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594 files

  1. Vanilla clothes addon 1.0

    This is a bunch of vanilla clothes addons for character customization.
    The mod is version 1.0 for now, if it's popular enough, I'll expand it further.
    Some of these are remade basic outfits, some are transfered between races, some are personal reskins.


       (4 reviews)



  2. Dr. Doom Reborn

    Hey all, this is my very first skin release ever!
    Now presenting, Dr. Doom. The awesome armor-clad Lord of Latveria.
    With an entire nation under his control, he strikes from his shadowy domain
    at his hated enemies, The Fantastic Four!
    I designed him after the 1967 version, and am pretty pleased with the results.
    I hope you enjoy it too.
    I will have more to follow, if of course I have the time.


       (3 reviews)



  3. Corvo Attano

    This is my reskin of the beautiful Jedi Temple Guard, by Kualan, into the Assassin of Dunwall and former Protector of the Empress, Corvo Attano.
    Previously an Agent and Bodyguard to Empress Jessamine Kaldwin, Corvo is stripped of his status as Lord Protector and imprisoned by the traitorous spymaster, under the false allegations that it was he who murdered the Empress. After escaping confinement on the eve of his execution, Corvo becomes a deadly assassin, working with the Loyalty Conspirators to take back Dunwall and return Jessamine's daughter, Emily, to her rightful place on the throne.


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  4. Jake vortex kai turner and enzo matrix

    well heres my new skins here we have enzo matrix who is actually the copy from season 4 and this is him as a adult and here we have my 2 ocs kai a chistori who is a jedi and jake a sprite who was also a guardian these are also reskins of han solo and desann and the prisoner skins so anyway they require the kanan jarrus lightsaber mod and jake's saber requires the obi wan episode 3 saber


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  5. High-res Kyle Katarn

    Let's not make this complicated.
    A resolution stretch, some filters and a slight saturation boost have been added to the original
    Kyle's textures. Slight sharpening here and there and some darkenings, but that's about it.
    -REWORKED default textures
    -REWORKED team-color textures
    -REWORKED icons
    I'm still thinking about ways of doing better high-res refilterings on original textures but again, I was playing with this skin for a while now and wanted to share it for anyone who'd like to use it.
    Little teaser: In the future I'm going to continue where I left off with my mods before, just to finish them. After that I probably won't be doing mods anymore. Might even pack this all up with character refilterings + their weapons packs (seems like a nice, new idea).
    Have fun!


       (11 reviews)



  6. Mandalorian Crusader

    A reskin of the Clone Trooper Phase II armor in the style of a Mandalorian Crusader, an ancient armor variant used before the Jedi Civil War. Special thanks to Mars Marshall, NeoMarz1 and Langerd for the awesome models, without which you would not have this armor. I plan on making a customizable version soon, with more variants.


       (13 reviews)



  7. Toshi's Anakin with Beard

    I made this for someone as requested, and it's not perfect, but its not too bad.


       (2 reviews)



  8. Spiderman

    Author: Elandain


    Submitted by: swagmaster

    This is another mod from jk3files I had. This is the Spiderman Skin by Elandain. Also, don't worry that the description says to install to the Jedi Outcast Directory, it says Jedi Knight 3 Modification in the readme.
    I've seen a whole lot of crappy Spider-Man skins out there, so this is my gift to the Jedi Knight community. This is a reskin of ksk_h2O's Gray Fox model. I hope you enjoy it!
    Bot support: yes
    Team support: yes
    Custom sounds: no
    Comments : This is my Spider-Man skin, based on how his appearance in the movies. I really enjoyed making this skin, but it took me upwards of six months to finish. At first I tried cutting and pasting actual pics and screenshots onto the skin, but that didn't work at all. In the end, I had to create my own textures from scratch. Considering, I think it turned out pretty well.
    This was my first attempt at skinning, so if you have any problems with it, email me. Sorry, no custom sounds or taunts yet. I'm working on that at the moment, so maybe I'll have an update later on. All brand new textures, made in Paint Shop Pro.
    Programs used : Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7, Modview 2.1, Botmaker 1.2, Notepad, Pakscape.
    Additional Credits : Marvel Comics, ksk_h2O
    Unzip the file "Spider-Man_JA.pk3" into the GameData/Base directory of wherever you installed Jedi Outcast.
    Then go into the game and select the skin from the Player Setup Menu.
    Feel free to distribute this skin in any format, but you MUST include this file. If you wish to include it in a skinpack or a level, contact me first & let me know where it's being hosted.


       (6 reviews)



  9. Bo Katan & Riyo Chuchi

    Couple of skins I did for Bo Katan and Riyo Chuchi from the Clone Wars


       (8 reviews)



  10. Clone Trainees Armor

    Hey guys! Long time no release. But if you haven't noticed, I'm back lurking. Here is the armor seen during "Clone Cadets" in season 3 of Dave Filoni's The Clone Wars. I gotta give Kualan a ton of credit as essentially I followed the blueprint he made (as he made a Domino awhile ago) and just changed a few things. Regardless, much love to him because he's a cool guy. ANYWAY, NPC names are in the readme. LET IT BE NOTED: The screenshots aren't 100% accurate due to Modview's inability to recognize shaders. The visor (the ugly orange smear) it partially see through and you can see the trooper's face underneath. So yeah it's all good.


       (3 reviews)



  11. Reborn New Cyan

    A quick retexture of Reborn New to Cyan
    (this does not replace the original, it makes a seperate skin you can select with /model jadious_reborn_new )


       (2 reviews)



  12. Vreyx

    This file has been created for the role-playing organization Szlakiem Jedi (Trail of the Jedi). The primary authors of the base on which was formed are Sithani and ranisdeguery. Vreyx is based on their Vode An: Delta Squad (Delta Squad 0.8).
    Vreyx isn't a canonical character - he was created and is played inside our Role-Playing organization szlakiem-jedi.pl for several years. There is no real reflection in any product of Star Wars (as a brand). I spent many hours creating textures and shadering. I hope that you'll like it! Enjoy!
    This model contains the following options:
    - vrx (default, fully equiped)
    - vrx/backpack (it is obvious)
    - vrx_h (default as first - but WITHOUT helmet)
    - vrx_h/backpack (trololo)
    Many thanks to the original creators of a model. Thanks to them I had the opportunity to create something that I am very proud. I hope that you will appreciate my work!
    Contact to the author:


       (10 reviews)



  13. Clone Commando Gregor

    This is a skin based off of Star Wars the Clone Wars's Clone Commando
    Gregor. From the episode "Missing in Action" I believe. This one has been
    in the works for awhile but is finally seeing his long awaited release date.
    In this file new sounds are included, which are property of LucasArts,
    they were acquired from their game Republic Heroes. Shaders are based
    off of the Vode An: Delta Squad's work. Team skins are also included and
    NPCs are included for all skins. Those are:


       (9 reviews)



  14. TFU Trooper Pack

    This pack includes several skins based off the Stormtroopers from The Force Unleashed these include:
    Stormtrooper Commander:
    -Default (Based on Hasbro action figure)
    -Blue (Based on actual game version)
    -Red (Concept based on the Incinerator Trooper's colors.)
    -Shadow (Concept that combines the Shadow Stormtrooper and the Stormtrooper Commander)
    -Shadow Alt (Similar to Shadow version but the lower arms are all one color.)
    -Shadow Glow (Combines elements from the 360 Shadow Trooper and the Wii version to make the Trooper look powered)
    -Shadow Alt Glow (Same charcteristics as the Alt skin with glow effects)
    Incinerator Trooper:
    -Default (Based on actual game version)
    -Blue (Concept version based on the colors of the Stormtrooper Commander)
    -Red (Similar to default but with different color pauldron and helmet markings on the side.)
    -Shadow (Based on concept art of an unused trooper variant.)
    -Shadow Alt (Similar to Alt Commander)
    -Shadow Glow (Same as Glowing Commander)
    -Shadow Alt Glow (Same as the one mentioned above)
    Shadow Stormtrooper:
    -Default (Based on the Wii version of the character.)
    -Alt (Based on concept art that had the lower arms completely the same color)
    -Blue (Created to add team skins.)
    -Red (Created to add team skins.)
    Glow (Combines elements of the 360 version of the character on the Wii version.)
    Glow Alt(Combines the lower arm change with the 360 glow.)


       (20 reviews)



  15. First Order Shadow Trooper

    This a reskin of DT85's EP7 Stormtrooper made into a concept to which I call the "First Order Shadow Trooper". It is basically a black version of the standard Stormtrooper but with some shader adjustments for a more glossy armor. Two skins are included, a standard trooper skin and a commander skin, which resembles the standard trooper but has a black pauldron added and some small silver markings on the armor to slightly seperate them from the standard troopers. There are npcs in this file of which the names are:
    Map used: Inferno
    Gun used: Jedi Knight: Galaxies E-11 B


       (11 reviews)



  16. Greedo

    This is a reskin of the default JA Rodian model to make it look like Greedo from A New Hope. It's a simple reskin really. The model is already based off of Greedo, they only changed some minor things like colors. I couldn't change the shoes, as those are the main inaccuracy, but this is pretty close without remodeling.
    I included an enemy NPC as well.
    npc spawn greedo
    I don't think there are any Greedo skins (none that I could find), most people use the default JA model for that, so I figured I would whip one up that made it a little more accurate.


       (8 reviews)



  17. ARC Trooper Echo

    Hey there! So this is a skin (custom sounds, team support- the whole nine yards. My first sounds job!) that was inspired by CT/ARC-21-0408, nicknamed "Echo." Echo was killed during the rescue of Evan Piell and Admiral Tarkin at the Citadel. I poured in about four or five hours on a bunch of skins. I hope you guys enjoy these. I gotta give a real nice S/O to that boy JChapman1984, as he was bomb enough to make all the battle damage on the skins and put time into it. Respect man. Another couple of guys I want to credit: Neomarz' for the original Clone Trooper models, and Barricade24 for the "clean" base I used to make this. Well done guys. Anywho...
    The NPC names are:
    EchoH (Echo without his helmet on).
    EchoG (Echo with his goggles on- the binoculars/goggles as seen during the Umbara campaign.) Though Echo never appeared at Umbara, I figured, why the fist not?
    Please enjoy it guys.
    I have updated this file, as of 2/10/2016. Hope you guys enjoy it.


       (4 reviews)



  18. Sniper Scout Trooper

    The other day I was searching for a sniper scout trooper mod since I like all the Battlefront-TFU kind of stuff, and I was surprised that nobody did one before. So, I made this simple mod by taking Tyrael's Biker Scout and editing the NPC's behavior, so that the scout trooper now holds a Tenloss Disruptor Rifle. It behaves in a similar way to the Rodian sniper, but it is more accurate and as a longer fire range.
    Installation: simply drop the PK3 into you "base" folder
    NPC spawing: use the code "npc spawn biker_scout" in your console
    Note: I don't take credit for the model, that was made by Keshire, Duncan and Tyrael
    Here you can find Tyrael's original model: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Skins/Star%20Wars/69715/


       (2 reviews)



  19. Boba Fett Reskin

    This is an edit of my personal favourite character from Star Wars, Boba Fett.
    Using the best detailed skin I could find as a base and working from there, carefully using the shaders to highlight certain elements of the armor in different extremes, making for a more "movie feel" and more correct to canon.
    This is a reupload with the shader files included that I forgot.
    I take no credit for the shaders used in this skin and all credits go to the MB2 team who created it.
    The aim of this reskin is for my own personal gaming and may be used as wished so long as credit is given to the original authors.
    I'd like to credit it them and I use their skin as a base because it was the closest to it I could find.It is in my opinion an improvement over theirs aswell and I tried to change detail enough to make it different from theirs.
    I'd really like to give a special thanks to Ibonek for the time given to compile a .zip file full of reference material and helping me with suggestions to complete my first skin and first upload
    TO INSTALL: Open the .Zip and place pk3 in your /base directory.
    To use: Press ~ in-game then type: npc spawn boba_fett to spawn or Playermodel Boba_Fett to be him.
    I use this model for JASP at 110% scale with EEZstreet's graphical mods, It looks It's best in dark maps like taspir1 on dark brightness, enjoy.


       (10 reviews)

    1 comment


  20. Prisoner Re-Skin

    Re-skin of the Prisoner from Jedi academy single player.


       (1 review)



  21. SLK Bounty Hunter Hett

    Jedi Master A'Sharad Hett during his time as a relentless bounty hunter.


       (9 reviews)



  22. Rayman Skin Pack

    Author: RJA
    File Name and Version: Rayman Skin Pack (1.0)
    Release Date: 2015.
    Filesize: 3mo
    Description: This Skin Pack follows the Rayman skin by AshuraDX and add Epicoptere Rayman, RocketPunch Rayman,
    CycloTorgnol Rayman from Rayman 3: Hoodlums Havoc; Tarayzan from Rayman 1; Dark Rayman from the same game and
    add a Gothic Rayman Skin made by me.
    Hope you'll enjoy it !
    /model Rayman_Pack/default = Yellow and Purple (Epicoptere)
    /model Rayman_Pack/red = Green and Red (CycloTorgnol)
    /model Rayman_Pack/blue = Orange and Blue (RocketPunch)
    /model Rayman_Pack/default_tarayzan = Tarayzan
    /model Rayman_Pack/default_darkrayman = Dark Rayman
    /model Rayman_Pack/default_gothic = Gothic Rayman
    Contains Bot and NPCs.
    npc spawn:
    Have fun !
    PS: J.S. and T.S.


       (3 reviews)



  23. Trauma & His Battalion

    "Trauma" was the nickname of a ARF clone trooper commander in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Around 21 BBY, he fought alongside the Jedi Halsey and his Padawan Knox at the planet Devaron'sTemple of Eedit. Although the Republic forces were holding their ground, the sudden appearance of Savage Opress immediately turned the tide of the battle: The Zabrak began slaughtering every ARF trooper who lay in his path. Trauma and the others including the Jedi were slaughtered by Opress causing the Republic defeat on Devaron.
    NPC names are in the readme.


       (6 reviews)



  24. Fives

    This is ARC Trooper Fives, from The Clone Wars. NPC support included. The NPC names are in the readme. I have added tons of goodies and junk for you guys. So please enjoy.
    CT-27-5555, also known as ARC-5555 and later re-designated as CT-5555, was a clone trooper who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Because of his clone designation, he was given the nickname "Fives." Around 22 BBY, right about the time that the clone war had begun, Fives was assigned to Domino Squad, a unit of clone cadets that trained within the planet Kamino's Tipoca City military complex, under the command of the Siniteen Sergeant Bric. Fives and his squad were required to pass a test in order to become battle-ready clone troopers. After the completion of their training, Fives, along with a number of other rookie clone troopers, was assigned to Rishi Station, a listening post located on the moon of Rishi. Fives was present when the Confederate General Grievous invaded the moon to take control of the Republic listening post. With the arrival of Clone Commander Cody and Clone Captain Rex, the two clone officers helped Fives and the surviving rookie troops retake the outpost.
    Fives and trooper Echo, the only rookie survivors of the battle, were rewarded with medals for their service on the Rishi moon and were inducted into the 501st Legion. They later helped defend Kamino after Grievous, along with Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress, invaded the planet and attacked Tipoca City. Following the Confederate attack on Kamino, Fives and Echo were promoted to ARC troopers for their continuous efforts. As the war continued, both Fives and Echo joined Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker in the rescue of Jedi Master Even Piell from the Confederate prison known as the Citadel. After they rescued Piell and his officers, the facility's warden, Osi Sobeck, released battle droid forces on Fives and the Republic group. While Echo and Piell perished during the battle, Fives and the surviving members of his team were rescued by Jedi Master Plo Koon.
    Some time later, Fives was assigned on special assignments to the 501st legion during the attack on Umbara. When General Pong Krell took over command from Anakin Skywalker, Fives was the loudest voice against Krell and his leadership. Fives was later proven correct when Krell revealed himself to be working against the Republic.
    Fives was also present during the Battle for Ringo Vinda. When Tup went crazy and assassinated General Tiplar, Fives took him back to Kamino for further medical study. Fives found surprising evidence that contradicted what the Kaminoan scientist, Nala Se had found, which led him to conduct a full study and research on his own, hiding from Republic authorities. When Shaak Ti ordered him to present his evidence to the Chancellor, Nala Se drugged him and Palpatine faked an assassination attempt. On the run, Fives tried to convey his information to General Skywalker and Captain Rex. However, he was tracked by Commander Fox and a group of Shock Troopers. When Fives tried to defend himself, Fox shot him through the heart. Fives died knowing the truth about Chancellor Palpatine and Order 66, but was unable to communicate this to anyone before it was too late.


       (6 reviews)



  25. Commander Fil & Squad

    Hey guys! 'Nother clone pack. Shocker eh? Here's some background.
    CC-3714, nicknamed "Fil," was a veteran clone trooper commander in the Grand Army of the Republic who was assigned to recently promoted Jedi Knight Nahdar Vebb during the Clone Wars. In 22 BBY, he led a squad of clone troopers on a mission to the third moon of Vassek, in the Outer Rim Territories. Accompanied by Vebb and Jedi Master Kit Fisto, the group searched for Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray, who had been recently freed from Republic captivity. Unbeknownst to the group, Gunray, along with Confederate Head of State Count Dooku, had laid a trap for the Jedi, using a homing beacon to deceive the Jedi and make them believe that Gunray was hiding in a castle on the moon.
    After the group realized that they had fallen for a trap, the Confederate General Grievous arrived at the castle, which was in fact his personal retreat. The Jedi and clone troopers tried to capture Grievous, but after a short brawl with the Republic squad, the cyborg general fled to the stronghold's secret command center. After Grievous opened a molten incinerator pit trap, which was under Fil and the Jedi, the cyborg general released his pet roggwart, Gor, to attack them. Fil was caught by the beast, which used its tail to grab the commander. The Jedi tried to free him, but Fil was killed when Gor slammed the clone on the ground. Vebb was later murdered at the hands of Grievous, leaving Fisto as the only survivor of the mission.
    NPC names are in the readme.


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