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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. You don't need lightmap stage, and you can delete the stage after it, leaving just the animMap stage.
  2. If the define is in game code and you hate openjk, just edit the old mp sdk code?
  3. The RoQ must be 512x512.
  4. MP can be coded to allow custom skeletons, MBII have done it for my SBD on a separate code branch. DF2 mod is staying SP though, then doing MP after which will be alot faster to develop with the assets already created. Check this out: https://imgur.com/a/silve
  5. @@SomaZ any of those features appeal to you? Emissive lights would be cool.
  6. Rend2 allows use of PBR textures, almost have a full level in df2 mod using them. custom skeleton issues? What were your issues? Level design limitations? Not hard to make detailed meshes and load them in as either misc_model or misc_model_static.
  7. How did you manage to not need lightmaps or vis?
  8. Won't be possible unless the artists make base jka compatible textures.
  9. Lol rip. Yeah, my bad @@Psyk0Sith. Is it just Gorc & Pic you're working on?
  10. Bloody awesome! You'll need to match the root/rigging pose of the base JKA humanoid, though.
  11. Looking great! Hm, there looks like there's a light without a light source in the cave?
  12. You'd be better off trying "11gorc". It's pretty decently lit.
  13. Updated: - https://jkhub.org/topic/5538-mapping-tips-radiant-setup/ Added a link to an updated GTKRadiant .1.6.6 EXE, which ignores suffixes like "_NH" & "_RMO" in the texture browser. Also added toolbar buttons for drag vertices and edges.
  14. Updated: - All PK3 files - opendf2_sp.x86.exe - rdsp-GL2_x86.dll - df2gamex86.dll Bug fixes: - fixed Kyle model not showing - r_refraction is now set to 0 by default, until we fix it. Redid two crate textures for 11gorc, so please check it out.
  15. Updated: - All PK3 files - opendf2_sp.x86.exe - rdsp-GL2_x86.dll - df2gamex86.dll Added: - DF2_models.pk3 - DF2_sound.pk3 Fresh copies of all PK3 files. Separated more files out DF2_assets.pk3. This update includes a ratio fix for videos, and the vid_restart crash fix from OpenJK.
  16. Magic Sheev. Just don't ask him to strip for god's sake.
  17. Just keep track of DF2 Mod's forums and the JK Community discord.
  18. Updated: - DF2_assets.pk3 - DF2_textures.pk3 - DF2_textures_pbr.pk3 Added: - DF2_maps.pk3 - DF2_models.pk3 Known Bugs: - Player/NPCs using force push/pull will crash the game. This will be fixed in the near future. For now, try "r_refraction 0" (I think that's the cvar?) in the console. "11gorc" is now playable. Note that the level is still a WIP, with placeholder NPCs. Type "map 11gorc" into the console to play.
  19. Rend2 is actively worked on for SP, with changes ported to MP later on.
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