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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. I'd add more quality to the large round areas, and reduce for the small round areas.
  2. New version of Kyle will be baked from a high res sculpt.
  3. I can see that this level will need texture variation, but other than that, it's coming along nicely.
  4. Needs moar rend2. But seriously, continue your SP mod and grab a copy of the GL2 renderer.
  5. Well duh @@Archangel35757 You'd still be exporting out 1,000+ anims for this, but anyway. Afaik, we would need to make sure the bolt-on models have all the animation lengths matching the base GLA. We could also get any bolt-ons to use the base GLA's animation.cfg seeing as they would have to match anyway to avoid visual glitches, etc. I *think* SoF2 does something like this for their viewmodels so they could have different arm meshes.
  6. Please check out the map assignments post, for what maps are currently unassigned. I've already started the Jerec level.
  7. Fakefactory also use very large textures too.
  8. Last Edited: 5th May 2018
  9. Nah, I found out from his df2 discord that he didn't like our modern renderer or something and left. Anyway, I've updated the map assignments in the first post.
  10. Well the only map we have that's ready for use is the Gorc & Pic level. I'll add you to the conversation so you can grab the download link.
  11. I know but if you replace the base _humanoid.gla and re-rig models to update their bone order (to reflect the bone order of the new GLA), then it will work without a code change.
  12. What we need most of all are map blockouts and all entities set up so it's functional - PBR textures can be sorted out later. The barons hed levels (levels 5 & 6) are unassigned right now, so if you'd like to keep going then we'd love the help! Don't worry too much about textures or lighting as they will be changed later. Focus on the basic map structure and entities (doors, switches, etc). Be sure to caulk your map properly, set detail and structural brushwork properly and mitre as much as possible - there's a tutorial on this site for mitre joints. Now what I've done for nar shadda to save some fps is set up triggers across the map to load npcs as you progress, rather than having all of them loaded upon map load. This also helps reduce the overall entity count.
  13. Shouldn't require any code change, unless you want to add bone remapping (like jk2 models use in jka) for base jka models to work with the new gla (just wouldn't be able to use the cloth bones without a model re-rig). I've done tests in SP and the new gla works fine - no reason why it wouldn't. But yeah - I get shit results with clothsim (I use max 2014) and was hand-animating. There are just over 1,000 animations that need to be imported onto a skeleton with cloth bones, then the cloth bones need to be animated. In short, it's a massive task. On the subject of physics engine - there's a WIP implementation of bullet in jaownt. Those guys abandoned it but I'd love to see someone pick this up and finish it. Bullet can do both rigid and soft body physics.
  14. Trank has left -he didn't exactly let anyone know so I only found out last week or so. I haven't had a chance to remove his assignments.
  15. Could always use another mapper, do you have any examples of your work?
  16. Send me the map, and I'll have a look.
  17. Nope, just remove the q3map2 sun line and add in the gl2 sun line. Check out my test rend2 map.
  18. Looking good. Glad to see some progress. You should make a gl2 sun shader - we don't need the old q3map2 sun shader anymore. For how to do this, read up on the shaders post in the forum and look at my test_rend2 maps sun shader.
  19. Well I can sort out the NPC class - reborn with flyswim from sentry. Thanks for the info.
  20. Someone with a cracked kyber crystal.
  21. @@Username Whoa nice! Please explain how you achieved this.
  22. The actual animation source files do not have this skeleton (though I think the root.xsi does) with all the effectors and roots. Open up any one in xsi and you'll see a clean set of nulls. Also, doesn't matter if you use nulls or bones - so long as their axis match.
  23. Thanks. I just started off with a cylinder and cut into it. I still need to make a PBR version, I'll probably do it after I finish 8t88.
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