10 files
ForceMod 3 Advanced Version 4
By JKHub
Submitted by: By The Kid!?
Original Creator: OGOO7J1 (formerly known as Pitchest Heart)
FM3Av4 is finally released!
- Music can be accessed on any map using the in game "MUSIC" menu located in the options bar.
- You can access a selection of various crosshairs in the main menu after choosing a saber in profile or in the "AIMING" menu while in a game.
- While in a game you can access the "VIEWS" menu to adjust various aspects of the camera's position in relation to your character.
- A seperate config for each class can be created and saved from the "CONFIGS" menu.
- Some extra features can be bound to keys via the "XBINDS" menu including a 4th person view, zoom in and out, a demo recorder and hotkeys for inventory items.
- New title menu video.
- Each faction has a specific HUD symbol.
- Each model icon has been given a mark in its lower left-hand side to denote that particular model's size. The sizes range from tiny to extra large (T,S,M,L,XL). The sizes have also been divided up in such a way as to help balance certain classes.
- All models have had their standard annoying jumping grunt sounds removed leaving only the sound of the feet tapping the ground as they jump.
- Ancient Ones and Dark Ssges have been given the ability to shape shift having access to all models in the game (except Droideka).
- Blue saber style: This style now has manual blocking on diagnol_back attacks as well as side to side auto-combos and an improved forward attack.
- Green saber style: This style has been altered so it no longer dominates the others. While powerful, it has far less range.
- Orange saber style: Side to side attacks slowed for balance
- White saber style: Standing kata replaced in favor of one that leaves the user less vulnerable as well as fixing an animation bug seen in all versions of FM3.
- Vong: Super high parry removed to better match the updated saber forms. Crouching kata replaced with the "Death Pounce".
- Tusken: New crouching kata.
- Noghri: New standing kata which fixes an animation glitch.
- Cursed weapons and alternate multibladed weapons available for saber users.
- Royal Guards only have blue with glitched styles removed.
- Vong staff: Damage, parry, knockback, and hitbox values have been increased and range decreased to appear more realistic to the actual appearance of the weapon. The can do a standing and crouching katas as well as walk along walls. Vong are the only class to be given mega strength able to kill almost any targets in 1 hit as well as knocking targets back an incredible distance.
- Tusken and Noghri weapons: Damage, parry and hitbox values have been increased as well as added standing and crouching katas.
- Fletchett has better looking explosions.
- Rockets have been better smoke trails.
- DEMPs primary fire is better looking.
- Thermal dets emit a cool looking shockwave after they explode.
- There are a huge variety of bots that randomize when the maps switch using the server file. They are quite a challenge even to experienced players.
- Heallth increased to survive 1 saber throw. Shields set only to 100 because of thier hard coded , fast auto-regen.
-The Kid!? and OGOO7J1
By fau
SaberMod is a server and client side mod for JK2 1.04 being faithful to original mechanics of the game while trying to improve and promote its competitive aspect.
I think this is the best JK2 mod right now – ouned
Looks good mate – DesertHamster
WTF this mod blocks harder than league – Pingu
The mod draws ideas from popular id tech 3 mods starting with Xycaleth's JK2 "League Mod". SaberMod features an obligatory, dedicated clientside (cgame and ui) containing a number of improvements and giving all players a level field. Many features of so called "Clan Mods" or "FFA Mods" like extensive admin system or animation commands are not and will not be available. This is because they don't advance SaberMod towards its goals as laid out in the first paragraph.
The mod was made mostly for, and based on experiences of competitive saber-only JK2 community, although its bugfixes and improvements are generic and advantage all other gametypes too. I'd be glad to work with members of other communities like FF or CTF to fix more specific issues I may not be aware of.
Notable Features
New gametypes: Red Rover and Clan Arena End-game statistics and detailed scoreboard Custom "Game Modes" votable by players Instagib game mode with "Unlagged" Disruptor hit detection Transparent duels with option to make other players invisible Addressed typical issues and annoyances in competitive basejk gametypes Server setting allowing or preventing players from unlocking their FOV Damage Plums in "Practice Mode", chat and spectator restrictions in "Match Mode" Extended voting system with full UI integration for easier match management without server admin Reworked, configurable serverside logging system Fixed all known basejk bugs and exploits (collected together with Daggolin, ouned and other modders) Multiple serverside and clientside performance improvements
Included modes
Unlimited weapons and force powers: Capture the Flag, Capture the Ysalamiri, Holocron, Jedi Master Guns only: Clan Arena, Instagib Capture the Flag, Instagib Free For All, Insta Rockets Free For All, Pistolero Full Force saber only: FF Capture the Flag, FF Free For All, FF Holocron No Force saber only: NF Clan Arena, NF Duel, NF ESL Duel, NF Free For All, NF Red Rover, NF Team Free For All
Server administrators can easily add their own, votable game modes by following instructions in README.rst.
SaberMod serverside requires JK2MV version 1.2.1 or newer for making other players invisible in duel to work. JK2MV is a modernized, secure JK2 server/client and I highly recommend it for all server owners and players.
To run a SaberMod server please download attached package and unpack it in your game (GameData) directory. It will create a SaberMod/ directory with all required files in it. Edit server.cfg configuration file to your liking and start a server with +set fs_game SaberMod +exec server.cfg command line.
In case ingame strings don't show up correctly after server change, please reconnect.
See CHANGELOG and README for a complete documentation.
SaberMod's source code is released under GPLv2 license and available in its official git repo.
For server configuration you may want to use a dedicated cvar calculator.
- Open Source
- Mac
- (and 1 more)
Console Version Bot Saber Colors
By T.Zealot
Was your introduction to Jedi Outcast on the Gamecube or Xbox? Do you remember how the bots had their own saber colors instead of just the super boring blue and red sabers the bots on the PC version have? So do I. So I went into the bot files and changed their lightsaber colors to match the ones present in the Gamecube and Xbox versions. And on top of that, I made the SP skins like the Imperial Commander and Reborn Fencer playable through the join menu and with their own bot files. I also tossed in some Yellow and Green team Rebel skins for an ancient mod I was making that never took off. Hopefully this makes bot matches a little more interesting
The list:
Desann - Orange
Tavion - Yellow
Shadowtrooper - Red
Reborn - Orange
Reborn Fencer - Green
Reborn Forceuser - Yellow
Reborn Acrobat - Blue
Reborn Boss - Purple
Galak - Yellow
Reelo - Red
Chiss - Orange
Krussk (Trandoshan) - Yellow
Ak-Buz (Weequay) - Red
Beedo (Rodian) - Orange
Lieutenant Cabbel (Imperial) - Yellow
Captain Glaffold (Imperial Officer) - Green
Commander Reiss (Imperial Commander) - Red
IW-323 (Imperial Worker) - Orange
SP-597 (Tie Pilot) - Yellow
SW-967 (Swamptrooper) - Red
TK-934 (Stormtrooper Officer) - Blue
TK-421 (Stormtrooper) - Orange
TKG-1138 (Green Stormtrooper) - Green
Luke - Green
Kyle - Blue
Jedi Trainer - Red
Morgan - Purple
Jedi - Blue
Jedi 2 - Green
Jan - Orange
Mon Mothma - Purple
Prisoner - Blue
Bespin Officer - Yellow
Rebel - Purple
Green Rebel - Green
Yellow Rebel - Yellow
Ree-Yees (Gran) - Purple
Lando - Blue
Ugnaught - Green
JK2MV Dedicated Server
By ouned
JK2MV (Multi Version) is a modification for Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. It supports all three game versions and comes with various features and optimizations.
Main Features:
Supports 1.02, 1.03 & 1.04 in a single executable
Supports most mods made for JK2 (maps, skins, (code)mods etc.)
Fast ingame HTTP-Downloads with a dialogue asking you for permission before downloading files to your computer
Multiplatform: Windows, Linux, MacOSX
Multiarchitecture: 32 and 64 bit support on all platforms
Dynamic glow: Better looking lightsabers with the dynamic glow feature from JKA
EAX/OpenAL sound fixed
Support for modern screen resolutions
Fixes for all known security bugs
Minimizer: Press the Windows key / Command key in fullscreen mode to minimize
Improved gamma correction
Tons of other fixes and improvements in the engine
Opensource (GPLv2)
JK2MV is fully compatible with "normal" JK2 versions. Using the JK2MV client let's you join all servers from 1.02, 1.03 and 1.04. When you host a server through JK2MV, you can select what version you're hosting by setting the mv_serverversion cvar to either "1.02", "1.03" or "1.04". Clients of the choosen version can join the server without having the JK2MV client installed. JK2MV clients automatically detect the server's version when connecting.
Detailed Documentation
By JKHub
Author: Azymn
Level 4 Force Powers now available.
Cvars added to regulate size-scaled effects.
Team Assault Jetpack included (see bottom for links and more information)
Expansion on JediMod 1.2 platform.
Changes to Force Powers/Level 4 Powers added:
Heal: Level 1:- Heals 10 points of damage.
Level 2:- Heals 20 points of damage.
Level 3:- Heals 35 points of damage.
Level 4:- Heals 45 points of damage.
- Regenerates 1 hitpoint every 2 seconds.
Jump: Level 3:- Jump 8x normal height.
- 2/5 normal force cost in flight.
- Falling damage reduced to 1/2.
Level 4:- Jump 16x normal height.
- Jumps costs are minimal while in flight.
- Falling damage reduced to 1/4.
Speed: - Short, powerful burst of speed for 5 seconds [stellarwinds's JediStyle idea]
Level 1:- Sprint at 1.5x normal speed
Level 2:- Sprint at 2.5x normal speed
Level 3:- Sprint at 5x normal speed
Level 4:- Sprint at 10x normal speed
- Normal running speed is increased 10%.
Level 4:- Increased push strength over level 3.
- Knockdown range increased by 50%.
- Greater push resistance.
- Chance to break saberlock increased.
Level 4:- Increased pull strength over level 3.
- Pulldown range increased by 50%.
- Greater pull resistance.
MindTrick: - Now Force Seeing will only reveal invisible jedi of equal or lesser rank.
(i.e. If a Jedi has cast level 2 mindtrick, it requires at least level 2 Force Seeing to reveal him) [Artifex]
Level 4:- Can attack while cloaked - each attack costs force points.
- Duration increased to 40 seconds.
Grip: - Can turn off red grip hand extension
Level 4:- Can move around at 80% normal speed while gripping. (Normally %40)
- Grip range increased to 2x normal.
- Damage per second doubled.
Lightning: - Slight decrease in range [Artifex]
Level 4:- Lightning mastery - other lightning attacks are absorbed into force power.
- Range increased by 10%.
- Fresh corpses now shockable on Level 4.
Rage: - Run speed is 150% of normal speed.
- Increased lightsaber damage done by 25%.
Level 4:- Increased lightsaber damage done by 50%.
- Run speed further increased to 200% normal speed.
- Duration of 40 seconds.
Protect:- Now consumes force only when hit. [stellarwinds's JediStyle idea]
Level 4:- 85% damage absorbed for 15% force cost.
- Regenerates shields at a rate of 1 point every 4 seconds.
Absorb: - Force maintenance costs are like v1.02 levels [Artifex]
Level 4:- Absorbs 25% more force than level 3.
- Absorbs and converts 25% of weapon damage into force.
Level 4:- Heal 1, 2, or 3 teammates for 65, 45, or 33 hitpoints.
- Regenerate 1 health every 3 seconds.
Level 4:- Restore 1, 2, or 3 teammates with 65, 45, or 33 force points.
- Regenerate 3 additional force points per second.
Level 4:- Drains ~20% more than level 3 drain.
- Drains ammo from any energy weapons in use.
Level 4:- Cost 50% less to activate.
- Duration increased 40 seconds.
- Automatically dodge sniper shots without ForceSeeing on (even while jumping, using force powers, or firing weapons)
Level 4:- Damage increased by 15% for all stances
- Animation speed for all stances increased by %5
- All stances available for dualblade or dualsaber users if f_skillMode is on
Level 4:- Blocking ratios increased by 50% for all stances.
- Animation speed for all stances increased by %5
- Quicker projectile blocking rate.
Level 4:- Saber throw distance increased 25%.
- Saber throw speed nearly doubled.
- Saber can spend more time airborne.
- Summoned saber returns 3x as fast
- Spinning saber shield now possible on return of saber
- Saber will never fall to the ground when blocked.
Misc Changes:
StarWars: Team Assault Jetpack included with:
- Restrictions on use (Fetts, Mercs, Non-Saber wielders, Everyone...)
- Adjustable fuel usage (Cost, Rate, On/Off)
- Toggle whether flag carrier can use jetpack
Five new force ranks:
Sith Apprentice: 150 Force Points
Sith Lord: 200 Force Points
Jedi Lord: 250 Force Points
Ancient Master: 350 Force Points
One with the Force: 500 Force Points
Scale speed of models based on size (bigger == faster OR vice versa)
Scale damage reduction based on size, (i.e. Bigger characters take proportionally less damage, smaller get hurt more OR vice versa)
Saber styles now selectable based on saber attack level.
Scale saber damage based on how small a lightsaber is (Yoda's saber will thrash now)
Players can combine Light and Dark Force powers
Can increase Bot Force Power levels with cvar
Adjust minimum forceJump level that kicks can be used on. [Artifex]
Speed at which player pushes off wall when flipping now adjustable
Falling damage can be reduced or eliminated
Eliminate blocking from behind
Orange Style is now Green.
\"cvar_list.txt\" contains specifics on each cvar, running jk2104.cfg will reset everything to default v1.04 settings
*************** *************** *************** ***************
Installation : Unzip into the GAMEDATA folder. All the files inside of the zip should end up in the folder
Execution : select the JediMod v1.2 in the mod setup screen.
Or use the command line argument +set fs_game forceMod
ex. \"C:\\LucasArts\\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\\GameData\\jk2mp.exe\" +set fs_game forceMod
Or run the \"play_forcemod.bat\" file in your Gamedata directory
Some options toggleable from ForceMod menu in Setup screen
First mod i've ever written/expanded, started writing it just so i could jump a little higher.
You can search for other ForceMod servers from the server selection menu if it is loaded properly from the ForceMod folder.
---Credits & Thanks----------------------------------------------------------------
Raven and LucasArts for Jedi Outcast
Dest for releasing the JediMod 1.2 source code and the platform for this project.
Tchouky for his RGB and scaling mod code.
ASk for his grapple code.
|:|ReMaRk|:| for a compatible saber hilt pack and models. (not included)
The Eternal and RenegadeOfPhunk for:
The Team Assault Jetpack code, just a taste of a new StarWars Class-based mod due in 2003:
Stellarwinds for getting me started on how to make a mod and for some of his great JediStyle ideas.
keo718 for the updated tckmodel.cfg and intensive initial testing and feedback
All the Lucasforums posters for coding assistance.
ArtifeX for ideas on balancing certain force powers and lightsaber combat:
ideas - http://www.oculis.or...atures_104.html
For some *awesome* realistic saber combat, try ProMod:
- ProMod homepage :
- Download: http://www.fileshack.../file.x?fid=837
(Note - links may be broken/out of date by the time of this reading)
Jedi Academy Mod
By JKHub
Original Author: cHoSeN oNe
This mod is the official mod for the Jedi Academy. A server-side only modification designed to keep the peace and order on the servers. This is the final chapter of this great series for Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast® as we get ready for Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy®. With that in mind, I set out and improved this mod with the way I wanted it to in the past. It's loaded with Admin Commands, Client Commands, Emotes, Options, and cVars; Extremely modified to meet any clans expectations. This is truly the only mod you will ever need to get that doesn't alter the normal gameplay of Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast® Please visit us at, or on IRC at #jedi-academy, Stay tuned to the new mod Jedi Academy Reloaded for Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy® which will be bigger and better than the JA Mod series for Jk2.
For a full description of the modifications and features, view the readme included with this file!
Multiplayer Bot Chats are Disabled for JK2
By Syko
-----Multiplayer Bot Chats are Disabled------
Made by: TK-962
Filename: bot_chats_are_disabled.pk3
Date Released: August 24, 2012
Installation: Put the .pk3 file in your LucasArts/Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast/GameData/base folder
Credits: Myself.
Description: This mod does exactly as it says- it disables the bot taunt chats in JEDI KNIGHT II: JEDI OUTCAST. I did this by manually editing each .jkb bot file, removing all taunt messages. As a result, it only works with the default JK2 characters. It does NOT work with custom models/skins that have bot support and custom bot messages.
Comments: I've been reliving the old days and I've been playing JK2 with some friends of mine. I almost always play with bots, so the bot chat messages can get annoying over time, and they can also be distracting. Often the human player chats (the ones that I look in the console for) are sandwhiched between a lot of "Let the force flow through you!" and "Was that supposed to impress me?" messages filling the console. So, I thought I would take it upon myself to disable them, as I did not see any option in the JK2 menu to do so.
Guns Only Mod for JK2 Multiplayer
By Syko
-----Guns Only Mod for JK2 Multiplayer------
Made by: TK-962
Filename: guns_only_for_jk2_multiplayer.pk3
Date Released: 5/27/13
Installation: Put the .pk3 file in your LucasArts/Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast/GameData/base folder
Credits: Myself.
Description: Hungering for some guns-only combat in JK2 multiplayer? With this mod, the bots do not use sabers at all. Note that players can still use sabers, so to be fair you should not use your saber against them. Also, this only works with default Raven JK2 characters. It does not work with custom models and skins that have their own .jkb bot files. To prevent them from using sabers, open up their .jkb bot file (found in /botfiles) and change saberspecialist 1 to 0. Then, in the forceinfo string, change the last 3 digits of the number to zeros. For example, in the forceinfo string "forceinfo 7-1-233332000230003321" change the last three digits to zero, so that would be "forceinfo 7-1-233332000230003000". Finally, near the bottom, change WP_SABER to 1. Save the .jkb file in botfiles and pack it up into a .pk3 file.
< NT XII > Public Serverside for JK2 1.02
The < NT XII > serverside and clientside modification, created by NTxC for Jedi Outcast v1.02 enhances the experience of players and server administrators.
It includes many server and client fixes and add-ons to the vanilla Jedi Outcast v1.02 multiplayer gameplay.
Please read the readme file included in the ZIP for installation instructions and more.
List of features and fixes:
- Fixed: q3msgboom (vsay aaaa...)
- Fixed: q3dirtrav (downloading e.g. server.cfg with sv_allowDownload 1)
- Fixed: /say exploit (where the person can write as someone else without having to rename)
- Fixed: Forcepowers crash
- Fixed: Sentry/blaster crash (with Auto-Kick of the malicious players who try to do it!)
- Fixed: Empty userinfo crash
- Fixed: galak_mech crash
- Fixed: g_dismember! Enable it to have dismemberment!
- Fixed: Client0 bugs (weak saber, weak mines of client #0)
- Added: New administration system: powerful and easy to use!
- Added: Event logging - see who was on your server in just a few clicks!
- Added: Anti-Userinfo-Flood - no more userinfo flooding or DFA bugging!
- Added: MOTD - Message Of The Day displayed to the players connecting to the server!
- Added: Built-in JK2 minimizer (Client feature)
- Added: Random skin feature!
- Added: Ignore feature!
- Added: Integration of the clientside with serverside functions, such as admin commands!
- Added: Ultra-fast HTTP pk3-downloading system! Download new maps in just a few seconds, without having to quit the game!
- Added: Ingame serverlist! (made by Nerevar) (Client feature)
- Added: Optional mouse movement smoothing!
- Added: Enabled console and key input during demo playback! (Client feature)
- Added: A new banlist which doesn't get cleared on server restarts!
- Added: PK3 exclusion system to prevent your private server mods from being downloaded by clients!
- Added: Extended name length limit to 35 shown characters and 122 in total (including color codes)!
- Added: Pause Mode! Use nt_PauseGame 1 to freeze everyone in place!
- Added: Optional Mine Bug Fix for server administrators! (you can now use nt_MineBugFix 1 to prevent people from getting 3 mines even if the previous owner had less)
- Added: Accel-Meter which will help you strafe (hop) properly! (Client feature)
- Added: Visual support for Client Zero serverside bugfix (Client feature)
- Added: Removal of the cg_fov 97 limit (Client feature)
- Added: Instant import of the old NT XI config file (Client feature)
- Added: Demos: you can now change the RECORDING caption into a little *REC caption or disable it completely (Client feature)
- Added: 52 completely NEW color codes for you to use freely! Color Guide Included! (Client feature)
- Added: Custom HUD! 92 new client Cvars to customize your on-screen HUD. Review customhud.cfg in the ntxii directory! (Client feature)
- New Serverside Cvars include:
- nt_MOTD
- nt_DisableVCommands
- nt_LogEvents
- nt_UserinfoChangeLimit
- nt_ForbidModifiedMaps
- nt_Banlist
- nt_Fix_GalakMech
- nt_Fix_ForcePowers
- nt_Fix_Msgboom
- nt_Fix_SayExploit
- nt_Fix_Dirtrav
- nt_Fix_SentryCrash
- nt_ServerCaption
- nt_ClientZeroMineFix
- nt_ClientZeroSaberFix
- nt_PauseGame
- nt_DisableDuelWaitingPeriod
- nt_AllowMultipleDuels
- nt_AllowBlackInNames
- nt_MineBugFix
- nt_AdminSystem
- nt_AdminLevel1Cmd
- nt_AdminLevel2Cmd
- nt_AdminLevel3Cmd
- nt_AdminLevel4Cmd
- nt_AdminLevel5Cmd
- 109 New Clientside Cvars:
- nt_accelMeter
- nt_accelMeterScale
- nt_accelMeterBlueLineScale
- nt_DrawClock
- nt_ClockType
- nt_DrawSpeedometer
- nt_DrawInputRing
- nt_HighDpiMouseSupport
- nt_Announcer
- nt_ColorfulInputRing
- nt_MinimizerEnabled
- nt_MinimizerCombo
- nt_MinimizerRestoreCombo
- nt_SpeedometerUnits
- nt_RecordingCaption
- nt_dfAutoRecord
- nt_customHUD
- nt_HUD_ArmorX
- nt_HUD_ArmorY
- nt_HUD_ArmorCounterColor
- nt_HUD_HealthX
- nt_HUD_HealthY
- nt_HUD_HealthCounterColor
- nt_HUD_AmmoX
- nt_HUD_AmmoY
- nt_HUD_AmmoCounterColor
- nt_HUD_ForceCounterX
- nt_HUD_ForceCounterY
- nt_HUD_ForceCounterColor
- nt_HUD_LeftFrameX
- nt_HUD_LeftFrameY
- nt_HUD_LeftInnerX
- nt_HUD_LeftInnerY
- nt_HUD_LeftFrameWidth
- nt_HUD_LeftFrameHeight
- nt_HUD_LeftInnerWidth
- nt_HUD_LeftInnerHeight
- nt_HUD_RightFrameX
- nt_HUD_RightFrameY
- nt_HUD_RightInnerX
- nt_HUD_RightInnerY
- nt_HUD_RightFrameWidth
- nt_HUD_RightFrameHeight
- nt_HUD_RightInnerWidth
- nt_HUD_RightInnerHeight
- nt_HUD_SaberStyleFastX
- nt_HUD_SaberStyleFastY
- nt_HUD_SaberStyleMedX
- nt_HUD_SaberStyleMedY
- nt_HUD_SaberStyleStrongX
- nt_HUD_SaberStyleStrongY
- nt_HUD_SaberStyleFastWidth
- nt_HUD_SaberStyleFastHeight
- nt_HUD_SaberStyleMedWidth
- nt_HUD_SaberStyleMedHeight
- nt_HUD_SaberStyleStrongWidth
- nt_HUD_SaberStyleStrongHeight
- nt_HUD_ForcePowerTicsX
- nt_HUD_ForcePowerTicsY
- nt_HUD_AmmoTicsX
- nt_HUD_AmmoTicsY
- nt_HUD_TheirFlagX
- nt_HUD_TheirFlagY
- nt_HUD_TheirFlagWidth
- nt_HUD_TheirFlagHeight
- nt_HUD_OurFlagX
- nt_HUD_OurFlagY
- nt_HUD_OurFlagWidth
- nt_HUD_OurFlagHeight
- nt_HUD_LagometerX
- nt_HUD_LagometerY
- nt_HUD_ScoreTextX
- nt_HUD_ScoreTextY
- nt_HUD_PowerupX
- nt_HUD_PowerupY
- nt_HUD_PowerupWidth
- nt_HUD_PowerupHeight
- nt_HUD_DefragTimerX
- nt_HUD_DefragTimerY
- nt_HUD_DefragMaxX
- nt_HUD_DefragMaxY
- nt_HUD_DefragAvgX
- nt_HUD_DefragAvgY
- nt_HUD_OuterArmorX
- nt_HUD_OuterArmorY
- nt_HUD_OuterArmorWidth
- nt_HUD_OuterArmorHeight
- nt_HUD_InnerArmorX
- nt_HUD_InnerArmorY
- nt_HUD_InnerArmorWidth
- nt_HUD_InnerArmorHeight
- nt_HUD_OuterHealthX
- nt_HUD_OuterHealthY
- nt_HUD_OuterHealthWidth
- nt_HUD_OuterHealthHeight
- nt_HUD_HealthTicX
- nt_HUD_HealthTicY
- nt_HUD_HealthTicWidth
- nt_HUD_HealthTicHeight
- nt_HUD_ArmorTicX
- nt_HUD_ArmorTicY
- nt_HUD_ArmorTicWidth
- nt_HUD_ArmorTicHeight
- nt_HUD_SpeedometerX
- nt_HUD_SpeedometerY
- nt_HUD_ClockX
- nt_HUD_ClockY
- nt_HUD_InputRingX
- nt_HUD_InputRingY