Lightsabers & Melee
297 files
Electric and Lightning Hands
By JKHub
Author : {THC}ShovelHead
This mod will give you orbs of eletricity around your hands instead of saber hilts.
Advent Children Buster Sword Replacement
By JKHub
Original Author: Shadowknight1
This is an alternative texture for ORiON's AC Buster Sword. NOTE: This is ONLY a retexture, this is not, I repeat NOT the First Tsurugi, which a lot of people confuse with the Buster Sword. This modification came out of what someone requested in the forums, saying they wanted better, ie. more canon coloring on the Buster Sword. This is basically what I came up with. Please NOTE: This sword WILL overwrite the original Buster Sword, so please, PLEASE back up your files before installing in case you don't like it!! It also will function as a stand alone sword, just in case you don't have the original mod.
ORiON & anyone else who worked on the original sword model, and definitely thanks to ORiON for permission to release this.
Final Fantasy VII Compilation
By JKHub
Author: Shinra
Start up screen, menu screen, console screen, map loading screen, and blue sword trails.
Mod's blood, weapon sounds, and effects are respectable to the weapons featured in this mod only.
Dual Hound has staff kata, modified lunge attack, and shock hit effects.
-Final Fantasy VII weapons from:
Crisis Core: Buster Sword, Masamune, Loveless, and SOLDIER Sword
Advent Children: First Tsurugi, Double Sword, 4-Point Shuriken, Dual Hound, and Spear
Original Game: Guard Stick
RotJ Darth Vader 'Breathing' Hilt
By JKHub
Original Author: Thomas Kelemen
A little thing what I missed from every Darth Vader model: his fearsome BREATHING. So I created a new saberhum file and added to my favourit vadersaber what is made by Akane Syria. Use the saber with your favourite Vader model and listen. It will not fail you. I hope you will enjoy it.
All credit to Akane Syria for the saber model.
X-Saber Mod
By JKHub
Author: Jon Hill
The X-Saber, Darth Qollous (just don't ask me how to pronounce that)
A saber that once belonged to the Kel Dor Sith Lord, Baret Kloopon. Like a saber staff but with two ignition points on each end. >==<
I was trying to make a JA saber hilt and happened to read the story sabretooth wrote on (LucasForums > Network > JediKnight Series > Community > Star Wars Roleplaying > Stories / Fan Fiction > Jaden Korr - Darth Qollous if your intersted) anyway I thought I'd make a hilt based on that.
Advent Children First Sword
By Jose Carlos
Jose Carlos
Bunch of sweet-looking swords. All were used in the movie Final Fantasy VII:
Advent Children, by the protagonist Cloud.
saber vigilante
saber vendetta
saber ascalon
saber sidewinder
saber avenger
saber merciless
saber first_sword
saber alkaid
saber dragon_slayer
saber avangarde
Osiris' blades
By Jose Carlos
Jose Carlos
A bunch of swords based on sketches I found in my notebooks and the twin blades of the drow ranger Drizzt Do'Urden, from R.A. Salvatore's Forgotten Realms stories. All swords have SP support.
There's been nearly no change to the swords in the original pack. Both have been scaled down, had their blades made thinner and they now have new enviro maps. There's been no change to the holster, so I saw no point in adding it to this release.
By Jose Carlos
Jose Carlos
The only sentient sword in the game "Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn". Sadistic, bloodthirsty and "slightly" insane, Lilarcor served as a comic relief of sorts, constantly spewing comments and suggestions to kill nearly anything that breathed. I couldn't have the sword in JA do anything less than that, now could I? It was originally meant to be a part of a model pack, but I'm still getting the hang of the entire soft-body modeling thing.
saber lilarcor
Twin Wolves
By Jose Carlos
Jose Carlos
A pair of sabers modeled with a wolf image in mind. Simple, no? The original design called for a second blade to take the place of the energy beam within the hilt itself, but that didn't turn out all that well. Looked like crap, too. Anyway, they may not be the best looking hilts around, nor the most awesome, but I still think they kick butt more than 8 boots mounted on a ship's wheel mounted on an F1 engine going at 19000 rpm. Granted, that could just be the elation of finally figuring out why the hell my shader didn't work talking.
You might've noticed that there's no activation switch, nor, indeed, any knobs or buttons anywhere on these things. That was an aesthetic choice caused by the fact that I chose not to add them.
Also, I'd like to note that the butt-kicking machine I described above can and will explode if the wheel isn't properly reinforced and the pieces firmly attached to each other. Just a note of caution should you ever attempt to construct one.
saber vanargand
saber manegarm
Glacial Wind
By Jose Carlos
Jose Carlos
"As you trudge through what's left of the great white's treasure, a glint in the corner of your vision catches your eye. Shifting through the largely worthless trinkets and baubles in the way, you see a leather-wrapped cone of ice sticking out of the pile. Grabbing the cone you pull and uncover a shimmering, translucent sword made entirely of ice. The light of your torch dances on the angular blade and the cold of the grip slowly seeps through your glove. The sword looks like it might shatter the moment it strikes something."
By Jose Carlos
Jose Carlos
Well, it's a baseball bat with a rusty axe and a bunch of nails in it. And the axe. They're tough nails.
TOR Hilt Pack
By Jose Carlos
Jose Carlos
A few hilts from the upcoming Star Wars: The Old Republic. Three hilts from the concept art as well as Ven Zallow's and Darth Malgus' hilts. I might make more, if the desire strikes me.
Jaden Korr's Lightsaber
By Jose Carlos
Jose Carlos
As I sat, pondering a ponderous plan, a thought hit me. The hilts you start the game with do not look like something a dude with no training in the Jedi arts could cobble together. So I started thinking about what Jaden's first hilt could've actually looked like. Trashy, probably. And so I made it for shits, giggles and a bottle of Coke. And I never got the Coke. Now I feel cheated.
Ahsoka Tano's lightsaber hilt
By AshuraDX
this is Ahsoka Tano's Lightsaber hilt from the Animated Clonewars film
this file Includes a backhand and a Regular version of the saber
the backhand version is completely different from other Jedi knight backhand sabers
the normal version can use allmost all Saber styles from the game if you play in single player
to use the sabers in single player you have to enter one of these codes :
saber Ahsoka_bh , for backhand
saber Ahsoka ,for normal
Galen Marek lightsaber + bonus hilt
By AshuraDX
many of you have allready downloaded V1 of my galen Marek(aka Starkiller) lightsaber hilt and now here's V2 !!!!!!!!!
-I've added the Sith Stalker lightsaber hilt
-a regular sinle saber version of Galens lightsaber was added
-File size has been reduced by converting the TGA textures to JPEG/PNG files
-all included lightsabers have single player support now !!! (SP support is in a seeperate PK3 cause people who use a SP TC ,like KOTF (bad example), will have trouble with the SP support)
Sith Stalker Single Saber
By AshuraDX
due the multiple requests of releasing a single saber version of my Sith Stalker saber hilt I've made one have fun with it
NOTE : V2 of my Galen Marek lightsaber is needed for this to work correctly
Dagger of Time + Prince of Persia T2T HUD
By AshuraDX
This file Includes The dagger of time and the Hud from Prince of Persia The 2 Thrones while the main design of the Dagger is based at it's appeareance in the above named game but If added some stuff to it also the Dagger has SINGLE-PLAYER-SUPPORT I've been asking around to get the right translations of the name for spanish and french speaking people if you find misstakes in the menu names please post e-mail me the correct translation
if you want to switch use the dagger in SP and dont want to start a new game just for this you can use this (cheat)code : "saber DOT"
ATTENTION : If you use other sabers with SP support the SP support of this file might not work correctly
Uriziel and Beliar's Claw
By AshuraDX
these 2 swords are featured in the "Gothic" Games
they are the most powerfull swords in the first 2 games of the series
here are a few short story informations about the swords :
-Uriziel was forged ages ago and used by a General in the human army ,at that
time it posessed an unbelieveable power that allowed the user to break through every
Even though the swords power the orcs managed to defeat the General and stole the sword
because they feared it they hid it deep inside the sleeper-temple.
With time , Uriziel lost its powers.
A long time after that the sword was recovered by the so called "nameless-hero", he restored it'S powers and used it to defeat the Sleeper.
as the sleeper was defeated the temple started to fall apart and Uriziel was shut deep within the destroyed temple.
-Beliar's Claw was forged by the dark god of death and chaos , Beliar.
the sword itself is relativly weak but Beliar sealed a part of his powers in the sword.
Quahodron , the Warcommander of Jharkendar somehow got his hands on the sword. His son , Rhademes couldn't withstand the power of the sword.
This led to the fall of Jharkendar . After that the sword has been sealed in the Adanos temple. the gate to Jharkendar was sealed also to make sure that noone will ever find the sword again.
But shortly after the sleeper has been defeated by the "nameless-hero"
Raven found a way to Jharkendar and took the sword , therebye becoming Beliar's Commander , he was supposed to lead Beliar's armys in war.
With the help of the Water-mages the "nameless-hero" managed to reach Jharkendar and kill Raven , he then gave the sword to Saturas, the highest Water-mage, to destroy it
Tenel Ka Djo'S Lightsaber
By AshuraDX
so....... at 1.10.2010 I had a look at filefront forums and found a request from Xu'an because I liked the design and always wanted to do a lightsaber like this one I fullfilled his request and now have fun with it
Darth Nihilus Lightsaber
By AshuraDX
so....... another Request I fullfilled this is Darth Nhihilus lgihtsaber hilt there isn't really more to say except :
[[Originally Posted by Illrian Damaris]:"His lightsaber reminds me of something women use to please themselves."]
if you want to use the saber in SP you can use this (cheat)code : "saber nihilus"
TFU 2 Sabers
By AshuraDX
just Starkillers new lightsabers from TFU2
I highly recommand to use Katanamaru's Backhand saber animations with my sabers get them here :;117204
for those of you who dont like backhand sabers I included a normal single saber version
the spawn codes are :
saber TFU2
saber TFU2_bh
and now : have fun !
Haazens Lightsaber
By AshuraDX
just antoher saber request I picked up
this contains 2 lightsabers :
Haazens lightsaber and a backhanded version of it
I've also added (optional) SP support for both
If you want to use them in SP without having to start a new game enable cheats and type this in the console
"saber haazen" for the normal version of Haazens lightsaber
"saber haazen_bh" for the backhand version
!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!
This collides with other SP compatible saber hilts , if you want to use SP support for this you have to remove all other hilts with SP support from your basefolder
The Dagger of Time Movie Edition
By AshuraDX
This file Includes The Dagger of time as it's seen in the Prince of Persia Movie. I'd suggest to use the dagger in the left and a sword in the right
the daggers range is very limited therefore its damagescale is set to 2
spawn code :
saber DOT_Movie
Ghost's Zanpakto - Cruel and Unusual Blades
By Ghost
This is a set of weapons from the anime "Bleach". I have created these swords primarily for bleach mod but they are such good fun to use for a bleach fan that I thought I would release them to the public!
This pack contains 5 zanpakto and an added bonus weapon.
These are all zanpakto which I consider to be interesting and unique, with strange designs or outher uniqe attributes that make them diffrent from the usual katana.
The zanpakto included are:
Shunsui Kyorakus Katen Kyokotsu (shikai)
Jushiro Ukitakes Sogyo no Kotowari (shikai)
Izuru Kiras Wabisuke (shikai)
Rukia Kuchikis Sode no Shirayuki (shikai)
Shuhei Hisagis Kazeshini (shikai)
And as an added bonus:
Uryu Ishidas Seele Schneider
There are also offhand versions of Katen Kyokotsu and Sogyo no Kotowari so that if you want to dual wield them you can choose the offhand version for the second hilt and the blade will be held at the correct angle.
Assassins Creed weaponspack
By AshuraDX
most of the weapons altair used in Assassins Creed
started (and stopped) working at this summer 2010
this pack includes 6 weapons :
throwing knives - replacement for the blasterpistol menu icon and info texts have been changed aswell all default languages supported
Altair's hiddenblade - saberhilt , bolted to wrist deals a ton of damage but has a very limited range
Altair's Shortsword - saberhilt ,because of it's short range the damage has been set up
Altair's Shortsword 2 - saberhilt , backhand version of the above weapon
Al Mualims sword - saberhilt, the first sword you get in Assassins creed 1
Altair's Sword -saberhilt, the second sword you get in Assassins creed 1
all of these weapons got blood splatter effects , which I adopted from antother author I forgot who made this blood effects so I'm sorry for nto being able to give "perfect" credit =/