Cosmetic Mods
344 files
Force Storm
Replaces the level 3 Force Lightning effect, summoning an electrical storm cloud to blast your enemies.
Lightning Effects
This mod alters the visual effect of Force Lightning. The effects are loosely based on the PS3 game InFamous, but altered sufficiently to work effectively within JKA. Levels 1 and 2 use a single bolt of lightning launched from the hand, whilst level 3 calls down a large lightning strike from above.
This is not the final iteration of this mod, and further versions will be incorporated as part of the Medium of Darkness mod ( ). Progress can also be viewed at
If you wish to use any part of this mod in your own production, please contact me first to discuss the matter.
FF White Magic CURE
By JKHub
This MOD changes effect of Force Heal like White Magic CURE
of the video game "Final Fantasy".
Furthermore, the sound which was suitable for this effect was added.
Two kinds of new effect's are in this MOD.
(One is used with JA+MOD.)
Incidentally, an effect image isn't being made at all.
I changed only effect data newly.
I included the sound (It is the same sound.) of Force Team Heal, too.
But, I have never used Force Team Heal...
"It can be used with JA+ MOD"
Tentatively, this MOD can be used for [JA+ MOD 2.3] as well.
Put z_FF_Cure.pk3 in the japlus folder when you use it with JA+MOD.
Graphical Chat Icons
By JKHub
The icon which appears when a chat and menu screen of a multi-play are
displayed becomes showy in this MOD.
The chat icon of the default is thought to be a little plain.
That icon wasn't so conspicuous when I was doing a multi-player.
Therefore, I made some new chat icons.
It thinks that it can be prevented from attacking a player by mistake.
(But there will not be a meaning if other players do not put same MOD...)
These are thought to be good when it is used with CLAN.
=The kind of the icon=
z_chaticon_1 --- JK Logo
z_chaticon_2 --- Darth Vader
z_chaticon_3 --- Lightsaber
X-Men Iceman's Power Effects
By JKHub
Iceman is a favorite character.
However, I hardly see overseas comics being sold. Therefore I have never read these comics.
Because I like overseas comics very much, if there is an opportunity, I want to read them by all means.
These effects are lightning force effects which reproduced the skill of Iceman of X-MEN.
These change effects of force lightning. (It is overwritten.)
Though some lightning sounds is changed, hiteffect aren't changed. (Sound doesn't change only "energy_crackle".)
It is because it probably influences other effect (and sound).
An attack range, the force power are unchanged.
Then, force icon was changed to the new icon.
--File explanation--
This is attacked with the cold.
It is the ability which Iceman of the movie uses.
Then, I added a change to effect a little.
A ray is fired.
This is one of the attack skill of Iceman of fighting game. (MERVEL vs. CAPCOM series)
It is called "Ice Beam", and it is his main skill.
The fragment of the innumerable ice is splashed.
It is from the game in the same way. This is super attack of Iceman.
(It is called "Arctic Attack".)
Highspeed Melee
By JKHub
Former highspeedmelee3 was improved.
First, glafile was deleted, and capacity was greatly reduced.
Therefore, you must put [japlus_gla_anims.pk3] with JA+ Mod.
One more, a balance wasn't appropriate with multi-player.
Therefore, some are being adjusted.
Because a problem was found, fast stance was changed to new stance.
Then, even a single-player can use a new saber stances.
1.Melee motions
The number of frames of meleemotion and a speed were revised.
Former back running was deleted, and the left kick and front get up were amended with multi-player.
One back flip was changed with single-player.
2.Saber stances
Saber stance of medium and dual was added newly, and fast was amended.
3.Melee effects
Melee effects with single-player were amended.
4.Melee sounds
Melee sounds were amended.
[About mod of the single-player]
The continuous attack of the punch becomes possible with SP version.
[About mod of the multi-player]
This MP version mod can use even baseJKA(stance and motion only) and Force Mod III except for JA+ Mod.
(But, a balance isn't so appropriate as that.)
[File explanation]
z_highspeed3_basic.pk3----------- Only melee motion is changed.
z_highspeed3_full.pk3------------ Melee motion and saber stances, back flip and back roll are changed.
z_japlus_highspeed3_basic.pk3---- Only melee motion is changed.
z_japlus_highspeed3_full.pk3----- Melee motion and saber stances are changed.
[Melee control]
ALT---(It changes by the pressed direction key.)---Kick
CTRL+ALT---(It changes by the pressed direction key.)---Grasp attak
USE---(It changes by the pressed direction key.)---Avoidance movement (Single-Player only)
(A USE key can be used even if it is changed to other weapons.)
[How to use melee in single-player]
It can be used with one button when the following cheat code is added to autoexec.cfg.
bind * "HelpUsObi 1;g_debugmelee 1;give weaponnum 14;weapon 14"
(Assign [*] a favorite key.)
Only melee can be used without changing force power.
Repeater Blaster Pistol
By JKHub
This Mod can shoot blasterpistol continuously, and default fire can be used for the infinity.
(Alt fire consumes ammunition.)
Maximum ammunition increases in 999.
One more, the stance of blasterpistol is changed, too. (Idle, ready, attack.)
These two Mod files can be used separately.
1.This is only for SP.
It isn't applicable with MP.
(stance mod can be used.)
2.This is Mod which changes weapon performance.
Therefore, it can't be used with the same kind of Mod together.
Jedi Academy Screen Pack
By JKHub
This MOD changes three loading screens to the new graphics.
It is art work by me completely.
These illustration is Jedi knights appearing in this Jedi Academy.
I added one more Startup Screen.
It is the title graphics of the design of the stone.
Furthermore, there is new music on the menu screen of SP and MP.
Single-Player Game ------- From Star Wars Episode 6: Return of the Jedi "Luke And Leia"
Multi-Player Game ------- From Star wars: Republic Commando "Geonosis Music"
I added wallpaper of three screen graphics.
All the image size is 1024*768.
I wanted my art work evaluated. I am hoping that my technology always improves.
NPC Droid Pack
By Helena Revan
This pack contains thirty-six Droid NPC's that you can spawn and play with in Jedi Academy MP. They behave exactly like the base Jedi Academy astromechs. To make them follow you, spawn a Jawa and walk in front of it so that you're the first player that the Jawa sees.
Their reactions are a bit delayed; as long as you're far enough away, they'll travel at random intervals toward the point where you were when they decided to move. As you move around, they'll choose new places to go. After each movement phase, they'll orient themselves to your current position, as long as you're nearby.
The pack also contains three NPC Droid Vehicles, which allow you to jump in and drive around as a droid. They feature realistic droid speed, designed to match default player walking speed, and turbo that briefly allows you to move at the same speed as a running player.
If you've previously downloaded the (JAWA) Temple map, you probably don't need this pack. All of the NPC's and vehicles were included as part of that map. But if you don't have that map, or you need to uninstall it, this stand-alone pack will let you use the droids.
Missing NPC's
By Helena Revan
These are four Non Player Characters (NPC's) that were originally released with single-player Jedi Outcast (JKII). Although the NPC's themselves were included in Jedi Academy as well, the textures and a few other files were omitted, since none of these NPC's were actually used in the game. This file makes them available for everybody to use.
The NPC's are:
The glider is a flying reptile native to Yavin IV. It looks like a cross between a pterodactyl and a heron. When you spawn it, it will be "asleep." The easiest way to wake it up is to spawn a jawa nearby and walk in front of it. This works well for droids as well. The glider doesn't move very quickly, but it will follow you if you were the first person it saw when it woke up. Otherwise it's harmless. RavenSoft didn't make any sounds for the glider.
For a more dynamic glider, check out my Glider Vehicle pk3. It uses the pekopeko and shakk sounds.
The mark1 is a large, heavily-armed attack droid. It'll attack as soon as it sees you.
The mark2 is a small droid that sort of sits there whirring about as if deciding what to do next. So far as I've seen, it's harmless.
Minemonsters, or "shrugs" as we've been calling them on the server for ages, are nasty little creatures from the crystal mines of Artus Prime. They're surprisingly fast and vicious, and a swarm of them can cause serious injuries in a short time. Thankfully, they're not very smart.
Kalek's Rancor
By Kalek
This is a simple reskin I made, there are two variations. One that is simply the regular rancor spikes and horns, and the other with different skin tones. That is the cuddly one. These two rancors both have 5000 health, so they are tougher than the normal one, (Half the health of the mutant) and in terms of scale between the mutant and normal, they should fall right in between.
Grey, Glass and Transparent Console Options
This mod gives you several different console options including gray consoles to make it easier to read all of the colours, and transparent ones so that you can see what is going on in the top half of your screen when your console is up.
There are also several levels of brightness to choose between for the gray stars console.
Shaders by MUG
Images/Textures by Caelum
JK2 Taunts for JK3
By Link
This file contains taunt additions from JK2 which are missing in JK3.
Bespin Cop
Jedi Trainer
Mon Mothma
Space Loading Screens
Crazy Assassin
This mod replaced the three loading screens with space-themed ones. Each one is slightly different.
New Black Saber (JA+)
By Shadow
A black saber with a white core that replaces that black saber in JA+.
Complete Species Pack
By Inyri
This mod adds species menu support for all base assets playable models from Jedi Academy.
Complete may be a misnomer. The engine does not support having all 52 (give or take) playable models, so this pack is split into two PK3s, of which you may only use one at a time. It's basically the first half of the models and the second half, alphabetically (speciespack_if.pk3 goes from Alora to Rax Joris and speciespack2_if.pk3 goes from Reborn to Weequay). Both PK3s include hoth clothing for all 6 Jaden variants.
Each playable model has been given SP species support so that all default, red team, and blue team heads, torsos, and lowers are mix'n'match. This works better on some models than others, naturally. This is available both as a SP mod, to select your favorite default model for SP play, or you can also use it to customize your favorite model for MP play by using the species menu (I like a half-blue half-red Boba Fett, myself).
I take no responsibility for how crappy some of these default models are... That's Raven's business.
SiLink's Startup Screen
By Link
I made this startup screen some time ago, it was intended to be for personal use but I recently decided to release it in hope others may get some enjoyment out of it too. As you can see from the screenshot it has a sky blue colour throughout. The glow around the text at the top was rather difficult to achieve as I had to flip images to make it fit behind the actual text and position it exact XD. Sadly I could not change the colour of the text at the top so if anyone knows how feel free to mail me and I'll release a V2 with that included plus any other suggestions I think would be good additions.
Blank Icon Images
By Link
The .zip file contains 3 blank versions of the icon images used for the basic models that come with the game. The point of downloading this small file is to give a skin/model a more professional looking edge over other models so it fits in with the standard models easily without looking out of place. There isn't much else to say, if you're looking for a way to make your WIP skin/model look a bit more fitting then this file is for you.