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Player Models



621 files

  1. Devaronian Mercenary

    Hello JKHUB !
    this is the first finished model of my additions to
    Jedi Academys default Merc Model
    I bring you - a Devaronian Mercenary - you might know these guys
    from SW:TOR.
    I got a few more additions to the merc model in progress but those will stay
    Jedi Knight Jedi Betrayal exclusive , atleast for the moment
    -3 skin Variations
    -red and blue teamskins
    -NPC support
    -to spawn these in singleplayer enter cheatmode
    by typing "helpusobi 1" in the console
    then type "npc spawn x"
    instead of x use either :
    - dev_merc ~ Default Devaronian merc
    - dev_merc1 ~ Blue Devaronian merc
    - dev_merc2 ~ Red Devaronian merc
    -Bot Support
    -just look up "Devaronian" in the botslist in MP
    BUGS :
    the usual deformation issues , might be worse with this model
    than with my others though, this was a very quick rig


       (5 reviews)



  2. Inuyasha

    This is my attempt at an Inuyasha model with the tetsusaiga for academy...in cell shaded style..since it is from an animie i felt this was appropriate...contains team skins...the blue one is a simple recolor..and the red one his his demon form..however to give it more variation I greyscaled the cloths on the red skin..sort of...it was actually a recolor but looks like i just grey scaled...The screenshots dont really do the shader justice though....beleive me it is shaded...but my video settings may have conflicted with the screenshot.


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  3. Emperor Kisu

    This is a model of a supposed Guild Wars character...named Emperor Kisu...I cant speak from personal experience as I only play the first Guild Wars..and even that is a rarity...but it was requested by Pasha..and caught my attention..Over all I think I did a fair representation of him...the face isnt quite right...and I cant say that the eye color would be accurate...but i couldnt really tell what color his eyes were...so I guesstimated...as for the clothing..its all photosourced from reference images and i think it turned out well...i wasnt really wanting to sit there and try to skin those tiny little patterns on as many as there are and as little time as I can often devote to this work it would have taken forever...but its not a bad photosource...not as bad as some turn out.


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  4. Ember McLain

    Ok before anyone gets on me about the skin...this model was not made for detail...to be honest this was the second work I ever made...following Inuyasha...however as part of a current project I was attempting to create a method of making a character ghostly without the tacky holo-graphic appearance...and low and behold I happened to be watching tv with my younger brother...when Danny Phantom came on...certainly a childish show...but it did give me an idea...i had messed around and built this character a long time ago...but decided not to release it...but after noticing that in the show the ghosts were distinguished by slight glows and white or green etherial glows....so i thought that perhaps by combining the cell shading model style....and some pulsing white shaders..i could create a ghost like character...while this is certainly cartoony...and gets the point across...which was kind of the intent...so again will the skin is painted..it wasnt really meant for high detail...more to display a technique...although i believe the outline should be far more narrow for more realistic models.


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  5. Silverfang's Personal Skin

    This is my personal player model that I'll be using in-game for just about everything. It's modified clone armor that I created in a fan fiction that I was collaborating with several others, based on Jedi Knight Galaxies years ago.
    TITLE: Silverfang's Armor
    AUTHOR: Silverfang
    E-MAIL: silverfang7547 [at] gmail.com
    XFire: Silverfang15
    WEBSITE: http://www.gunslingersacademy.com
    FILENAME: Silverfang22 v2.pk3
    FILESIZE: 3.27 MB
    DATE RELEASED: 09-23-2011
    CREDITS: Mert-K for creating the skin, BlasTech for adding shaders to the skin, and Mars Marshall for the original model.
    And of course, me for the concept of the modified clone armor
    INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Drag and drop the Silverfang22 v2.pk3 into your gamedata/base folder (by default on Windows XP C:\Program Files\Lucasarts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base if you're on steam, look in steamapps for the jedi academy folder)
    DESCRIPTION: This is my personal armor, I'll be using this ingame for just about everything
    BUGS: There are no LoD models and in mods with dual wielding (i.e. Gunslinger's Academy) the weapon will be flipped the wrong way.


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  6. Alien

    Original Author: Jora Custov
    Alien Quadrilogy - Alien model for Star Wars Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Academy.


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  7. Aeris Gainsborough

    Original Author: Jora Custov
    Final Fantasy VII, Aeris Gainsborough


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  8. HS Obi-Wan Kenobi - RotS

    Author : HapSlash
    Description: Here we go with the second of the Episode III models that I'm working on, based off of the latest Star Wars movie 'Revenge of the Sith'. It is currently available for both Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy.


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  9. HS Anakin Skywalker

    Author : HapSlash
    Date Released : 10-06-06

    Model & Textures - HapSlash
    Mesh Optimization, Weighting & Conversion,- INFINITY BLADE

    Sound files supplied by
    Gwethenea, Dark Rizer, Overlord, Grievous, and Raven Software


    Here we are at long last. I know many of you have been waiting fot this for a long time, and I appologize for the delay, but things do come up, and so much has happened over the last year.

    Before getting to the description, I wanted to thank all those most directly responsible for helping this to become what it has, and those who have helped to get it completed.

    First to Infinity Blade, who painstakingly went over my "poorly concieved" mesh and made it move. The best weighter in all of JK

    Liberty Ashford, who's been a great friend and was the one responsible for keeping me here, even after I had decided to move on.

    Black Rose, who managed to get the public to stop arguing amongst itself about why the model was taking so long, and found ways to make them remember what it was they were waiting for.

    And finally Gwethenea, who who took it upon herself to kick me into gear and was the one directly responsible for getting me to finish. Without her you people would still be waiting for this. So give her a little thanks.

    ...and here's my way of thanking her. :D

    Anakin beta tested on -=New Era RPG=- : http://rpgnewera.17.forumer.com/index.php

    a little free advertising never hurts. ;)

    And a special thanks to K for thuroughly testing every little detail out, and giving me a few great suggestions. It means a lot to me.


    This is the third of the Episode III models that I'm working on, based off of the latest Star Wars movie 'Revenge of the Sith'.

    The first pk3 includes both Anakin from RotS and a varient AotC model. There are a total of 6 different texture sets in this pk3, the default, red & blue team skins, robed and unrobed, then an alternate battle worn version as he appears on Mustafar during the final moments of the film.

    These skin can be selected in MP by typing in

    model hs_anakin/battle



    there is also a second directory 'hs_anakin2' which contains all the skins of the base, but has an alternate more hostile sound set.

    The second pk3, will replace the 2nd single hilt in the SP JA game. This pk3 will eventually be replaced with a Revenge of the Sith Weapons Pack that I'm also working on.


    Once again special thank's go out to INFINITY BLADE, without whom this project would still be unfinished.

    Then also thanks to everyone on my forums who participated in gathering sounds for the model, While I couldn't include all of theones that were submitted I used what I thought would work the best.

    To Kevin Coyle for the use of his E2 anakin hair texture and a few assorted sounds.

    And finally, to everyone else who has kept interest in the project, durring it's compleation.


    Simply extract the pk3(s) to the gamedata/base folder of your Jedi Academy directory. The second pk3 (HS-anakin_saber-SP.pk3) will replace single hilt #2 in the SP JA game. This will overwrite, or be overwritten, by any additional saber replacements you might have already added. So keep this in mind should you find that it doesn't work.


       (11 reviews)



  10. Galbadian Soldier

    This contains one new model -- the Galbadian Soldier from Final Fantasy VIII. Those who followed it know how old it is, so I really just waned to wrap this puppy up and get it submitted before I lost _all_ interest in it. It contains team skins (red and blue; red is labeled as the 'elite' soldier for the bots) and it also has an additional paratrooper skin (green) with appropriate shoulder decals as seen in the FMV cutscene. Includes the Galbadian sword they were all seen with.


       (1 review)



  11. Ghost

    Well what's Halloween without ghosts? This is the stereotypical "ghost wearing a sheet" variety.


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  12. Roxas

    Those familiar with the games of the Kingdom Hearts series should recognize this as Roxas from Kingdom Hearts 2. Roxas is --------------------------------------------- and there's the entire story! Oops, seems I left something out... Well, I wouldn't want to spoil anything for anybody, so you'll have to find out yourselves who his is and what his role is .
    In addition to the Roxas player model, both of the required keyblades are included (Oathkeeper, new and hopefully improved, and Oblivion -- both contain updated soundsets which, I believe, sound awesome). Both keyblades have backhanded versions, which I'm sure some of you will enjoy. Keep in mind, though, that the blades are also backwards, so whilst they will look cool, they aren't quite as practical. If you have previous versions of either of these two keyblades, you can delete them, burn them in a fire, serve them for dinner, etc.


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  13. Kobold

    For those of you who are Dungeons & Dragons fans, Neverwinter Nights fans, or just fantasy fans in general, this is a little guy we like to call a kobold. Kobolds are portrayed differently by different people, but this is a version leaning more towards D&D, based heavily on Neverwinter Nights with modifications to fit the Jedi Academy skeleton.
    If you have played Shadows of Undrentide or Hordes of the Underdark, you may recognize this model's sounds as being those of the kobold bard Deekin. I wasn't planning on using his sounds at first, but due to popular demand (and he just sounds so funny) I decided to use them anyhow, so a BIG thanks to BioWare. We love you, BioWare.


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  14. Leo Dominus

    This model is rather self-explanatory once you look at it. It's a player model of a cat-person. That is a humanoid feline. It comes in three different flavors: Puma (default), Panther (blue team), and Tiger (red team).


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  15. Red Power Ranger

    This is a model of the Red Power Ranger from the series Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. If anyone out there has never heard of this series... I pity you immensely. I used to watch it when I was probably about 7 or 8 years old, so out of the blue one day I decided to model the Red Ranger. No particular reason, I just did.


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  16. IG-64 Pack

    This is a compilation of all the good things i've made for Jedi Academy. All were made by me, and me alone, with the exception of the souds for GIR and a few ideas.
    I learned to model on my own, I had no tutorials, no books, and no one to talk to. All I had was the 3Ds Max user refrence. I started modelling late in 2002, and worked 24/7 for about a year. After that year, I started modelling for JA using Psyk0's tutorials to start me off. And i've been modelling off and on ever since.
    Stick Man
    Captain Falcon


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  17. Super Battle Droid

    Author: Chairwalker
    The Super Battle Droid model, as seen in "Attack of the Clones".


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  18. Toshi's Padme - Geonosis Battle suit

    Author: Toshi
    This will be the first of a series of Padme models I will be making for JKA. EpII pilot Padme is next, check http://s9.invisionfree.com/Hapslashs_Void/ for updates .
    -Single player support, including facial animations. Customizable in the character creation menu.
    -Bot Support.
    -NPC Support.
    -New Sounds.
    -Team Support.
    If you want to play with a correctly scaled Padme in SP, use "playermodel modelname".There's a huge difference between default scale and scale=89.
    NPC Names:
    T_padme_01: Default, no cape
    T_padme_01-bw: Battle worn, no cape
    T_padme_01-cape: Default, cape
    Known bugs:
    -parts of the utility belt clipping through the cape in certain animations.
    -When you cut a padme without cape in half, the cape appears like magic. only in MP.
    Special Thanks:
    Thanks to Leofus, for supplying great sounds.
    Special thanks to everyone at the Void for their feedback and support.
    Original WIP thread on Hapslash's Void


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  19. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine

    Author: Toshi
    Episode III Palpatine. It's my first model, so I apologize beforehand for the sloppy weighting. I plan on reviewing it some time in the future. Next one will be better, I promise.
    Lightsaber not included. For a Sidious lightsaber, use Revan dark's gorgeous Starwars hilts.
    NPC names
    Normal version: T_Palpatine
    Sith version: T_Palpatine_sith
    I would like to thank Hapslash. Even though I've never talked to him, he and his impecable work was the inspiration I needed to start in the modeling buissness. Thank you.
    Thanks to all the nice people at the Void that helped me out with modeling tips.
    Thanks to Grant Hammerhoof. His kind comments keept me focused in completing my model.
    Special thanks to Carth for his invaluable info, he saved me a lot of time reading tutorials.
    Extra special thanks to Leofus, the only person that offered me a hand when a lot of people didn't believe in me. Your sounds rock!


       (11 reviews)



  20. Toshi's ROTJ Luke Skywalker

    Author: Toshi
    NOTE FROM STAFF: It is highly recommended to download DT's fix of this model. You lose LODs, but gain proper hand tag positions.
    Luke Skywalker, as seen in The return of the jedi. Requested by my friends at the void. Lightsaber included for your slashing pleasure:)
    -Single player support, including facial animations. Customizable in the character creation menu.
    -Bot Support.
    -NPC Support.
    -New Sounds.
    -Team Support.
    Known bugs:
    -Slight clipping in certain animations, unavoidable thanks to the JKA skeleton.
    NPC names:
    Luke Basic Outfit
    Luke_fd Basic/ flap down
    Luke_tunic Tunic
    Luke_robeup Robed, hood up
    Luke_robedn Robed, hood down
    Luke_endor Rebel outfit
    Luke_bobble LOL
    Original WIP thread on Hapslash's Void
    Original RELEASE thread on Haplash's Void
    Special Thanks:
    +Thanks to Leofus, for supplying great sounds, as usual.
    Thanks to Buffy, DT and Vergil for testing it
    Many thanks to Buffy for making the bot file:)
    Special thanks to everyone at the Void for their feedback and support.


       (3 reviews)



  21. Toshi's Yoda

    Author: Toshi
    This is my take on Yoda, as depicted in Episode III. This model started off as a test bed to try out different ideas and learn more about how the _humanoid.gla works. I also wanted to see if I could fit a character with an odd structure to the JKA skeleton, in preparation for a new character I promised I would model. Initially Yoda was to remain unreleased, but since I got it to look decent I might aswell share it with all of you.
    There are 2 different model.glm included in this pack:
    One is for SP, and makes use of his own gla file. He will not overwrite the default stances, or any stance mod you may have installed. His fighting style is a mix of Blue, yellow, dual, and staff. I wanted him to move more like the movie Yoda, but I don't have time to make an entire saber style in dragon. The result is quite good, he is very fast and he spins around a lot. I did make him his own stance, though. I scaled the npc to 45 to make him look the size of the movie Yoda. I haven't found any good way to make him appear in cut scenes besides the player.npc thing, but that would mean that you would have to remove Yoda from your base in order to see other characters. That's unacceptable, so I left it out.
    The MP version uses the default _humanoid.gla, since the default JKA doesn't like .gla's with a different name. He will be huge, unless scaled with a MP mod such as JA+ (even then he will still be too big). I didn't really want to include a MP version, he's unplayable as far as I'm concerned. But as I said, a lot of you guys use mods which can scale player models.
    -Facial animations, ears included
    -New sounds
    -custom stance (SP only)
    -Unique fighting style using a mix of the default JKA animations (SP only)
    -Uses his own .gla, doesn't overwrite default or custom saber styles (SP only)
    -Bot support
    Known Bugs:
    -Clipping. Unavoidable thanks to the JKA skeleton.
    Special Thanks:
    Many thanks to Buffy for testing, helping out with the NPC and .sab files, and taking incredible screenshots.
    Thanks to Wudan for making Dragon.
    Thanks to master_skywalker (Circa) for saving me with the sounds.
    Special thanks to everyone at the Void for their feedback and support.
    Original WIP thread on Hapslash's Void
    Original RELEASE thread on Hapslash's Void


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  22. Toshi's Anakin & Darth Vader

    Author: Toshi
    This is my version of Anakin Skywalker from Episode 3: ROTS. It all started as a head mesh I made for a different character, which looked a lot like the whiny Jedi. I know, there are a lot of Anakin models floating around. I just wanted to make one for myself. To spice it up a bit I decided to toss an Anakin as Vader model into the pack. Turned out quite well.
    Known bugs:
    -Slight clipping in certain animations, unavoidable thanks to the JKA skeleton.
    -Arm caps show no texture on Anakin robed variants (messed up skin file?).
    -Animated control surfaces on vader appear black with only the glow showing in the character selection menu. Works properly in game.
     NPC names:
    t_anakin t_anakin-hoodup t_anakin-hooddn t_anakin-sith t_anakin-shoodup t_anakin-shooddn t_anakin-sithburned   t_vader t_vader-mask t_vader-reveal Get the lightsabers in this mod.
    Original WIP thread on Hapslash's Void

    Special thanks:
    -Thanks to DT and o0paradox0o for their feedback.
    -Thanks to Buffy for her help with testing and gorgeous screenshots.
    -Thanks to all the people that helped me by testing the models.
    -Thanks to all the people at the invision games (the new era mod) forums.


       (19 reviews)



  23. DS Troopers Pack

    Author: Darth Shiftee
    Kyle and Luke wearing trooper armor from the game, comes in 4 flavors, storm, shadow, snow and swamp. Installation Instructions Simply place "ds_troopers.pk3" into your game's base folder.
    To manually load characters, bring down the console and type: /model kylesnow /model kylestorm /model kyleswamp /model kyleshadow /model lukesnow /model lukestorm /model lukeswamp /model lukeshadow Red & blue versions and officer storm trooper included.


       (3 reviews)



  24. Darth Maul VM

    This is My version of DarthMaul from Episode I (The Phantom menace).


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  25. General Grievous VM

    General Grievous from Star Wars Episode III.


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