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54 files

  1. -[DM]- & [DA] Clan Map

    Author: Worr Sonn


    Submitted by: Barricade24

    Training and Council building for these two clans. Each clan has their own hall with 3 duel rooms each. The council room features custom skinned chairs made for the the DM and DA clans


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  2. {PO} Training Facility

    Author: ProdigalSon


    Submitted by: Barricade24

    This is just a traininf place i built for fun and decided to make it my clans training facility it took like 3 weeks and was pretty fun to do . itd not great but its got some pretty cool places to look at and explore
    So i hope u have as much fun playing on it as i did makin it for ya all


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  3. Battlestar Aurelia - Outline/Beta ONE

    Battlestar Aurelia - Readme
    Outline ONE-JO - 23-12-2012
    "You watch me. I'll have my own Battlestar one day"

    This map will be "odd" because this is more of an outline rather then a playable map and originally, it was designed for Elite Force and specificly the RPG-X modification. However, given the fact that the RPG-X developers decided to regard me as an untermensch, I decided to cease development of the RPG-X version.
    The origins of this map lies within all my previous maps released for Elite Force, namely the Asteroid Base, Battlestar Bellerophon and U.S.S Leonov maps, augmented with various elements from a wide range of sci-fi television shows, movies and videogames both past and present, I have made an attempt to incorporate all these elements into a single, workable map.
    Since I feel that the Aurelia's design is a strong one and not depending onto one game alone, I decided to port and release this map for Jedi Outcast instead and altough its more of an outline then a playable map, I decided to release it in its current form due to (for the most part) time constraints and to give players and fellow mappers a chance to see what I have been up to. Some areas are complete, some aren't and some are somewhere in between.
    Game info:
    Game: Jedi Outcast
    Gametype: Free for all (Other modes may work but are not supported)
    Number of Players: 14
    Bot Support: No

    This map is compatible with Jedi Academy's high-resolution pack, which can be downloaded from the website. 
    Mapping: Apprentice
    Additional models: Apprentice
    Additional textures: Apprentice

    The Master plan:

    (Outline 1-JO)
    Version ONE-JO is a direct port from the Jedi Academy version towards Jedi Outcast, since both games are practicly using the same assets, except for some textures and models which have been corrected.
    (Outline 1)
    For this map, there is no master plan. I have decided to release it "as is" and if there is sufficient feedback, I may decide to release an Outline TWO or port this map to other idTech3 based games, including a version for RPG-X but that depends on how the RPG-X developers continue to regard me. 

    Feedback can be given through apprentice(at)apprentice(dot)be. 
    For actual information about the map "Battlestar Aurelia", see the website www.apprentice.tk


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  4. Bespin Christmas

    Author: Rhiom

    It's Bespin during Christmas!
    What more is there to say?


       (9 reviews)



  5. Cactus

    This map is a small duel map in the desert. This map started out as a test map for a projected decal entity. I ended up building a small duel map since I liked the effect. I also put in a sky portal again like my quest map.


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  6. Chill House

    It's just a nice and cozy room with the sound of rain. You can kill time and relax here by jumping around and listening to the rain.
    Included bot support for multiplayer and single player.
    Map will work for both Jedi Outcast (MP & SP) and Jedi Academy (MP & SP). Just put .pk3 file in GameData/base and then type in console /map chill_house.

    This map uses the following models which are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/):
    "Bed 06" (https://skfb.ly/6TQrD) by Doaa Sheha
    "Curtain a prop" (https://skfb.ly/69XJr) by UROD Engine
    "Window" (https://skfb.ly/6UsyL) by jesseroberts
    "Wooden door" (https://skfb.ly/WpVu) by HASSAN
    "Carpet" (https://skfb.ly/6xOvC) by Lucas Garnier
    "Ultimate Moulding and Skirtings" (https://skfb.ly/6ZAO9) by Rakshaan
    "Acer monitor" (https://skfb.ly/o8vT7) by vesicalsnail
    "Simple dirty Desk" (https://skfb.ly/opWOM) by Thunder
    "Gamer Chair Cosmetic" (https://skfb.ly/6XnOL) by Oliver
    "Keyboard" (https://skfb.ly/6uLXr) by oscarherry3d
    "Bulb" (https://skfb.ly/o9spC) by Wizard of Graphic
    "Mouse" (https://skfb.ly/opWnT) by Arnau Rocher Alcayde
    "Silver Crest Gaming Mousepad" (https://skfb.ly/6YvOE) by Cymen05
    "Cup" (https://skfb.ly/D9Ct) by Prographer
    This map uses the following textures which are licensed under a Pexels License (https://www.pexels.com/license/):
    "Brown Wooden Board" (https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-wooden-board-164005/) by FWStudio
    "Brown Wooden Parquet Flooring" (https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-wooden-parquet-flooring-129731/) by FWStudio
    "Brown Wooden Board" (https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-wooden-board-172284/) by FWStudio
    "Brown Surface" (https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-surface-129728/) by FWStudio
    "Brown Surface" (https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-surface-301717/) by Pixabay
    "Brown Parquet" (https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-parquet-172276/) by FWStudio
    "White Painted Wall" (https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-painted-wall-1939485/) by Henry & Co.
    "A Green Cloth in Close Up Photography" (https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-green-cloth-in-close-up-photography-7641223/) by Eva Elijas
    This map uses the following sound effects which are licensed under a Pixabay License (https://pixabay.com/service/license/):
    "Rain" (https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/id-110508/) by Franco Gonzalez
    "Open Door #1" (https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/id-14550/) by BenjaminNelan
    This map uses shader by RichDiesal from https://jkhub.org/mapping/richdiesal/Shaders365_Lesson_2_LightEmitting_files/sh365lsn2.htm


       (1 review)



  7. Counter Strike: Dust 2 (Jedi Outcast)

    Counter Strike Soruce Dust 2 (Jedi Outcast)
    I want to introduce something different for this game, but well known from the Counter Strike game series.
    The map in its original form comes with the structure only, the rest of the work was done by me.
    Thanks to Valve for publishing map and KENNITHH who made compatible with Q3 engine.
    You can find the original post on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory forum.
    Also available for Jedi Academy.
    Installing the map is simple, put map cs_dust2.pk3 in your base folder, then you can select it via menu or type command in the console "/map cs_dust2".
    Features List:
    Support for the use of weapons.
    Support for the Jedi Master gametype.
    Support for the Holocron gametype.
    Support for the Team FFA gametype.
    Support for the CTF and CTY gametype.


       (5 reviews)



  8. Country Academy

    So, I swore I'd never do another Country Roads themed map. I know as well as anyone that it's become a tired theme. But here I am, releasing one. I guess I like the silliness involved with having saber battles on a farm. This is like... for sure the last Country Roads map for JK2/JKA. I hope you enjoy, ya hear?


       (1 review)



  9. Country Roads

    Almost heaven, West Virginia... A totally new Country Roads map, drawing on elements of the first, but totally redone and even more fun. Country Roads... take me home!


       (1 review)



  10. Dim Side Castle

    Author: Worr Sonn


    Submitted by: Barricade24

    The new and high-tech palace become a nuisance, so master Worr Sonn created an ancient castle for Dim Side


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  11. Dim Side Jedi Academy

    Author: Worr Sonn


    Submitted by: Barricade24

    The extra edition of ffa_dimside_se... I took the map and re-did most of it. I kept the classic arenas and got rid of some stuff. The secret area is VERY hard to find, but it is the best area in the map


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  12. Dim Side Palace 2

    Author: Worr Sonn


    Submitted by: Barricade24

    The palace of the Dim side Clan (-{DS}-) headed by Master Worr Sonn. Includes, bar, bedrooms, council room, throne room, ship supply room ,offices, etc.


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  13. Dim Side Training Facility

    Author: Worr Sonn


    Submitted by: Barricade24

    Small Trial facility to give trials to the many members of -{DS}-.
    Start off outside with an outside atmosphere. There's a nice tree house up in the tree which belongs to me (Worr).
    You walk in to a large glass duel pad which has ramps leading off to 3 doors and a waiting room.
    The rightmost door is a hall with three teleporters that lead to a duel room for Me, Alvinater, and Unnamed.
    The leftmost door leads to a strange meditation room.
    The middle forcefield is my office, which you must make an appointment to enter


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  14. Eathdor Streets

    Author: Worr Sonn


    Submitted by: Barricade24

    The planet in which many castle's reside is the walking streets with various type of rooms and areas to mess around.


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  15. FFA Carbon Freeze

    This is the second edition of the very first map i made for jk2 and the first map that was released for jk2 =]]
    but rather than just take old map and add to it i completly remade it.
    The main core is immense on a scale never before seen. Basically it is the whole height of the jk2 drawing area, and width wise it could fit the old map in 4 times just in the pit.
    Carbon room is limited to just two carbon chambers, should have five but that would be far to laggy.
    I did want to add loads more to the map but i reached the maximum shaders available
    but any other areas i wanted i will release as a duel map later.
    Talking of Duel maps i will make 1 of the gantry area only with a thinner gantry, just like in movie....
    Ive made it so you start always in the city area. Its quite a walk but it adds that get to the carbon chamber feel.
    For those who just want the gantry fights that duel map will make up for this.
    The window works on the notion that the one who breaks it gets sucked out. Unavoidable really but to get more than 1 person sucked out the jk2 engine would need changing. For example in SP levels you see this more than once but that wasnt implemented into Multiplayerso couldnt be done. Although do be careful once broke it does throw you out at a very high velocity if your too close =]]
    Ive also implemented an escape route back to the landing pad in the city.
    If you fall from where luke falls and aim right down , you will slide into the tube luke enters =] and get teleported back to landing pad ready to commence battle once more =]


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  16. FFA Episode 1

    This is a recreation of end of episode 1, where Maul fights with Qui Gon and Obi Wan, with a little added Extras and new areas to add a bit more to the level.


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  17. FFA Helms Deep

    a few hidden extras and the wall does explode older version of map should also run with this version as nothign has changed bar the fact that this now supports bots also. This map isnt supposed to be a complete copy of the helms deep as in the film. Its just a really cool map to duel on, FFA on and catch jokes on :)i did remake a low FPS version of the map but its only 40% complete and i am going to use it as a CTF map instead, last thing i want is people moaning about 'another' version :| hehe.


       (2 reviews)



  18. FFA Sarlacc

    Well if any was needed its the Sarlacc pit from Return of the jedi, but contains jabbas 1st sail barge
    similar in design to the one in the film but with slight changes in design


       (3 reviews)



  19. FFA WOV

    This map was created specifically for clan [WoV], and features their home base: offices, meeting room, grand lobby, bar/laggon and a hidden "Tribunal". Outside one will find the landing areas for WoV members visiting their base.
    This map stirred up a lot of controversy, because WoV paid me about $3000 to make this map. Many people yelled "WHAT?" and "That's not allowed". Ahem.. maybe. Technically, I created textures from WoV and in a 'totally unrelated project' used their textures (see, since they paid for them, it's their textures) to make a map for free. Now, why would anyone charge anyone for just a map? My time was valuable. If someone takes me away from doing something else in my life, it is going to cost them. I charged the same rate I would charge any client.
    I've been asked well over 1,000 times (and that is NOT an exaggeration) to make a map for someone. It's always been my joke answer that they have to pay for it. That usually makes the begging stop, and instead I look like a jerk (which usually makes them stop talking to me, which I prefer whilst playing JK2/JKA). The guy from WoV however had a lot of money, and for him it was worth the cost. For me, it was just another job where someone is paying me for applying my creativity to a technical medium (something that happens often, as it's my career).
    So despite all that, I was satisfied, as was my client. He perceived good value, and I delivered more than he imagined. The downside was I became that much more "famous", which is one thing I always hated, and still hate. It's not easy to play the game when either everyone is trying to talk to you, admins are questioning whether you really are you (sometimes resulting in abuse & bans), and playing in a game where some perceive me to be a master of the game itself. I just want to have fun.
    Hmm... this all turned rather morose. Enjoy the map.


       (1 review)



  20. FFA_Village

    This map is made by author -XeTer-DisasteruS, it has been, for the most part, lost to the public but it is being uploaded here so that others may add it to their map collection.


    File Uploaded by @Barricade24


       (3 reviews)



  21. Forbidden Twilight 1.01

    This is my first map for Jedi Outcast from way back in 2003 that I made for Forbiden Twilight clan. It's very large, but with good performance all around. There is also a CTF version with most areas blocked off.


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  22. Grand Apathy

    Author: Jagged Cougar (Brandon) of Clan Apathy (Ca)
    File Name: Grand_Apathy.pk3
    File Size: 33.5 MB~
    Date Released : Nov 16, 2010
    Special Thanks: Clan Apathy for waiting so long for this map. HQTZ, aka Boddo, for his patience teaching me things and testing help. All the "beta" testers over the last year or two.
    Credits : Boddo and his awesome shaders. <JS> Vouksh of jk2files.com for the Master Sword model of his Link Sword Mod (v3.1) pack. SithMasteR555's SwordMod (v2). Various authors of hi-res n64 texture packs from emutalk.net. Google.com!
    Description : My first map ever released, and the first official clan map for Ca. I've noticed that even the best looking maps get old quick, so I designed Grand Apathy with longevity and practicality as a focus. The challenges are tough, yet fun and will add alot of life to the map.
    Comments: I hit the entity-limit with this map. Because of that, I was unable to add some additional triggers and stuff around the map, was unable to completely finish the admin wing, and was definitely unable to make the 3-4 additional rooms/challenges I had planned (GRAND Apathy indeed!). Other than that, the 10-year-old N64 fan in me had a fun time making this map, and it was a wonderful learning experience. I think I have now acquired a good technical know-how in mapping, that's for sure.
    Technical: 8235 brushes. 1633 entities (1259 light). Compiled with -light -fast -filter -super2 -bounce8. Sorry, no -samples on this one. I actually worked on about 3 different versions of this clan map before scrapping them all and finally ended up piecing together the rooms into this monster. Done over the course of 2 1/2 years taking months long breaks between 3-7 day mapping spurts. Guestimated worktime: 150+ hours.
    How to Install : Put the Grand_Apathy.pk3 in your GameData\base game folder. Start JK2 and put "/com_hunkmegs 128" in the console then restart the game. Now enjoy the map!
    Map Information
    New Textures    : yes
    New Music    : yes
    New Sounds    : yes
    New Models    : yes
    Game Types    : ffa, tffa, duel


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  23. Grip - Levels

    This is my second map created and is sort of done it a haste but the result is really something. I say this no early in the text, do not begin with this map. The first level happens to be easy but after that it gets very hard at most of the levels. Start with the tutorial on Grip 3 or Grip 1.
    This map is divided into 5 distinct levels with some entirely new mechanics that could make you go nuts, and challenge even the best grip climbers.
    Happy climbing, kenny
    Certain walls are too high to climb by only using jump. In these challenge maps you and your ally has to grip each others and aim upwards. By doing so you will levitate and eventually reach your destination. This can be done with various stances, for example you can just stand on the ground and grip each others, or you can both jump and then grip each others mid air.
    It is very tricky to get the timings right, although this is a good way to get proper timings:
    1. One of you does a no force jump
    2. At the moment the jumping player lands, both players jump
    3. When you are at desired height, you both grip each others
    Certain walls are too high to climb by only using jump. In these challenge maps you and your ally has to grip each others and aim upwards. By doing so you will levitate and eventually reach your destination. This can be done with various stances, for example you can just stand on the ground and grip each others, or you can both jump and then grip each others mid air.
    It is very tricky to get the timings right, although this is a good way to get proper timings:
    1. One of you does a no force jump
    2. At the moment the jumping player lands, both players jump
    3. When you are at desired height, you both grip each others


       (1 review)



  24. Grip 1 - Tower

    This is an entirely new climbing concept i have "invented" together with my buddy ritual. We was noob climbers and were trying out Acrobats expedtition towers and couldnt complete it. Then to complete it we used grip climbing. This is basically just that you grip your ally and aim upwards, which will result in that you both fly and are capable or reaching insane distances (in other words you need to be two players to complete this tower)
    This is my first tower ever created and is actually a good beginners map. The map is pure climbing and is sort of divided into many separate levels. The levels start off from very easy in the beginning as they gradually become harder and harder. The two latest levels have an extremely high skill cap and will need a lot of tries to complete.
    Unfortunately the grip towers are only compatible with JK2, and i can only say for sure that they work in patch 1.04 and 1.03. The reason it is not compatible with JK3 is because the grip works a bit different and especially wall grip is not possible. So if there is any JK3 players intrested i recommend you install JK2 and play the maps on 1.04.
    I hope you will enjoy the maps as much as i do, they are not meant to be easy and some of the levels can be a real pain in the ass.
    If someone of you have no idea what i mean with "grip climbing" you can download my map Grip 2 - Portal version where i have added a tutorial race with written instruction and some initial easy tasks and then a height challenge.
    Feel free to ask any questions or give feedback on my maps!
    Happy climbing, kenny
    Certain walls are too high to climb by only using jump. In these challenge maps you and your ally has to grip each others and aim upwards. By doing so you will levitate and eventually reach your destination. This can be done with various stances, for example you can just stand on the ground and grip each others, or you can both jump and then grip each others mid air.
    It is very tricky to get the timings right, although this is a good way to get proper timings:
    1. One of you does a no force jump
    2. At the moment the jumping player lands, both players jump
    3. When you are at desired height, you both grip each others
    Certain walls are too high to climb by only using jump. In these challenge maps you and your ally has to grip each others and aim upwards. By doing so you will levitate and eventually reach your destination. This can be done with various stances, for example you can just stand on the ground and grip each others, or you can both jump and then grip each others mid air.
    It is very tricky to get the timings right, although this is a good way to get proper timings:
    1. One of you does a no force jump
    2. At the moment the jumping player lands, both players jump
    3. When you are at desired height, you both grip each others


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  25. Grip 2 - Portal Version

    This is my third map created which also has a tutorial stage. The theme of this map is taken a little from portal (even though i never played it). You and your ally will enter through one of the doors each and then with the help of grip complete the 5 levels presented.
    This map haven't got many really hard long/high jumps but instead it requires some brains. You can try to complete this map after doing the tutorial stage, but i still recommend that you try to complete the earlier parts of grip1 first.
    Happy climbing, kenny
    Certain walls are too high to climb by only using jump. In these challenge maps you and your ally has to grip each others and aim upwards. By doing so you will levitate and eventually reach your destination. This can be done with various stances, for example you can just stand on the ground and grip each others, or you can both jump and then grip each others mid air.
    It is very tricky to get the timings right, although this is a good way to get proper timings:
    1. One of you does a no force jump
    2. At the moment the jumping player lands, both players jump
    3. When you are at desired height, you both grip each others


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