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Darth Vader - AngelModder (v2.0)

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About This File

Texture Author : AngelModder


Model Author : Toshi


Release Date December 25th 2013


Mod name : AngelModders Darth Vader


File size 27mb For full version 11.9MB for Basic


Description - Its rather simple really, I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to mods, I saw that there was yet to be a decent reskin of Toshis Darth Vader. Jedi Knight Jedi Academy has had for to many years some pretty crappy Darth Vader models, and even worse yet the reskinns on them. So I set out to make the one Vader skin to rule them all. Very little detail was compromised on with this project. You have 2 default options normal, and ghost, as well as red and blue team. You also have a Darth Vader species with 18 heads 12 legs and 30 torsos totalling out to 6480 different combinations of Darth Vader.

This was a LOT of work, in total it took over three weeks to pull off, the last of which was fine tuning and t echnical setups. This is my first publicly released skin. so I wanted to make an impression and a statement of the kind of quality you can expect from me in the future.

I hope to reskin Almighty Girs Darth Revan model soon as the ones on it look more like a template place holder.

I really hope you all enjoy this skkin, I've enjoyed making it and will enjoy using it!


Installation - Unzip the Am_DarthVader.Rar file to your Jedi Academy Game data folder.


Notes - This comes with a hilt which overwrites default 3, it has a no stance (though unless its uploaded to the server and other clients have it they see you standing in normal red/yello/blue) and a whole new set of sounds for it! It overwrites single_3 which is a hidious s aber no one in there right mind with any taste uses LOL XD!


Before you edit this in any way! I spent a lot of time reskinning this model pretty much from scratch, do not use, redistribute, or modify my work in any way for this or any other game or platform style... Make it your self from scratch as I did!

If you wish to modify the model please contact Toshi, as thats on him, but my textures are off limits.


Any ways I hope you enjoy!





This mod is not created/owned/suppourted by "Raven tm, Disney tm, LucasArts tm. or any of their affiliates."

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

bigphil2695 likes this

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Beautifully crafted. However, I was highly disappointed when I read that I could not modify it, considering I had plans for a nice Soul Calibur IV Vader skin.


Oh well. :/

Darth Phren likes this


I wanna give a big shout out to omicron, without him this would never have been completed! 

Darth Phren and Omicron like this


By the way, the eyes look a little out of shape, in comparison from his right eye to his left. Like with my Sand trooper, you have a problem the head textures where you can see a line going straight down the middle.


Anyways, that is almost unavoidable. Gj.

AngelModder and Darth Phren like this


Aw, thanks man, 'twas a pleasure and an honour to aid in the making of it, great to see it is finally released after all of your hard work!

Darth Phren likes this


By the way, the eyes look a little out of shape, in comparison from his right eye to his left. Like with my Sand trooper, you have a problem the head textures where you can see a line going straight down the middle.


Anyways, that is almost unavoidable. Gj.

Yea it like your sandtrooper had a problem due top how the texture i mapped onto the model. later this year I plan to model a new vader for us.

Lamented and Darth Phren like this


Nice one AngelModder, it's been fun to watch the progress of this.

I look forward to any future projects.

Darth Phren likes this


Fantastic!! I mean, the original Vader model was great and all, but I feel like your textures breathe new life into it. It looks super-realistic. It's beautiful. :)

Darth Phren likes this


Good model but It is absolutely unusable in SP please fix this!!!! In the character creation menu he doesn't even show up!!

Darth Phren likes this


Good model but It is absolutely unusable in SP please fix this!!!! In the character creation menu he doesn't even show up!!

It was not intended for sp. 

Darth Phren likes this


You know I never thought I say this, but Vader's face looks beautiful 5/5 great job!

AngelModder and Darth Phren like this


It was not intended for sp.

Why Not? Can you please adjust it so that it can?

AngelModder likes this


you know I never thought I say this, but Vader's face looks beautiful 5/5 great job!

thank you :)

Bek likes this


Why Not? Can you please adjust it so that it can?

This was my first skin, I was suprised I even got the MP species menu side to work. Omicron and I had a lot of problems learning this. I could look into it and I will let you know if we manage to get it working in SP. Ty. 


As I mentioned I am going to over the next year create a new Darth Vader model for JKA. I look at this and felt really held back when it came to his cybernetics etc. I intend to build him with the whole works. 



Darth Phren and Onysfx like this


This was my first skin, I was suprised I even got the MP species menu side to work. Omicron and I had a lot of problems learning this. I could look into it and I will let you know if we manage to get it working in SP. Ty. 


As I mentioned I am going to over the next year create a new Darth Vader model for JKA. I look at this and felt really held back when it came to his cybernetics etc. I intend to build him with the whole works. 



Thank you I am sure it won't be to hard to fix the problem maybe you can consult some people who have had alot of expierience with modeling.

Darth Phren and AngelModder like this


This was my first skin, I was suprised I even got the MP species menu side to work. Omicron and I had a lot of problems learning this. I could look into it and I will let you know if we manage to get it working in SP. Ty. 


As I mentioned I am going to over the next year create a new Darth Vader model for JKA. I look at this and felt really held back when it came to his cybernetics etc. I intend to build him with the whole works. 



I support the creation of new models, but wouldn't a model that hasn't been done or one that is really bad be better than making one slightly better than an already excellent model? I still would like to see a better Qui-Gon model and a better Darth Revan model. And perhaps new Episode I and II Obi-Wan models.

Darth Phren and AngelModder like this


It was not intended for sp. 

Seriously? Because I have him in my species screen, try taking out all the other skins and then try it.  

AngelModder and Darth Phren like this


I support the creation of new models, but wouldn't a model that hasn't been done or one that is really bad be better than making one slightly better than an already excellent model? I still would like to see a better Qui-Gon model and a better Darth Revan model. And perhaps new Episode I and II Obi-Wan models.

Because to the blind eye it would seem as if it is a good model, its a decent model, much better then we have had before. But FAR from perfect. and FAR from accurate.

Darth Phren likes this


I support the creation of new models, but wouldn't a model that hasn't been done or one that is really bad be better than making one slightly better than an already excellent model? I still would like to see a better Qui-Gon model and a better Darth Revan model. And perhaps new Episode I and II Obi-Wan models.

After checking it out, it does work in sp. You just need to remove some other species mods you have. Also try adding zzzzzzzz to the AM_DarthVader.pk3. This will make it load first before any other species.



Very nice ^^ Great job



After checking it out, it does work in sp. You just need to remove some other species mods you have. Also try adding zzzzzzzz to the AM_DarthVader.pk3. This will make it load first before any other species.

I don't know man I still can't see vader in the Sp species menu or when I try to add him as an npc.



Hmm check other mods with sp customanization and try make one on your own. Or wait and hope that the author decide to make it :)



Because to the blind eye it would seem as if it is a good model, its a decent model, much better then we have had before. But FAR from perfect. and FAR from accurate.

Good point. Though I would love to see an excellent and accurate Darth Revan model still. The current one isn't very good. And I saw you had an interest in making one.




This sculpt is just lovely, with these textures. But I don't like that Force Spirit Ghost/or what ever it is shader. 

http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130420050661/starwars/images/5/55/JediGhosts-ROTJ.png" />

It doesn't look like this

Or this

http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg208/rdickson11/jedi_spirit_customs.jpg" />

And this 

http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080921040338/starwars/images/2/23/Ajuntaspirit.jpg" />

It should be more shiny and get alot darker blue.


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