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Status Replies posted by Stoiss

  1. If you haven't seen The Force Awakens GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO, it's really a masterpiece, I think it's my favourite one now

  2. so this is my first post ever in my profil ever.. so the new star wars mivie is out. I've seeing it now. and with out say to much. go to the cinema and see it.

  3. Is it not possible to replace default JK3 weapons with JKG weapon models?

  4. In light of my previous request, I started working on a skin of Rey from Episode 7, I think I have the face almost done, what do you guys think? http://i.imgur.com/ZWKAndq.png

  5. So I got a new gfx card...stuff looks so good..

    1. Stoiss


      all card and motherbord to date is backworks compatiple for pci - e 2.0 even if is 3.0 :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. So I got a new gfx card...stuff looks so good..

    1. Stoiss


      good choice to get a new one :) becours it was for sure you old 580 card there was broken :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Gunslinger's Academy needs moar rend2

  8. Gunslinger's Academy needs moar rend2

  9. Stole some code from "func_train" to make "misc_model_ghoul" do animation

  10. Time to try Rebels. Let's hope it's worth all the waiting. :)

  11. Just finished watching Clone Wars Season 6...very interesting....anyone watch it yet?

    1. Stoiss


      a new season will never get there, and i think they did a good ending in this eps here.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. Just finished watching Clone Wars Season 6...very interesting....anyone watch it yet?

    1. Stoiss


      what i really like most was the Part of Sidious plans and how they got form into his plans and makes more sense for the rest of the story

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. Oh Microsoft, you may just be 'some' competition for the PS4 yet!

    1. Stoiss


      yeah voise for ingame for not only dead rising 3 but also for other games like project spark :P witch looks pretty awesome from wat was show at e3 :)

      and ofc for the xbox it self for the instance swift

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Oh Microsoft, you may just be 'some' competition for the PS4 yet!

    1. Stoiss


      problem is that the kinect is a part of the xbox one and for game to get the full exp of the games thats why they putted in for this price i guess

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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