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Status Updates posted by DT.

  1. Decided to ditch the '85'

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Daedra


      Why don't you just go ahead and rename yourself Luke Skywalker? It would match your Avatar.

    3. Bek


      I like your logic.

    4. Omicron


      You'll always be the T-800 to me

  2. Decided to have some fun and try and put blaster fire in Doom 3: http://i64.tinypic.com/jjptg1.png

    1. Bek


      *Pew pew pew*

  3. Decided to start a new project: Terminator Apocalypse MP. Will be using OpenJK and will also be standalone.

    1. Circa


      As if you didn't already have your hands full. :P

    2. DT.


      I'm taking a small break from DF2, as I feel a bit burnt out. All I'm doing at the moment is setting up the base project, nothing heavy. :D

  4. Finally found a way to contact Ibanez. :)

    1. minilogoguy18


      This is one of the original authors of the old DF2 mod content?

    2. DT.


      He's the guy who was making the really kickass Narshadda

    3. DT.


      I don't think he was affiliated with the DF2Mod team though.

  5. Finished up the scope view: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iyijwevcvyh1rlr/TA_2.jpg Animated static with blue tint :D

  6. For those wanting to pickup sculpting for free - http://pixologic.com/sculptris/

  7. Forked a more recent version of OpenJK, going to apply my changes for DF2

  8. Giving exporting the imported GLA another go. This time I've split the 21000+ frames into two scenes with about 10000 frames each give or take. Hopefully the exporter + carcass won't have a fit :P

    1. katanamaru


      May the Force be with you.

  9. Good night's worth of mapping. :D

  10. Got a basic port of rend2 working on SP. Managed to play through Rosh and Jaden's training level (yavin2) without issue.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DT.
    3. Archangel35757


      but you have to do a pull request for it to go back into master Rend2, right?

    4. DT.


      No idea. If someone wants to do it, they can.

  11. Got the scripts working, music is in the bar and there's a dead gran on the table :D

    1. Omicron


      Sound's like my dad's newly opened business...

    2. DT.
  12. Gotta love SVN, a quick revert and any code I've screwed up becomes good again. :D

  13. Gunslinger's Academy needs moar rend2

    1. Stoiss


      like everything else does :P

    2. DT.


      You are a wise man

    3. Stoiss


      i learn from the best :P

  14. Had a go at painting, rather than photo-sourcing: https://www.dropbox.com/s/12y6qougvlmcmlk/Pic2.png?dl=0

    1. dark_apprentice
    2. Bek


      Needs more rend2

    3. AshuraDX


      coudl use more shape definition in the form of lighting and some more surface detail, looks like a doll atm

  15. Had a quick tinker in ioquake3's rend2 and replaced the rocket launcher shader with one that has normal maps. the quality of the normal map ingame is VERY decent, quite impressed

    1. ChalklYne


      I have great interest in this. Are you saying to go ahead and render normal maps for my models just in case?

    2. DT.


      Only eez can answer that. ;)

  16. Heh. Gotta love when people take what you've said, re-word it and say "I said that" lol

  17. Here's a question: Would an improved model of Rosh make him less hated? :P

    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. Ruxith


      I don't think Rosh came from Liverpool xD

    3. Mr. Dinnertime

      Mr. Dinnertime

      I don't see why not :P the star wars universe ranges from a typical British accent to a yankee accent to a more refined yankee accent. :3 Why can't Rosh be a scouser?

    4. Grab



  18. Hmm, did I screw something up for shaders? http://i64.tinypic.com/3e8ea.jpg

    1. Ramikad


      Perhaps you just discovered a set of perfectly geometrical portals. Or perhaps it's the spacetime fabric collapsing on itself. Think fourth-dimensionally next time! :D

  19. Hooked on Game of Thrones, so no modding until I'm done with season 3. :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MoonDog


      I'm pretty surprised they just haven't gone and shown vag yet. I mean, that's all that is left now.

    3. Bacon


      Not enough dragons then. :l

    4. katanamaru
  20. Hopefully I'm just about done with the intro videos. Taking forever to get the text crawl to work just right

    1. minilogoguy18


      Can we be expecting a DF2 mod section here soon?

    2. DT.


      Yeah, I've put in a request for one. I'm also hoping to get the files the previous team did. ;)

  21. How shit! UE4 keeps crashing when I'm trying to make a wall.......

  22. Husky model for the new DF2 Bartender: http://i61.tinypic.com/25ouc6t.png Thanks Psyk0sith :D

    1. Onysfx


      Looks ever so slightly like a reskinned rax, but also could be a new model. Very nice.

    2. Grab


      Rax reskin + TF2 soldier head. gz

    3. DT.
  23. I absolutely refuse to make this skin of Kyle: http://winetable.com/file/pic/photo/01_JasonCourt.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DT.


      Totally thinking of putting this in a secret area, where he's a WANTED poster. :P

    3. Kliff Edge

      Kliff Edge

      There's worse ways to spend the rest of your life. Though yikes... sweater + hair looks like it leads to a collection of Steely Dan and Fleetwood Mac LPs...

    4. katanamaru


      Well that's as close to a Jedi Master Kyle as we're going to get.

      Someone do it now!

  24. I find it odd no one posted their hate for Ben Affleck being the new Batman lol

    1. katanamaru


      I just found out 30 mins ago. I'm disappoint.

    2. Circa


      It'll be extremely weird. I'd be disappointed with anyone other than Christian Bale.

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