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Grand Apathy
By JKHub
Author: Jagged Cougar (Brandon) of Clan Apathy (Ca)
File Name: Grand_Apathy.pk3
File Size: 33.5 MB~
Date Released : Nov 16, 2010
Special Thanks: Clan Apathy for waiting so long for this map. HQTZ, aka Boddo, for his patience teaching me things and testing help. All the "beta" testers over the last year or two.
Credits : Boddo and his awesome shaders. <JS> Vouksh of for the Master Sword model of his Link Sword Mod (v3.1) pack. SithMasteR555's SwordMod (v2). Various authors of hi-res n64 texture packs from!
Description : My first map ever released, and the first official clan map for Ca. I've noticed that even the best looking maps get old quick, so I designed Grand Apathy with longevity and practicality as a focus. The challenges are tough, yet fun and will add alot of life to the map.
Comments: I hit the entity-limit with this map. Because of that, I was unable to add some additional triggers and stuff around the map, was unable to completely finish the admin wing, and was definitely unable to make the 3-4 additional rooms/challenges I had planned (GRAND Apathy indeed!). Other than that, the 10-year-old N64 fan in me had a fun time making this map, and it was a wonderful learning experience. I think I have now acquired a good technical know-how in mapping, that's for sure.
Technical: 8235 brushes. 1633 entities (1259 light). Compiled with -light -fast -filter -super2 -bounce8. Sorry, no -samples on this one. I actually worked on about 3 different versions of this clan map before scrapping them all and finally ended up piecing together the rooms into this monster. Done over the course of 2 1/2 years taking months long breaks between 3-7 day mapping spurts. Guestimated worktime: 150+ hours.
How to Install : Put the Grand_Apathy.pk3 in your GameData\base game folder. Start JK2 and put "/com_hunkmegs 128" in the console then restart the game. Now enjoy the map!
Map Information
New Textures : yes
New Music : yes
New Sounds : yes
New Models : yes
Game Types : ffa, tffa, duel
RPG Dreadnaught
By Hudaw
Hello all! This is RPG Dreadnaught, an old, classic RP map seemingly lost to time (but not to MrWonko's JK3 mirror).
The map is basically as you remember it, with one added bonus; I've fixed the missing textures on the AT-AT in the Hoth area. They are now shown exactly as the author intended.
Happy to be able to bring this one back to the community with this tiny QoL fix as well!
Chill House
By Lomtik
It's just a nice and cozy room with the sound of rain. You can kill time and relax here by jumping around and listening to the rain.
Included bot support for multiplayer and single player.
Map will work for both Jedi Outcast (MP & SP) and Jedi Academy (MP & SP). Just put .pk3 file in GameData/base and then type in console /map chill_house.
This map uses the following models which are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (
"Bed 06" ( by Doaa Sheha
"Curtain a prop" ( by UROD Engine
"Window" ( by jesseroberts
"Wooden door" ( by HASSAN
"Carpet" ( by Lucas Garnier
"Ultimate Moulding and Skirtings" ( by Rakshaan
"Acer monitor" ( by vesicalsnail
"Simple dirty Desk" ( by Thunder
"Gamer Chair Cosmetic" ( by Oliver
"Keyboard" ( by oscarherry3d
"Bulb" ( by Wizard of Graphic
"Mouse" ( by Arnau Rocher Alcayde
"Silver Crest Gaming Mousepad" ( by Cymen05
"Cup" ( by Prographer
This map uses the following textures which are licensed under a Pexels License (
"Brown Wooden Board" ( by FWStudio
"Brown Wooden Parquet Flooring" ( by FWStudio
"Brown Wooden Board" ( by FWStudio
"Brown Surface" ( by FWStudio
"Brown Surface" ( by Pixabay
"Brown Parquet" ( by FWStudio
"White Painted Wall" ( by Henry & Co.
"A Green Cloth in Close Up Photography" ( by Eva Elijas
This map uses the following sound effects which are licensed under a Pixabay License (
"Rain" ( by Franco Gonzalez
"Open Door #1" ( by BenjaminNelan
This map uses shader by RichDiesal from
- botroute support
- non star wars related
- (and 1 more)
Forbidden Twilight 1.01
By Evader
This is my first map for Jedi Outcast from way back in 2003 that I made for Forbiden Twilight clan. It's very large, but with good performance all around. There is also a CTF version with most areas blocked off.
JJ Evil Twin
By JJxHookZx
Map made by Booya aka Doobie Stu I found his readme
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/ /_ | / / / / /___ / / | / | / / / / / | /
/____/ |__/ /_/ /_____/ /_/ |__/ |__/ /_/ /_/ |__/
Evil Twin
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast MP
d00bie stu
17.3 mb
11 September 2006
unzip jj_eviltwin.pk3 to base.
evil twin is a near- symmetrical map with two towers opposite eachother. each side of the map has its own lighting/atmosphere, one good, one evil. this map is good for ctf and sniping because of its symmetry and two towers (for the snipers). this map has many areas for consecutive duels to take place, and it has an underground maze that leads to a council type room as well. the maze entrance is tricky to find, but in the 'good tower', using the 'use' button while standing on the bench activates a trap door. there is a pit to jump into with a small opening in the wall part way down that leads to some stairs and into the maze. in the case that the player does'nt make it into the opening, the bottom of the pit is filled with water and is impossible to get out of (with the exception of drowning of course). The 'evil tower' also has a trap door which leads to a completely different secret area. There are a few other secrets, but you will have to find them on your own. ? it has gun/ammo support, but not all. holocron mode is not supported. botroutes are included. there are some health and armor pick-ups around the map too.
some lighting issue that made colored light show up on random surfaces. it might have something to do with the light-emitting shaders or the texture set. don't expect much from the bots on ctf mode either.
jj posse, hooka, twist, deathdealer, reefer, darkblade, snake, killer, stix, gras, floyd, punisher, teethteeth, siNNer, deadly, snakeman, impact, jsa, lestat, lethal, arc, lm, ls, es, anyone who was a tester, and of course, lucasarts, jk2files, and raven software.
Op. 32, H. 125- No. 1, 'Mars, the Bringer of War'. Composed by Gustav Holst. Performed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Conducted by Andre Previn.
By JJxHookZx
special clan map made by my good friend Doobie Stu aka Booya it was his last map before he vanished who knows maybe one day he will return I must honor him this is a good map and I know the JK2 world will love it.
Counter Strike: Dust 2 (Jedi Outcast)
By Flendo
Counter Strike Soruce Dust 2 (Jedi Outcast)
I want to introduce something different for this game, but well known from the Counter Strike game series.
The map in its original form comes with the structure only, the rest of the work was done by me.
Thanks to Valve for publishing map and KENNITHH who made compatible with Q3 engine.
You can find the original post on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory forum.
Also available for Jedi Academy.
Installing the map is simple, put map cs_dust2.pk3 in your base folder, then you can select it via menu or type command in the console "/map cs_dust2".
Features List:
Support for the use of weapons.
Support for the Jedi Master gametype.
Support for the Holocron gametype.
Support for the Team FFA gametype.
Support for the CTF and CTY gametype.
- botroute support
- city
- (and 3 more)
Grip 3 - Towers
By kenny
This is my latest map created which consists of an initial level similar to the portal map and then 3 huge towers. This is an occasionally very hard map and i do not recommend starting with this one, instead do the tutorial on Grip 3 or Grip 1.
This map is for sure my best map and covers almost every known aspect to grip climbing. When you have enough experience i strongly recommend that you try this map out. It will take some time and can from time to time drive you nuts.
This map is only playable on JK2 and is currently only tested for patch 1.03 and 1.04. To be sure it works to it's fullest i recommend playing in 1.04 though.
Happy climbing, kenny
Certain walls are too high to climb by only using jump. In these challenge maps you and your ally has to grip each others and aim upwards. By doing so you will levitate and eventually reach your destination. This can be done with various stances, for example you can just stand on the ground and grip each others, or you can both jump and then grip each others mid air.
It is very tricky to get the timings right, although this is a good way to get proper timings:
1. One of you does a no force jump
2. At the moment the jumping player lands, both players jump
3. When you are at desired height, you both grip each others
Grip - Levels
By kenny
This is my second map created and is sort of done it a haste but the result is really something. I say this no early in the text, do not begin with this map. The first level happens to be easy but after that it gets very hard at most of the levels. Start with the tutorial on Grip 3 or Grip 1.
This map is divided into 5 distinct levels with some entirely new mechanics that could make you go nuts, and challenge even the best grip climbers.
Happy climbing, kenny
Certain walls are too high to climb by only using jump. In these challenge maps you and your ally has to grip each others and aim upwards. By doing so you will levitate and eventually reach your destination. This can be done with various stances, for example you can just stand on the ground and grip each others, or you can both jump and then grip each others mid air.
It is very tricky to get the timings right, although this is a good way to get proper timings:
1. One of you does a no force jump
2. At the moment the jumping player lands, both players jump
3. When you are at desired height, you both grip each others
Certain walls are too high to climb by only using jump. In these challenge maps you and your ally has to grip each others and aim upwards. By doing so you will levitate and eventually reach your destination. This can be done with various stances, for example you can just stand on the ground and grip each others, or you can both jump and then grip each others mid air.
It is very tricky to get the timings right, although this is a good way to get proper timings:
1. One of you does a no force jump
2. At the moment the jumping player lands, both players jump
3. When you are at desired height, you both grip each others
Grip 2 - Portal Version
By kenny
This is my third map created which also has a tutorial stage. The theme of this map is taken a little from portal (even though i never played it). You and your ally will enter through one of the doors each and then with the help of grip complete the 5 levels presented.
This map haven't got many really hard long/high jumps but instead it requires some brains. You can try to complete this map after doing the tutorial stage, but i still recommend that you try to complete the earlier parts of grip1 first.
Happy climbing, kenny
Certain walls are too high to climb by only using jump. In these challenge maps you and your ally has to grip each others and aim upwards. By doing so you will levitate and eventually reach your destination. This can be done with various stances, for example you can just stand on the ground and grip each others, or you can both jump and then grip each others mid air.
It is very tricky to get the timings right, although this is a good way to get proper timings:
1. One of you does a no force jump
2. At the moment the jumping player lands, both players jump
3. When you are at desired height, you both grip each others
Grip 1 - Tower
By kenny
This is an entirely new climbing concept i have "invented" together with my buddy ritual. We was noob climbers and were trying out Acrobats expedtition towers and couldnt complete it. Then to complete it we used grip climbing. This is basically just that you grip your ally and aim upwards, which will result in that you both fly and are capable or reaching insane distances (in other words you need to be two players to complete this tower)
This is my first tower ever created and is actually a good beginners map. The map is pure climbing and is sort of divided into many separate levels. The levels start off from very easy in the beginning as they gradually become harder and harder. The two latest levels have an extremely high skill cap and will need a lot of tries to complete.
Unfortunately the grip towers are only compatible with JK2, and i can only say for sure that they work in patch 1.04 and 1.03. The reason it is not compatible with JK3 is because the grip works a bit different and especially wall grip is not possible. So if there is any JK3 players intrested i recommend you install JK2 and play the maps on 1.04.
I hope you will enjoy the maps as much as i do, they are not meant to be easy and some of the levels can be a real pain in the ass.
If someone of you have no idea what i mean with "grip climbing" you can download my map Grip 2 - Portal version where i have added a tutorial race with written instruction and some initial easy tasks and then a height challenge.
Feel free to ask any questions or give feedback on my maps!
Happy climbing, kenny
Certain walls are too high to climb by only using jump. In these challenge maps you and your ally has to grip each others and aim upwards. By doing so you will levitate and eventually reach your destination. This can be done with various stances, for example you can just stand on the ground and grip each others, or you can both jump and then grip each others mid air.
It is very tricky to get the timings right, although this is a good way to get proper timings:
1. One of you does a no force jump
2. At the moment the jumping player lands, both players jump
3. When you are at desired height, you both grip each others
Certain walls are too high to climb by only using jump. In these challenge maps you and your ally has to grip each others and aim upwards. By doing so you will levitate and eventually reach your destination. This can be done with various stances, for example you can just stand on the ground and grip each others, or you can both jump and then grip each others mid air.
It is very tricky to get the timings right, although this is a good way to get proper timings:
1. One of you does a no force jump
2. At the moment the jumping player lands, both players jump
3. When you are at desired height, you both grip each others
Sirhc's Bowling
By JKHub
Author: Christopher--Sirhc
A bowling alley with REAL BOWLING ACTION!!! Also includes a couple of mini-games and some fun areas for all gameplay.
Worr Sonn's Final Map
By JKHub
Author: Worr Sonn
Submitted by: Barricade24
After 3 months of hard strenous work my final map is finally complete.
Outside entrance: Mountain Range and a bridge leading to the entrance hall of the building
Main Building: Surrounded with high chrome pillars and 6 doors.
1st Left Door: Unnamed's Nameless Arena: Lava pit with duel arena, and flare lights
2nd Left Door: Grand Duel by: Alvinater : Huge curvey room with giant duel pad, can host about 4 duels
3rd Left door: ShroomDuck's HangOut: Psychadelic grass room with Shroom's that bounce you, tribute to him for his help
Middle door: Teleport to Sloda's room, secret area in here, sit in the meditation chair for a cool effect
1st Right door (wood door): Worr Sonn's (me) dojo, and drop to the testing Do-Jang. The Do-Jang is my TKD school in real life... Testing Do-jang's textures are all original textures by me
2nd Right door: Highly retailed hallway to the council room, council room is unlocked from the outside, it has a teleporter elsewhere
Secret Hangar: The Entrance is at Sloda's Temple, it's from Episode 2 from deleted scenes.
There's a bit more not discussed here, have fun... All music by Linkin Park, mixed by Worr Sonn (me).
{PO} Training Facility
By JKHub
Author: ProdigalSon
Submitted by: Barricade24
This is just a traininf place i built for fun and decided to make it my clans training facility it took like 3 weeks and was pretty fun to do . itd not great but its got some pretty cool places to look at and explore
So i hope u have as much fun playing on it as i did makin it for ya all
Mandalorian Base
By JKHub
Author: ProdigalSon
Submitted by: Barricade24
Just a Little Map i Put together in a few days, its meant to represent the hideout
or base of the mandaloreans boba jengo Ect.If they had one that is Hode ya have fun with it !
Eathdor Streets
By JKHub
Author: Worr Sonn
Submitted by: Barricade24
The planet in which many castle's reside is the walking streets with various type of rooms and areas to mess around.
- JK2
- Botroute Support
- (and 1 more)
-[DM]- & [DA] Clan Map
By JKHub
Author: Worr Sonn
Submitted by: Barricade24
Training and Council building for these two clans. Each clan has their own hall with 3 duel rooms each. The council room features custom skinned chairs made for the the DM and DA clans
Dim Side Jedi Academy
By JKHub
Author: Worr Sonn
Submitted by: Barricade24
The extra edition of ffa_dimside_se... I took the map and re-did most of it. I kept the classic arenas and got rid of some stuff. The secret area is VERY hard to find, but it is the best area in the map
Yavin RPG
By JKHub
Author: Worr Sonn
Submitted by: Barricade24
Worr's Weapons - Small Weapons Hutt selling the legal weapons for the city
Renegade's Jedi Training - Dojo for training the many jedi of the town, slow-mo mode (not really, probably just low fps)
Jose's Cantina - My personal favorite... Bar with the tapper effect, and some cool stuff
Bounty Gear - Gear for all the bounty hunters (originally 3 bounty models but was moved down to 1 for FrameRate)
Jedi Emporium - Sabers, and Force Enlightments for the many jedi
The Big House - Police station and holding cells for the lamers.
Sloda's Pagoda - Hibatchi for the rich people. Uses my tapper effect as well, not as cool as Jose's
Bounty HQ - Head Quarters and Sleeping grounds for the bounty hunters of the town
Capital and Job Office - The signless building in the middle of the map.
Moonlight Nightclub - Nightclub to get wasted then go fight on the deck
Dim Side Training Facility
By JKHub
Author: Worr Sonn
Submitted by: Barricade24
Small Trial facility to give trials to the many members of -{DS}-.
Start off outside with an outside atmosphere. There's a nice tree house up in the tree which belongs to me (Worr).
You walk in to a large glass duel pad which has ramps leading off to 3 doors and a waiting room.
The rightmost door is a hall with three teleporters that lead to a duel room for Me, Alvinater, and Unnamed.
The leftmost door leads to a strange meditation room.
The middle forcefield is my office, which you must make an appointment to enter
Dim Side Castle
By JKHub
Author: Worr Sonn
Submitted by: Barricade24
The new and high-tech palace become a nuisance, so master Worr Sonn created an ancient castle for Dim Side
Dim Side Palace 2
By JKHub
Author: Worr Sonn
Submitted by: Barricade24
The palace of the Dim side Clan (-{DS}-) headed by Master Worr Sonn. Includes, bar, bedrooms, council room, throne room, ship supply room ,offices, etc.
Little Italy
By JKHub
Author: Onobi Foondu
Submitted by: Barricade24
Well to start off this was going to be Mcc Village final.But then people starting telling me it looked like Italy.So i went from there.Added a bit more touches to make it look alittle more like italy.Like flags and such.Its a small town.The mood is a sunrise setting,With the sun just peaking over the horizon.Where people are just waking up to start the day.All there lights are still on from the night.Theres a resturaunt that is closed.Only for certain reasons(FPS).Theres a sniper tower,So watch dont get wacked.LOL.Theres a fountain with a new water shader and a new gfx file for the fountain water shooting out over the fountain.So check it out there's more to see.There would have been alot more done but i had to stop building to keep the fps from going down to much.Well have fun and enjoy.
Bespin Christmas
By JKHub
Author: Rhiom
It's Bespin during Christmas!
What more is there to say?
- star wars related
- snowy
- (and 2 more)