Free For All
359 files
Taris RP
By Cydonprax
Author: Ki Adi Mundi
After creating Yalara I realized how bad the maps overall quality actually was and set out to do better, even if only slightly. The end result was a map based on the Planet of Taris from the Knights of the Old Republic Video Games; Only now it is set 4,128 years in the future during the Legacy Comics era.
The map is built for roleplay, so FFA/Seige/Duel/Etc players will likely end up moving on. You'll find weapons to spawn only where reasonable and realistic: The giant (Jedi) Temple only has pistol and e-11's in its armory since Jedi don't use concussion rifles whereas the Imperial Base armory will have everything from grenades to rocket launchers. Hopefully servers will find this map a little more interesting than Yalara was.
Finally, as with Yalara the source files are present in the .pk3 so that roleplay servers can edit the map to their own liking, or random mappers can steal stuff to make their maps better (Hey, it's a compliment to me really.)
Yalara Roleplay
By Cydonprax
Author: Ki Adi Mundi
Well, this map is an all-out roleplay dedicated map with no FFA or general combat in mind. I built it straight out from pre-made blueprints, designed for slight Star Wars realism rather than JKA fighting. I must stress to all whom download that this is my first map. The very first room I ever made in GTKRadiant is in this map, and I learned to map while making this roleplay map. This is mostly apparant by the square rooms and the bad lighting.
I created the map over a period of 50 or so days, and that ''speed-rushing'' is also visible in the map through the blocky walls and lack of curves and sophisticated mapping. Regardless, I hope this will serve as a long-term roleplay map for many communities. As for mapping, I found it to be far too tedious and unstable, so this will be my first and last map. Not wanting to completely rob the JKA Community of any potential, I went ahead and included the .map file and give anyone permission to use its contents how they see fit. I hope you enjoy.
CCT Spaceships
By Arkan
Description: This is a spaceship I made for a map wich is not released yet. The file includes 4 variants of the ship, 24 person/trooper transport, 18 person/trooper transport + room for some cargo, A 12 person/trooper transport with some open space in the middle, and a cargo carrier with a big door in the bottom of the ship and 3 seats. All these 4 variants have a cockpit with 2 pilot seats. You can freely use these ships in your map, you can also customize a ship, like adding more seats, cargo etc. As long as I get the proper credit.
IMPORTANT NOTE: THESE SHIPS ARE MADE WITH GTKRADIANT 1.5, wich means they could have problems in 1.4 or older versions. If there is such a problem, e-mail me and i will try to fix it.
Each of the ships has 2 turrets on each wing, both turrets are triggered in the cockpit and are customizable. The turrets have a high radius so you might want to change them in open maps.
Sniper Oasis
By Krattle
A small ffa map designed around a lake. Towers, catwalks, and numerous hiding places make this map perfect for sniping. Includes other weapons if you don't like sniping.
Since Sniper War v2, I have implemented several improvements. The water is now clear and far less repetitive than the previous texture, I used Szico's "skybox blending" to reduce the sense of discontinuity between the terrain and the skybox, and I added a deadly laser beam that shoots down a long tube and can be activated from a nearby building to surreptitiously vaporize your opponents. There are also numerous minor texture and architectural changes throughout the map.
Alzoc 3 Spaceport
By Krattle
Brushes: 3301
Entities: 316
Bot Support: No
Music: Yes
New Textures: Yes
New Models: No
New Sounds: No
Representation of part of a spaceport on Alzoc III with two landing bays, a bar, and a small piece of the exterior.
The only major change since v1 is the different skybox. Instead of the base JA skybox, I used the same snowy mountainscape from my Alzoc 3 Capital map. The outdoor lighting is now closer to dusk than daytime, which frankly is more atmospheric than what I had done before. I also removed the useless Swoop bike.
Frozen Temple {RGD}
By zidzabre
Author: ZidZabre
several months ago i was asked by Grizzlybear of Renegade clan to make them their own map...i happily accepted.
So basically this is one huge map mainly designed for runnig around sabering and duelling and just goofing about with this and that.
So we have 3 factions area Dark Jedi, Jedi And sith also main areas...1 BIG hall and a pub and secrets o_O
Christmas At City6B
By zidzabre
Author: ZidZabre
Well i know this map does not look really christmas like..
it was just meant to be a new dark city map...but since its december i added snow to it
New FFA Bespin
By zidzabre
Author: ZidZabre
Well some of us loved the old Bespin map...and some hated it..
But now i have created a new Bespin map ^^
This map includes several bridges and 2 platforms.
hiding space and camping tower!
Also this is my first map with Bot Support!
FFA DarkCity
By zidzabre
Author: ZidZabre
This map is made in Doom/Quake2 style for total action FFA/TFFA!
The music comes from DooM 1 and is an Over Clocked remix of the song^^
There is alot of weapons/sheilds/medpaks so it will be full action!
FFA Episode 1 2004
hmm dunno if this needs explaining Its the scene from the Phantom Menace where Obi Wan and Qui Gon face the evil Sith Lord Darth Maul (why dont they just run away he wouldnt expect that ;p)
Cloud City
A cut down version of cloud city... with a brand new texture set and some locations from the movie..
it includes a few new features that i havnt seen in many maps.. which would be the lift doors rotate around like the ones in the movie
if i was to critisise my own work id say the lifts might get a revamp in another version and make the lift shafts wider
ive also tried to give the map a few ways to go so its easy to lose people
but if you really want fun.. try to find the duel room and get a friend to activate the buttons while 2 people fight in the centre
Ancient Outpost
You and your team have become trapped on a World once settled by the ancients.
As with many ancient worlds there is a mix of new and old technology..
But as your team scan the area you soon realise your not alone
Hidden Caves
By Hmatt
This is a simple duel map that i made. If you like duel maps then you will like this
Note: Not available in duel mode.
Roof Barny JA
By JKHub
This is an old JO map that has been updated and modified for JA {so I can infect more people with my madness }
This is one of them magical floating in space buildings (How come we dont suffercate :-? (coz I aint told it to|) until you fall enough ))
There is a landing pad (that you can't fall off (unless you jump:D)) with Hoth Guns each of the Hoth Guns have a team 1 Red 1 Blue but in ffa they go for anyone)
The main room has a liberal sprinkling of health n sheilds and an area where you can show off your sabering skills (Also the Star Wars Barny Posters) and lifts to the roof {yes i know the cealing is boring but there is a reason }
Through the octagonal corridor and 3 way door the second room {this room has been tarted up so it looks as if its sorta there for a reason} I am pretending that them models n pipes are for power (them guns outside will need it) at the bottom of the lift there is a little room for the masters and trainees to have a practice in peace there are also 2 utility rooms at the sides (spawn points and weapons) 1 red 1 blue {just lights tho} Me having fun with coloured lights, I am of the school of white is borring I-) also there is an observation room / control room {so you can sit n watch a barny} and a lift up to the second roof with a pit (which is gonna bingy boingy you about (for those moments that you want to play silly buggers )) (this has been deleted coz of gybs see below) and the Turbo Laser Cannons and Ion Cannons
A reet big roof to swing your choppin sticks on and have a reet good barny ) Between the to main roof tops the are some ledges so you can work your way down to the ledge leading to the Barny Refference Room ) with Force Boons n Kill all Rodians
And finaly the Secret Room {big brother is watching )} to get to it is a walk of faith in to a Flare (may the Barny be with you) There are some bang bang sticks (if you like that kind of thing;)) trip mines, grenades, Det Packs and more (in procariouse places )) but I like swooshing sticks myself.
Several Sided Sid's Mos Espa Slave Quarters - Cola-Hunt
Brush Count : 3,622
Entity Count : 123
Software used : GtkRadiant v 1.4
Known Bugs : None - please let me know if you find any
Build Time : A little bit and then some.
A few more days of spare time in between writing my books. For those of you familiar with the little cans of coke hidden in most of my maps for your searching pleasure, I thought it might be fun to move the cans to new locations and re-release the maps so you can search for them again! Nothing else here is changed (except a poster texture)... so please don't say you weren't warned. Think purely of the fun!
There is ONE can hidden in this map. There wasn't a can previously in this map... so there ya go!
The Dark Forest
By Dai
Well the idea making a forest was like good,sooner or later when i really start mapping i had really much and much bugs,to be honest i was more bug fixing then mapping,so that means im not that excited anymore about this map.It turned very different from what ive expected but i think the arena will fill up the fun,Its basicly a forest with a doomed house and a cave that leads to an arena,there's also a teleport that leads to a room with weapons,i couldn't find any ideas how i could stack the weapons in the main map cause it was already full of other things so i made 1 room for weapons and ammo.That's a fine discription of my map.
Ancient Egyptian Catacombs
By Syko
This is my first Map!!! I know it doesn't go well for looks, but don't judge a book by it's cover. This map is REALLY fun with a lot of people. The layout of this map is based on a level from Rare's Banjo-Tooie game. It does have bot routing but there is one small area where it doesn't work.
AoF Council
By Kalek
This map was made in two days for my clan, the Angels of Fire. It is a map for council meetings/promotions/other rp related things. We are a semi RP clan. We are recruiting. No, this is not a recruitment attempt, I've seen many clan maps before and they rarely mentioned how the clan can be found, and now it can be.
There are enough seats for everyone on the council, and an onbservation area where the large statues are located.This is only the first version.
Several Sided Sid's Tantive IV Rebel Blockade Runner
This is my interpretation of the interior of the 'Tantive IV' Rebel Blockade Runner, the Corellian Corvette seen at the beginning of A New Hope and also in Revenge Of The Sith. I have tried to include every angle we see on film in both movies and also I have extended past this, to the rest of the ship, to show what it could be like.
But watch out - the Imperials have us in their sights!!
I finally found a few days in between writing my books (more to come on those soon, I hope - will keep you all posted...) to work on my maps again. For those of you familiar with the little cans of coke hidden in each one for your searching pleasure, I thought it might be fun to move the cans to new locations and re-release the maps so you can search for them again! I may do a Can-Hunt Map-Pack at some point, but I thought I'd release this one all by itself first.
There are actually TWO cans hidden in this map now - one in plain sight and just for a laugh, and the other is difficult to find unless you have your sabre ignited and are prepared to search high and low, as before...
Apart from the cans, I have rigged the walls to explode in a few more places! Other than that, the map is exactly the same as the .v1 release... apart from a tiny texture touch-up in a couple of locations...
(The ship is intentionally slightly oversize, as I first tried building it in proper proportion and the game's own camera angle means you feel like you're banging your head as you follow the player. So a slightly bigger space means that gameplay is as flawless as can be, I find. I know other mappers have found that too!)
By DarthNormaN
Buildtime : 1 Month
Compiletime : ~30min
Brushes : 2609
Entities : 98
Botsupport : Yes (buggy but i had no time )
New textures : Yes
New effects : Yes
Secret : No
New models : Yes
New music : No (t1_rail/rail_nowhere.mp3)
Facts about Jumpspace
Contestmap for Map-Review's 5th contest
Supports 10-player-ffa (only)
put the .pk3 file into your 'JediKnight:JediAcademy/GameData/base' folder
» Darth NormaN
I tested this map on a clear version of JKA (v1.0.1, without bonus mappack).So if there are still some unexpected bugs then you have broken shaders or assets in your base folder. If you are sure that this is not the case contact me personally or in the forums i mentioned above. But i hope that won't be necessary ;P
The archive 'jumpspace.pk3' includes the following files:
map in .bsp AND .map format
new textures
new shaders
new effects
arena file/levelshot/botroute
...and the folders that belong to them.
To map with my shaders enter "jumpspace" into your shaderlist.txt!
Dune Sea Tower
By DarthNormaN
Buildtime : 45 days
Compiletime : ~30min
Brushes : 1956
Entities : 545
Bugs : I hope this time everything is ok, there is just one bug left which i cannot fix because it would destroy fps-rate
Botsupport : Yes
New textures : Yes
New effects : NO
Secret : No
New models : Yes
New music : Yes (general_grievous.mp3)
Facts about Dune Sea Tower
Contestmap for Darth Arth Mapping Academy Map Contest 2006
Updated version (all bugs are fixed)
put the .pk3 file into your 'JediKnight:JediAcademy/GameData/base' folder
» Darth NormaN
I tested this map on a clear version of JKA (v1.0.1, WITHOUT bonus mappack). So if there are still some unexpected bugs then you have broken shaders or assets in your base folder. If you are sure that this is not the case contact me personally or in the forums i mentioned above. But i hope that won't be necessary ;P
The archive 'dune_sea_tower.pk3' includes the following files:
map in .bsp AND .map format
new textures
new shaders
arena file/levelshot/botroute
...and the folders that belong to them.
To map with my shaders enter "desert_station" into your shaderlist.txt!
Mos Eisley Meanstreets
Brush Count : 3564 (blimey - it was fun though!)
Entity Count : 237
Millennium Falcon : 887 brushes all of its own & 38 entities !!
(will feature in more maps...)
Software used : JK2Radiant & GtkRadiant v 1.3.12 & GtkRadiant v 1.3.13
Known Bugs : there are a couple of flies buzzing around in the shadows but apart from that I think I've eradicated everything. If you DO find anything suspect in my construction, PLEASE email me as I will really cherish either positive OR negative feedback with many thanks.
Build Time : 3 days short of FAR too long... and then some!
Hidden in the barren wastelands of Tatooine, beyond the hills south of Mos Eisley, is a secret fortress town constructed as an academy-ground for hopeful mercenaries working for the Hutts. Long deserted when Imperial authorities first came to take the spoils of war, the town now serves as a battle arena for hardened warriors from across the Outer Rim. The walls ring out with the sounds of weaponry and death and only the most attuned fighters will champion the Meanstreets.
Oh, and by the way, there's also the Falcon!
Mos Espa Outskirts
JKHub Staff Note - This is the fixed version.
Brush Count : 12,696
Entity Count : 938
Software used : GtkRadiant v 1.4
Known Bugs : None - please let me know if you find any
Build Time : "No comment." - but V2 took three weeks to finalise
The outskirts of Mos Espa Spaceport, haven to smugglers from every corner of the galaxy. This map is not set in one particular time frame from the saga, but rather a glimpse at life in the port in general, with many vehicles to be explored and places to be found.
Several Sided Sid's Jedi Temple on Coruscant
Brush Count : 1,897
Entity Count : 2,020
Software used : GtkRadiant v 1.4
Known Bugs : None - please let me know if you find any
I'll be kind here and suggest to other mappers that the best way to light some maps is by using dozens and dozens of tiny little lights, rather than a handful of massive ones.
On the absence of city lights twinkling in the distance, this was for technical reasons.
The Jedi Temple itself is sooo big that Radiant could not possibly cope with something on that scale, so I had to build just the illuminated 'playable' area at the base of the pyramid, where we see Anakin and the Clone Troopers advancing in Revenge of the Sith, and where we see Yoda and Obi Wan battling it out in the daytime.
I considered a daytime map, but found the best way to handle the subject matter and the fact that I have only built a percent or two of the overall size of the place as it would be in reality (let's face it - this place is home to several thousand Jedi Knights at any one time!) was to fade away into blackness and suggest that there is more out there.
Personally, I think it makes for pretty atmosphere
I would not have built this map at all had it not been for Guss, who very kindly invited me onto his Jedi Temple Team.
The plan is to release a colossal Temple map, inside and out, and this is my part.
I thought I'd release it early to show how the project is going and to whet a few appetites for more.
Thanks man - this one taught me a lot!
Also another big thanks to SathiroN, for his continuing support and for letting me use some of the textures he created for my Mos Espa Outskirts map.
Hopefully sooner or later he will do the Jedi community a favour and release a compendium of his unfinished work!! (hint hint, nudge nudge, wink wink...)
The (JAWA) Temple
By Helena Revan
This is the long-awaited (JAWA) Clan map, although anybody is welcome to use and install it on their server. It began as a speeder bike track, with other areas located within the area enclosed by the track. It now features a council building, with a council room, lounge, and waiting areas; two arenas for dueling and training; a target range; some parks for gathering in; a couple of shrines; some secret areas; and of course the private council member apartments!
This map supports FFA, TFFA, Duel, and Power Duel. Because the map is very large, some players may have poor FPS, but I have tried to compensate for that using areaportals and hint brushes. Most of the areas where NPC's can be spawned are lockable from the inside, including the track control room and all council member apartments.