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Status Updates posted by Fuse294

  1. Looking for a decent Dromund Kaas lookalike map (since I know non of it exist)

  2. Worst nights sleep of the year so far <_<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fuse294
    3. Onysfx


      Stayed up till 3 2 nights ago myself.

    4. Onysfx


      EDIT: Stayed up till 3:00 AM two nights ago.

  3. If anyone is interested in possibly helping out in minor roles, let me know: http://s15.zetaboards.com/Galactic_Resurgence/topic/8378768/1/?x=0#post8111675

  4. Razor, you need to update the bit-field page so people can actually use notarget.

  5. Version 2 of the NPC Patch is now live.

  6. Version 2 of the NPC Patch is pending approval, it introduces new models, new npcs for your enjoyment.

  7. The latest version of the Arcadia NPC Patch is coming soon, sorry it took so long.

    1. Smoo
    2. Fuse294


      It's pending approval.

  8. Once this maps finished I'm already planning what I might do for my next one :D

  9. Yey, finally some real server activity =D

  10. OH THANK GOD I ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK, my map fucked up and I thought I'd lost everything but luckily, I had a restore point from the 25th so I just need to alter what was added back in..

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Cerez


      Pendrives have been around for shorter, and so we've only been able to test their lifecycle for the last 10 years, but yeah, I was surprised, too. This new information makes pendrives a great backup storage solution, especially for a the kind of use we use CDs and DVDs for. A lot faster for data transfer, smaller for size, bigger for space, and pretty handy overall. Plus, they are bound to be compatible for longer as the tech trends move on, too. If you take good care of the flash drive,...

    3. Cerez


      ...and don't overuse it, it's the perfect backup solution. And affordable. I wouldn't use the cheapest of the cheap, but any widespread and known manufacturer's product will do, really.

    4. Fuse294


      Only USB's I have were given to me by School/College so are a few years old by now.

  11. Worked out how to place triggered NPC spawns on my map =D

  12. Well, Resurgence finally has a focus for RP (for the moment), now to just find the (active) members for it.

  13. Done some more work on my Yavin Trial map, added pillars to the water room and a maze with pull blocks.

  14. Well I'm certainly pleased with the map so far, but a ways to go yet but feel free to drop suggestions if you got any. Just keep it Trial related and remember someone with the basic core powers at level 1 has to be able to complete the course.

  15. My day has been wasted away either mapping or uploading stuff and sitting on my server alone afk xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bart


      Why not minimize and do something else in the meantime? :P That's what I do.

    3. Fuse294


      That's what I have been doing, all day!

    4. Bart


      Then no time waste in any of these :D

  16. Submitted my first 'crappy' map, wooo!

  17. Just made my first ever map! *Achievement unlocked - Architect*

  18. HAH caught a Mew on Red using the Mew Glitch!

  19. Thanks Magsul for permission, you're awesome as always.

  20. Also got Pokemon Red on 3DS =D

  21. Got Far Cry Primal, been playing it all evening.

  22. Well, back to the RP community hunt it seems :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. the_raven


      RP? You mean like RP clans? As far as I know, there's only JAO available. The rest are either dead, or reprofiled to DM's or whatnot.

    3. Clan FJA

      Clan FJA

      ::Jedi::, FJA, TLF, JKRP, yavin.pl, ...

    4. Fuse294


      JKRP recently closed, JEDI is there I was before I posted the status but was declined.

  23. Honestly it's both surprising and a bit disappointing how few have entered the background contest.

  24. Released a small fix update for the NPC patch after I spotted 3 issues, 2 of which were resolved, the third however hasn't been due to scripting knowledge.

  25. Sorry to Barricade, I appreciate you approving it but I forgot to add something to one of the txt files inside so had to reupload.

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