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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Yeah, your shoulders look a bit broad. I would suggest also using a JKA model, but without any extras on it (ie shoulder pads, puffy clothing, etc) like the jedi model so you can match up the arm-shoulder joint properly.
  2. Wouldn't matter, either way. Not all the unused JO facial bones exist in all the animations, so I'd still be adding the unused JO bones in the exact same process and carcass would still kick up a sh*t. I found a method to get added bones position data working with carcass. For the exporter part of it, everything is fine.
  3. I had another look, and it was outputting position data the whole time only I was expecting bigger changes in the XSI file. Staring at something all day long will do this. :\ It seems carcass doesn't like to include any position data for added bones (bones that do not exist in any of the base JKA animations), only rotation. So looks like I'm going to have to use GLAMerge to get my new facial animations in, oh well lol.
  4. Ok, no idea what happened but it's now ouputting postion data in the XSI. Now it just seems as though carcass doesn't like it when you add bones that you want to have position data. :\
  5. I have no idea what's going on. I make a test in a new scene and it ouputs postion data. I create a new dummy in my custom skeleton scene and that new dummy won't move either so I dunno what's going on. :S
  6. The only thing I can see that's different is you have face_always_ linked to a biped head, where mine is apart of the standard JO skeleton nulls. I got your email, looking at it now.
  7. I haven't made any packs or pauldrons yet, this is the base model. It's not long been made for Battlecry, and I haven't had alot of time to get more parts on him. And no, 95% not mirrored (bottom of the shoes are). May not even be able to use it without a full overhaul, due to the tri count being 12,000 lol.
  8. The dummies have nothing special done to them. The root (ie pelvis) will move, it's only the children that won't. Tried a fresh import of the JO skeleton in Max 8 and still the same result as in Max 2011 with my skeleton.
  9. Why does Kyle stuff up when other base models don't? (JKA-to-NewGLA conversion)

    1. katanamaru


      Because Kyle does what he wants! Not what we want.

    2. Tempust85


      Aww sith spit!

  10. Loving this, it's a nice change from the sci-fi stuff from JKA. I'd love to see a village with a real moving sun and a day/night cycle. Please someone code this in one day.
  11. That is with normal mapping mind you, but I can bake the details in. Let me know if you want it.
  12. Tempust85

    Road Map

    This is why the custom GLA I'm making will be uploaded as a mod for JKA and won't be distributed with any other project. It will be upto the player if they wish to download it and use it but of course if they don't, then they won't have any character animations. Price to pay for a large amount of animations to remake and not enough people to do it.
  13. I do have a Stormtrooper model which I made for use in Cryengine that I could port over for you: It's missing the specular in that pic, but imagine the appropriate shine with green tinge on the goggles.
  14. They are dummies/nulls. I did the tests, and nothing moves in the XSI viewer either. The facial nulls are linked to face_always_. The root of the skeleton still moves, it's just any of the children won't and will only rotate. Happens in both plugins, so it's not exclusive to R2. I just need a "writeNullPosData" or something of the like for nulls.
  15. Tempust85

    Road Map

    @-=Shade=- The only way you can use Dragon is when the custom GLA is ready, and if Dragon can use the custom GLA. AFAIK, it can't?
  16. I hope there's enough burial plots, they are about to all be filled rofl.
  17. Although the model is kinda bad, EP2 Obi-wan could be reskinned for this.
  18. For some reason, no position data gets written out for my face nulls only rotation data.
  19. Toshi's Luke should be able to be reskinned for this though I don't have a link.
  20. Are there any decent and to be taken seriously concepts of this guy? Would be fun to sculpt that's for sure.
  21. Lol, well that's a common feature in games today so many gamers shouldn't care IMO.
  22. Replacing SI_IK_Joint with SI_Null in notepad allows root.xsi to import. However, the bones are not at proper angles and there are duplicates.
  23. Damn, that looks better than base JKA's graphics for some reason...
  24. For those of YOU who are reading this and know about modding for MP, then please think about helping out ol' Chalk. It's been a while since a decent TC has been released, so please help out to make this one.
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