Unfortunately, scaling feature for high res fonts doesn't work, because we need to multiply by some scale ratio and round small numbers to integer (for example, 1 pixel (horizontal letter offset) * 0.4 (scale ratio) == 0.4 -> 0 pixels). As a result, positioning of letters isnt accurate.
NetRadiant-custom (also seen as NRC) is a fork of NetRadiant which itself is a fork of GTKRadiant, the map making utility made to create maps in games like Jedi Academy, Jedi Outcast, Quake 3, etc. (GtkRadiant 1.4→massive rewrite→1.5→NetRadiant→this)
This is generally considered the best tool to make maps in the modern era, with it being more stable on modern hardware and operating systems and containing tons of quality of life features and additions. If you are familiar with GTKRadiant, it is similar enough to learn quickly though some default keybinds may be different than you are used to.
Created and maintained by GARUX
Supported games
Main focus is on Quake, Quake3 and Quake Live.
Though other normally supported games should work too. Releases include configs for the following games: Alien Arena, Darkplaces, Doom 3, Doombringer, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, Heretic II, Half-Life, Jedi Knight Jedi Academy, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, Kingpin, Neverball, Nexuiz, Open Arena, Project::OSiRiON, Prey, Quake II, Q3Rally, Quake 4, Quetoo, Smokin' Guns, Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix, Star Trek Voyager : Elite Force, Tremulous, Turtle Arena, UFO:Alien Invasion, Unreal Arena, Unvanquished, Urban Terror, Warfork, Warsow, Return To Castle Wolfenstein, World of Padman, Xonotic, ZEQ2 Lite.
Development is focused on smoothing and tweaking editing process.
Random feature highlights
WASD camera binds
Fully supported editing in 3D view (brush and entity creation, all manipulating tools)
Uniform merge algorithm, merging selected brushes, components and clipper points
Free and robust vertex editing, also providing abilities to remove and insert vertices
UV Tool (edits texture alignment of selected face or patch)
Model browser
Brush faces extrusion
Left mouse button click tunnel selector, paint selector
Numerous mouse shortcuts (see help->General->Mouse Shortcuts)
Focus camera on selected (Tab)
Snapped modes of manipulators
Draggable renderable transform origin for manipulators
Quick vertices drag / brush faces shear shortcut
Simple shader editor
Texture painting by drag
Seamless brush face<->face, patch<->face texture paste
Customizable keyboard shortcuts
Customizable GUI themes, fonts
MeshTex plugin
Patch thicken
All patch prefabs are created aligned to active projection
Filters toolbar with extra functions on right mouse button click
Viewports zoom in to mouse pointer
'all Supported formats' default option in open dialogs
Opening *.map, sent via cmd line (can assign *.map files in OS to be opened with radiant)
Texture browser: show alpha transparency option
Texture browser: search in directories and tags trees
Texture browser: search in currently shown textures
CSG Tool (aka shell modifier)
Working region compilations (build a map with region enabled = compile regioned part only)
QE tool in a component mode: perform drag w/o hitting any handle too
Map info dialog: + Total patches, Ingame entities, Group entities, Ingame group entities counts
Connected entities selector/walker
Build->customize: list available build variables
50x faster light radius rendering
Light power is adjustable by mouse drag
Anisotropic textures filtering
Optional MSAA in viewports
New very fast entity names rendering system
Support 'stupid quake bug'
Arbitrary texture projections for brushes and curves
Fully working texture lock, supporting any affine transformation
Texture locking during vertex and edge manipulations
Brush resize (QE tool): reduce selected faces amount to most wanted ones
Support brush formats, as toggleable preference: Axial projection, Brush primitives, Valve 220
Autodetect brush type on map opening
Automatic AP, BP and Valve220 brush types conversion on map Import and Paste
New bbox styled manipulator, allowing any affine transform (move, rotate, scale, skew)
rendering of Q3 shader based skyboxes
Incredible number of fixes and options
q3map_remapshader remaps anything fine, on all stages
Automatic map packager (complete Q3 support)
Report full / full pk3 path on file syntax errors
Allowed simultaneous samples+filter use, makes sense
-brightness 0..alot, def 1: mimics q3map_lightmapBrightness globally
-contrast -255..255, def 0: lighting contrast
-saturation light option
-bouncecolorratio 0..1 (ratio of colorizing light sample by texture)
-nolm - no lightmaps
-novertex works, (0..1) sets globally
New area lights backsplash algorithm (utilizing area lights instead of point ones)
-backsplash (float)scale (float)distance: adjust area lights globally (real area lights have no backsplash)
New slightly less careful, but much faster lightmaps packing algorithm (allocating... process)
-extlmhacksize zero effort external lightmaps for Q3
Valve220 mapformat autodetection and support
Consistent brush content deduction with mixed face parameters
Model shaders paths deduction
Fixed model autoclip, added 20 new clipping modes
Support negative misc_model scale
Assimp model loading library (40+ formats)
-json bsp export/import
-mergebsp injects one bsp to another
No shaderlist.txt mode: load all shaders
see changelog-custom.txt for more
Too bad. I ported it in Fallout 4, but i had to make the normals myself, (and also increase the polycount) but i'm more capable with the 3d part than the texturing, so i doubt i can get the normal maps as they should.
JK2MV is multiplayer only. OpenJO's main function is general bug fixes and improvements to playing JK2 single player on modern hardware and operating systems. PK3 mods made for vanilla are compatible with OpenJO, yes.
If I'm mostly going to be playing Jedi Outcast in singleplayer & messing around with mods and fan-made maps for singleplayer, do I need to download this or should I use JK2MV? This has been updated pretty recently, but JK2MV has a list of features that look like they're what I would want to use. Why doesn't this list any key differences between itself and JK2MV? Are mods for vanilla JO compatible with OpenJO?