Single Player
110 files
Obscure Garrison
By KiraImmortal
Obscure Garrison
My first single player map for Jedi Academy made with GTKRadiant.
- About 30 minutes of gameplay (not counting possible deaths )
- Challenge with many enemies
- Puzzles
- Objectives
- Custom npcs, graphics and models (most of them by other authors)
- Pretty basic story without voice acting or cutscenes
- 6 secrets
- Jedi Academy 1.01 patch
- A clean installation without any other mods in the base folder
Story involves the jedi academy's student, who travelled to Rhen Var in order to investigate the believed to be abandoned outpost the remnant imperial troops used during the galactic civil war. The planet's history dates back to the ancient times, thousands-year old Jedi relics can be found throughout and it's the homeworld of the legendary Solari crystals. Without knowing how important this is going to be in the future, your character found the trail of the Disciples of Ragnos on the planet and tries to learn more before heading back to the Academy. It's an important day, new students are arriving to Yavin4, including Jaden Korr who built a lightsaber all by himself.. Something big is coming up soon.
Enjoy, read the readme file for details.
Alternative download link:,009 downloads
"Deception" mod French version
By lang_french
At last! After A LOT OF TIME (more than one year) of work, the first project I started and the last I finished, the French version of Shadriss' mod Deception, is released. This version has been made without the authorisation of Shadriss, because of the lack of E-Mail or Website to contact him. However, if he has anything to say, he can naturally contact me.
This version, compared to my others, isn't an ordinary patch: audio files are automatically replaced and it's possible to play with only one language (more precisions are given in the Readme). I took the liberty to make some little modifications and enhancements too; nothing changing storyline or gameplay, just a try, I hope, of improvement of game experience.
Make you sure you already have the original mod, available here. This version changes the audio, but not maps, models, scripts and all the stuff.
Enjoy! And please, if you could give an opinion about this version, even you aren't French-speaking people, you'd be amazing. It's not in my habits to "beg" feedback, but this project took me so much time that we'll make just an exeption. This is important to me too.
Click here for original mod
Enfin ! Après BEAUCOUP DE TEMPS (plus d'un an) de travail, le premier projet que j'ai commencé et le dernier que j'ai terminé, la version française du mod de Shadriss Deception, est sorti. Cette version a été faite sans l'autorisation de Shadriss à cause de l'absence de mail ou de site web où le contacter. Toutefois, si jamais il a quelque chose à dire, il peut bien évidemment me contacter.
Cette version, contrairement aux autres, n'est pas un patch ordinaire : les fichiers audio sont automatiquement remplacés et il n'est possible de jouer que dans une seule langue (plus de précisions sont données dans le Readme). Je me suis également permis quelques petites modifications et arrangements ; rien qui ne change l'histoire ou le gameplay, juste une tentative, je l'espère, d'amélioration de l'expérience de jeu.
Vérifiez bien que vous possédez le mod original, disponible ici. Cette version remplace l'audio, mais pas les maps, les models, les scipts et tout le contenu restant.
Amusez-vous bien ! Et s'il vous plaît, si vous pouviez faire un retour sur cette version, vous seriez très sympas. Ce n'est pas dans mes habitudes de "mendier" des commentaires, mais ce projet m'a pris tellement de temps que nous ferons une petite exception. C'est aussi assez important pou moi.
Un fichier Lisez-moi.txt est disponible dans le téléchargement.
katanamaru Backhand Styles
By katanamaru
The two backhand styles I made as a community request when The Force Unleashed I and II were popular.
It's sp only. Use the command playermodel dbgalen.
Because of the sabers included you'll have to turn the sabers off to switch styles. If you don't like that you'll need another backhand saber model.
Feel free to use this in anyway you want.
- Star Wars Related
- Contains Skins or Models
- (and 1 more)
Rosh ugnaught mod
By Dragon
Title:Rosh ugnaught mod
Description:Very simple.I thought to make a SMALL joke with Rosh,so here it is.This mod makes rosh a ugnaught.
Instalation:Put the pk3 file in the base folder of your game directory(Default:C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData) If you don't like it then delete the file
Bugs:I did not find any
Expanded Weapons.dat (OpenJK)
By Dusty
This adds new fields (damage, altDamage, splashDamage, splashRadius, altSplashDamage, altSplashRadius) for most weapons in the weapons.dat file. The advantage of this is that now you can modify these values without changing the game's source code.
Unsupported Weapons:
You need OpenJK or a mod that uses OpenJK's source as a framework (go look up OpenJK if you need to get that). Just extract the pk3 file to your Gamedata/base folder or Gamedata/modname if you want to use it in a separately loaded game mod from the default game. Then change the values inside the pk3 in ext_data/weapons.dat
Other Details:
OpenJK had added code support a while ago courtesy of Eezstreet for this but no one ever released an actual new version of the weapons.dat so you had to add the fields manually if you wanted to use them. I thought maybe I would whip this up. I'm pretty sure I didn't make any mistakes, all the values should be the same as their default hard-coded values (which are used if you neglect to include the field in the weapons.dat file).
If I didn't include a field it probably doesn't work, you can try adding it if you really want, it won't make your game crash, but the code might not do anything with the value (I tried adding splash damage to the blaster pistol for example, but it didn't do anything). Some of the fields seem kind of redundant (is there a difference between Det Pack primary and alt fire??) but I included whatever fields didn't have zeroes for defaults in the code.
Some weapons don't support the new fields for obvious reasons, like WP_SABER. Others like WP_MELEE are still hard-coded I guess because left and right punches, kicks, and katas all have special damage values. The ONLY weapon I know you can add values to is WP_BOWCASTER. You can give it splash damage which also does a little knockback but there are no visual effects for it.
Feel free to use this however you want, but keep in mind it can't be distributed in the same download as the OpenJK source code just so you know. No assets of any kind are allowed to be distributed with OpenJK if I remember correctly. Easy enough to do right?
By Kriskopreved
Little modification - Unlock all force powers to upgrade
Unzip the folder and place the pk3 contained within in the Base folder of your Jedi Academy directory.
This modification is a small part of my "Jedi Academy Brutality mod"
Video here -
Mara Jade
By JKHub
Submitted by MaximumXPlayer
Hello everybody, recently i was on the internet looking for Star Wars Jedi academy skins and I found an interesting one, this skin belongs to Trauma Sensei, he made it. It´s a nice skin and i hope you enjoy it. ( sorry guys my inglish is horrible, I just want to share this skin with the largest number of people who plays Jedi Academy).
Menu Changes CamSP
By therfiles
CamSP is a powerful, versatile single player interface that allows the player to change their view preferences in real time.
Settings include:
Take Screenshot (Take a screenshot to screenshots/. Note: The screenshot will hide all ingame messages and the utility itself, to provide a High-Quality JPG, that has no text on it)
Freeze NPCS (Freeze those pesky NPCS that may ruin your shot)
Freeze Effects (Freeze all projectiles/effects in mid-air, for artistic purposes)
Toggle Player Visibility (Show/Hide the playermodel)
Draw HUD (Draw, or remove, the HUD)
Camera Tracking Level (How fast the camera tracks the player: Default (Loose), Drop Camera (None), Lock Camera (Follows player tightly)
Freedom of View (Adjust viewing area/tunnel vision effect)
Range (Zoom in or out)
Vertical Pan (Adjust the pitch)
Horizontal Pan (Adjust the angle)
Vertical Movement (Move the camera vertically)
Horizontal Movement (Move the camera horizontally) *Please note: This feature is UNAVAILABLE due to SP limitations, unless "Camera Tracking" is set to "Lock Camera"
Also, adjust the values of these various commands via slider, while a numeric counter outputs the current value. Reset the value with a click of a button.
You can hide these values or reset buttons by using the "Hide Values" or "Hide Resets" on the top of the menu.
1. Extract "" to your gamedata/base folder
2. Edit "camsp.cfg"
3. Replace [KEY] with a valid keyboard key (like z, 4, F6, etc)
4. Save changes
5. Boot up Single Player
6. When ingame, open the console
7. Type "exec camsp" into the console and press ENTER
8. CamSP has now been booted. In order to open the command center, press the key you set in camsp.cfg
-You are free to use this in any artistic works you create, without crediting me
-Please contact me if you wish to include this in any other modification
Prequel Jedi NPCs
By MagSul
This mod will change the appearance of the jedi, jedi/j2, jeditrainer, jedi/master and jedi_random npcs that appear throughout the single player campaign to resemble prequel Jedi. The Jedi Trainer is now a hooded woman and the Jedi Masters are now hooded men, while all other Jedi who appear are Padawan Learners. Rosh, Kyle and Luke are unchanged. This mod requires Scerendo's Female Jedi Customisation and Spanki's Jedi Customization Plus to work.
For this file to work, you will require the following additional files:
Spanki's Jedi Customization Plus & Scerendo's Female Jedi Customization v1.01
Mod requested by JKHub User Shaxx
As always, if you encounter any bugs, be sure to let me know!
Rosh, Kel Dor W/Sound
By MagSul
Included along with this file should be a "" file. Unzip the folder and place the pk3 contained within in the Base folder of your Jedi Academy directory.
This mod will change the appearance of Rosh Penin in Jedi Academy so that he resembles a Kel Dor. The sounds have also been modified to be more fitting. Check the included video for reference.
As always, let me know if there're any bugs so I can fix 'em!
Preview: (Story Mode Spoilers)
- Contains Skins or Models
- Star Wars Related
- (and 1 more)
Epic Challenge Mod II Textures And Maps FIX
Simply a fix to some textures which are missing and a problem with the name of two maps.
Epic Challenge Mod II
Epic Challenge Mod II is the second huge mod of my creation for SP Game.
It is a sort of sequel of the first one and contains more maps and the design is more various.
Author: RJA
File Name and Version: Epic Challenge II
Release Date: 2015
Description with installation instructions:
I always loved awesome movies plots. So, I decided to don't make a plot, because this one doesn't deserve a plot.
The Destroyer is a bad guy, I mean, a REAL bad guy (you see he has a red lightsaber... when I say bad guy...). Kyle Katarn,
who killed Darth Lawn in his islands some months ago, is now drinking on a beach, and absolutly not giving a f*** about the galaxy.
But when two strange hooded guys try to kill him, he knows he MUST do something. To Join the secret lair of The Destroyer, Kyle
will have to get 4 crystals which are hidden in 4 sanctuaries, one per element. To find his way, he'll travel around the swamps,
the coast, the skies and the dark ways. A total of more than 50 maps with new ennemies, musics, textures, landscapes.
Hours to play, and a difficulty which really INCREASE. All is playable, because I played all with my girlfriend (yes, the same
I forced to play the first one, but she's still alive, don't panic).
And well, the new secrets... this time, no need to find boring keys, you'll simply have to find secrets zones which lead you to
secrets maps, one per environnement (environnement is composed of 5 maps between the sanctuaries, the fifth map is always a boss).
In theses secrets levels, you'll get a code, which notice you to use it in a specifical level. One little thing I can say, don't
forget to add " 90" after the code. Without that, It won't work.
The map is based of Rayman II: The Great Escape, and It is an old platform game mapping style. Because I assume I'm not a living god
in mapping, but just a decent mapper with a passion for mods with sith and secrets.
Nooowwwwwwww... TEASER (With beautiful Pillarbox, before I learn how to do a video correctly):
You simply have to run the .exe and install the mod in gamedata/.
After that, go in gamedata, create a folder ECMII/ and put ECMII.pk3, royalguard.pk3, modsect_skin01.pk3, hidden_dragon_skins.pk3,
skeleton.pk3 and ECMII.cfg in this folder. Now, you have LucasArts/Star Wars [...]/gamedata/ECMII.bat and gamedata/ECMII/*files*.
To play, after install, simply launch ECMII.bat.
External Content Used / Credits:
Inpsyte - ModSect Evil Skin Pack
Eric Landreneau - Royal Guard, in this one you'll fight him.
Orb - Hidden Dragon Skins
Skeleton - This is an old model I get from a site which crashed. I have it for years, didn't find the original author.
Thanks to him, I hope he'll see my mod one day and recognizes his fantastic work and tell us his name !
Raven Software - JK2 textures.
Sith J-Cull - Lava Texture from SJC Map Pack.
Eric Chevalier - Rayman II: The Great Escape OST
Justin Scharvona - Croc: Legend Of The Gobbos OST
Claude Samard - Rayman M OST
Swallow Studious Game - Toy Story 2 PC OST
YELLO - Oh Yeaaaah
Dr.Viossy - MoonLigt Sonata 3rd Movement in METAL.
- Maps
- Skins (those who are not external sources)
- NPCs
- Videos (low quality)
- 3 Scripts
- Textures
- Contains maps
- Contains Skins or Models
- (and 2 more)
Unlimited Force
By elek2008
Grants you unlimited force by setting your power to the max, the regen of it to the max, and the regen rate to the max. So you can now basically use lightning to charge through the level. Or push everything over. idk. No else made this except one guy but he set it so you could only use it while using his palpatine skin.
To activate it you must put it in your Base folder then ingame bring done the console and type "Playermodel PlayerPOWA" without quotations and you will still have your player model and have unlimited force.
You will need to reactivate it every load screen. Now an easy way to deal with that is to use "bind N playermodel playerPOWA" so everytime you press N you will get unlimited power. You can also add "bind M playermodel Player" to disable it without needing to load.
Dusty's JK3 Patch and Expansion (Beta)
By Dusty
My SP mod I'm making. Surprisingly so far it doesn't conflict with multiplayer too much, except it messes up the running animations sometimes, and it gives you non-working copies of all the Base JA hilts that give you the stinger hilt if you try to use them.
The change log is messy looking, but let me clarify it:
It first tells you the changes from Base JKA to the last version I released on the forums. Then without any spacing, it says "Changes from V0.4-", which is the changes this version I'm releasing now made from the previous version I had released on the forums.
Also, make sure to start a new game in Single Player so animations work correctly!
Minilogoguy18 – broken staff sabers
Zicmak – saber crystal icons
Inyri Forge – Forge hilt
Buster Senatu – Buster hilt
Angel Soul – new Force icons (not actually in the mod yet!)
RancorSNP – NPCs mod, helpful website with SP cmds
MasterHill – Masterhill’s Sabers MKIII
[NFOR]Neo_Knight – JA Remix hud
Darth NormaN- Elegance hud
TheRFiles, eezstreet, Mr.wonko, Master_Ibonek, Agent Jones and others on JKHub for their help and support so
Remember, if you use this mod somewhere or edit it, it's not only my own work featured in the mod!
Dusty's Patch: SP Menu and UI Upgrade
By Dusty
NOTE: The screenshots are a tad off. My printscreen functionality wasn't working so I had to take some of the pictures using the console, and for my code build I have debug mode on so normally the "LOADING: blablabla" text won't appear on the level loading screen.
I strongly recommend using this mod with OpenJK or it won't work very well. I included instructions in the readme for installing OpenJK if you're not sure how to do it. PLEASE read the readme and and read and follow all the instructions in it. There's a couple little things you need to do besides using OpenJK to get the mod working.
Aye, this was a good bit of work. I would expect some more mods soon, but I'm still pretty lazy, so I'm not making any promises.
What this mod does:
Adds some new options to the Setup menu. In Video 2 there is a button now called "More Options" where you can set the intensity of the Dynamic Glow effect to be less strong (High is the normal default setting) and set the Force Push / Pull refraction effect. There is also a "Very High" option for sound quality in the Sound menu.
Adds more options to the Controls menu. There are some new commands you can use in Interaction, and Weapons. Some of them you have to bind manually. Others like the inventory buttons (in the Interaction menu) work the normal way. In the "Other" section you have the option to change some things about the camera, and to use a special camera mode (using the command vstr camera) that changes between 1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person, and a far-away version of 3rd person. It is a bit sensitive and buggy though because it's not hardcoded. You also have some other options added too.
the custom commands include holstering (you can also do this by default by pressing the "=" key, however my command vstr holster also adds melee / fisticuffs to your inventory if you don't have it), vstr meleekata (a melee kata that is a bit harder to pull off than the normal version, it's still kind of cheating though if you use it), and vstr block1 (a manual blocking move, it's kind of slow though)
Adds an Inventory Select menu and changes the Weapon Select menu for SP missions. (Note: if you don't want this, delete the ingameforceselect, ingameweaponselect, and ingameinvselect .menu files from the ui/ folder in the pk3 file) Now you can only take 1 extra weapon with you but you can take two sets of inventory items and you also get the Electrobinoculars from JK2 for every mission. The inventory menu is a little sensitive though so be careful with it. You have to use the Clear / Reset button to unselect items.
Music is added to the Main Menu. It cycles between two different songs changing each time you load up the game. Read the readme file for instructions on how to change the music used.
Tips are added to the loading screen for levels. You'll see different tips at the bottom of the screen giving you some hints on how to play Single Player. Some tips are about things that aren't hard to figure out, but several of them are little secrets and tricks I've learned from playing and hacking SP for a while. There are 17 different tips in total. I had to remove the force power icons in the loading screens to make room for the tips however.
JediNoob Jedi Academy Unofficial Update
By JediNoob124
This is basically a combination reskin/effects/sound/music/missing files fix/etc. update for the standard game. It comes in something of a "pick and choose" setup, which is intended for convenience.
Prequel Conversion Mod
By Circa
Pair with my Prequel Music Replacement for BEST results!
The Prequel Conversion mod will do exactly that: convert the Single Player campaign story and experience into that of the prequel Star Wars movies (Episodes I, II, and III). This includes replacing various characters to those in the movies. A list will be given below to reveal what is replaced:
- Trade Federation Battledroids (with corresponding rank colors):Stormtroopers, Imperials, Snowtroopers
- Super Battledroids: Imperials, Rocket Troopers, Stormtrooper Commander, Saboteur
- Droidekas: Hazardtroopers, Assassin Droids
- Maganaguards with Electrostaff: Cultists
- Jango Fett: Boba Fett
- Nute Gunray: Racto (the guy on Coruscant who's making illegal droids)
- Wat Tambor: Rax (the fat Imperial who chases Jaden for sport)
- Clone troopers (Mark II): Rebel, Wedge
- E-5 Blaster Rifle (Battledroid blaster): E-11 Blaster Rifle (Stormtrooper blaster)
- KiSteer 1284 sniper rifle (Zam Wessel's rifle): Tenloss Projectile Sniper Rifle
- DC-15A Repeating Blaster (Clone Assault Blaster): Imperial Repeater
- Hailfire droid: AT-ST
- Republic Gunship/ARC-170 Starfighter: X-Wing (Cinematic/Vehicle)
- Jedi Starfighter (Mark II): Z-95
- Vulture Droid Starfighter: TIE Fighter
- Trifighter/Soulless One (Grievous' Starfighter): TIE Bomber
- Blaster pistol: from yellow to red
- Repeater: from yellow and round to blue and normal looking
- Turrets: yellow to red
- Nute Gunray has a brand new voice, thanks to a friend who is an excellent voice actor.
- Wat Tambor has Rax's voice but with effects to make it sound more like his.
- Dialogue from Jaden is changed to say Jango in instead of Boba
- Stormtrooper conversations are changed to droid conversations. I had to think, "What would droids talk about?"
- Cultist conversations with each other and with Alora are now more "magnaguard" sounding. I did the best I could.
- Rebel/Wedge dialogue is filtered to sound like it's from a Clone trooper helmet.
- Dialogue that mentions the Empire or Stormtroopers has either been changed to say droids or just removed with context in tact
- Levelshots updated to reflect various changes (mostly the vehicles)
- All subtitles and menus edited to remove all mention of Imperial/Empire/Stormtroopers and to reflect dialogue changes
- Menus and HUD changed to reflect new weapons.
- The Super Battledroid uses it's own animations thanks to the MBII team. It also uses the old bryar slot that isn't used in JA.
- All scripting issues were resolved all thanks to therfiles at JKHub. He was oh so very helpful.
This is a quite large mod that I started quite a long time ago with the original release of my "Battledroid SP" mod. I took a long break from modding and returned to work on this mod. It is not quite finished, as it will become a slightly larger mod. This is only version 1. Version 2 might come before I merge this into something slightly bigger eventually. The majority of the content in this mod is not mine at all. I merely combined a lot of pre-existing material from other authors to make this. That made it easier and definitely better, as my work would not be anywhere near as good, but I still worked really hard on this in all other ways. FOR BEST RESULTS: Play with maximum dismemberment. An autoexec.cfg is included with the necessary settings for this. It's the only way to do it in JA SP.
- Most are unavoidable unfortunately, but aren't really major.
- The Droidekas use the emplaced gun effects, so when using a turret, it will sound like the Droideka gun sounds.
- The plot still doesn't make sense, due to the main characters like Luke and Kyle still being involved. Obviously this doesn't make sense canonically and historically. The next version will fix this. There is no interference with Multiplayer as far as I can tell. I don't play it, so let me know if there are any issues.
Future version:
I hope to continue this project even further, replacing the main characters as best as I can, complete with voices to match the characters. My plan is to replace Luke with Mace Windu, Kyle with Obi-Wan, and Alora with Grievous. I might replace Tavion with Dooku, but I'm not sure yet. Other details will be revealed and discussed on JKHub.
- Prophet and Major Clod for the Battledroid model. It's so old, yet it's the best model of a battledroid. Good times!
- Movie Battles II team - TK231 for his effects (Blue blaster, droideka, etc) - Duncan_10158 for the Droideka and Hailfire -
and whoever was the author of the SBD and it's skeleton/animations - the E-5 blaster -
- Pahricida for the DC-15A rifle
- Manquesa for the Jedi Starfighter model
- Majin Revan/Hatrus for the Droid Starfighter/Vulture droid
- Inyri for the Trifighter model
- Minilogoguy18 for the ARC-170 star fighter
- Mars Marshall for the Gunship, Magnaguard, Jango Fett, Clone trooper, and Zam rifle models
- Kurtis 'KMan' Smith/Psyk0Sith for the Wat Tambor model
- Wytchking/Wector for the Nute Gunray model
- therfiles for his butt-saving help with scripting fixes and being helpful with suggestions and testing
- Everyone at JKHub that is being helpful with suggestions and help with my endless thread making in the assistance forum
Windows: Put the pk3 in your base folder found in Program Files/Lucasarts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Gametdata/base/
Mac: Either in the app base folder (right click, show contents), or in user/library/containers/com.aspyr.jediacademy.appstore/data/library/application support/jedi academy/base
The autoexec.cfg goes in the base folder as well.
- Contains weapons
- Contains Skins or Models
- (and 5 more)
Enhanced Protocol Replacement
By Barricade24
This a major reskin of the base protocol designed to look much more like a real protocol droid with improved shaders to match. It replaces the default protocol droid.
A super big thanks to AshuraDX for his time and patience with the the shaders. He was a huge help.
Jan Ors, T2_Rancor
By MagSul
Author: MagSul
Date: 12 October 2014
Installing this .pk3 alters Kyle's dialogue in the t2_rancor mission, replacing it with the voice of Jan Ors over the comm, who really deserves to be in any game Kyle's a part of. String files have also been updated to reflect the changes made. If you encounter any issues with this file, feel free to contact me and I'll see what I can do about them. Hope you enjoy!
- Star Wars Related
- JKHub Exclusive
- (and 1 more)
Force Dash by Keyten
By Keyten
Force Dash like in The Force Unleashed.
Author: Keyten aka Newcomer (me)
1. Put dash.pk3 and dash.cfg to your Jedi Academy base folder.
2. Change your saber in the dash.cfg. For example:
// before:
saber kyle
// after:
saber dual_1; sabercolor 1 green green
3. Open console in the game (Shift+~) and write
helpusobi 1
bind CTRL exec dash
4. Press Ctrl to Dash.
Epic Challenge Mod Texture FIX
This is simply a patch that allow you to see the acid texture from JK2 in the Epic Challenge Mod.
Enjoy it !
Epic Challenge Mod
Author: RJA
File Name and Version: Epic Challenge Mod (1.0)
Release Date: 2013-2014.
Filesize: 230mo
First of all, I would not call myself a real badass mapper or a true genius of modding. I'm simply a man with a passion for Star Wars and Jedi Academy, and who decided to create a mod, graphicaly based on the old adventure game Croc: Legend Of The Gobbos.
This mod is a Challenge for every single player of this game, to test his abilities, experience, strenght, capacity to find secrets zones etc...
The mission:
The Jedi Academy don't know what to do. All the jedi are in missions and when a Sith Warrior decided to invade 4 islands with
his army, only Kyle Katarn is here to stop him. Fight more than one hundred or thousand sith in four differents islands.
Total of more than 40 maps, a lot of hours and secrets.
I would say that the environnements are not really like Star Wars. It is a mix between adventure, FPS and platform.
The maps are divided into classes:
- 2 normals maps with normals ennemies.
- 1 normal map with 3 keys. If you find the 3 keys, don't go to the arrow which mark the end of the level but find a door with
3 security panels. You'll surely find something secret.
- 1 boss level...
and etc...
An island is composed of 8 maps without the secret ones. There are four Islands.
The goal of this mod is of course, not to cheat. So forget GodMode or other cheats. You play like a jedi, not a cow. Some players decided to film the adventure to prove me they don't cheat. Not necessary, but I like to see someone playing my game.
Now something interesting: the Mod Trailer:
And sorry for ALL the faults and mistakes I made in your beautiful language, I don't speak English, of course. Not very well.
May the force be with you !
Install Instructions are in the .ZIP.
Dash for Jedi Academy by 8T88
By 8T88
This is the Dash power from The Force Unleashed
is just one little part of my mod "Star Wars Lethal Force"
Im working in the mod since 2008, and soon i will release a Beta.
Enjoy the Dash
Author: 8T88
File Name and Version: dash
Release Date: june 07 2014
Filesize: 24,0 KB
Description with installation instructions:
1 - put dash.cfg and dash sound.pk3 on base
2 - enter in the game
3 - write in console:
bind shift exec dash
4 - when you run press "Shift" to dash
5 - enjoy
LucasArts and Raven Software for created Jedi Academy
External Content Used / Credits:
visit mi FB site for news about my mod:
Jedi Academy - Outcast
This mod changes the Jedi Outcast campaign so that it will run under Jedi Academy. In particular, it fixes almost all the shortcoming of other similar mods:
Players do not skate on the water on yavin swamps and yavin canyon.
AI generally navigates correctly
Cutscenes work
Objectives correctly function
Within the ZIP file you downloaded, you should see three files:
jaooutcast(version number).pk3 - the core of this mod, containing most of the assets needed to make this work
outcaststrings(version number).pk3 - this contains the briefing files and various other strings related to the mod - the ENT files for use with recompiling the outcast maps. Most of you will want to ignore this, but I've included the files if you wish to look at how something was accomplished, or perhaps if you want to further edit the maps yourself. I've also included the uncompiled script files in the jaooutcast PK3.
Installing is a pretty easy process:
1. Move outcaststrings.pk3 and to your Jedi Academy base directory.
2. Rename your Jedi Outcast asset files in order to load before Academy's asset files, and copy to your Jedi Academy base directory. Personally, I renamed the JO files from asset#.pk3 to aJK2_#.pk3. As long as the game loads them first, you're good.
3. Once you have loaded the mod, select New Game from the main menu, and choose between playing the Jedi Academy campaign, the Jedi Outcast campaign, and the Jedi Outcast demo level.
The mod has only been tested on Jedi Academy v1.01 and using Jedi Outcast v1.04 source files, but the chances are if you're reading this then you've already them. Right?
======= WHAT IS THIS? =======
Well, I assume you aren't seriously asking this question, but hey, nothing wrong with telling you something you already know.
This mod fixes Jedi Outcast's campaign to run under Jedi Academy, and also eliminate various file conflicts between the two games. The intent is to remain true to the gameplay of Outcast as best as the engine allows, while providing the player with the improvements from Jedi Academy, and a few tweaks to the balancing in the interest of fun.
Players who have downloaded other attempts at converting maps from Outcast to Academy may have noticed several shortcomings. This mod has fixed those; AI will generally navigate the map correctly, there is full support for objectives, and cutscenes will (mostly) work with a few minor changes where necessary. Oh and no ice skating on yavin swamps and yavin canyon!
========== CHANGES ==========
While I've tried to preserve much of the gameplay -- you won't find new enemy types from Academy in here -- there are a few gameplay changes from the original campaign:
* On ns_starpad, you're now required to destroy the turret attacking Lando. Something players were likely to do in practice, but weren't forced to.
* Various equipment items from JO have been removed from the maps since they are not functional in JA and/or cause crashes. Occasionally concussion rifles have been placed instead.
* Kyle gains Force Sight, Force Absorb, and Force Protect in line with his abilities in Jedi Academy.
* Kyle's force power gains are accelerated, partly for balance, but also so the player has more opportunity to use several abilities, unlike base JO where some were gained very late in the game. In particular:
** Saber Throw L3 is reached on doom_comm, 5 levels earlier
** L3 Speed/Push are reached on cairn_bay, 3 levels earlier
** L3 Grip is reached on cairn_dock1, 3 levels earlier
** L3 Lightning is reached on doom_comm, 3 levels earlier
** L3 Saber Defense is reached on cairn_assembly, 3 levels earlier
** Jump/Heal/Mind Trick/Speed/Saber Offensive are unchanged
** For the new force powers: L3 Sight is reached on cairn_bay, L3 protect on doom_detention, L3 absorb on doom_shields
* Additional objectives have been added on ns_starpad to make it clearer to players where they should be going next.
* There are also a few minor bugfixes from Outcast.
* The door puzzle at the end of doom_detention has been removed, since the changes to pathing resulted in Jan getting stuck, and the player being unable to progress.
* Due to engine limitations, the fight with Galak on doom_shields is impossible to replicate from Outcast. I've tried to salvage it as best I can, but it can't really compare to the original.
* The gravity is no longer disabled on doom_shields after defeating Galak, due to engine limitations.
* Obviously, the player also has access to the new features and moves introduced in Jedi Academy. On the downside, so do the saber-wielding enemies you face!
* On artus_detention, the warden will now walk significantly faster.
An explanation of the force power changes:
Kyle's ability to deflect blaster bolts is significantly reduced from Jedi Outcast, so L3 Push/Pull/Saber Defense are gained earlier to compensate.
Saber Throw is now gained at the same time as L3 Saber Offense, mostly so you have a chance to use the damn thing. 9 levels in Jedi Academy vs. 1 (plus a boss-only level) in base Outcast!
Grip and Lightning progression provides the player with more offensive capabilities, but also to allow the player to use them more. The world didn't end because you could max them both out very quickly in Academy.
Absorb/Protect give the player more choices in how they play and reflects Kyle's abilities in JA. Sight can also make the JO levels much easier to navigate, particularly yavin_swamp.
======= KNOWN ISSUES ========
Given the *insane* number of workarounds and hack fixes needed to get Jedi Outcast to play nicely with Jedi Academy, it shouldn't be surprising that there are a few issues. I've done my best to eliminate them where possible, but there are always going to be a few. The game has been tested all the way through successfully, though only on normal difficulty, and for JA v1.01.
* On yavin_trial, the bryar pistol is hidden away instead of Kyle's lightsaber. Unlike JO, JA cannot handle starting without a lightsaber and then picking it up, causing the game to crash. The other option of starting with the saber and teleporting it away resulted in unacceptable performance issues, so this was chosen as a compromise instead. Just pretend it's a lightsaber. Or pretend Kyle *really* wants his bryar pistol back instead of the blaster pistol from JA.
* AI may occasionally have trouble navigating the levels due to the changes to the navigation system between JO and JA. Trying to fix this as best possible probably took up more time than anything else in this mod...
* The Lady Luck's gun at the end of ns_starpad does do damage, but will not appear to fire any projectiles.
* The ship's gun on doom_detention does not cause any damage, and the player will be unable to blow up the tie fighters using them.
* In a few cutscenes where animations from JO are used, the characters in question will not be able to hold items in their hands, due to a handbolt issue when using the JO skeleton in JA. Footstep noises for such characters will also fail to work.
* Due to the workaround used to get Jedi Outcast objectives to load in the menu, if you use the map command to jump straight from a JO SP level to a level that isn't t2_rancor, you will still see the JO objectives. Quiting back to the main menu first will solve this. Similarly, if you (for some reason) decided to jump straight from the JO campaign to the opening level of Academy, it would play the wrong title crawl. As a result, I highly recommended you use the menu to launch the correct campaign.
* Viewers may pick up on some slight changes to the cutscenes in terms of NPC positioning. Again, this is mostly a consequence of the changed navigation system between JO and JA.
* If you cheat to give yourself additional saber styles, they will not work on some earlier levels. Players should also be aware that because saber styles are no longer locked to your saber offense level as per JO, Kyle's saber styles are locked through his lightsaber. If you wish to use additional lightsaber styles, you will need to change your lightsaber model first. For reference, the saber models Kyle uses in the mod are "kyleplayer", "kyleplayermf", and "kyleplayermfs", which allow medium, fast, and strong styles respectively.
* At the end of doom_detention, Jan will not follow you all the way out of the detention area. This has no impact on your ability to trigger the final cutscene and complete the level.
* Kyle will use male Jaden's healing sound.
* One of the grates leading up to a section where you open the roof on ns_starpad cannot be seen from the underside, but can still be destroyed as normal.
============ FAQ ============
Where I presumptuously answer your non existent questions!
Why did anything need to be changed at all from Jedi Outcast?
Almost all the work in this mod revolved around fixing the many bugs introduced by the differences between the two engines. They're similiar enough to make this possible, but different enough such that a huge amount of things get broken. I also felt there were a few opportunities to improve things from Outcast's campaign, but almost all changes are for technical reasons.
What's changed from Jedi Outcast?
The gameplay additions are mostly minor with the biggest being the slightly accelerated force power gains, and introduction of a few new force powers for Kyle.
Cutscene positioning has changed slightly in some cases to accomodate the modified navigation system in Academy, but should mostly be true to the originals.
I'd like to contact you, send you hate mail, or profess my undying love for you. where can I do that?
You can do so at iamasanguinehipster AT gmail DOT com
I can take no credit for the fantastic Outcast campaign; all credit must go to the folks at Raven Software and Lucasarts. However, converting the levels from Jedi Outcast to Jedi Academy involved a tremendous amount of work to eliminate the huge amount of bugs. If I'd have known just how much work it would involve, I probably wouldn't have done this! Anyway, if you enjoy this, I'd love to hear your feedback.
If you want to email me, either to send your thoughts, or if you'd like to know about a ridiculous and horrible hack fix I came up with (the objectives fix is rather ridiculous), you can do so at:
iamasanguinehipster AT gmail DOT com
Thanks to the fine people at for feedback and assistance.
This mod requires you to supply your own asset files from Jedi Outcast. If you don't own a copy of Outcast, you you can purchase it through Steam at:
In slightly less legal speak: I don't own the copyright to Star Wars or Jedi Academy/Outcast. I didn't create the original assets the mod is based on. I'm not getting anything for doing this. This is a free mod intended to allow a great game to work with Jedi Academy, with no copyright infringement intended.
Thanks for downloading, and I hope you enjoy.
Imperial Outpost Part 2
By JKHub
Part 2 of the Imperial Outpost campaign by Postman86/Eike Legien.