89 files
Steam Integration Tools
By eezstreet
With the Steam Integration Tools, you can either:
Enable enhanced Steam functionality for mods which allow it, or: Get information about enabling enhanced Steam functionality in your own mods.
For instance, you can enable the Steam overlay in your custom mod, or enable Steam's Rich Presence, or perhaps provide support for Steam controllers!
Note that this is unsupported by Valve, Activision and Raven Software and done entirely at your own risk.
Blender Jedi Academy Plugin Suite
By mrwonko
This is a plugin for Blender to import and export 3D models from Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast (Ghoul2 GLM, MD3, etc.) This is a compilation of all my Blender plugins, ported to modern Blender versions 2.64 and above:
MD3 Exporter (originally by Xembie, forked a couple of versions ago) ROFF Importer & Exporter ASE Importer & Exporter (specifically for GtkRadiant/Q3Map2 - very simplistic) .map patch exporter - i.e. export as patches GLM/GLA Importer & Exporter and animation.cfg exporter with support for everything, including creation of new playermodels and animations.
New version! Check out my GitHub for the latest pre-release, which supports newer Blender versions and addresses various shortcomings. A new JKHub release will follow at some point.
A manual is included, make sure to read it if you're having problems.
Go to the Blender User Preferences, select "Install Addon" and select this zip.
This program written by Alex Shapiro (aka ASk) allows for merging 2 .gla files, something that is a must when making animations for characters in this game. I take absolutely no credit for this, just uploading since the original authors website is no longer in existence and strongly feel that it is something that cannot be forgotten about.
Original Readme
// GLA Merger version 1.2b
// Copyright 2003 by Alex Shapiro (aka ASk)
// Additional credits go to (in no particular order):
// Wudan, RazorAce, JaiiDerHerr,
// Tchouky,CortoMaltes, Jedistone
// and anyone that I have forgotten
============================= Instructions ==============================
****************** BACKUP FILES BEFORE USING THIS PROGRAM ****************
1) Put the 2 .gla files into the same directory as the program
User .gla file must contain the 'base' pose (the DaVinci pose) as first frame, it will be ignored during merge.
2) Invoke the program as "glamerge.exe firstfile secondfile [-o]|[-l]"
- If invoked in this format, 2 user .gla's may be merged into 1.
- If invoked in "glamerge.exe file" format, _humanoid.gla from the current dir is used as first file.
- The optional -l switch makes the program dump the bone data (hierarchy) from both gla files, then quit.
- The optional -o switch makes the program eliminate any redundant bone data (producing .gla files comparable to the ones produced with carcass.
- If both -o and -l are specified, the second of two (in the order they are specified) will be ignored
- The program rearranges the bones in the correct order, so as long as the hierarchy/origins are the same, it should work
3) Enter the name of output file
4) Add your animations to animations.cfg file
5) Enjoy
By JKHub
Q: What is xNormal?
A: xNormal is an application to generate normal / ambient occlusion / displacement maps. It can also project the texture of the highpoly model into the lowpoly mesh ( complete texture transfer, even with different topologies ). It also includes an interactive 3D viewer ( with advanced shaders and realtime soft shadows / glow effect ), some Photoshop filters and importers/exporters for 3dsmax (Max7-2013) and Maya (8.5-2013). It supports high levels of parallelism using multicore/multithreading, distributed/parallel rendering, ray tracing and advanced GPGPU techniques. (NOTE: The latest version 3.19.2 available for download at www.xnormal.net deprecated all x86 plugins for older versions of 3ds Max and Maya that are still heavily used by this modding community-- these x86 plugins are last available in version 3.17.16 and thus my reason for making this tool available here as it is no longer possible to download it or its SDK on the internet. Additionally, v3.19.2 no longer supports the dotXSI file format. So we must use v3.17.16 if we want to bake normal maps using dotXSI files).
Q: How much xNormal costs?
A: Absolutely nothing. It's free for any use, including commercial one. No price and no fees at all. If you like it, please, help them by sending bugs/feedback, examples of your art or mention xNormal in your project.
Q: I can't use other normal mappers because they calculate their own tangent space and they only allow to use a kind of mesh format. Does xNormal include a SDK to make my own importers, exporters and plugins?
A: Yes, xNormal includes a complete and easy-to-use C++ SDK to write plug-ins. You can make image or mesh importers/exporters,etc... One of the key features of the xNormal SDK is the ability to customize the tangent basis. Please, take a look at this link to know why it's so important: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:Shading/Tangent_Space_Normal_Maps (NOTE: I've also included the 3.17.16 SDK since it is no longer available to download).
Tutorials for using XNormal can be found here: http://www.xnormal.net/Tutorials.aspx
Finally, if you get an error on program start about missing an OpenRL dll then simply rename the extension on the MapRenderer_OpenRL.dll to .bak in the x86 and x64 plugins folders. It isn't needed and the program can function without it. Or you could try to reinstall the OpenRL runtime if you're using a graphics card that requires it.
Jedi Knight Status
By Shinja
~ About ~
I was bored so decided to make a little rainmeter skin to track the server population on any Jedi Knight 2 or Academy server.
JK2 is what I play so the skin was primarily built with that in mind and only later did it occur to me that it'd probably work for stinky JKA servers as well. Please enjoy!
The skin makes use of the windows version of netcat to query servers directly. This means master servers can go down and you'll still get info directly from your target server.
The skin isn't resource intensive at all so you could probably get away with running many instances of it but I'd recommend keeping it to 1-5 of your favourites.
~ Requirements ~
Tested with Windows 7, 8.1 and 10.
Rainmeter or later.
~ Skin Operation ~
- Left click skin to cycle through different skin sizes.
- Middle click skin to change target JK Server. This will give you the option to select JK2 or JKA, input Server IP and then Port number.
- Scroll up/down over the skin to change upper and lower colours. Don't scroll too much or you'll end up opening multiple instances of the RGB selector.
- The skin will directly query target server (via ncat) and retrieve updated player list around every half-minute.
- To run more instances of this skin just make a copy of the following folder then "Refresh all" in rainmeter.
~ Main Troubleshooting Issues & Netcat ~
What is Netcat?
Netcat is a simple networking utility which reads and writes data across network connections using the TCP/IP protocol.
More info:
Netcat and Anti-virus on windows
Some Anti-virus products (e.g. windows defender) will report the windows version of netcat as a virus/trojan. This is due to the tendency of hackers to package it in the exploits they use. Netcat isn't a nefarious program in itself but it can be used in a malicious way which is why some anti-virus will block it. My skin of course just uses it to query jk2/jka servers for player info which you can see in the following file...
Please make sure your antivirus doesn't remove and quarantine Netcat (renamed to ncat in my skin) or the skin won't function at all.
For the more paranoid out there who think I may have done something to the ncat executable itself, you can see the source I use at the following link and also follow the instructions to compile your own version which is actually pretty straightforward...
~ Credits ~
jsmorley http://jsmorley.deviantart.com/ (for RainRGB4.exe)
Hobbit of Avian Research https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netcat (for netcat)
~ Changelog ~
-Removed powershell script completely in favour of vbs script
-Changed to more CPU efficient version of netcat that actually works properly all of the time
-Fixed issue where powershell wasn't closing properly for windows 7
GTK Radiant 1.6.4
By JKHub
This is the most recent pre-release build of GTK Radiant (ZeroRadiant) (v1.6.4)
Noteable improvements:
64-bit q3map2 support
Inbuilt JA support (No need to download a separate gamepack)
Simply extract the contents of the .zip archive to a folder of your choice and run radiant.exe. No install required at present. Select Jedi Academy from the list and point the path to your /GameData folder.
GtkRadiant is the official level design toolchain for games powered by id Tech engines from id Software, and is maintained by a community of volunteers. GtkRadiant is powered by the GTK+ Project and released under a GPL license.
Repository - https://github.com/TTimo/GtkRadiant
Release notes:
.menu Notepad++ Language
By eezstreet
When installed correctly on Notepad++, this allows you to view syntax highlighting for .menu files. Very straightforward and simple.
This also includes keywords for Jedi Knight Galaxies-specific keywords, if that's your cup of tea.
3ds Max 2010/2011 32bit GLM Importer
By Tempust85
* GLM Importer for 3ds Max 2010/2011 *
Original Code: sfhgp (http://sfhgp.users.sourceforge.net)
Code edits: DT
Recompile for 2010 SDK: DT
Date: 1st December 2013
Max versions Supported: 2010 32bit & 2011 32bit
Place GLM_Import2010.dli in your 3ds Max 'plugins' folder
3DS Max 6 ROFF2 Exporter
This is my first beta version for my 3ds Max ROFF v2 (.ROF) exporter. This exporter generates a .ROF file which is used for brush Model animations via Icarus Scripting.
Place the .dle plugin in your \plugins folder.
See the tutorial and other info that is posted in my WIP: ROFF Exporter thread in the Coding & Scripting section.
*This plugin will only work for 3ds Max 6, 7, or 8. You can find a link to 30-day trial versions for 3ds Max 6, 7, or 8
Interested parties can find downloads for 3ds Max 6, 7, or 8 30-day Trials at modacity.net at this link: http://files.modacity.net/software/3dsmax/
You must apply the Origin.jpg GtkRadiant shader as the Diffuse map texture (using Standard Material) to the Scene Object.
To create notes... you'll need to refer to the 3dsMax help docs. Just select your node and go to TrackView... then switch to DopeSheet mode.
With the node still selected in DopeSheet mode, select the menu: Tracks > NoteTrack > Add.
Then add your note keys (following the tutorial and info in the WIP thread). when you're done... just export to .ROF.
Please post your results.
FBX to Ghoul 2 Converter
By Xycaleth
The FBX to Ghoul 2 converter takes an FBX model and converts it to the GLM model format used by Jedi Knight 2 and Jedi Academy. The FBX model format is widely supported by the majority of 3D modeling programs and so this will allow the largest number of modelers to create models for the Jedi Knight games. This tool allows you to convert static models as well as animated models (which use an existing GLA skeleton).
If you have any questions, comments, improvements or want to report bugs, head towards the thread for this converter at http://jkhub.org/topic/2457-fbx-to-glm-converter/.
XSI Viewer
The XSI Viewer is a visualization tool for dotXSI files. It supports dotXSI 3.0, 3.5 and 3.6 in both the text and binary compressed format. The XSI Viewer can load one or more files and display a subset of their content using either OpenGL or DirectX. It's usually used as an interactive content validation tool, a pre-visualization tool or as a 3D prototyping tool.
When viewing animations, you need to turn off Subframe Interpolation... or else you might see errorneous pops in your animation as it loops.
See the included readme file for installation instructions.
3ds Max 2012 32bit/64bit MD3 Exporter
By Darth Martyr
* MD3 Exporter for 3ds Max 2012 *
Original Code: Pop'N'Fresh
Code edits: DT, Darth Martyr
Recompile for 2012 SDK: Darth Martyr
Date: 19th February 2014
Max versions Supported: 2012 32bit & 64bit
For 32bit: Place MD3_Export2012.dle in your 3ds Max 'plugins' folder.
For 64bit: Place MD3_Export2012_x64.dle in your 3ds Max 'plugins' folder.
- make your model
- texture it and apply your texture using the 'standard' material only.
- make sure the texture folder has 'models' in it (see below for example).
- export it with 'smart paths' checked, and make sure the destination folder has 'models' in it (see below for example).
- for a static model (no animation) just put a '0' in for 'following frames'.
(example: 'models\map_objects\MD3OBJ')
3ds Max 8 JO-JA Skeleton
The JK3 skeleton(s) that are floating around out in cyberspace have had some bones accidently moved; and other bone transform errors when compiling with Carcass and combining originally released dotXSI animations. Some of these errors (that are fixed by this skeleton) don't manifest when you compile against the existing _humanoid.gla.
This skeleton was first created by importing the released JO Kyle root.xsi file using Raven's 3ds Max 5 importer (which automatically creates Max Bones).
Then using the Luke JA root.xsi file, I incorporated the left and right tail bones.
I then fixed the spine bones lengths (pelvis and thoracic) to appear as a continuous chain.
I incorporated the JKA "face_always" dummy... and relinked all the facial bones to match the correct order.
I then had to fix the left and right eye basepose transforms due to carcass errors (solved by adding root nulls and making eye bone transforms match the released root.xsi values).
Added bolts and had to fix Stupidtriangle_off... (I really can't recall what I did to fix it-- I know I skinned it to only a single bone).
I know this skeleton works... it has been tested to compile a new root.xsi as well as taking this new root.xsi and combining it with original dotXSI animations to verify all goes well with Carcass. This skeleton, or a future update, will serve as the basis for my advanced character rig. I also plan to make a simple IK rig using only the JA facial bones. Currently this skeleton includes the SOF2 facial bones that are inherent in the JO root.xsi file. I plan to use all of these facial bones in the facial rig of my advanced character rig.
So for the purposes of compiling JKA models you should select the JO and SOF2 bone layers and hide them... so that you don't accidently weight anything to them. Be sure to do an "Export Select" when you export your dotXSI.
The purple bones are JA unique bones (i.e., the rtail and ltail bones).
The yellow bones are the JO unique bones.
The cyan bones are common to both JO-JA skeletons.
The pink bones are the motion and hang/hand tag bones.
The magenta bones are the SoF2 facial bones.
NOTE: This skeleton will eventually be released as a 3ds Max 6 file for those still using 3ds Max 6 (...I haven't forgotten about you! ). And the color scheme may change in the future.
By JKHub
Q3Map2Toolz is an alternative front-end application for Ydnar's Q3Map2 to q3map2build. It is larger than it's build counterpart but for current days still small.
It's main advantage is that it has an included mapacker by Equim which greatly reduces effort in making the .pk3 files.
Additionally, it allows the use of more BSP switches than Q3map2 GUI.
By RichW
Noesis is a tool for previewing and converting between hundreds of model, image, and animation formats. It utilizes a robust plugin system, with support for native extension modules and Python scripts. The plugin/script API features hundreds of functions and interfaces which assist in developing new formats, tools, and visualization aids.
This program has an inbuilt auto-update option which is recommended you utilize to get the most up-to-date fixes.
- 3D Modelling & Animation
- JK2
- (and 1 more)
By Tempust85
* Assimilate *
Original Code: Raven
Code edits: DT
Date: 21st August 2014
Version: 3.1
Edited the code to stop the auto re-ordering of animations in the .car files, added a 5th additional animation slot
& added support for FACE_ & VM_ (JK:Enhanced use only) animations to be listed in the animation picker.
Place assimilate.exe in your JKA tools directory to replace the old one.
Softimage Quake3 MD3 Exporter
This MD3 exporter generates a proper Quake3 player model, weapon or object (either static or animated), conforming to the MD3 format specification found at: https://www.icculus.org/homepages/phaethon/q3a/formats/md3format.html
This plugin-pack supports the following versions of Softimage:
XSI6.0/ModTool6 (32bit) XSI7.01 (32/64bit) Softimage 7.5/ModTool7.5 (32bit) Softimage 2011 (32/64bit) Softimage 2012 (64bit) Softimage 2013 (64bit) Softimage 2014 (64bit) Softimage 2015 (64bit)
See the included html help file after installing the plugin.
3D Modelling & Animation 3ds Max 5 dotXSI 1.x Importer Script
This MAXScript is an importer for the Softimage dotXSI 1.x file format. It is derived from Tsvetan's original script (see credits). Version 1.029 makes significant changes for importing Star Trek:Voyager- Elite Force dotXSI 1.x animtaion files that were released by Raven Software.
See the included documentation for history and usage.
Version 1.029Beta works for 3ds Max 5 and later... (Not compatible with Gmax)
JK2/JKA Server browser
By Grenixal
Server browser for JO/JA with many supported masterservers. You can also customize the masterserver settings in settings.ini.
You are able to join server directly from the browser. The browser includes favourite list and a server guard, which will inform you when someone has joined the guarded server.
For further instructions please read Oobah's comment below.
You need Java to run this server browser.
3D Modelling & Animation Softimage dotXSI Import (v1.7 Plug-in) Cleaner
This Maxscript file is intended to be used in conjunction with the Softimage v1.7 dotXSI Importer Plug-in for Max 6, 7, and 8.
Usage: After importing a dotXSI file with the Softimage plug-in, run this script to fix issues with imported scene.
What this script does:
1. It removes duplicate nodes within the skeleton hierarchy (i.e., descendants of $skeleton_root).
2. Strips out any Softimage "Davinci" prefix from node names.
3. Strips out "B:" from model_root node name.
4. Fixes the pivots and animations for Dummy objects to be in +Z up 3ds Max coordinate system, instead of the Softimage +Y up coordinate system.
5. Shifts animation to start on frame 1 (rather than as imported on frame 0). This is necessary because the root skin pose MUST be on frame 0 to work with the newer exporters.
6. These fixes make the corrected files compatible for use with the newer dotXSI v1.8 and later exporter plug-ins.
What this script does not do:
It does not restore skin weights, or do anything with the imported geometry. Use my other scripts for that!
You'll also need to manually merge in the root pose on frame 0 if you want to re-export the dotXSI animation.
P.S. -- my motivation for writing this script was to get some troublesome dotXSI files to import into 3ds Max correctly. If you have any questions-- just ask.
By CansecoDev
Server Only Assets Batch (SOAB) - Save some of SSD disk space.
- This is a real simple windows batch script that processes .pk3 assets into an smaller file, deleting any unnecessary file for a server.
A bit of history:
- I was about to launch a new server, so I decided to upload my assets, but I noticed that my low cost SSD server was about to be full, so I made this script to shrink my assets.
- As a result, I give you a tool to save almost 1GB in your servers, this is really a thing if you use SSD servers.
- Understand that SOAB is not meant to be a wonderful featured software, just a little script made to save time.
- This script is intended for non pure servers.
- As this is a batch script, it needs to be used on a Windows system, I have tested it on an updated Windows 10 system.
- Following the Usage section of this description is required for a proper usage of this script.
- This script uses a recursive deleting loop, not following the Usage section may harm your computer, if you execute it on your system's root (C:/), you may delete some system files and even your family photos.
- This is a really lazy script, I have not added any kind of security to avoid people to harm themselves, not following the Usage section may harm your computer.
- I am not responsible for any harm that this script may do to your computer.
- First, you need WinRAR, you can get it at WinRAR official webpage.
- Then:
This will end up with a single assets0.pk3, this will contain the only assets that your server needs.
3ds Max 2018 dotXSI 3.0 Exporter
This plugin exports a Softimage dotXSI 3.0 file. See the included readme file for more details and installation/usage instructions.
Unofficial Vicarious Visions .GOB Tools
By eezstreet
These unofficial Vicarious Visions .GOB Tools allow you to manipulate the archive format of the console versions of Jedi Knight 2 and Jedi Academy (among other games). They include the following:
gobextract: Extract content from the .gob/gfc files. gobconvert: Convert a zip/pk3 into a .gob/gfc pair.
Please note that these are commandline tools - you will need to use them using the cmd.exe terminal on Windows.