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Everything posted by Cerez

  1. Holy crap! (Mind blown.) You can count on me giving you very detailed practical feedback/criticism on this one. This looks like the "Jedi Temple" map I've (we've all?) been waiting for all these years.
  2. Great news! One of my favourite maps of all time. Welcome back, @@AngelModder.
  3. Incredible work -- deserves a feature! Kudos, Rooxon -- both in imagination and in execution and attention to detail. One of the best lightsaber additions to JKA I've ever seen -- and I've seen many.
  4. Cerez


    Just thoroughly tested it in-game -- it works flawlessly in both SP and MP (even on joined servers). If only we had a longer turn animation to inject, it would be ideal. But it works beautifully just as is. I've cleaned it up a bit, just to keep things unaffected on all fronts (user setups): "-speed ; cl_yawspeed -7200 ; com_maxfps 40 ; wait 2 ; +left ; wait 2 ; -left ; reset com_maxfps ; reset cl_yawspeed" Bind it to a key, (then assign that key to a gamepad button) and voila!
  5. "I'm no Jedi. But you want a worthy adversary... I'll give you a worthy adversary!" <3 Love the 3rd and 4th ones. The ending theme of the 4th is brilliant -- IMHO that's what Rogue One should have been. (Brave, beaten individual vs. a greater power. The message: you don't need to be a superhero, you don't even need to be flawless to be strong.)
  6. Cerez


    Not if done right. A quickturn by its definition is a really quick (we're talking a fraction of a second) animation/move to spin you around, and cause you to face the opposite direction. You don't lose mouselook in the process. It's practically a flip of the camera -- in a similar way to how it happens when the character jumps overhead and over a fixed camera/perspective in the game -- accompanied by a very short animation that doesn't obstruct mobility. I really don't see how turning completely around using the mouse can be any faster, more visually pleasing, or more effective.
  7. I was playing around with the CVARs today, and I came across an interesting feature: a setting that allows characters and objects to stand out from the background more, to your liking. For any Clone Wars and/or Rebels fan, or any old-school type gamer, who prefers a clear contrast between graphic elements on the screen, this hidden setting is a welcome change in visual perspective. You'll see what I mean... Stick this line into your autoexec.cfg (for SP): //Enhance Character/Object Contrast set r_ambientScale 1.3You can tweak the value. The higher, the less the characters and objects will be affected by the map's darkness/lighting, and the more they will stand out in comparison to the terrain details. Around 1.3 seems to be the middle value where they are still visually similar to the background, but independent enough to be highlighted, to stand out. Unfortunately, it only seems to work for SP, as in MP this setting seems to be hardcoded, and overwritten by the default value at game load. You can still use it in MP as well (by directly entering it into the console) if cheats are enabled. Feel free to upload and post a screenshot here of the look of your chosen personal settings if you've found this discovery useful! <3 Enjoy!
  8. Cerez


    It's pretty common in FPS games that allow for 3rd person as well as 1st person view. For some reason, the same as @@Ramikad, I can't think of any right now other than the Resident Evil series -- did Dead Space have it? Or Ghostbusters? But they're out there, and, what's more important, there is a lot of discussion around the net about more FPS games needing to have this 180 degree turn feature (all we need is Google). There are a lot of players who dislike having to use extremely high sensitivity on their mice (to be able to quickly turn 180 with the mouse), are bothered by the spinning visuals of the constant turning, and/or would just prefer a more free and natural movement in the game. A 180 turn that's coded/scripted can be executed a lot more gracefully than when you have to rely on the mouse to "simulate" the quick turn as well as to aim. It also makes aiming more effective because of the lack of disorientation (allowing for better split-second focus). After all, if you were out on a mission by yourself, and had to watch your own back, to spin back with your body like this if you expected an attack from behind would be a frequent natural movement. It surprises me that most FPS gaming mechanics in today's big titles are still so old-school not to have thought of enhancing the gameplay experience with this feature. @@ensiform, I think you can see from what I've said here that this is not a gamepad-only use feature. Is there a technical reason we cannot code the already existing animation into the game to try to develop this feature in a fork? I don't see why it would be a visual problem in MP if the animation it is referencing already exists in all releases of the game, or why it would have anything messy to do with the existing save method/files in SP.
  9. Cerez


    I'm not just paranoid, I'm traumatised! Instead of facing me, these bots keep running around me and attacking my behind! When playing JKA with a gamepad (with reduced/realistic turn sensitivity), as well as for a more natural feel FPS experience, a feature like this would come in mighty handy. What I'm thinking is something like what @@Xycaleth mentioned there is an unused animation for in JKA: a way for the player to realistically spin/turn back, as you would in real life, if you feel that an attack may be coming from behind. (No one likes to get spanked by strangers... )
  10. Cerez


    Just wondering, has anyone ever worked on implementing a quick turn feature to JKA/OpenJK (that spins the player around 180 degrees at the press of a button)?
  11. Personally, I think HapSlash's original is a quite adequate, to say the least, but this refreshed face does give the model a new kind of look, achieving a lovely, overall youthful and heroic effect -- nice work! I always love to see when people aspire to greater heights, and take others' feedback into consideration. It's the mark of great progress. I commend your bravery, and look forward to seeing you take on new, daring challenges, see you practice, and watch your skinning improve.
  12. With entity modding you can, yes. You can change both worldspawn and local music/sound triggers to something different. But you will need to build the mod for OpenJK instead of the retail game (unless you want to have to hex edit).
  13. I seem to remember having seen one on JK3Files. Perhaps check one of the mirrors just to make sure.
  14. "Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail." ~ Bruce Lee

  15. My advice would be to form the fingers in full, even if they have to be submerged in the mesh of the sleeves (covered by it). That way you'll get a nice, natural feel for the hand movement. But you *will* get some clipping of the sleeve with the lightsaber hilt the hand is holding. I don't think it's that much of a problem, though. About that much clipping is pretty standard in this game, and for the most part unavoidable. I think a good idea would be to (partially) weight the part of the sleeve that corresponds to the finger movement to the finger bones, so that it moves when the hand closes -- like having a hoodie's sleeve over your hand.
  16. Looking great so far. I suggest you import any already released JKA model into Blender, and have a close look at how the hands have been formed. It should help you gain confidence, and give you ideas in how to approach it. It's a little challenging, but it's not that difficult in truth. The difficulty mostly comes from having to form/align the fingers to the JKA skeletal bone positions. Lucky for you, there are not that many bones in the hand for the JKA skeleton. I've found this video helpful in giving me confidence: The same thing applies to weighting it, later: open a few already done models, and have a look at what's been done to them -- the best way to learn the quirks of it.
  17. Great choice for a first/early character model, @@Luckxzs.
  18. This is serious. I need to squeak with you.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cerez


      Alright, let's do it! But you have to wear a Darth Vader costume. You don't look serious enough.

    3. Ramikad


      Could I wear a mandalorian armor instead? I like it more.

    4. Cerez


      Yep. Mandalorians are serious. :) And they squeak clearly, too.

  19. Another source code (and scripting) related question comes to mind: Is it possible to set and retrieve values from CVARs in ICARUS? The following code snippet crashes the game when retrieving the value from cvar_sex (the player is female to start with): declare( STRING, "playergen" ); if ( get(STRING, "cvar_sex") = "m" ) { set( "cvar_sex", get(STRING, "playergen") ); free( "playergen" ); } else { set( "playergen", get(STRING, "cvar_sex") ); set( "cvar_sex", "m" ); }
  20. I love it how Disney claims to want to bring their own, unique flavour of Star Wars, but then go ahead and base all their Star Wars films on previously released content and characters, rehashing it/them, and attempting to write no completely original stories whatsoever. >.<'

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shenghai


      You forget that the Rebels creww, (The old Clone Wars crew) were fans of Legends, and try to incorporate them.

    3. Shenghai


      Moraband, also known as Korriban. -From the Wiki.


      They added Moraband for god knows what, but it's still Korriban. Besides, using Ralph McQuarrie's concept art for some character (Zeb, that you're talking about) and re purposing it is not bad, it's quite the contrary! Zeb was the original art for wookies, which instead were turned into some other species that exists. I don't see the problem with that.

    4. Cerez


      Korriban's name was changed to Moraband because George felt that that name suited his original concept of the planet/world better. It was at his personal request that it was changed, or, rather, appended as an alternative name. Note how nothing else about the at that time already established planet (popular in EU) was changed -- shows respect for the fans (as I'm sure he had quite a few personal gripes with it since he didn't get to write/describe/create it in detail himself).

  21. Just copy the provided openjk.pk3 to ~/Documents/My Games/OpenJK/[modname], and you won't have any more crashes. (The reason it crashes is because it is trying to use the old base JA DLLs that have been copied there, or that the mod came with.)
  22. It certainly does! Thank you so much! I think I know what happened, now -- it's alarmingly simple: My script is set to wait for the "casualwalk" task to finish. This is fine for when a character is moving to a navgoal, but what if he's already at the navgoal he's supposed to go to? That means the "casualwalk" task never returns the finished state, and my script is kept hanging in a wait. Hence why my character randomly stopped after reaching a navgoal, and didn't ever move again -- regardless of how much time passed. It was waiting to reach a navgoal it was already at, and never going to reach walking to (technically speaking). The fix is to make sure that every time a different navgoal is picked by the random script, and never the same one.
  23. https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/wiki/Compilation-guide Not sure what was done to the source since December 2015, but I've been using a custom build based on that source for years now, and I have nothing to complain about -- it's as stable as the original game: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7bz6a1szn1w36j5/OpenJK-Cerez-Dec-2015.zip?dl=0 If you ask me, it should have gone stable years ago, but I'm not deeply involved in the development... Anyway, if you follow the guide in the wiki, it's quite simple to compile the source and build for Windows. Just make sure your version of MS Visual Studio matches the time the source is from (i.e. it is the version/year before it).
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