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594 files

  1. Mandalorian Commando

    Just a reskin I made of Boba Fett because I was bored one day. (It took longer than one day, though.)
    V1.5: The tam skins now work correctly, and I've included a jetpack version.


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  2. Shinsoku - Ryu Skinpack

    Jimesu_Evil - for making this model and for some parts from
    the samurai version and ninja version used in this reskin.
    Original model credits:
    Model By: Jimesu_Evil
    Weighted By: Shady-D
    Skin By: Jimesu_Evil
    Head/Face Skin: Satansmaster
    Katana Model: Playingkarrde
    Sounds: Ripped from Soul Caliber II
    And also!
    Thanks to Yuken for beeing with me while I made this pack based
    on the skin I made for him. The name Shinsoku is from Yukens
    fighting style which he named Shinsoku-ryu.


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  3. MP "Player Skin Not Found" Kyle Overwrite

    Tired of seeing Kyle everywhere when you don't have people's skins? This file is for you as it overwrites the Kyle model.
    If you want to play JA Single Player then just temporarily move the .pk3 out of your base folder so Kyle wont be overwritten in the SP game.


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  4. Jedi Reborn

    This is version 2 of my jedi reborn it new have team skins and better npc files to spawn one in sp tybe "npc spawn" (with out the " ") followed by one of the npc name in the console
    jedireborn (good)
    jedireborn_blue (good)
    jedireborn_red (evil)
    plus a bonus skin i made for red team only to spawn that guy in sp type the following:
    npc spawn evil_jedireborn ( he is EVIL hahahahahaha } )


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  5. Rosh Rage

    This is Rosh Penin who has turned evil for good. With his fire hair and dark red for the colour skin of his clothes, he looks even more evil. Also, he has a fire pheniox on his left sholder, fire eyebows and the light brown cloth on his sholders has been removed to make it look for like armor.
    This is my first JA skin and I dont think it will be the last. This skin is based on the Rosh Penin skin/model. This skin will also replace the Rosh skin in the game to make him look what i think is a bit kooler.
    Thx to my friend Super Man for helping with it.


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  6. Swoop Racer

    This is the Human Merc model. I was planing on useing this model to make a armor skin but then after starting the armor, it looked more and more like motor cross protection so i turned it into a Swoop Rider. There is a Red and Blue version in this pack. The only difference between the blue and normal, it is the cloth from his waist . This skin took me about 3 days to make( i was doing other things like studing for my exams). I hope to make a new version with bot support and new sounds if i find any that fit the skin.
    This is about my 3rd JA skin and I think one of my best. I hope you all like it. This was the Human Merc model and the rest of the textures or mine


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  7. Element Skin Pack (JK2)

    This skin pack conceits of a Fire Reborn Skin, a Smoke/Wind Reborn Skin, a Lightning Reborn Skin, an Earth Reborn Skin, and finally a Water Reborn Skin. Each one was made from the Reborn model. I made this model after seeing the Fire Sith Skin made from JayK and thought it would be a great idea to make one with all the other element plus some that are not really elements. I am not sure if u could use them for RPGs or anything like that but they look good for FFA's.
    These are my first set of skins that I have made public and I think they are my best. I hope to make more skin as i get more ideas. My favourite on is the Fire Reborn Skin, I think that one looks the best but well they all do look good.
    I'm thinking on making one or two others. Not sure yet. If i get any more idea from my friends I might update this file.
    Also special thanks to J_Man, Matrix, and Aaron for giving me great ideas and helping me pick the elements, and another thanks for J_Man for helping me with my beta testing.


       (1 review)



  8. Shadow Link

    Gaara of the Sand
    I seriously doubt any more skins for Link, are even necessary, but your welcome to try and convince me otherwise.
    ...If you want to slap your damn clan logo, on Link - Don't submit it to any sites. Keep it to your clan.


       (1 review)



  9. Reborn Kyle

    Author: ZidZabre

    Well this is a simple Kyle reskin...NOT made in paint
    He has white scarie eyes i darkend his skin...and made his hair look more black...
    The big downside is the boots...wich i faile very bad with
    This skin has custom sound but no bot/npc support...nor team support.
    But the custom sounds should be worth it


       (4 reviews)



  10. Tuxedo Noghri

    This skin is 3 different Noghri, the only difference between them is the skin tone, One is pink, the other's blue, and the third's brown. This was made because my friends and I Like to kick people into dark corners on our clan's server when they go afk, put on these models and just stand there waiting for them to come back to spook them. Having a noghri stare you down is a bit weird especially if it's the first thing you see. Originally, we used only the base noghri, but then I get the idea for this hopefully hilarious idea. Each noghri has a tux skinned to the torso, the shoulder and lower robe bits are just recolored dark, I think it fits nicely


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  11. Umbrella Operative

    This is not a character from the Resident Evil series first off. Its just a guy I made inspired by the Resi games. After watching all of the Resi movies in one weekend, I was in a mood for more Resident Evil. This skin is Umbrella yes, but it is also inspired by the RPD uniforms by the armor on its back and torso.


       (2 reviews)



  12. White Mage costumes

    These are the costumes of White Mage from video game "Final Fantasy". Characters are two kinds of the human male and the female.
    There are color costumes respectively. And, these costumes can use even a single player. (It can be customized.)
    -The change of the character appearance-
    As for the male character, the kinds of the head increased.
    As for the female character, the texture of the face became new.
    One more, weapon model is attached to this MOD.
    It is the staff weapon of my design.
    There are a staff style and a single style in this.
    Use cheat code to use these NPC and weapons with single player.
    -cheat code-
    playermodel "npc name"
    -NPC name-
    White Mage Male --- jedi_wm
    White Mage Female --- jedi_wf
    -Cheat code-
    saber "saber name"
    -Saber name-
    Force Rod "Staff style" ---- forcerod
    Force Rod "Single style" ---- forcerod_2
    whitemage_SP.pk3 is a file for single player (and customization). If whitemage_costumes.pk3 (Character data) isn't put, it doesn't work normally.


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  13. Morgan Katarn Ghost

    This is a simple modification of the Morgan Katarn skin, which allows you to play as him in his ghost form. MP only.


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  14. Fallen Warrior

    This is a skin based on the weequay model for the JK3files Heros and Villains skin competition. The "Fallen Warrior" was originally a policeman, who, while investigating disposal procedures at a chemical plant, fell into a pit beneath the plant. Years of chemical dumping without proper containment had caused the soil to become radioactive. As a further twist, the plant was built over the remains of an ancient grave. The bodies which lay there had been changed over time by the radiation, and the reactions in the soil eventually caused the corpses to reanimate. The Fallen Warrior became one of them, and now seeks out those responsible in order to wreak vengeance.


       (2 reviews)



  15. JoClad Danva

    This jedi is the character which came out to "star wars episode2".


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  16. Lumas Etima

    This SKIN is the version 3 of Lumas Etima.
    Previous SKIN was a little more improved.
    Amendment point
    1.The texture of the costume and face was revised.
    2.Trousers were drawn again.
    3.Botfile and sounds were amended.
    4.The texture of lightsaber was a little revised.
    5.I divided these files not to become an obstacle to
    other characters and weapons in this version.
    =New Skin/Jedi Knight Lumas Etima=
    Jedi Knight Lumas was added newly in this version.
    Actually, he is not Jedi Knight.
    Therefore, this is SKIN of my imagination.
    Of course, because it is jedi knight, there is no braid.
    Because it passes many battles, as for him, there is an innumerable wound in the face.
    A glove is being put in its left hand.
    And the wound of the battle is left in its right hand.
    A look became a little robust.
    Then, a foot model was changed.
    Of course texture was drawn newly.
    There is new sound in Jedi Knight Lumas.
    Open a console, and input the following command to call lightsaber.
    "saber single_lumas"
    Open a console, and input the following command to call NPCs.
    "npc spawn lumas"
    "npc spawn lumas_knight"
    --Lumas Etima data--
    He is human JEDI PADAWAN of the old republic.
    It has a blue lightsaber, and there are blond hair and two braids.
    And, He learned a Lightsaber Combat Form 6 "Niman".
    It doesn't know who his master is.
    He is 1 person out of 200 people of jedi which participated
    in the battle of geonosis(EP2 "attak of the clones") to rescue Obi-Wan.
    But, in the midst of the battle, He stumble in the wreckage of droid,
    It was shot in blaster of Droideka for the defense-less.
    A setup except for this isn't known well.
    Incidentally, his Action Figure(figure pack) seems to exist.
    It was found out that he was an official character.


       (2 reviews)



  17. Jedi Supporter

    This is my original character.
    The base of the character design refers to a Video Game "Star Wars : THE FORCE UNLEASHED".
    "Secret Apprentice" of the main character is an archetype.
    Bot support : YES
    NPC support : YES
    Team color : YES
    New sound : NO (Default sound editing)
    -- My present idea --
    First, "Jedi Supporter" is a group name.
    Therefore, this character name isn't decided.
    Jedi Supporter is not natural jedi, it is Jedi developed artificially.
    They excel in the superhuman fighting power and the machine technology.
    And, The force power which is equal to natural jedi can be shown.
    They are the existence to support many jedis fundamentally.
    [NPC Name]
    jedisupporter_dual (Double-blade lightsaber)


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  18. RGB Compatible Rebel Pilot

    This is a simple modification of the base rebel_pilot skin to make it RGB-compatible. Now you can suit up in any colour you like!
    Putting on the skin is as simple as opening the console and entering "/model rebel_pilot/sp". If you were already using a model with custom colours, you'll see the same colours automatically transferred to this skin.
    To change the colours, enter these commands into the console:
    /char_color_red <0-256>
    /char_color_green <0-256>
    /char_color_blue <0-256>
    For a black flight suit, set all three values to 256. Otherwise, the minimum value for all three variables combined is about 100.


       (5 reviews)



  19. RGB Rodian

    This is a simple modification of the base rodian skin to make it RGB-compatible. Now you can go bounty hunting in any colour!
    Putting on the skin is as simple as opening the console and entering "/model rodian/sp". If you were already using a model with custom colours, youll see the same colours automatically transferred to this skin.
    To change the colours, enter these commands into the console:
    /char_color_red <0-256>
    /char_color_green <0-256>
    /char_color_blue <0-256>
    For a black flight suit, set all three values to 256. Otherwise, the minimum value for all three variables combined is about 100.


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  20. Oni's Jan



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  21. Oni's Kyle

    I remember someone suggesting to me in the comment box of my last skin (Oni's_Jan) To redo Kyle as well. When I saw that comment I decided to give it a try. It took several hours and I stood up until 2:30am working on it (I started around 7). Finished it up the next day. Personally I think it looks good. And to me, it give Kyle more of a Badass feel. Included is a replacement file for Kyle. You may put all the files the zip into your base folder. It will still work. And lastly, I forgot to make this for Oni's_Jan, a replacement file . There is one here. It
    Simply replaces Jan with the Oni's_Jan look. Jan will still have her normal sounds . I think its possible that these will work in JK2....The replacements at any rate...Well enjoy!


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  22. Oni's Apprentice

    This is my third released skin. At first I wanted to make something darth vader-ish, but not vader itself. I was thinking of vader trooper..That idea didnt fan out. The result was this skin here. I just call it the apprentice. It has Full NPC Support. I of course showed it to my clan, the angels of fire. One of my clanmates suggested I put the clan logo over the Imperial Symbol. I said "Why not" And decided to do it. I have two different versions. The clan version does not have team support, but the regular one does. When you put this file into your Base folder it will give you both skins.
    here are the "Npc spawn" commands for the npcs.

    Single Saber Apprentice: Npc spawn Oni's_Apprentice
    Dual Saber Apprentice: Npc spawn Oni's_Apprentice_2
    Double Bladed saber Apprentice: Npc spawn Oni's_Apprentice_3
    For a single bladed enemy Apprentice: Npc spawn Oni's_Apprentice_Enemy
    The [AoF] Version npc: Npc spawn Oni's_AoF_Apprentice


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  23. Oni's Jaden Bonus

    I took a look at the models for Jaden. Looking at the robes, I noticed a possible change that could be done. Placing the lower part from one robe to the other.I did so, and the result is this skin. This is my first REAL attempt at working with textures. The other male head is a baldish jaden. Please I did not try to make it look like starkiller. The third is a tattooed female head. That comes with its own torso.
    Mod contents:
    Jedi Human Female:
    One new head: Everything is almost the same as a base head, has tattoos on it.
    One new torso: Self explanatory

    Jedi Human Male:
    2 new heads: One bald, one with a modified version of the bergundy hair. The bald was my first time working with skin texture As you can see, I had to add the shading myself to it >_<
    2 new Torsos: The first is a pretty basic reskin, nothing that special. The second, when combined with the goatee head in this mod, Transforms into the sexiest thing I have ever seeen. This head comes with a glove on the right hand.
    1 new Legs option: A darker version of the tan pants. Works nicely with the other skins.


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  24. Zolteg

    Everyone has their roots in modding/skinning. Mine is this. As you can see in the screenshot verson one was not very good. It was not until I joined my clan (AoF) that I found a use for it. The Zolteg are villains that I created, that are a sort of disease of the force. They infect people with their shroud, and after a short while, they become a Zolteg. They all think as one and such. I hope to make different Zolteg skins sometime in the future. I have included NPC support and shaders, but no team support, as I always used this as a personal skin to be in the pictures of my RP logs. Maybe V2 will have team support (I Know this may upset many people as they believe that team support is vital to a skin), but for now, I am not sure how I can do it without ruining the skin itself, and that is the last thing that I want to do. Ruin the skin I mean. Well, enjoy!


       (2 reviews)



  25. Kalek's Mercenary

    A friend of mine asked me to make him a skin, I started working on it, and this happened, I ended up going into a completely different direction with this, and well, here we are now. I'm not exactly sure what it is, I am hoping the staff member who reviews this may describe it better then I can. >_>


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