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Free For All

359 files

  1. Star Wars Episode III Palpatine's Rooftop

    Original Author: JamyzGenius
    It`s a special map of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, are the rooftop of palpatine, never seen in jedi academy, jajaja !!!
    Iam only jocking.
    This map is the rooftop teory of episode 3, incluides this rooms :
    - Lobby
    - Various Halls
    - Control Room of palpatine
    - The zone of the fight
    - Reception
    - Land Zone
    - And other zones.
    This map are awnsome and incluide Bot Support for play with bots and kill him !!!
    Play a lot and possible new version JUA !
    Incluide special break on various brushes on the map.
    for more action and more saber emotion !!!.
    have various, iam fix all bugs posible.
    But in the case of you view one,please immediate report me to fix.
    Comments: Fun with this map. And play.
    Revive the epic fight of episode 3 with the anakin run to save palpatine yea.
    In my personal this map is cool !!!.


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  2. JKR - Castlevania

    Castle of Dracula made into a small race course,
    Credit to Inyri for her Pine tree model


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  3. SNES Mario Kart Battle Arena

    This is a 3d version of one of the battle arena's from Super Mario Kart on the SNES, the map is flat coloured, originally I considered a Cell shading option to make it look cartoonish


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  4. Egg Carrier

    Based off Sonic Adventure 1, this is the flying fortress that Dr Eggman (Robotnik) used throughout the game, it should be known this was one of my first maps, one that i was fond of in the original sonic adventure game, it might get a rebuild in the future


       (3 reviews)



  5. Block Fort

    This is based off the Mario Kart 64 battle mode map, Blockfort, however its been given a face lift from the original, made to look abandoned with age, or medeval even


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  6. Ord Mantell Rp

    After creating Yalara and Taris RP I set out one more time to do better. This is that attempt. I made Ord Mantell RP as a last thank you to the JK community at large for all its fun times and pleasant memories. The map is by far the most complex I have ever built, and ever will build. It has starships that explode when the power core is damaged, amazing detailed landscapes, and endless explorability.
    Thanks for all the help and support, guys. This one's for you! As always, the source files are included in the pk3 - anyone and everyone has permission to use those files how they see fit with no restrictions from myself. I do not care if you credit me - however - you should probably credit the authors of the content I used if you copy stuff. (For instance, if you copy the Republic Cruiser, note that the exterior model was made by CommanderKeen [http://jediknight3.f...r_Prefab;47185] and he should be credited. Thank you.
    (FFA) TARIS ROLEPLAY for Jedi Knights II: Jedi Academy
    Author : Cydon Prax' (Ki_Adi_Mundi)
    E-mail : titaniumsonic02@netscape.net
    XFIRE : boseprax
    Mapname : Ord_Mantell_Rp
    Filename : Ord_Mantell_Rp.zip
    Filesize : ~75 MB
    Release date : 10/2010
    Game types : Free-For-All
    Build time : 8 months
    Compile time : 45 minutes
    PC Build: Nvidia 9800GTX, Vista 64bit OS, Intel Quad Core, 8GB RAM
    Botsupport : No
    New textures: Yes
    New effects : No
    New models : No
    New music : Yes
    New Sounds : Yes
    Roleplay Specific Features
    Ord Mantell Capital City: Worlport
    --Hangar Bay
    ---->Consular Class Starship
    --Hotel Grand
    --Droid Shop
    --Worlport Mall
    --Worlport Battle Arena
    --Worlport Factory
    --Afterlife Cantina
    Ord Mantell Junkyard
    --Downed Starships
    --Tram System
    Ord Mantell Sith Temple
    --Living Quarters
    --Training Room
    --Throne Room
    --Archives Room
    Consular Class Starship
    --Living Quarters
    --Captains Quarters
    --Hangar Bay
    --Escape Pods
    You'll have to play around a little to find everything. There are some buttons that set off alarms, some that lock doors, a wall or two that opens up for a quick escape. I didn't get to put in all the triggers I wanted to put in, but for roleplay it seemed sufficient
    Place the Ord_Mantell_Rp.PK3 file into your "JediKnight:JediAcademy/GameData/base" folder.
    # www.map-craft.com - They helped me more than anyone
    # Legacyrp.com - Whole reason I built the map, to rp there.
    # =Tom=/ACiDuS - A few Textures. As a note, I did send Tom three e-mails from three different addresses but to no avail, I'll assume he left JKA. But thank you anyway, contact me back sometime.
    # Darth Norman - Helped me find the Starfighter models.
    # Toshi - the Palpatine model
    # Plasma - the Palpatine reskin
    # Raven Software - Seige Star Destroyer Bridge. (Note: RavenSoft did not respond to my e-mails to use their bridge. If they contact you asking to remove the file, please respect their wishes!)
    # =Some0ne= - Jedi Fighter and R2D2 md3 files.
    # Manquesa - Jedi Fighter model.
    # CommanderKeen - Consular Class Starship Prefrab
    # John Williams - He composed the music for Star Wars of course.
    # Nozyspy - Nozy made an epic crashed starship I had to remake in the Junkyard. Thank you sir! Couldn't have made such an epic ship without using your map as a prefrab!
    # Inryi Forge - KOTOR Map Objects, Cantina Map Objects. Thanks!
    # Mars Marshall - Who else could build such an amazing Gunship model?
    # Sith-J-Cull - Borrowed three or so amazing, artistically done textures from his Senate and Krettle map that he made himself. They're so good you'll see them almost instantly. I also have to thank SJC for e-mailing me and pointing me to the direction of some helpful people. Thanks. He did give permission to use his textures back in 2009 - I can provide e-mail proof if asked.
    # Tyrael64 - One of my testers who helped me clear some bugs.
    # Holmes - Another Texture who helped clear bugs, and provided several key textures to help the map shine.
    # Zephyr - Helped me stress test the map and lower some FPS, as well as helping test and find some bugs.
    # Dragon - This guy practically built the map with me, he built textures, created a majority of the sounds, and helped with the overall design and feel of the map. Kudos.
    That should cover every item that was either not directly made by me, or items that I used to make content from. Thanks to all of you that helped! I love you guys.
    Final Notes
    I'd like to thank everyone that helped make this map possible. All of the people that made prefrabs, all of the people that made textures, all of the people that gave suggestions and beta tested. Thank you.
    © 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.
    © 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.
    All rights reserved. Used under authorization.
    LucasArts and the LucasArts logo are trademarks
    of Lucasfilm Ltd.
    © Raven Software LTD 2002, Activision


       (11 reviews)



  7. GoldenEye Temple

    One of the must recongizable multiplayer maps from Rare, the temple map from GoldenEye was featured in perfect dark, perfect dark zero. the map, the map has been stamped with the JkfilesExclusive in bright yellow on map loading, marking the first of the GoldenEye project to have this, the hidden Goldeneye film casset (dvd) is also hidden in the level again. the level is vastly in my opinion bland, but does stay trueto its temple theme with the sandy like bricks, and stone floors and roofs.
    As with all my GoldenEye maps, there is a hidden VHS/DVD of GoldenEye in the map, try to find them all in all the maps!


       (3 reviews)



  8. GoldenEye Caverns

    James Bond is back, in the Nintendo 64 remake of Caverns, based upon the classic game Goldeneye for the Nintendo 64. The caverns are in a cave region, near the Goldeneye satalite control cradle, and main control room, All doors function as they did in the classic N64 game, you have to press the "use/interact" button to open the doors, this can provide many ambush oppertunities.
    As with all my GoldenEye maps, there is a hidden VHS/DVD of GoldenEye in the map, try to find them all in all the maps!


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  9. GoldenEye Facility

    The Second stage of the original N64 GoldenEye, and a famous Multiplayer map that debuted in the same game. the map itself is supposed to a bio-weapon's chemical facility that was first seen in the GoldenEye film, then in the video game with the same name, I tried my best to reproduce everything the original had, down to the spawn points, though I had to add more spawners due to lack of.
    As with all my GoldenEye maps, there is a hidden VHS/DVD of GoldenEye in the map, try to find them all in all the maps!


       (2 reviews)



  10. Alzoc 3 Capital

    A group of skyscrapers in the mountains of Alzoc 3. Flying verhicles and floating ad pods lend a futuristic atmosphere to the map. The FPS is very bad, but that cannot be avoided with such a large map where many rooms have large windows from which one can see almost the entire map.
    This is the end product of a long chain of maps that stretches all the way back to Jedi Outcast. The first was ffa_coruscant and the first JA update was called ffa_corellia. This, the third and final update is set in the capital city of Alzoc 3. Cannonicity was not a concern of mine while making this map so if this is not how Alzoc 3 is "supposed to look," deal with it.


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  11. RK_Arena Clan Map

    RK Arena Map creation is justified with the need of having a great dueling place with good RK ambience and fun places to hang around.
    Details of the map:
    - Corridor / Sport Center: Rocket Tennis, Soccer (with a central spawn with a jedi), JawaBasketbal (central Spawn of a Jawa)
    - Main part that leads to the 4 areas of the map surrounded by lava. 2 Live TVS of the Arena with different zoom of the same arena.
    - Relax Zone: Inside pool with bar, seats, drinks, sauna and with a door that leads to an artificial beach/sea. Lights can be on or off setting a perfect mood to hang around.
    - Arena with bar (breakable sign board), customized lights with a trigger, secret door on the arena level that leads to the rancor spawn area (rancor spawn activated below one of the arena statues, right one closest to the rancor door) With seats on the lower and up level. Great view. Arena lights can be triggered on the opposite side of the bar.
    - Several custom musics that can be heard around the map (activated on a arena back room. To open the door search for a invisible button and hit use on the right wall on the low corner also on the right.
    - Swoop Race Lane with custom swoop (Work of Renegade and Pegasus - /npc spawn vehicle swoop_rkblack).
    More info on the readme file inside the zip.


       (1 review)



  12. Star Wars Episode III Palpatine's Rooftop

    Original Author: JamyzGenius
    This is my second version of my map "Palpatine's Rooftop" I hope you like it.
    Includes the following rooms:
    - Lobby
    - Various Halls
    - Office
    - Second office
    - Reception
    - Landing Zone
    - And other zones.
    Support multiple gamemodes and bots.

    This map is based in the Episode III version with a little some creative freeways.
    Credits for the creator of Episode III Map Pack`s : SJC - James Culley (Sith-J-Cull)
    . Textures.
    Very Special Thanks to :
    George Lucas
    John Williams
    The readme is super outdated. I do apologize for my bad English.


       (6 reviews)



  13. (JAWA) Darts by Zajac

    Texture of the board wasn't made by me and the credit goes to whoever made it.
    (JAWA) Darts description:
    Map trailer:


       (1 review)



  14. RoAR Clan Map

    Original Author: NeWaGe
    The RoAR clan base map is in outerspace. Floating around training members.
    They can use teleporters to teleport to other planets.
    This map was made in JK2 and converted over to JK3 and re-edited. The map has alot of lag in the city portion of it, but that was my mistake because it was my first map.


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  15. Yavin Retreat

    This is a small FFA map that I put together in my spare time. There are four places for you to go about duelling: the garden, the pillar room, the dojo or the interior garden.The pillars in the pillar room may be raised and lowered with the use of Force Push and Pull.
    See screenshots for more!


       (1 review)



  16. Peninsula District Prison

    For those of you who have played the original Neverwinter Nights campaign, you may recognize the basic layout of this map. It is loosely based on the Peninsula District Prison in the city of Neverwinter, as seen in the excellent game Neverwinter Nights. It's by no means exact, but it's similar enough that I felt secure in naming it after the facility. It features two levels -- the top level contains six cells plus a main area, and the lower level contains many cells and one central room. The lower level has a very low ceiling, but the main room of the upper level has a pretty high ceiling. Just watch out for the many torches -- they hurt!


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  17. Inferno

    This map depicts a post-apocalypse factory/refinery facility. It has been
    bombed only once, but multiple quadrants have gone up in flames since, due
    to the flammable nature of the primary mineral processed by virtually all
    the equipment throughout the refinery complex. Consequently, explosions
    will still erupt intermittently from areas that lead directly to the
    underground machinery, such as smokestacks and exhaust ports.
    The shipping quadrant is the playable quadrant, and is the outermost segment
    of the facility. It functions as a loading/unloading zone for the materials
    generated by the refinery work, but the landing pad was the target of the
    first bombing and in its place is a huge crater in the ground. This quadrant
    of the facility, then, has been abandoned and is basically unusable for
    anything besides storage. The extensive damage in the area has since been
    quarantined and disregarded. In fact, if you listen very closely, you can
    hear the machinery still autonomously straining into disrepair, just below
    the surface...
    In terms of visuals, this is a very dark environment with a moody, nighttime,
    stormy setting. The night is misty and smoke drifts by overhead from other
    parts of the burning facility; the high-powered spotlights illuminating the
    playable quadrant can be seen lighting up the shifting clouds of dust and fog.
    I've been able to use the great material from CGTextures to make very realistic
    surfaces and scenes, including the concrete enclosure, all the concrete walls,
    various grunge and detail maps, and, of course, that big beautiful crater.
    - At least one area in the map where you can seem to walk on thin air,
    just slightly. I won't tell you where it is.
    - The sounds of either the burning smokestack or the huge exhaust inferno may
    not loop completely smoothly. You won't notice this one unless you pay REALLY
    close attention.
    - To be honest, the exhaut port inferno may not play any sound AT ALL. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. I've given up on this one.
    - Maybe a few texture seam issues (including at least one really big
    "texture"). Most of them will be pretty hard to notice, so they shouldn't
    detract from any active gameplay.
    - While testing the map I have experienced some odd artifacts such as rapidly
    spinning flames, excessive smoke, and lightning in the sky (which isn't
    supposed to happen). These things usually occur right when you start the map;
    they shouldn't be a problem while playing.
    - There are just so many tiny places in this map that it's really hard
    to find and repair every single texture bug that might exist. If you work
    very, very hard, you may be able to find your way to some unknown region of
    my map where you will find odd/misplaced textures.
    - The huge fire in the exterior of the map has a tendency to kill you
    instantly, regardless of where you enter it. This was an unanticipated bug.
    - The botroutes aren't perfect. Bots in this map tend to like getting stuck
    under ramps and perhaps other places.
    - You can stand in the smokestacks. Not realistic, but if you don't want to
    experience this "bug," just...don't try it. Using Force jump will get you
    up into the seemingly endless interiors of the stacks, but nevertheless you
    will seem to be on solid ground. This bug is avodable!
    - The lightmaps aren't perfect. You may experience some strange or unrealistic-
    looking lighting here and there. It should be easy to ignore.
    - Since there were so many apparently irreparable lighting bugs around the
    base of the mountain, I didn't bother to go to the trouble of texture blending.
    - The ambient sounds may skip. I can't predict how this bug will play out
    on systems other than my own, but it's possible that because it's such a
    long sound track the game has to spend about a sixth of a second loading it
    back to the beginning. Endure this bug. It's a minor one.
    - There's no such thing as perfect clipping in a map this complex. If
    you try to exploit some advantages (like unintended higher ground or
    places others can't get to) in the map, you will either succeed or find
    yourself blocked/"slipping away" from your objective. But just to preserve
    the "good ol' fun-factor" of bug-exploitation, I've set up this map's
    boundaries so that such things are discouraged, but not made impossible.


       (7 reviews)



  18. Space Bound Sanctuary

    Original Author: Shadow Stone
    This is an imperial type map. But not exactly. It's more or less a space station just floating endlessly in space. It's about a medium sized map. It's meant to try and create somewhat fast gameplay with lots of guns as well as many dueling areas (several of them are secrets).
    Bot Support: yes
    New Textures: yes
    New Music: yes
    There are 6 "big" secret areas in this map. There are also several other "mini secrets" where it is possible to find weapons and special items throughout the main parts of the map.
    Special Thanks to Jase Terran for chosing the Song and Title of the map as well as beta testing it.
    I'd also like to dedicate this map to the Jedi of Light clan (JL) RIP


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  19. Jedi's Home (JL)

    Original Author: Shadow Stone
    Well this map has been completely remade from scratch. Why? well i didn't like it that much before, simply because i had built it without snap to grid on, therefore giving me a bunch of retarded errors. BUt all in all it is pretty much the same thing, only it's completly different
    This time i actually made most of my textures, most of them were made from scratch, others were raven textures that i simply edited. This time around, in my opinion everything seems to have a more organized, cleaner and professional look to it. There are also quite a few secrets for you to find, some harder to find than others and some really hard to find :/. There are if I'm not mistaken 10 secrets, (plus or minus one).


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  20. Jedi's Home (JL)

    Original Author: Shadow Stone
    a big jedi hall meant for chillin duelin and having a blast meant for ffaing basically, Then expanded to make it more ffa type, and not just duel. Used a lot of patches/curves in this map ( i was having playing around with those lol) This map also includes a council room, hospital, meeting room meditation room, small dojo, big dojo, bar, big halls, airport/hangar and more. Also some secret places such as a secret training center, secret sith lair, secret hangar and another secret room.


       (4 reviews)



  21. The Desert Temple

    Original Author: LDC
    This is a map designed for Free for All for Jedi Academy and can be played by up to 32 players!
    The map supports bots!
    Have fun!


       (2 reviews)



  22. Multiplayer Role Player 2

    The 2nd part of the Multiplayer Role player released a while ago consists in another escape mission from a guarded facility making you walk trough several battles and secrets. The general idea is to bring single player missions into multiplayer. Many of us love to play SP maps but those being buges it is not much fun.
    With the wonder called GTKRadiant and some additional scripting making a multiplayer mission map is easy.
    All parts of the map are made one by one adding some very difficult areas where you have to rely on your mates or your obeseving capabilities.
    The map is originaly meant to be played in 3 however the 3rd player is additional the map cannot be finished unless there are 2 players or cheating (noclip), but in some cases not even that wont work as some trigger might not get affected.
    We suggest to play the map on foot. For the 3 players there are force configs included that you find under your force power settings: mprp_weapon, mprp_saber, mprp_jedi, mprp_sith (under dark side settings) these are not required but recommended.
    The true sense of role play becomes clear once you follow these force configs and you must actualy pull your mates up in some areas as the force user.


       (1 review)



  23. Force Council Headquarters

    Mapped by:
    Roshi - Levi Hamilton
    Imperial based clan map situated in the Bespin Sky. Includes FFA structured room systems, duel arenas, a moving platform chasm, forcefield hallway, bot support, a few secrets, and a large airport with 2 tie-fighters and 2 x-wings.


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  24. Desert Streets

    Mapped by Roshi
    This is a desert city based FFA map. It includes a few dueling arenas,
    a council room, many outdoor areas, an small bar room, and a large rancor
    arena. A few STAP vehicles are scattered around the map to help you get
    around. A spawnscript is included to respawn the STAPs when destroyed.
    Credit goes to Aaron Smith for the Jedi Starfighter model, and to Monsoontide
    for the STAP vehicle.
    Bot-routing is included.
    Supported game types - FFA, TeamFFA


       (1 review)



  25. DoA Tournament

    Mapped by Roshi
    The official tournament map of Dark Order Alliance. Large vjun/bespin themed
    area including 4 platforms with duel pads, one circular platform above the
    other 4, and the bottom floor which circles around the platforms.
    Supported gametypes: FFA, TFFA
    Bot routing: yes


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