Entity Mods
13 files
Academy for MP
By Circa
This is an entity mod of the academy1 map from single player to work better on multiplayer. If you've every played SP, you know that this map is used for all the scenes that take place in the academy. It was only meant for cutscenes, therefore has various NPCs. If you've ever tried playing it in multiplayer, those NPCs will still be there.
The map is very simple and good for clan meetings or small dueling matches. I've edited out all the NPCs, so now you don't have to worry about killing them all before you begin dueling or whatever you're wanting to do.
Just remember that this is for MP, server side. You don't need it in your personal base folder, just on the server. Once you have it there, it will affect anyone that joins. They don't need to download anything. The magic of entity mods.
I haven't tried it in SP yet, but I have a feeling it will still have the cutscene play but without NPCs, which could be a problem.
Base CTF maps fixes [Serverside]
By Grab
......Base CTF Maps Fixes......
File name:
Fixes for base CTF maps...
Put .pk3 into server base folder.
Known bugs:
CTF3 plants and CTF2 glass not fixable.
Christmas Remaps Pack
By Tayst
Includes 3 christmas remaps I made a while ago. They are just .ent files so you will need to either run OpenJK/EternalJK server engine or recompile into bsp.
Feel free to host these on your server, or to use them as a basis for any of your own projects.
Maps Included:
Merry Christmas 🙂
By Clan FJA
TITLE: CTF_base_flags
AUTHOR: French Jedi Academy Clan
WEBSITE : http://french-jediacademy.forumactif.org
Installation : Put the pk3 in your base folder.
Explications :
This mod add ctf points on :
- mp/ffa2
- mp/ffa3
- mp/ffa4
- mp/duel6
You can now play in CTF gametype (seta g_gametype 8) with these maps.
It is a SERVER SIDE mod. No client are recquired. All people can join the game with a pure base folder.
Enjoy !
Bugs : bot routes are not programmed for taking CTF flags. So on some maps, bots could be a little stupid and run next to flags without taking them.
Credits : French Jedi Academy Clan for adding CTF points.
Raven for the maps.
Dantooine Compound (T2_DPRED for MP)
By Circa
This is an entity mod of the singleplayer map T2_DPRED (the one with Rax keeping you a prisoner without your saber)
The goal of this mod is to make it a more usable map in multiplayer, complete with new spawns, teleporters for getting around, NPC spawners, and more.
This is part of a series that I hope to complete every SP map this way.
If you are wondering why do this, the benefit to entity mods is you don't need the actual PK3 in your base folder to play on the map with these changes. That means it is just another map that you can add to your rotation without sacrificing new players or worrying that players won't have a map your server is running.
Orange consoles around the map are NPC spawners. They will spawn a specific NPC, some are cultist, reborn, stormtrooper, hazard troopers, etc.
Red glowing energy spots are teleporters. Since not all doors could be removed easily, this is the best way to get around the whole map, getting to special areas outside of the main courtyard. Some of those rooms are good for dueling or having privacy while the rest of the players are having an FFA in the courtyard. Also fun to play hide and seek!
In the main courtyard where the ATST comes out of in the SP mission, there is now a medical area with bacta tanks that heal you to full health when you press USE on them. There are also a few droids there to make it a bit more lively.
-!|!- CHANGELOG -!|!-
- Initial release
- Added more bacta tanks to main area
- Added droid NPCs
- Fixed a couple teleports
- Fixed bmodel coordinates
-!|!- NOTE -!|!-
There is a benefit to having this PK3 in your client base folder. Since the map has a big Dantooine vibe, I included the Dantooine music from KOTOR. This only works if you have it in the base folder of your client, not just the server. Otherwise normal OT music is used.
-!|!- KNOWN BUGS -!|!-
Some teleport buttons (the red glowing force) may require you to face at a certain angle that isn't always natural. This is just a downside to using bmodels for triggers.
Spawned NPCs sometimes are too stupid to notice you even if you're close. This isn't an issue with the map, just MP NPC AI code being bad.
-!|!- INSTALLATION -!|!-
This is a server-side mod, so put the PK3 in your server's base folder. If you want to use it locally, put the pk3 in the base folder of your Jedi Academy GameData directory (Jedi Academy/Gamedata/base)
FFA3 - Yavin Edition
By unsword
Readme File:
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
mp/ffa3 edited into Yavin.
author: unsword
msn/email - unsword@hotmail.com
xfire - unsword
filename: ffa3_yavin1.0.pk3
filesize: 3,24MB
release date: 30-may-2010
First of all, this is a Server Side mod, not client. It does NOT overwrite
original mp/ffa3 map, in effect, when you have this installed and join a server
with clear ffa3, it will be clear. And also, since this is Server Side modification,
made with textures and models existing in game, client do not need to download and install it.
1-Compiled two maps together, There is a teleport in the mp/ffa3 bar leads to mp/duel02.
1a-(Note, Because I have used item force boon as a teleport, you have to enable Force Boons)
-Most textures are changed.
-Music is also changed to fit Yavin style.
-Added some mysterious secrets.
-Removed all med kits, shield kits, ammo, and all useless crap.
-Chat icon is different
-There is propably something more i forgot about.
How to install:
Unzip and put the ffa3_yavin1.0.pk3 file into your Base directory,
or a game mod (example JA+) directory.
example: C:/games/jediacademy/gamedata/base
Known Bugs:
Because i have removed all spawnpoints and spectator spawnpoint from map mp/duel02
you can NOT set map as mp/duel02, it will cause errors, server crash or instant disconnect.
Special thanks goes to Seto, who helped me more than i could wish.
Testers: Adanos, Andorn, Ezro, Shack, thank you guys.
FFA3 || High Velocity Plugin
By Carbon
This is the High Velocity FFA3 plugin created by Death. At High Velocity we believe in public relations, so here is our gift to you! It has a training room, quaters and a TFFA/Event room. Each runs at max FPS, I was capped at 45/60 at time of screenshots. Most people run 125 or their com_maxfps number. Please enjoy and let us know how you like it! The plugin is currently hosted on the High Velocity Server at:
3.0 needed unless you want to crash. Made this plugin crashable without it due to many lamers and trolls coming to our server lately. So make sure to have 3.0 before using that tele door!
FFA3 Yavin Edition
By Circa
This is an entity mod that changes FFA3 (Tatooine City) into a Yavin temple theme, as well as included bonus rooms that teleport you to other maps from the game as little (or big) duel rooms or just to hang out in private. These teleports are not shown with any flashy glowing orbs or anything like some entity mods, so if you don't want to bother with them, nothing will effect the FFA3 experience. Version 2.0 didn't have any indicators of doors, whereas 2.1 now has the red glowing particle effect on each door, indicating you can use them. If you see any door in the core FFA3 area, it will probably lead somewhere else, and then the door you came out of will lead back to that door. You need to press the Use key (default R) to enter the doors.
This is strictly an entity mod, which means you can upload it to a server and nobody will need to download a pk3 to see the changes. All entities and textures are from the vanilla assets. However, if you want to have an accurate levelshot when loading in, you can put it in your local base folder too if you'd like.
The botroutes and spawns have also been redone. Spawns are now in the center area around the dropship, making it easier to get to the traditional FFA spot that most people hang out in, rather than spawning far away like default. Botroutes are now more basic to reduce the risk of them getting stuck in the hangar and the dropship as easily like in vanilla.
Door 1: The main large door by the main FFA area will lead to academy4, the large academy hall from SP that Luke and the students normally are in. All NPCs removed, it's a large area for fighting or conducting ceremonies or classes.
Door 2: The small door outside of the hangar door, the upper part of the ramp will lead to duel6, the giant Yavin courtyard duel map. Use the optional pk3 to remove this map and restore duel6 to its original form. (see changelog)
Door 3: The door behind the brown dropship, down the hallway on the right will lead to t1_inter, the small room from SP where Jaden and Rosh talk shit behind Kyle's back. Good for 1v1 duels or private conversations.
Door 4: The door behind the bar will lead to duel10, the small Vjun power station room. More of a bonus room, as it's kind of a terrible duel room. But it fits the "back of the bar" feel decently well I suppose.
If you want to check this map out online, my server ( .!¡!. BASE OASIS ) will always have it. I did this for that server as one of our main "clan maps" that was a cool way to impress new players without requiring them to download a new map. You can reach our server at /connect base.jka.io
-!|!- NOTE -!|!-
There is currently no way to set your respawn point in these rooms, so you will have to travel back to the room from the main spawn room every time. With the new spawns that's not nearly as much of a chore as before, but still kind of annoying.
-!|!- KNOWN BUGS -!|!-
The lighting had to be overcompensated for the use of the teleport areas, so character models might look slightly too bright, but the alternative is to be super dark so I think this was a better solution. Certain sounds may be missing in the teleport rooms like footsteps. Since they are mostly small and for dueling 1v1, this isn't much of a problem. Footsteps are fine in the main FFA3 area. Looking at the sky from the bonus maps will show the FFA3 area in the skybox. This is a limitation of using this method, nothing can be done, but the bright side is none of the bonus maps show it without you purposefully going to the windows and looking down. Duel6 (yavin duel) is missing many of the entities around the map like the breakable pillars and trees. This also will affect using the map outside of FFA3 unfortunately. I may attempt to fix this in future versions. Use the optional pk3 that removes duel6 so you can still use that map normally. -============-
-!|!- CREDITS -!|!-
All credit to Sword (aka @unsword ) to their first version doing the hard part, I merely built upon it and changed things to how I preferred them for my server.
-!|!- INSTALLATION -!|!-
This is meant for server use, so upload the pk3 file to your server's base folder. If you're using locally, put the pk3 in the base folder of your Jedi Academy GameData directory (Jedi Academy/Gamedata/base)
- clanmap
- jkhub exclusive
- (and 1 more)
FJA RP Pack for OJP
By Clan FJA
***** FJA ServerSide RolePlay Maps Pack for OJP *****
Author: French Jedi Academy
Website : http://french-jedi-academy.forumactif.org/
Release date : December 2015
*** Explications ***
I decided to release the Heart of FJA OJP Roleplay : source of our serverside modified maps.
There are files to add npcs, dialogs and events on several maps. the goal of this pack is to provide a "proof of concept", showing that we can create a living environnement roleplay for OJP.
This pack is a training tool to allow people learning how to create cinematics and add npcs.
There are :
- the pk3 containing the client side stuff (dialog item which replace the Ysalimari).
- the .ent modifications of maps. Theses files must be used with the latest OpenJK server exe. It will not work with jampded.exe because it uses the special feature of OpenJK, allowing to read the entities directly from the ent file.
You can always compile the ent files in the .bsp using GTK radiant if you wnat to use jamp.exe.
- the scripts needed for some cinematics and quests.
There are 4 maps, created by other authors, on which i added NPCs, dialogs, scripts and some events.
I give the sources for entity modding and scripting. NPCs dialogs are in French but you can change dialogs if you want (with entity modding).
This pack give you an example of possibility that OJP allow. This pack needs OJP to work correctly. You can try to use it with other mods but maybe it will not work correctly.
OJP allows to script ingame cinematic and to get longer center text displays.
You can get OJP here :
*** Descriptions ***
This pack adds an enhanced roleplay environment on 4 maps, with :
- walking NPC
- NPC with dialogs
- ingame cinematics and quests
* Alzoc3_enclave *
- NPC Jedis and Dialogs : discover the jedi life !
- If you are lost, speak to the droids.
- 2 Training rooms : vs jedi and vs storm. You must wait 5 min between two trainings (with short cinematic)
- Hangar for z-95
* ZorasDomain *
- 3 factions zones : Jedis' Fountain, Siths' Cavern and Mercs' Bar
- a Dangrous jungle : big howlers and savage mercs will attack you.
- Some ships
- Akahr Nator Quest : speak to the old man in the waterfall and try to kill the Howler Queen (with ingame cinematic)
* Theed *
- Only NPCs and dialogs. No special event for this map.
- secret Sith zone.
- Naboo guards zone.
* Sanctuary of the Forest *
- Discover the secret city of the wookies !
- Speak to wookie barman to get a beer !
- Wookie Council.
- Go to the Jungle and find the Cultist to help Siths to attack the Wookie City ! (with ingame cinematic)
- Fight to protect the city from Siths !
*** Installation ***
You must have OJP if you want that the scripts work correctly.
Client Installation :
- You must have OJP : http://jkhub.org/files/file/1972-openjediproject-v12-fixed-g-by-fja/
- You must have these maps in your base folder : Alzoc3_enclave, Sanctuary of the forest, ZorasDomain and Battle on Theed
Zoras Domain : http://jkhub.org/files/file/660-zoras-domain/
Alzoc3 enclave : http://rpmod.jediholo.net/gameasset/view/name/alzoc-3-enclave
Sanctuary of the Forest : http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/Free%20For%20All/64987/
Battle on Theed : http://jkhub.org/files/file/465-battle-on-theed/
- You can put ojp_plugin-FJA_v1.2.pk3 in your ojpenhanced folder to replace Ysalimari items with Dialog items.
Server Installation :
- You must have OJP : http://jkhub.org/files/file/1972-openjediproject-v12-fixed-g-by-fja/
- You must have the latest version of OpenJK Ded Server.
- Put the "maps" and the "scripts" folders in you ojpenhanced folder.
- You must have these maps in your base folder : Alzoc3_enclave, Sanctuary of the forest, ZorasDomain and Battle on Theed
Zoras Domain : http://jkhub.org/files/file/660-zoras-domain/
Alzoc3 enclave : http://rpmod.jediholo.net/gameasset/view/name/alzoc-3-enclave
Sanctuary of the Forest : http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Maps/Free%20For%20All/64987/
Battle on Theed : http://jkhub.org/files/file/465-battle-on-theed/
*** Tutorial ***
You can add your own npcs and dialogs by modifying the .ent files :
"classname" "NPC_Jedi"
"NPC_type" "jedi_hm1" // type of the NPC
"origin" "-77 -628 0" // Coordinates of the npcs. You can use "amorigin" on japlus or "viewpos" in any mod to know coordinates.
"spawnflags" "32" // The NPC will do nothing.
"angle" "180" // Angle of the spawn.
"health" "9999" // To avoid players from killing the npc.
The dialog item :
"classname" "item_ysalimari" // with the pack, the Ysalimari are replaced with dialog item and the ForceBoon are replaced with exclamation items.
"noglobalsound" "1"
"wait" "8"
"count" "-1"
"origin" "-97 -628 -0" // Put a distance of 20 between the npc and the item.
"target" "CIBLE" // Must be the same than the "targetname" of the message.
The Dialog :
"classname" "target_print"
"targetname" "CIBLE" // must be the same than the "target" of the item
"message" "^3A'den Vopan :\n ^7Hello World !" // The Message to be displayed.
"wait" "4"
"spawnflags" "4" // the message will be displayed only to the player who took the item. Remove this line if you want all players to read the message
"origin" "-2559 1616 8" // Same coordinates than the dialog item.
OJP is able to run cinematics using Icarus scripting. A script can be run thanks to a npc "spawnscript" or a script runner.
Icarus commands :
set ( "ENABLE", "1" );
Launch the camera mode. All players are removed from the map and see the game through the camera eye.
set ( "DISABLE", "1" );
Stop the camera mode. All players return to their place.
set ( "MOVE", "< 6328 634 500 >, 2000" );
Move the Camera from his actual point to the coordinates, with a speed of 2000ms. Put 0 to "teleport" the camera.
set ( "PAN", "< 10 190 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 2000" );
These are the camera angles. You can keep < 0 0 0 > for the second entry.
*** EXEMPLE ***
Here is the example of the quests of the old man (waterfall of Zoras Domain)
*** The entities ***
// LE NPC du vieux sage
"spawnflags" "32"
"origin" "-3058 2249 -155"
"classname" "NPC_Jedi"
"NPC_type" "MorganKatarn"
"NPC_targetname" "vieuxsage"
"angle" "0"
"health" "9999"
"noglobalsound" "1"
"wait" "7"
"count" "-1"
"origin" "-3028 2249 -155"
"target" "cascade_vieuxsage_s"
"targetname" "cascade_vieuxsage_item"
"classname" "item_force_boon"
"targetname" "cascade_vieuxsage_s"
"usescript" "zoras/howlerboss_videospawn"
"count" "-1"
"origin" "-3028 2249 -155"
"classname" "target_scriptrunner"
"spawnflags" "32"
"origin" "3704 673 -2016"
"classname" "NPC_spawner"
"NPC_type" "howlerboss"
"angle" "180"
"count" "1"
"targetname" "howlerboss_spawn"
"NPC_targetname" "howlerboss"
"spawnscript" "Zoras/patrol_and_run"
"deathscript" "Zoras/howlerboss_death"
"showhealth" "1"
//Les phrases qui s'affichent à l'écran :
"targetname" "cascade_vieuxsage1"
"message" "^3Vieil homme :\n^7Aidez-moi... Akahr Nator le destructeur s'est réveillé. J'ai essayé de le battre... mais sans succès..."
"wait" "4"
"origin" "-3025 2327 -105"
"classname" "target_print"
"targetname" "cascade_vieuxsage2"
"message" "^3Vieil homme :\n^7Pour atteindre sa tanière, suivez le chemin serpentant dans la jungle. Vous trouverez l'entrée."
"wait" "4"
"origin" "6921 2374 -1075"
"classname" "target_print"
"targetname" "cascade_vieuxsage3"
"message" "^3Vieil homme :\n^7Battez Akahr Nator ! Libérez ce monde de cette menace... "
"wait" "4"
"origin" "-3025 2327 -105"
"classname" "target_print"
*** the Script ***
rem ( "script de spawn et vidéo du Howler Boss : Akahr Nator" );
remove ( "cascade_vieuxsage_item" ); // j'enlève l'item qui flotte. De toute façon, ça n'arrête pas le script car c'est le target_scriptrunner qui l'a lancé et pas l'item.
rem ( "DEBUT DE LA VIDEO" ); // simple commentaire. Ne fait rien.
set ( "ENABLE", "1" ); // on passe en mode vidéo
set ( "MOVE", "< -3025 2327 -105 >, 0" ); //Je place d'abord la caméra où je veux
set ( "PAN", "< 0 260 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 0" );
use ( "cascade_vieuxsage1" ); // j'affiche le premier message plein écran
wait ( 500.000 ); // j'attends 0,5 secondes avant de commencer à bouger.
set ( "MOVE", "< -2873 2369 -105 >, 2500" ); //Je donne l'ordre de bouger.
set ( "PAN", "< 0 200 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 2500" );
wait ( 2600.000 ); //j'attends que la caméra ait fini de bouger avant de faire le second mouvement
set ( "MOVE", "< -2728 2308 -155 >, 2500" );
set ( "PAN", "< 5 180 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 2500" );
wait ( 2600.000 );
set ( "MOVE", "< -2666 2129 -155 >, 2500" );
set ( "PAN", "< 5 160 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 2500" );
wait ( 3500.000 );
set ( "MOVE", "< 6921 2374 -1075 >, 0" ); //Je déplace instantanément la caméra dans la jungle, pour suivre le chemin de la jungle.
set ( "PAN", "< 5 225 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 0" );
use ( "howlerboss_spawn" );// j'en profite pour spawner le boss
use ( "howlermini1_spawn" );
use ( "howlermini2_spawn" );
use ( "cascade_vieuxsage2" ); //j'affiche le second dialogue du vieux chnock.
set ( "MOVE", "< 6623 1387 0 >, 2000" );// là, ce sont les déplacements de la caméra dans la jungle
set ( "PAN", "< 10 270 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 2000" );
wait ( 2100.000 );
set ( "MOVE", "< 6328 634 500 >, 2000" );
set ( "PAN", "< 10 190 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 2000" );
wait ( 2100.000 );
set ( "MOVE", "< 5068 662 250 >, 2000" );
set ( "PAN", "< 20 180 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 2000" );
wait ( 2100.000 );
set ( "MOVE", "< 4938 692 -20 >, 2000" );
set ( "PAN", "< 90 180 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 1200" );
wait ( 3000.000 );
set ( "MOVE", "< -3025 2327 -105 >, 0" );// Retour de la caméra dans la caverne.
set ( "PAN", "< 0 260 0 >, < 0 0 0 >, 0" );
use ( "cascade_vieuxsage3" );
wait ( 4000.000 );
set ( "DISABLE", "1" ); // Je désactive le mode caméra (TRES IMPORTANT)
*** Credits ***
I thank a lot Starkiller from FJA for all what he did for the Clan.
You can use, share and modify these files as long you provide credits to the original author.
Hoth Siege FFA
By Jeff
Hoth Siege map converted to FFA mode. This map allow you to play the Hoth Siege map in FFA without changing the default map at all. I've added 25 spawn points, unlocked all doors, added bot-routes, added 4 emplaced guns and removed auto turrets.
reQ's bespin duel remap (Serverside) v2
By reQ
this is an update version of my first bespin edit ( https://jkhub.org/files/file/3829-reqs-duel1-bespin-remap-serverside/ )
this update is quite huge. its not simply the bespin duel map, it includes 5 diffrent locations inside the bespin duel and even cut out holes at doors.
also i was a bit creative with the logo as you can see on the screeny^^
i also made some youtube previews of the work i did on this edit wich you can see here
final look:
======= Contact =======
we (sR) also pull up 2 servers from the ashes, so you can enjoy our community ingame aswell
the servers are up during the xmas days (nov till jan), and we are planing to set up servers even next years xmas days etc. # s0ul/2eaperz _ ( Ja+) ^sR^Slaystation_- (base openjk)
======= How to install =======
Simply put the sR_duel1_v2.pk3 file into ur Base folder, restart the server and switch to mp/duel1 like in the normal way.
if you have the first version installed, then remove or store it to the side so it doesnt scuff the server
i suggest to use the map as an ffa map overall
======= known bugs =======
- since that map does have a hughe texture change, people will notice a 1 sec lagspike when you restart or refresh the map
- since the duel1 is the start map of this edit, only the duel1 room has the lighting system work, all other rooms will be darker as usual
cheers & enjoy
Taanab Spaceport + Blenjeel
By Jeff
This is an entity mod for both t1_danger and t3_stomp. It adds spawnpoints, botroutes, and music to both maps. It won't effect SP since the maps are renamed. Enjoy. Only set-up for ffa just drop into your base folder and play.
Various Simple FFA Conversions (kor2, vjun3, mp/siege_korriban, mp/siege_hoth)
By rootCompute
Here are some simple entity modded maps that have been converted to support FFA on Jedi Academy Multiplayer. I also included the .ent files used to create the mods in case anyone wanted to tinker with them and build upon my work. These are intended to be server-side mods, anybody can join a server that hosts the maps without needing to add any client-side files.
Please consult the readme file for more information about this project. Enjoy!