Single Player
110 files
Star Wars: Galactic Legacy
By Linken
The Star Wars Galaxy has left a legacy spanning many decades, with more to come. Now, a team of modders made up of former members of the Knights of the Force 2.1 mod have come together to provide the ultimate Star Wars sandbox experience.
Choose your character, create your own stories! Or take a step back through history, and play through moments from the Star Wars films, The Clone Wars, Knights of the Old Republic, and more!
From the characters and worlds spanning the Star Wars Legends continuity to the more recent Star Wars Disney canon, the time has come to craft your own Galactic Legacy!
- A wide selection of characters, ranging across the Skywalker Saga, Knights of the Old Republic, the original Expanded Universe, and Disney's Canon
- 7 Fully playable missions, including the iconic Duel of the Fates with alternate storylines, Revan vs. Malak from Knights of the Old Republic, Operation: Knightfall, and more! With even more to come!
- A fully customizable NPC system, allowing you to customize an NPC's health, appearance, alignment, and behaviors.
- An active and passionate development team
JAmenu for Dark Pastime mod
By Sovietmann
The addon allows you to change the player model without leaving the game and without using cheats, play as bots, add allies and opponents, pause the game, while the game can be played far, switch between missions and much more.
It was originally created for sharing with the Dark Pastime mod, but then it was adapted for the main game as well. With some minor changes, it is completely similar to the JAmenu addon.
Author of the original NumberWan mod
Installation - just unzip z_P_chapter1(JAmenu) - update version into the Dark Pastime mod folder.
SWTOR & KOTOR Conversion
By Stachelrojas
This mod changes the setting of the single-player campaign to the KOTOR and SWTOR eras – you pick which one!
Nearly every character and model in the game has been replaced by incredible models that the community has laboured into existence over the last 20 years:
Jolee Bindo or Zen Vallow will be your mentor, Bastila or Satele Shan are leading the Academy!
Battle the Sith Cult of Darth Malak or Darth Malgus!
Face off against the Sith Empire Forces of Sith Troopers, Dark Jedi, Sith Eradicators and more!
Much greater enemy diversity – Cultists and Reborn are more gender-balanced and include alien races!
Jedi Characters wear KOTOR era robes, and you can choose for your Jaden to wear them too!
Fight against Mandalorians and beloved classic aliens like Selkath and Rakata!
More melee duels as many characters wield vibro-blades!
And many more..
The mod replaces over 100 voice lines with the help of AI: Tavion’s voice is replaced with a Darth Malak/Malgus appropriate voice that has entirely new dialogue to fit the setting*, Bastila and Satele use a female voice instead of Luke’s, and both Jaden and Kyle have a number of replacers to increase immersion.
It’s always been a dream to combine my favourite childhood games into one, and my deepest gratitude for making it possible goes to all the amazing authors of the included models, to Raven Software, Obsidian and Bioware for the original games, and to TeamBeef for the JKA VR port.
*What I couldn’t fix though are the extremely gendered animations, so the villains at times have a bigger femme vibe than in other games
Extract the .zip file, and put the z_base_oldrepublic.pk3 and EITHER the z_swtorconversion.pk3, the z_kotorconversion.pk3 or the z_kotorconversion_purist into your base folder. The KOTOR file replaces models with KOTOR era ones (Stormtroopers become KOTOR Sith Troopers, Tavion becomes Malak, Kyle becomes Jolee etc). SWTOR does the same for SWTOR era (Tavion becomes Darth Malgus, Luke becomes Satele Shan, etc.). KOTOR purist version is same as KOTOR except in that it's free from any SWTOR-era enemies, using Dark Jedi instead of Sith Eradicator and Sith Inquisitor).
Known Bugs
When overtaken by Ragnos, Malak/Malgus face a short texture issue during the cutscenes.
Recommended complementary Mods
Below are some suggestions for mods that can furhter boost immersion and nostalgia!
Kotor Music (quasi obligatory!):
SWTOR movie blades:
Kotor Stances2:
Alternate Reborn Voice (makes Sith Eradicators and Inquisitors sound more threatening):
Throwable Staff Sabers:
I did not create any original models for this mod, all credit for them goes to the amazing work of the included authors (full credit list below). I’ve obtained permissions whereever a model’s permission policy was unclear, however I haven't been able to get in contact everyone listed as some people have left the community.
Model: Bastila Shan
Author: Circa
Additional Credit: Original Model - Bioware, Arms, Legs and Hips Mesh - Raven Software
Model: Jolee Bindo
Author: Jeff
Additional Credit: Original Model - Bioware
Model: Darth Malak
Author:ksk h20
Additional Credit: Textures - Bioware
Model: Darth Malgus
Author: Psyk0Sith
Model: HeavyMandalorian
Author: Zander_Nao, Noodle, Laam’inui
Model: Republic Trooper
Author: MarsMarshall, Jeff
Model: Satele Shan
Author: Jeff
Model: Sith Assassin
Author: Jeff
Additional Credit: Original Model - Obsidian
Models: Sith Empire Trooper, Sith Eradicator
Author: Mongol The Unwise, The Unguided, EXE Noob
Model: Sith Inquisitor
Author: RevanKnight
Model: Zen Vallow
Author: Jeff
Models: DarkJedi_f, KotorJedi Female, KotorJedi Male, KotorJedi Zabrak, KotorJedi Twilekf, KotorJedi TwilekM, Republic Soldier, Saul Karath, Sith Commander, Sith Trooper
Author: Galactic Legacy
Additional Credit: Spanki, Scerendo, Bioware
Models: Atton, Dark Jedi, Juhani, Mandalorian Neo-Crusaderu HK-50, TOR Protocol droid, TOR Astromech, Rakata, Selkath, Sith Warrior, Swoop-Gang Member
Author: Ambrom
Additional Credit: Original Models – Bioware, Obsidian
Models: Jolee and Bastila Hilts
Author: plasma
Model: Darth Malgus Hilt
Author: Psyk0Sith
Model: Darth Malak Hilt
Author:ksk Khaliban
Additional Credit: Textures - Bioware
Models: Vibrosword, Quarterstaff, Stun Baton
Author: Rooxon
All the models and textures belong to their original authors. I give permission to edit or share the replacement soundfiles that I created.
Future Plans:
If I find the time and someone can teach me/point me to good models, nice additional add-ons would be
facial animations for the Kotor Player Characters
replacements for the x-wing, tie fighters and Millenium Falcon with era appropriate vehicles
SWTOR specific models and skins (Jedi Armor robes) for the Academy Students
"Jedi Academy and Escape from Yavin4" - edited by Sovietmann
By Sovietmann
A modification of the ESCAPE from YAVIN IV mod, originally made by DARROW LINDER.
1) Changes player models and partially equipment.
2) Adds new weapons.
3) Adds functions from the JAmenu mod to the game.
4) Now does not require installing some files in the base folder.
5) Allows you to start playing both Sith Academy and Escape from Yavin4 from one menu.
6) Allows you to switch between the missions of the Sith Academy and Escape from Yavin4 without leaving the game.
7) Partially changes the scripts related to the player’s Force abilities when completing Escape from Yavin4.
😎 Rancors are now allies, but when passing the level 5 map, the rancor still needs to be killed, otherwise the scripts will not work.
Note: the game has added what, in my opinion, is the best Sith model - Sith Eradicator
"Choice of Force" - menu edited by Sovietmann
By Sovietmann
1) This small add-on is intended exclusively for use in conjunction with the "Jedi Academy: Enhanced" mod.
2) “Bypasses” the weapon selection menu, thereby allowing you to start any mission with any level of Force proficiency.
3) Installation - simply copy the file zzzz_ja_enhanced - (SovietmannForceMenu).pk3 to the folder with the installed "Jedi Academy: Enhanced" mod.
2Pits Warehouse
By potatoes
A Ladder style map for Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy.
Featuring a large warehouse with floating platforms, long bridges and 2 large pits where you can throw your enemies during battle.
The map has over 40 waves that will spawn as you progress eliminating the enemies.
There is a final battle in a separate arena that is unlocked once all of the waves are completed.
There are multiple secret areas. Try to find them all!
This is my first map ever for JKA, hope it is to your liking.
If you want to contact me for any reason (bug reports, suggestions, etc...), this is my discord profile: potatoes5810
- star wars related
- includes new levels
- (and 1 more)
Holocron Challenges
By Plasma
Pick your character in the Hub map and then select which map and gametype you want to play in this single player mod that spans multiple eras.
Game Types:
Arenas - Fight your way through multiple rooms picking your own route to reach one of four bosses.
Ladder - Twenty waves of enemies to fight through including boss fights.
Ladder Maps:
Jakku - The desert planet from The Force Awakens, fight the First Order with boss fights against Captain Phasma and Kylo Ren.
Mustafar - The lava planet from Revenge of the Sith, fight the Clone Troopers of the newly formed Galactic Empire with boss fights against Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine.
Scarif - The tropical planet from Rogue One, fight the Empire with boss fights against Third Sister, Grand Inquisitor, Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine.
Supremacy - Snoke's ship from The Last Jedi, fight the Praetorian Guards with Kylo Ren and Supreme Leader Snoke.
Tanalorr - The planet hidden through the Koboh Abyss from Jedi Survivor, fight the High Republic Jedis with boss fights against Lula Talisola, Stellan Gios, Avar Kriss and Dagan Gera.
Trade Federation Battleship - The Trade Federation ship from The Phantom Menace, fight the Separatists with boss fights against Asajj Ventress, General Grievous and Count Dooku.
Trials of the Temple - The stage show from Disney World, fight the Jedi of the Republic with boss fights against Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu and Yoda.
Ruusan - A planet in the Mid Rim from Dark Forces 2, fight the Imperial Remnant with boss fights against Yun, Boc Aseca, Maw, Sariss and Jerec.
Playable Characters:
Aayla Secura
Ahsoka Tano
Anakin Skywalker
Asajj Ventress
Avar Kriss
Barriss Offee
Bastila Shan
Baylan Skoll
Boc Aseca
Burryaga Agaburry
Cal Kestis
Cin Drallig
Cohmac Vitus
Dagan Gera
Depa Billaba
Count Dooku
Eighth Brother
Even Piell
Exar Kun
Ezra Bridger
Fifth Brother
Grand Inquisitor
Jacen Solo
Darth Caedous
Jaina Solo
Jolee Bindo
Joruus C'Baoth
Kanan Jarrus
Ki-Adi Mundi
Darth Traya
Kyle Katarn
Kylo Ren
Ben Solo
Luke Skywalker
Lula Talisola
Luminara Unduli
Mace Windu
Darth Malak
Mara Jade
Galen Marek
Darth Maul
Darth Nihilus
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Plo Koon
Qu Rahn
Qui-Gon Jinn
Quinlan Vos
Reath Silas
Third Sister
Darth Revan
Rey Skywalker
Sabine Wren
Savage Opress
Second Sister
Seventh Sister
Shaak Ti
Shin Hati
Darth Sidious
Darth Sion
Stellan Gios
Temple Guard
Saesee Tiin
Darth Vader
Vernestra Rwoh
Visas Marr
Yarael Poof
More game types, maps and characters to be added in future updates!
Extract the plasma_ldr folder and Play_Holocron_Challenges.bat into your GameData folder usually located at:
C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\
Then to play the mod run the Play_Holocron_Challenges.bat file (or Play_Holocron_Challenges_64.bat if you want to run the 64bit version).
This mod require OpenJK for it to work correctly, you can download it from either of these locations:
Known Bugs
Will crash in the Base version of Jedi Academy, you must use OpenJK to play this mod.
In the hub menu it crashes if you select too many characters, to get around this I've added a warning message that will pop up when you hit the limit and it will lock you out of being able to change characters. If you'd like to still pick a new character after this go to the center of the hub map and press Use on the Reload Hub holo projector and the map will reload and allow you to change your character again.
This mod would not be possible without all the other work from mod creators in the community. I have tried to get permission from each author to use their work in the mod however I haven't been able to get in contact everyone listed as some people have left the community.
The ingame HUD is based off DarthNormaN's work on the Elegance HUD.
Model: Darth Vader
Author: Toshi
Model: Anakin Skywalker
Author: Toshi
Model: Mace Windu
Author: Kualan
Additional Credit: Main Mesh - Spanki, Head Mesh - TFU Team
Model: Plo Koon
Author: Kualan
Additional Credit: Head Mesh - SWRH Team, Torso and Robes - Hapslash
Model: Aayla Secura
Model: Luminara Unduli
Author: Kualan
Additional Credit: Body Mesh - Neomarz1, Head Mesh - TOR Team, Veil Mesh - CWA Team
Model: Captain Phasma
Author: DT
Model: First Order Stormtrooper
Author: DT
Model: Luke Skywalker (The Last Jedi)
Author: Swegmaster, Tompa9, Jedinoob124
Additional Credit: Head Mesh - Netmarble Games, Toshi, DT85, Hapslash´s-wip-thread/
Model: Jango Fett
Author: neomarz1
Model: Emperor Palpatine
Author: RJA
Additional Credit: Toshi, ViceK
Model: Kylo Ren
Author: Lervish and Plasma
Additional Credit: Body Mesh - Hapslash, Hood Mesh - Some0ne, Scarf Mesh - Kualan
Model: Dark Rey
Author: Doughnuts
Additional Credit: Scerendo, Swegmaster
Model: Han Solo (The Force Awakens)
Author: Lervish
Model: Rey
Author: Scerendo
Model: Ezra Bridger
Author: Jeff
Model: Kanan Jarrus
Author: Jeff
Model: Sabine Wren
Author: Jeff
Model: Zeb Orrelios
Author: Jeff
Model: Hera Syndulla
Author: Jeff
Model: Chopper
Author: Jeff
Model: Snoke
Author: Scerendo
Model: Praetorian Guards
Author: PreFXDesigns
Additional Credit: Additional Helmets - Doughnuts
Model: Imperial Stormtrooper
Author: DT
Model: Deathtrooper
Author: Scerendo
Model: Shoretrooper
Author: Scerendo
Model: Director Orson Krennic
Author: Scerendo
Model: Reva
Author: ZelZel
Additional Credit: Body and Shoulder Mesh - Netmarble Games, Cape Mesh - EA Capital Games, Head Mesh - Netease, Hair Mesh - Netmarble Monster
Model: Cal Kestis
Author: GPChannel
Additional Credit: Model Parts - Scerendo, Model Parts - Hapslash, DarthValeria, Swegmaster, Tompa9
Model: Obi-Wan Kenobi (The Phantom Menace)
Author: Tompa9
Additional Credit: Original Mesh - Hapslash, Body Texures - Yeyo JK, Face Texture - JediNoob124
Model: Qui-Gon Jinn
Author: Seven
Additional Credit: Head Model - Lucasarts, Body Model - Hapslash, Textures - Vitez, Textures - Elek Andor, Textures - Peneke, Robe Textures - Tesla, Belt Pockets - Swegmaster
Model: Luke Skywalker (Return of the Jedi)
Author: Toshi
Additional Credit: DT
Model: Ahsoka Tano
Author: ZelZel
Additional Credit: Body & Base Additions - Jeff, Head and Body Mesh - Netmarble Games, Head Crown Mesh - EA Capital Games
Model: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Author: Doughnuts
Additional Credit: AshuraDX
Model: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Obi-Wan Kenobi)
Author: ZelZel
Additional Credit: Hair Mesh - Sirius, Body and Robe Mesh - Netmarble Games, Head Model - Movie Duels 2 Team
Model: Yoda
Author: Toshi
Model: Darth Revan
Author: Almightygir
Model: Darth Maul
Author: DT
Model: Rey Skywalker
Additional Credit: Main Body Mesh & Textures - Scerendo, Hair & Armband Mesh - Epic Games, Additional Parts - Netmarble Games, Gun Mesh - Plasma
Model: Second Sister
Author: Doughnuts
Model: Bastila Shan
Author: Circa
Additional Credit: Original Model - Bioware, Arms, Legs and Hips Mesh - Raven Software
Model: Mara Jade
Author: DT
Additional Credit: Gwenethea Model - Hapslash, Textures - Shadowknight1
Model: Darth Nihilus
Author: Omega
Additional Credit: Original Model - Obsidian Entertainment, Additional Parts - Netmarble Games
Model: Visas Marr
Author: Lervish
Model: Kreia / Darth Traya
Author: Lervish
Model: Count Dooku
Author: Hapslash
Model: Asajj Ventress
Author: Hirmanator
Model: Galen Marek (Starkiller)
Author: dark_apprentice
Additional Credit: Scaling & Weighting Head Mesh - Ruxith, Dark Apprentice & Adventure Robes Outfits - Xeby & RevanKnight, Starkiller - HellKobra, TFU2 Skins - DarthPhae, Sith Stalker - Darth Shiftee
Model: The Grand Inquisitor
Author: Kualan
Additional Credit: Head Mesh - PsykoSith, Torso Mesh - Bioware & Raven Software, Belt Mesh - Lt Claim
Model: Darth Malak
Author:ksk h20
Additional Credit: Textures - Bioware
Model: Ben Solo
Author: Omega
Additional Credit: Model Fixes - Swegmaster, Head Mesh - EA Capital Games, Legs Mesh - Netmarble Games, Hands, Shirt, Neck Mesh - DT85
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
Author: Toshi
Model: Galen Marek (Jedi)
Additional Credit: Head - Dark Apprentice & Ruxith, Adventure Robes - Jolly & Kobra, Sounds - Kylo Ren
Model: Jolee Bindo
Author: Jeff
Additional Credit: Original Model - Bioware
Model: Atris
Author: Ambrom
Additional Credit: Original Model - Obsidian Entertainment
Model: Darth Sion
Author: Ambrom
Additional Credit: Original Model - Obsidian Entertainment
Model: Malak
Author: Ambrom
Additional Credit: Original Model - Bioware
Model: Juhani
Author: Ambrom
Additional Credit: Original Model - Bioware
Model: Anakin Skywalker (Ep.2)
Author: Kevin Coyle Academy/Models/Star Wars/22041/
Model: Kyle Katarn (DFII)
Author: Darth Phae
Model: Kyle Katarn (MOTS)
Author: Darth Phae
Model: Boc Aseca (DFII)
Author: Darth Phae
Model: Maw (DFII)
Author: Darth Phae
Model: Jerec (DFII)
Author: Darth Phae
Model: Sariss (DFII)
Author: Darth Phae
Model: Yun (DFII)
Author: Darth Phae
Model: Qu Rahn (DFII)
Author: Darth Phae
Model: Quinlan Vos
Author: Scerendo
Model: Shaak Ti
Author: Kualan
Additional Credit: Head Mesh - Aaron Smith, Torso and Robes - Hapslash, Dress - Mars Marshall
Model: Barriss Offee
Author: Kualan
Additional Credit: Body Mesh - Movie Battles II Team, Head Mesh - TOR Team, Sounds - Republic At War (Empire At War Mod)
Model: Ki-Adi-Mundi
Author: Psyk0Sith
Model: Even Piell
Author: Kualan
Additional Credit: Head Mesh - Toshi, Hair Mesh - Neomarz, Even Piell Texture - St Scoundrel Boots, Texture - Hapslash
Model: Depa Billaba
Author: Kualan
Additional Credit: Body and Head Model - Movie Battles II Team, Body Reskin - MagSul
Model: Cin Drallig
Author: Tompa9
Additional Credit: Original Head - Don Tom, Face Reskin - Old Ben, Base Mesh - Hapslash, Sounds - Raven Software and the Peneke Team
Model: Yarael Poof
Author: Psyk0Sith
Model: Saesee Tiin
Author: Tompa9
Additional Credit: Base Mesh - Hapslash, Head Texture - Mars Marshall, Skirt Texture - DT85, Clone Gauntlets - Ashura DX, Fix Weight Problems - Swegmaster
Model: Jedi Temple Guard
Author: Tompa9
Additional Credit: Original Meshes - Hapslash, Toshi and the TOR Team, Mask Mesh - Scerendo, Sounds - Raven Software and the Peneke Team
Model: Savage Opress
Author: DT85
Model: Scout Trooper
Author: KhorneSyrup
Model: KX Series Security Droid
Author: Lervish
Model: Purge Trooper
Author: Tompa9
Additional Credit: Body - AshuraDX, Pauldron - Scerendo, Helmet - Neomarz1
Model: Executioner Trooper
Author: Barricade24
Additional Credit: DT85
Model: Sith Trooper
Author: eSpark
Additional Credit: DT85
Model: Republic Commandos
Author: Sithani
Additional Credit: Ranisdeguery
Model: Clone Troopers
Authors: AshuraDX, Scerendo, MaceMadunusus, Doughnuts, swegmaster
Model: Battledroids
Author: Rmvsallen
Additional Credit: Dragoan, Khornesyrup, Coolin, Movie Duels Team
Model: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Revenge of the Sith)
Author: Hapslash
Model: BX Commando Droid
Author: Lervish
Model: Magnaguard
Author: neomarz1
Model: Dagan Gera
Author: Noob
Additional Credit: Head: Hapslash, Cape: Psk0Sith
Model: Ahsoka Tano
Author: Cerez
Additional Credit: Cadellin
Model: Yoda (The High Republic)
Author: Tompa9
Additional Credit: Model - Toshi, Head Texture - JediNoob124
Model: Baylan Skoll (Ahsoka)
Author: ZelZel
Additional Credit: DT85, Sirius, Netmarble Games, Lucasarts
Model: Shin Hati (Ahsoka)
Author: ZelZel
Additional Credit: Omega, Scerendo, Bioware, Netmarble Games, Lucasarts
Model: Joruus C'baoth
Author: Jeff
Model: Eighth Brother
Author: Swegmaster
Additional Credit: Netmarble Games, Penekowski
Model: Fifth Brother
Author: Swegmaster
Additional Credit: Netmarble Games, Penekowski
Model: Seventh Sister
Author: Swegmaster
Additional Credit: Netmarble Games, Penekowski
Model: Sabine Wren
Author: Swegmaster
Additional Credit: Netmarble Games, Penekowski
Model: Anakin Skywalker
Author: ZelZel
Additional Credit: Head & Base Textures for Arms and Tunic - Movie Duels, Hair - Sony Online Entertainment, Armour - Seven
Model: Jaina Solo
Author: Jeff
Additional Credit: Gweth, Hapslash
Model: Jacen Solo
Author: Jeff
Model: Exar Kun
Author: Jeff
Model: Luke Skywalker
Author: Jeff
Additional Credit: Toshi, Swagmaster, Peneke Team, DT85, Circa
Model: Luke Skywalker
Author: DT85
Additional Credit: Head - Toshi, Original Reskin - Hapslash, Jedi Model - Raven
Model: Wookiee
Author: Major Clod
Skybox: Sky27
Author: Komaokc
Skybox: Grimm Night
Author: Hipshot
Disable Hoth Gear in SP
By Circa
This mod simply disables the Hoth gear change in single player. Normally when hoth2 loads, the script sets the player to use torso_g1 and files, which in vanilla skins is the Hoth snow outfit. If you use mods that don't include support for that, it can be annoying to go fix yourself when playing the Hoth levels. This should fix that problem, frostbite be damned.
Anniversary Campaign Expansion Mod
By anti2
This is a Single Player mod and it doesn't affect MP. The core idea was to modernize original game without changing anything in its gameplay mechanics or balance. The story was carefully extended, but it's still the same. Hope you like it.
First part of the mod is widescreen UI fix. It removes stretching on widescreen displays for most of menus and in-game HUD. Also, camera placement is some cutscenes was modified.
Some minor menus aren't affected. Also, I couldn't fix sniper aim.
The second part of the mod is content expansion. It includes:
* 6 new cutscenes between missions (2 in Tier-1, 3 in Tier-2, 1 in Tier-3), all are voiced by original actor voices generated with AI voice service (
* dark ending cutscene is slightly modified.
* new mission added in Tier 2. You need to finish all five default missions in tier 2 to play this level. The mission implements some prominent level design ideas from 1990s 😉 (not that bad though, after I added hints)
Copy mod files to your game's "Base" folder (for Steam version: steamapps/common/Jedi Academy/GameData/Base)
* modace_gui.pk3 - contains widescreen UI fix and can be used independently with vanilla game
* modace_main.pk3 - requires caexan_gui.pk3 and OpenJK with pull request #1139 (
New level needs OpenJK to read and write cvar variables. Old OpenJK releases before pull request #1139 have critical bug, and the game crashes at the beginning of the new mission. So please make sure you use the latest version of OpenJK (May 1, 2023 or later).
Note: the mod overrides some default game files, like MENUS.str. If you have other installed mods also overriding these files, they may interfere each other.
Third Party Credits
* Alien Mercenaries 2.0 by The Unguided (credits: Monsoontide, OlgO & NumberWan, Mat Gaunt, Scerendo, AshuraDX, Hoodz, Zahar, BioWare) (
* Coruscant skybox from The Movie Duels (
* Movie Accurate Gammorean (Jolt -
* Bounty Hunter by Noodle (
* Ceremonial Luke (
* Omicron's Sith Zabrak 1.0 (
* TwiLek Mercenary (
Huge thanks to all content creators.
See detailed information and all readme files in the third_party directory.
You can modify my files freely. Sources (maps and scripts) are included in caexan_main.pk3.
You can share the mod with respect to license requirements of included third party mods.
contest winner Kyle's Holiday Afternoon
By MagSul
This is a short and sweet level I put together for the holiday contest this year. Just unzip the folder and place the contents in the Gamedata folder. You can then use the included .bat file to load the mod on both Steam and disc versions.
Kyle has decided to take a quick break from the festivities, but it isn't as relaxing as he'd hoped.
Known Bugs: Sometimes Rosh and Jaden are stubborn and don't bow out properly, but the cutscene should still trigger once both are dealt with. 🙂
- contains cosmetic changes
- jkhub exclusive
- (and 5 more)
Nina Anthology
By zahar
This mod was released in five parts between 2005 and 2009 by Larry McBruce. Now, in 2022, I combined all chapters into one, so you can play all mods about Nina as a one story.
Plot: In this mod you will play Nina, the younger sister of the fallen Sith Lord Tavion. Like her sister, Nina has a strong connection with the Force, but she chose to use her skills in a different way. Nina is neither a Jedi nor a Sith, she's a bounty hunter, who doesn't bother much about philosophical questions. But talk about money with her, and she will become your best friend.
Installation instructions:
Place “Nina_Anthology” folder and "Nina_Anthology.bat" file from this archive into your Jedi Academy "GameData" folder. Run mod by double-clicking "Nina_Anthology.bat" file
Remove "Nina_ForceProgression.pk3" file from "Nina_Anthology" folder if you don’t want to play with manually upgradable force powers. Remove "Nina_NewModels.pk3" and "Nina_NewReborns.pk3" files from "Nina_Anthology" folder if you want to play mod with original models. Or just remove "Nina_NewReborns.pk3" file from "Nina_Anthology" folder to use original models for reborn characters and new models for everybody else.Remove "Nina_E11BlueShot.pk3" file from "Nina_Anthology" folder if you want tokeep E11 rifle’s red blaster bolt from the original game.
Play the mod and have fun!
Blue E11 blaster bolt
In the original mods, starting from chapter 3, Larry decided to make the E11 blaster bolt blue. You can either keep it or, if you want, you can delete "Nina_E11BlueShot.pk3" file to retain the original blaster bolt.
There were also some little additions I made for the original mods:
New Voice-over
First of all in original mods chapters 1,2,5 weren’t voiced. I generated voice-over for that chapters using Ivona reader. It’s not always good and of course generated voice is way worse than real human speech. But i guess its better than having no voice-over at all. If you think otherwise, you can just mute the voice channel in the setting of the game during those chapters.
Force progression:
In original mods, force powers of the player was set to a specific level for each map. In this mod anthology, I added more RPG style progression for force powers. After every level player can choose force power to develop. Similar to the way it was done in original Jedi academy game. Also i changed script for the holocrons that player can find closer to the end of the game. In original mod, those holocrons were upgrading heal and grip force power to 3rd level. But in this anthology, player might have 3rd level grip and heal at the moment the holocrons are found. So in this anthology one holocron upgrades all dark force powers to 3rd level, and the other all light. However if you don’t like this force manual upgrading, you can go back to the way it was designed in the original mods. Just delete "Nina_ForceProgression.pk3" file from mod folder.
Player’s customization:
I added player customization. You can choose some jedi_tf, jedi_hf and jedi_zf reskinned costumes for your player.And also some textures from "Jedi Zora v3" by Me0is0Jade was used for additional costumes for player.
Model replacement:
I replaced some old models from Jedi Academy with newer and better versions created by various modders. I also created some reskins for Larry’s NPCs. Previously, they were mostly reskins from the original game. To see the changes look on the screenshots, in this archive. If you want to play mod with original models, just remove "Nina_NewModels.pk3" and "Nina_NewReborns.pk3" from mod folder.
Models from "CT Elite Force 3" mod by tobe_one used for rocket launcher and sniper rifle. Stormtroopers by DT85. Backpack and pouches from Sandtrooper model by HapSlash was added to DT85 stormtrooper model. TFU trooper reskins by Barricade24 used for stormtrooper snipers. Nina's privateer stormtrooper reskin by zahar0z. Imperial officers by HapSlash. Pellaeon reskin by zahar0z. Imperial Kyle's face texture by DarthPhae was used for Moff Serenim. Count Dooku's cape by HapSlash was used for Moff Serenim. ROTJ Luke Skywalker by Toshi. Anakin Skywalker by HapSlash and reskins from "Sith Customization" by Spanki was used for jedi zombies from chapter 2. Anakin Skywalker by HapSlash and reskins from "Jedi customization" and "Sith Customization" by Spanki was used for Chancellor Alamacy's, Ship's, scientist Kaplan's, Rogue Jedi Aldeo's and various reborn's faces. Celas Nien model by Jose Carlos, was slightly reskined by Zahar0z and used for Chancellor Alamacy's, and scientist Kaplan's costumes. Improved Jedi_hm by DT85 was used for Horatio and Ship. Textures from "Default Jedi Replacement" by Sharad Hett edited and used for Horatio's face. Textures from "Jedi Zora v3" by Me0is0Jade was used for zabrak sisters NPCs from chapter5. Trandoshan Head Improvement by Darth Shiftee. Devaronian mercenary by AshuraDX. Human merc reskin by Spaghetti used for for devaronian mercs costume. Boushh by Dwayne "oddjob" Douglass. "Greedo" rodian reskin by Circa was used for rodians. Rodian reskin from "ultimat Jedi Academy" mod by Hollywood was used for Saask. Dark forces gran reskin by Barricade24 was used for some of the grans. Human merc reskins for nobleman and Elvan by Zahar0z. Hazardtrooper reskins by zahar0z. Armored reborn model was used for reborns, shadowtroopers, and rogue jedi master Aldeo. This model was kitbashed by zahar0z. It is using parts of the Clone Trooper model by Neomarz1, Anakin Skywalker by HapSlash, and Stormtroopers by DT85. Unfortunately, I couldn't contact Larry McBruce to ask for his permission to use his mods for this re-release. But I really tried to use his work as respectfully as I can. I just wanted to give this awesome mods another small time in the spotlight.
Known bugs:
Sometimes player gain unintentional additional lightsaber fighting styles after finishing a level. If you play with "force progression" feature, and chose a map or chapter from main menu, instead of playing chronologically then your player would not have starting light or dark force powers. You can still upgrade force powers after a level.1,422 downloads
- contains weapons
- star wars related
- (and 2 more)
Escape: Yavin IV - The Lost Maps
By JKHub
Date Created : February 22, 2006
Ahhhhh... Finally done. 35 levels, 150000 brushes, 25000 lines of script,
40000 entities and 3000 hours of blood and sweat. EY:4 - The Lost Maps.
Let's get this out of the way first. I know the download is big. Sorry.
I've made every effort to keep the mod as small as possible. There are
20-30 hours of gameplay here, so it will be worth the download, I hope.
If you played my first conversion, Escape: Yavin IV, then hold on to your
hats. This is an extension of the first conversion, but includes 25
additional levels, a new story, vehicle levels, space levels, additional
duels and puzzles, and customized interface (including a 'Chapters' menu
that enables you to play any game level), on-the-fly saber upgrades, and
three endings (that's right 'THREE' endings). Your choices during the game
decide your fate.
Given the length of the game, I have eased up on the difficultly of the
game a bit (just a bit).
Nuff said.
1. Remove *all* custom pk3s and mods from your base / GameData folder
2. Remove *all* custom pk3s and mods from your base / GameData folder
3. Remove *ALL* custom pk3s and mods from your base / GameData folder
Failure to do so will likely result in the game failing to even start. So
please don't ask me why the game won't start if you haven't done this.
To install this map, extract the contents of the ZIP file into the
'GameData' folder of your Jedi Academy install directory. Double-click the
batch file in the GameData folder and you're on your way.
I've been running with the 1.1 patch. If you don't have it, play at
your own risk.
Basically, the Sith have dominated the galaxy. The good guys (called the
Alliance) are threatened. The game will feed you some hints that explain
the reason for the Sith control. Of course, you have to come to the
rescue to save the universe from total Sith control (oh, unless you choose
to become a Sith). The rest of the story pretty much tells itself.
Please note that if you choose to jump around the levels using the chapters
menu, you will not get the entire story. Just keep that in mind. It is
recommended you play through in normal game mode before jumping around.
In all, there are 38 levels (12 cinematic levels and 26 playable levels).
Unlike the traditional game (JKIII), your saber upgrades occur as you
defeat your opponents. Each level also offers your a chance to 'trade'
your saber for one encountered up to that point in the game.
Like the cool saber disc your opponent has? Defeat him, and take it!
It's that simple.
There are two really big issues:
1. level2_saber_shipment always hangs for me when it is *not* loaded as the
first level in the game.
** If this occurs, you can use the Chapters menu to start a new game
from this point in the game.
2. After some time of playing, the game seems to 'hang' after about 90
seconds from a save point. It does not happen in the same level or
in the same place in the level. The problem only occurs after playing
and saving for SEVERAL HOURS continuously (essentially the same game).
Restarting and loading the saved game does not correct the problem.
** If this occurs, you can use the Chapters menu to start a new game
from where you left off.
3. My hard drive crashed and I lost *everything* associated with this game
just a couple weeks ago. Fortunately, I had already posted a V4 Beta, so
really what you are playing is Beta V4+ here. Everything pretty much
works fine, but I lost all of the .map and script files. So... If you
use the Chapters menu to start the ending levels of the game (Chapters 8
- 11), you'll need to use the cheats to setup your force powers.
** Bring up the console then type:
> helpusobi 1
> setforceall 3
There's other little detailed things, most of which you probably won't
even notice, so it's not worth mentioning...
Without these contributors, this game would not be.
Beta Testers:
Tester #1 ............................ Theos Burgess
Tester #2 ............................ Captain Shuttle
Tester #3 ............................ Mr11
Tester #4 ............................ Chris Jackson
Aayla Secura ......................... Mars Marshall & Dark_Cuillere
Abbaddon ............................. El Cuko
Asajj Ventress ....................... Monsoontide and Psyk0Sith
BPPloKoon ............................ [BP]Plokoon
Bain Elite v2 ........................ -=SOTG=-Bain_Elite
Boba Fett ............................ Brian Jones (Bones)
Darth Maul 1 ......................... mrdefender
Darth Maul 2 ......................... broken_hope & Aaron Smith & Chesire
Darth Omega .......................... KAZZZ
Darth Savet .......................... Brejo Savet
Death ................................ +]Nekroscop[+
Egor ................................. Unknown
FemOffee ............................. Mars Marshall
General Grievous ..................... Mars Marshall
Howler ............................... Light Ninja
Knight ............................... Unknown
Lamasu ............................... Crying Gods Germany
Lizard Reptile ....................... Tps_sithrouge
Mace Windu ........................... Aaron Smith
Maddog JKA ........................... Maddog
Magna Guard .......................... Mars Marshall
Mandalorian Sniper ................... Innocent Hawk
Neo Reborn ........................... Drakkan
Ninja ................................ Tim & Jimesu_Evil & Shady-D &
Satanmaster & Playingkarrde
Noghri ............................... RO Agent Smith
Olts Keldor .......................... OLTS /// Lord Vili ****
Pit Droid ............................ Matt-Liell & Scouttrooper
RAB-24 ............................... Chairwalker
Raptor ............................... Thrawn42689 & Graves & LightNinja
Razchrome ............................ Unknown
Rodian ............................... Darth Algar
Sabergirl ............................ v2 by Sabergirl
Samus ................................ Kurtis 'KMan' Smith
Shinobira ............................ Crying Gods Germany
Sithress ............................. DarthVengeant
Soulseeker ........................... Unknown
Spawn ................................ Stingray
Swoop Racer .......................... Nick Aikenhead (Kahn)
Witchblade ........................... {EJA}DarthVengeant{S}
Xian ................................. Unknown
Yarael Poof .......................... Mars Marshall & PsykOSith & Nomad
Yoda ................................. Darth Dizzy & Team Yoda
Younglings ........................... Mars Marshall
Zabrak Male .......................... Darth Algar
Sound Effects:
Enhanced Saber Sounds ................ Aryyn
Grievous Sounds ...................... Kurt Libengood
Voice Acting:
Darth Maul ........................... Mr11
Jedi ................................. Darrow Linder
Jedi Master Nadoo .................... Mr11
Jedi Master Savet .................... Darrow Linder
Jedi Master Secura ................... The Light Side
Jedi Master Windu .................... Mr11
Mirala ............................... The Light Side
Queen Mothma ......................... The Light Side
Rosh Penin ........................... Darrow Linder
Sith Lord ............................ Darrow Linder
Sithress ............................. The Light Side
Saber Models:
Crystal Hilt ......................... {THC}ShovelHead
CyberNinja ........................... Revan Dark
Darth Maul ........................... Unknown
Desann Saber ......................... CHoSeN ONe
Dual Lightstaff Sabers ............... Red Sith
Eclipse Saber ........................ +POO+Sigma
Imales ............................... IMALES (Damir Berkovic)
Light Disc ........................... Wolrajh/Xantcha
Majestic Sai Staff ................... Tiri
Punisher ............................. Darth Khan & Lord G-Spot
Reborn Saber ......................... CHoSeN ONe
Skywalker Saber ...................... CHoSeN ONe
Star Wars Classic Sabers ............. Revan Dark
TS Custom Sabers ..................... Trauma Sensei
X-Saber .............................. Jon Hill
Custom Textures 1 .................... BerneyBoy
Custom Textures 2 .................... Shaithis
Water and Ripples .................... Sith J Cull (Arevas)
Sith Command Ship .................... Sith J Cull (Ep3 Mappack)
Rocket Effects ....................... Rhinen
Concussion Effects ................... Spector
Disruptor Effects .................... Spector
Duality .............................. Manquesa, RaSiN_HeCk
Sith Speeder ......................... Duncan_10158 & Monsoontide
Speeder Bike ......................... Duncan_10158 & Monsoontide
STAP ................................. Duncan_10158
Menu Tutorial ........................ Red Sith
Startup Screen Images ................
HUD .................................. Chewy≤/Uber Noober≤
duel_valley (modified and extended) .. Raven
(all other maps were done by me)
- complete overhaul
- contains maps
- (and 5 more)
Escape: Yavin IV
By JKHub
This is a new single player mission for Jedi Academy. It utilizes models, skins,
and saber models that I found interested from the over the past
year or so. The bits posted by other authors have been stripped down to their
bare minimum, to keep the size of this mod down as much as possible.
Some highlights:
- New and different opponents / challenges in each level of the game
- Custom SP maps (13 in all including 2 bonus and 1 cinematic level)
- Custom missions with helper NPC's
- Custom menus including saber descriptions
- Custom saber models
- Custom saber abilities
- Custom sounds and sound effects
- Custom music
- Custom visual effects
- Custom weapon effects
- Custom skins
- Custom cinematics (almost an hours worth throughout the game)
- Custom HUD
- Custom objectives (43 in all)
- Secret areas included in nearly all the maps
- Powerful sabers and force abilities from the beginning
- Several opportunities to upgrade / replace your sabers
- Over 20 new opponents with varying levels of difficulty
- Approximately 10-14 hours of challenging game play
A walkthrough is provided in GameData/escape when you install the mod.
This mod is hard -- much more difficult than JA -- but very playable. So if
you pick this up, expect something more challenging than what you're used to.
To install this map, extract the contents of the ZIP file into the 'GameData'
folder of your Jedi Academy install directory. Double-click the batch file in
the GameData folder and you're on your way.
To un-install, simply remove the 'escape' folder and the .bat file from your
GameData folder in your JA install directory.
This starts out pretty much where Jedi Academy left off. It assumes you chose
'the dark side', stole the scepter, and went on your way of domination. Because
of your dark ways, what was left of the imperial and rebel forces were destroyed
by bands of cultists and other dark jedi.
A powerful Sith gathered followers (called loyalists) and made a deal with you.
Hand over the scepter, or die. Your life was spared, but the scepter is now in
the hands of the Sith. He threw you in prison cell buried in the rugged mountains
on the planet moon of Yavin to rot. Your force powers faded as the sith
dominated planet after planet. You home is the last to be overthrown.
In a deperate attempt to contact you, the queen from your home planet used her
telepathic ability to send you a message. Your force powers have faded to the
point where you can't receive the distress call.
After years of meditation, you realize the error in your ways and wish to seek
revenge on the Sith. An accident gives you a chance to escape. And this is
where story begins...
In all, there are 13 levels (1 is a cinematic level only and two are 'bonus'
levels that give you a chance to upgrade sabers). Each of the levels have
anywhere from 3-8 objectives that must be fullfilled before proceeding. To
estimate the length of the mod, from start to finish is probably somewhere
between 10 and 14 hours. This entire mod is one very long mission broken up
into 13 maps. The opponents get progressively more difficult (although your
force powers and your opportunity for saber upgrades keeps the playing field
somewhat fair) throughout the game.
One hint: keep a close eye on your cursor for things to push or break -- it
is sometimes required to continue on with the level. You may want to turn on
force hint in your config (cg_crosshairForceHint) if you can't work things out.
Enough said -- you can figure out the rest.
There really aren't too many issues. I found a few bugs with JA itself. The
noticable issues include:
- JA crashes during simultaneous thermal detonator and saber throw effects
- Saber properties sometimes ignored on restart of JA and loading saved game
- JA leaks memory (I watched it). These maps are very large, and playing across
several of the levels (like most of them) for an extended perior of time will
lead to a decreased frame rate. Restarting JA corrects the problem.
- Some of the cut scenes and cinematics are a little unstable. Some of the
sound cuts out part way through and sometimes the NPC don't go to their
specified navgoals. I don't know, maybe my problem, but they work sometimes,
sometimes not.
- There are a couple of brushes with issues. One causes a HoM effect (tiny
little sliver of a brush in a massive area -- but you have to walk over
it). A few brushes have some vertex problems, so there are gaps. I didn't
bother to go back and fix them -- they are hardly noticeable and don't
impact gameplay. There's close to 85000 brushes in this entire game and
probably less that 10 with noticable issues.
That's about all worth noting.
The following lists the skins, saber models, mods, etc. that were all put
together to create this mod:
Abbaddon ............................. El Cuko
Asajj Ventress ....................... Monsoontide and Psyk0Sith
BPPloKoon ............................ [BP]Plokoon
Bain Elite v2 ........................ -=SOTG=-Bain_Elite
Boba Fett ............................ Brian Jones (Bones)
Darth Maul ........................... mrdefender
Death ................................ +]Nekroscop[+
Egor ................................. Unknown
Howler ............................... Light Ninja
Knight ............................... Unknown
Lamasu ............................... Crying Gods Germany
Maddog JKA ........................... Maddog
Neo Reborn ........................... Drakkan
Razchrome ............................ Unknown
Sabergirl ............................ v2 by Sabergirl
Samus ................................ Kurtis 'KMan' Smith
Shinobira ............................ Crying Gods Germany
Sithress ............................. DarthVengeant
Soulseeker ........................... Unknown
Swoop Racer .......................... Nick Aikenhead (Kahn)
Witchblade ........................... {EJA}DarthVengeant{S}
Xian ................................. Unknown
Sound Effects:
Enhanced Saber Sounds ................ Aryyn
Saber Models:
Light Disc ........................... Wolrajh/Xantcha
Eclipse Saber ........................ +POO+Sigma
Dual Lightstaff Sabers ............... Red Sith
X-Saber .............................. Jon Hill
Desann Saber ......................... CHoSeN ONe
Skywalker Saber ...................... CHoSeN ONe
Reborn Saber ......................... CHoSeN ONe
Majestic Sai Staff ................... Tiri
Punisher ............................. Darth Khan & Lord G-Spot
Imales ............................... IMALES (Damir Berkovic)
Darth Maul ........................... Unknown
Rocket Effects ....................... Rhinen
Concussion Effects ................... Spector
Disruptor Effects .................... Spector
Menu Tutorial ........................ Red Sith
Startup Screen Images ................
HUD .................................. Chewy²/Uber Noober²
duel_valley (modified and extended) .. Raven
t3_rift_sample (excerpts only) ....... Raven
t2_rancor_sample (exceprts only) ..... Raven
- complete overhaul
- contains weapons
- (and 5 more)
THE FORCE UNLEASHED : Dark Lord's Hunt (KotF 2.0 Expansion Mod)
By JKHub
**Requires the original version of Knights of the Force 2.0, which is currently the only way to play it properly. While it is possible to use this expansion pack with other mods and the regular game, it will not be fully playable in the way it was intended, as the necessary files that were specifically created for KotF 2.0 are missing. Since the original mod is no longer in development, official updates for this expansion pack are not possible.**
**To play this expansion pack without KotF 2.0, simply take the file "KotF_TheForceUnleashed.pk3" and put it in the base folder. Then change the name to "_KotF_TheForceUnleashed.pk3" (adding the _ makes the file load first and prevents the game from crashing before the menu shows up). The first part of the mission is mostly playable and functional. The second part is also playable, but some codes are missing to make it work 100%.**
A new years gift for all the Kotf fans. in the new year, you will get to play The Force
Unleashed in the PC. This is a KotF mod's mission pack. in order to play, you need
Knights of the force mod installed in your PC.
This mod is made by the effects and methods you never saw in Jedi Academy before. Alot
of the scenes will suprise you. this is the result of 2,5 months of work. this mod is
done by adapting "sith-J-Cull"s Kashyyyk map (made in 2005 ) into singleplayer with
reedit. I used all the parts of that map. And so the Force Unleashed's first Darth Vader
level is adopted into Kotf. I am not planning on making other Force Unleashed levels.
First level's scenario is extended for a more gripping and enjoyable gameplay. There
are extra levels and missions. Game starts with the sliding text of the force unleashed.
You control Darth Vader and your mission is to find and eleminate the Jedi hiding
amongst the wookiees in Kashyyyk. But this is not as easy as it sounds. You need to
think, move and control the force like Darth Vader would.
Becouse the wookiee army is made of soldiers with excelent aim. they dont stand idle
when they see you, they come close and shoot. they aren't target dummies like the
stormtroopers in jedi knight academy. Sometimes they even dodge the light saber. This
makes the game all the more realistic and enjoyable. Also there are 3 new Camera angles.
Play in different views and increase the fun. I recommend "Darklord" angle to make you
feel like Darth Vader Himself.
Furthermore there are lots of suprises in the scenerio. You move according to the data
coming from your radio and datapad. Press the "M" button to see your missions. You will
hear Darth Vader's breathing just like in the original game. You can ride 3 vehicles
with Darth Vader. You Can Dog Fight with your Tie Fighter, You can ride your Swoop in
the woods and last you can ride an AT-ST and command your troops. This mod's weapon
effects are enchanted with "Ultimate Weapons mod". Especially check out the thermal
detonator's effect in the combat. But you need a good video card and a CPU or you might
have to play with low FPS.
Force Powers are even more enjoyable now. you can force grip and push wookiees into
the sky or sea. You might notice the wookiee sounds and a wookiee falling down when
you blow up a ship during a dogfight. i tried my best for the most realistic combat
possible. there are lasers coming from everywhere. Don't let your guard down, even a
moment of distraction might cost you your life. new soldiers fills their brothers' places
and the map never gets empty. so when you play the whole map you never get alone.
To make it harder and realistic, i removed the quicksave option. There are checkpoints
after certain places and obstacles. you don't have to start all over after you die.
you just start from the last checkpoint.
I made the stormtrooper voices (English) with my friends. The accent's not perfect but
the sounds coming from the radio and the game's own sounds do the job 🙂 futermore you
will hear Vaders original lines. All the lines will also be subtitled in english
Have fun and a happy new year.
First of all dont let your guard down.Becouse the wookiee army is made of soldiers
with excelent aim. they dont stand idle when they see you, they come close and shoot.
they aren't target dummies like the stormtroopers in jedi knight academy. Sometimes
they even dodge the light saber. This makes the game all the more realistic and enjoyable.
Note: By choosing the "Realistic Lightsaber mod" you can deal more damage with your saber.
When you are in combat you dont have the time to look at the health bar and especially
while using "Force Grip" you leave yourself defenceless and a single lucky shot can
get you killed. If you don't use "Force Heal" often and move around rapidly you die
in a short time. Don't stand idle, deflect the laser with your lightsaber and don't
do useless moves. When you miss a Wookiee soldier there is a %70 chance that you will
be hit. If a wookie keeps dodging your saber, movearound him using combos.
Note: To move faster hold "shift" button down.
It's not an easy level. You need to bring your A game. You need to use both your saber
and force powers cunningly. my advice to you would be to assign 2,3,4 buttons
above q,w,e for "force push", "force grip" and "force heal". This way you can easyly
heal yourself and lash the wookiees aroundwith your powers. when you "force push" a
wookiee right after a "force grip" before he falls down, you will see him fly for meters.
Run tfusetup.exe
Original map : James Culley (Sith-J-Cull) 2005
UltimateWeapons: Kahn D'halaine
Doublecross on Nar Shaddaa
By Ramikad
A recreation of the first level of Dark Forces 2 I did many years ago. Found it a few weeks ago, and when I tried it again I found it quite enjoyable and fast-paced, so I decided to share it. I made the NPCs more dynamic overall to make them actual threats, and not just fixed targets.
To install, unpack the folder DCONS and dcons.bat into your GameData folder, and launch dcons.bat. To uninstall, remove the folder DCONS and dcons.bat from the GameData folder.
The Dark Alliance II: Vengeance of the Sith
By JKHub
Author: Steven Brown (Blaster)
Date Of Release: August 2004
This is the sequel to my singleplayer map 'The Dark Alliance'. If you have not yet played 'The Dark Alliance' then I suggest you download and play it before you play this one. Also you may want to play 'The Mainframe 2.0' before you play 'The Dark Alliance' to have the ultimate experience.
You can get them from the following websites:
The Mainframe
The Dark Alliance
I hope you enjoy the final part of the Dark Alliance Trilogy just as much as I did making it. - Blaster
After the events at Narshaddaa the New Republic found that Tavion had somehow been able to clone Darth Vader. The Vader Clones are now being used as frontline troops for the Dark Alliance forces. With the death of their leader Tavion, the Dark Alliance are somehow still able to function and are taking control of countless star systems throughout the galaxy. The Jedis numbers are thin but with the help of Luke Skywalker and Kyle Katarn, the Jedi are still managing to hold their own against the almighty Dark Alliance.
The New Republic now fear that the Dark Alliance may close in and try to seize the power from the Valley of the Jedi. This must not be allowed to happen. And so the New Republic have decided that it is time for the Valley to be destroyed.
Countless Jedi Knights now keep watch over the demolition operation to hold back any attack that may come from the Dark Alliance.
The New Republic have enlisted the help of Mara Jade to also assist with the operation and she is now traveling to the Valley of the Jedi to witness the destruction of the main Valley's fountain of power.
Additional Credits:
I am in no way responsible for the other models and MODS that have been included in this MOD. I only take credit for the maps. All other credit goes to the authors of the other MODS and you can see who is responsible for these in the closing credits at the end of the level.
STAFF EDIT: We pulled the credits from the strings file. Credits are below.
Vengeance of the Sith - Steven Brown (Blaster)
Darth Vader MOD - Michael Frost
Stealth Jedi Gear for Kyle - HapSlash
Darth Maul Model - Adam "Cheshire" Lee
Red Darth Maul Skin - Kurtis "Kman" Smith
Reborn Ghost - Seraph
Darth Cinerate (Vader Clones) Skin - Magnetixxx
Darth Omega-Jedi Legend (Darth Shimzu) - KAZZZ
Lord Anakin the Clone War Hero Version 2 (Darth Telroth) - {DX}Dastard
Darth Malak Model - ksk h2o
Han Solo Player Model - Major Clod
Mara Jade Player Model & Saber Hilt - Edward Peretti
Ancient Elder (Sith Lords Knight) Reborn Skins - BeakerBongload & Nova
Sith Speeder - Monsoontide
Quake 3 Jump Pad Model - Evil Lair
Quake 3 Judge Model - Ewooz
Sith Statue Skin - Zahriel Omega
Classic Dark Kyle - JRA Wolf
Sith Stormtrooper Skin - Jason (Fooky)
Episode II Saber Blades - The RattleSnake
Alaris Jedi Academy Hilt Pack - Alaris
Clone Jar Map Object - Zymotico
Battle-Droid Rifle and DL-44 - Dan Kapphahn
Cinematic Saber and Weapons SFX - Patrick
Prequel Saber Sound FX (Final) - Aryyn
Lord Skulldron Voice (Darth Telroth's Voice) - John Tinning
"Hud is really there" HUD/MOD - McCleod
Vengeance of the Sith Menus - Zanatio
Installation Information & Playing Notes:
Make sure you have the latest patch for the game!
Using Winzip or WinRAR, unzip the 'Vots' folder and the 'Vots.bat' file into the
JK3/GameData folder. Then simply double click the 'Vots.bat' icon to play.
Once installed I recommend seeing how the game will be easier using either the staff or dual
lightsabers that it may be best playing the game on 'Jedi' difficulty with the single saber
and play the game on 'Jedi Knight' difficulty while using the saber staff or dual sabers.
When selecting the single saber style please note that the style you decide to choose will be
the only fighting style you will use throughout the whole level!
Construction Information:
Known Bugs: If there are any slowdowns try turning off 'dynamic glow' in the 'video options' menu.
You may want to skip certain cutscenes by pressing the use button. However the screen may appear to freeze but will have the words 'skipping cinematic' at the top. It hasn't froze, this is normal. You should just be patient and allow the cutscene to skip, which will happen after a few seconds.
When part 4 is loading you may or may not have some problems. The briefing screen may freeze or you may get a 'CL_GetServerCommand:a reliable command was cycled out' error that will prevent you from going onto part 4. If this happens then you can try one of four things.
Bring down the console with the combination of the 'left shift' and ` keys and then type in "map part_4" without the quotes and then press enter. If this doesn't work then try again but as it is trying to load, hit the 'escape' key to return back to the main menu and then try the above console command from the main menu. Quit the game and then reload the level. Restart the computer Reinstall the game and/or the MOD. Testing System Specifications:
This MOD was tested on the following PC specifications:
AMD Athlon XP 2400 Processor
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro Graphics Card
Windows XP Home Edition
License Agreement:
* I admit that *
(as required by the LEC License Agreement about Addon Levels)
1. My Level works only with the retail version of the
Software, and does not work with any demo or OEM versions
of the Software.
2. My Level does not modify any COM, EXE, DLL or other executable files.
3. My Level does not contain any illegal, scandalous,
illicit, defamatory, libelous, or objectionable material
(as may be determined by LEC in its sole discretion), or
any material that infringes any trademarks, copyrights,
protected works, publicity, proprietary, or other rights
of any third party or of LEC.
4. My Level does not include any LEC sound effects or music files or
portions thereof.
5. My Level identifies in every description file, on-
line description, read-me, and in comments in the New
Level code: (a) the name, address, and e-mail address of
the level's creators, and (b) the following disclaimer:
6. My Level may not be sold, bartered, or distributed with
any other product for which any charge is made (other than
incidental charges for time spent on-line), but rather
must be distributed free of charge.
7. By distributing or permitting the distribution of any New
Levels, all creators or owners of any trademark,
copyright, or other right, title or interest therein grant
to LEC an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free, sub-
licensable right to distribute the New Level by any means
(whether now known or hereafter invented), and to create
and distribute by any means (whether now known or here-
after invented) derivative works thereof, and to charge
for the distribution of such New Level or such derivative
work, with no obligation to account to any creators or
owners of the New Level in any manner.
Copyright / Permissions
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels (just mention the author).
You MAY distribute this level, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact, with NO charge (other than incidental charges for time spent on-line).
- contains weapons
- contains maps
- (and 2 more)
Single player missions expansion
By zahar
Over a time mod makers created some really great levels for JKA. But loading them through bat file or console always seemed to me as big immersion breaker. So I created a version of some cool SP maps that is integrated in the game's mission selection screen. I also added some little story info for menu, and recorded some additional voicover with Ivona reader. Currently only two mission are added, "Crash on Tatooine" by Mercenary, and "Operation: Spaceport" by Michael May. Maps were used with permission from their respective authors. I thank them for their awesome work. The maps were added smoothly into the original game and are selectable on the second mission screen (between Hoth and Vjun). It seemed to be logical, because in the original maps, the force power levels of the players was set to be somewhere around 2. I modified the maps so now your force powers aren't set to specific value when you play the map. You just get the one force power raise that you've chosen at the beginning of the map, just like in the basic JKA SP missions. To see full credits and changes read "ReadMe" file within the archive.3,268 downloads
Beta Ingame Customization and Cheat menu
By zahar
This is a beta version of my attempt to create KotOR style cheat and customization menu for Jedi Academy. Unfortunately, I have no time to finish it at the moment. Not all options I wanted are currently added, but you might get the idea. I used "Ingame Character and Saber Menus" by Circa in this mod. Force hex textures were changed. So the way they apear in force menu before mission is changed too. In order to see what options are available in this mod, just look at the screenshots. To open this menu in the game, just press "Esc". Feel free to use my menus for your own mods if you want.1,656 downloads
Star Wars: The Jedi Abides
By The Royal We
After a couple of years striving secretly I’m able to present you…
The Jedi Abides: A Big Lebowski mod for Jedi Academy.
Here you impersonate Jaden Lebowski —The Dude —, the counterpart of our favorite junkie bon vivant Jeffrey Lebowski from our galaxy far, far away. He is the man for his time and place, and is now on his way to the Jedi Academy.
Many elements from the movie — and little surprises as well — were added to the playthrough. The Dude is not only visually a playable character, but also his dialogues were modified to pave the way for the new journey. As a result, it is possible to play the mod from beginning to end without the original narrative losing any sense.
Well, actually… when I said all the dialogues, I meant all of them except for the dark side ending — for now. Given the whole COVID-19 and lockdown circumstances, I decided to release the mod before finishing this part. This way, the fans of Big Lebowski and Star Wars around the world can have one more option of entertainment, being able to soothe the soul in the present quarantine times.
Speaking of which, since I have no intention of making any profit from this mod, in case anybody miraculously happens to find a suitcase carrying a million dollars and considers supporting this project, I would rather have it donated to the NO KID HUNGRY — a NGO created by Jeff Bridges, the Dude himself, who is now making efforts to support children in need during the coronavirus crisis. In times like these, any amount of money is urgent and welcome.
Here is the website:
And that’s all! I appreciate your attention and wish you a good time with the mod.
Far f. out!
- This mod is meant to be played on Single Player only.
- Jedi Academy must be patched to version 1.01 to work. I guess.
- Some bugs may occur if the player dies in Hoth levels. I couldn’t fix it. Sorry.
- The models were originally made by DT85 and Aaron Smith. Should anybody feel like developing a model of a more detailed Dude, just contact me and I’ll include the work with all the credits.
- To have subtitles on for all dialogue, open the console (SHIFT + ~) and type “/g_subtitles 1”.
- The beauty of it is in its simplicity. Just move the PK3 file into the “base” folder of your game directory.
- In the character selection menu, choose the Dude. Otherwise you might end up finding a stranger in the alps… which is not good, man.
The Jedi Abides - Intro:
The Jedi Abides - First Mission (Yavin IV):
Epic Challenge Mod IV : The Death Sower
It's finally happening ! The Last Epic Challenge Mod is here !
The Death Sower, an uknown force user, plans to destroy all force users because he thinks that they are the source of every problem of this galaxy. He is not wrong. But he broke your holidays. You must beat him.
Travel around old sith temples, jungle islands, spaceports, dark caverns and other places...
The specificity of the mod, is that you can play 12 differents mods in one. Some paths are very differents than the others, some very close...
You can just do your duty to the Jedi Temple, or become the Evil Galactic Emperor, ruling all the world by yourself !
Feel free to share your experience in the Epic Challenge Mod forum section !
Nooowwwwwwww... TEASER
You simply have to put all the files in /gamedata/, and launch the mod clicking ECMIV.bat
Make you have the 1.01 patch installed,
If not, you will not hear anything during the cutscenes !
External Content Used / Credits:
Inpsyte - ModSect Evil Skin Pack
Eric Landreneau - Royal Guard, in this one you'll fight him.
JC Jedi - Unable to find the author, if he could contact me...
Lervish - Nexu and Reek
Luckxzs - Rancors
Slice, Dice and Mince - Melee Mod
es0 - Old Jedi Outcast Maul Model
Tobe_One - Ifrit Skins
Spanki - Jedi and Sith Pack
Omega1 - Classic Jedi Project and Classic Journeyman
GPChannel - Kyle Katarn Reskin Customization
Raven Software - JK2 textures.
Sith J-Cull - Lava Texture from SJC Map Pack.
Trent_Easton - Interceptor Planken Texture
Onobi Foondu - Valley Of The Kings Textures
The New Order - Ultimate Hilt Pack
Plasma - Lightsaber Hilt Collection
All credited in the End Credits...
And thanks to wife and best friend for the help and voices !
- contains skins or models
- contains maps
- (and 2 more)
Mission To Bespin
By Xamxaram
About this file
For some years I tend to build some maps for Jedi Academy, but have never finished a project really ? But not this time. Therefore I present to you: Mission to Bespin
Mission to Bespin is a singleplayer map and part of a little project of mine to "improve" the main game, by addressing It's main shortcomings (too short, Cult is not really fleshed out).
Thererfore Mission To Bespin is a kind of Tier 1 Mission (Forcepowers Level 1), where you explore an old mainetance depot in the skies of Bespin.
Content: One map
Supported Language: Only English
Custom NPCs: Yes (even one new Skinset)
Specials: Enemies with stun buttons (how I missed this JK:Outcast Weapon)
Readables: Yes (though I am not an native English speaker I tried my best)
1. Unpack the Archiv (
2. Copy the Mission_to_Bespin.bat and the Mission_to_Bespin folder to your "LucasArts/Gamedata" folder
3. Execute the Mission_to_Bespin.bat and the game should start. Simply start your mission by "New game" in the main menu (no console needed)
Special Thanks:
Thanks to all the modding community and all your great missions and tutorials. You kept my motivated to share this little project of mine.
Thanks to the Dark Forces team (I took one of their textures and one model I guess and I loved this mod)
I had no Beta testers. Hence: Please report any bugs you stumble across, so I can update the file. Also any feedback is welcomed.
- contains maps
- contains skins or models
- (and 2 more)
The Mandalorian Academy _beta
By nathan S
based on The Mandalorian Disney+
all jedi npc replaced with Mandalorians
all jedi sabers have been replaced with swords
all force ability's have been replaced with Mandalorian tech
unfinished still in bade, need feedback
Sith Vessel
By JKnewGuy
Thank you for downloading Sith Vessel!
This abandoned Sith training vessel provides you
with a training room that can load different opponents.
Activate the thrones to spawn enemy groups.
Ship areas:
-Engine/Storage room
-Duel room
-Private quarters
-Ventillation shaft
-Observation towers
Multiplayer version is in the making.
-- Installation --
1) Extract the floder
2) Copy the jkNG_sith_vessel_sp.pk3 in GameData\base directory
3) Type map sith_vessel_sp into the console.
4) Play!
contest winner Rosh is He-Man
By Futuza
A quick dirty 30 minute job of an April Fool's joke, in which He-Man from Master's of the Universe takes up the role of Rosh Penin. Includes some new voice lines for singeplayer, a terrible skin, icons, and a set of voice sounds carefully selected from the Cartoon and cut for your lolz, and other miscellaneous jokes thrown in. Replaces Rosh entirely, though not every line of dialogue has yet been converted to He-Man appropriate phrases. Some semblance of the JKA singleplayer story has been attempted. Remember, "I HAVE THE POWER!" For more information about He-Man, please visit:
DF Robotics Facility remake
By jereth
Dark Forces Robotics Facility - Remade for Jedi Academy
Release date March 2019
Author jereth
How to install
Unzip the contents of into your GameData directory.
Run Jedi Academy, single player mode.
Go into Setup, click on "Mods", and select DF_Robotics
Type "map robotics" into the console (shift + ~ to open console)
This is my first complete mod for the Jedi Outcast / Jedi Academy games. It has given me an opportunity to learn how to create JA maps with GtkRadiant, write scripts, make shaders.
The textures are mostly crude imports directly from Dark Forces and are therefore low-res and not very nice looking. Map brushwork is mostly low in detail and I have not put a huge amount of effort into lighting. The aim was to create a complete, playable level on a small time budget. I hope that people still find it enjoyable and nostalgic.
Thank you to the makers of the DFMOD for the switch textures... and for the inspiration.