79 files
By SaitoHajime
This is a Saito Hajime model based on the Anime/Manga Rurouni Kenshin. Included are 2 models: Saito as a police officer and Saito wearing Shinsengumi wear. Included are taunts and sounds extracted from the anime.
So I was waiting patiently for the RKRedemption mod to be released and since It was never released and was cancelled. I decided to just create a skin. Hopefully this skin will be somewhat exciting for those who waited for the mod alongside me.
While I would have rather had a Saito based off either the real-life saito or the NHK shinsengumi saito. I figured they wouldn't be quite as popular and that this would be a nice alternative. Please enjoy the skin everyone!
CREDITS**: Thank you Lucas Arts for providing the Chiss model. Jimesus_evil for creating the Samurai models. Nobuhiro Watsuki for creating Rurouni Kenshin! Without these people I wouldn't have been able to create the model quite the way I wanted!
Nightmares Skin Pack
By Tayst
This pack introduces 4 new models, each with a default, red, and blue skin:
All under 1MB 💥
Syntax and Oran
By Sared
These are the first skins I made made for Jedi Outcast, or any other video game for that matter, for myself and another resident of by the name of Hardwired.
Another TJA legend, Odan-Wei, walked me through the process of building PK3's, SURF/SKIN references, and my first steps in Photoshop.
Syntax, in the black and silver tunic, was created in 2003 and would eventually serve as the basis for my "Sared Kilvan" player character's appearance. Oran has a green tunic because it's Hardwired's favorite color, with darkside Qui-Gon's meanmug plastered on to his face for +badass points.
jk2 Classic Dark Forces Kyle Katarn
By LawfulUNKL
Yes, another Kyle reskin! This skin pack pays homage to the original aesthetic and outfit designs of Jedi Knight's hero, Kyle Katarn. Blending elements from Dark Forces and Dark Forces II, these textures include modified details to depict this character in a more rugged, mercenary-esque look. With a thicker beard, classic black gloves, and a stuffed ammo belt, the New Republic Agent Katarn is ready to take on the Imperial Remnant with a bit more sentimentality. There's also a chestplate concealed underneath his suit from his Dark Trooper-dismantlin' days.
There are two variants for those that care more or less about continuity when using this mod, as the skin does overwrite the default Kyle skins for singleplayer and multiplayer whilst installed in the game directory. One is a younger, less-grayed appearance that calls back to Dark Forces II, while the other is slightly aged as Kyle should be by the time of Jedi Outcast. Both share the same outfit, however. There are icons and red/blue team skins for visual clarity, and for those that want to use this skin in team-based, multiplayer modes.
These skins attempt to retain most of the original artstyle of JK2 as some textures contain modified materials from other game characters; the model is unchanged besides the omission of the drawstring collar. Some other details are entirely new, as it is meant to portray Kyle in a way that encapsulates the look or fantasy of some of his adventures from older games/stories. Additionally, there is a complimentary saber color pack that adjusts some of the blade shapes to be slightly sharper with more contrast and fizzling. This file is entirely optional and is only here as a plus - or afterthought, if you will.
Reskinned Kyle
By SanadaSan
This is my Kyle reskin for JA ported to JK2, with a couple small changes where necessary. The RGB skin and whatnot are absent since JK2 doesn't support that. The mixture of JK2 and JA sounds in my JA skin is gone too--it's all vanilla JK2 sounds here.
In the future, I'll just make and release JK2 ports of my JA reskins simultaneously, when possible.
- jk2
- team support
- (and 4 more)
jk2 Reskinned Jan v1 (JK2)
By SanadaSan
This is my reskin of Jan Ors for Jedi Academy, adjusted to work in Jedi Outcast. Unlike my previous JA-to-JK2 ports, the more prevalent use of RGB tinting on this one made a 1:1 port less feasible. As a result, I had to make some minor changes to make it work in JK2.
- team support
- custom sounds
- (and 3 more)
Reskinned Bespin Cop v1 (JK2)
By SanadaSan
This is my reskin of the Bespin cop for Jedi Academy, adjusted to work in Jedi Outcast. Same as with my recently-posted Mon Mothma reskin, it's identical to the JA version, only the specular shaders don't produce dynamic glow and the RGB skin is omitted.
- jk2
- team support
- (and 2 more)
Reskinned Mon Mothma v1 (JK2)
By SanadaSan
This is my reskin of Mon Mothma for Jedi Academy, adjusted to work in Jedi Outcast. Aside from removing the extras that only work in JA, it's the exact same reskin. That said, the icons still use JA-style backgrounds (which were made by Ruxith here on JKHub).
The hologram of her that appears in the opening cutscene (after the opening crawl and the Raven's Claw flying towards Kejim) is untouched, since that appears to be one of three ROQ files (the ones used for pre-rendered cutscenes) and I have no idea how to edit those.
For the record, loading the JA version in JK2 doesn't crash the game (I deliberately didn't include the model.glm primarily to avoid unnecessary redundancy), but the shader parameters that JA uses to assign dynamic glow to stuff aren't programmed into JK2, resulting in errors if the model is loaded. Her dress uses one of its two specular textures (the one to make the necklaces shiny, so it's entirely black save for them), while her mouth and eyes use their specular texture, making her eyes look a little creepy. Likewise, her boots are mostly black, save for a pair of brownish accents here and there.
Moreover, the JA model includes a sounds.cfg written for JA. The vanilla file has her using "mp_generic_female" instead of "mothma". There is actually a soundset in JK2 called that, but the way sounds.cfg are written in JA is different than in JK2. JK2 wants "chars/mothma/misc" followed by "f" on the next line to indicate Mon is a woman and it should read "[player name] killed herself" and so on when applicable. JA's syntax just needs the name of the soundset folder within "chars". As a result, JK2 reads "mothma", looks for a folder within sounds called "mothma", doesn't find it, and therefore leaves the model soundless. It does properly read the "f" on the second line and adjusts the death messages accordingly, though.
In short, it doesn't do any harm if you use the JA version in JK2 beyond making Mon Mothma look kinda freaky. So if you feel like messing around, give it a whirl.
- jk2
- team support
- (and 3 more)
Jan Recolor TR
By TempestRevan
This is a simple recolor of Jan to match my Kyle. I made her shirt white and the vest, with all the other brown parts, black and give her the pants from her blue team skin.
I've checked if you can use this for Academy. Because it doesn't work, I made a Academy Version so you can use this skin in Academy also:
Kyle Reskin TR
By TempestRevan
My first skin, which I have done on my android device, is a simple reskin of everybody`s favorite guy with a lightsaber, Kyle Katarn. I simply put him into edited clothes of Jedi2 and changed the color of the pants to green, made Kyle`s boots black and played a little bit with the brightness and contrast settings on the torso. His shoulder pad is now also black and I disabled the collar thing.
I like my version of him much more than the farmer Jedi and I hope you too.
This will work also in Jedi Academy!
- jk2
- jkhub exclusive
- (and 2 more)
Kyle Retexture (by JulioC) For JK2:JO
By MrSpidey457
All credit goes to JulioC. All I did was port the skin over to the JK2 Kyle model. A very simple task, done in my first week of learning to do some JK2/3 modding. I saw some people who wanted to use this skin in JK2 and weren't sure how, so I figured this might be nice to have on the hub, since I haven't seen this done here or elsewhere.
Kyle 2020
By fly3r
Hello all ! back and need to have a little humor in these difficult times !
Peace ❤️
fly3r ?
The Flash cw Pack 2
By Reserection
New Heroes JESSE QUICK and KID FLASH. Bonus Revised FLASH skin/npc.
2nd PACK released wanted to add characters that were part of the current hero roster on the Flash. Do to my lack of modeling skills I have a rule for not using models that aren't part of Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy. I make reskins, .efx and .gla alterations.
Darth Vader - The Empire Strikes Back
////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////
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Enjoy ! and I hope you enjoy this Darth vader new version
Title :
Darth Vader - The Empire Strikes Back 0.6
Texture Author:
GustavoPredador (Darth Lord Vader)
Kartoon, Akane Syria and George Lucas
Place DarthLordVader.pk3 into the "StarWars JediKnight Jedi Academy/GameData/basefolder".
Steam "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Jedi Academy\GameData\base"
In order to use NPC's you will need to activate cheats here's how you do it.
Singleplayer- Once your in the game, hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "helpusobi 1"...hit enter (cheats are now on) type "npc spawn (the npc's name)" Example: npc spawn vader.
Here are the npc model names for this model...
For Playermodel: vader
For Npc: vader
Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
Imperial Base Officers
By Barricade24
This pack contains reskins of HapSlash's Imperial Officer made to replicate the officers seen in the original game. This mod will work for either Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy.
- Male
- Star Wars Related
- (and 1 more)
Dark Forces II: Kyle Katarn ( With jacket) JK:JO Version
By GPChannel
I did all of your old request
This is my old DF2 Kyle Katarn skin,and it is for Jedi Outcast now!
Hope you like it
Team Support: YES
Extract the GPKyle.pk3 into the Base folder of your Jedi Outcast directory.
The model was made by Tim Eggena / Infinity Blade -
E-Mail :
Nex Dark + Lighsaber
By iNate
The first file is a remodel of haplash's Anakin Skywalker model with my own varients of Spanki's Sith apparel (I have modified it to make it darker).
The second file is the lightsaber used by Nex. As you can tell, it's Haplash's Anakin lightsaber which i edited to make darker in some areas.
If you wish to update or modify this file and re-release it, all I ask is that you INCLUDE ALL READMES PROVIDED IN THIS FILE.
This mod will be updated and, when I think the new version is fit for release, I'll post the newer versions. The process has already started, as I've already compiled a version with a few updates including masks and hoods without robes. However these will take a while to release as I want them to be updated far more with far more options for customisation.
Simply extract the pk3(s) to the gamedata/base folder of your Jedi Academy directory. The second pk3 (saber_nex.pk3) will replace single hilt #2 in the SP JA game. This will overwrite, or be overwritten, by any additional saber replacements you might have already added. So keep this in mind should you find that it doesn't work.
- Custom Sounds
- Personal Skin or Model
- (and 3 more)
Epic Challenge Mod III Teaser + WallPaper + Vinegar Sith Skin
In this download page, you will find Epic Challenge Mod III: Zone Of Trouble first teaser, link on youtube.
In the .pk3, you will find a wallpaper of the mod and a skin from villains of the mods. This is the Vinegar Sith Skin.
Vinegar Sith are evil, they live in a dark and scary place called "Vinegar Sith HQ".
EPIC CHALLENGE MOD III: Zone Of Trouble plot:
- Darth Lawn reborn. From the grave, he wake up and made alliances with other basic dark guys. All jedi were attacked. Only Kyle Katarn and Luke Skywalker remains, with some
odd jedi. Kyle has been abandonned without powers and with only one gun in a far, far away island, and must escape to find the Zone Of Trouble, one zone which rely all places of the planet of the mod.
The mod Forum:
To play the skin, simply put the .pk3 file in your gamedate/base/ directory.
Watch, enjoy it and play Vinegar Sith, they are cool !
Enhanced Anakin Solo
By JKHub
Author: bleek
Submitted by: Barricade24
Anakin Solo from the Expanded Universe. He is son of Leia and Han Solo. I fixed up his face a bit and changed the team color skins. Made new icons and also a brand new skin. The new skin is Anakin Solo in a darkside form. To use it simply type in console /model asolo/darkside .
TK-962's AT-AT Pilot
By Syko
I have made MANY changes to this skin since version 1.0 and I think that FINALLY I have achieved making one of the most realistic At-at pilots possible. There are still a few very minor things that I have to touch up for all of the Star Wars nerds that notice every little off detail about the skin. Depending on the feedback I get for this skin I MAY make a 3.5 skin. BTW I fixed the "error" that made the skin overwrite the Stormpilot.
This Edition is for people with Jedi Outcast. Please note that this edition has seen minimal testing and some of the features might not work.
By Gigon
This is a stormtrooper default skin replacement: One is orange, the other is green. Personally I like the orange one, I'll use it the most!
I have made those skins while I was trying to make a single-player mod... I did not make the mod but the skins are here!
CE Lunatik skin
By JJxHookZx
CE Lunatik Skin
Chiss skin with no shirt and a wicked tattoo on the back. He wanted a red and blue team skin so I made him a new version of it.
Size: 2.02 MB
Author: Hookz
File Name: lunatik.pk3
By Salvation
3 Different ReSkins (using something other than the reborn model) with completely new textures and the prisoner model. Includes Bot Support as well as New Sounds taken straight from The Matrix. If somebody else made public Neo skin and is offended by my attempts, I apologize, I spent about 3 months looking for one then gave up and decided to make my own so here it is, enjoy! Thanks to everybody at Massassi forums for being so hard on me and everybody at jediknightii's forums for their support **Default = Neo without holster and trenchcoat (subway scene I guess...whatever, I thought he looked cool and since I don't have time to learn to model, live wthout the trenchcoat and sunglasses...sorry ) : Red = Real World Neo with plug on back of head: Blue = Thomas Anderson **From the beta I fixed some major texture problems, he looks more like Keanu now instead of a "sick japaneese michael jackson" also I added some new sounds and changed the bot file a little.
Qui-Gon VMX
By neomarz1
This was modeled by both "Tex360 and Toonces". Many moons ago I was slated to skin this model, but got tied up into doing the Obi model. I finally got a moment and
decided to go ahead and re-skin the model (as promised). The main changes are related to the face, and clothing.
Zam Wesell VME
By neomarz1
This model is of course based on the Zam Wesell character in episode II. She is a Clawdite bounty hunter, whom is an ally to Jango Fett. Clawdites are shapeshifters capable of morphing into another species (such as human) More details on the character can be found at
Zam Wesell is easily a skinners dream, Thanks to Moooa she has all kinds of bits that can be turned on or off. This allows the skinner to come up with a variety of characters.