594 files
JKHub Exclusive Doom
By JAWSFreelao
Doom was a clone commander who served alongside Jedi generals Tiplee and Tiplar. This request came courtesy of Kualan, so I figured why not make it for him. Enjoy!
NPC name is in the readmeh.
- JKHub Exclusive
- Team Support
- (and 3 more)
Dark Obi Wan
This is my first attempt at a reskin using Haplash's brilliant Obi Wan Kenobi ROTS and Old Ben models. Its envisioned as a Sith Kenobi if he were to have turned to the dark side instead of Anakin.
There is no SP or NPC support as of right now. This is an Alpha release.
Female Cyborg
By Kahzmat
Title : Woman Cyborg
Author : Kahzmat
Date Released : July 29, 2014
Model : Default Jedi Academy
Textures : Kahzmat
Sounds : Kahzmat
Bot support: No.
NPC support: No.
Team Skins: Yes.
SP support: No.
New Sounds: Yes.
In the manufacture of the Aulum T-5, Kahzmat's ship, enginners work hard to create new powerful armors, weapons, and all kinds of devices, the most important project was the Project Theseus, it consist in the implantation of a dead brain inside a special cyborg form with synthetic blood. This method allow the midi-chlorian ability, so the subject can use the force.
The cyborg was built with cortosis (very expensive), dyed and stuffed, the human appearance was prefered because of it's versatility in fight.
Put the .pk3 file in your "base" folder.
By default :
C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base
You can share and modify this file freely if you mention me in the readme for example.
Still renaming the folders to prevent compatibility issues
Thanks for Lucas Arts's Jedi_HF model and textures.
- Team Support
- Custom Sounds
- (and 3 more)
JediNoob R2D2 Reskin
By JediNoob124
I haven't seen many reskins for the default r2d2 (not including reskins used to create other Astromechs,) and the Raven/LucasArts version was starting to look a little dated. I released a similar skin with my 'Unofficial Update' mod, but wanted to go a step further - including better shaders, and animated glow effects. I used clips from the movies (both from video and YouTube,) Google images, and even a prior encounter with the original costume/prop as references when working on the textures - in an effort to be as faithful to R2's various on-screen appearances as possible. I also included the sounds from my prior release with this one. Just a heads-up: this reskin does replace the original Ravensoft textures (in case you're a fan of the default skin.)
- Star Wars Related
- Droid
- (and 1 more)
Fendryss - Savage Warrior
By Kahzmat
Fendryss - Savage Warrior by Kahzmat
Title : Fendryss, Savage Warrior
Author : Kahzmat
Date Released : October 07, 2015
Model : Jedi Zabrak (Raven)
Textures : Jedi Zora for base (Me0is0Jade)
Sounds : Should be Tavion
Bot Support : No
NPC Support : No
Team Skins : No
SP Support : No
New Sounds : No
This is a reskin of the zabrak model, based on a predator style and with parts of Me0is0Jade's nice textures.
RP :
Freelance Force user who acts to survive.
"There is neither love nor hate in a wild heart ..."
- Kahzmat to The Grey, about his encounter with Fendryss.
Put the .pk3 file in your "base" folder.
By default :
C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base
You can share and modify this file freely if you mention the authors in the readme for example.
Still renaming the folders to prevent compatibility issues
Raven's models and textures.
Original skins : Me0is0Jade
The Force Unleashed: Galen Marek (Starkiller)
By GPChannel
This is my new Starkiller skin ,hope you like it
Single Player Support: Yes
Team Support: Yes
Credits: Credits: TOSHI for the model and the original textures...
Extract the TFUStarkiller.pk3 into the Base folder of your Jedi Academy directory.
- Male
- Star Wars Related
- (and 1 more)
Dark Forces II: Kyle Katarn ( With jacket)
By GPChannel
This is my new Kyle Katarn skin with Kyle's brown jacket,hope you like it
Single Player Support: Yes
Team Support: Yes
Extract the df2_kyle.pk3 into the Base folder of your Jedi Academy directory.
The model was made by Tim Eggena / Infinity Blade -
E-Mail :
- Team Support
- Male
- (and 2 more)
R2-D2 1980 Skin
By Daedra
Read me
TITLE: R2-D2 Alternate 1980
AUTHOR: Kylo Ren
FILENAME: zz_originalR2.pk3
FILESIZE: 429 kb
DATE RELEASED: August, 31st 2015
CREDITS to: Myself.
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: place the zz_originalR2.pk3 file in your C:\programfiles\lucasarts\jediacademy\gamedata\base directory.
A reskin of protocol from assets1.pk3 to look like R2-D2 from a specific shot in the original movie.
This is only a re-skin so there are no new models sorry.
BUGS: None.
COMMENTS: Download and enjoy. note that you must have JKA installed in order to use this mod.
PLEASE NOTE: This skin is an add-on to the default protocol files, so in-game to use type:
npc spawn r2_80
or to play:
playermodel r2_80
That is all, enjoy!
Kyle Wan Kenobi
By JamyzGenius
Original Author: JamyzGenius
A Skin for Kyle Katarn inspired in Obi Wan Kenobi.
The skin incluides this :
- Npc support
- Bot support
- New Icon
- Normal Kyle Sounds
- Team support (Blue & Red)
To Select Kyle Wan Kenobi :
Type in your console ` :
. Playermodel Kylewan
. Model Kylewan
Normal :
. Npc Spawn Kylewan
Lightsaber & Combat :
. Npc Spawn kylewan_boss
(Without the .)
Credits for the creator of the Episode III Obi Wan Kenobi Model. Incredible model for it's time I must say, and my first file in jka. Neat memories. (Hs_Kenobi_Rots): HapSlash. I used his/her textures in this skin.
Very Special Thanks to :
George Lucas
The readme it's updated. I apologize for my bad English.
- Team Support
- Bot Support
- (and 1 more)
Captain Keeli
By JAWSFreelao
Master Di's troops began to run perilously low on men, food, and medical aid. Seeing their dangerous situation, the general devised a plan to cut off all alleys of attack except for one, and to summarily channel the battle droids through it in a desperate attempt to buy the Twi'leks time to escape over the mountains.
This plan worked, and the droids began to stream into the pass. Keeli's forces were decimated to the last man, including Keeli and Di. Keeli had been knocked unconscious by a thermal detonator in the course of the fighting, but as Di was being overrun by the droids, he regained his footing and kept fighting. He helped fend off the surrounding droids with Master Ima-Gun Di. While back-to-back with his Jedi general, Keeli was shot twice in the chest by the droids.
Even though Keeli wasn't alive long enough to even see the concept, I have included a Phase II version. NPC names are in the readme. Has team support. I might release a more damaged version later, we'll see.
As usual, credit to Barricade24 for the shiny base and Neomarz for the Clone Trooper model.
- NPC Support
- Star Wars Related
- (and 1 more)
Phase I 41st Elite Corps
By JAWSFreelao
Hey guys! Once again, dropping a pack of clones. These troopers served under Luminara Unduli throughout the duration of the Clone Wars.
NPC names:
- NPC Support
- Star Wars Related
- (and 2 more)
Commander Ponds 2.0
By JAWSFreelao
Hey guys! Made an update to one of my very first skins, clone Commander Ponds.
Ponds was killed shortly after he was captured by Aurra Sing and Boba Fett on Vanqor.
NPC name:
ARF Diversity Pack
By JAWSFreelao
Hey guys. One more skinpack, heh heh. This one is another Advanced Recon Force Trooper skinpack, featuring several characters depicted throughout the Clone Wars series. To name a few: Waxer & Boil, Sergeant Boomer (Star Wars Republic Heroes) as well as a jungle camouflage which was seen on planet Teth.
NPC names are in the readme, bruhs.
AC: Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
By GPChannel
This is my Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad skin from Assassin's Creed for Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Hope you like it!
Single Player support: YES
Credits: Thanks RevanKnight for the model and the original textures...
Extract the Altair-JKA.pk3 to GameData/base folder of your Jedi Knight Jedi Academy directory.
Clone Commander Fox Minipack
By JAWSFreelao
Another one of my works that I've cranked out lately. This is a double pack, featuring both Phase I and Phase II styles of Commander Fox as seen in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Credit goes to that guy JChapman for doing battle damage on these skins, Neomarz' for the original Clone Trooper models, and Barricade for the dope "clean" base I used to make this. Really dope job guys.. Now let's get to the meat: Custom sounds, NPC support, several variations (I.E clean/dirty, etc), and team skins/models. I hope you guys have as much fun as I did making this.
NPC names are in the readme.
Please, write reviews in the section below. I'd love to know how I can make this better.
- Team Support
- NPC Support
- (and 2 more)
Flame Trooper
By JAWSFreelao
A reskin of Kirammortal's Clone Snowtrooper to appear as a Flame Trooper, as seen in Season Two of The Clone Wars, fighting alongside jedi master Ki-Adi Mundi.
Reborn Apprentice
By Dusty
This is meant more just to be a little skin for people to use for NPCs or something. If you want to use it in MP I gave it a very lazy icon.
Just a green-clothed reskin of the reborn_new model with the head flap removed. This is what I thought a reborn apprentice in Tavion's ranks might look like. Maybe he's one of the yellow-orange reborns from JK2 that improved their skills a bit, but isn't quite strong enough to be a Reborn Warrior (one of the red ones). Or maybe he's one of the more skilled saber wielding cultists on his way to becoming a full-fledged Reborn. He's probably one of those JK2 reborns because that's the sound set I gave him so... He uses an NPC file almost identical to reborn_new2 in base JA, except he is spawned via "npc spawn reborn_apprentice".
I was thinking of making a brown clothed and gray clothed reborn_new skin, but on second thought that's what the MBII RGB reborn_new is for... hmm just remembered that skin just now...
Random Protocol Droids
By elek2008
Now protocols spawn in random colors, does not affect the imperial versions however. Get my astromech mod to go with it! Free to use for whatever.
By elek2008
Makes the R2D2 and R5D2 droids spawn with random colors. Use for whatever you want! Don't need permission to use but tell me if you use it so I can see and link your work. Anyways just a pk3 file so it doesn't overwrite anything, just delete it to get the original droids back. Also let me know what else hasnt received a RGB color treatment. I noticed a few mods like this for other models but not for droids. Still reading this? Why? Just download or leave you're wasting time. Well if you want use the console to change your playermodel to r2d2 for astromech adventures, minus the ability to do anything but roll.
Now they have more detail then the last version. It also includes a second skin for imperial droids.
By elek2008
Makes the R2D2 and R5D2 droids spawn with random colors, always white bodies however. If this gets popular I will change that so the body is random as well. This does not effect the imperial versions. Use for whatever you want! Don't need permission to use but tell me if you use it so I can see and link your work. Anyways just a pk3 file so it doesn't overwrite anything, just delete it to get the original droids back. Also let me know what else hasnt received a RGB color treatment. I noticed a few mods like this for other models but not for droids. Still reading this? Why? Just download or leave you're wasting time. Well if you want use the console to change your playermodel to r2d2 for astromech adventures, minus the ability to do anything but roll.
Now get version 2! I'm leaving this one up incase someone prefers the simpler textures. Maybe so they can make there own droid?
Improved Rosh Penin
By Mert-K
Rosh has returned now in a better shape. He is going to overwrite the current rosh. So... WEEE!!! Not to big changes... but its better then standard rosh .
TFU Stormie
By Bek
I can't believe I've never uploaded any of my mods here on Jkhub!
I figured I start with this one, this is the 501st stormtrooper from the ps2 version of The Force Unleashed. Not much backstory on this trooper, they're just some of the mindless goons that run around and help Vader capture Galen Mekek's father.
Feel free to use on your own accord, you don't need my permission.
To Spawn type in the console: Npc spawn Tfu_Stormie
- NPC Support
- Sith
- (and 2 more)
Jaden Hoth Fix
This simple file allows the hoth gear for the Jaden character to be selected from the menu, just place the zzz_jadenhothfix.pk3 in your GameData/base/ folder. This works for both SP and MP.
Zeo the Grey's Skin
By Kahzmat
Title : Zeo the Grey
Author : Zeogrey / Kahzmat
Date Released : June 07, 2015
Model : Jedi Trainer and Reborn remodel (Added shoulderpad and belt)
Textures : Zeogrey
Sounds : Fr - Jedi trainer from JK2
Bot support: No.
NPC support: No.
Team Skins: No.
SP support: No.
New Sounds: Yes.
Zeoskin by Zeo the Grey and remodel by Kahzmat
Put the .pk3 file in your "base" folder.
By default :
C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base
You could share this file if you ask us before.
You have my approval to use the model freely but you need Zeo's approval for the skin.
Raven's models and textures.
Redja, Twi'lek Mercenary
By Kahzmat
Twi'Lek Mercenary by Kahzmat
Remodel and reskinning of Alora's second skin by adding a belt and a holster and then retexturing it.
Title : Redja Twi'Lek Mercenary
Author : Kahzmat
Date Released : June 07, 2015
Model : Custom model from Raven's models.
Textures : Custom from Raven's texture.
Sounds : French female voice from Alien vs Predator 2.
Bot support: No.
NPC support: No.
Team Skins: No.
SP support: No.
New Sounds: Yes.
Put the .pk3 file in your "base" folder.
By default :
C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base
You can share and modify this file freely if you mention me in the readme for example.
Still renaming the folders to prevent compatibility issues
Raven's models and textures.
- Custom Sounds
- Female
- (and 1 more)