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Everything posted by Fuse294

  1. You forgot to say 'Sucky version of the map by you' xD
  2. Heh, more an issue of 'Can I be bothered to keep working on it with so many other interests'
  3. 243 downloads

    This map was inspired by the Trial map used in Jedi Outcast, without the things like running over a bridge or along a corridor, or standing on a pillar to open a door, etc. I've included the Source file so people can modify it, so long as I'm given credit, or should they wish to improve upon it so I can upload an updated/improved version (giving them credit for improvements). I took some textures from Jedi Outcast for the Telekinesis Switches because they weren't in the Academy base files. The map isn't overly big, as it is designed to test students who are learning, the target group being Roleplay communities, thus the following abilities are required to complete the map: Jump 1 Push 1 Pull 1 No external NPC's were used, only Stormtroopers, Sentries and Reborns designed to test say a child of 10-13's abilities. A big thanks to @MagSul for talking me through certain parts when I was confused and to @JungAk for testing it.
  4. I wouldn't mind giving it a try, could take a while due to motivational issues right now. I've pretty much shelved the 'finished' version of my Trial map till I can be bothered to upload it,
  5. The thing is, the game registers the Cloak as an item that when activated applies the overlay shader for invisibility.
  6. I'd love to see Lana, Theron and other companions added!
  7. The only way would be map scripting, which would mean making your own map and scripting the npc to change to another offscreen,
  8. Just got back from seeing Captain America =D

  9. Been testing clanmod now, admittedly I question why so many RP communities would choose JA+ over it, it's the exact same thing but with way more features

    1. Merek


      I used Clan Mod v1.19 for years before switching over to JA+ and then JA++.


      At the time it was the only thing I used and I loved it over anything else.

    2. Fuse294


      I may change my server over to it, it is a good thing to use and it's easy to work things out.

  10. As to my reasoning, Ventress is one of my most favorite characters from the show, I was disappointed when they cut the show off at season 6 episode 13, her end story was supposed to be explored in Season 7 but was moved to a book when it was cut.
  11. I'd wondered if someone could put together an updated version of Ventress based on her Clone Wars based appearance from both the show and the novel. http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/0/0b/VentressDetail2-SWE.png/revision/latest?cb=20120316002458 http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/f/f6/AsajjVentressSWE.png/revision/latest?cb=20140623124142&path-prefix=cs
  12. I thought I was gonna flip my desk (and probably break the new one I just put together) when I saw the title mentioning the 'Forbidden Text' that is KOTF, something that probably should have been cast into a endless abyss long ago. HOWEVER, the topic didn't go in the direction I expected, so I was pleasantly surprised. Admittedly I only tried the mod twice, I can't remember much of my time playing cos it was messing around with the NPC functions. I would suggest first shelving ALL the stolen content (which would probably leave you with very little other than the base files that tim bothered to actually make himself), (remove it all and put it to one side), THEN ask around for permission on new updated versions of the models you know exist (which you mentioned you'd done for personal use?) I would also suggest doing away with the name, it's something I consider Taboo, instead give it your own name so it's reputation won't start out as an extremely poor one.
  13. URGH I change how things work and still people all crowd around to do Sith RP over Jedi, makes me question if I should stay, I don't like playing a Sith.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Psyk0Sith


      Disguise yourself as a sith and then bam! "The Jedi are taking ovah!"

    3. Bek
    4. Fuse294


      I could technically do that, but one GM vs a temple of sith xD.... While the order is technically HUGE in terms of NPC jedi I could never do it alone...though it DOES give me an idea.

  14. I can never find the server..or any for that matter in the FM3 section.
  15. They look good and accurate I must say! Well done!
  16. Yeah but it was all Outcast stuff, with one or two broken links (from what I saw when I clicked DF). It's all very old stuff, nostalgia is great so long as the links work, it has been 12 years since the last update to that site The models look good though!
  17. Not entirely true, because the ~ on my keyboard doesn't open the console where as the ¬ button beside the '1' key does, I remember trying to open the console when I first started playing was a nightmare because everyone said it was the ~ key yet pressing that and shift wasn't doing anything. Try shift and whatever key is directly above the tab key.
  18. Fuse294

    NPC Head bouncing

    Is it possible for you to remove the head bouncing that occurs when you jump on an NPC so you stand on them, rather than hop? If you're using something like the throwable stuff npc pack you can't stack things like crates or astromechs and the bouncing alone is just a pointless thing to have.
  19. I put my leg through my old desk by mistake and had to go and get a new one xD

    1. Fender


      Leg or desk? XD

    2. DrXann


      He means desk.

  20. What is the point in me even leading the Jedi Order of my community if no-one bothers to make bios and they all go sith/imperial <_<

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zookiee


      actually not rping on sith @_@ but some jedi Rping on hub server last night.d

    3. Fuse294


      Corenth and Vira aren't technically Jedi if that's why you mean, they are Knights of the Royal Guard with past ties to the order through another Jedi.

    4. Cerez


      Yeah, I can relate to that, @Zeros Darok. Role-playing communities so often don't turn out the way we expect them to. It depends on the people, but a good role-playing teams is so hard to come across... >.<'

  21. Yes and no, that's kind of what I mean but without an actual saber visible in your hand.
  22. The title pretty much speaks for itself, it's aim is to allow people to access 'animations' missing from mods like + and ++/OJP/ETC by giving them to 'sabers' (weapon2/noweap/noweap.glm) as readyAnims. So far I've done: Typing Sitting normally Sitting when Leaning forwards A Force Push anim using drain to give the illusion of extending a hand A 'Telekinetic lift' using Force Grips anim for lifting an object with the force A standard 'atease' that should remove the need to hold the 'use inventory' button when you bind /amatease. A 'reach' which extends the hand forward slightly as if waiting to be handed or handing over something. Things I want to add: Crossed arms (without the leaning back) - Have been unable to locate the related anim for that, may have to make a custom?) Hands to the sides (I know + has an override for that which is optional) Suggestions are welcome. Current Bugs: [*] Thin blades displayed in reverse when activated. (Base SP/MP), not yet tested on mods) [*] Animations NOT playing as intended. (Base SP/MP test, not yet tested on mods)
  23. That link won't be good for much longer, in 10 days the site is shutting down.
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