submitting a reskin like that to JKHub, you don't need to ask for permission.
Along with changed sound files for all weapons, i've created a custom .efx blade effect for the stun baton!
All weapons have saber damages (meant to make it more mp-friendly).
Future updates are possible.
List of weapons included:
- Vibroblade
- Vibrosword
- Vibro Double-blade
- Wookie Warblade
- Mandalorian Vibroblade
- Mandalorian Double-blade
- Echani Vibroblade
- Echani Double-blade
- Short sword
- Long sword
- Double-sword
- Gammorean Battleaxe
- Stun baton
- Quarterstaff
- Quarterstick (made-up single variant of the staff for use with the brokensab command)
SP - enable cheats via console with "helpusobi 1", then type the corresponding command for your weapon of choice:
saber vibroblade
saber vibrosword
saber vibrodoubleblade
saber wookieblade
saber mandoblade
saber mandodoubleblade
saber echaniblade
saber echanidoubleblade
saber shortsword
saber longsword
saber doublesword
saber gammobaxe
saber stunbaton
saber qstaff
saber qstick
MP - choose the weapon of your choice from the single/staff sabers menu.
Tested thoroughly, shouldn't be any left as far as i know but the pack is really extensive. If you find any, leave a comment down below and i will fix it in a future update!
Ezra's Lightsaber
By Rooxon
Ezra's Lightsaber by Rooxon on Sketchfab
Copy and paste the r_ezrasab.pk3 from this zip file to your "base" folder,
the default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base".
Ezra's lightsaber as seen in season in the cartoon. It's his second creation after getting his initial, lightsaber-blaster hybrid destroyed in battle with Darth Vader.
SP - enable cheats via console with "helpusobi 1", then type "saber ezra2".
MP - choose the hilt from the single sabers menu.
- Textured in Substance Painter 2
- Modeled in 3D Studio Max 2016
Tested thoroughly, shouldn't be any left as far as i know.
Ezra's Lightsaber-Blaster
By Rooxon
Ezra's Saber-Blaster Hybrid PBR by Rooxon on Sketchfab
Copy and paste the r_ezrasab.pk3 and/or r_ezrablast.pk3 from this zip file to your "base" folder,
the default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base".
r_ezrasab.pk3 - files for the lightsaber part of the mod
r_ezrablast.pk3 - files for the blaster replacement
The famous hybrid weapon Ezra wielded in his younger days, now shipped for you as a JKA mod!
This mod is a saber addon and blaster pistol replacement. Special thanks to Seven for providing the sound files!
Update 1.1 brings you some little tweaks to the model, textures and additionally, tweaked .efx files, gfx files, fine tuned tag positions, LODs for the blaster glm and lossless downsized textures.
SP - enable cheats via console with "helpusobi 1", then type "saber ezra".
MP - choose the hilt from the single sabers menu.
Simply switch to the blaster pistol ingame!
- Textured in Substance Painter 2
- Modeled in 3D Studio Max 2016
Tested thoroughly, shouldn't be any left as far as i know.
- Star Wars
- Lightsaber Based Weapon
- (and 1 more)
Starforged Saber Pack
By DarthJava
This is a pack of 16 custom sabers with the "Star-Forged" theme, meaning they have a sort of disrupted/unstable sound set.
I've been working on these sabers for around a year and a half, mainly for my own use and experimentation. I did go a bit crazy with WavePad and mix, pitch, distort, reverb, and gargle the crap out of some random sounds and add lots of low end bass. If you've got good ears you might even guess the base sound I used! The ignition sound on the longsaber and Fury I made using a mix of high and low tones.
I modeled a few of the sabers using the MHS Builder from for ideas, some are just random design, a couple were from Google images, and 1 of them I modeled after one I bought from (Aeon)! There are also 3 crossguard sabers included!
These are, for the most part, vanilla sabers. There are a few tweaks here and there but nothing substantial as far as performance to your base game sabers. The crossguard sabers naturally have an advantage over base sabers, of course.
The sabers are as follows (using saber <saber ID>):
Fury - starforged_fury
Focus - starforged_focus
Defender - starforged_defender
Marauder - starforged_marauder
Aeon - starforged_aeon
Mortem - starforged_mortem
Lord - starforged_lord
Knight - starforged_knight
Descendant - starforged_descendent (yes I know... typo'd )
Generation - starforged_generation
Darth Java's Longsaber - darthj_longsaber
Sentinel - starforged_sentinel
Heir - starforged_heir
Last Alliance - last_alliance_saber1
Redemption II - last_alliance_saber2
Venom - last_alliance_saber3
Enjoy them!
- Star Wars
- New Sounds
- (and 1 more)
Inquisitor's Lightsaber
By Rooxon
Inquisitor Helisaber PBR by Rooxon on Sketchfab
Copy and paste the r_inquisitor.pk3 from this zip file to your "base" folder,
the default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base"
Inquisitor's Helisaber from The Clone Wars cartoon!
Update 1 brings updated and fixed textures, as well as a single-bladed variant as wished for by Glaxer in the comments!
For SP, enable cheats via the console with helpusobi 1, then type:
saber inquis
saber inqui
NOTE 2: Staff saber can be thrown with both blades turned on!
For MP, simply choose the saber from the single/staff menu!
Note that for public servers, the file must be uploaded to the server and all other users for them to see you use it.
- Textured in Substance Painter 2
- Modeled in 3D Studio Max 2016
Tested thoroughly, dual wielding sabers looks wierd. otherwise none that i know of.
- Star Wars
- Lightsaber Based Weapon
- (and 1 more)
Dooku's Jedi Saber FOR JEDI ACADEMY
By The Punisher
new textures / shaders by The Punisher
This a re-skin of an old version of Dooku's Light saber hilt form his days as a Jedi. I found the saber hilt in an old hilt pack with over 100 hilts. Unfortunately, the zip file does not contains any read me file with more information about the creator(s).
I've attached a screenshot comparing the original hilt and the re-skinned version (new textures and shaders).
Also included an optional file with SP support which will replace saber #5 in the SP menu selection.
Install: Place the zzz_Jedi_Dooku_Saber.pk3 and zzzz_Jedi_Dooku_Saber_sp.pk3 (optional) in your base folder
To use: use "saber jedi_dooku" form the JKA console to activate the hilt.
Uninstall: remove the file zzz_Jedi_Dooku_Saber.pk3 (and zzzz_Jedi_Dooku_Saber_sp.pk3 if used) from your base folder.
Original creator whoever he is.
- Star Wars
- New Effects or Textures
- (and 2 more)
Kressh And Sadow Swords
By DarthJava
Installation: Put the "Kressh and Sadow Sith Swords" pk3 file into your GameData/base folder.
Uninstall: Delete/move file out of the GameData/base folder
To get in single player: type saber naga_sadow_sword or saber ludo_kressh_sword in your console (watch that typo in Kressh!)
I have returned!
After seeing my old Sadow Sith Sword made its way into JKHub, I chuckled to myself honestly. I made a lot of personal mods across different games and my modelling skills have definitely... improved. So I decided to revisit the Sith Sword line! Not only did I remake Sadow's sword, but Ludo Kressh's war blade! After doing some research a little deeper than one sketch of Sadow's sword, I made it look more accurate and realistic. I also tweaked the .sab files too, making them able to switch styles instead of being stuck on Desann's, among other things.
No, I did not add the static lightning effects to the blades mainly due to the fact it's... annoying and spammy. There is a couple lightning-y effects with blocking and hitting but they're not as spammy in my opinion.
I'll admit they're not perfect, but definitely better than the old one! Give them a download if you like them! If
not... download them anyways!
Naga Sadow's Sith Sword
By DarthJava
November Sith Themed Hilt Modelling Contest Entry
Description: I decided i was (somewhat) worthy to partake in this contest... So I decided to make Naga Sadow's Sith Sword from around 5000 BBY. I've been fiddling around with shaders and voila! I got them to work!
Accurate and good looking model.
Sith Sword not a subject often explored in JKA modding.
Textures look somewhat blurry.
Ultimate Hilt Pack
This pack contains 60+ hilts for SP and MP. I was really inspired by Circa's Hilt Pack so I decided to take to the next level. I made this pack a long time ago, so I finally decided to release to JK Hub! I hope all really enjoy this pack!
To use this mod, place the "Ultimate Hilt Pack.pk3" file in the LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base, folder, or wherever your base is located.
Naga Sadow's Lore-Accurate Sith Sword
By Xioth
I'm back with my first (semi-original) mod!
After learning how to edit effects (kinda), I came up with this creation.
This is a lore-accurate representation of the lightning seen on Sadow's sword in the Star Wars comics.
There are some glitches, like lightning appearing somewhere on any map you're currently on.
There is single-player support for the weapon, as well as multiplayer support.
Yes, the lightning STAYS on the sword when you use it.
The model itself was not made by me, it was made by Darth Java, and re-uploaded by JKHub.
You can find the original model here:
Have fun with the mod, and above all else, have a great day!
- Non Lightsaber Based Weapon
- JKHub Exclusive
- (and 5 more)
Leia’s Lightsaber (Trilogy of Thrawn)
By Seven
My first release 100% from scratch. This is Leia’s first lightsaber in the EU, given to her by Luke.
To use in game open the console and type “saber leia”
Leia Trilogy of Thrawn Lightsaber (Low Poly) by seven on Sketchfab803 downloads
Kol Skywalker’s Lightsaber
By Seven
This saber belonged to a descendent of Luke Skywalker named Kol in Legends. Kol used this saber in battle against Darth Nihl and his sith strike force, as well as many other encounters. After Kol’s death, the saber was lost for many years, until it was discovered by another Jedi, Nei Rin. She replaced the original crystal (which had been badly burnt in battle) with a green Lambent crystal of her own. The saber was gifted to Kol’s son, Cade, when he discovered the Hidden Temple of the Jedi.
Cade/Kol Skywalkers Lightsaber by seven on Sketchfab
To install, put the kolsaber.pk3 file in your base folder.
Saber Names in console:
- Star Wars
- Lightsaber Based Weapon
- (and 2 more)
Guardian Lightsaber
By Seven
This is another saber made from scratch by me, requested by The Punisher.
To use ingame open the console and type “saber guardian”
Guardian Saber (Low Poly) by seven on Sketchfab431 downloads
- Star Wars
- Lightsaber Based Weapon
- (and 1 more)
TOR Training Lightsaber / DX-2 Resonating Vibro-Blade
By Rooxon
Now, stop requesting it, please! Have fun ladies and gentlemen!
(4K) DX-2 Resonating Vibro-Blade by Rooxon on Sketchfab
Copy and paste the r_dx2rvb.pk3 from this zip file to your "base" folder,
the default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base"
Training Lightsaber from Star Wars The Old Republic!
For SP, enable cheats with helpusobi 1 via the console, then type:
saber dx2
For MP, simply choose the saber from the menu!
Note that for public servers, the file must be uploaded to the server and all other users for them to see you use it.
- Star Wars
- Star Wars Related
- (and 1 more)
Darth Bane's Curved Lightsaber
By Rooxon
Darth Bane's Curved Lightsaber by Rooxon on Sketchfab
Copy and paste the r_curbane.pk3 from this zip file to your "base" folder,
the default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base"
Darth Bane's Curved Lightsaber (Genesis Custom Sabers concept), request on
For SP, enable cheats with helpusobi 1 via the console, then type:
saber curbane
For MP, simply choose the saber from the menu!
Note that for public servers, the file must be uploaded to the server and all other users for them to see you use it.1,391 downloads
- Star Wars
- Lightsaber Based Weapon
- (and 1 more)
By Artemis
My entry for the 2016 Halloween contest!
It's a hilt that I named Vaeyor. I had a totally different concept idea at the start, but this is what it turned into. There might be another spiked saber out there (Idk, I didn't look), but this one has an .efx file bolted to the saber, sooo you'll be surrounded by red glowiness/sparkles when the saber is active. It was an experiment. This is V2. It's a little better than V1. Please check the readme/changelog for specifics.
Sidenote, this is my first-ever submission of a file. Cool.