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Free For All

346 files

  1. FFA Executor Bridge

    Author: Lwkill
    This is a Christmas gift for the community 
    Install: put the pk3 in your gamedata/base folder
    deinstall: remove the pk3 from your gamedata/base folder ^^ 
    mapname: mp_imp_exec
    if you find bugs pm me 


       (5 reviews)



  2. Harmony Temple

    Author: Magnus D'Kana
    Contact: magnusdkana@hotmail.com OR Magnus D'Kana#9312
    Website: http://valleyofthejedi.boards.net/
    File Name and Version: harmony_temple.bsp, boss_battle_all.bsp and others such as models/textures/scripts/sounds etc.
    (Original) Release Date: 15/11/2019
    Build Time: 1 year and 9/10 months (not actual work time)
    Filesize: 107,119 KB
    ***I found out that this map's npc scripts do not properly work on ja+, therefore if you want the full experience, play on base.***

    So I started this map, Harmony Temple (previously named Hidden Vale), a looooong time ago. In fact I started my process of learning to
    map alongside starting this map after only around a month of starting JKA (January 2018 specifically). I’ve come a long way since then 
    and I kept my old .map files which I look back on with horror lol. I have also kept a lot of the map true to how it started, most 
    notably the spawn area which was the first area I started on the map and has been heavily revamped many times as I have progressed 
    in my ability to map. Along the way of progress, I have had to learn many things about modding in JKA such as lighting theory, scripting, 
    advanced entity work, architecture, game design, modelling, sound editing, skinning, texture editing, texture creation, shader creation 
    and a lot more! Although I didn’t work on the map the ENTIRE  time between January 2018 and now, I still hope that the amount of time and 
    effort I put into this map and improving my knowledge shows in this final product and you enjoy it as much as I loved creating and testing it
    I will put in a disclaimer here...the boss battle map is fairly challenging-it is meant to test your limits as a player and as such the average 
    player will likely fail at the challenges... a lot. I just wanted to say that this is entirely what I intended. I based the challenges around 
    trial maps I have completed and most of those were super challenging and even frustrating but I always felt like I had improved by the end of 
    them (I even think my map is much easier than the trial maps I've played on xD). So my idea for these challenges was basically so that they 
    would challenge even the best of players and allow them to adapt to the challenge and grow as a player. Soooo yeah don't be disheartened if you 
    fail at them (if it makes you feel better I died to the crushers around 49/50 times back when they were almost double the speed they are now :P.
    The Harmony Temple map features:
    -A spawn area, with combo training pads (from Virtue’s academy maps). It also has two portals-one to the combat area and one to the “pit”.
    -A med bay, with health and shield pickups to bring you up to 200hp and bacta tanks. It also features KOTOR kolto tanks and medical beds, allowing 
    - A mess hall, which offers ability to RP (watch for the chimney coming from the fire pit blowing out smoke on the roof!)
    -An outside “hang-out” area, with gardens inspired by Skyrim’s College of Winterhold’s glowlight garden in the arch mage’s quarters. It also 
    features a crystal cave and several places to RP.
    -An entrance which leads to the pit, the combat area and the stairs.
    -A combat area, complete with two duelling rooms; a room for training various theories (theories used by The Valley of the Jedi community in 
    regards to duelling and movement) and also a drone room for practising aerials.
    -A “pit”, heavily inspired by Virtue’s pit on the academy maps and also Zach’s pit on The Valley of the Jedi. This pit uses rotating central 
    platforms, HP stepping stones and a central mini duelling platform.
    -A library, which features two side meditation rooms; an orb with a story (I call it the Eye of Magnus after Skyrim’s Eye of Magnus :P); 
    opportunity to meditate on different paths of the force and gain force boons and also a hidden armoury (try to find a hidden button somewhere...
    unless you want to cheat-then just use /noclip!)
    -Dorm room hallway, which contains unique master bedrooms on the right and more boring (...except one) student bedrooms on the left.
    -An entrance to a trial map I am working on (this will be useless to most seen as though I won’t be releasing to the public).
    -A council room, which has a strong theme of nature. It is said that the masters who gathered on the chairs had to use telepathy with the force 
    so they could hear each other over the loud waterfalls <_<.
    -The map also features a treasure hunt (using holocrons) and also a hidden password-locked door. There will be more info on this further down.
    The Boss Battle map features:
    -A lava challenge room, which features a laser obstacle course, booby traps and hidden doors.
    -A “precision jump” challenge room, which features moving small platforms.
    -A crusher challenge room, which features fast crushers and another challenge (no spoilers).
    - A strafe challenge room, which features strafe jumps which probably range from around 3-8/10 for difficulty (10 being near impossible) 
    -A boss battle room, which features a scripted boss battle.
    Information and Help:
    -These maps are quite big together and they contain .NPC files. If you are using the base MP client, it is likely you will have to remove other
    .pk3s which contain .NPC files (otherwise you'll get an error when trying to play). I personally never had this issue when I was using either 
    the openjk or the eternaljk client. I assume because they extend the limit of .NPC files.
    -Note that the boss battle map is really designed for a single player however, to make sure everyone has something to do, 4 players is the 
    recommended maximum. This is because there are 4 challenges and each challenge is quite hard to do with multiple people. To make sure everyone 
    gets a chance to play all of the challenges, you can simply restart the map with /rcon map boss_battle_all.
    -The holocrons around the map all contribute to make up one password-the numbers represent what order the letters are. The letters stand for 
    their respective colour so O=Orange for example.
    -It is possible the holocrons are very hard to find. As such, I will give some help. Comb every inch of the map, check shadowed areas, underwater, 
    try to break objects/walls with your saber and remember you can use your saber as a torch to search shadowy areas for hidden buttons!
    -The same advice as above goes for finding the hidden password-locked door. Once you reach the password door, I should tell you: the sequence resets 
    every time you get the order wrong. If you get the right colour, you will hear a confirmation sound; if you get the wrong colour....well you’ll 
    know-trust me >:D.
    -Once you have unlocked the door, press use inside the portal to change map to the boss battle map. This may or may not cause your game to crash. 
    If it does cause a crash, just do /rcon map boss_battle_all (you can also use this command if you want to cheat but I recommend doing the full 
    experience the correct way).
    -When you have spawned in the boss battle map, you will see two force fields. At the end of each challenge room, there will be a lever. 
    This lever will deactivate a force field when used. Also in the left room from spawn, you have to press all 3 buttons at the end of each trial, 
    and the centre “apparatus” will reveal the lever you need.
    -For some advice, the challenges are meant to test your patience and ability to think; along with testing game mechanical knowledge and skills. 
    Some rooms might feel a bit like cat mario but if you observe and use your own intuition, you can work out how to avoid the traps. Also...
    -The boss battle consists of 3 stages. If you defeat the 1st boss "aspect" and the forcefields do not turn off-do /devmap boss_battle_all and
    use /noclip to restart the boss battle.
    -After the boss battle has completed, you will receive a message. This glitches a bit for some reason and the messages might repeat 
    it's not too bad, just wait until the portal is on, and then press use on it to return to Harmony Temple. Like before, this may or may not 
    crash you/your server (for some reason, the boss battle portal always crashed the server I tested the map on, but not when I was in a solo 
    game-therefore I would reccomend doing /rcon map harmony_temple regardless, if you are on a server). If it does, restart and do /rcon map 
    harmony_temple (if it is a base server).
    -Recommended settings for boss battle map: /_dynamiclight 1, force jump 3, no force speed (makes it ez :P), /g_forceregentime 200 
    (it causes more frustration but force management makes the challenges more rewarding to complete), /com_maxfps 125, for ja+ servers-please
    allow base wall grabs (I think it's something like g_debugmelee but not sure) and also for ja+ servers-disable grapple. You also NEED force 
    push/pull level 3.
    Thanks to:
    - Zachry D'Kana for letting me use prefabs and textures from his map (The Valley of the Jedi) and also for his HUGE help with a lot of things 
    including: help setting up my radiant for the first time; shaders; scripts; lighting advice; entity advice and help; teaching me how to make 
    area portals;  ideas; building a lot of the library for me and inspiring me to begin mapping with his own awesome maps!
    -Rhendo D'Kana for teaching me most of what I know about scripting; insisting I use clipping instead of arbitrary rotation (seriously thanks a 
    lot for that xD) ; advice; spotting bugs and introducing me to entities for the first time.
    -Reep D’Kana for always answering questions I had whilst making my map; advice; spotting z-fighting; amazing ideas and teaching me many things 
    I always wondered about such as how to make light flares.
    -Jaina D’Kana for letting me know how bad it was that she couldn’t splash in the fountain water (it’s been fixed now lol) and also spotting bugs 
    in my map.
    -Helena Revan for helping me fix a rotating script and giving advice for one of my challenge rooms.
    -Rich Diesal for his awesome tutorial series which helped me immensely when first learning mapping and I even continued to check back on certain 
    lessons even later on, down the line.
    -AshuraDX for helping me to fix a bad .map file my portal shader.
    -Asgarath83 for giving help on some NPC scripting.
    -Szico for his tutorial on rotating doors with area portals.
    -NAB622 for his tutorial on botrouting.
    -These are just a handful of people who have been SO helpful to me whilst I was learning every skill I needed to make my map. Because I have a 
    bad memory, I can’t possibly list everyone who has helped me-so I just wanted to thank anyone who has supported me through enthusiasm, teaching, 
    fixing etc. And even all the tutorials and forums posts I found to help me. I couldn’t have made nearly as awesome of a map without you all so a 
    big thanks to all of you!! ?
    -Jaina, Prospero, Reep, Rhendo, Zachry and Zhan-Thanks for all the advice for improvements and extra ideas...the map wouldn't be as awesome without
    all of you :).


       (3 reviews)



  3. Sith Vessel MP

    Thank you for downloading Sith Vessel!
    Ship areas:
    -Engine/Storage room
    -Duel room
    -Private quarters
    -Ventillation shaft
    -Observation towers
    Same as the single player version except most
    of the doors are automatic so botroutes aren't blocked.
    There is bot support for FFA.
    -- Installation --
    1) Extract the floder
    2) Copy the jkNG_sith_vessel_mp.pk3 in GameData\base directory
    3) Create a new multiplayer game.
    4) Play!
    -- Copyright / Permissions --


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  4. Oberon Industrial Station

    - Oberon Industrial Station -
    Author : Gigabyte
    Gametype : FFA/TFFA (free for all/team deathmatch)
    Release Date : 10.09.2019
    File Version : 1.0
    File Name : ffa_oberon.zip
    - Assistance -
    Botroute support (not good)
    HP/Armor instant packs
    - How to install -
    1. Extract the folder
    2. Copy or replace ffa_oberon.pk3 in GameData/base directory
    3. Enjoy and play with friends or inspect map in solo game
    Also you can use console to start the map type : /map ffa_oberon


       (3 reviews)



  5. Kepler Abandoned Outpost

    - Kepler Abandoned Outpost -
    Author : Gigabyte
    Gametype: FFA/TFFA
    Release Data: 29.03.2019
    File Version: 1.8
    File Name: ffa_kepler.zip
    - Description -
    This is my first map. I took some ideas from already finished maps.
    All guns/ammo and hp/armor placed.
    Botroute support in version 1.4
    - How to Install -
    1) Extract the Folder
    2) Copy or replace ffa_kepler.pk3 in Gamedata/base directory
    3) Enjoy and play with friends or inspect the map in solo game
    Also you can use console to start the map type: /map mp/ffa_kepler
    or /map ffa_kepler


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  6. Counter Strike: Dust 2 (Jedi Academy)

    Counter Strike Soruce Dust 2 (Jedi Academy)
    I want to introduce something different for this game, but well known from the Counter Strike game series.
    The map in its original form comes with the structure only, the rest of the work was done by me.
    Thanks to Valve for publishing map and KENNITHH who made compatible with Q3 engine.
    You can find the original post on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory forum.
    Also available for Jedi Outcast.
    Installing the map is simple, put map cs_dust2.pk3 in your base folder, then you can select it via menu or type command in the console "/map cs_dust2".
    Features List:
    Support for the use of weapons.
    Support for the Jedi Master gametype.
    Support for the Holocron gametype.
    Support for the Team FFA gametype.
    Support for the CTF and CTY gametype.


       (5 reviews)



  7. China Beach from Neighbours from Hell 2

    Hello everybody!
    This is my recreation of the Neighbours From Hell 2 China Beach Level.
    Hope you like it!
    Map: FFA,Duel
    Put the NFH2China.pk3 into your Jedi Academy base Folder


       (8 reviews)



  8. Wayland Rebel Outpost

    Wayland Rebel Outpost
    Wayland was an imperial base but now rebels captured it. The greatest Jedi named Luke Skywalker helped rebels to capture the base and now they import weapons and ammunitions also improve defense. They are don't know yet what empire's plans are for this base... Here begins a dark story that leads to the horrors of any civilian.
    Author: Gigabyte
    Gametype: ffa/tffa (free for all/team deathmatch)
    Release Date: 03.08.2021
    Version: 2.0
    Name: ffa_wayland_2.0.zip
    Map assistance:
    ✅ Bot route support
    ✅ Hp/armor instant packs
    ✅ Weapon/ammo
    ✅ Afk npc
    ⚙️ If you have any trouble with textures try to delete other zzzmod.pk3 (don't touch assets)
    Possible config values for optimal gameplay:
    /r_vertexLight 0
    /r_gamma 1, the default changeable /r_gamma 1.1, /r_gamma 1.2
    How to install
    1. Extract the folder
    2. Copy or replace ffa_wayland.pk3 in GameData/base directory
    3. Enjoy and play with friends or inspect map in solo game
    Also you can use console to start the map type: /map ffa_wayland


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  9. Ilum Mining Camp

    - Ilum Mining Camp -
    Author : Gigabyte
    Gametype : FFA/TFFA (free for all/team deathmatch)
    Release Date : 02.08.2019
    File Version : 1.2.1
    File Name : ffa_ilum.zip
    - Description -
    Hello everyone. I changed one of the map by Tritoch. He made this map for ctf (capture the flag). Now this map playable for ffa

    - Assistance -
    Botroute support
    HP/Armor instant packs
    - How to install -
    1. Extract the folder
    2. Copy or replace ffa_ilum.pk3 in GameData/base directory
    3. Enjoy and play with friends or inspect map in solo game
    Also you can use console to start the map type : /map mp/ffa_ilum


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  10. Boonta Eve Tatooine Pod Race JKR Speedway

    Shoot the doors to open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am glad that i finaly have the first version of this map complete - i will start by saying that there are several things
    That need to be sorted out, i would have liked a higher fps on the start line section, which is the part where
    The fps drops to its lowest - due to the size and scape of that particular part, however most of the course delivers a playable
    Fps rate so thats not too bad.
    As many of you will know - this is a map that has been done mostly for jedimoves.com
    - and infact i have spoken to javier there in depth about
    The map - jediomoves have suplied my with screenshots and some plans which i have roughly
    Based the map on so thanks to them.
    This is really a tester version for a final release which will include pod racer models by duncan, so i look forward to that.
    Anyway i hope you enjoy this, and here are some stupid fact about the map:
    To walk around the entire course without using force speed takes around ten mins (that just shows how large this is)
    It take about 2 mins to go around the course on the speeders (using boost now and then)
    The speeders that are included are speeders that i have modified, i have increased the speed, boost, and armor so
    That at least it is possible to get around the course a couple of times without exploding.

    Have fun


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  11. Jungle-Temple

    Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
    TITLE: Jungle Temple
    CLASS NAME: Jungel_Tempel
    AUTHOR: Zarbomba
    FILENAME: Jungel_Tempel.pk3
    FILESIZE: 3.76 MB
    DATE RELEASED: 21 March 2016
    Map-Type: FFA / Duel
    Botroute-Support: No
    Custom Textures: No
    Custom Music: Yes
    First of all, thank you for downloading my map! This map, i've made many years ago, was my first map i published.
    Its a little, high detailed, jungle/temple/cave type map, perfectly for duels or free-for-alls with a smaller number
    of players. The map offers with its foilage a lot of good places to hide and a very atmospheric music.
    Since 'jediknight3.filefront.com/' is down, this map is now exclusive for JKHUB.
    In order to install the map into your game you must:
    1)Extract the folder
    2)Put the Jungel_Tempel.pk3 file in your programfiles\lucasarts\jediknightjediacademy\base folder
    3)Run Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (MP)
    The map is made by Zarbomba.
    In the cave-part, which leads to the control room, there are a few invisible walls. It was a compile error caused by the
    engine. I will fix that later when i found my source files.
    Take what you want, as long as i get a little credit


       (10 reviews)



  12. Tatooine Spaceport FFA (Remake)

    The original FFA3 map, Tatooine Streets, didn't really feel like a Star Wars location to me. It's layout was popular, and certainly as the only bright FFA map it was a nice change of tone from the dismal Vjun Sentinal, Taspir, Korriban, and Rift maps, but I felt it really needed a visual makeover.
    I kept most of the layout intact with the exception of the room which overlooked the landing zone, which contained the disruptor rifle. I left that room out and instead opened the huge door in the hangar. I also removed the annoying X-wing which just got in everyone's way. ;D
    The map originally featured in JKG: Versus as the second official new map. It has since been expanded into an entire city map, forming just a small part of a large and expansive layout which you can experience fully in JKG.
    - Elements of Chalmun's Cantina used with permission
    - Assistance with competitive play optomizations
    JKG Team
    - Beta testing and companionship


       (21 reviews)



  13. Thundrão Jedi Temple

    The Thundrao Jedi Temple map was developed so the player can enjoy a fun and relaxed environment without the usual textures of Yavin or Korriban. Perhaps this is why this map is so different, since it is located in a large city, having a garden in the background. This is practically an original map, made from the beginning. Except for the Bar counter, which is exactly the same as Nar Kreeta = D.
    The map includes:
    - An urban area of ​​street or station.
    - 2 Arenas Dojo.
    - Arena of NPCs.
    - Passage hallway with tables and a bar.
    - A training room with a bridge.
    - A training room with platforms.
    - Dark training room.
    - A meeting hall of the Jedi Council.
    - Jardin outside the hall.
    - Automatic elevators.
    I wish you all a good fun!
    Arthur Lívio
    This is practically an original map, made from the beginning. Except for the Bar counter, which is exactly the same as Nar Kreeta = D.


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  14. Chernobyl NPP - Nuclear Power Plant

    Title: Chernobyl NPP - Nuclear Power Plant
    Author/Creator: Agent47
    Purpose: Multiplayer
    GTK Radiant 1.6.6
    The map resembles the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.
    The map design was inspired by the one from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.
    The map uses a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl soundtrack, specifically the
    S.A.D. by MoozE.
    Link to a soundtrack:
    Extract the ZIP file using WinRAR or 7Zip. The extracted files place in the
    Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game Data/base folder. You can upload it on your server
    or start the solo match.
    Name: Chernobyl , Chernobyl.bsp
    Botroutes: The map does contain a simple botroutes.


       (1 review)



  15. Jedi's Home 3 Temple Edition DEMO

    File Name - Jedi's Home 3 Temple Edition
    Creator - AngelModder Aka Nicholas David Duncan
    Contact Information - NicholasDuncanNL@Outlook.com / AngelModder profile on JkHub
    Welcome to the Jedi's Home 3 Temple Edition Demo version 1.00! I'm VERY pleased to finally let you all in to see a small part of whats taken me 3 long years of work.
    I ofcourse can't take all the credit. I've had a lot of input from different members of the Jk community over the years. While progress on the rest of the map continues, you should know even what's in this demo is not a fully finished product. In other words, nothing is final!
    Any ways I wont bore you with more of my nonsense. Download, sit back, & enjoy Jedi's Home 3 Temple Edition Demo!
    Installation just drop the "Jedi's_Home_III_Temple_Edition-DEMO.pk3" in your GameData/base directoy.
    If you wish to enable to reflective floors be sure to move the "Z_Jedi's_Home_III-Temple_Edition_Reflective_Plugin.pk3" into your GameData/Base directory as well.
    Credits - Rooxon for the statue models and model conversion's, AshuraDx for shader and final touch up input Robert for theory.
    Bugs - None that I'm aware of! However if any are found please contact me here on Jkhub with a description and if possible a picture of the said issue...
    Notes - The reflective floors do not work on all video cards and even when enabled can hit FPS. If you have a weak system I wouldn't recommend using them.


       (24 reviews)



  16. Corellian Warehouse

    Part of my big mod project. It's a warehouse you can use for roleplaying or random FFA matches, it's up to you!
    Let me know if something doesn't work or if you have missing models/textures issues, otherwise I won't be able to fix it.


       (12 reviews)



  17. Tatooine Nights

    This map is a second attempt to represent part of a Tatooine space port at night. Even though it's a second version, there is very little from the first map that survived from the first version into the second version. It is intended to be used for ffa and tffa. It was also made to have somewhat of a single player feel to it. If you play the map by yourself, there are plenty of things to keep you busy. It would also be a good map for merc wars. There are a bunch of destructible brushes and most of the control panels/computers trigger something, although it may not be visible from where the trigger is located. Have fun finding them all!


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  18. Twilight on Tatooine

    Patrick Haslow
    Brush Count : 4375
    Entity Count : 519
    Base info : original map
    Software used : Radiant 1.4, Adobe Photoshop, Bryce 4, Goldwave
    Known Bugs : none
    A Free-for-All in a backwater garrison on Tatooine, just before sunset.
    This map is best played with 6-10 players. There are many booby traps placed around the map, they are useful for surprising your opponents- some if you have chosen to use force push.
    Also, many useful power-ups are initially located in hidden locations.
    Find them all!


       (8 reviews)



  19. Rift Castle

    Rift Castle
    Author: JKnewGuy
    Title: Rift Castle
    Release Date: 2019.02.23
    File version: 1.0 (February 23, 2019)
    File Name and Version: jkNG_rift_castle.zip
    -- Description --
    Thank you for downloading Rift Castle!
    Explore the several areas including the crystal pit dueling chamber,
    and the perystal on top of the castle and a secret passage that leads
    to the statue corridor.
    This map can be played in Multiplayer mode, FFA or TFFA but you can
    also launch the map in Single Player mode.
    Bot support is included!
    -- Installation --
    1) Extract the floder
    2) Copy the jkNG_rift_castle.pk3 in GameData\base directory
    3) Play!
    -- Single Player --
    1) Open console
    1) Type devmapall ffa_rift_castle
    2) Play!
    -- PS --
    I hope the map isn't too dark. If it is tell me and I will make it brighter.
    Devmapall ffa_rift_castle


       (7 reviews)



  20. (x-sith)TEMPLE

    This is a RPG/FFA map inspired by the korriban temple from KOTOR.
    It contains the Sith lords'valley,a part of the old korriban academy,
    a cave, a labyrinth, a new sith academy with classic features of a JK MP
    map such as a hall,duel rooms, a council room, a bar.


       (21 reviews)



  21. Movie Academy

    This BETA map is a small ffa duel map set on coruscant with a dueling room, sleeping area and a cinema on the lower level playing the new Star Wars Episode III movie trailer.
    I intend to use this map in the future by updating the movie file with my map teasers, so grab a copy of this and look out for updates in the future so you can view them in your very own cinema - LOL you will have to excuse the map I only nocked it up since Zappa posted the teaser - oh yeah and expect some video/audio sync problems on certain setups
    **This is BETA so its the start of a Huge movie academy map with loads of places included - so look out for future versions.


       (2 reviews)



  22. FFA3_Xmas

    This is simply FFA3 recompiled with a Christmas/winter theme. Most of the clip brushes have been removed, so you can stand on ledges and things you previously couldn't reach. I've borrowed the original botrouting, which seems to work just as well as it does on base FFA3 (...it's not great).
    Bugs and other things:
    -Some of the textures aren't aligned like they are in the original FFA3.
    -There are a few cracks around the fireplace in the cantina.
    -The string light textures should be enjoyed from a distance. They look pretty rough up close. Unfortunately, if you move too far away, they'll disappear!
    -Map file is included; however, the .ase and .md3 models are not.


       (11 reviews)



  23. The Academy

    Official Map of the Jedi Academy (http://www.thejediacademy.net).
    The third map in my "The Academy" series.
    It's basically a heavily modified and updated version of the_academy_v2, most of the things that were in v2 are in v3, except they either look different and/or have been upgraded.
    This new version includes:
    A Dueling area with three seperate rooms for dueling or sparring.
    A main courtyard area for spawning and hanging out - the most central area of the map.
    A "classroom" fit to cater for most, if not all of the Classes held at thejediacademy.net
    An NPC sentry droid room which is good for practicing aerial attacks or riposite blocking.
    A lobby area containing a few of the combo pads from the last map to help people teach/learn combos.
    A "pit" room where people can duel or FFA in an area where movement is restricted and one wrong move can mean certain doom.
    A large outdoor area which can be used for pretty much anything, a lush environment that can be just as deadly as it is tranquil.
    An underground bunker area which is perfect for either all-out-battles (very gunner-friendly) or stealth tactics.
    An administration area accessable only through the Jedi Academy's JAE mod's teleportation abilities. The area overlooks the main courtyard, has a private training room and a control room to lock/open various public areas of the map.
    A "Garden of JA Fame" area paying hommage to many of the great people who have walked the halls of thejediacademy.net. The area also serves as a memorial to a dear friend of ours named Vladarion, who tragically died in a car accident over Christmas 2003.

    RIP Vlad, we miss you buddy!
    Go here for more info on Vladarion: http://www.thejediac...page.php?f_id=5 - Compiled by Bail Hope of Belouve
    I would like to thank everyone in the entire JK3 community who have been waiting for this map, for your seemingly infinite patience. I'm sorry that it has taken this long for the map to be released and I hope that you won't be dissapointed. The map is built to cater specifically to the Jedi Academy, but I cannot ignore the huge amount of positive feedback I have either recieved, or heard about, so this one goes out to all of you guys.
    You all rock my socks!
    Thank you for taking such an interest in the maps, big love! <3
    Install: : Unzip the *.pk3 file into your GAMEDATA/BASE folder


       (9 reviews)



  24. Kami's Lookout

    Submitted By: Veilor
    Created By: DaDosDude
    This map was NOT created by me, but by DaDosDude 13 years ago for a Dragon Ball mod we both were a part of, The Power Within. It failed but I kept most of the files throughout the years and I sent DaDosDude a mail asking for permission to upload it here and he said go ahead. Proof of the mail exchange here.
    This map is in a beta state but still playable without any visible bugs, all original map files are gone, so nothing more can be done on it.
    Jedi Knight III
    Title: Kami's Lookout
    File Name: kamislookoutBETA.pk3
    File Size: 757KB
    Date Released: 14 March 2005
    Type: Map
    Custom music: Yes
    Bot Support: No
    Edited By: DaDosDude
    Email: dadosdude@gmail.com
    This is a map based on the series Dragonball Z. It is the time chamber and kami's lookout fused in 1 map. Made for the mod The power within. that mod is currently under construction.
    just extract/copy the kamislookoutBETA.pk3 to you Base folder(usually c:\Program Files\Lucasarts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\Base\) and start your game!


       (3 reviews)



  25. Massassi Temple

    AUTHOR**: Oobah
    E-MAIL N/A
    FILENAME: mp/ffa_mtd = Massassi Temple Day, mp/ffa_mtn Massassi Temple Night
    FILESIZE: 97.0mbs
    DATE RELEASED: 01/09/2015
    Check the first comment down below for a video showing off the map Day and Night versions as well as the yavin_trial area.
    A few textures are taken from the following maps:
    ~Alzoc3_Enclave by Sai
    ~Sith Council V2
    ~Jedi Temple TA
    All the rest of the textures are from base JA and base JK2, all of which are congregated into a single folder.
    The following models are ported from Kotor 1 and 2:
    ~Blue Work Table
    ~Orange Work Table
    ~Statue 2
    ~Foot Locker
    ~Archive Light
    Kolto Tank is Inyri Forges.
    The rest of the models are base JK. All models are congreated under a single folder. Both textures and models
    were done this way to aid in the map load times and to save pk3 space. To many folders and files are just
    INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS**: Drop it into your base folder.
    DESCRIPTION**: Massassi Temple On Yavin 4
    This map contains the following:
    ~6 Floors, basement added into those numbers
    ~Yavin_Trial setup in JA straight from Jedi Outcast
    ~The map has heavy model usage
    ~Under the hangar, underground section lays all the trialing areas
    ~3 Music switches
    ~Ambient sound effects
    ~Remote from Single Player in the bot room
    ~Training sticks for staff and single that do 1 damage
    1st Floor contains the following:
    ~Galaxy Map Room
    ~Dueling Room
    ~Bot Room
    ~Force Room
    ~Catwalk for masters or spectators to view all rooms in a safe position away from harm
    2nd Floor contains the following:
    ~Mess Hall
    ~Tech Room
    3rd Floor contains the following:
    ~Ceremony Hall
    4th Floor contains the following:
    ~Command Center
    ~Switch to open the door to the trial area, Trial Entrance
    ~Music Switches
    5th Floor contains the following:
    ~Roof Access
    The yavin_trial area is designed for 1 person at a time and requires a map restart to resetup the entire area
    for a new runner due to it's script usage. Since the area itself was originally a single player map in Jedi
    Outcast. Higher level force powers will also render the majority of the area pointless. It's designed for
    core force powers and basic problem solving.
    The following force powers are all you need to complete the trial area:
    ~Level 1 Push
    ~Level 1 Pull
    ~Level 1 Jump
    ~Level 1 Speed
    No weapon is required to finish the area.
    I tested the whole yavin_trial area a few times and it worked for me. One thing I changed was the pillar, it
    now is stationary, but the force cage at the end is still in place. It is possible to get the Ysalimari
    inside the cage, for it is the only way to finish and exit the yavin_trial area. A hallway connects the
    yavin_trial areas exits to a hangar lift and to the yavin_final themed trial dueling area.
    The trial dueling room can be accessed at any time via the elevator to the exit of the trial area. The last door
    to yavin_trial can only be opened from the inside.
    Map loading up time was around a minute or so on my computer, roughly that of a base JK map.
    If there is ANY missing textures or walls missing. Be sure to post and let me know so that I may fix it.


       (18 reviews)



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