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359 files

  1. Byss Outpost

    Mapped by Roshi
    Byss Outpost is a multi-themed FFA/TFFA map for Jedi Academy. The main portion of the map is a Byss themed space station. This portion of the map contains bot routing. Going downstairs via elevator leads you to 4 teleporters linked to different themed arenas. The included arenas are:
    Bespin duel arena
    Desert rancor arena
    Yavin duel arena
    Hoth tauntaun joust arena
    Supported gametypes: FFA, TFFA
    Bot routing: yes
    Note: All textures in this map are base JA. If you experience missing textures, you have either deleted textures in your base folder, or downloaded maps containing custom textures that overwrite base JA textures.


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  2. DoA Tournament Complex

    Mapped by Roshi
    The official tournament map of Dark Order Alliance - Version 1.2. Large
    vjun/bespin themed area including 4 platforms with duel pads, one circular
    platform above the other 4, and the bottom floor which circles around the
    Supported gametypes: FFA, TFFA
    Bot routing: yes


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  3. DoA Flight Arena

    Mapped by Roshi
    The official flight map of Dark Order Alliance. Aircraft are spawned by
    using the switches on each landing pad.
    The included aircraft are:
    A-Wing - Gregory (Manquesa) Birmingham
    Anakin's StarFighter - Zymotico, Neo_knight
    Snow Speeder - tFighterPilot
    Republic Gunship - AOTC:TC Team, Mars Marshall
    TIE-Advanced - RAVEN, Mars Marshall
    TIE-Interceptor - RAVEN, Mars Marshall
    Supported gametypes: FFA, TFFA
    Bot routing: yes


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  4. Force Council Headquarters

    Mapped by Roshi
    This is a complete rebuild of my first map for Jedi Academy, "Force Council Headquarters" (FCHQ). The layout and theme of the map is much the same as the origional, however this version includes many more features than the last. Here is a brief list of the new features:
    - completely reworked architecture
    - security camera room (secret entrance)
    - ambient sound
    - enhanced balance arenas
    - vis compile (unlike the last version, one room loads at a time, saving your FPS)
    - sounds can no longer be heard through walls (vis compile)
    - doors with soundsets (the previous version had silent doors)
    - redesigned airport/council room
    - 32 player slots
    - bot routing
    - mini TIE-Fighters/Bombers (released by Keshire)
    - the mini TIEs have been tweaked so that they cannot kill other players, only other mini TIEs.
    - their mass has been reduced to 0, so that they cannot bludgeon other players, and do not take impact damage (walls).
    - please note that these mini TIEs are CUSTOM VEHICLES. If you get the ".veh extensions too large" error, your vehicle cap limit has been reached. This means you have too many custom vehicles in your base folder. You can fix this by deleting custom vehicles, or maps containing custom vehicles (DoA Flight Arena, Kotor Flight School, ect.) Since there are only 2 custom vehicles in this map, you need only delete 2 of your existing custom vehicles (or one map containing custom vehicles), if your vehicle cap limit has been reached.
    Supported gametypes: FFA, TFFA


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  5. Kalek's FFA Base

    This map takes a break from my usual clan based maps to something else. I've always used custom textures in every map that I have released, that is not the case here. I did my best to try to make this map look as if it could pass for a base map. I think I've gotten pretty close. I hope others will be able to enjoy it as much as my friends and I have these past few days.
    This is pretty straight forward, it's just what you see in the screenshots, plus a few little easter eggs
    Ok not so little.


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  6. Free Saber Alliance Council

    This is my first publically released map. It was made for my clan, the Free Saber Alliance, however I tried to keep clan references to a minimum. This map could serve many purposes, there is a flying area with mini tie-fighters and mini tie-bombers that are included as a separate pk3 file in the zip file. There are dueling areas and spaces for FFA and TFFA, as well as a training area with triggers for various NPCs.


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  7. Tatooine Nights

    This map is a second attempt to represent part of a Tatooine space port at night. Even though it's a second version, there is very little from the first map that survived from the first version into the second version. It is intended to be used for ffa and tffa. It was also made to have somewhat of a single player feel to it. If you play the map by yourself, there are plenty of things to keep you busy. It would also be a good map for merc wars. There are a bunch of destructible brushes and most of the control panels/computers trigger something, although it may not be visible from where the trigger is located. Have fun finding them all!


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  8. Antioch

    Antioch was one of the cities that was fought over between the Muslims and the Christians during the medieval crusades. The inspiration for this map came from Assassin's Creed, although at the construction of the map, I have not played it. I used screenshots from the game's website as reference points. There is a wooden button near the main large door to spawn some npc's which are supposed to add to the ambience.


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  9. Mine Station

    Author: StarGateSG_1
    A fictional space station in orbit around saturn, it mines crystals from the asteriods in Saturn's rings.
    This was originally intended for the Mapping contest, but I hadn't finished it yet, so here it is . I will add a proper skybox
    in the next version.


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  10. Sitharena

    This is a Small FFA and Duel map it has a small outside area and a big arena it has all the guns for FFA combat.


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  11. ))=((iddens Gaming Club ))=((angout

    This is the 4th map I made for Hiddens Gaming Club. I felt old map was getting a little boring so I made this new one. In new version I left out dodgeball, lasertag, and the race track. I added Thermal Toss, Ski slope, Museum, Hotel, Shooting Range and many improved rooms. I hope everyone enjoys this map and I look forward to playing it with everyone in the server.
    HGC HANGOUT 4 Map Playing Tips:
    On ski slope, run do and do amknockmedown so you 'sled' down.
    In Kung fu room, never jump kick, just grab, punch, and kick.
    In training area, each color is a different course.
    Museum to dark? Turn on the lights!
    HANGOUT 4 Rooms Include:
    Main Outside FFA area
    Ski Slope/Cave
    Thermal Toss
    Rancor Pit
    Main Temple FFA
    Pillar Room
    Main Duel Room
    Pong Room
    Kung Fu Room
    Tourney Room
    Training Area
    Mercenary Area
    Shooting Range
    Members Area (HGC members only stuff)


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  12. Asteroid: H5

    Asteroid H5 is the 5th map in the HGC Hangout series. Past maps have taught me lessons and I've capitalized on those lessons when making this new map. I decided to go with an asteroid in an asteroid field this time around because I felt it gave the map some class. Past maps were just random fun and games. This time it's more serious. I had some inspiration from the asteroid Lumiya occupied in space in the Legacy of the Force book series. This map includes many features like secret areas, the mission, and more. It gives you something to do if no one is playing the map with you. I hope everyone enjoys the map and if anyone has questions or need hints/help you may contact me by the email address below.
    -There will be a server running this map for quite some time after map release. Go to the website above to find the server tracker.
    -Please ask for permission before using any custom made content.
    There are several secrets in this map. The well of doom the most obvious and difficult of them. There are also some traps. The mission leads you to most of the secrets but not all.
    WARNING: Do not go past the artificial environment emitters without being in a tie-fighter, or you will be exposed to space!
    Bugs: Since map allows you to go everywhere, not everything is perfect. I feel the minor problems are acceptable though and feel it's ready to share.
    Your TIE-fighter comes out of hyperspace and approaches the asteroid field. The engines moan as they cease operation.
    You have been formally invited and given the exact location of the asteroid to complete your mission, but you remain cautious, for the asteroid feels surrounded in the dark side of the force...
    You read all available data before landing and reporting to the council area.
    -Database Record-
    Asteroid H5 is located in the Thoridian sector near the Thordor asteroid field. Exact location of the asteroid changes constantly and is unknown at this time. HGC operatives have occupied the region for centuries and H5 is their likely base of operations. It is recommended to stay clear unless formally invited. Asteroid H5 has great abundances of water and several different kinds of rock. Continuous simulated atmospheric conditions have melted the water deposits and formed a landscape of great wonder with creatures attracted to its power and hospitable enclaves.
    Infiltrate the asteroid, and do the following:
    Find the Sith which taint the asteroid and defeat their leader Desann.
    Find the Twin Eye artifacts that will give you powers only one could dream of.
    Find RoboMan and sign out a shuttle to transport the artifacts back to Coruscant.
    All these must be done or your mission will be incomplete!
    Once complete, mission accomplished!
    Find all six of them! Then declare yourself awesome!
    Date Started: 2/24/09
    Date Completed: 5/2/09
    Construction Notes:
    Includes breaks and non-constructive days.
    Includes idea and blueprint construction time before designing map itself.
    On May 15th a few small bugs were fixed while an arena file was added by request.


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  13. Bramble Gambol 2

    I ask those who download this map to respect my work and do not decompile it, tamper with it, or host the file itself for download anywhere without permission from me directly. I share this map so other gamers can check it out and have some fun with playing it. I do not release it for people to tamper and take it apart to steal features or so forth. This work was done by me, owned by me and shared from me to you, and I release my work by choice and I can easily choose to not release future projects in the future, so please respect my work.
    ::ABOUT MAP::
    This map IS NOT a replacement for the original Bramble Gambol I made a while back. The old Bramble Gambol had completely different courses. This map has all new courses. I recommend players of this map have completed at least a majority of the courses in the previous map as this one is a bit more difficult. No course is based on any luck variables.
    Upon mastering all courses of the previous map BG1 (Original Bramble Gambol) and friends getting them down packed too, I decided to go ahead and make a part 2. The last one didn't focus on design whatsoever, but this map I decided to take on a more designed approach to make the atmosphere more satisfying to the player. This map, like the last, focuses on testing your skills at manipulating the physics of this game to complete various courses design by me. All are possible and there are flowers (not stars like this time) to show how hard each course is. The more flowers, the harder it is (in my opinion of course). Once you get a strong feel and try the courses many times they will get easier and easier. They take practice! I've mastered the hardest course on BG1 after much practice. You (the player) can too, given time and patience along with any map here. Wouldn't it be cool to master a course that your archrival can't do? Who's got the skills now?!
    I got inspiration to start this map series after thinking about good old times in other games, specifically Diddy Kongs Quest for the SNES. Granted, this doesn't look like the game at all, nor play like it, and no images or so forth were copied, but I decided to give the game credit (since I used a remix of the Bramble theme song) with the opening screenshot being an image from the game itself. The whole skilled jump course idea just came to me one day as I wanted to get my skill up. I then went about level designing as my last experiences with level design allowed me to create such maps as these. It needed a theme so this is the one I picked.
    I'd ask, if you do enjoy the map, to let me know. I only release these maps because I feel others may like to play them as well.


    ::HOW TO PLAY::
    This is a basic introduction about the mechanics of Jedi Academy.
    Each course does something a bit different. To complete each course, make it to the end where you will find a button to press or land on and a teleport to take you back to the start. Press the button to see a victory effect. Do not use the jetpack/grapple or any shortcuts to complete any course or you did not really complete it.
    It is ok to land on the sides of a pushing barrel but it's considered an imperfect run. A perfect run would avoid any glitches and otherwise diversions from going straight through the course. Here are some basic concepts:
    Strafe Jumping - Gaining speed as you continuously jump. There are some tricks to jump farther and more accurately. I'm not here to give lessons, but the best example of controlled Strafe jumping is Hiddens Revival. This is not strictly a strafe long jumping type course, as you must watch where you land and not go too fast (I've shot way past goal several times).
    Air Maneuvering - When you are shot into the air, you can guide where you land by using the arrow keys. The barrel colors help you get an idea of what to expect but don't tell you exactly what to do. Watching how fast your surroundings move, you should be able to guess on what to do.
    Dodging - When dodging green wood (poison) from a moving barrel, remember you can run to move quickly and walk to move slowly. Walking makes many courses much easier, so use it!
    More and more - There are a ton of tricks with this map that many players may not of encountered before. I could write a book on all the little things to learn to help master these courses. I'm open to helping people who request it.
    FLOWERS at each course represent how difficult I feel each course is. You can count how many flowers there are or go by top one. I'll do both. If you like Golf, you could times the amount of flowers by 3 and that would be the par for the course.
    - Blue (1 flower) - An Easy course.
    - Green (2Fl) - A moderate course.
    - Yellow (3fl) - A challenging course
    - Orange (4fl) - A very challenging course
    - Red (5fl) - A very difficult course.
    - If you use any mod/cheat to get to the goal of any course, you automatically fail. This includes but is not limited to grapple hook from japlus, jetpack, or anything other than basic base movement.
    - If you miss a barrel, just fall. You will be teleported back to the starting area. Trying to grapple can drives you nuts in this map as it's difficult to get back where you were generally.
    - Force regenerate rate was set to "0" when testing the courses on this map. However the default "200" can also be used on most courses. However a regen rate of "0" may be more practical on some courses.
    1-Beginners Luck *
    2-Hiddens Revival ***
    3-Full Bloom *****
    4-Foliage Hoist **
    5-Serendipity **
    6-Snake Dance 2 ****
    7-Ivory Tower ****
    8-Hogshead ***
    9-The Grasshopper **
    10-Slippery Slopes ****
    ::BARREL TYPES (w/hints)::
    Brown Open - A barrel that shoots you somewhere when landing in it. Speed is not announced (but generally nothing extreme). You may or may not have to dodge a danger or two to get to next barrel.
    Brown Closed - A barrel you must land on and jump to the next from. You may not want to solidly land but to strafe jump from it instead.
    Red Open - A hint to the player that this barrel will be shooting you faster than needed (usually meaning you will need to pull back in order to get to the next barrel).
    Red Closed - You want to land and stay on this barrel. When you do land on it, it will take off quickly. You will want to jump from this barrel once the next one is in range.
    Blue Open - A hint to the player that this barrel will be shooting you slower than needed (usually meaning you will need to push forward in order to get to the next barrel).
    Blue Closed - These barrels automatically move back and forth, but slowly. You might have to wait for them on a purple barrel. Land on them, and use them to get to the next barrel.
    Yellow Open - Shoots you in the general direction of next platform, but you must dodge obstacles to make it.
    Purple - Moves up and down. Waiting Area, keep jumping (time it out) to be safe!
    Green Wood - Poison. Instant death.
    White Wood - Slippery. You will slide with minimal control.
    Turquoise tube - Shoots you through it to next barrel.
    -If you are pushing any buttons in turquoise tubes that will just send your character likely in a bad direction.
    - Try to remember how you screwed up the first time. I've seen players fail over and over again doing the same thing. If what you did didn't work, try something else! Try to make progress each try, and take your time and think! No map depends on luck.
    - Don't rush it. Once you start rushing you generally just die more and make little progress if at all.
    - Examine a course before attempting it! Far too often players glance at the course from a distance and soon as they get to it, they jump on the first barrel and fall straight down; or after getting the first push they fall and fail the course.
    - All courses were tested thoroughly and proven possible over and over again. No course is luck, or randomly timed based. All can be done 100% of the time if your skill is up to the challenge.
    Looking for help? I'll be posting a youtube video before long. Check out my youtube channel:


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  14. Sirens Enclave

    Sirens Enclave is a fictional place I thought up after being inspired by the story of the greek sirens, and my previous map Zoras Domain which was inspired by the Zelda N64 version of Zoras Domain. I base this map in a fictional story where you the player are a sailor who was part of a crew that was lured to an island of Anthemoessa by a song which was mesmerizing. The ship strikes a reef and starts to sink. You make your way to the nearest cover to avoid the man eating birds, and find yourself in a cave that appears to be their domain. The birds feed on the crew but you manage to make it to the cave, and now this is where you must make your escape.
    I actually wasn't going to release this map, but was finally talked into it. Please respect my work and perhaps I'll release another creations I've been working on.
    Hope you enjoy! If you have any questions or comments, send me an email.
    I ask those who download this map to respect my work and do not decompile it, tamper with it, or host it anywhere without permission from me directly. I share this map so other gamers can check it out and have some fun playing it. I do not release it for people to tamper and take it apart to steal features or so forth. This work was done by me, owned by me and shared from me to you, and I release my work by choice and I can easily choose to not release future projects, so please respect my work.

    On a voyage into the unknown, enchanting music mesmerizes the ship's crew and guides them off course. Suddenly there is a loud crash as the starboard hits a reef. The loud noise wakes up the crew out of their trance and they find themselves near the rocky coast of Anthemoessa. While most of the crew fell overboard, or were taken away by man-eating Sirens, you managed to guide the boat before it sank to a nearby cave away from all the demon birds who are feasting on the rest of the crew. Welcome to the Siren's Enclave.


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  15. FFA Rooftop

    Author: ZaP
    That is a typical real FFA map. A skycraper city in rooftop style.


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  16. Shaft Duel

    Well, I'm not sure what to say I was inspired by Bespin to create a shaft looking duel arena.


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  17. Cartoon World

    I wanted to make some out of the ordinary so i decided to try to make a cartoon map it has a little house and some hills and a lake


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  18. Old Rebel Base

    This is the third version of my old rebel base, it's bigger and got better lighting it now also features two hangers an empty and one full of x-wings plus a cargo room (it was supposed to be a good gun fighting room but i think it faild)


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  19. Out Side The Old Rebel Base

    here it is the outside of the old rebel base (this area takes place in front of locked hanger door) please notice that this it my first real terrain map (i did make a test map a while back through) anyway this map contains two dead AT-ATs, an little ice cave, a control "house" and a secret that may indicate that there's something in map that you don't wan't to meet >


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  20. The Temple of Solstice

    I'm really proud of this map. The main problem is some people may have low frame rate. Especially on older computers. But I was not able to optimise it any better. Actually the optimisation of the map has been done by Kobra, and it still runs a lot smoother than after I tried to optimise it.
    The map features plenty of nice places for a duel and is quite visually appealing. There's a good variety of areas: The garden, the temple, huge flat platform in the middle of space where you can get through a teleport, a duel arena made of 4 bridges to which you also get through teleport, a nice arena in the garden with seats all around it. There are even catacombs, and I was thinking of some clan events that may possibly use such setting. I don't like to talk a lot about my work, so you should just download the map and see for yourself if you'll like it or not. Make sure to read ReadMe.txt.


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  21. Emperor's Throne Room

    but also FFA and Duel so people can play it
    without needed to use the bots
    Based on the Emporers Throne room from Return of the Jedi
    Thanks to
    Eniac for making the cool skybox and the throne =]
    also thanks
    Sith-J-Cull for all his help.


       (9 reviews)



  22. Battle of Caretan

    Mapa para ffa y tffa.Este mapa es una conversion del mapa del cod2 Carentan adaptado para el jk3.
    Map for ffa and tffa.Este map is a map of COD2 conversion adapted for jk3 Carentan.


       (3 reviews)



  23. Sith Council v1

    This map is loosely based on the Jedi Council GC map form JK2. In the main area, there are 4 duel rooms, one interigation room, and one Armory. Also a bar to sit back and relax. Threw the main doors, to the left, is a medical room to be healed. To the right are the bedrooms to rest and watch some good old tv. And straight is the main duel room with stands to watch, also a VIP room for the high power followers of Kahn and Neo. There is also an elevator going to the basement threw the min doors. In the basement, right outside of the elevator doors, there is a dungeon with many dead council members who betrayed Kahn and Neo. If you go right around the corner, there is a duel circle after jumping up the pillars like in the Jedi Council GC map. Finally, all the way around the corner is the Sith Council room. This is an area for clans to talk. There are benches and tables to sit back and relax and talk. There is a secret cave somewhere that leads to the tomb of Kahn and Neo. Have fun finding the entrance and the way threw the maze. Also, if you have played the RJ_Sublime map, you know about their control center. I loved the idea and added one here too. There are three switched. One to close off the bar, one to hide/show the signs on all doors, and one to transform a room. There are some areas that have low lighting but I am not the best with lighting yet. There are so many area to play so I hope you have fun and I hope to put out another version with all the suggestions that you have/will give me.
    After so many people where asking for the Jedi Council GC Map for jk2 brought to JA, I decided to do something about it. I decided to make my own with a Sith feel to it. IN the .ZIP file, you will find the history behind the map and maybe some inside info to the entrance of the caves. This map was created from scratch and I never edited the Jedi Council GC .map file. This map has took about a good month to get how I want it too. There are some areas that have low lighting but i am not the best with lighting yet. There are so many area to play so I hope you have fun and I hope to put out another version with all the suggestions that you have/will give me.


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  24. Moe's Tavern

    This is Moe's tavern from the Simpsons! This map has everything, the bar, pool table, booths to eat at, the "love" Machine, and lots more. There even the Flaming Moe! There is lots of room outside, on the roof - where the B-Sharps sang, and a little less inside but still enough room to duel. I ahve also put about 5 songs together for the background music. All the music has been in an episode and I think you should know them all(maybe not the last one, its the newest). Outside, there is also a parking lot with three cars. Behind the building is also a dumpster.
    I made this map after seeing an episode of the simpsons with Moe's Tavern in it(which epiode doesnt?) but then I thought I would take a break from Sith Council Verion 2 and make this. I have made all tetxures from extacting colours from pics of the tavern. So all textures are mine. I had also wanted to add Moe's Office but I cound't find any pics of it. I am planing on making more of the town so once I do, I hope to find a pic of it so I can add it next version. This map took me about 2 1/2 weeks off and on...


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  25. Sith Council v2

    his is Version 2 of my Sith Council Map. This map is loosely based on the Jedi Council GC map form JK2. In the main area, there are 4 duel rooms, one interrogation room, one Armory and class rooms. If you go threw the doors for the classroom, u will see one class with desks to learn the basic, and a library to access those old Sith files. If u go to the end of the hallway, there is a Cafe. Make sure you eat enough so u can finish all your training. Also a bar to sit back and relax. Threw the main doors, to the left, is a medical room to be healed. To the right are the bedrooms to rest and watch some good old TV. And straight is the main duel room with stands to watch, also a VIP room for the high power followers of Kahn and Neo. There is also an elevator going to the basement threw the min doors. In the basement, to the right of the elevator doors, there is a jail. This jail has four different jail cells in it. Two of the jail cells can only be opened by one side. Another jail cell can be opened from both sides and have work-out equipment in it. The last cell can not be opened. This cell has all the dead council members who betrayed Kahn and Neo. If you go right around the corner, there is a duel circle after jumping up the pillars like in the Jedi Council GC map. Finally, to the left of the elevator doors is the Sith Council room. This is an area for clans to talk. There are benches and tables to sit back and relax and talk. In the main Room, you also see a big door opposite to the door I just talked about. Threw the doors u will find one more door, and threw there is the NEW out door area. There are many trees to hind behind and attack people. To the left of the entrance, there is a water fall, nice area to duel. Straight across u see a red light on the wall, go and press the button and the wall will open. There is a Court House to judge the lamers and a rancor pit beneath to teach them a lessen. And finally to the right of the entrance to the out door area and another waterfall, but dont fall down or you will fall to your death. There is a NEW secret cave somewhere that leads to the tomb of Kahn and Neo. In the tomb, there is now a sacrifice room to kill all those needed. Have fun finding the entrance and the way threw the maze. Also, if you have played the RJ_Sublime map, you know about their control center. I loved the idea and added one here too. There are three switched. One to close off the bar, one to hide/show the signs on all doors, and one to transform a room.
    After so many people where asking for the Jedi Council GC Map for jk2 brought to JA, I decided to do something about it. I decided to make my own with a Sith feel to it. IN the .ZIP file, you will find the history behind the map and maybe some inside info to the entrance of the caves. This map was created from scratch and I never edited the Jedi Council GC .map file. This map has taken about a good year to get how I want it too. (I know, I got lazy) Try and find all the new secret areas and try to remember the olds ones too. (Dont be surprised if some have moved though). There are so many areas to play so I hope you have fun.
    PLease dont add me to MSN to get help on Mapper or skinning


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