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Status Replies posted by Circa

  1. If I were to get a new computer, would you guys recommend this one? http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=4889#ov

  2. If I were to get a new computer, would you guys recommend this one? http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=4889#ov

  3. Ugh why is talking to people so difficult...

  4. Ugh why is talking to people so difficult...

  5. Ugh why is talking to people so difficult...

  6. Ugh why is talking to people so difficult...

  7. Not sure I like Alan Wake... Beginning was a bit bleh.

  8. Anyone want to try a rend-2 multiplayer test of Bioshock map?

  9. Ugh why is talking to people so difficult...

  10. Top three SW games: go!

  11. FUCK! youtube did it again.

  12. FUCK! youtube did it again.

  13. Just watched Clone Wars Season 6 E01-04: Minor Spoiler --------------Medical Centre from Ep.III, Red Guards, lots of Imperial officers (not clones, yes!), a bit of 1313 (?) and more. Good job on them.

  14. Fresh install of Windows 7. It's been over 24 hours and it's still finding Windows Updates.

  15. Updated achived Streach goals.

  16. That new year resolution to lose weight is failing X(

  17. Just watched Clone Wars Season 6 E01-04: Minor Spoiler --------------Medical Centre from Ep.III, Red Guards, lots of Imperial officers (not clones, yes!), a bit of 1313 (?) and more. Good job on them.

  18. Top three SW games: go!

  19. Just finished the script on 02nar that has the crate moving that you jump on to get to the top. :D

  20. I love ladies =) All of them.

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