Mixed Gametypes
140 files
SH2 - West Side Of The Town
By scp_chaos1
This is my first public map for JKHub, I hope it satisfies the expectations of the community and compensates for the wait, sorry if it took me a long time to release this project, but I wanted to accomplish all the possible expectations. This map is a very close recreation of the original West South Vale scenario from Silent Hill 2. You will see that I have used quite a few objects from SH2 and other games to make this project, this is because I wanted to achieve an experience very close to what can be offered in the SH2 - Zealot's Camera mod. Although many things have been ported, a reconstruction and optimization of the models has been done to make that there were no gaps or empty spaces that could affect the player's experience in this project, likewise in the Readme.txt file is specified more about the origin of each object or texture and their respective credit and appreciation. This map has a good size, however I could not leave it at the original size, due to the limits of the waypoints and combat points. I want to emphasize that the original design of this map is from Team Silent and Konami, I was only responsible for replicating it, likewise is specified in the Readme.txt
The map has Easter Eggs, try to find them all!
Note for SP players: Maps that you can find, are only displayed on the screen in Single Player.
The Source Files are included as well as how to compile them again, for more information see the Readme.txt.
New Textures: Yes
New Sounds: Yes
New Shaders: Yes
New Models: Yes
New Scripts: Yes (The map display only works in SP)
BOT Routing: Yes
NPC Routing: Yes
Gametypes: FFA, TFFA, Duel, Sandbox (For SP players)
Brush Count: 20,075
Entity Count: 4633
Active Build Time (vs. Total): 4 months (1 year)
Compile Time: 10 mins (At least for a modern computer)
Map Installation: Unzip the contents of the zip (Silent_Hill_2-West_Side_Of_The_Town-Map.pk3) into your Jedi Academy/GameData/Base directory, and you're all set to go! REMOVE any previous versions of this map before you play.
For editors:
To recompile the map you must do and have the following:
1: The files you need are in: devMap folder, add them to your map path you consider.
2: You must have NetRadiant 1.6.0 or NetRadiant Custom and its JA configuration.
3: You must replace the shaderlist.txt with the one in the file: Silent_Hill_2-West_Side_Of_The_Town-Source.pk3 or simply add the following directions to your shaderlist.txt:
4: Use the next configuration in Build:
Q3Map2: (simulate old style -light -extra) BSP -meta, -vis, -light -super 2
5: With this configuration is enough, but in case I missed to explain something, don't forget to contact SCP_CHAOS1 in JKHub. On Discord: the_darkside3842
Experience them for yourself, I know you'll love them.
Special Thanks and Credits:
DarthValeria: For collaborating in the general editing (Rigging, Caps, Bugs and Fixes) of all SH2 player models for this project, really thank you very much for that (More of his work will be specified later), And the latest enhancement to Eddie's model.
Maui: For being a vital support to solve doubts and correct errors of Eddie Dombrowski's model (And for Eddie's penultimate model improvement) and the disk model, thank you very much for that.
Weske: For waiting in the shadows and contributing with the first version of James Sunderland's model.
Kyross: For its Pyramid Head model.
Ramikad, for testing the first versions of the map.
Szico VII: For giving me inspiration for making detailed and accurate maps. And also for this format I used for this publication of this file.
Konami: For being the distributors of Silent Hill 2 (2001).
Team Silent: For creating and designing Silent Hill 2 and all that it contains.
Valve Corporation: By various models used to improve the quality of the map.
Rockstar North: For some textures and models used to improve the quality of the map.
Valve Corporation: For some textures and models used to improve the quality of the map.
Treyarch and Activision: For some textures and models used to improve the quality of the map .
Beta Testers:
This mod adds 4 weapons (The Great Knife (Credits to Kyross), the pistol, the shotgun, and the rifle) from the original SH2 game.
New Textures: Yes
New Sounds: Yes
New Shaders: Yes
New Models: Yes
New Effects: Yes
Weapon Installation: Unzip the contents of the zip (Silent_Hill_2-West_Side_Of_The_Town-Weapons) into your Jedi Academy/GameData/Base directory, and you're all set to go! REMOVE any previous versions of this map before you play.
Includes shell ejection (at least for npcs in SP, and fully functional in MP), new effects and sounds (these from SH2).
All weapons use Silent Hill 2 weapon audios.
Weapon effects, are modifications created from Cjone2 weapons.
Likewise, it is explained in more detail in Readme.txt
#Player Models:
This mod adds 5 Npcs (Also adds Bots for MP).
List of npcs:
-James Sunderland (To spawn him: James).
-Red Pyramid Thing, more colloquially known as Pyramid Head (To spawn it: PyramidHead).
-Maria (To spawn her: Maria).
-Eddie Dombrowski (To spawn him: Eddie).
-Angela Orosco (To spawn her: Angela).
New Textures: Yes
New Sounds: Yes
New Shaders: Yes
New Models: Yes
Player Model Installation: Unzip the contents of the zip (Silent_Hill_2-West_Side_Of_The_Town-PM) into your Jedi Academy/GameData/Base directory, and you're all set to go! REMOVE any previous versions of this map before you play.
They include NPC and Bot files, each model is fully rigged, so they can blink and talk, they can also be completely cuttable. Likewise, they have dialogs from SH2.
These models are from Silent Hill 2, full credits to Team Silent and Konami.
I SCP_CHAOS1, I ported them from SH2 and made some modifications (adding new eyes, model cuts, gaps, etc...), I was also in charge of the creation of the NPC/Bots files, sounds, shaders, and texture modifications. DarthValeria was in charge of giving life (Rigging and weighting) most of these models, thank you very much for this great work. However, there were other collaborators in this project, for more information read Readme.txt
With love: SCP_CHAOS1
By JKHub
AUTHOR: JediMurderer/MeatsOfEvil
DATE RELEASED: 19 October 2009
CREDITS: I would like to thank a number of people who made this possible, starting of course with Lucasarts and Ravensoft for making such a moddable game. In addition the good people of the jk3files forums deserve my thanks for various tips and suggestions. The tutorials of mappers RichDiesal, Szico and Bubba were also instrumental in teaching me what I know.
Thanks to SpPwn for suggesting an alternate lava shader, and AshuraDX for providing said upgrade. All textures in the lava folder and the shaders are property of AshuraDX.
I also want to thank in particular NAB622, for putting up with my noobish-ness on the jk3files forums, pushing me in the right direction when I had almost lost hope on getting my map to work properly and even providing me ideas for future modifications. NAB622, you have saved this map.
Lastly, I want to thank all the people who tested my map before it's release:
My Brother
My Mom
General Jaxun
Anyone who did not post their name on the forums but tested it anyway
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Place malevolence.pk3 in your base folder. The base folder is located in the gamedata folder, which is in the folder you installed the game in.
DESCRIPTION: Malevolence is a duel/powerduel map designed (in my opinion) to make these modes more interesting. The duels that I have observed tend to be rather dull, as the two duelists swing at each other, dodge out of the way, and repeat. What if the battleground itself was also hazardous? Even better, what if the environment was actively trying to kill you while you fought? This is where Malevolence comes in. An Imperial officer and his bodyguards watch as you and other prisoners fight to the death while avoiding the obstacles of the arena itself. Dare to fight on this map to find out what dangers await. Your only warning of the impending doom will be the double siren that sounds before your death. Enjoy! 🙂
BUGS: I have seen bots defy death on one or two occasions where a normal player would be reduced to rubble...since I have no idea how they do it I have no hope of fixing it. Also despite my best attempts at bot-routing, the AI will still act pants-on-head stupid at times and we will just have to live with that. Also, the alarm and the taunts from the Imperials interrupt each other.
COMMENTS: Everything the map throws at you CAN BE AVOIDED. Pay attention to what is happening and you will see a way to escape. Also do not go near the observation box unless you want to be insulted by your executioner. Lastly, this is my first map ever! Yay!
PERMISSIONS: Ask me before using any of my assets. Also, the lava textures and shaders belong to AshuraDX so I cannot authorize anyone to use them.
- roleplaying
- co-op
- (and 1 more)
Bonus modes map-pack
By Jeff
Bonus modes map-pack by Jeff. This pack enables more modes for some base JA maps.
-Vjun Sentinel: Adds the Domination mode to the map. 3 CP's to control to win the round.
-Nar Kreeta: The SP map converted for Domination. The Rancor is in the center and three CP's toi control the map.
-Desert Siege: The siege map set up for both FFA/TFFA and CTF. The first section of the map is the FFA part and the final stage is the CTF map. It's two different maps in one.
-None of these maps replace or effect the base maps, they're add-ons.
FFA3 Domination map
By Jeff
FFA3 converted to Domination mode by Jeff. Just the base map with 3 capture points, bot-routes included they will capture the points.
Thanks to Nelfie for the source map and files for Domination mode. It's available under CTF mode.
Terminative 3 Home
By Hugo
Mapped by Malak and designed by Hugo
The map was made for static and dynamic training. The making of a useful map was our goal, not to show any mapping skills. We tried to create a map which runs at a decent amount of frames per second, so that everyone can use the map regardless of their computer hardware. Therefore the map looks a bit simple in some areas. The map was created for the Terminative 3 Community. It includes new textures, sounds, models and scripts. It is meant to be used with the game mode free for all.
Red Comet Hall
By ZanderNao
Map Created by Noodle
Design by Zander_Nao/JChapman1984
Textures by Noodle and Zander_Nao
Some textures (floor tiles, door) sourced from Burnin Konn by Siberi: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3081-burnin-konn/
--Map Support--
Devmap redcomet_noodle
Jedi Temple Training Room (Tales of the Jedi)
By Lwkill
i wanted to upload that map long time ago where Tales of the Jedi was new so i thought today is a good day to upload it!
Death Star Trench
By JKHub
Author: Darth Zappa
Original Release Date: 12-07-2004
The deathstar trench. Pretty self explanatory i guess. This is a team ffa dogfightin' map, with turrets on the surface. There is an exhaust port that goes kaplooie and awards 25 points to the first rebel that shoots it, but the entire map does not explode or anything like that. beware flying over the large deathstar gun dish - the gun is ARMED! if you fly into its shot path, it will fire. you will go kaplooie.
This map will NOT WORK WELL in FFA MODE. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND TFFA GAMES on HERE. to change to TFFA, set your server's g_gametype to 6.
This map is huge. In fact, it's as big as it can possibly be. If you had trouble running star destroyer siege, then don't bother with this. There is no 'inside' to the deathstar, other than the tie-fighter hangars. I have no plans to add the interior to this map.
I may add siege in the future; for now it's TFFA.
There are two versions of the map included:
deathstar_trench_v1 - has just basic x-wing and tie-fighter vehicles.
this version is good for folks who dont want to add any custom vehicles to their servers.
deathstar_trench_v2 - has several custom vehicles added to the map
- tie-advanced - darth vader's tie fighter
- tie-defender - a deluxe tie fighter from the EU novels and games
- tie-interceptor - the improved tie fighter from ROTJ
- y-wing - the rebel heavy fighter
- a-wing - small heavily armed fighter from ROTJ
- b-wing - the large heavy fighter from ROTJ
- millenium falcon (yt-1300) - heavy armed freighter, which is only enabled if the rebels make it to the far end of the trench
This map uses many custom vehicles, and you might hit the limit allowed by JA. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND RUNNING A MOD such as 'ASTEROIDS MOD' or 'JAPLUS v2.2' which enables the server and client to have extra vehicles installed in your base folder. If you do not use a mod like this, you need to clean out your base folder of any other vehicles that you are not using on this map to run it.
If you are running a Mod that allows for extra vehicles, you can also install your vehicles in that mod's folder. For example, if you are running japlus, then you can put extra vehicles in the gamedata/japlus folder and they will only be available when you are on a server running that mod. This is a good method to keeping your base folder tidy and conflict-free.
put the deathstar_trench.pk3 into your base folder. If you are going to run the v2 version of the map with extra vehicles, put the vehicle .pk3 files into either your base folder, or (recommended) your mod folder, such as gamedata/japlus or gamedata/asteroids (whatever one you are using.) vehicles installed into a mod folder are only available during games that are running that mod.
map design and construction by darthzappa
custom vehicle models credits:
b-wing vehicle by Hatrus and Manquesa
tie defender vehicle by Hatrus
a-wing vehicle by Astromash and Manquesa
y-wing vehicle by Manquesa and Andy 867
tie interceptor vehicle by 7IM and Michael 'Chang Khan' Gummelt
tie advanced X1 vehicle by Raven Software, NeoMarz1 and Manquesa
yt-1300 vehicle by Raven Software and Manquesa
all original vehicle read-me files are included in a separate folder. Several of these vehicles are from the Asteroids Mod pack, to ensure compatibility with that mod.
Portions of this map were copy/pasted from Raven's star destroyer siege map, but i changed them around quite a bit.
Venator Star Destroyer
By JKHub
Original release date: 12-24-2012
Version: 1.0
By the second year of the Clone Wars, the Outer Rim world of Quell, the principal planet of the Quell system had become a contested site between the Galactic Republic and the opposing Confederacy of Independent Systems. However, Quell's state of contention soon escalated when capital ship forces from both sides of the ongoing war met in the highest levels of the planet's atmosphere to engage in battle.
The Sky Battle of Quell took place in the second year of the Clone Wars in the skies over the contested world of Quell when Jedi General Aayla Secura and her Republic fleet were ambushed by a Confederate Navy flotilla. Meeting in Quell's upper atmosphere, each faction launched starfighter squadrons that engaged their enemies in combat. Although both sides took losses, it was Secura's forces that suffered greater casualties when two of her three Star Destroyers fell to the Confederate frigates' heavy turbolaser fire. As the Separatist tactical droid commander, TF-1726, dispatched B2-RP battle droids to board Secura's crippled command ship, the Liberty, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker arrived with reinforcements aboard his own flagship, the Resolute. Launching in LAAT/i gunships, Skywalker boarded the Liberty with his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, and troops of the 501st Legion led by Clone Captain CT-7567 to evacuate the cruiser before it could be destroyed.
Place all pk3 files included into C:/Program Files/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base
This pack was tested succesfully in the following Jedi Academy modifications:
- JediMoves JA+ Mod v2.3 Full Distrib
- ForceMod III Movie Battles Edition
Special Edition
-Phase I
Conception: : Lui-Gon-Jinn
Venator outer Modeling : o.o-LAOSS.FFA.MEX and Lui-Gon-Jinn
Sky : JOE++
Compilation : o.o-LAOSS.FFA.MEX and Lui-Gon-Jinn
-Phase II
Attack Cruiser v2 Remodeling : Lui-Gon-Jinn
Map Object Modeling : Lui-Gon-Jinn
Texture & Shader Design : Lui-Gon-Jinn
Coding : Lui-Gon-Jinn
Munificent Ship Modeling : Lui-Gon-Jinn
Compilation : Lui-Gon-Jinn
-Phase III
Beta Testers : Lui-Gon-Jinn
Compilation & Packaging : Lui-Gon-Jinn
Original Credits
Title : Attack Cruiser v2
Author : LuB
E-mail : lu8@gmx.net
Website : www.luza-leveldesign.dl.am
File : acv2tjt.pk3
Filesize : 9.47 MB
Release date : 11/04/2006
Title : Siege/FFA/Observation Deck - Battle over Coruscant Source Files
Author : Darth NormaN
E-mail : darth-norman@gmx.de
MSN : darth-norman@gmx.de
ICQ : 262187088
Web : www.normansblog.de
Filename : Siege_BoC_Source.zip
Filesize : 4.20 MB
Release date : 12/2009
Title : Movie Battles II
Version : Version Zero
Author : Movie Battles Team
Website : www.moviebattles.com
Forums : www.moviebattles.com/forums
Release date : 09/14/2008
The Venator Star Destroyer Team does not take any credit for the following vehicles. They
have been created by the respective authors mentioned below. The
vehicles have not been altered except for improve radars in some models.
This pack includes the following vehicles:
Title : Republic Gunship
Vehicle Imports : Mars Marshall "NeoMarz1"
Modeling : Mars Marshall "NeoMarz1"
E-Mail : neomarz1@sbcglobal.net
Website : http://www.geocities.com/neomarz1@sbcglobal.net/
File Name : gunshipVM.pk3
File Size : 981KB
Release date : 11/25/2003
Title : V-19 Torrent Clone Starfighter
Model by : Zymotico
Vehicle by : Hatrus
Animation by : Manquesa
Skins by : Zymotico
File Name : v-19.pk3
File Size : 4.46MB
Release date : 06/05/2005
Title : V-Wing Starfighter
Model by : Minilogoguy18
Vehicle by : Minilogoguy18
Animation by : Minilogoguy18
Skins by : Dark_Cuillere
File Name : miniVWing.pk3
File Size : 1.81MB
Release date : 10/29/2005
Title : ARC-170 Clone Starfighter
Model by : Minilogoguy18, Dark_Cuillere
Vehicle by : Minilogoguy18, Dark_Cuillere
Animation by : Minilogoguy18
Skins by : Dark_Cuillere
File Name : mini_arc.pk3
File Size : 6.52MB
Release date : 08/18/2005
Title : Vulture-class Advanced Droid Starfighter
Model by : Hatrus
Vehicle by : Hatrus
File Name : droidfighter.pk3
File Size : 6.62MB
Release date : 06/05/2005
Title : Jedi Starfighter
Model by : Unknown
Vehicle by : Unknown
File Name : jsfighter.pk3
File Size : 780KB
Release date : Unknown
- star wars related
- space
- (and 1 more)
KOTOR Flight School
By JKHub
Author(s): KOTORMRJay & War_Shark
Original Release Date: 03-02-2007
Two simple bases connected by a wormhole
FSF is set up with a few different features.
This map has turrets that have a variable, the server/host must state the ones he has in use
( AI or player controlled ).
All players must conform to the host turret choice. To control the Player turret you must hold the "BACK" direction to unlock full rotation.
There are NPC's in map as well as many secrets and bonuses to find ( like a NPC based saber challenge ).
FSF also has a user variable.
Each player can pick the ships they want to use for the "bonus ships" for Rebs. there is the B-WING_REB and the Y-Wing_reb for Imp. there is the VADER-TIE_IMP and the SLAVE-1_IMP.
These are mainly examples as long as the basic VEH and NPC files remain mostly the same and the ship you choose to create has the appropriate amount of tags almost any ship can be created as a "bonus ship".
Every player can have their choice of bonus ship for example...
Server has the b_wing and the vader_tie in his base folder, player 1 has the y_wing and the slave_1 in his base folder they can both play. When the players meet in space the server will see player 1 flying a b_wing and himself in a vader tie. Player 1 will see the server flying a slave_1 and himself in a Y_wing. Basically you will see the ship in your base folder.
Extract info and basic tutorial of how to switch out ships.
extracted data extract to base folder:
Let say the server is running AI turrets...
(TURRET_PLAYER.PK3) delete me
Now simply paste the copied pk3 into base folder...
(TURRET_EXTREME_MODE_A-I.PK3) paste me here
Lets say you want to switch to the Y-wing...
(B-WING_REB.PK3) delete me
(Y-Wing_reb.PK3) copy me
Now simply paste the copied pk3 into base folder...
(Y-Wing_reb.PK3) paste me here
You can NOT have the b_wing and y_wing or vader_tie and slave_1 in the base at the same time, only one bonus ship for a side (reb or Imp) and you MUST always make sure you have the same turret set up as the host but once again your bonus ship is your choice.
The map is FFA TFFA and CTF.
The map does come with a basic bot support
Bots do not fly
Good luck and have fun.
Tomb of Fear
By Chansta
Here it is, my second map for Jedi Academy
May I present The Tomb of Fear
This map is actually a completly original idea
Which is actually featured in my ongoing SW fanfics that I'm sure many of you on JKEMPIRE have seen on discord
For a brief background: This was a part of the Tomb of the Ancient Sith Lord Darth Aviskus, a powerful Lord of the Sith that gave the republic a great deal of strife in the years following Darth Ruin's death
Many have passed through here to meet the master but many have failed.... Will you survive???!!!
After much mental debating I finally decided to release it to the public
I'll admit this probably isnt the most ideal map for MP but I included it just for you guys that like to mesh lightsabers into eachothers faces for 8 hours
Installation: place the Pk3 into your gamedata Base folder
For MD and SWGL users just place it in the respective MD/ GL folders it should work fine.
World Between Worlds
By Reepray
This map is a personal interpretation of the World Between Worlds as seen in the show Star Wars: Rebels.
Hello there, it is me, Reepray 😃
This map was started and released a year ago (2020), and since then I felt it needed an update. The last updates have aimed to improve the visual aspect of the map. In addition, it now has music and when strolling around the map you'll sometimes hear Morai hooting.
I hope you like the new look! It should more closely resemble the show, plus be less obnoxious to the eyes due to the now blueish color of the portals and paths, and the improved skybox textures, which are less cluttered with stars and of higher resolution.
The map supports Duel and FFA/TFFA modes.
The map has been built to work properly on the vanilla multiplayer game. Some aspects of the map such as the Sith portal projection do not work on singleplayer. Singleplayer issues or those caused by game changing mods will not be addressed.
For more information please read this copy of the readme file (Version November 11, 2021)
Original (release day) text explaining the motivation behind the creation of this map 😃
The Jedi Temple - ALPHA V 0.25
By AngelModder
Map - The Jedi Temple On Coruscant Anniversary/Knightfall Edition Early ALPHA VERSION 0.25
Designed by - AngelModder/NicholasDD
Commissioned by - N/A (personal choice)
Details - An early alpha of a 1:1 scale recreation of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. It should be noted this is only about 3 weeks of work and I will from here on be posting monthly updates of the map as time goes by.
The map at the moment includes the exterior (rooftop unfinished) and the (unfinished) great hall. MUCH MORE to come! I plan to represent every area of the jedi temple we've seen in either the movies or clone wars series. There will be several variations, Dusk or Knightfall is this one, Dawn will be a hazy morning heavy fog with light rain, and a dramatic evening of course. Please note all textures/models are early stage place holders.
This map is being designed for vanilla users and Rend2 users.
Bug's - None that I'm aware of.
Permissions. None currently, lemme finish before you start using stuff from it or doing things with it. XD
Credits - Somaz, I borrow some of your bespin reborn assets and tweaked them to play around with and learn the process and showcase what it can do even under different light levels and map size with no cost and great effect!
Imperial Hallway
By Chansta
Here it is, ladies and gentlemen! We finally have it, my first-ever map for Jedi Academy. Ever since I was a wee lad, I've dreamed of creating my own maps for Jedi Academy. Now, for the first time since I got the game in 2009, I've turned that dream into a reality.
I present to you: the Imperial Hallway. It is meant to be based on Coruscant as a part of the Imperial Palace. My main source of inspiration for this map was, in fact, the old Star Wars: Infinities - A New Hope comics. This map is loosely based on them, but with my own creative twist.
Simply place the pk3 file into your gamedata base folder. I've already tested it for multiplayer, so it should run smoothly.
There's only one known issue at the moment - the music I selected doesn't seem to work in multiplayer. Rest assured, I plan to fix it eventually.
Final Notes:
This map was created to honor Jedi Academy on its 20th Anniversary. As such, I'd like to express my gratitude to the following:
Colonel Cornelius CornJulio, for teaching me the art of mapping - The MD team, for fueling my imagination - Linken, for helping me to get the music to run
Enjoy, and may the Force be with you always.
- star wars related
- contest entry
- (and 1 more)
Thaw Temple (naos6)
By Lukitroy
/devmap naos3
..... This one is me figuring out how to use my own textures and place NPCs
/devmap naos4
.... The power dual dungeon, very simple structural qualities.
/devmap naos6
.... My best one as of yet, Thaw Temple.
All three of these maps are included in that particular asset file! Have fun! Let me know what you think. Still pretty new to gtk radiant. I'm getting it though
Acclamator Bridge
By Lwkill
I ported and edited this bridge from the 2002 Xbox game "Star Wars: The Clone Wars".
Imperial Christmas Bastion
By Kessno
Description: An Imperial Bastion located high in the mountains, inspired by an unnamed location in Fortnite, Chapter 4 Season 1. This was created for the JKHub Holiday Mod Contest 2022 and was built in two days.
Installation Instructions: Unzip the file and place the .pk3 file in your GameData/base directory.
Notes: I would like to revisit the map after the holiday contest to improve it and add additional details. It was more difficult than I anticipated to find a Christmas tree model and I ended up improvising one. The exterior terrain is a lot shallower than I would have liked, so it doesn't quite feel like a proper mountain base.
- contest entry
- holiday
- (and 1 more)
Christmas Plaza
By Circa
This is a new version of my Naboo Plaza map but now completely decked out for Christmas! Complete with trees, lights, snow, and a very devious snowman. There is a day and a night (eve) version.
I had this planned years ago when I made Naboo Plaza, but I didn't even get to finish that map in it's original form so I never got around to doing this, but I figured it would be fun to do for the JKHub contest.
This is a very small map, best for small groups in FFA, for dueling on the platform, or if you grab the snowball thermal detonator replacement mod, you can have a really fun snowball fight! Links below.
You can activate the duel platform with the switch on the balcony that faces that main entrance. It toggles, so you can restore the fountain and tree when you're done with the platform.
There's also a little secret. The snowman is not all as he seems... would be a shame if you destroyed him...
Night map:
/map christmas_plaza_eve
Day map:
/map christmas_plaza_day
-!|!- LINKS -!|!-
Video showing the map and the secret:
Snowball thermal detonators:
Other Christmas and holiday mods to check out:
Original Naboo Plaza map:
-!|!- NOTE -!|!-
I don't consider this map truly in a finished state. The brushwork is still very barebones but I ran out of time to get this out by Christmas, so I call it good enough. I hope to revisit it and polish it up and maybe even make a longer ladder level out of the snowman secret.
-!|!- KNOWN BUGS -!|!-
Snow brushes are a bit blocky and you can get caught on them as you run over them, but nothing major.
The ice in the fountain raises slower than the fountain when returning.
Snow falls inside the igloo and under roofs
You may not be able to run this on vanilla JKA (jamp) due to my 2K texture but I honestly didn't check. Use OpenJK, y'all.
-!|!- CREDITS -!|!-
Rooxon for the Christmas tree model he made for me so long ago
Artemis for her Snowman model that she made for our clan events but never released officially, sadly, and also credit to her Christmas light shader in her FFA3 Xmas map, I totally copied it 🙂
Main music track is Christmas Tree by SoulProdMusic
Secret snowman track is Carol of the Bells by August Burns Red
-!|!- INSTALLATION -!|!-
Put the pk3 in the base folder of your Jedi Academy GameData directory (Jedi Academy/Gamedata/base)
- holiday
- botroute support
- (and 4 more)
Coop Corps 1.0 | W/ JAPRO Support
By SephFF
Contact info:
Author: SephFF
Discord: SephFF#4710
Email: karcherusmc@hotmail.com
Map Info:
Map Name: coop_corps
Released: August 29th 2022
Filesize: bsp: 3.73mb pk3: 46.3mb
Version: 1.0 <- will add more rooms later
Build Time: 60 days
Brush Count: 3548
Patches: 459
Entities: 295
Build Command lines:
[bsp] -threads 6 -meta -v -verboseentities -maxarea -samplesize 8"[MapFile]"
[vis] -threads 6 -vis -saveprt "[MapFile]"
[light] -light -dirty -dirtdepth 4 -dirtmode 0 -dirtscale 4 -fast -fastgrid -cheap -cheapgrid -samplescale 1 -gamma 0.9 -patchshadows -bounce 8 -bouncescale 0.7 -fastbounce -bouncegrid -samples 4 -nocollapse -nolightmapsearch -threads 6 -lightmapsize 4096 -debugsamplesize "[MapFile]"
roughly took 1hour 30 min to compile lighting.
FFA / TFFA / Duel / Power Duel
Botrouting: no
New Music: no
New Textures: Yes
New Shaders: Yes
New Sounds: No
New Models: No
New NPC: No
New Skybox: No
Source .MAP file inside the pk3.
Feel free to use anything SephFF has made in this map for your own maps made for Jedi Academy. I only ask that you give proper credit. If you want to port the map for a different game, you will need to request permission.
Inspired by Protal 2, coop mode I just wanted to make a map that 2 people could have fun trying to solve. I also wanted to make a challenge for solo players to enjoy and maybe inspire others to learn how to complete this type of challenge. Map is also a good refrence to see jump heights, player walk slop limits and many other things.
Map Features:
Coop: 125 fps normal JKA settings.
Solo: 125 fps normal JKA settings also Japro supported with timers and check points.
Saber range testing room
Kyle Spawner
TFFA/Duel spawns
Portal easter egg
Teleport lobby room to get where ya wanna go.
Useful tech to know for this map:
Water jump glitch:
JKA for some odd reason has a cool trick not many people know about where if you jump into water using full jump (J1,J2,J3 <Force level), and you KEEP holding jump while falling into the water never letting it go. When you swim to the surface you will shoot out of the water the same height as the speak of your jump regardless from how high up you are. If you never let go of jump and fall in water again, you can repeat the same jump height again and again. The only thing stopping you is if your feet touch the ground. If your feet touch the glitch will no longer work. This makes getting around the map interesting and sometimes involves prior planning.
Some jumps require knowing how to a RDFA Cancel D-Swing Boost. It’s a trick in JKA where you can double your jump height boosting off a slope surface less than 90 degrees. There are many variations to do this trick so ill explain the basic D-Swing one.
RDFA Cancel D-Swing Boost:
Run forward using W or D and hold jump/space
If using W let go of it while in air press D+Attack
If using D just keep hold it and press attack.
After pressing attack, you will press and hold W+Attack (Jump/Space is still being held at the time.)
You will need forward momentum going into a slope surface. The middle of the swing is where the boost should happen. The player character’s body should be touching the slope surface during the middle of the swing animation. After the boost let go of attack but continue holding W+Jump/Space. If you hold attack you will swing the saber again, slowing your forward momentum giving less height to the jump.
The timing of the swing/forward momentum speed and angle of slope surface all adjust when the boost will or will not happen. It takes some practice to learn this trick but its not too difficult to master. This trick allows access to some areas in maps devs never intended.
For other JKA mappers. This map is also good for testing how things interact with slopes. I also have perfect heights for j1 j2 j3 and other useful stuff for mapping in general. Source files are included so feel free to poke around.
Programs Used:
Photoshop 2022
SephFF Author of this map did all Bursh work, patches, custom textures, layout brushes/details, player spawns, TFFA spawns, transition cam and lots of testing.
Loda and tayst gave me info for japro stuff.
MJT Helped with shaders....this dude does black magic.
Map testers: Helena, Yeti*, Ice, Misery, Thunder, Fran, Sal, Source, Loda, prob more... so many people tested this JAWA, SAO, UPS all helped.
Place the .pk3 into your gamedata/base folder.
Run map commands:
To play this map not a server pull down the console with (shift + `) then type /devmap then the bsp name.
The Great Palace (FFA/TFFA/CTF) Multimap [6 Maps in 1]
By Westbam
After months of hard work we can finally release this multi map of 6 maps in 1 - THE GREAT PALACE!
This map suits your every gamestyle, wether it is FFA, TFFA, CTF or DUELS.
It has a main hall to hang around, it is connected via a temple area to all other duel rooms!
Quick spawns in main area and teleports get you everywhere pretty quickly. Just walk into those Signplates in the map and you teleport to the next spot!
This map was made for the JA+ Community but also for basers and we think it is a great map to play on.
It has high quality textures and is so optimized that you can play easily with 125FPS everywhere, even 333FPS.
It has boutroutes if you like to play with bots on it. They will mainly walk around the GreatHall and TempleArea.
We added CTF spawns so if you like to play CTF in the Temple Area you can do so!
We have an area where we you can play music and feel like you are in a club!
We hope you enjoy! 🙂
= The Great Palace =
All our previous B2B tffa/duel maps ported together as a casual FFA map by Method & Westbam
* Fast teleports to each areas
* Auto-jump pads to bridge
* Medpacks & shields added
* Some secret in a map maybe:)
* New Cantina/Nightclub with music changer, switchable strobe lights and other stuff
* B2B Duel maps added/ported; https://jkhub.org/files/file/4009-b2b-method-westbams-mapbundle-1/
* Spawnpoints fix (Spawnpoints mostly in Great Hall area and few in Great_Temple @ FFA Mode)
* FFA, TFFA, CTF, Duel, Power Duel gamemodes support; CTF (Saber-Only) spawnpoints & flags in Temple area and Duel(s) in Tryhard.
- Botroutes YES
- No Weapons added
Known bugs:
- MW Club area FPS drops at some places (130-350 fps tested on potato GTX970)
RECOMMENDED: Disable dynamicglow (/r_dynamicglow 0)
Authors : Method & Westbam
Gametypes: FFA/TFFA/Duel/Power Duel/CTF
Release Date: August 2022
Extract the archive and put .pk3 file into GameData/base folder
Szico VII - textures/shaders/models from Atlantica map
MaceCrusherMadunusus - textures/shaders from Kamino map and overall help/tips
AngelModder - Jedi statues models from Jedis Home 3 map
Plasma - textures/shaders from Starkiller Base map
Shadow Stone - textures/shaders from Jedi's Home 1 & 2 map
Langerd - Darth Vader model from statuary hall duel map and some textures used from a map Cloud City SP mission
By SephFF
I made this map purely for my own personal passion for Final Fantasy 7. The map is based on a location in FF7 that is infamous in gaming history but that’s going down spoiler territory so anyone who has played the original FF7 should recognize this location pretty quick. I took a long break from mapping due to college classes and thought making something small would be a great way to get a refresher in mapping.
Map Features:
Four buttons clearly marked allow for changing the main fighting area to change.
1: Spectator stands
2: Wall
3: Pilon
4: Overhead cross
One button on the lower floor turns on some platforms and balls of water mad specifically for jump challenges in the map.
There is one hidden button somewhere in the map where if ya push it and then jump to the small material orb in the water, it will teleport ya high in the sky. Serves three purposes… 1: obvi FF7 reference 2: a quick way to start the extremely hard jump challenge. 3: Alt way to center pad in all game modes. Starts in off position at start of map…can be toggled on or off.
Last there are three secret buttons in an area outside the main map. Only way to reach this is with an extremely difficult strafe jump. The jump is made with 125 FPS users. Corner of landing area will TP you to the secret area. Other ways is obvi with grapple or noclip/use teleport coordinates.
Jump challenges: There are six total designed jump challenges all different ranges of difficulty. Only one jump has a reward room, the jump using the water balls reward is reaching the highest point in the map. The others are just for challenge sake/fun.
1: Jump only on broken pillars in a full circle with out falling in the water (easy)
2: Climb to top of bell tower (easy)
3: Use unbroken round pillars with half a sphere on top to circle around the arena. (hard)
4: Climb bell tower only using the bell tower itself. Start of jumps from center arena. (Very Hard)
5: Use water jump glitch and D-swing Boost to reach highest point of map (Very Hard)
6: From elevated platform jump off crystal to triangle glass in open are to corner glass in the map. (Extremely hard)
(Will post diagram of jumps on JKhub to more easily see what im talking about…I prob suck at explaining what these jumps are lol)
Water jump glitch:
JKA for some odd reason has a cool trick not many people know about where if you jump into water using full jump (J1,J2,J3 <Force level), and you KEEP holding jump while falling into the water never letting it go. When you swim to the surface you will shoot out of the water the same hight as the speak of your jump regardless from how high up you are. If you never let go of jump and fall in water again, you can repeat the same jump height again and again. The only thing stopping you is if your feet touch the ground. If your feet touch the glitch will no longer work. This makes getting around the map interesting and sometimes invilves prior planning.
Some jumps require knowing how to a RDFA Cancel D-Swing Boost. It’s a trick in JKA where you can double your jump height boosting off a slope surface less than 90 degrees. There are many variations to do this trick so ill explain the basic D-Swing one.
RDFA Cancel D-Swing Boost:
Run forward using W or D and hold jump/space
If using W let go of it while in air press D+Attack
If using D just keep hold it and press attack.
After pressing attack, you will press and hold W+Attack (Jump/Space is still being held at the time.)
You will need forward momentum going into a slope surface. The middle of the swing is where the boost should happen. The player character’s body should be touching the slope surface during the middle of the swing animation. After the boost let go of attack but continue holding W+Jump/Space. If you hold attack you will swing the saber again, slowing your forward momentum giving less height to the jump.
The timing of the swing/forward momentum speed and angle of slope surface all adjust when the boost will or will not happen. It takes some practice to learn this trick but its not too difficult to master. This trick allows access to some areas in maps devs never intended.
Map Info:
Map Name: Forgotten_City
Released: July 26th 2022
Filesize: bsp: 3.80mb pk3: 44mb
Version: 1.5
Build Time: 28 days
Brush Count: 357
Patches: 530
Entities: 88
Build Command lines:
[bsp] -threads 6 -meta -v -verboseentities -maxarea -samplesize 8 -skyfix "[MapFile]"
[vis] -threads 6 -vis -saveprt "[MapFile]"
[light] -light -dirty -dirtdepth 4 -dirtmode 0 -dirtscale 4 -fast -fastgrid -cheap -cheapgrid -samplescale 1 -exposure 260 -patchshadows -bounce 8 -bouncescale 0.7 -fastbounce -bouncegrid -samples 4 -nocollapse -nolightmapsearch -threads 6 -lightmapsize 2048 -debugsamplesize "[MapFile]"
roughly took 30 min to compile lighting.
UPDATE: Origanal upload had a missing texture, also found FPS drops with more than 4 players. I had to re-work entire parts of the maps and remove/modify a lot of shaders just to increase preformance a bit more but still keep the core play of the map feeling the same. it just does not look as good imo. In order to get this map looking to how I intended I will have to learn how to optimize and import models into the map and thats something that might take a few months to learn. So I got this as good as I could for now.
FFA / TFFA / Duel / Power Duel
Botrouting: no
New Music: Yes (Best to play map with music on!!!!) (3 options)
New Textures: Yes
New Shaders: Yes
New Sounds: No
New Models: No
New NPC: No
New Skybox: Yes
Source .MAP file inside the pk3.
Feel free to use anything SephFF has made in this map for your own maps made for Jedi Academy. I only ask that you give proper credit. If you want to port the map for a different game, you will need to request permission.
Programs Used:
Photoshop 2022
SephFF Brush work, patches, skybox, custom textures, layout of lvl and structural brushes/details, player spawns, TFFA spawns, transition cam and lots of testing.
MJT Helped with shaders, brushwork for bowl surrounding the water, and a lot of help with the caustics ....this dude does black magic.
Yeti*, Ice, Fransuave, Eternal: Map testers
Misery: Mapping tips and testing found all kinds of things for me to fix
Szico: 'Toggleable' Teleporters found on JKhub
Music from FF7
Place the forgotten_city.pk3 into your gamedata/base folder.
Run map commands:
To play this map not a server pull down the console with (shift + `) then type /devmap Forgotten_City
B2B Method & Westbam's MapBundle (#1)
By Westbam
Hi people of JKA!
Westbam & Method are presenting you 4 epic duel/ffa maps. Mixed gametype.
Map 1) Floor is Lava V3 a duel map with a platform and lava underneath that kills you if you fall down. The ultimate skill map!
Map 2) Duel_Great_Temple picked a section from our capture the flag map
Map 3) Duel1 Remake 2022, a Duel1 just a lot cooler
Map 4) Great_Tryhard A duel map on a platform with judgeseats around!
Credits go to method for incredible help to make these maps happen with me, and credits to those who made these textures. Incredible work!
Textures made by Plasma, Shadow Stone, Angel Modder, Sith-j-Cull, MaceMadunusus, Szico VII
Rev Gnosis
By Rev_Mooku
"Gnosis" is the 7 month map project of Mooku, leader of the (>+<) Revelation clan.
This map features a central hub and individual zones for the elements of Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Light, and Darkness. The central theme is "Balance In All Things."
Each zone is accessed from the central hub via teleporters that visually represent their respective zones.
Zone Descriptions
Air - Open, cloudy, windy sounds, wind slingshot effect if one falls off a platform, semi clear dueling arena in middle
Water - Pristine, Calming, Water sounds, Opportunities for Swimming Practice, Duel ring surrounded by water
Earth - Earthy, Stone duel ring upon a grassy hill, bar and fight club inside the terrain
Fire - The Floor is Lava, watch your step, don't die, and Features The High Ground
Light - Jedi feel, crystal cave, semi hidden council chamber
Dark - Sith feel, Dark tomb, bones and coffins everywhere, hidden council chamber