69 files
By JKHub
Author: Lord Hatrus and Manquesa
Here is the animated b-wing, part of the earlier Assault Ships Pack.
The wings fold out after take off and the body rotates, just like in the
X-Wing vs Tie Fighter games and such.
Animations, EFX, and Final Skin were done by Manquesa. This model is armed
with 3 fwd linkable lasers, and 1 fwd ion cannon.
Notes: The ship is somewhat akward to fly.
To spawn this, go ingame and do /devmap box in your console. Then type:
/npc spawn vehicle b-wing
to spawn the vehicle(s). You will have to step back or to the side a bit for it to appear.
Submitted by: Barricade24
By JKHub
Author: Manquesa
This is the A-wing starfighter from Star Wars as seen in the movie Return of the Jedi. It is a very fast and maneuverable vehicle capable of taking on the fastest imperial fighters.
Features: 2 side mounted laser blasters
2 proton torpedos launchers with lock on capabilities
2 main engines
Animated landing gear
Custom sounds and weapon effects
Custom sheild display and reticle
3 levels of LOD's
Submitted by: Barricade24
TIE Interceptor
By JKHub
Author: 7Im
This is the Tie-Interceptor starfighter from Start Wars as seen in the movie Return of the Jedi. It is very fast ans maneuverable and is a good match for taking on the Awing
Features: 4 laser blasters mounted at the tips of the wings
Custom sounds
Custom sheild display and reticle
2 levels of LOD's
Submitted by Barricade24
By JKHub
Author: Manquesa
This is the Y-wing bomber from Star Wars as seen in the movie Return of the Jedi. It's a very tough and durable vehicle that can take a pounding, it's slow but has powerful weapons.
Features: 2 front laser canons
2 bottom proton torpedo launchers with lock on capabilites
A top mounted AI controlled turret
Animated landing gear
Custom sounds and weapon effects
Custom sheild display and reticle
4 levels of LOD's
Submitted by Barricade24
TIE Defender
By JKHub
Author: Lord Hatrus
Then Imperial Tie Defender, used to defeat the rogue Admiral Zarrin, and
featured in the Tie Fighter & Defender of the Empire PC game.
To spawn this, go ingame and do /devmap box in your console. Then type:
/npc spawn vehicle tie-defender
to spawn the vehicle. You will have to step back or to the side a bit for it to appear.
This file and all of its contents can be modified, changed, or used in any
map, mod, or project as long as credit is given to Lord Hatrusand Michael Gummelt.
TIE FIGHTER (EPISODE 7) Re-Skin by Dark_Apprentice
FILE NAME: TIE FIGHTER--Episode 7 by Dark_Apprentice.pk3
Autor of the re-skin: Dark_Apprentice
- LucasArts, Raven, Disney (for the original TIE Fighter vehicle in Jedi Academy, Idea & Design)
- NumberWan (some tips for Photoshop)
- Zappa_0 (for his version of the TIE Fighter model, that I use to put the new textures I've made)
- AshuraDX (for helping me out with the shaders)
!!! BUGS !!!
I have no idea why, but even after I have edit the shader file
few times and made tones of testing, the shadows of TIE fighter's wings is missing.
None other, that are familiar to me, if you find any, please comment.
Tested the model both for JKA Single Player & Multi Player, works good.
-- Somehow in Multi Player game play, when you load the TIE Fighter it doesn't show you
the transparant wing textures so much as in SP (but they are still transparant, just not so much as in SP
******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
In order to spawn the craft you need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
Singleplayer- Load a level, I suggest the "Trip" level, once your in the game make sure you move your character to an area big enough to spawn the craft.
* Hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console.
* Next type "devmapall"...hit enter (cheats are now on)...
* Next type "npc spawn vehicle (vehicle's name)"
--> Example: npc spawn vehicle tie-fighter
This mod just changes the basic TIE-Fighter textures from JKA, to look more like
the new desing from the trailers of STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS (Episode 7)
– Close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.
– Now this is the most important part, move back to allow the ship to spawn, it may need alot of space.
Once the ship spawns you simply move up and hit your "USE" key (usually return).
Now you can fly!
**Now read this part carefully**
...or you'll end up crashing into everything before you know it:
- To lift off you push down the space bar, but dont hold it down too long or you will
activate the turbo thrust (this will cause a crash almost always)
just lift off a little and tap the forward key a few times.
The more times you tap the faster you will go.
Use turbo only when you know you have enough space to jet.
Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different.
***Activate the console by hitting: shift+tild(~)
***Next type: /devmapall "mapname".
(Example: /devmapall kotor_flight_school) = The map will load with cheats activated.
Now join the game and find a large area to spawn the craft.
***Open the console again and type:
/npc spawn vehicle "vehicle name".
(Example: /npc spawn vehicle tie-fighter). Notice that Multi Player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
- Flying Vehicles
- Machine
- (and 1 more)
By JKHub
Submitted by Barricade24
This vehicle model was created by Light Ninja and texture by neomarz1, he has given permission for it to be uploaded here and we appreciate it very much.
Here is some text from the original readme...
Information: The AT-PT was originally developed by the Old Republic and was intended to be a major component of its ground forces. Platoons of troops were to be assigned AT-PTs; a single platoon would be granted the firepower of nearly a
company of ground troops at a substantially reduce cost. AT-PT platoons were to be equivalent to light mechanized infantry units with the added benefit of speed and extended comlink ranges, thus permitting the platoon to patrol a far greater area.
This light walker was also intended to provide armoured heavy fire support to infantry units. A soldier strapped into this vehicle was turned into an one-man attack force capable of stopping a full squad of infantry. Although this walker cannot match
the speeds obtainable by repulsorcraft, they can be devastating against conventional ground forces.
Project designers of the AT-PT developed the light walker to be suitable for open ground, shallow water, jungle, mountain terrain, and urban locations. This design can overcome inclines and obstacles that block repulsorlift and
treaded craft due to its independently adjusting leg suspension system. Unfortunately, most of the AT-PTs were carried onboard the famed Katana Fleet, and when that fleet disappeared without a trace momentum to continue the AT-PT project evapourated.
As a result the project was canceled.Ultimately, AT-PTs were never given the thorough battlefield testing they deserved. Many of the concepts pioneered by this design were later incorporated by Imperial engineers when they created the AT-AT and AT-ST.
Its heavily armoured command pod accords the driver with outstanding protection. Small flank hatches (with foot pegs below them) allow access into the cramped cockpit. Its legs can be fully extended upward for either high speed
movement or to allow the driver a superior observation position. The AT-PT can also adapt to operate in cramped conditions by moving itself into a "half crouch" posture, where its command pod is lowered to be even with its legs' drive joints.
When compared to the AT-ST, the AT-PT's drive system affords the light walker with superior balance. When sealed, the vehicle is virtually immune to small-arms fire. Located behind the command pod is the walker's main drive unit. Its primitive sensor
package is employed for navigation and assists in alerting the driver to approaching dangers."
AT-PTs are seeing use by Imperial Forces and can be carried into battle by Sentinel-class Landing Shuttles. Unfortunately, the Rebels have obtained a few AT-PTs from the Empire. An example of this was seen on the planet of Fest, where Rebel commandos
stole three AT-PTs from a secret Imperial weapons research facility. These walkers can still be found in the ranks of mercenaries and pirates who stole them, bought them on the black market or salvaged them from battlefields. Planetary defence forces such
as the m'Yalfor'ac Order (from the planet of Guiteica) employ the AT-PT (they approximately maintain three dozen of these light walkers).
This model has 1 year and i never thought that it would be finished but well, live is live and casually i contacted with NeoMarz1 and he was able to do this great skin for the model. Also i'll make soon a new version with much better walk animations,
if you get a veh file extension error, you have to many vehicles installed in your base folder, remove some of them from your base folder. standart max vehicles, then onces from raven included, is 16. there are mods that can improve that.
To install put it in your 'GameData/Base" folder, to uninstall remove "atpt.pk3" from your 'GameData/base' folder.
to play the vehicles in game start a map in cheat mode, "devmap ffa3".
when the map is loaded, bring down the console and type in "/npc spawn vehicle atpt_vehicle", make a LOT of steps back and then the vehicle should be in front of you.
have fun!, hope this help mappers in siege maps.
Bantha-II-Cargo Skiff
By AshuraDX
I finally finished my skiff vehicle for Academy to spawn it open the cheat console , activate cheats and type :
"npc spawn vehicle skiff"
Please notice that using the skiff_anims.pk3 file will make swoops and other vehicles that use the swoop animation ridiculous while only this skiff profits from the aniamtion replacement - this makes it also incompatible with any other animation mods
Have fun !
- Land and Hovering Vehicles
- Machine
- (and 2 more)
JKHub Exclusive Usable hop-on-chair-entity
By chewbuntu
This vehicle lets you sit on any chair model you wish, just appropriate placement over it needed!
hop on it, press USE or w/e.
rest to know is in the readme.txt aiight.
ah, you can test it by /devmap vehtest
if anybody can edit the .veh file to not show a radar, i'd appreciate it
hint: use entity modding - techniques to get rid of the hud, didnt try it but should work
GunshipVM Skinpack
By Zappa_0
Title :Republic Gunship Skin Pack
Vehicle Imports :Mars Marshall "NeoMarz1"
Modeling :Mars Marshall "NeoMarz1"
Skinning :Dark_Cuillere
Rigged :Zappa_0
Website :
File Name :gunshipVM_AOTC.pk3
File Size :2077KB
Date Released :1/30/2014
File Name :gunshipVM_ARC.pk3
File Size :2067KB
Date Released :1/30/2014
File Name :gunshipVM_Camo.pk3
File Size :1949KB
Date Released :1/30/2014
File Name :gunshipVM_Kenobi.pk3
File Size :2093KB
Date Released :1/30/2014
File Name :gunshipVM_ROTS.pk3
File Size :2042KB
Date Released :1/30/2014
File Name :gunshipVM_Shark.pk3
File Size :2157KB
Date Released :1/30/2014
Description : Skin pack for Neomarz's Republic Gunship Vehicle
Spawning Commands:
AOTC: npc spawn vehicle gunshipx_aotc
ARC: npc spawn vehicle gunshipx_arc
Camo: npc spawn vehicle gunshipx_camo
Kenobi: npc spawn vehicle gunshipx_kenobi
ROTS: npc spawn vehicle gunshipx_rots
Shark: npc spawn vehicle gunshipx_shark
******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
1) In order to spawn the craft you need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
Singleplayer- Load a level, I suggest the "Trip" levels, the once your in the game make sure you move your character to an area big enough to spawn the craft (big and somewhat flat) hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall"...hit enter (cheats are now on) type "npc spawn vehicle (vehicle's name)" Example: npc spawn vehicle gunshipx.
Here are the npc vehicle names for this pack...
cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again. Now this is the most important part, move back to allow the ship to spawn, it may need alot of space. Once the ship spawns you simply move up and hit your "USE" key (usually return). Now you can fly!
**Now read this part carefully**, or you'll end up crashing into everything before you know it. To lift off you push down the space bar, but dont hold it down too long or youll activate the turbo thrust (this will cause a crash almost always), just lift off a little and tap the forward key a few times. The more times you tap the faster you will go. Use turbo only when you know you have enough space to jet.
Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall kotor_flight_school. The map will load with cheats activated. Now join the game and find a large area to spawn the craft. Open the console again and type /npc spawn vehicle "vehicle name". Example: /npc spawn vehicle falconvm. Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
2) You can only have so many .veh files or the game wont even load a map. So you may have to pull vehicles out in order to use other ones. I think the limit is 12, but I'm not sure. If you happen to have the "Kotor_flight_school" map, then there are already 3 vehicles added to your overall amount. You may want to remove the map, or open the pk3, and remove the vehicles in the "Kotor" files. I like the Kotor map to fly around in, so of course I chose the second option.
One thing you may want to do is create a folder called "vehicle drop" in your base folder. That way you can shuffle vehicles in or out as needed.
***Trouble shoot***
1) vehicle wont spawn- make sure you have enough space to spawn, make sure you have cheats activated, make sure you use the proper npc name.
2) vehicle wont take off- You may have spawned the vehicle too close to a wall or rock. This will ancor the vehicle so that it wont move.
3) The vehicle keeps crashing- Read instructions up above, if you practice youll find that controlling the craft is pretty easy with practice. Big note here, you need a map with alot of room. Also keep from flying to high because the maps will have an invisible ceiling height that will cause you to crash. If you fly to fast into a cliff wall, you will be sent into a spinning crash! The crash detection is very sensative to fast collisions.
***Known Issues***
1) Gunship rockets dont work in Single Player.
- Flying Vehicles
- Land and Hovering Vehicles
- (and 2 more)
Base Vehicles Hover-Tweak
By MagSul
Once installed, this mod enables the following Base JA vehicles to come to a complete stop whilst in still in flight.
X-Wing (/npc spawn vehicle x-wing)
Tie Fighter (/npc spawn vehicle tie-fighter)
Tie Bomber (/npc spawn vehicle tie-bomber)
Tie Bomber 2 (/npc spawn vehicle tie-bomber2)
Lambda Shuttle (/npc spawn vehicle lambdashuttle)
Z-95 (/npc spawn vehicle z-95)
Note that this .pk3 overwrites the originals, so no new commands are required to spawn them. If you choose to upload this .pk3 to your server, your clients shouldn't actually have to download this for themselves, having tested that. Placing this in your Base folder will not allow you to hover on a server that does not have the pk3 uploaded. If you'd like to use the vehicles for solo games, then you only need to place this in your Base folder!
- Flying Vehicles
- JKHub Exclusive
- (and 1 more)
Moldy Crow Vehicle
By JKHub
Primary Author: Dark Forces Mod Team (model & textures)
Secondary Author: @AshuraDX (rigging & animations)
long story short : ages ago , I got the permission to convert the DF mod teams
moldy crow model to a vehicle , now I finally finished it I dont think there's much more to say here
spawn the moldy crow by typing "npc spawn vehicle moldycrow" in the console
cheats have to be activated for this to work
- Flying Vehicles
- Star Wars Related
- (and 1 more)
TIE Hunter
Tie Hunter
Discription: A prototype tie fighter that was to best the x-wing
Many probably wont recognize this thing but it was from the game Star Wars Rogue Squadron III:Rebel Strike
It looks kinda like a tie interceptor but with all the fixins of an x-wing(minus the droid) It has two
laser cannons, sheilds, missils, s-foils and a hyperdrive. For this i made the imp_laser thinner to look more like
they do in the movies. As well as it has no exhaust cause in the movies the engines just kinda glowed red
so thats what i did for that. And for those who feel all ships should do this, it can roll.
Just throw the tie_hunter.pk3 in your base and its as simple as that!
Take the tie_hunter.pk3 out of the base folder
Spawn code
/npc spawn vehicle tie_hunter
The two cannons on the struts were ion cannons in RS3, until i figure out how to code it to where i can
toggle between them like the atst, they wont do anything. I also tried to make the lasers fire linked like
the movies but you can just hit Use Held Item to link em.
Model: me
Anims and riggin: me
Skins: Raven
Shaders and efx files: me
Text files: me
Beta testing: Angelis
This file and all of its contents CANNOT be modified, changed, or used in any
map, mod, or project at all unless i approve. If your seeking permission you can contact me at minilogoguy
Star Viper (Xizor's Virago)
Star Viper (Xizor's Virago)
This is the very popular Back Sun starfighter from Shadows of the Empire expanded universe,
the Star Viper. When landed the wings are folded back and the guns tucked behind the ship. When in attack
mode the wings open and quoting a discription "blossom like a flower of death" as well as the cannons
rotating forward.
This is actually the second one that i made. The first had a terrible skin and wasnt too accurate
since i could't find any good reference pics so i scrapped it. Then a little while back i decided to remake
it new and improved.
To spawn this vehicle, go ingame and use devmap to enable cheats. Then type:
/npc spawn vehicle star_viper
Then step back a bit to let it spawn.
Installation: Put the star viper.pk3 into your base folder
Uninstallation: Remove the star viper.pk3 from your base folder
Model: minilogoguy18
Rigging and animations: minilogoguy18
Skin: NeoMarz1 (Mars Marshal)
This file and all of its contents canT be modified, changed, or used in any
map, mod, or project as long as i say its cool...
Arc-170 Fighter
Arc-170 Fighter
Protecting the skies over Coruscant were specialized clone fighter forces flying the latest
in starfighter technology. The ARC-170 fighter was a bulky, aggressive ship covered with weapons. Three
clone trooper pilots operated this advanced combat craft, with a pilot handling the flight maneuvers, a
copilot operating the laser cannons mounted on the ship's wide wings, and a tailgunner operating the
dorsal rear-facing cannon. The fighter also carried an astromech droid for onboard repairs.
Just throw the mini_arc.pk3 in your base and its as simple as that!
Take the mini_arc.pk3 out of the base folder
Spawn code:
/npc spawn vehicle mini_arc
I tried to get just the glass on the cockpit mesh to have a glare but it wouldnt work right. I think the
only way i could get it to work is make a new mesh out of just the glass. I also very badly wanted to
make the rear turrets controllable but i need to test it alot more, but ill keep the ship set up so that
it may one day be able to do so...
Model: me
Anims and riggin: me
Skins: Dark_Cuillere
Shaders and efx files: me
Text files: me
Beta testing: Me N' Dark_Cuillere
Programs used: Softimage|XSI v4.2, Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0, notepad and all the stuff that came with
the SDK
This file and all of its contents can be modified, changed, or used in any
map, mod, or project if i approve. If your seeking permission you can contact me at, or post on the forums.
Version 1.0
While the robust ARC-170s served as heavy fire craft, the nimble V-wing fighters were better
suited to dogfight engagements against the speedy vulture starfighters and tri-fighters. The needle-nosed
craft could hold a single clone pilot, with a partially covered astromech droid providing navigation and
in-flight repairs. Bracketing the wedge-shaped ship were a set of flat wings extending above and below
the ship. The wings were on articulated collars that allowed them to rotate 90 degrees for landing. Two
pairs of laser cannons were mounted on the wing struts, providing the V-wing with rapid snap-fire
Just throw the mini_vWing.pk3 in your base and its as simple as that!
Take the mini_vWing.pk3 out of the base folder
Spawn code
/npc spawn vehicle v-wing
Sometimes when you land and hit "use" to get out of the ship it'll just center the view, but just keep
hittig it and it'll let you out. =P
Model: me
Anims and riggin: me
Skins: Dark_Cuillere
Shaders and efx files: me & Inyri Forge
Text files: me
Special Thanks:
A big one to Dark_Cuillere for skinnning this thing for me since im a terrible texture artist, it sucks
though that he's very busy with college now to help me anymore =( Also to Inyri for helping me with the
layered shader to give the windows of the cockpit a glare while the rest of the model has a specular glow.
Oh yeah also to my buddy Corto for having the patience of teaching me how to use Softimage|XSI after me
using 3dsmax for so long. =P
This file and all of its contents CAN be modified, changed, or used in any
map, mod, or project. Just make sure you let me know first and credit the original authors and include
the original readme. If your seeking permission you can contact me at
Alot (Hyberbole and a Half)
By MagSul
This mod is a reskin of Mars' old Bantha model, converting it into an Alot from the blog and web comic, Hyperbole and a Half.
To spawn the Alot, open the console and enter: "/npc spawn vehicle alot", then jump on his back to ride him!
Any bugs, let me know in the comments section!
Thanks to neomarz1 for the Bantha model, as well as Light NInja for animating it.
Uses content from the following mods:
- Animal
- JKHub Exclusive
- (and 1 more)
Textureless Swoop Fix
By MagSul
When using /npc spawn vehicle swoop, you normally encounter a MAX_QPATH error that winds up with the swoop itself remaining textureless. This mod fixes that, but also lets you choose which colour swoop you'd like that vehicle to be.
Mara Jade's Shrike
By Inyri
I don't expect a lot of people to know what this is or appreciate it, but those of you who *do* know what it is should enjoy it. This is the Shrike, Mara Jade's starfighter as seen in the Jedi Knight expansion Mysteries of the Sith. It's an Alpha-52 starfighter, loaned to her by Talon Karrde.
I've tried to keep it accurate to the original model (check it out on wookieepedia if you aren't sure what it's supposed to look like) but I did take some slight liberties with the texture where original detail was hard to see and/or my 'accuracy' made it look dumb.
By Inyri
Swoops are fun, but I needed something new. So suddenly it occured to me that a hoverboard, as a swoop replacement (or even its own vehicle) would be really cool. And so a little hoverboard was born! It hovers, it glows, it hums, and it sinks in water (for those who were worried!).
R41 Starchaser
By Inyri
The R41 Starchaser is a starfighter comparable to the Z-95 Headhunter. In fact the R41 was created to directly compete with the Z-95 for king of the low-budget starfighters. It was slightly faster and slightly more powerful, thus making it a popular choice for smugglers, pirate, and criminal organization, such as Black Sun.
Because of its status as a budget fighter, the R41 is generally "personalized" by whoever is using it. The producers of the R41, Heorsh-Kessel Drive Inc, creates them this way, so everything from the armament to the hyperdrive can be customized by the buyer. As a result almost no two R41 Starchasers are quite the same.
Droid Tri-Fighter
By Inyri
You all should know this fighter from Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. It is the fully automated droid starfighter flown by... well, no one, because they're automated. But these fighters were employed by the CIS to combat the ARC 170 fighter, and they did so quite well.
TIE V-38 Assault Fighter
By Inyri
A lot of you, as I know, don't have a clue what this fighter is or where it came from. It was originally from an early Star Wars game, Rebel Assault II, made in 1995. It's actually a pretty good game, but the fighter always made me drool and I've been semi-obsessed with it ever since. Several good models have been made for X-wing Alliance, but I decided Jedi Academy needed one too, and the current model of it is just so insufferably inaccurate that it made want to pull all of my hair out and donate it to the bald.
V-38 and Phantom variations are included (see comments section for more information on the special features of the Phantom variation).
This TIE, classified as an assault fighter due to its heavy weaponry, shields, and hyperdrive, has a three-pronged wing arrangment. It sports three wing-tip laser cannons and two chin-mounted cannons, generally used as ion cannons. Its hyperdrive is outfitted such that it can make only a few short jumps if need be. During one of Lord Vader's failed campaigns, a modified version of this fighter, called the TIE Phantom, was put into mass production. This fighter, while less powerful in armory, had the added bonus of a fully functional cloaking system which rendered it next to invisible to most scanners. Before the TIEs could reach their full potential, however, two Rebel agents destroyed the production facility the TIEs were being produced at. All of these Phantom TIEs were believed to be destroyed.
Episode III Jedi Starfighter
By JKHub
Created by Gregory A. Birmingham (Manquesa)
All modeling, skinning (except for the 3 new skins), effects (except for the engine exhaust and primary weapon fire which were made by Ravensoft), animations, shaders, .veh files, and gfx were created by Manquesa.
This file includes 6 variants of the Star Wars Episode 3 Jedi Starfighter.
Anakin's Yellow Jedi Interceptor -- made by Manquesa
Obi-Wan's Red Jedi Interceptor -- made by Manquesa
Anakins (or Darth Vader's) Green Jedi Interceptor -- made by Manquesa
Yoda's Green Jedi Interceptor -- made by Dark_Cuillere
Hot Rod Jedi Interceptor concept -- made by Dark_Cuillere
Plo Koon's Blue? Jedi Interceptor -- made by Jadendecar (this version is Jadencar's concept of the Plo Koon version had Plo Koon used an Ep. 3 Jedi Interceptor instead of a the Ep. 2 stle JSF that he actually used in the movie.)
All versions are equipped with an astromech droid. The astromechs used were created by Ravensoft. The skin on the astromech droid on the Obi Wan version is an edited version of the R2D2 skin created by Ravensoft, Edited by Manquesa. The skin on the astromech droid on the Plo Koon version is and edited version of the R2D2 skin created by Ravensoft, Edited by Jadendecar and Manquesa.
Also fixed a problem with the original mesh in which the maingun mount support was in the wrong position, it was pushed back into the cockpit. I doubt anyone noticed though, I didn't until very recently.
And lastly I also changed the secondary missile effect to better match what I originally intended it to look like. I used the ATST missile effect and placed my missile model on it.
I am currently working on yet another version of this ship for a future release. One that will include a fully modeled cockpit interior as well as a few other changes to better match the way they looked in the movie. So be on the lookout out for version 2.0 to be released hopefully sometime in the not too distant future.
Multiple versions including an Anakins, Obi-Wan's, Vader's, Plo Koons, Yoda's, and a Hot Rod design.
Animated wing foils -- can be flown with wing foils in the open or closed position.
To fly with the wing foils open, simply perform a normal take off allowing the animation to be initiated.
To fly with the wing foil closed, begin a normal take off, then press forward soon after take off making sure to do so before the animation can begin.
Primary weapon fire -- green imperial lasers
Secondary weapon fire -- missile's
Barrel Roll -- using the "Step Left" and "Step Right" buttons (which I strongly suggest you reverse) will allow you to barrel roll and control the vehicle in a manner very much like the way they were flown in the movie.
To spawn the vehicle, type:
Anakins Jedi Interceptor -- /npc spawn vehicle manq-jsf
Obi Wan's Jedi Interceptor -- /npc spawn vehicle manq-jsf-obi
Anakins/Vader's Jedi Interceptor -- /npc spawn vehicle manq-jsf-vader
Yoda's Jedi Interceptor -- /npc spawn vehicle manq-jsf-yoda
Hot Rod concept Jedi Interceptor -- /npc spawn vehicle manq-jsf-hotrod
Plo Koon's Jedi Interceptor -- /npc spawn vehicle manq-jsf-plo
Please feel free to use this vehicle in any manner which you see fit with or without permission, I could care less. I'm releasing it so people will hopefully use it. I only ask that you credit me for my work.
Thank you,
Slave 1 Vehicle
By JKHub
Created by Gregory A. Birmingham (Manquesa)
This is the Slave 1 as used by both Boba and Jango Fett.
Model: Manquesa
Skin Base: Awiro
Skin Final: Manquesa and Angelis
Animations and Effects: Manquesa and Angelis
This is still a work in progress. I made an exception this time due to many
people both patiently and impatiently waiting for it's release.
I've released it.