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Status Replies posted by Cerez

  1. Please not ask me more help for modding project. at max i can give you suggests. i have heal problems and i cannot manage any project at moment.

  2. I've decided I'm going to finish IB's work on HapSlash's Leia model in honour of Carrie. Lots to weight, and a whole new process to learn...

  3. I've decided I'm going to finish IB's work on HapSlash's Leia model in honour of Carrie. Lots to weight, and a whole new process to learn...

  4. So I finally saw Rogue One... I was very sceptical, especially because I didn't like Episode VII very much. But it's bloody amazing, maybe (I'm not kidding) the best SW-movie so far.

  5. I think it's time for a decent young Leia model to be created (finally!) for JKA. And I don't mean in the slave bikini outfit.

  6. Can 2016 just piss off already?

  7. Can 2016 just piss off already?

  8. "Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What's important is the action. You don't have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow." ~ Carrie Fisher

  9. "Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What's important is the action. You don't have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow." ~ Carrie Fisher

  10. Merry Lightsaber Swinging Christmas, Guys! <3 Love y'all!

  11. Merry Lightsaber Swinging Christmas, Guys! <3 Love y'all!

  12. Merry Lightsaber Swinging Christmas, Guys! <3 Love y'all!

  13. Can 2016 just piss off already?

  14. Carrie Fisher, may The Force be with you, please don't go away

  15. Just watched Rogue One. Besides the brilliant CGI on Leia and Tarkin, I thought the movie was boring.

  16. Carrie Fisher, may The Force be with you, please don't go away

  17. What's' your fav map in the JK series?

  18. What's' your fav map in the JK series?

  19. Dark Forces: Pressing the space "pedal" to activate with keycards and open doors -- how brilliant is that?! :D

  20. Dark Forces: Pressing the space "pedal" to activate with keycards and open doors -- how brilliant is that?! :D

  21. Dark Forces: Pressing the space "pedal" to activate with keycards and open doors -- how brilliant is that?! :D

  22. Dark Forces: Pressing the space "pedal" to activate with keycards and open doors -- how brilliant is that?! :D

  23. Dark Forces: Pressing the space "pedal" to activate with keycards and open doors -- how brilliant is that?! :D

  24. Dark Forces: Pressing the space "pedal" to activate with keycards and open doors -- how brilliant is that?! :D

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