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Status Updates posted by Fuse294

  1. I say I'm done with the game and come up with community ideas....brain plz stahp!

    1. Circa


      Happens every time. Can relate x2.

  2. Nice article about JEDI in Junes PC Gamer.

  3. So I've got a new PC (should be ready by Sunday) so it means I'm clearing this one of all my stuff except the stuff I'm using right now.

  4. I miss my old RP community, even after all these months I continue to check in on them.. I might try talking to one or two in private.

  5. I've found myself thinking of returning again :/

  6. Thanks to Magsul, I finally know how to put MD3's in a map, which means I can look into altering my Trials Temple map.

  7. Managed to book a pair of tickets for me and my brother tomorrow afternoon =D

  8. Thinking of making a RP community set thousands of years in legends future where Jedi/Sith are legends and an order that has parts of both exists.

  9. It's a pity OpenRP didn't get finished, I just gave it a small test and it was certainly interesting but lacked a couple of the promised features :/

  10. Just fixed a small texture issue on my Yavin Trial map, sorry it took so long but I've been busy. Also added some extra stuff to it.

  11. Submitted my first 'crappy' map, wooo!

  12. I'm probably going to burn in hell for that joke but worth it.

  13. Finally got 2 pairs of rechargeable batteries and a charger, now I don't have to worry about buying new ones all the time!

  14. Times like this I wish I had my Outcast installed to help with the npcs :/

  15. I'm now turning to you guys to help with suggestions for the NPC patch, I can only do so much so fill up my inbox :)

  16. Released a small fix update for the NPC patch after I spotted 3 issues, 2 of which were resolved, the third however hasn't been due to scripting knowledge.

  17. Honestly it's both surprising and a bit disappointing how few have entered the background contest.

  18. Got Far Cry Primal, been playing it all evening.

  19. Also got Pokemon Red on 3DS =D

  20. Thanks Magsul for permission, you're awesome as always.

  21. HAH caught a Mew on Red using the Mew Glitch!

  22. Just made my first ever map! *Achievement unlocked - Architect*

  23. Nice to see server activity booming.

  24. Well I'm certainly pleased with the map so far, but a ways to go yet but feel free to drop suggestions if you got any. Just keep it Trial related and remember someone with the basic core powers at level 1 has to be able to complete the course.

  25. Done some more work on my Yavin Trial map, added pillars to the water room and a maze with pull blocks.

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