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593 files

  1. skin and face retextures

    Texture Author : segwayguy
    Release Date january 24, 2014
    Mod name : face retexture demo
    Description - so basically i got bored of the same faces used in jedi academy so i decided to make my own using photoshop
    this comes with one skin i was planning on named george
    this is MY original models
    modifying: this is my first mod DO ANYTHING YOU FRICKIN WANT
    thanks to the guy who made the sith warrior for teaching me to skin and the tutorials
    npc support:yes
    bot support:no
    new sounds:NO
    new textures:yes (i think)
    This mod is not created/owned/suppourted by "Raven tm, Disney tm, LucasArts tm. or any of there affiliates."


       (6 reviews)



  2. dt stormies edited

    A few skins as requested by Omicron, from my own personal project. Enjoy.


       (7 reviews)



  3. Wookiee Jedi Species

    Hey! Hi, everybody! On hours an early morning. 06.00 .
    Just now I finished this modification.
    I took it as a basis - http://jkhub.org/files/file/623-chewbacca-in-jedi-robes/
    There is nothing to describe. New colors for wool. (I wanted to make RGB (I am not able = ())
    In case of distribution of modification specify the author. Well and me. =)
    Add in base/strings/*Lang*/menus.str
    NOTES "For character menu"
    LANG_ENGLISH "Wookiee Jedi"
    Sry for English


       (2 reviews)



  4. Jawa MP Conversion Skin

    New Sounds: No
    Team Support: Yes
    Bot Support: Yes
    I noticed that even though it had a compatible skeleton, there was not an MP version of the Jawa model. With a bit of photoshopping and scripting, now there is.


       (1 review)



  5. Sith Warrior

    This is my skin for the Sith Warrior from the Old Republic. Credits go to HapSlash for the Anakin model and Dumah11523 for doing the bot files, npc support, sounds, and icon.


       (7 reviews)



  6. Admiral Pellaeon

    This is my skin for Gilad Pellaeon from the EU. It was rather easy, and I'm suprised it hasn't been done before.


       (6 reviews)



  7. Old Ben

    So back in the waning days of Jedi Outcast, there was a large group of skins that came out depicting many of our beloved movie characters, such as Yoda, Mace WIndu, Saesee Tiin - wait, why was this guy one of our favorites again? \(^.^)/ Among those wonderful (for the time) movie models and skins was one of our favorite characters of all the movies: Obi Wan Kenobi. But I'm not talking about Padawan Obi, I'm talkin' Old Ben! Who could forget running around maps as that crazy old hermit, taunting "this little one's not worth the effort" and having epic movie duels against Darth Vader, ending by disengaging your saber and going into spec when he hit you? xD
    Alas, those models are horribly outdated and mostly lost to time. And in the years since, I haven't really seen any great attempts to bring us an older Tatooine exiled Obi Wan. While I can't provide you an exact Obi Wan from ANH, I have provided the next best thing: a reskin of Hapslash's remarkable ROTS Obi Wan, revamped to carry more of the facial characteristics and age of Alec Guinness. I've included, in addition to custom sounds from ANH (thanks to well as a reskin of the General Kenobi lightsaber, the polished metal areas made duller to reflect wear, as well as replacing the emitter matrix and stabilizing ring with black parts to appear as the lightsaber did in ANH. (And no, I don't know that much about lightsaber parts, thanks Wookieepedia!)
    Some minor things to note. I could not get the NPC to wear his robe, trying to use the robed variant resulted in an invisible NPC. So while the bot wears the robe, the NPC does not. Otherwise the bot and NPC are effectively the same as the ones that come with Haps' ROTS Obi, I did not modify anything other than the names and skins used. Also, when I was attempting to convert the movie sounds to work, I ended up having to make them 16-bit wav files, since for whatever reason I could not get the mp3's to work (I assume the compression for LAME is too new and unrecognized by the game). Since it was easier to fix them using batch conversion, all the Haps' sounds that I kept were also converted in this process. It really didn't effect the filesize much, so hopefully no one minds.
    That's about it. I had a lot of fun doing this little project. All the credits and such are in the readme. Hope everyone enjoys my first shot back into the modding community in over 8 years!


       (9 reviews)



  8. Vidanjör's Stormpilot Reskin

    Slightly modified version of Ruxith's Tie-Pilot Reskin, with a glowing visor and hoses, and the life support changed with a screen changing pictures every second. It has custom sounds aswell.


       (6 reviews)



  9. Corran Horn

    Author: Tyrael64
    This is a skin of Jedi Corran Horn. Credit goes to Hapslash for the model.
    Uploaded by:


       (3 reviews)



  10. Darth Vader - AngelModder

    Texture Author : AngelModder
    Model Author : Toshi
    Release Date December 25th 2013
    Mod name : AngelModders Darth Vader
    File size 27mb For full version 11.9MB for Basic
    Description - Its rather simple really, I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to mods, I saw that there was yet to be a decent reskin of Toshis Darth Vader. Jedi Knight Jedi Academy has had for to many years some pretty crappy Darth Vader models, and even worse yet the reskinns on them. So I set out to make the one Vader skin to rule them all. Very little detail was compromised on with this project. You have 2 default options normal, and ghost, as well as red and blue team. You also have a Darth Vader species with 18 heads 12 legs and 30 torsos totalling out to 6480 different combinations of Darth Vader.
    This was a LOT of work, in total it took over three weeks to pull off, the last of which was fine tuning and t echnical setups. This is my first publicly released skin. so I wanted to make an impression and a statement of the kind of quality you can expect from me in the future.
    I hope to reskin Almighty Girs Darth Revan model soon as the ones on it look more like a template place holder.
    I really hope you all enjoy this skkin, I've enjoyed making it and will enjoy using it!
    Installation - Unzip the Am_DarthVader.Rar file to your Jedi Academy Game data folder.
    Notes - This comes with a hilt which overwrites default 3, it has a no stance (though unless its uploaded to the server and other clients have it they see you standing in normal red/yello/blue) and a whole new set of sounds for it! It overwrites single_3 which is a hidious s aber no one in there right mind with any taste uses LOL XD!
    Before you edit this in any way! I spent a lot of time reskinning this model pretty much from scratch, do not use, redistribute, or modify my work in any way for this or any other game or platform style... Make it your self from scratch as I did!
    If you wish to modify the model please contact Toshi, as thats on him, but my textures are off limits.
    Any ways I hope you enjoy!
    This mod is not created/owned/suppourted by "Raven tm, Disney tm, LucasArts tm. or any of their affiliates."


       (20 reviews)



  11. Agent_Ross Skinpack

    Author: Agent_Ross
    File Name: Agent_Ross Skinpack
    Date: 12/17/13
    Contact me: I would prefer it if you would first try to contact me through JKHub, but
    if that is not possible, you may email me at bane.ross@gmail.com
    About this file:
    I've actually been working on this skin pack for a couple of years, but it was merely
    for my own personal use, and it has evolved as I used it to hone my texturing skills.
    I still have a lot to learn, but hopefully everyone who uses this file will enjoy it!
    Installation Instructions:
    Drop rosspack.pk3 into your base folder. Remove the file to uninstall it.
    Credits to Hapslash for his fabulous Anakin model,
    texturecrate.com (an awesome website with tons of free textures),
    Christopher Nolan for making The Dark Knight Rises,
    Tom Hardy (Bane) for having a face,
    Ray Park (Darth Maul) for having a face,
    and everyone at JKHub who eagerly anticipated this release! Thanks for your support!


       (3 reviews)



  12. Rebel Vanguard

    This is my skin for the Rebel Vanguard from the Battlefront game.


       (6 reviews)



  13. Zeus

    Well i ve been at skining busines for a litle...Maybe a month or so but i consider this piece to be very good ....It s my best skin as of yet and i l proly cease skining for myself.Anyways enjoy.As far as inspiration goes i got it from Milamber s skin named ripper(black face) so i made a black skin but it was oveeeer the top too much for people s eyes...So i deleted it and went to bed,tomorow morning when i got to it i decided i l use white instead of black and add less shiny stuff so i got this(i actualy wanted to call it hipie reborn because of the flowers)....
    Skin description:Well a reborn default model recolored in white with aded shaders that are subtle enough but visible in dark....
    Instaling:Extraxt the rar than coppy the zeus.pk3 in the base folder...
    Update:Removed blue glow around eyes collored eyes and mouth black....minor changes


       (1 review)



  14. Bultar Swan

    A skin of Bultar Swan using ST_Female_Jedi_Customisation made by Scerendo


       (9 reviews)



  15. Elemental Conversion

    This is something I had to do, been working on it since I got out of the hospital.
    Steps To Install
    1. Open the downloaded file to find 'zzzElementz.pk3'. Place this file in your /Gamedata/Base/ folder (some MAY require it in /Gamedata/JaPlus/ as well)
    2. Follow the directions below to use it in game
    3. Instant ramen
    Rodian Customization
    Water: /model ElementalRodian/water || /model ElementalRodian/water2 || /model ElementalRodian/water3
    Air: /model ElementalRodian/air || /model ElementalRodian/air2 || /model ElementalRodian/air3
    Fire: /model ElementalRodian/fire || /model ElementalRodian/fire2 || /model ElementalRodian/fire3
    Earth: /model ElementalRodian/earth || /model ElementalRodian/earth2 || /model ElementalRodian/earth3
    Human Customization
    Water: /model ElementalHuman/water || /model ElementalHuman/water2 || /model ElementalHuman/water3
    Air: /model ElementalHuman/air || /model ElementalHuman/air2 || /model ElementalHuman/air3
    Fire: /model ElementalHuman/fire || /model ElementalHuman/fire2 || /model ElementalHuman/fire3
    Earth: /model ElementalHuman/earth || /model ElementalHuman/earth2 || /model ElementalHuman/earth3
    KelDor Customization
    Water: /model ElementalKeldor/water || /model ElementalKeldor/water2 || /model ElementalKeldor/water3
    Air: /model ElementalKeldor/air || /model ElementalKeldor/air2 || /model ElementalKeldor/air3
    Fire: /model ElementalKeldor/fire || /model ElementalKeldor/fire2 || /model ElementalKeldor/fire3
    Earth: /model ElementalKeldor/earth || /model ElementalKeldor/earth2 || /model ElementalKeldor/earth3


       (6 reviews)



  16. Marshal Mando

    Hello there ! I would like to share with you my personnal skin which i use, of course, in Jedi Academy. As you can see, it's a Mandalorian. I can't tell you how much i love the Mandalorian people ! Spartans in Space ! ^^
    Anyway, the skin is personnal in certain ways but the model i used isn't. I took the model of the Skirata Mandalorians, precisely the model of Walon Vau, one of my favorites in the pack. Credits will be right after this paragraph and also in the readme. For my skin, i had simple ideas. For me, simple ideas are always better than very complicated things.
    The skin has the metal effect on the armor, which the Skirata also had. I loved this effect so i decided to put it in my reskin. We can say that it's personnal because i felt so proud to finish my very first reskin but i took some details from Skirata like the ArcSkirt.
    As for the supports, i didn't put any of them. So there's no NPC, Team and Bot Support. But if you want to customize this, feel free to do it.
    Credits to Mhoker for the model and skin details like the effects, thanks to his incredible Skirata Mandalorians.


       (2 reviews)



  17. Boba Fett ROTJ

    This is my rework of an old model made by Corto, it has a few adjustments, such as a bigger helmet and the cape moved (it clipped with the arm during walk too much).It includes fixed shaders and two skins, rotj and esb(new!)


       (12 reviews)



  18. Luke Skywalker - Jedi Master

    This is my depiction of Luke in Jedi Master robes. There have been a lot of requests floating around over the years asking for this, and it was done with the default JA model, but using the Toshi model would be a much better and accurate choice. This one isn't perfect, but I think it turned out pretty good.
    To use in SP:
    npc spawn master_luke
    npc spawn master_luke_robe
    npc spawn master_luke_hood
    Toshi for the model and original textures. Khaliban for the hilt.


       (8 reviews)



  19. The Bespin Cop specials

    I created that mod especially for sithacademy mod which one i'm playing and working too there i created bespin cop new skin for imperial officers and commander and like everone knows this mod going here \LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base soon i will upload it in pk3 version now is just models well fully those characters you could see in my mod which i could upload tomorrow


       (6 reviews)



  20. Spanki's Aviar Lord

    Author: Spanki
    Here comes the second version of my RPG charakter Aviar Lord. This is a reskin of Haps Hs_anakin model like the previous version has been. Its been a long time now since the release of the first version. Meanwhile I changed many things to the previous version. Aviar comes with shaved hair and some deleted scars. Besides I created a new mask for the skin that bases on the Mask of Victor van Doom, that I originally created for the past heroes & villian contest in April/May 2007. But realizing that I couldnt make it in time for the contest I borrowed the mask to the Aviar v2 skin.
    This mask-head is also one of about 50 heads of the JEDI_Costumization_PLUS I created, that you can see at the latest version of Moviebattles II(B19), so you maybe have seen this one before.
    This version comes with a lot of new clothing. There are brown outfits for the different skins you can select at the MP menu. One without armor, one with a new dark armor completing the new mask and a battleworn armor suit completing the battleworn mask. Never the less there are two skins where the front plate of the mask is missing, again a normal and a battleworn version. Besides there are 2 sith versions you can select at the MP menu. One of them comes with a broken and slightly damaged mask, what looks very scary in my eyes. At all you can select between 11 default, team color, and a hologram skin at the MP menu.
    For the hologram version I created a "new" shader. I dont know if anyone used this kind of shader before, in game it seems as there are some interferences at the hologram skin, its hard to describe, just have a look at it.
    Next to the default skins there are 2 costumization screens where you can choose between 3200 possibilities
    for each screen to change Aviars outfit.
    The first costumization screen deals with the 10 unmask heads of Aviar. Included are the shaved variations of V2 and the unshaved variations of V1; each in scarred and unscarred versions. You can combine it with 32 different torsos that start with the new torsos of V2 and finish with the old torsos of V1. Besides there are kashyyyk and battleworn versions.
    The most torso variations are either selectable with the original and with an alternative robe. Its the same with the 10 pair of boots ; there are new ones and old ones.
    The second costumization screen deals with the 10 mask heads of Aviar. Included are either the new dark masks and the old mask of the V1 of aviar. For each of the masks there is a light version completing the light armor of the V1 of aviar. You can combine them again with 32 different torsos and 10 pair of boots.
    There are at all 6400 possibilities to change Aviar.
    The sith faces are not costumizable.
    The battleworn torsos with armor are not costumizable.
    I have been to lazy to make own taunts, so I took some of the basic kyle and jaden sounds, cut em and slowed em down or whatever, with some effects and so on . . . .
    Again the Facts :
    - 6 old heads
    - 17 new heads
    - 2 old outfits
    - 7 new outfits
    - hologram version
    - lot of new detailed icons
    - npc support for the 10 of the default skins
    - bot support
    - team color skins
    - siege skin
    - 3 wallpaper included
    - "new" sounds
    - 2 costumization screens with 6400 possibilities
    - singleplayer support
    These skins can be selected in MP by typing following :
    model aviar_lord/default
    For the skins that are not selectable at the MP menu :
    Model - HapSlash
    Textures - Spanki
    Mesh Optimization, Weighting & Conversion,- Infinity Blade


       (4 reviews)



  21. Spanki's Mace Windu

    Author: Spanki
    This is a reskin of HapSlash's Anakin model.
    When I was looking at the textures of the SP_MaceWindu_v2 skin, it forced me thinking more and more about it. Finally I replaced almost everything with new textures, and the skin is more looking like the movie, now.
    There is a default, an unrobed, a hooded, and a completely new sith windu . . . and of course team colour and siege skins. And as some bonus material for everyone who needs a hologram of Mace Windu, there is one included.
    Thats not all. Have you ever imagined how Mace could have looked like when he was younger and a padawan. So there is a default skin of the young Windu how I imagined it . . . and damn . . I cant let it go out without a senior version. (young windu face texture of the JEDI_Costumization_PLUS I did before, the rest is totally new)
    Besides there is an armored version of Master Windu with armored torso, boots and arms.
    Within this zip-file there is the mace windu saber of the SW saberpack by Trauma Sensei
    Model - HapSlash
    Textures - Spanki
    Mesh Optimization, Weighting & Conversion - Infinity Blade
    Hilt - Trauma Sensei


       (7 reviews)



  22. Spanki's Sith Customization

    Author: Spanki
    This is a Sith Customization based on the HS_anakin model of Hapslash. You will find 27 new customization screens after having this modification installed, so its impossible to have both, Jedi and Sith Customization installed at the same time with having all its possibilities (I noticed that the limitation of customization screens is 32 when I had the mod already done). So you gotta decide, what you prefer. In the first time I made this modification for Sith based clans around the world but decided later to include some RPG chars coming along with it. These RPG chars are the main difference between Jedi and Sith Customization, even to light side RPG chars are included here. These Chars all have unique robes that are not customizable and of course unique faces that are not customizable either. Another difference regarding to the Jedi customization is the fact that I worked with alot of glowing effects this time, you are able to costumize every torso with red and blue glowing lights. By the way, there are 2 unique robes at the end of every of the 9 different torso menus. The RPG character are all selectable at the MP icon screen (22 icons, 2 for each character). Altough I decided neither to do NPC nor Bot support with this Mod. It seems many people cant handle that big amount of NPCs , or they arent aware of how to delete them. Therefore is coming a NPC list for spawning within this zip file and an NPC folder, just copy the NPC you want to add and paste it in "ext_data / npcs" folder of the mod.
    . . . the only Bot you can choose to fight is my beloved Exar Khun . . .
    Maybe some people remember the Jedi_Customization_Plus, there were just Humans, Chiss , a Rodian and some Cyborg species included. This time I decided to do more species variants . . . of course the main Heads still have a human topic but there is a Kelifarian, a Rodian, some Cyborgs, a Lizard like dude, a Frog guy ;D , a big selection of different Heads form the Ratatakki species (Ratatakki is the species of Asajj Ventraa, and they look very sithish in my eyes) and finally some heads that are so bizarr that you cant say what species they are . . .
    But the facts now:
    - 27 customization screens
    - 96 customizable heads ( + 11 unique heads of RPG chars )
    - 288 customizable torsos ( + 11 unique torsos of RPG chars )
    - 20 customizable boots
    - red and blue glowing lights variations
    - 552.960 possibilities at all
    - 11 RPG chars
    Exar Khun
    Darth Bane
    Darth Krayt
    A´shared Hett
    Darth Kruhl
    Ulic Qel Droma
    Kyp Durron
    Cade Skywalker
    Jagged Fel
    Nomi Sunrider ( I wanted to include something for the ladies )
    Model - HapSlash
    Textures - Spanki
    Mesh Optimization, Weighting & Conversion - Infinity Blade


       (27 reviews)



  23. Spanki's Jedi Customization

    Author: Spanki
    This is a Jedi Costumization based on the HS_Anakin model of Hapslash.
    You can choose between 49 heads ( ok, there are really 49 different heads but
    in some cases I just changed hair and skin color and some little detail like a beard )
    most of them with 3 or 4 different hairstyles and hooded versions,
    21 different torsos in unrobed, robed, hooded and alternate robed and hooded versions.
    Besides you can choose between 21 different pair of boots.
    Some face textures are more unique then others, but all detailed.
    For example on the one hand you can choose compatible face textures of hm_jedi, chiss , jeditrainer from the original JKA game
    and on the other hand there are many unique face textures I made for this costumization based on some RPG chars I created for friends
    but never released before.
    Never the less there are textures like the beautiful hs_dooku face that I made compatible to hs_anakin, or a new Mace Windu-like face
    I created. There are also two very unique textures I created. One for a Victor van Doom skin I am working on.
    And the other for a RPG char named Goldmember - yeah. . . its the golden one -
    Its the same with the torsos, some are very unique and some are well known textures like the hs_rots_kenobi or the hs_anakin torso.
    Many of the torsos are done by other authors, I just made them compatible to this model and added armors in some cases.
    again the facts :
    - 49 heads with different hairstyles
    - 192 icons for the head selection
    - 21 different pair of boots
    - 21 different torsos ; unrobed, 2x robed , 2x hooded versions
    - 96 icons for the torso selection
    - all seperated in 18 species
    - 129024 possibilities to create your jedi
    SP compatible
    There are 18 random default skins - one of each species - that are selectable at the MP icon screen.
    each of this 18 default skins are BOT and NPC supported :
    BOT list : NPC list :
    Random Jedi I model/jedi_spanki
    Random Jedi II model/jedi_spanki1a
    Random Jedi III model/jedi_spanki1b
    Random Jedi IV model/jedi_spanki2
    Random Jedi V model/jedi_spanki2a
    Random Jedi VI model/jedi_spanki2b
    Random Jedi VII model/jedi_spanki3
    Random Jedi VIII model/jedi_spanki3a
    Random Jedi IX model/jedi_spanki3b
    Random Jedi X model/jedi_spanki4
    Random Jedi XI model/jedi_spanki4a
    Random Jedi XII model/jedi_spanki4b
    Random Jedi XIII model/jedi_spanki5
    Random Jedi XIV model/jedi_spanki5a
    Random Jedi XV model/jedi_spanki5b
    Random Jedi XVI model/jedi_spanki6
    Random Jedi XVII model/jedi_spanki6a
    Random Jedi XVIII model/jedi_spanki6b
    Regarding to the MP icons and Shaders :
    OK, this is just a little hint. Some of my beta testers didnt like the icons - and the shaders - of the MP screen
    (maybe cause they didnt have the 18 icons in three lines, so the effect is not working well)
    In this case just delete the file out of the original pk3.
    There are three shader files "shaders/jedi_spanki" -> for the torso,boots ... etc.
    "shaders/head_shader" -> for - you can guess - heads
    and "shaders/icon_shader" -> for the MP icons
    If you dont like the MP screen icons, delete -> icon_shader -> and save the pk3 new ( the icons will still be there but without the effect )
    If you dont like the head cloaks, delete -> head_shader -> and save the pk3 new


       (26 reviews)



  24. Luke Skywalker Skin Pack

    This is a mod that combines my skins of DT's Luke model into one pack with SP species support, due to some demand. It also includes DT's models, with permission. It has Luke from A New Hope (Tatooine outfit and Pilot outfit, Empire Strikes Back (Bespin outfit and Dagobah outfit, and Return of the Jedi (pre and post Vader duel). This also comes with both of Luke's lightsaber hilts, that also has menu support. The ROTJ one has a brand new sound from the official Star Wars soundboard (no background noise). The sabers are made by Khaliban.
    For the original skins with full MP and NPC support:



    And @DT85's model:

    DT85 for the model. Toshi for the original head model and textures. Hapslash for the ESB textures. Graphicsgod for the original ROTJ textures. Khaliban for the hilts.


       (6 reviews)



  25. Luke Skywalker - A New Hope

    This is a reskin of DT's ESB Luke model to make it look like Luke from A New Hope. This is version 2.1, as version 1 was made with Toshi's ROTJ model. I kept the poncho version that used Toshi's model because I know a lot of people liked that version. It also comes with a hilt. The original skin for the body was an old one made by Al McDonald. I edited it a little and made sure it looked good on this model.
    It has team support and NPC support
    npc spawn luke_anh
    npc spawn luke_poncho
    playermodel luke_anh
    playermodel luke_poncho
    saber lukeE4
    DT85 for the model. Toshi for the original head model and textures. Raven for the original body model. Al McDonald for the original body textures.


       (4 reviews)



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