Player Models
621 files
By JKHub
Author: Vincula
"Nur Kinder und einfache Leute mögen lebhafte Farben" (J.W. Goethe)
!!!This Model is a SinglePlayer and MultiPlayer Modifikation.!!!
!!!Your choice: 6 head, 5 torso, 2 leg varations and a skirt.!!!
- Every Team_Model use its own Model_Shader
- npcs: daemon, daemon_skirt, daemon_skirt2. (all fiendly ), evil_daemon (not so friendly)
- bots: (/addbot) amon, abbath
- new and reprocessed, transposed sounds (cenobite?)
- animated icons
By JKHub
Innocent Bystander
This is a rockettrooper as seen in Single player of JKJA. This model includes team colors, but no bot support.
By JKHub
Innocent Bystander
This is a hazardtrooper as seen in Single player of JKJA. This model includes team colors, but no bot support.
Hazardtroopers are soldiers wearing hard-suits that render the wearer invunerable to small arms fire. The armor is rumored to contain cortosis, allowing the armor to withstand lightsaber damage to a certain degree.
Boss Nass
By JKHub
Originally made to be a Movie Battles 2 replacement model, later on I decided to release it for basejka too. Check Movie Battles 2 out at
Darth Malak
By JKHub
Skin and Model by DarthViper107
Darth Malak is the former apprentice of Darth Revan. The two were being attacked by the Jedi and Revan was killed and Malak escaped. Malak then assumed the role as Dark Lord of the Sith. This is him as he is in the game: Knights Of The Old Republic on Xbox and PC by Lucasarts and Bioware.
Bot Support: Yes
NPC Support: Yes
Team Support: Yes
Hirman's Asajj Ventress
By Hirmanator
I made a reskin of assajj Ventress with the new look from THe Clone Wars TV series with team support and bot files and npc support. also new sounds included from the tv show. This final Version is what I'll end up stopping with. I dont think I can improve the quality anymore at this point.Have fun! :-)
Hirman's Cad Bane
By Hirmanator
This is Cad Bane as seen in the clone wars tv series with a number of variant skins and team support, bot support and SP support. mouth moves and there are some facial expressions. not to mention the nice shader work by me. greatly improved my modeling this time thats for sure:-)
Ahsoka Tano
By Hirmanator
This is the Ahsoka Tano model from the clone wars as it is today, there are team skins and a backpack and a robe. It has bot support and npc support as well.
Hirman's Darth Bane
By Hirmanator
This is the Darth Bane I had been working on. comes with new sounds by me and 3 variants. SithaRi, Orbalisk Armor, and Sith Brotherhood version. comes with NPC support, bot support. new team colors for reasons that I am tired of this model after battles getting shaders to work. anyways, feel free to reskin or whatever you like to it.
Darth Sidious
By Hirmanator
This is the Darth Sidious Who should be well known by now. 2 versions one with flaps and one without. sounds, botsupport, NPCs (Sidious, Palpatine) are included.
Stargate Jaffa Pack
By Hirmanator
The Stargate Jaffa pack includes customizable jaffa Serpent guards and my favorite character, Teal'c based off of the stargate SG1 series. Not only that, but I also included the Horus and Anubis jaffa that inspired SG1 from the original stargate movie. The pack comes with new textures, models, sounds, bot support, NPC support, and SP support. while there is room to expand this pack. I may not have time to finish all the bells and whistles for ya. If you want to learn how you can. You can always ask on the forum.
Galen Marek (Starkiller)
By UnsungHero
This is UnsungHero's and mine (Schrödinger's) Galen Marek, codename Starkiller, model that we made in hope of creating a usable model that doesn't look too bad... *cough* It's just a V1, which is supposed to be a teaser for future release that will have most of the bugs fixed aswell as the face changed to proper one, since for now we are using Jaden simply because we'd rather have a good Jaden face rather than crappy photosource of Starkiller. Well, that's pretty much all. The outfits included are "Training Gear" and "Sith Robe".
Acolyte Reborns
By UnsungHero
This is the classic reborns from Jedi Knight 2 skinned onto the Gallimar model. The reborns were Desann's force powered troops that dominated over normal imperial forces. I prefer the Gallimar model over the tiny skinny reborns, hence why I decided it would be fun to make this skin! I ran into some problems along the way but I got through with help from Schrodinger. Overall I'm pleased with how it turned out.
Aayla Secura
By LeoCeballos
This is a three part skin utilizing the Jedi Academy "custom model" system. Color selection is not available at this point, though I might attempt it for a future release.
This Aayla skin is essentialy an experiment at making skins using the Jedi Academy custom skin format. Its also my first skin submission for any game, ever, so be nice
I only had a single pic of her from the movie to work on, so I drew extensively from the dark horse comic. Because of that there may be some innacuracies, sorry about that.
Model notes: First of all, there is no color selection yet. I haven't figured this out but I do have a theory and I'll investigate that next (after a break from JA...I need it ) It has a custom shader file that is a simple modification of the players.shader file which is necessary to make the cloth that hangs bellow her belt double sided. It also fixes a bug in the game where the torso_04_lower file was NOT double sided, the only lower part that isn't. So yea, it ain't only a skin, its a bug fix
Finaly, its a bit of an experiment in combining elements from diferent "parts" in the original game. Her torso is a reskin of one torso, but I turned on elements from another (the belt cloth thingy). Its an interesting way to create slightly variant models without having to do any actual modeling.
Anyway, enjoy the skin!
Gurren Lagann
By Jose Carlos
Jose Carlos
The (titular, if you're watching the dub) giant robot from Gainax's brainchild Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Basically a giant robot with a pair of sunglasses made of a giant robot, a smaller giant robot and eventually another giant robot that flies. In the anime, it tends to fight through a combination of hot blood, sword shades and gigantic drills. Lots of drills. Seriously, it's got drill swords, drill shields, drill darts, drill missiles, drill water screws... You name it, Simon can whip you up a drill version of it. And they're all made of hot blood and willpower. Later on, it gets bigger and starts lobbing around drills the size of planets and, eventually, galaxies.
Sith Inquisitor
By Jose Carlos
Jose Carlos
A generic Sith Inquisitor, inspired by Revan and TOR concept art. Nothing much else.
Also included a set of animations to replace the staff stance, walk and run animations. Cause BaseJA's staff animations suck balls.
By Jose Carlos
Jose Carlos
The lead character of Dragon Age 2. The appearance was modeled after the game's default male head and the final set of mage armor, with some design features from the Destiny trailer as well. Also included in this pack is the staff/spear weapon from the same trailer.
The staff animations are the same as the ones that came with my earlier Sith Inquisitor model, but now with added JA+ support. Also fixed the staff kata bug where the left arm twists around near the end of the animation.
By AshuraDX
Prepare to meet Lurtz , the first Uruk-hai This model represents Lurtz , a character created by Peter Jackson, yes Lurtz wasn't created by Tolkien himself, for the "the Lord of the Rings" trilogy. if oyu want more information on the character just google his name and you'll find more than you need to know
Ashura's Jawa Pack
By AshuraDX
I made this Jawa reskin , originally for JAU , but I decided to expand it and make an complete Jawa pack...
this includes :
- a new jawa skin with Team and bot support
-a Fusion cutter as lightsaber
-a Jawa Ionization blaster , DEMP2 replacement
spawn codes :
npc spawn TFU_jawa
npc spawn TFU_jawa2
npc spawn TFU_jawa3
*to all Jawa fans outside there : I hope you enjoy this package*
Additions :
-the Jawa pack was split in 3 sepperate files : Jawa,Ionization Blaster,Fusion cutter
-a pk3 file was added that overwrites the base jawa with mine (put z_jawa_overwrite_AshuraDX.pk3 in your basefolder)
Minecraft Playermodel
By AshuraDX
Hey people wuzzup ?
the title should explain what this is ;D
it's been thought as a joke first but as people liked the idea of having a minecraft character in JKA I simply rigged this guy up for the game
the UV maps of this guy fit minecrafts UV's so u can use your favorite minecraft skin with this model but you will need to modify my shaderfile / make a new one to get the skin show up right if you dont your character will have a black box on his head , I will upload a video tutorial for people that run into problems
I wanted to include the original Minecraft character textures but
sadly Notch didnt reply and so I couldn't get his permission to do so
Features :
a Minecraft styled Kyle Katarn skin for this model made by me can be used in Minecraft aswell
a Minecraft styled Stormtrooper skin for this model made by me can be used in Minecraft aswell
red and blue team skins for both variations
bot support
How to use :
after installing the mod by dropping the PK3 in your basefolder
open up the cheat console and type r_textureMode GL_NEAREST
Mandalorian Neo Crusader
By AshuraDX
Hey everybody , here's something that many of you will love !
The Mandalorian Neo Crusader !
I think the only other models I've seen being requested more than this have been Starkiller and the Sith Stalker anyway , as usual for my work , this boy comes with a whole bunch of extras
4 skin Variations
default (light blue)
red and blue teamskins
Gold skin
NPC support
to spawn these in singleplayer enter cheatmode by typing "helpusobi 1" in the console then type "npc spawn x" instead of x use either :
NeoCrusader ~ Default Neo Crusader
NeoCrusader_red ~ Red Neo Crusader
NeoCrusader_blue ~ Blue Neo Crusader
NeoCrusader_gold ~ Gold Neo Crusader
Bot Support
just look up "NeoCrusader" in the botslist in MP
Darth Vader VM - Episode III
By neomarz1
This is Vader as seen in Episode III. This model will "not" overwrite any other NeoMarz Vader models, so dont worry if you should want to keep them. So what's new? Well Tweaked model, Tweaked skins, New Shaders (more accurate metal effect), Glowing ChestBox lights. I decided to go back to the original cape.
******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
Place VaderEo3.pk3 into the "StarWars JediKnight Jedi Academy/GameData/basefolder".
1) In order to use NPC's you will need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
Singleplayer- Once your in the game, hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall" (or devmap t1sour)...hit enter (cheats are now on) type "npc spawn (the npc's name)" Example: npc spawn vadervmm.
Here are the npc model names for this model...
For Playermodel: vadersingle
For side kick: vadersingle
Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.
Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall mp/duel1. The map will load with cheats activated. Open the console again and type /npc spawn "npc's name". Example: /npc spawn vadervmm.. Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
Here are the npc model names for this pack (With a brief description)...
Here are the npc model names for this model...
For Playermodel: vadersingle
For side kick: vadersingle
Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.
Team Colors: Yes
Bot Support: Yes
NPC Support: Yes
Mandalorians VM
By neomarz1
:It's Clones and Mandalorians from "Attack of the CLones". Some varients are original creations (Clone Scout, Dak, Ambu, etc...)
AOTC/TC has put this model forward as sneak preview of other work still to come. Please do not use this model in any other MODs unless given permission from Anakin @ AOTC/TC ( As you all know, this is exclusive to aotc/tc (see more @ The AOTC/TC project is a serious project, and I am proud to be working with some of the best talents out there. The staff all strive for perfection, as you will see in these models.
Clones VM
By neomarz1
It's Clones and Mandalorians from "Attack of the CLones". Some varients are original creations (Clone Scout, Dak, Ambu, etc...)
AOTC/TC has put this model forward as sneak preview of other work still to come. Please do not use this model in any other MODs unless given permission from Anakin @ AOTC/TC ( As you all know, this is exclusive to aotc/tc (see more @ The AOTC/TC project is a serious project, and I am proud to be working with some of the best talents out there. The staff all strive for perfection, as you will see in these models.
Luminara Unduli VM
By neomarz1
This model represents the female jedi known as Luminara Unduli (Master of Barris Offee), as seen in AOTC (Attack of the Clones).
******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
Next place Luminara, Asajj Ventress, or Vosa Komari.pk3 (whichever you have downloaded) into the "StarWars JediKnight Jedi Academy/GameData/basefolder".
1) In order to use NPC's you will need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
Singleplayer- Once your in the game, hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall" (or devmap t1sour)...hit enter (cheats are now on) type "npc spawn (the npc's name)" Example: npc spawn luminara.
Here are the npc model names for this model (for which ever model you have downloaded)...
For Luminara use: luminara
For Asajj Ventress use: assajv
For Vosa Komari use: vosakomari
Note: you must enter one of the above names when spawning your npc.
cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again.