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Status Updates posted by Bek

  1. I don't like high school.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Psyk0Sith


      Exactly and i didn't even mention the holidays and random days off! Best job ever.

    3. Syko


      Also, in all seriousness, college is a lot better. Just hang in there.

    4. Bek


      (late response because of lack of internet), Thanks guys, for at least putting into perspective. Though as Syko said college seems to be the time when everything is going to get better. I hope.

  2. I feel jkhub is becoming less and less active.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. eezstreet


      Exam time for most people. People are busy with other stuff. Not less active, just more dormant.

    3. Smoo


      Assignment time for me :<

    4. Bek


      Good luck, dude.

  3. I guess we know the reason of Han's absence in Jka :(.

    1. minilogoguy18


      JA happens WAY before TFA if that's what you're getting at.

    2. Bek


      YOu're right, my mistake. Just for the record I know that jka and tfa are totally unrelated, canonically.

  4. I hate living near a university.

    1. Psyk0Sith


      Why?! You could be living the dream, just like in old school!

    2. Bek


      Not really. I can't get a proper rest because of the parties at night. And they continue ALL night. Closing the window doesn't change anything. However if I was invited to one of these parties my opinion might change lol.

  5. I hate running into my ex in public.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Bek


      Will do.

    3. Smoo
    4. Bek


      Not onoez, I've learned so much since then, but there's still some regret.


  6. I honestly don't want a kotor 3. The series ending on a good enough note.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bek


      God I hate it when I misspell something in a status update. >.<

      Can we add an edit button in jkhub 2.0?

    3. Bek


      You're right Ping. Although I'd just like an original story, which is isn't hindered down by the previous game's shortcomings.

    4. lang_french


      In found this but not tested yet: http://www.revengeofrevan.com/ It is like an "unofficial Kotor 3", did you know it?

  7. I love it when Jkhub cuts off my sentences, before I ca...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cerez


      Hehehe! Yeah, I'm not even sure why there's a word limit on these comments... I guess it's because we c...

    3. Bek


      I shouldn't complain too much, I love Jkh...

    4. Ping


      The status update section is oftentimes more interesting to me than the actual forum, which is ironic given that its m...

  8. I love this old kotor trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qA61YmSRcFQ

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RebelChum


      ..The Force!

    3. Cerez


      Ah! Makes sense. Thanks. ^_^ Superb trailer, and an even better game. ;)

    4. Bek


      It's just awesome seeing these early trailers, back before I knew pretty much nothing about SW.


      ... no power greater than Xbox.

  9. i miss the random thread

    1. Circa


      I think you're having a nostalgia attack lately. Pls seek medical attention immediately.

    2. Bek


      Send halp pls

    3. the_raven


      I too, miss it :'(

  10. I need a hug.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bek
    3. Dusty


      When I get down remembering these words of wisdom helps me a bit: "YOU CANNOT BEAT A JEDI"

    4. Bek
  11. I not feeling festive rn, jkhub.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Xioth



    3. Bek


      I really miss all you guys. Like seriously. I've been very busy doing real life stuff for awhile now. I'll be back here like I used to be one of these days. I don't think I'll ever leave the hub.

    4. Xioth


      Good, we love you buddy :D

  12. I really enjoyed TLJ. I really don't understand the outright hate for the movie. Like literal hatred.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Barricade24


      This has probably be one of the most divisive Star Wars films of all time.

    3. Futuza


      It has problems, but overall I like it.

  13. I really wish Robot Chicken would make another Star Wars special.

    1. IrocJeff


      I don't care for Seth Green at all but I love some of those shorts. Dr. Ball is a riot.

    2. Bek


      There's childhood memories and then there's Robot Chicken.

  14. I recommend this page for anybody trying to model a head: http://www.craftsy.com/blog/2013/05/drawing-a-head/

  15. I think Faiorden has reached SW enlightenment.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Bek


      Oh God not you too, Seven!

    3. Seven


      Execute order 77

    4. Bek


      ..it's too late...no...

  16. I want to be rich.

    1. IrocJeff


      what does rich have to save about this.. hehe

    2. Bek


      I will let you know one day.

    3. swegmaster


      richie rich? xd

  17. I wish the textures in jka were just as good in modview.

    1. DT.


      Lighting and shaders man, stuff that Modview doesn't support. :(


      Source code is available though if someone wanted to add it.

    2. Rooxon


      Well it would be nice but I got a certain setup in-game which lets me make quick shaded shots as well. H key bound to "helpusobi 1", B key bound to "exec camsp" and a saved file standing on a platform on the first stage of Tatooine.

      I open the game, load the stage, press H B V, position the camera, screenshot, done! :D Takes a minute or two to do about 4-5 shots!

    3. Rooxon


      But I'm all for updating the modview a bit! I really hope this wouldn't be too hard and that someone would be willing to help us out! :) I can help too as much as I'm able to!

  18. I wonder if the destruction of the Death Star had any real side effect on the planet's atmosphere it was orbiting?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bek


      Interesting, here I assumed I had an original thought.

    3. Daedra


      Original thinking would be assuming that the Death Star plans still exist, as the second Death Star was destroyed whilst still being built, yet the first Death Star was destroyed near completion yet they till had the plans to make the second one. So the plans must be there for a third Death Star, right? And since the new Star Wars Rogue One movie is ENTIRELY about obtaining the Death Star plans.. I think we have not seen the last of that Space Station.

    4. IrocJeff


      Bek, I found that years ago when I wondered if chunks of DS2 fell to Endor. I searched and found that. Went crosseyed reading it but it was a fun read.

  19. I..I thought you were a Gep gun.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. JediBantha


      Watch out for the Karkian though.

    3. Barricade24


      Bring me that young woman!

    4. JediBantha


      I ain't goin' back to jail.

  20. I'm a bit late, but I finally got my driver's permit!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bek


      Don't feel too bad about it. I failed a bunch of times. Just pull an all nighter and you should be good.

    3. Cerez


      Next up: heli permit. :D The sky is the limit!

    4. Bek


      I'm up for that lol

  21. I'm disappointed that aperion got cancelled

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Circa


      Looked like stock UE4 assets was all they had to show for the most part. I didn't see much of anything that looked like KOTOR or even Star Wars yet. Maybe I missed something.

    3. Wasa


      You're correct, Circa. They haven't even made basic gameplay. It was just a UE4 tech demo

    4. Bek


      idk, right before they got shut down I saw some pretty decent stuff (for example https://www.artstation.com/artwork/aRNW4L). Plus the game development streams they did were really great. For example.

  22. I'm pretty sure I had a birthday status when I left, but I think it went *poof*.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ping


      Nope, it's called "Ping commented on your status update"

    3. Bek


      Most likely.

    4. Cerez
  23. I've been rendering a animation for 14 hours straight now. New record!

    1. Daedra


      I've been rendering an animation too. I still haven't moved yet. :)

    2. Bek


      Haha In the time this has been rendering I've gone to school and have gone to sleep twice. I'm seriously worried that when I come back to my computer It's cpu will be burnt out. However I wouldn't be surprised at all though lol.

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