50 files
2004 Battlefront Clones soundpack addon
By Lolok
Author: Lolok
Name of mod: Battlefront 2004 Clone Voices
Credits to: Cameron Kiesser (A youtuber, not modder) for giving
me cut up files of his video
This is a small clone voice file I've made, containing
Temuera Morrison's voice lines from the 2004 Battlefront.
NOTE: This isn't for any specific clone model so you'll
have to change the sound folder name, but not the actual
files. It is set as 'New_clones' so if you have a model
set with that voice folder name, then you don't really have to do anything.
I did name all of them after an Ashura soundpack addon so I
may have missed out a few voiceline replacements but I'm not
bothered. The deaths+injury sounds are also Republic Commando
I did reuse some of the voicelines though, however you can still enjoy.
Alternate Reborn Voice
Like the Cultists in this game, I feel the Reborns aren't all that threatening. For one, their clothing is far too bright, but that's an entirely different mod I'll get to. Another thing I wanted to do? Change their voice. Now true, their voices still are a tiny bit more threatening than the Cultists, but why not change it some? I decided to edit their voices then, and I thought it would be nice if they all had a sort of voice modulator sound to them, inspired by Batman in Batman V Superman and the TellTale game, and Kylo-Ren. So yes, all Reborns now have a voice modulator apparently, and it's amazing. Here's a quick little video that gives a glimpse of their voice.
Ashura Clone Trooper Soundpack Addon
By swegmaster
Filesize: 9.09 MB
Installation: Put the file in your Gamedata/base folder located in the game directory:
For Retail: C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base
For Steam: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Jedi Academy\GameData\base
Description: This mod adds clone trooper sounds originally from Republic Commando to AshuraDX's Phase II Clone Trooper Pack. It modifys the npc, or npcs to use the sounds, and also gives them CLASS_REBORN instead of CLASS_STORMTROOPER so that they don't stand still. It also adds a sounds.cfg to the model so that it can use one of the soundpacks in mp.
New npcs included, same as clone_adx, but use different sounds for each:
Barrghbossa's Lightsaber/Melee Sound Mod
By Barrghbossa
Barrghbossa's Lightsaber/Melee Sound Mod
AUTHOR: Barrghbossa
Video Demonstration:
Description: A Sound Mod for Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. Replaces the melee sound effects with ones from Indiana Jones and Star Wars movies. All of the melee/saber sounds were ripped from the uncompressed surround sound tracks for the movies (or the Dolby Stereo tracks for the Return of the Jedi sounds) and re-edited to fit about the same audio length as each original file. All in all, it sounds like a mix of Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens in heated combat.
Install: Drag and drop the "PJ_JK_SFX_v1.pk3" folder, located in the .zip folder alongside this readme file, into Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy's "base" folder located in "\Steam\steamapps\common\jedi outcast/academy\GameData\base"
VERSION 1.0 (Initial Release)
Works in both JK2 & JK3 .zip file including a "README" file, and the "" folder containing the "PJ_JK_SFX_v1.pk3" folder. "PJ_JK_SFX_v1.pk3" includes a "sound" folder which contains the folders "weapons". The "weapons" folder contains the folders "melee" and "saber". The "melee" folder includes the new punch and kick sound effects (from various Indiana Jones and Star Wars movies). The "saber" folder includes the new sound effects for the lightsabers in game. The main saber blocking sound effects are from a bonus feature video of Luke Skywalker fighting Darth Vader on the second Death Star without the musical score. Two of the saber deflection blocking sounds are from Episode 7 while one is from Episode 6. The Fast Style lightsaber offense sounds are from Count Dooku's lightsaber in Episode 2, the Medium Style sounds are Obi-Wan's lightsaber from Episode 1, and the Strong Style sounds are a combination of Episode 7 and 3 (though the Strong Style back-swing sounds are the Fast Style Episode 2 sounds). The lightsaber on/off sound is from Episode 3. The dark jedi on/off is also from Episode 3. The saber quick off/on is Luke's Episode 6 lightsaber. The saber spin sound effects are all different intensities of Darth Maul's sith lightsaber from Episode 1.1,833 downloads
Coruscant Space Battle Music
By LyraAurora
Star Wars Jedi Knight : Jedi Academy -> New music mod !
-> Coruscant Space Battle theme for the MP main menu ! Version 1.0 !
Descriptions : Hi there ! I present you my little mod that changes the main music you hear when you are in the MP main menu. It replaces the Imperial Attack by the amazing Coruscant Space Battle soundtrack from the Episode III ! It's just that simple.
Installation : Unzip and put the pk3 file in your Jedi Academy Base folder and voila ! You will be able to hear the Coruscant Space Battle in your main menu !
I had the idea of making this mod when i was playing Battlefront II. I heard this track during a Space Battle and it was so epic ... Anyway, have fun with this mod. It's a little one but you will be amazed in your main menu now. ^^
If you want to use this mod to make a bigger one, feel free to do it as long as you provide me credits.
Speaking of Credits, i would like to provide credits to John Williams, the amazing music composer who made this track for the Episode III of Star Wars.
Dalek Gun Sound (for Disruptor)
By Lancelot
This mod replaces the default sounds of the Disruptor with the one
from the Dalek gun from Doctor Who, which has been used since 2005.
And to make this mod more interesting, I modified the effects to make
them appear as if they come from a Dalek gun.
Dark Side Sounds
By GojiraGamer
I just made a little something for the new Audio section: Two sounds have been added to Jedi Academy: A lightsaber sound and a Force sound. Interested? Then give it a download!
Denton's Lightsaber Sound Mod
This mod is supposed to make lightsabers sound more impactful, and that's about it. I'm fairly certain it also works for JK2.
Guide on getting EAX working
Simply extract into Jedi Academy's base folder
Excalibur Duel Music for JK2 and JKA
By JKHub
Author : {THC}ShovelHead
Description : This will replace your duel music in JK2 or JA with the well known and awe inspiring music from the movie Excalibur.
Fixed Jawa Sounds
By eezstreet
This fixes the Jawa to have proper jumping, hard landing, and taunt sounds. Some additional sounds will play in SP now as well, as they were missing.
Generator Room replacement track
By GamerRedNeck
A simple replacement for the Generator Room duel map for multiplayer for anyone who prefers to play on the vanilla map provided by Raven. The mod simply replaces the Korriban track from the base game to a variation of Duel of the Fates used in Revenge of the Sith.
Halo 2 Duel Music
By JKHub
Author: RinkXing
I released this since I thought others might enjoy it seeing as Halo 2 i currently very popular.
The Halo 2 version of the Halo theme. They added guitars to it which I thought made it 10 times better than the original Halo Theme and I thought this would be great for dueling.
Halo 2 Main Theme Composers: Martin O'Donnell & Michael Silvatori
HQ Ambience
By Corvus
Hi there, I recently decided to replay JK:A and noticed that the ambience sound effects don't sound that great in 2019, especially while playing with headphones.
So I started to remake most of the sounds located in "Ambience" as well as a few others that really bothered me while playing, some of them turned out being faithful to the original and some a little less so, although all are an improvement.
This is my first public mod release ever, so please don't be too harsh but I'm open to any feedback and criticism.
If someone finds a bug (for example audio that doesn't loop correctly or clicks) please let me know which level it occurs in so I can try to fix it.
HS Kenobi Sound Fix
By Circa
This is a simple mod that fixes the sounds for Hapslash's Obi-Wan model. A couple sounds were in the wrong format and gave an error every time it's loaded. This fixes those sounds and also replaces a few of the badly ripped sounds into clean ones. Some lines were replaced.
It's one of the most popular mods for JKA, so I figured this should be an official fix for all those people that use it.
You can download it by clicking below:
HS Kenobi
Improved Lightsaber sounds and FX (Star Wars Jedi Outcast II Jedi Academy and VR versions)
By Superwalter
This mod tends to correct and improve the sounds and effects of lightsabers from the games Jedi Academy, Jedi Outcast 2 and the VR versions, with the sound effects of the prequels and visual FX too, you can't find better visual or audio effects, this mod will be posted on the Jedi Academy nexus as well, JKHub and others etc....
Visual FX + Sound Effects
The sound effects have been completely replaced taking out the humm sound, the ignition of the jedi sabers now has the same as the prequels, the sabers of the sith now have their own sound with ignition and retraction of the sith like the saber of the jedi with its own retraction, the effects swings were taken straight from the movies, with sounds mainly from darth maul when you throw the sabers, as your skills increase the rotation of the saber sound increases too, when you have a double saber or a saber in each hand o saber makes more darth maul sounds, with just one saber it doesn't do as much unless you throw the saber, the swings sounds are taken directly from episode 3 too, it doesn't always have the sound of darth maul but also of obi wan and anakin in episode 3, just compare with the battles in the movie, when obi wan or anakin spin the sabers fast, they make the same sound as Darth Maul, and that happens in my mod too, you won't have better sound effects that this one, removed and polished straight from the movies, everything will be shown in the video above as an example.
The lightsabers and all the colors are exactly as they look in episode 3, the spark effects, from Lightsaber block, all these effects are compatible with jedi academy, jedi outcast II and the VR version of both games, all these effects and more.
All the colors of the jedi outcast multiplayer both in the normal version or in the VR, and in the singleplayer that you can change the colors, is exactly as in the images of the jedi academy above, and in the multiplayer of the academy the blades are also changed as in the images above.
Inportant Recommendation:
Play the game at 1080p resolution or higher, not below that, as it can degrade the quality of sabers and effects.Do not use any additional lightsaber effect mods in Jedi Outcast II and its VR version, as effects may run out of textures or bugs occur or worse.
The images shown on the nexus had bad qualities, they were all captured in 1080p but they were worse than 1080p, the same thing as in the Youtube video, because Youtube denigrates the image quality, test the mod by itself and see how perfect it is sound quality and effects.
Optional Version
This version only changes the ignition of the Jedi sabers or anyone who uses a lightsaber like robots for example and the enemies, the Jedi ignition is the same explosive as Anakin's saber when Finn turns it on for the first time in The Force Awakens, and it is also the same ignition as Obi Wan Kenobi in Star Wars Battlefront 2, the villains' ignition is the same as Vader in Rogue One, I recommend using a headset to have the best experience, and put the volume louder, especially in VR, it is amazing the sound effects.
installation instruction:
Place the Prequels FX and Prequels Sounds files in the base folder.
The files were made to work in these games Jedi Academy, Jedi Outcast II and the VR version of both games the Oculus Quest or any Oculus VR that has native support for running both games on it and the PC VR versions to, no need to get confused when installing, you use the same files.
Jedi Academy:
UserDisk:\Steam\steamapps\common\Jedi Academy\GameData\base
Jedi Outcast II:
UserDisk:\Steam\steamapps\common\Jedi Outcast\GameData\base
Mod Video:
Jaden Korr (Male Rodian) Multiplayer Sound Fix
By MagSul
Placing this file in your Base folder will ensure that whilst playing as the male Rodian Jaden in multiplayer, you will hear appropriate Rodian sounds.
Music Jaden vs. Kyle (Korriban Duel Music)
By Darth Sion
After watching Anakin & Obi-Wan's duel, on Mustafar in 'Episode III: Revenge of the Sith', with John William's powerful "Battle of the Heroes" soundtrack, I couldn't help but notice the similarity between Jaden and Kyle Katarn in Jedi Academy. So I thought it'd make perfect sense, to combine the two.. Considering that Obi-Wan is Anakin's teacher, as Kyle Katarn is Jaden's teacher, in Jedi Academy. This mod simply changes the music during the duel between Jaden and Kyle Katarn, when they duel at the end of the game, on Korriban in the Temple of Marka Ragnos, to be exactly like Anakin and Obi-Wan's battle in "Revenge of the Sith". If you’re looking for more Star Wars authenticity, then this mod is for you.
Known Bugs:
None, from what I can see so far.
In order for this to work correctly, you MUST have picked the "Dark Side" choice, on the 'Taspir III' level. It will NOT work if you've chosen the "Light Side".
George Lucas, LucasArts and John Williams for the incredible soundtrack from "Revenge of the Sith".
- Music
- Star Wars Related
- (and 1 more)
Jawaden Korr - Jawa Voice Replacer
By lenin_party
This is a singleplayer mod that replaces all of Jaden's lines, barks and grunts with Jawa to spice up your next playthrough.
Intended for use with any mod that adds the ability to play as an unsettling humanoid height Jawa that doesn't speak basic. You know, for um, immersion.
Highly recommend playing with 'Rosh as a Rodian' by Circa - which I used while playtesting the line delivery. I now consider it canon, you should too.
To install, just drop the .pk3 into your base folder. You know the drill by now.
Make sure type g_subtitles 1 in your console (SHIFT + ~) if you care about what Jaden is actually saying. Kind of fun not knowing too though, I guess.
It's an all-or-nothing replacement, so pull the .pk3 out of your base folder if you want Jaden's voice acting quality to decrease dramatically.
Music Jedi Academy: Korriban Music Replacement
When I recently played through the Jedi Academy single player game, I noticed that the music kinda seemed off for the mood. Specifically, the action music taken from the Rancor scenes in Episode VI always felt really repetitive, and the developers didnt seem to make very good use of having two sets of music for the light and dark side paths of the story (Both branches for korriban light side and dark side in the base PK3s sound pretty much the same when you listen to them). So, in order to fix this, I decided to create a PK3 with in-game music files taken from other parts of the game, and the music in Jedi Outcast, that overwrites the music files in the default assets. The basic goal behind this project was to create a new set of music files that fit the game situation better, and that also gives the dark and light side branches music that fits each one better.
- Music
- Star Wars Related
- (and 1 more)
Jedi Knight Galaxies Menu Music Replacement
By Ramikad
This mod replaces the music played in the main menu of Jedi Knight Galaxies with the one played in the main menu and character creation menu of Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, named "To Start a Journey" by some sources, and directly taken from the soundtrack of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back (Track 23, The Rebel Fleet / End Title Medley). For the nostalgic players, as well as those who want to hear something different.
I advise against using this mod in the base game, as it changes the default explore track for the mission CULT INVESTIGATION - DOSUUN (T2_DPRED), which in my opinion doesn't quite fit. The file includes two versions of the track, Short and Long. The former is a shorter version of the original track, more similar to what it sounds like in Star Wars Galaxies, while the latter is a longer version, more similar to the full version in the movie.
To install, unpack either zzz_JKG_Menu_Music_Repl_Long.pk3 (if you want the longer version) or zzz_JKG_Menu_Music_Repl_Short.pk3 (for the shorter version) into the jkgalaxies/JKG folder. To uninstall, remove the version you picked from the jkgalaxies/JKG folder.
Make sure you only pick one: if you choose to install both versions, most likely only the short one will play, due to the .pk3 alphabetic loading order.
JK2 interface sounds for Jedi Academy
By Tompa9
This is very simple and useful pack that removes annoying and loud Jedi Academy interface sounds a replace them by the ones from JK2: Jedi Outcast!
Extract and put zz_zzzJK2interface.PK3 into your base folder in Gamedata. Enjoy!
Knights Of The Old Republic Music Mod for JK:A (SP)
By GPChannel
Hello everybody!
This is a KOTOR 1 and 2 music mod for Jedi Knight Jedi Academy Single Player.
I hope,you like it!
Music Korriban Temple March
By Darth Sion
Whilst matching up similarities with the end duel between Jaden and Kyle (provided you choose the "Dark Side" choice), I also found there was also a similar scenario, after you kill Alora on 'Taspir III', when you basically "storm the Sith Temple" on Korriban and kill all the Sith Warriors, inside. Which bares resemblance to Anakin and a battalion of Clone Troops storming the Jedi Temple on Coruscant in 'Revenge of the Sith', to slaughter and wipe-out the Jedi.
This mod includes the "March on the Jedi Temple" music replacement, that will play when you start the penultimate mission on Korriban. And of course, for the purpose of accuracy, there's also an .npc .pk3 file included which will allow you to spawn in Stormtroopers (If you wish to do so), so you can have your own army of troops fighting alongside you, just as the Clone Troops did for Anakin, in Ep. III.
To spawn in the Stormtroopers, enter "npc spawn stormie_ep3" in the console and press enter. Then press ^ on the directional pad and enter to spawn another. Repeat process for desired number of Stormtroopers.
Known Bugs:
None, from what I can see so far.
Like the previous mod, in order for this to work correctly, you MUST have picked the "Dark Side" choice, on the 'Taspir III' level. It will NOT work if you've chosen the "Light Side".
George Lucas, LucasArts and John Williams for the incredible soundtrack from "Revenge of the Sith".
- Music
- JKHub Exclusive
- (and 1 more)
Luke - New Sounds
By Furygun81
This is a modification for
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.
by Furygun81
If you've ever spawned Luke npc in Jedi Academy, you'll notice he's silent. This mod fixes all of that. The sounds are lifted from Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns, and are recorded by the same voice actor (Bob Bergen) so they should fit in reasonably well. As such, there's no background music in them like sound lifted from the movies!
This gives the single player npc many more sounds, and it also has an effect on the multiplayer game. Luke's taunt: "You are now at one with the Force," becomes: "Your overconfidence is your weakness."
Size: 4.24 MB
Readme is included in the zip.
TO INSTALL: Place the .pk3 file into your GameData/base directory. Read the readme for full instructions.
Music March on the Korriban Temple
By Darth Sion
This mod is the "Complete Package", which includes both music replacements from my previous 2 versions (for those looking to have the 'full experience') and is heavily inspired by Anakin's turn to the Dark Side in 'Episode III: Revenge of the Sith', with John William's powerful "March on the Jedi Temple" and "Battle of the Heroes" soundtracks.
Whilst matching up similarities with the end duel between Jaden and Kyle (provided you choose the "Dark Side" choice), I thought there was a similar scenario, after you kill Alora on Taspir III, when you basically storm the Sith Temple on Korriban and kill all the Sith Warriors, inside. Which bares resemblance to Anakin and a battalion of Clone Troops invading the Jedi Temple on Coruscant in 'Revenge of the Sith', to slaughter and wipe-out the Jedi.
And of course, for the purpose of accuracy, there's also an npc .pk3 file included which will allow you to spawn in Stormtroopers (if you wish to do so), so you can have your own army of troops fighting alongside you, just as the Clone Troops did for Anakin, in Ep. III.
To spawn in the Stormtroopers, enter "npc spawn stormie_ep3" in the console and press enter. Then press ^ on the directional pad and enter to spawn another. Repeat process for desired number of Stormtroopers.
Known Bugs:
None, from what I can see so far.
Like the previous two mods, in order for this to work correctly, you MUST have picked the "Dark Side" choice, on the 'Taspir III' level. It will NOT work if you've chosen the "Light Side".
George Lucas, LucasArts and John Williams for the powerful soundtrack from "Revenge of the Sith".
- Music
- Star Wars Related
- (and 1 more)