Lightsabers & Melee
297 files
Ultimate Baseball Bat
By JamyzGenius
Original Author: JamyzGenius
A small but effective baseball bat to kick ass.
Used a texture straight from Gimp.
Sounds: WWW.Taringa.Net
The sounds contained on this hilt are not made by me. Those are from a lot of authors, but one guy joined all in a package.
- Very Special Thanks to :
- George Lucas
- Ravensoft
- LucasArts
The Readme is outdated.
Fire Emblem Awakening Two-Weapon Pack
This mod adds two weapons from Fire Emblem: Awakening.
The Levin Sword has two versions: Normal, and Forged. The Forged version has a higher damagescale.
Falchion has all its incarnations from Awakening: Normal, Parallel, and Exalted. Parallel and Exalted have higher damagescales.
These are the saber names for use in the console:
- Medieval
- Non Lightsaber Based Weapon
- (and 2 more)
By Darth Martyr
This saber has been around for our clan for quite some time. I originally made it for a member back when Star Wars: The Old Republic was released. I have since reworked it and polished it up to make it a nice gem to my modeling collection. It is now officially a saber made for a member named Blackout. He and I wanted to share this saber onto JKHub so others can also enjoy it.
Kyrios hilt
By Rooxon
Modeled in 3ds Max 2015
baked with xNormal
textures with Photoshop CS6/Substance Designer 4
Kyrios Lowpoly by Rooxon on Sketchfab
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Copy and paste the kyrios.pk3 from this zip file to your "base" folder,
The default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base"
DESCRIPTION: Here comes Kyrios, a hilt requested by a fellow slovenian Kyrios77 from a design by Robert Lawson.
- MP support
- return damage
- SP console support (enable cheats with "helpusobi 1", then enter the following line:)
saber kyrios
BUGS: None I know of at the moment.
Kahn D'halaine's Lightsaber
By JKHub
Author: Kahn D'halaine
My personal lightsaber, also my very first modelling work.
A very general, yet unique lightsaber design, resembling agility and control.
It features a unique activation sound ( JKA only) that I think is very good, even though the model isn't
that good... I'll release an update later on in a saber pack.
To get it in SP, the code is "saber dhalaine".
- JK2
- New Sounds
- (and 2 more)
Master Turanis Lightsaber
By AshuraDX
A Lightsaber model I originally made just for fun and with on intent to put into JKA
it's based at the same Concept as Rooxons Good Vigilante hilt so go and check that one out aswell !
To spawn the saber in single player use the following cheatcode, this requires cheats to be anabled ofc :
saber Turanis
Have fun and enjoy this beautiful saber !
- Star Wars Related
- JKHub Exclusive
- (and 1 more)
By AshuraDX
The new lightsaber hilt used by Assaj Ventress, based at concept art
to use it in singleplayer use the following cheatcode :
saber Harpyie
BUGS : none
Game Model :
Presentation Model :
Sub-D mesh (used for baking details)
Jedi Temple Guard's Lightsaber pike
By Rooxon
Modeled in 3ds Max 2015
Baked with xNormal
Texture work with Photoshop CS6/Substance Designer 4
Temple Guard's Lightsaber pike by Rooxon on Sketchfab
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Copy and paste the templeguardpike.pk3 from this zip file to your "base" folder,
the default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base"
DESCRIPTION: The lightsaber pike, as seen used by Temple Guardians! Requested by one of our members, Kualan.
- MP support
- return damage
- Two versions (single and staff)
- SP console support (enable cheats with "helpusobi 1", then enter the following line:)
saber templeg2
HINT: Try typing "saber templeg templeg" for some serious slicing fury.
BUGS: None I know of at the moment.
Also check out :
Jesus's Saber by Langerd
By Langerd
Well XD what can i say about this one. It is funny know joke based on the Kylo Ren's Saber. And i thought : Why not make one? I made the project on the sheet of paper durning my math lesson and came back home and start modelling. It took me 4 hours to make this. I hope You will like it !
You need my permission to add it to the modification of Yours.
In SP type :
-saber Jesus_saber
In Mp there is the weapon in saber menu
The w+crouch+attack combo animation changed to stabbing attack (like on the one pic)
When You turn on the saber it will make funny sound effect. Thanks to Worms World Party for its holy hand granade
Kanan's Lightsaber
By Rooxon
Modeled in 3DS Max 2015
Baked with xNormal
Textured with Photoshop CS6/Substance Designer 4.7
Kanan's Lightsaber Lowpoly by Rooxon on Sketchfab
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Copy and paste the kanan.pk3 from this zip file to your "base" folder,
the default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base"
DESCRIPTION: I bring you Kanan's Lightsaber, this time it was requested by TWO of our members actually. Namely, Torki and ShadowPhoenix.
- MP support
- return damage
- SP console support
enable cheats with "helpusobi 1", then enter the following line:
saber kanan
COMMENTS: None, really. I dunno why I even keep this category in my request mods.
Anyways, have fun... sabering things!
Darkness hilt
By Rooxon
Request by one of our members Veosar
Modeled in 3DS Max 2015
Baked with Xnormal
Edited with Photoshop CS6/Substance Designer 4
Master AshuraDX for his great teachings
Darkness Lightsaber Lowpoly by Rooxon on Sketchfab
Copy and paste the darkness.pk3 from this zip file to your "base" folder,
the default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base"
I bring you the Darkness hilt, requested by one of our members Veosar.
- MP support
- return damage
- SP console support (enable cheats with "helpusobi 1", then enter one of the following lines:)
- saber dark (standard)
- saber dark2 (longer and wider)
None I know of at the moment.
JKHub Exclusive Stormtrooper Hilt + NPC
By Daedra
Read me
TITLE: Stormtrooper Hilt + NPC
AUTHOR: Arachno-Man
FILENAME: Stormtrooper_Saber.pk3
FILESIZE: 226 kb
DATE RELEASED: February, 26 2015
CREDITS to: 1ShotDoctor and myself.
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: place the Stormtrooper_Saber.PK3 file in your C:\programfiles\lucasarts\jediacademy\gamedata\base directory.
This is an edit of an existing file by 1ShotDoctor. You can find the original here:;72285
One thing struck me with this file. After downloading and installing, the in-game version was VERY different from the screenshots
that came with it. The file was incomplete compared to the screenshots as it had an important SHADER image missing and there
was no texture for the handle.
I have created both files to complete the model!
Before I completed the Saber files, there were several texture issues, which caused various things not to work properly. all now fixed!
If you want to know an entire story on the Stormtrooper Saber, you may find that here:
Now I have read the Origin Story of this Saber and having "Force Sensitive"
Stormtroopers, which actually sounds alot like the new FORCE AWAKENS
movie story.
Because of this, I have also added an extra NPC file.
Here are the commands you may now use!
saber trooper_saber
npc spawn forcetrooper
playermodel forcetrooper
BUGS: None at all!
COMMENTS: Download and enjoy. note that you must have JKA installed in order to use this mod. On a side
note I attempted to contact 1ShotDoctor but his email no longer exists and has not been online in a long time
so this is made in his honour.
- JKHub Exclusive
- Star Wars
- (and 8 more)
JKHub Exclusive 28 New Saber Colors
By Daedra
Read me
TITLE: 28 New Saber Colors
AUTHOR: Arachno-Man
FILENAME: 28colors.pk3
FILESIZE: 891 bytes
DATE RELEASED: February, 24 2015
CREDITS to: just my self since this is a small mod
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: place the 28colors.PK3 file in you C:\programfiles\lucasarts\jediacademy\gamedata\base directory.
DESCRIPTION: 28 new saber colors to select at any time! Included is an image with each saber command, for example if you want to use the first color on the list type "saber saber_1000" into your jedi academy console. Each color has its own number for easy selection
BUGS: none at all.
COMMENTS: Download and enjoy. note that you must have JKA installed in order to use this mod and you may want to print out the image provided to know what colors you want to use at any time.
- JKHub Exclusive
- JK2
- (and 8 more)
Sapphire Blade by Langerd
By Langerd
I made this blade when i was making request of Jon Snow model. It is medieval like sword but it glows (and i think it looks nice :3 )
I changed the attack in light style to stabbing (as the screenshot shows)
The model is created full by me.
To try it in Sp type in console : saber sapphire_blade
Good Vigilante hilt
By Rooxon
Ahh, this is officially my first saber I baked the base textures for all by myself, including creating the high poly model and everything else in the process of baking.
I want to say thank you to AshuraDX for all the time, effort and explanations he's given me for the past months. This is the very first fruit of my new skills, allthough yet lightyears from perfect.
Anyway, here's part of the readme file as usual:
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Copy and paste the vigilante.pk3 from this zip file to your "base" folder,
the default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base"
DESCRIPTION: I bring you the Good Vigilante hilt, requested by one of our members Delmi.
- MP support
- return damage
- SP console support (enable cheats with "helpusobi 1", then enter one of the following lines:)
- saber vigil (standard)
- saber god (surprise cheat weapon! Single saber, though.)
BUGS: I have yet not managed to install JKA correctly, so I haven't tried it out myself. Please in the mean time, I ask YOU who will download this hilt to try it out, then leave a quick comment bellow if it works and looks good in-game. Hope everything works as it schould, I've tried hard!
COMMENTS: Have fun slicin' and dicin'!
Good Vigilante lowpoly by Rooxon on Sketchfab
Vibro Axe
By Rooxon
DESCRIPTION: A melee vibro axe weapon, as requested by one of our members Langerd.
I've included 2 versions; a single and staff weapon.
MP support comes naturally, but for SP, open your console,
enable cheats with "helpusobi 1", then type "saber longaxe" or "saber longaxestaff"
BUGS: Well some clipping, some animation problems because the blade is only on one side, ...
COMMENTS (important!): Very weak weapons (x0.5 damage and x0.25 damage), so if you wanna brush
up yor controling skills, these are perfect against progresively
strong jedi!
Have fun!
LongAxe Lowpoly by Rooxon on Sketchfab
Evil Genius hilt
By Rooxon
A request from one of our member Bishwhe.
- MP support
- return damage
- 3 versions - normal, bent bottom and backhand-bent-bottom
- SP console support (enable cheats with "helpusobi 1", then enter one of the following lines:)
saber evilg (standard)
saber evilgb (bent)
saber evilgbh (backhand, I suggest use of it only as the off-hand or left-hand saber)
I have not yet had a chance to test the hilt ingame myself, because I had to reinstall Windows. Possibly bugs occured and I don't have the slightest idea about the position or size in the hand. Will install JKA soon!
Have fun!
Evil Genius Lowpoly by Rooxon on Sketchfab
Negative/Black Saber TFU
By Xeby
* - - - - - - - - - - *
* - - - - - - - - - - *
DELETE the v1.5 Version first !!!
Put the included .PK3 file into the
base folder of the JKA directory.
This can be done by placing the .ZIP
into the directory and extracting all
files from it. Then in console of JA game,
spawn black saber with: saber backhand_black
If you need further instructions, feel free to
message me from across the JKHub website.
* - - - - - - - - - - *
* What do they do? *
* - - - - - - - - - - *
Replaces the original yellow saber to
make them look like TFU black saber.
Not quite TFU quality, but it's
better than nothing. Also changes
the saber effects and trails, they're shorter
and less spammy. They actually look
better in my opinion. This backhand saber
has normal damage like other lightsaber..
-- NOTE --
These work better with high-performance
machines, better FPS yields a better
effect. I estimate that at least a
rate of 90 FPS is required for a
decent effect. There is a bug problem
encounter with water and animation grafix.
I have no ideea how to fix that, without affect
the other original colors of lightsabers from the game.
Well i think this is it.. the final VERSION! We will see..
* - - - - - - - - - - *
* Hosting Permissions *
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* Copyright & Usage *
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Please don't sell this to people. :\
If you're going to redristribute it,
please provide proper authorization.
By that, I mean politely asking me via
the forum service.
Please note, I have very intricate ways
of telling whether you stole my mod or
not. Don't think you can outsmart me. Yes,
that was a threat AND a challenge.
- Lightsaber Based Weapon
- JKHub Exclusive
- (and 2 more)
KotOR Lightsaber
By Rooxon
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Copy and paste the kotor_sab.pk3 from this zip file to your "base" folder,
the default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base"
DESCRIPTION: The famous lightsaber seen in KotOR, as requested by one of our members Nikomaru14
- Custom shaders
- MP, SP support (console)
- Open up the console, enable cheats with "helpusobi 1"
- Type in "saber kotor" and it schould appear in your hand!
- Saber has return damage (when thrown and it starts returning, it keeps spinning and doing damage!)
BUGS: None.
COMMENTS: Ahh, just have fun.
Take a look at the model if you want! You can move the angle with the left mouse button. Scrool zooms in/out. Middle bouse button moves the model around without rotating it,
KotOR Melee Bundle
By Rooxon
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Copy and paste the kotor_bundle.pk3 from this zip file to your "base" folder,
the default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base"
DESCRIPTION: Lots of melee weapons from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, as requested by one of our members Nikomaru14.
...and actually a very good idea, I don't know why I didn't think of creating these myself before, allthough this version is not perfect yet, hang on for a few more days, please!
MP support, custom shaders, SP console support
- Open up your console, enable cheats with "helpusobi 1"
- Type in the folowing cheats for the respective sabers:
- saber shortsw (Short sword)
- saber longsw (Long sword)
- saber doublesw (Double-bladed sword)
- saber vibros (Vibro sword)
- saber vibrob (Vibro blade)
- saber vibrod (Vibro double-blade)
- saber gamaxe (Gamorrean axe)
- saber wookdb (Wookie double-blade)
BUGS: Some here and there, especially a texture glitch on the Vibro Sword, I'll need to revamp that part of the saber. Will do it soon!
COMMENTS: All of these weapons are pretty much weak. The weakest things you'll ever fight with, keep that in mind!
Mixed Sabers Pack - Rooxon's WeaponsHD
By Rooxon
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Copy and paste the WHD_MIXSAB10.pk3 from this zip file to your "base" folder,
the default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base"
DESCRIPTION: Mixed sabers pack, or rather, all else that doesn't fit in the Single or Dual pack.
All weapons recreated from scratch and based on their original counterparts.
(Lines in blue are changes new in version 1.0 Final)
- Kyle, Luke, Desann and some Reborns/Rosh got newer versions of their hilts
- New Noghri stick
- New Tusken rifle
- New Tusken staff (Gaffi stick)
- Tavion got her very own hilt! The Revenger!
- Alora's equipped with her very own Gemini dual hilts!
- Reborn's equipped with Zefilus's design of the Stinger.
- New Sith weapons (Sword, scepter)
If you want to play with the new additional hilts in SP through some console help, first make sure to enable cheats with "helpusobi 1", then type the line for each hilt respectively:
- "saber tavion"
- "saber reborn_new" - Zefilus's Stinger design
- "saber alora1"
- "saber alora2"
- "saber reborn"
All of them have custom shaders full of variety. I have also tweaked some .npc files for SP support or rather, so that the correct people use the correct sabers!
Also, some surprises, three in fact. Can you find them all?
BUGS: Probably some, as I packed this up quite quickly. Will fix anything that may come up!
COMMENTS: Don't worry, just have fun with the pack. Also, the Tusken staff was a request by one of our members, namely Langerd. I hope you'll enjoy it!
Tusken staff Lowpoly by Rooxon on Sketchfab
Tusken rifle Lowpoly by Rooxon on Sketchfab
Noghri staff Lowpoly by Rooxon on Sketchfab
Other files in this project:
Single-handed Force pike
By Rooxon
I am really sorry about the first version, which had a huge bug, that made this weapon unplayable and the game to crash once you hit a NPC. It's fixed now!
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Copy and paste the forcepikesingle.pk3 from this zip file to your "base" folder,
the default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base"
DESCRIPTION: A single-handed force pike, though the appropriate effects will come in a future update.
For now I bring you MP/SP support, custom shaders, changed sound effects
and last but not least, lower damage specifications and the corresponding
collision properties for a melee weapon.
For SP, open up your console, enable cheats with "helpusobi 1", then type
"saber fpikes" and it schould appear in your hand!
BUGS: Might be some cliping here and there, also a lot of moves won't work that hit the floor/walls.
COMMENTS: None, it's up to you to leave them down bellow!
Have fun!
Single-handed Forcepike - Low poly by Rooxon on Sketchfab
Qu Rahn's Lightsaber
By Rooxon
Qu Rahn's lightsaber or some may know this hilt from Dark Forces. Either way, it's a hilt requested by one of our members Nikomaru14.
- Custom shaders
- return damage turned on
- a bit longer blade
- comes with tag_holsterorigin
- MP support (duh!)
- SP console support (enable cheats with "helpusobi 1" then type in "saber qurahn")
That's about it. Have fun!
For those who want to see the model in a bit nicer renderer:
Qu Rahn's Lightsaber by Rooxon on Sketchfab
Gladius Saber
By Rooxon
This is the Gladius Hilt, as requested by one of our members MagSul.
Of course, the saber comes with MP support. For SP, enable cheats with either "helpusobi 1" or "devmapall", then type:
saber gladius
The saber does return damage, meaning that when it returns from a saber throw, it continues spinning whereas other sabers usually don't, as you know.
Have fun!
Umbrella by Langerd
By Langerd
The Umbrella weapon (as a lightsaber) .
It is more to look than to fight.
I hope You will like it
V2 - A closed version of umbrella!!!
In SP:
Saber Umbrella - for normal umbrella
Saber Umrella_closed - for closed umrella XD